DAILY t:Hm,OTTK OBSERVER: THURSDAY DECEMBER 31- 188b. A- W Flu OTiIMT EV ER use Borne MARK TWAIN'3 VISITOR. Ik, sort ol Cian'B una rads to into almost every Dhy- for those who need building up. Man Ventures Smok-HouH aw Travels! i J l 11- Lab A Washington correspondent iwus v Hark Tims, wken he ctea 88 ute. mLllJ11 anpitai coiTn nt or a jaiuonu pf, ta eecupy a aauui, uiuu i wu, a mad to sma a vniamons pijjw a" nerous tabacca tari a nuneeii oi unpiww. vfettars. This was assuredly an excellent idea for a maa wna coald stana w, dus " r-ritiKdmaa who. with fee kindest , . , i... . I-i. of intentions, oaiiea f sea w qunm who was beginning to make a reputation. One day, while the numensi was dusuv vtk which is now known in for- iBlgn lftBguAgei, fe, saUew-faioed man, with h, entered fearoom, net well affect that the ejection of to the vhator, Mr. an anvi fntarethe rmtiDtion othr D"r,7 .af tte action forms of iron. In "'f system, jbkwh b neceesity. Itisanmal iv- - ----- - nt.Vr .77,-. . i tihov VII. rti of priforree.r. mailed tutor address on receipt of 3c. excel aMm SUFFERING WOMEN ! Read what tlie Great Metaodlat Divine and Emineni'.Phj. siclan Says or DR. J. BRSDFIELD' S Female Regulator. AtlastAj GA., Feb. 20. 1884. Dh. j. bradfield: Dear Sir Some fifteen years ago I examined the recepe ef Ft male Regular, and aaremlto studied authoriti in regard to its compo nents. and tbco (as well as now) pronounced It to be the most scientific and skillful combination oi the jeally reliable renedial vegetable agents known to sdenoe, to act dsrectly on tbe womb and uterine organs, and tbe organs and parts symoatuizing ai wseth with these: and, therefore, providing a speci fie remedy for all diseases of the won.b, and of the djaeent organs and parts. Yours truly, JESSE BORING, M. D., D. D, a miserable deep, and, wifeeu. those days independent a caller, so, Clemens said: r "Well, what aa I far yamr "Well, hatha to particular. I heard 'em toy that you are fee nan feat writes funny things, and as I towe several hanrs to loaf round befere fee arafta laarto I thought I would com- araaa-a aad git yen to make ma laugh a littfe. IaAtft had a gaod laufn m many a day and I didart hmaw bat what you mout accamaaoiata ama. 'Twain" scewled at fee toaa, who, think ing that the huaiarkt was presenting him with a speciatah af f aetol fna, began to titter. "That'll da fast ae, mp bt I'd mtner . ;. a J. heah vou talk. I can mate a mouin mi The Power of an Old Son;;. Chicago Ledger.! There is something about an old song that vicKs a man up, body and boots, and carries him back to the long ago, when a dime looked as big as a barrel hoop, and no one can recall the days of childhood without being warmed with thought of good, and feeling sad re grets that those bright moments should hare tad an end. An old fiddle with a string misting will make a grandmother forty years younger in two minutes, if it happens to get in the neighborhood of a tune that was whis tled by a blue-eyed lad who now sietpa u fee hillside under a willow, and the song of a young mother to the babe on her bosom, when the shadows of evening were wgs o-nrVtor- hn v hen known to bring tears to O ' ' . , Cj. i A th av nf a man who WOUld uye ins uii with the blood of a fellow being for two dol- li ret nH a half. Music, dirinast gift of fee gods, what treasures hare fey melodies not given us! Wit mnnth nmn at his Hds a young man w .uh in ni without a cent in his Child's Christ nan Way. London Graphic M. Use MULLEN' S CELEBRATED Hornets Itet LiDiment Favorite Household Remrdy J5IX A. n. mvma his eves with a cry of delight, pocket or a crumb in his stomach, and with xerg a toy shop all round him, a wonder IT KEVER FAILS TO CURE ALL ACHES AND Pils. Rockingham, N. c AnriiKth a This certifies that I have used the medicine named "Hornets' Nest Liniment" stf'd br w v len, and am satisfied that it has real merit. I can recommend it as a good remedy will' do wh claimed for It. t. W. fcUTHRiw Presiding Eideij JuaTTHKWS, . C. Auiist 2th IfiSoi tvoo cir. T naori tnnr Hnrrpts' Kftst T.lnlmpnt in a savaw nasa rM niurrhma nw t.rv " lu' . xi . . u.. j v - "4 auu uuu n nas no CnnSl " X. D. WALLACE that matter m man about as easy as any leuer you ever saw, an' wat I waaA is a few words irom you that'll jolt aae hke a wagin had backed n : , , "My friend, 1 asa vesy Busy io-aaj uv -"V T know a& feat. I am busy myself except that I've gat aboa twa hours to loaf an' as 1 said Jest naw, i q use iur vu aiM off something that-1 can take home. " " Wont you hae a cigarT" tne numonai. asked, to learn whether ar na fee man was a smoker. "No, I never eaald stand a eegyA: . "Twain" smiled, and, taking up his pipe filled it wife I tobacee strong enough to float . atiiiot. tm its fumes and began to putt 'I U keep him in here now," fee smoker mused, "until h is- as sick as a dag. I wouldn't oonnt to his dsDartnre if he was to get down on his knaas and pray f or deliverenca.' CAUTION! The aountry Is flooded with quack nostrums, con tainiag I HON and other Injurious ingredients, ahfh Maim to cure everything even Femalb Comi-lai ts. We say to you. if you value your life- BK VAKK Of ALL SUCH! Bf4d8j!ds Ftmile Regulator Is purely wgbtnble compound, and is only Intended tor th FEW ALE SEX. For their peculiar dis east Is an absolute SPECIFIC! AU brail dru'sists. Semi for our treatise on fee Ht'-rh Ha.-p'ness of Women, mailed free, klch gives all particulars. 1 Hfi BRADFiELD REGULATOR CO., Box28, Atlanta, Ga. r. ir-nrmA niano at her tender mercy a nnnir woman mav flood an entire neigh borhood wife memories so precious death could have no terror, no what shape it might come. m wind-broken as a Wm mav carrv a Dutchman i . , 1 4 1- nnTVT bia-a-ai than a woman s uuu& 1.1 -.ntA tss Borlm in tns vwuuuinK ujl au cJC without putting out his pipe, and set 1 him drvnm iw t.ha midst of ffladness cneap at a minute. The whistling of a school boy or. tii haart of an old maid wim nrecious than beaten gold, x . . - and a few squeaking notes on the Dugie 01 a fish peddler may have power to maw lionaire feel aa wretched as a tramp in a bath tub. Tho AAthini mS torment to ordinary mor tals feat come ant af the end of a flute in the hands af a cold-bloeded amateur across me way, will brighten fee eyes of a man with a beard of snow, reverse the wneew w. mo, carry him back to days deep buried with the dust of time. Once mora ha will be young, rolling in fee haymow and suckmg aggs on the sly. He may have won eminence and be honored af men, ht memory noios and he sees a Mtfcie barefoot, snacK-neaaeu boy, wife holes in fee knees af his pantaloons, drinking from an al mess-covarwi uikmi-b draught sweeter than fame, asm he feels that fnrt.nn hM iov atiainaoia oy iu to fee mire delirht af insmoence in easy-fit ting garments. Vir- The ful sight 1 fairies have night. certainly called in fee . - w". xxnovji. . t -. .inK c.uv lonl Mr. W. N. Mullen : This will certify that I have used your Hon ets' Net Liniment and 7?a mhot 4o nlolmAii fra It It Is onrui In on! in cmro thrnut haQdenVA a. U1 -dUnXR til it lb TV ill iJ nUQt ID VIOLUIVU ivi v u wii. itvi v vux Vw w j JJtlMClCAir-, rtl.. J. A. POLEl CHARLOTTE. N. C, Senteillhr 9nrl itaJ A II in IB IAJ Lilt U'.'Cni; JL UlTW J vv w mui. iiiMuv- vx Will VU1U9 rtll : 1 1 ro I "ii". T K. 1 j . J. SCHIFB For sale by all Druggists and Country Merchants. stow "aw a-i-T-T- 1- -raik.T TT- W. IN. MULiLJiiiN, rropnewr...,..-. charlotte. N. CJ LIB41 CSOOD CHE I EIGHT A. M. at first both fee girls and Ther are quiet the boys, Too happy to make any riot or noise, And they mutually show to each other their toys. BY FOR COUGHS, CROUP AND CONSUMPTION Ubfc of sweet mn km mulleih The Sweet Gum from a tree of the growing in " 5'iV.V';" t . riri flP ds. For sale same name eft with a lea maqe yVJLLTa A. TAYI-OS. Atlanta, Ga. K!..i VALf, MlOI Cleans d, thurified avid Beauli tied toy Ctiticnra Remedies FOR clean Ing tve Skin and Senlp of Disfigure ins H m rs, for allaying Itch n?. Burning and Inflan ation. for curlns tire fli&t symp iom of Eczema. Psoiiafa Mlik Crust, Scald Bea Scrofula, find other inherited Skin and Biood Dis easts Chttcuba-the gr at SS? In Cure, -md Cuti odea Soap, an rxauiite Skin Beautifh r. external ly. and Cotigpra tiseLVENT, the nw Blood Pur fier, Iiiternal.y, ar j inf jilia1) e. - r BUT GOOD. We have he en sellln g your Cctictjr k Bemedies lor the p--ist three or tour years, ar.a nave nevei heard aright but good words rn their favor You Cuttcitha coap I ' decided iy the est sel irg meui cinat c.vo va hanlie, und 1s highly pr-z d htr for its soothing and softening effect upon the skin J. CLUT I ON WHEAT, Jr. , Druggist, Winchester Va. THE LARGEST SALE. Our sales of Ctjtictjra are as larse, if not larger than any med cine we sel ; and we assure you tha we have nsvr hM a sitiale instance In wiich th purch'.iser. wf.s dlssatlsSed As to .our soap, we can se 1 r,o otbrr; eve v body wants Cutictjra .MILLER & CHAPMAN, Druggists Louislvka, Mo. SALT RHEUM CUII. Two of the worst aes of Sa't Rbeura I ever sav were cure-i ry our CuTrccniA Remepies, and th; sales exceeds those of all other Uke-remedies sell vp: y Uvtle of any other medicinall Soap thai CUTTCURA. GEORGE A. ANTHONY, Druggist, "IJjJWANEE, III. tiril keep him here now until he is as siek as a dog. "Nothiner does a man more good than a hearty laugh," the visitor said, coughing as o finnd of smoke surrounded his head. "Wah, hoo, wan, hoo! Don't you tnuiK ic i a leetle clost in here?' "Oh, no," replied "Mark," arising and slyly locking the. door. 'Hike a little fresh a'r, 'specially when thnv's so much siiifoke in a room." u0h, there's air enough hare. How did you leave all the folks?" "Well, Gabe, my youngest wah, hoo, wah, hoo ain't as peart as he mout be, but all the others air stirrin'. You ain't got no chillun, I reckon? ' "No,:' the humorist replied, as he vigor ously puff ed his pipe. "Well, I m sorry lur you. mar am t nothin' that adds to a man's nachul enjoy ment like chillun. That boy Gab3 what i was talkin' about jest, now, w'y, 1 wouidnt give him up fur the finest yoke of steers you even seen. 'You wouldn't?" "X- civ wnnl.ln'h tenh "em with a ten foot noie would refuse em pine DiaaK pon der, don't you wah, hoo, wah, hoo think it's a gittin' a little too ciost m here now?- "So, not a bit, just right." "Well, I don't know the style in this place, but I'll try an' put up with it." "Mark" showed no pity. J. he visitor, after a moment's silence, continued: "When left home, Mur that's my wile said to me, says she, 'Now say, while you are thar don't smoke that cob pipe.' 'Well, mother,' says I, 'what'U I smoke.' I never could stand a se gyah fur it amt got no strength 'Well then,' says Mur, 'don't smoke none.' I wanted to follow her advice, but I put my wah, hoo, wah, hoo old fuzee m my jeans an' now I bTeve I'll take a smoke." He took out a cob pipe and a twist of new ground tobacco, known in his neighborhood as "Tough Sam," whittled off a handful, filled his pipe, lighted it, put his feet on the stove and went to work. "Mark ' soon be gan to snuff the foul air, but he was deter mined to stand it. Had he been acquainted with the numerous strong points of "Tough Sam" he would have surrendered at once, but this was his first introduction to ' Samuel." The visitor blew smoke like a tar kiln. "Twain" grew restless. Beads of cold perspiration began to gather on his brow. He feit dizzy and seasick. Then, throwing down his pipe, he hastily un locked the door and fled. On the sidewalk he met a f riend. "Helloa, Clemens, what's the matter?" Twain told him what had occurred. ' Ob, you mean .that fellow in brown jeans?' . "Yes." i "You ought to have had better sense than to light your pipe in his presence. He's a member of the Arkansaw legislature." Dm a Quill kt Cariwa Tree Lance. a li-riao- in tka eastern part of ginia City has lang been aanwyed of nights by the braying at a aesmey, vmm proper uy his next-deer neighbor, a CXsmanaan Now, there has lang been a toafetiaai anoaD ui during the Mexican war aan soldiers, -who were terribly armaye m ana sam? y made fee discovery that when a donkey starts into bray he alwaya elevates his taiL and if his tail is kept dew a is so aisce.n forted that he will net open Ms mouth. By tying rocks to the tails af al the donkeys ot nights "our army in Mesrioe" kept them silent So our miner fee afeer night affixed a large stone to fee candal apsiendag8 of tht Chinaman's donkey amt reamea to rest. a was quiet for half aa hear, when the minei heard the donkey say 'yea," but went no fur ther. The miner was jato oangratulatmp himself upon the snceaas af bis experiinen when the donkey which was tied up neat the south side af his aabto gave anothe. "yee !" At fee same instaa caaae a crash oj shakes and a fall And amaafcsng af crockery quickly followed by a mast ansEapnant yee haw, ick eo-heo-e!" The dwahay had at las succeeded in elevating mil, ouu m mighty effort required fee rack had Deei hurled as from a catapult to fee wreck of tht miner's frail domicile. R. B. JORDAN ( CO SIX P. M. But, see! in fee nursery a terrible racket, f he dolls tose lieir haads, there are rents in each janket, And if yaave a toy, it's the fashion to craakafc. ; Ji Cbristmae esaert. j Eiaarr p. m. all littered with signs oi me Thousands oi cases ol Headache are peimanently cured eery year (as thehundre r . t ... : :n , : r l L & oi testimonials m my posbebtiu win iwui); uy utc c DR. LESLIE'S Special Prescription. This medicine stards tc-eay withJ a rival, and. with scarcely a ecmpetitcr m me wenc. iiiO ands of -nhTfiicisns thrcufirhout the courtry hae fichioM edged their inability to cure it? ard are-now prescribing Leslie's Special Prescription for all cases of in either its nervous, bilious or congestive foim, arising f obstructioncongestion or torpidity of tre liver. " Lun I that Dr. Leslie's SPECIAL Prescription will cure tbe most obstinate cases of Sick Eeadacte, I meanest ffbttlsay,andta that it not merely relieves dui A HALF POZJEN SPOONS. rhe floor is fray. He is sulky and tired with much eating and Plav , , is cross as sna Dears uuu sitiveiy nurse, away. too, "Bobby, rour iitti DOTO!? PRESi RIBETnES! The CtmouRA Remepies are eicellent remedies for al' skin diseases. J, 0. WILSON, M. D., Harvel.Tll. CUITCURA R EMERIES Are sold by all druggists. Price: CpticpRa. fO CntS;KFSOLVKJJT, !$1.UU JtOAP, ZD ceuis, rvnr r, JjStUG AND ' HEMICAXi CO., BOStOtt, SdUd for "HOW to Cure Skin Diseases . " Pimples. Skin Blemishes and Baby tHumors cured by Cdticcra Scap. mm WEAK. BACK. PAIN and Weakness riosi the Kidneys, Shoo ing Palm-!ir-uah i he Loins. Uterine Pairs, La"K cength,anrt ACli -ity instant relief an -iteediiy curd by- tbe Ccticora Auti .( AIM PLAbTEB. At diUggistS. 25c. SPECIAL NOTICE. 55 Toui A dFirable building lot, fronting; -99 fei pii Trade street, and running through tr ti . tuvt, oetween the proj erty of Goi. H. f . nes ao l nr. O'ixmognue, Known as ine ur. j . .killer place. Pries $S,500. CHARLOTTE BEAL ESTATE AGENCY. novStf ' Eggs are Eggs. Boston Evening Record. The wife of a certain suburban was that nuisance among good cooks a perpetual borrower. One day it was a cupful of sugar; thenext, a box of blueing and the clothes wringer, and so on. And she wasn't half as good at returning as she was at borrowing. One day in the midst of her cooking not an egg was to be found. Over she went to one of her neighbors, a widow of small means, and borrowed the two or three eggs she hap pened to have in the house. Several weeks elapsed, when one forenoon she appeared in the widow's kitchen with tnrea eggs in a paper bag. "Good morning, Mrs. S. I have come to return something you let me have the other day. 1 had boiled eggs for breakfast this morning and these are three I had left over. Eyes are eggs, you know." Harper's Bazar: Student (to servant the, doorl Missr Brown? - Servant She's Student I know 1 gaged to. - Journalistic Gossip. Rambler. Journalists are proverbially wealthy. To be sure we once knew one who was accus tomed to write his "copy" on the soles of his than o-o barefoot while it was be- ing "set up." But tnac was iw x erty He probably did it from choice. New York Journal: -'Can you tell me whose picture is on the $10 bills?" asked a caller of a country editor. "I donrb know; I couldn't even tell you whose portrait is on $1 bills," replied the pSn pusher with an eight-line pica, sigh. St Paul Pioneer Press: Bill Nye, the hiMinrlar, and wife were thrown from their buffgy at Hudson, Wis., last evening, ano had a marvelous escape ironiJa very serious accident. Mrs. Nye fortunately escaped un hurt but Mr. Nye suffered a painful bruise of the leg which was broken lu the cy clon of last falL There's a Nemesisjaf ter William. A -Modern Fable. Life. v,v4 .wont, into a swamp one day, and havin provoked a quasrel with a horne chased the insect into its nest. The rabbit then determined to blockaae nis aas ersary. oti Hnntftd himself up against the door ol the nest: but the next moment he was flying through tha woods at a Rte ;that was dan iromns to nrevious records", and aceompanie nf hornets. Havinsr reacheii hmA Via announced that there was a riou an earthquake and a prairie fire down in th6 swamn. Moral Don't hatch your chickens before counting them; and be cautious about sitting on the nest in the dark. The Yonng Idea. . Tid Bits. you mustn't play so hard with sister." mamma was saying re- irovingly, after Ethel had been picked out of the mud puddle. , ' "Trains got to run on tune, auvt they Wnen I'm aplaying train an' my train's got ridit o' way, it ain't goin' to stand around i.or any second-han' freight, and the freight's going to get frown from the track, that's til A slipper had the right of way across Bob by in a minute or two after. A. QUESTION THAT PRODUCED A COLD SWEAT. Salt Lake Herald. At a dinner party the other night in the Twelfth ward: ; Hostess (to fashionable guest) "What will 70U have, Mr. Brown, a piece or. ne wing, lear, or breast ?" Guest"'iiiank you. 1 always lase me breast." Hostess' Precious Child "Isn't he weaned yet, mamma?" Explosion and cold sweat act Dy iasmon- able guest. , - 1 THE DRAGGING MINUTES. New York Sun. Bobby (to young Featherly) Mr. Feath- erly, sixty minutes make an nour, aon c they? ' Featherly Certainly. Bobby Ain't some hours more than sixty minutes? Featherly No, Bobby, they're all alike. What put that idea into your head? Bobbv Sister. She told ma that the hour she spent with you in tho parlor last mght was the longest she ever experienced. Investigate Him. Merchant Traveler. When you see a young man on a cold morn ing gomg apput witnouo an ovoicoau auu saying he docs it because ne wants nis maniy bosom to jut out into tbe bracing air ot neaitn you will do well to call at a pawnbroker's and see if he is telling the truth. cure?, no matter npw ici.g tne d, ""L, f Mr . rrr.f rf 6 to 1 nave testimoniaiis iroiu L:eieuii yiuv imc utrcu ou.n.iv,u ivi ........,, ; ; ra , , .t tih ot tnreeaavs at a ume eeii iwu v,ct&o, uwi i ac imu n., He's Special .r-mTr fe so that they have cot wish to be bad an attack for over five years. If ycu are trcufckd with sick l eadae Cure D3 sure and give this reiredy a trial. mayveodly FOB SALE BY Price 0c. and $2 .CO. S. P. AE( HEB, Saratoga Si rings, S T. C. SMITH & CO vCrariottc, N. FULL AN ATfRACIlfE ib. I'm what she's H A Soutliern Snuff Dipper. Austin Gazette. Col. Yerger-r Where are you going?. Mrs. Yerger Down on Austin avenue to the drug store. "What do you want to get?" "A fresh bottle of snuff. ' "But you had a fresh bottle yesterday. Have you dipped at all up aiready " "Alreadjrl Why, of course ;l have. Whf is one bottle of snuff a day to a woman wh is nursing a childi" A Popular Medicine. Ilsewman Independent. An iowa man ha? discovered a remedy for rheumatism, consis-tiug ox niapl?- sugar dis solved in apple brandy. In less than a week af ter he made the discovery the whole neigh borhood was limping around with fee rheu matism. H Unihas Flu rum. Lowell Citizen.) It is Raid that "a:; Ohio man planted the' gr .'.ini-'wv.i f d v i'i C...i:'ovnian soil in i.s X i or it v 1 ' . is noi stated, -bus we suppose, of c :-iirs?, it did. They hava a glorious 'climate out there. Our store is now full of the choicest and most desirable goods in cur line. Cur sto k of Boots and Shoes this season being in ali gn des larger and mote comprehensive th n ever, we are fully prepared to meet auy reasonable demand in the way of Handsome Styles, Low Pi ices and good, serviceable goods. .Everything will be found just as represented. We invite insiection, and guar antee entire satisfaction in every particular to all Viie favor us with their patronage. Orders by mall wul receive careful and; prompt attention. PS. - 5 CP P3 chalet