- 1 . If IS THE ' - .. ' " . I . ...... .". ' -:0:)- Hiueeu ihujuouuw iivwuiar&ew ana xtussian Uircuiars at lean than n,ah frt lose, five Seal Plush Sacaues at a sacrificA ) twn nnmhinaHnn -Nrotc jft leES than JNew York COSt. - ; Clearing pf Of Dress Goods. Silks Satins, Hosiery;' Cloakings, Lace Curtains in 3 to 9 yard hall lUVll VtUUO. ' , On our fine. Blankets, Ladies' Gents' md -J .... ... .-. ,. ,. ... . ; TRUNKS AND VALISES op; A MENS .BOYS, AND CHILDREN'S BEADY. MADE SUITS at sa. idO U : rificing prices. ; Also, 50 O VERCOATS at bottom prices. . 1 A A DOZEN LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S HANDKERCHIFS at great lUU ly reduced prices. 22 MARSEILLES SUITS to close out. Come and See SMITH For all to be found In MY STOCK; -:o:- Ladies Fine Wraps, Combination Dress Patterns, RlaCk and Colored SOU, HandkercMefs of every description. .'V; - ;f -:o:- . LACE BED QUILTS, line Marseilles Bedspreads, Kid Gloves, &e. v T. L SEIGLE, T T T; fr T V TT-'TT R V-4 1 V ..JUL, U U T3 Trade, we oordiaUy invite a. .1-. -! ftfi FOR ISff i5 : ! :o: ', : '-V-'- Appropriate Preseilts SHW . TSTEii EDS So don't hesitate but come along. We Celebrated US. ILo ED:C5SDiC.S 6 (DID. L. KEESLEB, ; Formerly with a.Vt. WlliSUiM, B. P. HARRY, Alexander & Harris. Formerly wltn Hargraves & Alexander. T YS ON & J O.N:E S. O A R T.H A FINE BUGGIES AND PHAETONS. CLAIM TO BE ABLE TO COMPETE SUCCESSFULLY, IN PRICE ANP QUALITY, WITH TBE v..- ... nnm r i . mTTn TXT mrn VAnTTJ IVT1 H7T?Q ' , f J for gale liv A. TTniifsAn &Co OroTrn, A&IiTiUe, W. C, TF. grnltlideal, Salisbury, N. C. s ' FOR DURABILITY, STYLE ANP FINISH,, WE ABE UNSURPASSED. "r : TYSON & JONES Carthage, C- - . - leopanHs Gloves. Flannels. CaahmerAn Shawls pieces, damaged Kids, &c, &c, at I t - Childrens' Underwear. It will nav for Yourself. U1XIII. First National Back Building, South Tryon Street, DEALERS IN t J nr:-i J Vuii J J-1 JUu3 ,XLibe auu iiiiureii irno! BITITflN, CONGRESS S LiCE SDOK ? , Gents' Fine Hand-Made and Machine Sewed BOOTS, BUTTON AND LACE BALS, BOYS' ATID TOlJTHi' - xm nnm a tun enrrr. a nw itT dr ( nt?.! 1 jc -jwio uw ouw w u uuavam c- V GENTS' FINE - Silk, Soft and Stiff Hats, TRUINKS, " : VALISES and 1 GRIPSACKS, UMBRELLAS 13T i r r T-rXTTVC? "'"- SHOE :BLACIONG 'and BRUSHES, alma ana ta.vyM ulaj&q- BUNG for Ladies', Fine Shoes. Oi. i ' ' IV V it ' j DtCCK always Kept lull anq up to the demand. obdebs by mail OB express promptly -'- -"-a' a X T - A - i -A T Tj, -TTL W JUL 1-J -1 i 1 Pew ft; visit from. all. V Be 'amoral ihffl&S tStfSSffiWfiZ . - -i . -1 jumped his pony down an, ghWbot1frteAitto. A. still have special bergains in CHIL 'Matthew Patent" Kid Clove Gt'E. N. C, . LARGE AND ' Elegant Tarietyt NOW ON HAND. Cliarlotte, T. C, Van Gilden & b 1 rTi 3m& (hmctlatU OnSJCrUJCr. -----, TKUTH. JASX THK 81X8?, SOMKTI3Q3 SUBMITS TO EX OBSCCKKD, BET," LUX THK SUN. ONLTIOBA THE OLD YEAR'S BOOK. ' i Now close tfce old bcok and lav it away alter leaf, sndday alter day.. ? - v -.W hate turmed the pages, both I and you. What It has told csfu'lell we know; isco loc huhseil the story has read; A bitter tragedy, tuil of woe '- tnej round it who mourn their dead. led some have read o? tra! and ialn, O wt'STy burdens so hard to bt-r. Of bright fcop?s crehd again and agalp, vjuraiag ns pages 15 oiani.despair A pleasant story others may eay. Telling us more of lor than of D&ln: Almost sadly we lay It a a;- . would we might open and read it again! And some have read It with love's own eyes, a ur the iient mat love aione can sive. v While the pages glowed with love's surprise. v Ana uie were joy, and 'twere joy to live But close the boot-the story Is old;' Written In black or written In eold. we open tne dook oi another year. EH? LEE.; IK INCIDENT IN THE GOTEB- ' NOB'8 LIFE. ". . Cant. Hayes, of the United States Army Tells of a Deadly Hand- ' I to-lland Vlgnt Ifitx Lee Had wi. Indian Kearl, lid Years Ago. ' ' Capt E. M. , Hayes;, of the Fifth United States Cavalry,' who had a recruiting office in , Charlotte a year m;n ua nmnm kt or so ago,, will be remembered- by many readers oi xhic uuskkvick. ie told a reporter of the Richmond State the following story : m. fwM t ir 'The only trouble about Fitz Lee,"; J t . TT HIT TT .1- j. V: 1 Indian faghter and an old . friend of Gov. Lee, to a atate reporter who was to yaps. xiayes relate some, oi me eariy auveuwires aua inrmingesH 1 J . a .1. . . .. . M a i A uit i i i -rr.lr-." . a. may gaiiauo vrgmiau wuu uia iirev rySv "ST; -e ,r V Vr ?: :r ' r i4Do you think so?" asked Hon. Ed ai u ui-uwo. n uu uv-uuiou , o vuau nearby. - I know it is so," said Capt. Hayes. "Fitz, for thrt is what we called him when he was fighting Indians out .. - " . ... t.-c. -. " .- . - " iiodu ia 'kuo vui.' vu. ' uioioaa uicu jl ever Raw in mv me. ana 1 nave Reen many brave ones. ' Coming down in the train yesterday, I told Congress. man O'Ferrall about Fitz's hand-to- hand fight with an Indian, and how bravely Jbitz r,. acted, and ven Mr. O'Ferrall, who knows Lee so well. said he never heard of that before. Fitz is too modest to tell of :his own fSgS5 ;. " ro "v"-v -" oorhr militartr life " - v vv ." wk'-; r;k uaIa fight with the Indian?'.' interrupted the reporter. . "I'll tell vou " said Hayes, as a smile played over his face and his countenance lit upwith recollections of earlier days, "When he and J were together in Norths i . m.-. C-.U4.c--. c 4-u-. t weaieru xoaos uguuug iu ma xuuuui wars, this hand-to-hand fight took ninnn .. ;; a vLTaya rfmmiTiiT . anniir rna forest .together one day when we spied a big buck Indian. ; As soon as he saw us he gave ... ,v A tremendous war whoop and galloped through the woods on his pony. Fitz and I followed bis uis uuu y . a rw , , tratt and we kept dose behind him. Sometimes we would get within twenty five-y wonlrl daah Sff and leave us in' the mV.antmAnt into a Rtrfiam and fnr a while we. lost his trail. Fitz went down on one side of the stream and I went down on the other. I owijr a" find the trail, but presently.!: looked ?en uiiitu5aP: r .!.- '.u " . .-w ti over J mo wmertuuw auu ; saw irtia f?MSSiiSSSS ing it over, his -shoulders he walked. ... ' - Jl t 1 . Jl Jl ' gSBSSSS along as big as lire, l warnea him to ahead as brave as a hon and it i turni ea out inat me xuuiau w uuuuwueu behind a ledge.of rocksahnost under Fitz's nose.-; Fitz . aiant see him, "o -r - , n :t.: vT l-tT xrani'a ftwftv anil ii : Ar, i nnm T fL"? "trS. JZL OlOOU tu run cum auu 1x1014.0 iaio juaip about two fee tf in the air. ' It was k5o wS? RwiS his war whoop startled Indian, and Fitz as much and grabbed Fitz as quick" as hghN ning. . ne. wa a b,S fellow,; much arger than teand.was six j tot raiuwJJeiore eSalonffaand a pow.iasreneu iu uu. ya..,. jjiw uau mtA Indian's lance also fell from its own- ers back before he could use it.' , A IIOT SOUFFLE. , . " ut. ro o Virtt ovtnffli Tnrl Ton "It was a hot scume. iner inaian woo tnrt: Htrnnf? :for TTitz.'and finallvl i x j t-. n.. CnreW niUJ IU. tUOKlUUllU. - IU Attmug Fitz lost his pistol, and the weapon went 'sailing bevond .the ..reach of ... h t j r " . either Fitz or the Indian. - : ' y The scuffle continued. , The In- ui.au Lxn-u. x v y vn vw.v do anvtmnsr with mm because J? ltz 1 - . . .. . .'- .. . ..... wasworkingso. hard to turn him. ihey. rolled about UDon the ground. and I could hear Fitz say some plain Engli8hr but the Indian didn't heed it, and continued in his effort to get the better of his opponent. , - .H IUUO' vnsU4 4.cu TTUlip X WOO UU the opposite side of the creek, and in less time than it takes me to tell it. I wab trying t6 cross the stream while Fitz;wa3 fightiDg for his life; but be fore I got over I saw that Fitz had turned the Indian and . was on" too choking liim. - Fitz had his left hand upon the Indian's throat and the Ins dian with both hands tried to break the strong hold Fitz had upon him. In rolling over , the ground, : strange tu eay, iuo iiwo men . went : Dace to where the scuffle beeran. and when Fitz got on top, his eyes fell upon his pistoi wnicp was lying near tne In dian's head. Fitz reached out for the pistol, and the Indian evidently didn't Jtno what Fitz was after. He suc ceeded in getting hold of the weapon niiuuuu vuv; 4.uuiau o LUUWujg iii, auu holding the pistol close to the ground ne nred. The bullet , went crashing through the Indian's cheek: passing out on the opposite side.: -The Indian. then, made another desperate attempt to turn Fitz and get possession of the pistolv - t . . , , "r - A BATTLE UNTO DEATH. ; , Each man fought with superhu man strength and each man knew tnat.it was Dattie unto aeatn. . Just aa.A reacnea c iiz ne nrea again ana fnia Time Vin hnll. nfmiilr tkn TnWmi'n u f""100 SSrfSW-te; r.3GS.!bS!:f0 Lfii tn;. ttrrJ ma tTr I thought I was gone." -, "Afterwards I asked Fitz how in e world . he managed to turn the beavy Indian, Fitz m his own pe c'uliaJ way repiied: VI tell you wnat saved me Jack, (the name he called me). It "was the; old Virginia back heel; W hen J was a boy at school in s i "' r l, :.. . i a ...- rVirgtniai I learned a little trick in Oou w k ii " VHMt vuat ; VUD VU Y O. UU1CU ILfCkViW k v, a2 r tried that Vi rinia heel nn hitn - What did vnn dr with the hnrlv?" ftakpd thfl rPnftrtr -i .i (-.... : . r ; auu i ueiu aoouuuii ui. war MJ determine : whether we would take tb fellow's scalp. . He decided not to taKe it, ana so we leit tne ooay in tne . .t fin m-V n.rv,t : tt rrvlolf trlorl -inof-. oa a rronMamin nam. to Call him off. "Fitz Teis a brave mari m t A ;a Q mr ' , nnA t r,i,-tw , --.il m.t. A of the Governors Virginia ever i v.4 i. ! J THE SUCCESSION BttL. THE nOAR PRESIDENTIAL SUCCESSION MEL, MEETS OPPOSITION, i. It Will e C-Sed ConS..,bi. .. ... r.i;..i..j ; I "SB-h" v-wvuwivu ; Cause ICreat Trouble-Its Dc fct Pointed Out. -. WiRTrrwrtTON. Jan. 4 It ia not probable that the Hoar Presidential Succession bill will go through the House without amendment. Alrea- dy a number of members see such se- I f i-r- i J.L. .n i.t.-. n i riOUB aeiecio ia tut) uiu buut w.y wui certainly seek to change it, and any i t.sisvcts4 AKAn.A mill I no n - mam-ia-.. sion. It is ; thought by inany that this bill, if passed in its present shape would leave matters in . a worse con' riit.ion than thflv am now. A nromi. Lt. Hoar bill, says that the measure verv obscure in a one ; particular ai nent lawyer; who has looked over the that the measure is XA. - 1km Ma, w-n. ' ;: A. 1 . i4k A Wr A W . IlStfM senousdispute .m the to a very future.- The legai atiouu c-.y-a ltTLa . uv ,u..i,i ,r fv, DOint anomer . oecretann oi dwl. fru-. .i,-, uA-. !, io-Kf f the Secretary otthe?Treasury3of the XwihlnW. nrnvidftd ' tnt . first X'r"rrsr" iur jfil SSgS"wfflS 1 ond seetarY o state or to the next i; " i-Q -iir,al i r.ir,ot V,-" man nlain on thia . 7" '' r . t authoritv. says inau iu woum oe poh UWUV .!r ... . ! ond Secretary of State and the origin o1 ot,. nf thfl ' TrAnsnrv to nut in claims tathelresidency It would . & ible for of thee claimants JslTW f.- f rt Jfveaimins 5iX true President. - The oiilyb- ject of any new legislation' is to save ISfSSf it wiQ add n5-cbmplicaUons instead of improving upon tne original situa w?n- ' h - V,w , m"it ' fiijesii JPIE.ES 1 . a sure cure for Blind, Bleeding, Itching and TJ1 ceratftd Piles Has been discovered Dy ur. wimajj.i, nmii-- .nt tt- wiiiiams' indian tha funtmpht A sirisrle: box has cored the worst .1 ohmniR psisas r.f 2fior 30 vears stancuns. No one J r arlr,,, thia wnnrtflrfnl soothing medicine. Lotions and Instruments do more harm than good. WUllama File Olntoent absorbs the tumors, allays the Intense Itching, 5Sy It night after, getting warm in bed,) acts as a pr ultlee, gives instant relief, and is pre- notni.-' eiae. i price wj cents, t. v. smiui a ' co..azent3. . . . . 'adeodiwly - . J ..-. ' ... .. . W A 1 ff lllaik , : - f "Will :now vPfevail during the next 6 days - V BEGINNING JANUARY 4rd, 1886, . , , ' We believe in the motto ' X , ' PUT DOWN & THE PRICE , PUSH UP THE TRADE Our ; Bargains are of such a nature as to at , once con vince the purchaser of thefc reality, and the class of Goods we1 offer Bargains in, are always those most ;in demand' at the time of Sale. S v . '- 1 . BEAD BLAP 9?: SIf.KS T v42ic per yd. FORMERLY 75c. : per y tod. v " , i.i5 . .". ' irS -.- " -" ;:i,:Ho. - 2.25 ; , ALL WOOL BLACK CASHMERES ' " 36 m.1. Wide at 36 cents per yard. ALL WOOL COLORED' CASHMERES ' , 36 m. wide at 45c -per yard in 9 Shades. i ALL WOOL BLACK SHOODAH CLOTH 38 in. wide at 45c. per yard. . - SILK WARE HENRIETTA CLOTH : - "' 38 in. wide at 70c. per yard. : " . BLACK PARAMETTA CLOTH. 4a m. inches wide ENGLISH PLAID 1 5c. per ..yard.' Worth 25c. and 30c. per per yard! ' ; Biggest drive in. Misses Solid G olored Hose. .5 5i 6, ; 6i- 15c. 15c 18c. 18c. .Best yaliie. yet,iix.Ladies4' box containing 6 pairs. Regular made solid colored $1.50 . a box containing 6 pairs. ' A Linen Grasep, at 8c , 9c., BLEACHED TABLE DAMASKS AT ii .1 . - . t4 It ( " 41 COLORED TABLE (i ( ' w - 1 .1 . Likewise Reductions in MfiDtllOO t S CHARLOTTE, N. C. FOR SALE. gj - Two desttaDie trauding loxs, ouxaw iww 00 fironttoRon South Tryon street, adjoining the propertr ol J. H , Carson, snaae trees on ioi. W114 be sad separately or togeuier; rnco. iw L. J. WALKER. b:k.bbyan. L J. t Wholesale and Retail Grocers. NEW FIRM MEW GOODS ON the first day or. January ,1000,1110 6" entered lntoa co-partnership. for the purpese oi carrying on a. ; , - v GeneraliiToeerj Bosiness At the old stand of Springs " & Burwetu . 1 warier Hzzz t Ttm-tv. Ofvet.o. wp ato nnallfied by long Lrimce. to meet the demands of the trade, and -give satisfaction to our customers, v . W e Will Jitwy VI Jicuuut at, bi - - FaUILYjUPFI Which will be deHyered In any part of the city free of charge. -;-,. ; .V We will "not be undersold in the Charlotte market. " t5T There Is a goad wagon yord In the re ir of Our store iur ui t cw-vf- T . " 9- 0 IvillbijiJ at 63c. per yard. . ' ' ( . ; DRESS GOODS '7. 7i ,8 . -8f 20c. 20c. 25c. " 25c. Foliol colored, Hose; . 95 cents a' ' 10c , and 12Jc, ; per yard, ' 40 CENTS FORMERLY - 60 CENTS, rk ' on ' ' .80 1.10 .1.25 1.50 75 f 85 1.00 1.25 50 55 75 90 all other Departments; V TO RENT. Several Terr desirable rooms In the New Orson Dulldlng, also the handsome store room occupied now Dy xaiDOt a eons on i dorui sireeii. rosses slon given January 1st. CARSON BROS. ; Dec. 20. - ' T - Safes for Sale, ' Two good second-hand safes will be sold cheap ; One JDXLEB'S." . " - - One HERRING'S. Apply to Chas. B, Jones, a ' - . sep9ddkwtf v , -' - - THIS JFIG5, FEED C. UUNSLER WHOLESALE ffleel!ieepeEB CHARLOTTE, N. C ' - - - . " Represents two of the largest LAGER BEER Breweries in the United Statsa. The Dergrner & Ensel XSreirlfea; Co.,' of Philadelplila and the; F - P. & SI. SdiaiTer Hrewizts Co., ol '.''i..Zfew,Torlc. f ;.' - THE LARGEST LAGER BEER BOT TLING ESTABLISHMENT ; . IN THE CITY, r ;' : CTOrders SolIciteU , AU orders promptly, filled and delivered free of charge to any part of the city. . T decSOdlf , . .' ''':'-Lost:.-,;;'; ft N umbrella scarf pin. The Under wfu be re xxwarced by returning at deeiJldtf - , , . - THIS OFTCIE. . Houses Rented, '. 1 ' - ' 6on?es rented aEd rents collected, la thedU , LCwVi?id iiM of cbaTge. - . , C5IABLOTT3 RlliL ESTATE AGENCY, ' R. E. C0C3RAIiZ, Manager, '. lull tf ;Trs.e Blrzet Frprt'rcnt'afl FcteL -

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