DAILY CHARLOTTE OBSERVER ; TUESDAY, JANUARY 5, 1886. STATE If EFS. "ID Washington Gazette : Holwrt H. trhite, of Lake Landiog, writes that iessrs- Wm. Williams and Mitchell Le : were out; fif . a small heavily 3ed boat, between Oyster Rock JJd Douglas i Canal,! when , a strong JJd sudden wind capsized the boat. Both men were drowned. On Sat urday last, while Mrs, Amelia Beach -jj, who resides on the river shore a tei miles from tPnrfas preparing Jianer, her clothing caught fire and jj0 was soon enveloped in the cruel flame. Being alone at :the time the unfortunate woman in. her ; terror rushed out into the open air and the gerved to render her condition an al most hopeless one. 7 She would have burned up immediately had not her Kan A and others near bv.hearrl her cries, and arrived upon the scene With TniinV 'HtflRmilt.ir fhatr mass, out not umu ine enure lower portka8 of the body had been literally lOK&vAy ?-J It was generally ; thought v,ot. aha could 'survive but a short time.- vvw wu, ; uuwever, iuau uie is not yet extinct.- put the ' victim is suffering terribly, i and ere this may have succumbed to the fiery ordeal. Wilmington Review : ' Capt. John Barry tells us that the work of track laving will be begun on the Wilson & ? P. -11 t tj nr j. . . Fayette vine xw xwi uu jaxvuuay ueiu. The work vill be begun at Wilson and will De pusnea as rapiuiy as pos- flihle. consistent witn tne wor& in band, that oi Daiiaswng iae iracK as it progresses. -The grading is now Cbmpletea lO Duuimieiu, m juuustuu county. - ' ' . -- The receipted cotton at Wilming- ton tor lue raoutu cm. xeueuiuci: aooa, foot up 15,472 bales, as against 15,970 bales for the corresponding month of 1884. - - - . Asheville Citizen: Master Afachin.' est Gates, of the Western N. C. R. B. is making a cast iron whistle for to locomotives,! and it is giving so much satisfaction that the company does not intend mailing any, more brass whistles. -4 Asheville will soon have the electric light. . In order to facilitate work on the new Battery Porter Hotel, the electric light will soon be established, so bs to permit work to be carried on night as well as day , I O ur city is on a boom 4 sure enough. ' Hickory Carolinian: ? here was quite a lively time at Conly's mill on Uhristmas Day.1 One Harman had a liquor shop at or near tnat piace at which some or the J enems . ramiiy were offended by the proprietor for lome reason, and three oi tne nrotn- rs, John, Lewis ana J lm, went on hristmas day to get ; satisiaction. armon seemed V to be acquainted tor war in time of peace,' and accu mulated two or three shot guns and jome small arms, and was entirely ready if not willing to meet the allied mothers. . Jim led the assault by ihooting Harmon through the ), left irm near the hand,-with little other iffect than to suggest that great vigi ence and good markmanship might )rove the protection of his own life, : ind he returned Jim's hot with im )roving precision. His first ball truck Jim in the side, and a second n the forehead, placid g him horsfde ombat. Lewis got a shot through She ear, and John "one through ; the and, breaking one of the bones, in (uiivu. uisaDiea condition it. is saiu 2erman found time and opportunity Jo use a good sized hickory stick with ireat discomfort of ; the still belligeiN 1-L L..1. i . T , . T M ui vuv inactive jenKinses. uonn ana ewis were able to i walk home, but im had to be hauled. The ball ruck his forehead and ran around nd out behind. pa. Fire lit Brooklrn. New York. Jab.' 4. Dunlap's hat manufactory, Nos. 70 and 78 Nos hnd ave , . Brooklyn, was burned is morning. JLioss estimated -at 50.000, insurance $200,000. The re was caused by the overturning of can or oil by a dog. -JANUARY 4," l6 - : Prodvco. ' - " Nera Superfine $2 62aS3.00; Extra $3,250 m j-amuy 4.ffi34.75: uity muib super $z.ou i?.00; Extra i3.50 J4.1B. Bio brands, $4 753 A Wheal Southern quiet; Western - lower; nnern red W393; amber 95S97; No. 1 Mary M89 asked. No. 2 Western winter red spot w January 851 bid. A Com--outhern, active; Mtem, higher; Southern white 433a48; yellow 34914. ; , ,- Chicago -Flour quiet Wheat ac'lve but ttfec uiaa sararaay; January &a&ivt; jeDruary ujffl; aiay jcf yu. corn quiet ana a snaae r; cash 86: .Tanunrr flOiiASfSki: Febrnanr SfilA May 39a4U. Oats dull but steady; cash Spy and February 28; May SUfeia. Mess sI?oderateJJ active with little change: cash KL00; January $9 96 $10.02Mi: February CSP.a.tt-m- Mfty $10.36Q)$lu.49.. Lard ioerately active but steady; cash and January lm February $6 02a$6.70; May $6.22Mj rSv Boxed meats steady; dry salted shoulders iS!??75' nrt rib sides $4.97; short clear g$5.35. 3 Whiskey steady at : $ 1.16. ; Sugar piw. York southern flour quiet; common to Qrat3 50i3SO. Wheat-spot Q lower; edred 82a9i: No. 2 red January 0a91; Corn-spot, WbVi lower-.un-SSSJ31; No. 2 red, January 46tf46t; Feb 6. Oats- !4c lower; No. 2, 85. Hops tnt eee8Ptialr 610 quiet at 8; No. 7 Bio K 'O; January $6.)Q)$6.65. bugar steady Wt.; 'iair to good penning &ab; rennea 01 AtUOW 12: jfixtra u KVgKim; wnire DiXDMt: Off A 6S5BW: MOUia A D: KS7; Granulated 6 13 16: Cubas 6 15-1687. Isdu l. Bice steady. Cotton seed oil crude S22 aulet at 8?38. Hides steady: New BfqsSs r W(H1 rm' domestic fleece 27ffl36; Jidis. "TK-jsieaqy: mess iu.waiu.zo; K .1: long clear ;$5.37. Lard a shade active: Western steam spot $6 88; Jan f4t W6,38, ; freights steady. Cotton 5-a2d; ITaral 0tores lI!I8tok Turpentine firm at 8414. Bosln n 'st a,lned '5; good strained feO. Tar loo- .in1-005 0111(36 turpentine steady; hard J 0; good strained 87290. - jcLtnge 85,f Money 32 gutresur, North Carolina r8.i' Jnt ::::'ni5: tS7k North Caro lna's Funduyr.v.; 7 10 vSSSSI?-8-........ .. r 52 jru-gima umsols.... i Chlcaao and SnrthVftV"-'' """- , i5 1U m . v .... .. . LakeShore.! LpulsvOle and Nashvhle "45i Memphis and Charleston. ' I2 Mobile and OMo" ' r . New Orleans Pacificist.. kti? New York Central... " . " " 1 Sal Norfolk and Western preJerred::.:" 'w Northern Paclflc common.;., j ' " yKZb Northern Paelfie prefiarSurr--T.' gg S311 -.. ..i....,.......... . 66 Richmond and DanlKr."'r"'""'':''80 gSa We8t pintTerminaL::::::: 35 abasa Pacific, pVelerre: -v"""--2lS Western Calon .i.!!''1'?- 'Bid. ,tIstbicL. gOtterei ViskedV Dlv. ' - ' ' -. r-.. WAXViH-Qulet; middling 854 net receipts UZJPl8$Wi b 116; experts owutwue 8414; Great Britain ; continent 62. NoBFois Steady; middling 8; 'net re ceipts 8,031; gross 331; sales 1364; stock 65,036; exports coastwise 233; to Great Britain : continent 7; France . BALTmoRWpuleti middling 9 ; net receipts 1491; gross 2312; a.es ; stock 83,050; exports coastwise -; Great Britain 4234: continent . BosTfOjoiet; middling 9: net receipts 317; gross 2997; sales ; stock 631D; exports coasi- wise - Great Britain . WnirnfsxON Firm : middling 8 11-16 ; net receipts- 460. gross 460; sales --; stock- 12.024: F7ajnnAZ;?xn'' low middling 9; net re ceipts 181; gross 181; stock 14,018, , o SAVAiniAH-Steady; middling 8;v net receipts 8476: gross 3J10; sales 1200 r stock ' 1C8.667; tr coastwise 5508; to continent 11,830; Great Brlt'n 7462; France . Nsw Otojrahs Flrm; : -middling 8 ; net re- ,,-,"if Mtxi ; saxes - w; 1 stock 896,867; exports coastwise 1596; to Great Britain ; France r; continent 8539. . . ; ; ; - Mobtxje tFlnn ; middling 89-16 ; net. receipts 281; gross 2307; sales 800; stock 68,011; exports coastwise .Great Britain ." MsaiPHia-i-Firm; middling ' 8; receipts 1980; shipments 8495; sales 3S00; stock 156,658. vAuer3TA-Qufct; middling 8 9-16; reetlpis 2?5; ship ments ; sales 355; stock ". - Charurtok Firm: ", middling 811-16; jet receipts 1274; gross 1274? sales 800, stock 104,802; exports to continent - i coastwise 1810; Great Britain ; France . 1 , New York Quiet; sales 407; middling upland 9;orleans 9 7-16; consolidated net recelptB 26,279; exports to reat Britain 28,591; to rrxnoe -; continent 17,876.' - ; . ... v ':i ',f'r- . Paiwei. ' ' The Post says : The cotton market opead for future delivery firm at 6 points advance: At the opening call January sold at 9.27, February 9.36 9,35, March 9.4609.46. April 9 67, May 9.67e9.58, July 9.89, August 9.979)9.95. Sales 10,200 bales. After opening call the market was firm and prices were further advanced 3 to 4 points, but at noon about one half of this last Improvement had been lost, Enconraglng Liverpool advices caused fu tures to advance here 10 to 11-100, but as this brought In many sellers 5-100 of the advance was lost again. At third call 400 for .Tannarr hronp-ht 9.27, 200 for March 9,40. 400 for April 9.67. 100 for oepipmoer .7Z. unaer existing circumstances a solid Improvement at Manchester is hardly to be expected; on the other hand even1 the advanced price of 5d for middling uplands Is still below the Southern markets and, If referring to the New York quotations, they are so much too hlsh for ez- uort with the accumulated New York stock of 226, 000 bales.. Futures closed steady at 7 to 9 106 higher than last Thursday. . New York Net receipts 866; gross 12,009; Futures closed firm; sales 88,500 bales. . November..........: . December..... January ; 9.28a.0B February 8.S6&.87 March : .9.478.48 A-Prfl 1 9.598.00 May. ..... L. . .. ... ... . . . 9.708.71 June;....... 9.810.82 July.... ........ ........... i. . . 9.9ia.00 August...'. .. 9.998 19 September... . ..... .. .. . .. 9.73S.75 October. 9 633.09 IJrerpool Cotiom. Sl&rlcet. T r uptvyT Taa Of Dnalnaa mm viatAaa m4-4f. fenlng a little; Mkillng Uplands 415-16d; Orleans 5tfe; sales 10,0c0; speculation and export 1,000; re ceipts 92,000; American 77,600- Futures -firm. upianas low miaaiing clause January ana jrer uarry delivery. 4 6&64a34 61-6id. - February and March 4 62-64d. March and April 5 l-64d. , . - , -r April. and May 5 4-64d. ' t, v May and June 5 7-64.1. - June and July 5 11-64L : - July an & August 6 l-64d. 2 p h.. Sales American 800. Uplands low mid dling clause, January delivery 4 63-64d, (sellers.) January and February 463-64d, (sellers.) - . February and March 5d (buyers.) -- March and April 5 3-64d, (sellers, j ; AprU and May 5 6-64d. (sellers.) May and June 5 9-64d. (value.) June and July 5 12-64d. (buyers ) ' July and August 5 15-644 (buyers.) . , " , August and September 5 19 64d (value ) Uplands 6d; Orleans 5d Futures steady. - . 6 p. m. Uplands low middling clause January delivery 4 61 64d (buyers.) January and February 4 61-444. (buyers.) v . February and March 4 6S-64d, (mSsts.) March and April 5 1-644. (sellers ) April and May 5 4 644, (buyers.) May and June 5 7 644, (bmyen.) . , - June and July 5 10-64d, (buyers.) ' ; July and August 5 14 64d, (sellers.)! , .. August and September 5 18-64d (sellers ) ' Futures closed quiet but steady. . . '- ' - City. Cotton fflarlcet Officx ot thk Obsdrvrb. y I . v . CHARLom, N. C, January 6, 1886 J The city cotton market yesterday eluded weak at the following quotations: Strict Good Middling - 9 P0 Good middling.... 8 13-16 Strict Middling. . . 8 11-16 Middling,.....- 8918 Strict Low Middling... , 8 Low Middling... 8i, Middling Tinges ' 8 ' Middling Stains . 8. Low Middling Stains ...... ... ..i. ...... v - 71 Lower Grades ....,..........!....;..... 67t Beoelpts yesteiday...a. .. .. .. .. ... .. . . ....... 8 . m m ' - CITY PRODUCE E1AEHET. ' Reported by T. B. Masill. ' v DECEMBER 30A1885. - . -Tr.lt Corn per bushel.:,.". ' 6065 Meal per bushel............ .... 6568 Wheat per bushel........ ............... ? 1.00 Peanuts per busheL...;...i.i.. .... il.20ffii.30 Flour Family.. 2.803:2.35 : ; i'.-i' i'. Extra. . . .. .. . .i i... ... . .2.253l2.80 . . Super...;. 2.202.25 Peas Clay, per bushel...;...........,..... :6570 v -Mixed. . 60S65 Oats shelled,.... ,.i .... teSSO DriedFrult Apples, per .....-" ; 84 .c ? 't;v. :v; Reaches beeled..... .. i;;..vtst 67 ' ; . - ' unpeeled.. 84 ... , ,Blackberrtes.;......:i..i..t K 45 Potatoesr-Sweet... i ; ' 45S60 T -' Irish . .. Y .- i m 4 '. 65S70 Cabbage;per pound.. ..';'V; .i .i..Y. 2S214 Onions, per bushel .... ; ' 75ff 80 Beeswax, per pound.. 24S25 Tallow, per pound.......................,. - Butter, per pound... ...... 4. 129i20 Eggs, per dozen... .......;--1415 Chickens ............ ,1.. .... ............ loffi 15 Ducks.... Turkeys, per pound..... ......f... 89 Geese'I...T...;............. ,8540 Beef, per pound, net .......- 7&8 Mutton, per pound, net..,. ......i. ....... : 78 Pork, per pound, net...........;. .' 79 " unwashed.. ..... 18 Feathers new,................;.......... 45&50 Bags. per pound. ...... ...... -; U GO ATCOST F.d.V. G'as:h- I will close out my entire line of FANCY TOILET CASES,', I ; - - TRAVELLING BAGS, -. s" -, ' -j ;: '- . work boxes; . j . GLOVE AND T.' . v ' -. . , HANDKERCHIEF CASES, :. COT GLASS ; BOTTLES and v',-:- O I i V8 ;Woo d Good s, -AT- COST. TEOR CASH. I am determined to.fclose Ithemllout to make room for other goods. 0:VT MISS .- THE-OPPOB ; L. E. vVRISTON. $ 1 ...... . HAHAH'S VALKIIIGFA8T. hai THS7 8A7 ABOUT TS3 HLNJLST. SHOE; - , ; ti Noo. S1&S2 Prk row, 1' NewTork.Bept.a3, 1885. EOO-EES, PEET & CO. W A . -' unwnen j Jiavrng noticed In this mornlM's mn your advertisement cnnmnnni v, tt..S- C 2ffSSJSlSS a? jatiBfaotionwlth J'Jii1? fJf bout ooardiiisr. X had been ao- , fj?i 2mSd.ah?1? 5oes made to order, pay lnrftom $9 to 913 a pair for the same. iMt sum. ,, er I mean a year ajo TrUMiiff for a pair of : - SSffirfwS? establlBiuaent and purchased - Sf11 JPor e omrt on lone " mSJP'JS? TOuntrr I havo never had thei 232T'-vn inly et, whilo ftr durability they Mm about as near to the IriahmanSalas mxr i " fpf h?eB he Iiad so long as the UDiSera wen? ; JS' wr out the seoondioi asS , . the uppers 1 aro still perftoCy sovmdand whole. tf?0 stranjrer to the Iianansor . CtS1? of your rm. and you arc rat Eewstfully Tom, -, As E. RAIVKIN Jc I3RO.. Agents for Charlotte. ebl0eodtf . - THE Charlotte Observer, Now in Its Bipty Volume, And fully abreast with, all the reoulrements of modern Journalism.' - , TELE DAILY OBSERVER GIVES ft TELEGEAPHIO NEWS Fi om at home and from ' abroad. , and from al quarters of the globe, besides 'all the Current News of the day, Local and otherwise.' Its com plete and accurate daflyi , J Telegraphic Market : Reports r. Are an important and valuable feature to the bus iness man, and are alone worth the subscription price of Tbds Obsbstxb. - vf No other daily In the State enjoys' such ; . ; t 1 - 1 .. Excellent Mail Facilities AS IS POSSESSED BY The OBSERVER; As it reaches, all the surrounding towns and all the important postomces in the State, as well as re mote points; North. South and West in other States, on the - . ' 1 . V: vDajr:if its FoblicatioD. This makes it a most valuable news serving publication, as well as advertising medium. It. pre-eminently the leading Dally of the " State, and has7 established Its claim to this merit. ' Thk Qbsebvxb's new Eight-Page form enables it to give more reading matter than ever before. SUBSCRIPTION WES: Daily edition, by maD, One year, $8.00 44 . 6 moss., " $4.00 i. .3 mos.f $2.00 it. BsVsVHBasHsssssy' GIVEN AWAY. um. :S;..l;.i, The great Music House of the South, has remov en to a Magnificent New Store (the Largest Music Temple In the US), and as a souvenir of this im portant era in their, business, and also as an ad vertisement which will tell from the Potomac to the Rio Grande, they Are actually giving away val uable Gold Watches "Jc ; -Doubt not this statement It Is a fact - It's i a Wholesale House, and they do things in a' whole sale way. Raad this startling "r- . SOUVENIR- OFEER -TO- PIANO BUYER To every .Cash 'Purchaser of a Piano between November lsfT and JDe cember Ut, 1885, from us direct, or through any of our Ten Branch Houses or 200 Agencies, we will pre sent as a Complimentary Souvenir an elegant. . GOLD WATCH. Guaranteed Solid Gold Case; and fine movement i Sold by jewelers at $40 to $50. , , 0 . This Offer. Good only (Mil D 'ceniber i, '85. Pianos at Lowest Cash Prices known, with Com plete Outfits, and All Fkhght Paid.; Every thing fair and square, and full satisfaction guar anteed. - - V ... ' v Send your name and address for clrcuteT pi'rg full particulars. This is the one 1 1 ance of a life. time, which should not be misssrj)on . wait. Ane oner expires December 1st, and cannot be'W;1 newed. Address Lndden k Bates, Southern ilosic House; ALTMETER'S NEW BLOCK, SAVANNAH, 61. OFFERS TO THE Vvholesa le s Retail Trade FIVE TONS Pore White Lead, UVjM .yiiQdD.'OSo' TYf have now. the largest arid roost complete stock that we have ever" of frred to the Trade, comprising of all the latest st vies of . - ; PEB. GOAT AND KID BUTTON SHOES in all grades. , - Gh-NTS:. BOYS ; AND :-: YOUTHS ' XWK. CALF LACE BALM0EAL3, C0N6EES3 AND BUTTON GAITTB3. . ' . Gents fine calf boots and hea,vy shoes of all Travelling Bags, Trunks, Rubbers; etc. ; Glycerole Polish for fine i fchoes, acknoieldged the bestfor preseryiDg leather yet introduced to the .trade. V, . . To keep np'onrireputatlon for good goods and low prices :: Give us a call, f TradeTStreeV Cento! Ho j, . "-..:; . , Building.-, . ; .: : r;- . : ' GRAY & CO. JERSEYS ! . JERSEYS ! ! JERSEYS! 11 (DcdDdcbiiii.: I? mm I A LARGE STOCK OF JERSEYS: W - AH qualities and prices. ' 1 . " LADIES' AND GENTS' WOOLEN UNDERWEAR, BLANKETS AND COM- FORTS. GIVE US A CALL. . El WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALEB IN c all kinds of ICH-OLS, If Fill in mm- - N BEDDING &C. A full line Of CHEAP BEDSTEADS. LOUNGES, Parlor and Gnamber Suits, Cof fins of all kinds on hand. No. 6 West Trade Street, Charlette, North Carolina. .- ' ' t V...; .-7W- ''.I'll I I : . Bt !K T. "' II I J ft ftrTl v' :Vi if ilfeg THE NEW DAVIS, TW ENTY' BARBELS PURE LINSEED OIL if A ; Large Stock of Colp, TanMes, Etc. ALSO- ONE CARLOAD Kerosene Oi ALL AT CLOSE PRIGES. J. H. MoADEN. The public is not asleep in respect to sewing machines, and a lady, nowa- ; days, buys a machine not because it had a good name fifteen years since, but selects the machine that pleases her best ; has the most? improvements, and does its work in the most quiet and lady-like fashion. ' . f " ThesNew-sHigh-Armed Davis, with its Vertical,feed fills the above require-' ments, and :, is said to combine all thetad vantages of other machines, with many that are original and' peculiar to the "Davis." - Indeed any lady who is the possessor of one, may rest assurred that she has a treasure. A fair trial at your home, will cost nothing,- and wa will convince you of the' fact : that what we have said of the 'Davis" is true. ' "It Is TJie Law" of develop- stent, that the new shall succeed and displace the old. , ' : ' This law ; applies well to the New, DavisJ VerticaljFeed Sewing Machine. , Have you.8een it? , , ; V - The best of Machine oil, retail and to the trade. j Forealeby v : ; - . v . RICHARD MOORE, . General Agent, Trade St. Established 1840, Incorporated 1884.; ziis Thos. Bradford Go. I l Successors to - ITlino'DTXiflfnTlTf'A 'i3mJ: Sole Mannfact- ':'..-. nrers of the Vw7 , Old Reliable ttnd Celebrated i - r BRADFORD . Portaols Mills nt t- For Any Kind of SMALL GRAIN. . r l Also Manuf actur- ... . . ......... .... v." ens of General Flour Mill F.lachinsry ; Nps. 25, 27, 29, 31 and 33 tock St., v P Tear Highland House Inclined Plane, . Write for Catalogue. . CINCINNATI, O , Decl2deodw6m. ' " r - , . - ' . , IMPORTANT. We bfg to call tie attention of tlie iad'es to the fact that re are now makicg the bst . v' 4 .. TIE-WAIHIEAD f - AM French rolls from the baker? for, breakf it every morning, except Satiday. Jcet try them and be happy. Ai.-o, tits Kt.d caices of al? kluda made of the best material and guaranteed to give the best of sattsfacWcn. ' Give u acall W. N PRATHKR, Decll-tf - - SoirhT7 ane Street. :-. D1SS0LUTI0II NOTICE. THE law (-partnership of Jonei & Johnston Is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The ' cases which are now pending will continue to re-v celve our Joint attention. H. C. JONES, f . Janld3t , , B. D.JOHNSTON. CARRIAGE AND BUGGY REPOSITORY, A fall Une of Carriages. Boggles, Phaetons, Carts Spring Wagons, etc, of the best makes and latest ' styles, on hand. . - 5 -yehlcles made to order and repaired. C , v A. C. ElTXCHlSOr at CO., Charlotte, N. C, next to Wade- h's Stables. V. - spriSunly i . " - ' ' To Printers - A pood second-haDd Plajgh Faper Cuttertnia be sold cheap. : . ' . Apply to tnas, B. Jotes, at -' sevSWAwtf - THIS OFFTCB.' it-1 i i V f ir lifi j: hi-' 'I'!.; V 1' : I H 1 M is - s 1 I is f ... ! r n l ri i ! 1 '; f 1 i ! i ' - 'i : ' J I:; "t-'-'i ' if '1 f5-

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