A LAST PRAYER. -iten by Helen Jackson O'H. EL") four dan : , before her death. ; : v. ffatber, I scarcely dare to pray ' an clear I see, now it is dcaa, ' I bare wasted half ray lay, Vnd left my work but;jtut txjsun; en clsar 1 6ee that things . I thought ",. ' VW"ere right or harmless were a Bin; ' v go clear I see that I hare sought, r-v-ijnconscioa selfish alms to win; go clear I see that I hare hurt Tbe eoais 1 mjSQ' helped to save; jbat I have slothful been, inert, ' Deaf to the calls Thy leaders gave. j- out-fcirto of Thy kingdoms vast,' - -Father, fee humblest spot give me; ; i , get me the lowliest task Thou hast Xist me repentant work for Theef i PR0SPERTY-BRlNGlr4G TALISMAN. Prosperity of the MOwIJa. ;: v f American Register. Xhe latest noveltry 15 jewelry j a r.nnous ana eseciive none - . .. a . . mm' . . w - lit has been kmowm in - Egypt far' &a Sd or silver and worn as a chrrra cr raoelet by ladies, and as a cravd fx br The ' name f this J'tfi. bringing talisman is ''oudja.sisj luck and happiness, : and shows cs 4. Horus, frem which a tear drc? flrrs, iitendtd to represent the River Tha BecuKarnroDertv of the esfV,v il to brifig good luck; but the : Fhcrxaia Cxked upem it as an eoblem . mok Cij epawe 01 waramg ; on aavescy, femt 0 or nving a targe mnueaee erci tsta : goodly yielding of the earth, egataiav inr, as it does, the main prinirJs md jm, Horsus, and water, ; by tiw ' tear Trtwinsr as the Nile. s .v This ' ebamin? Jittle amulet is being adopted by many members of tne aristocracy, a is pre sented by friends one to- the ether with tbe graceful wishes usual on smeh occa lions, to su'ch-an extent that set a Par? fran with a particle of upraiiam will exist without his or her 44oa4.ja." The bangle pendants are made of gsfcl and nrecious stones, of pure gold asrd silver.' to accommodate all sorts of eemditions and purses. ' , ' f In London they are creatiaf a furor from the simple fact - of their ' hailing irom Egypt,, and 3 the curieas history attached to the first 011 wrn in England, owned by tne fair ; young wife of a handsome gaardssaam,' Capt. A D., who sent it irem uaire , with theu words: iiThis is a' ebons which protected the cultivators ' f aneient fjgypt against inclement weastWr. May it act likewise in your raver, and insure brilliant davs for your gardea Alts, the bright days did bs parties." last, for m inn muuui v;HUk a. i. mu a ticuui j hiseeuntrv and duty. But his widow refused to believe, exeeng in her "oudja,'? and -wept, and pwyed to it to hvm r her loved one back Win. desnite ;c: .i r.v, . t r " r 'r ' IV dmary escape and return of the glunt officer, the Egyptian talisman, with fan atic gratitude, bemg considered tne real i and only agent that produced the mir acle of bringing the dead to lite. It is a charming legend ' attached to I the "oudia," and every member of the 1 fair sex will wear on her wrist the eye I of Horus to bring goal luck,, prosperity, and happiness to herself and to : those around her. t - Shetland Islands' Herring Industry.; Chicago Tribune. f . ' v - : The herrings in the Shetland islands during this year have now, been - exA ported to the continental markets, the last stocks in hand having been shipped this week. The season's fishing it has now been ascertained, has yielded the enormous total of 310,000 , barrels of cured herrings exported to the conti nent and 20,000 barrels exported fresh and coastwise. The total cure- of the islands thus amounts tc 380,000 barrels. Compared with the figures - of only n;,.U. il:. i i -i raguu jears ago luis snows au exLraorui- til. . 1 m . me marKet price or tnist season s curj irill be upward of 400,000 pounds ster ling. Last year's fishing in Shetland yielded a total export: of 251,400 bar rels, there thus being an increase this Tear of ahnnt. 70 nnft : hnrrftla Ahnnr 800 boats wftr mnlnv iri th fishing I ana upward of eighty curers. -The v to tal number of persons engaged in-the industry isegtimatedl to exceed 10, 000. SarriTors or the Ancient Samaritans. ' -i MXe-tf York: Sin.1 r ''-, , ' A letter .' from Haita, ' in the Holy ina, aescribes the last remnants of the ancient Samaritans. ''These people now number lbO, and reside at Gabions. l hey are descendants of colonists sent into the country by Shalmaneser, king et Assyria, whea he led -the children of Israel into captivity. The , colonists came from a number of different towns and nationalities under 'Ass vrian rule. Some were from Babylon, others from Ddmasu ana ippara.- t These people re ceived instruction" in the Jewish - relig ion throuarh teachers sent bv the Assyr ian kng and finally intermarried with the Jews. But the Jews always hated tnem, and hate them' to .this day. This lend . is the J oldest in -existence. The Samaritans finally adopted the Jewish religion somewhat modified by their ovm. They preserve to this day some J7 important ancient manuscripts, agments of the Old Testament."- Wine Adulteration in Fraace. New York Sun. Ihe Chemist and Drnrcist cives the ult of Dr. Magnier de la Source's in- feaiigations . , into ; the . adulteration of French wines. : The average annual; im portation of so-called wine : sold : there mounts to 100,000,000 gallons. The Wulterants are chiefly water, alcohol M flucose. aaid thfl ftolorinff lionid is JJJe largely from the ; heavy pressings dry grapes. . More than : 40 per cent. ?aa tllQ wlhes were so f ortifiea, during 83-4, as to contain 15 per, cent of al wl; natural wines contain only about J per cent - Even of ; the very mild iun lessthan four samples m 100 contained less than ft Mr rfint of alco hoi. The conclusion is that French peo Iris ar rtT,,i. jjMi- and are growing less particular i o delicacy of flavor - In Los Angeles. Cal.. ostrich ters as Window PPmar. . Fifteen or twenty stores ndw aiary increase. The ' quantity v shipped tlle children in Granada played at bull in 1877 amounted to only 3276 barrels, fighting. . One boy, holding 'a pair of SOUTH AUSTRALIA'S VEGE fATIOM; Caeity for Growing Esculents An In exhaustible Wealth of Xlowera. CJ. A a1a in London Telejrrapi, South Australia is, indeed, not beta phoricaily, but literally a flowery laud. Io bo aware of that fact one has but to pay a visit to, the Adelaide botanic gar dens,, of which the indefatigable cura tor is Dr: R. Scbomburgk, a savant of European reputation, who is, decorated with a dozen orders of European knight hood. .Of course, the preponderant features of the vegetation of tae'fofoay are ia the two genera of the Australian flora, the eucalyptus and acacja. Naturalists noted as a renjarkable fact in the vegetation of South Austra lia the absence of native eatable fruits, of .which there are none worthy 6f the name, except ' a few berry-bsarinir shrubs, the principal' species ..'ef ? WhjteS are the so-called native 'currant and na tive; peach of the . colonists. . But - a' glance at theygreengTocersVand fruit erers; shops in the streets of Adelaide will at once prove 'to" demonstration. that if bouth Australia has few v indig enous fruits or edible plants she has a wonaenurcapacity tor growing the es culents of other regions. . j In additions the colossal cauliflow ers, admire the immense cabbages, 1S splendid carrots, turnips ' spinach,' tm4L Jerusalem artichokes;' the -abundant salads or 'green meats,'- and, in ' par ticular, v - the seemingly inexhaustible wealth of rainbow-hued and deliciously fragrant flowers. The whole of the Aus tralian colonies are, indeed, a flower and fern paradise; but 1 am told v if X wish to see the floral beauties of - South Australia in their most enchanting aspect I must come hither in spring time-faat is, September, October , and November." This is only the first week in August; and we are still in winter. But in the spring my South Australian friends en- thusiastically declare I should see trees shrubs, perennials, -'annuals,' rivaling eaeh, other in their flowers, which are of such" size, richness and color and general perfection as to be almost' un realizable . by the imagination of a northern gardener.- - ,As . regards fruit., "aDnles ' tears and the strange looking and more strangely I casting - passion" fruits are the most- prominent of the gifts of Pomona - that I have noticed in the Adelaide markets. There are pineapples, too; but I am told they are grown under glass; bu at the proper season I should enjoy plums, cherries, currants,' figs, apricots, quinces, s mulberries, Strawberries,5 cur rants, - raspberries, - walnuts, filberts. and chestnuts in perfection. The auick. luxuriant grown i and early excessive i7JV Z h :- CiS8v ?f?Lm2 v P? Prodin ll.i il. j i . . SSL" ?oa7,es msz aie. J0 nAKT J" JSS ' obtained .the iimuows ine aimension or wnicn i so excited my astonishment, and, which mr rr iT ter. The - cucumbers, the sweet and water melons, and the pumpkins also grow to an extraordinary size. 'f Kadtaa" Histories. . : ' . , Thw Current 1 . , . There are now published so many oooks or niscory aesignea lor tne enter- tainment of young people, and intended - for easy reading rather than for earnest study, that school teachers should. exer cise some care to see that their -pupils do not get false impressions of historical characters and events from them. It is a great temptation for an author, aim ing" at popularity, to sacrifice plain truth to tne picturesque, especially in treat ing of the exploits' of some of the earli- 4. T f Try 1 . m. . t . est e-s-piorers ot mew vv oriu. inose Ola Spanish ; conquerers, for ; instance, were a very avaricious and brutal lot, and it is not well that they should be placed altogether in heroic attitudes. , Playing; at Bull-Fighting. 1 . , A recent traveler in Spain tells how wuuucu xiuius uu axis ucaur icpmseuiuu the bull. Other boys, mounted on each other's backs; were picadors, while others again, with their jackets in their hands," were supposed to be , matadors and cnulos. The bull would stamp his teet ana roar, tnen maxe a rusn at one Ui. llig UUU1US, 1AUb.Cb VViU IU1UWU up by. the wooden horns, but whose body was never t touched. Then the bull would charge one of the , picadors, whereupon the boy playing horse 'would throw himself to the ground, and allow himself to be properly gored. Tracing a Storm's CottrM. ; - ' v '., iChicairo Times. J , The English weather -bureaix&dias traced the v origin and progress of the series of storms which did so much dam age in the northern .United .States and southern Europe last October,! Its ori gin was a' typhoon , which -originated near Philippines on Sept. 27. It reached California on Oct; 10, struck the , Atlan tic on the 18thi made little progress un til the 25th, whea it was augmented by a southern gale, and reached the lrencn coast on: the 27th, 1 where - it - did much mischief It expired in v the Baltic on Nov. I having traveled 16, 000 miles m thirty-six days. - It was : the first storm traced so far, day by day. ' Fliee of TJrus:uay CapltaL '' , , ' Cor. Inter Ocean.l i v v.C . The policemen in Tonte video are de tailed from the army and carry sabers instead of clubs. which they use .with lelling effect upon offenders who resist arrest. A tew- years ago mere was no safety for people who- were out late at night either, m the city or tne country ; robberies and murders were of frequent occurrence, and the prisons were empty. But President Santos mles with an iron hand, and after a few highwaymen and murderers were hanged, there was a noticeable chancre m the condition 01 affairs, : and now a woman or a child is as safe upon the streets or highways of the country as in their own homes. . .Taklnc Panaramlc Fhatat;ramhs. INew Vork Suo.1 - -s " . Panoramic photographs in connection with military survevincr and the like ar -nnxr taken bv. a simple French an- strutnent called the cylindrograplu A semicircular . cylinder having a small IieUS ill VUo -WIUW f wu t m -"f and is ' nrovided with , a dark slide of some material that bends without break in : whftTi a vifiw is to be taken tne lens is moved from one side of the land- tcspe to the other. . ' - - .... r ; CHARLOTTE OBGIflRVBIi; TUESDAY, JANUARY 3, IC36. "CHUMPS1 We ktherin the Ddcits at ; lie Ex- pease.of Suffering The Glaring: Qall Exhibited by j ' , ' , ,T . rton.ProfessIonl Frauds. , The country is flooded with bogus medlelne men, and In a few cases a heavy capital is all they hare to sustain their prestige. ' Numerous cleverly con-, cocted certificates are forced upon the unsuspect ing, purporting to have snatched from the grave', some poor victim of blood poison or other disease,, when to our knowledge the Identical person lay groaning in agonyjwhlle the public were reading of their remarkable recovery.', j , ,. - :' Another serious offense Is the publication of er roneous' statements concerning various drag, Buch as are dally prescribed byour best physicians, declaring them to be deadly poison. Iodide of pot ash, which seems to receive their greatest icon- demnatlon when presctbed by physicians and In the proper combination with certain compounds, Is not only harmless, but forms one of , the most powerful antagonists to the blood poison known to the medical world.- Bt B. B. (Botonlc Blood Balm) contains Iodide of potash. This company hold hundreds of genuine certificates from persons who have been cured of various diseases arising from an impure state of the blood by the use of B. B.B. The question now is, if Iodide of potash is such a terrible enemy to the health, why Is it that , the Blood Balm Co. have made wlihln two years the most gigantic sales and cures ever before made on American sell 9' . " V ' - Wherever, mlrodoced it takes the lead of all Blood Remedies for the cheap and speedy cure of all lood Skin and Zidney Diseases, Scrofula, Ulcers, Bheumatlsm, etc. v ' '" -T. OL ENGLAND OUTDONE- Soddt, Tknu., Nov. 9, '81. ,;I hv6 had a bad ulcer, or- running sore, for 20 years, which no doctor has ever been able to heal. I was afflicted before leaving for England, and the. doctors over there could not cure me. For some time I ' have been using B. B. B., and the effects astonish every one, and I enclose several pieces of bone which it has woTked out. My health is rapid- lrlmDrovme. ulcers nearly all healed, and I am far better than I have been in 20 years, I will' send you a certificate soon. . I V . 1 " Mks.Jknkib Williams. ' - ' ' Neai Chattanooga Tenn. LOSB8TAKSTATB. Dhiter, Tixas. June 16, 1885. , One of our customers left his bed for the 1 first time in six months, after using only one bot- tie of B. B. B. He had scrofula of a terrible form, that had resisted all other treatment. , B. B. B. ' ' LEEDTKE BEOS. , SHE IS WOT EAI. It has been reported that I was dead-but I am not.' - -.- - . - . ' t For four years I have been afflicted with a severe 1 case of Blood Poison, Bheumatlsm, and Neuralgia My flesh shrank away, my ; muscles seemed to dry 1 up and form Into little knots, Joints were swollen and Dalnful and all concluded I must die. 1 1 have I used five bottles of B.B.B.'andI have gained 60 pounds woman. of flesh, and am now as sound as any ' Bkllk DunnAwat, - ' : ' - Atlanta, Ga. Send 'to B. B. BCo., Atlanta,. Ga.. for their Book of Wonders free. . . . EIRESIDE CHAT. ' : RlOTIIEttS :' Often neglect and delay In giving , proper atten- tentlon to their children who have , become j nn healthyi Place your sickly daughter upon the use of B. B. B.asa tonic and general regulator; give i It to your weak and feeble children; prescribe it to your husband and sons as a general tonic and ap petizer before breakfast, and they will never have any use for whiskey bitters. , - ' BE AlJTIFUi- COWPIiEXIOr. Thousands of single and married . ladies are using various cosmetics, in order to improve their i complexion, and to hide the many faults and Im perfections of the face; neck and hands. .These local applications are only temporary, and .leave the skin in a worse condition. ' - . ; An Internals preparatton : Is now being used, operating through the blood, which renders ,the skin as smooth and solt as an Infant's and impart ing a beautiful alabaster complexion so much ad mired by the elite.' The remedy cists off all im purities from the blood, removes all bumps, blotches and splotches from - the face, neck and i hands, and tinges the cheek with the roseate hues ! of nature. ..".;.! . . i s The article alluded to is B.B. B., a blood purifier and general family tonic, which never falls to give ' entire satisfaction. No female should fall to use it To be beautiful,' you must be healthy,' and to be healthy you must use B. B. B. ' - WONDERFUL ULCEUS. ? ' ' . , v, . " Atlanta, Ga , June 5, 1885. -In 1878 there came on mj hand what was thought to be a carbuncle, which ran its i course several months, broke, and finally' healed. The next spring b-nntacr nodes, came on : my arms,, which were thought to be rheumatic, ana i cook gauonsoimea- icine from the bast physician in Cuthbert, Ga where I then resided. - . vr : About this time my left limb below the knee com menced swelling at a fearful rate, and finally came to a head and broke. : Both arms were sore, and I could hardly .bear my weight standing, and hardly know how I managed to live ttrough it all. About this time we moved from Cuthbert to Atlanta. -1 began to despair of ever getting well; the sore On my limb was a regular eating ulcer, now about three Inches In length, two Inches In width, seem ing to be down to the bone, and discharging about a cupful of pus (matter) per day; my arms stul running, my, sleep disturbed, and I sometimes thought I would lose my reason. , , ;A friend called on me one day, Mr, a. J. Tan Duzee, and recommended o. a. a , ana was certain It would cure me. , In a short time I pot my son to get me two bot tles, and I saw the Improvement from the very first j I have now taken 8 or 9 bottles, and my arms are i entirely well, and the large ulcer on my limb has healed, .mow feel like anew person, thanks :w J V& 0 j - MES.FANNIK HALL,. " 100 West Baker St, Atlanta, Ga. IN ATLANrA DISIJGGIST. - !?.sKi!ELJ" severe vests ux uw buio vi .-iw vueoouo, ouv. uu hesitatingly pronounce It a safe, sure, harmless and speedy Blood Purifier, fully meriting the con fidence of the public. My customers are delighted with its effects, and the demand has so wonder fully increased that I have been compelled to , buy by the gross, as it is the best selling blood reme Idyl handle. - w.a uiujum.uiu. Bamamty ' "'N.'C. DIVISION. - Condensed Gclicdule. ' TRAINS GOING NORTH7 J)jeniber6tn,18S5. No. 61, Dany. No.CS, Dally. - Leave Charlotte. . " Salisbury: High Point, Arrive Greensboro, Leave Greensboro, Arrive Hlllsboro, " , Durham, 5.10 a m 6.45 a m 7.58 a m 6.80 p m 70 p m 8.62 pm 9.13 p m 8.80 a mi 9.85 a ml 1L83 a m 12.13 p m jttajeign, i.m p m lieave uaieizn. v Arrive Goldsbo z.su d m ro, 4.40 p m No. 15 Dally except Sunday. Leave Greensboro 10.30 p m' :- Arrive .at Balelgh ' 7 JO am . Arrive at Goldiboro l.uo p m . N 0. 6i--xnnect8 at Greensboro with S4DBB fora",POtots North. East and West of DvSe. wS7 WA - S- B- B.forallpolnteta Western N. C. At Gpldsboro with W. AW. R. R. vTi w08!51-53 connect at Greensboro with fl.gftB.fl. and for all points on Salem Branch. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. ' December 6th, 1885. , NO. 60, Daily. No. 52, Dally. . Leave Goldsboro, ' Arrive Balelgh, V v Leave Balelgh, 1L45 am 2.00 nm 5.00 p m 6.07 p m 6.47 p m 9.00 p m Arrive xurnam. ' Hlllsboro,' - Greensboro, Leave Greensboro.' i U.X1 p m 11.65 p m 1.05 a m 9.85 a m 10.02 am 11.02 a m 12.25 p -m arrive uign Point Salisbury, Charlotte, 2.50 am No. 16 Dally except Sunday.' 1 ' . Leave Goldsboro .7.50 p m , Arrive Balelgh , 1 lL20pm " . Leave Balelgh - 12.20 a m Arrive Greensboro 8.40 am' ' w,?0530?11 at Salisbury for all Dolnts on w o b it. ana at Charlotte with A & C Air-Line for ou uwujtue in uud DuuLii una rMnnnwAsr , ? . i , . . No. 62 Connects at ChnrlnttA sritn n n a. . i n Wwlth A 4 C &j W. N. .C. RAILROAD. ; GOING SOUTH. r No. 50. No. 52, - . ' s Dally, . Dally. Leave Greensboro, - V 1185 p m 9.46a m Arrive Kernersville, , V 12.89 p m 10 60 a m Arrive Salem, , ' L17 pm 11.25 am ; GOING NOBTH. s No. 5L Now. ' lVll aUy ' Iaily. Leave Salem, , 6 55pm 6.50 am Arrive Kernersville, . -' 7.80 pm 7!l8 a m Arrive Greensboro, 8.85 p m 8.10 a m STATE UNIVERSITY R. R. GOING NOBTH. I iSifc V&lf " 1 ex. Sun. ex. Sun. Leave Chapel Hill,. ' ia20 a m 4,55 p m Arrive University, . , 11.10 a m 5 45 p m GOING SOUTH. : . Dafly ' -v ex. Sun. ex. Sun. Leave University, I . 6.85 p m ll.C5a m Arrive Chapel Hill, - 7.25 p m 12.45 p m BUFFET SLEEPING CABS WITHOUT CHANGE. On trains 50 and 61, between New York and At lanta, ana oetween trreensboro and Asherllle. - Through Pullman Sleeners on trains 62 and SR. between Washington and Augusta, and Richmond and Danville,- Greensboro . and Richmond, and wasmngion ana mew Orleans. , - . v i . -Through tickets on sale at Greensboro, Bal eigh, Goldsboro, Salisbury and Charlotte, for an points South, Southwest, West, North and East f!?.?! to Louisiana, Texas, Arkansas and the Southwest, address A. Li. UlVJfa. M. SLAUGHTE3. mira creu. uaiuiger. 1 wen. trass. , . , Kicnmond, va. llSTEKS NORTH CAKZO- " If. , W3fA.K.Jt. CO. General Passenger Office, . Salisbubt, N. C., Sept 6, 1885. . J On and after the 6th Inst., the following shftT w,lll be operated by this company: - : . , MAIN LINE-WEST. Train No 1. j TraIn No: 3. At. I Lv. At. Lv. 1.25 ; 6.3Q1 . 2 84 : 2.35 7.54 8.14 8.43 &44 -10.02 10.0T 4.09 4.10 11.07 11.25 4.40 4.41 V 12 ,12.25 6.16 ,616 v 1.05 1.25: 6.331 6.33 2.6V 2 59 7.13 7.14 8.49 8.55, 7.81 8.01 8.42 R43 ' 6.17 '5.18 a56 8.56 -, 5.88 6.06 9.21 9.21 6.45 6.47 9.29 9.39 6 57 P. M. 10.12 10.13 A.M. 10.48 10.49 f ' r 11.12 11.12 - 11.45 A. M. ? ' j 'Stations.- Salisbury, , Statesvllle," Newton, i Hickory, - , -Icard. - " Morganton, -Marlon, , Old Fort, Bound Knob, -Black Mountain, - Spartanburg Junctn, Asbevllle, Alexander's, Marshall, Barnards, Warm Springs, i - . MAIN LINE-EAST. Train No. 2 1 Train No. 4 Stations. At: V Lv. f Ar. fLv. Warm Springs, . . 1 Barnards, . Marshall, ' r , Alexander's,' Asheviile. Spartanburg Junctn. Coopers, Black Mountain. w .' Bound Knob. : t Old Fort, - P. M. s 8.15 aso 8.5o j - ' 111 4.12 . " 4.4J -4.49 ' ' : 6.22 5 82 ' P. M. k 6 r54l 541 . 7.07 7.U7 . 6.06 6 06 7.55 - 7.55 6.19 6.20 8.20 8.43 7.07 7.27 4 ' '7.42 7.42 10.23 10.40 8.12 " 812 ' 11.85 1L85 ai0 t-9.10 .C,1.09-ivl.80 9.38 9.38 2.17 2.19 .10.04,10.05 2.57 . ; 8.20 10.33 10.83 4.00 ,4.05 11.29 11.80 V6.30 ' 5.60 12.80 A.M. : ,70lA M. Marion, , - Morganton, Icard, Hickory, ,.- Newton, , ; : " Statesvllle, l- Salisbury,. WEST. I MUBPHY DIVISTON. . EAST. Train No. 7 Train Jtot Stations.' Ar.. . Lv. Ar.f Lv. A.M. 10.26 10 54 11.21 11.61 ' 12.19 1.49 9 49 .10.29 10.58 11.26 11.54 12.29 1.53 2.29 2.41 8.31 P. M. Asheviile, . . Hominy, Turnplke,r3 ' Pigeon Blveru Clyde, . f. . WaynesvllleJ Balsam, , :4.89 3.59 8.87 P. M. 4 01 859 . 8.17 .2.47 ilx8.12 ,2.45 2.00 12.34 11.66 ;iL45 2.25 12.85 .U.67 11.46 :10.55 10.09 2.28 289 8.81 HTiva. - ri V Webster Station,: CD Charleston, -,.:,- . ; 10 54 4.15 A.M. Bound Knob Is breakfast station for train No, 1 and supper station for train No 2. - ' Trains Nos. 1, 2, 7 and 8 run daily, r , Trains Nos. 3 and 4 run dally except Sunday., r W. A TUBK, A. 6. P. A. - V. E. McBkb, SuperlntendenL j - , I THE LATEST We are now running" on fun time.' Furniture manufactured by us is kept by the enterprising furniture dealers In this city. We make only the best and most' substantial In , the f market NO SHODDY GOODS. Ask for goods made by as and you will get the worth of your moneys Our name is on each piece. We solicit the patronage of the public and guarantee satisfaction.. . l- Besiectfully,. '.'-. ELLIOTT & MARSH. )une20dtf Davidson. Celiac, iJ. - C. Fnn Farmlrv. Thoroueh mstrucHon. Well eaulpped laboratories. Best moral and rellzlous Influences; Flennie uurncmum. iieaixny loca . tton KmnomicaL Sessions bezln in Sentember and January. Students received at anytime. Send for Catalogue. , ;.T Bjev. L. McKTNNON President, devsat&w3m Davidson College, N.C. AND MOST fflPORTANT E Will Sail You 8 pounds Shelled Almonds for 5 44 - English Walnuts . Jl.oo ,1.00 LOO LOO '60 100 1.00 " BrazllNuts ' - - 1 " XXX Blended Japan Tea with a m juhina cup and saucer for . 1 -6 Two lb. cans Imnnrtad Knrlich Pmb fnr ' 20 Pounds Hountam Buckwheat for - FADE RL, AIT D SOAP. ; - -iff -t V " r- .CRAIIB: eiDALL SOAP. DIANORA CHEWTNS TOBACCO, : . KUliBER OKE TIMOTHY HAY, BEST, NASHVILLE BBill. , - BpectfuBy -' . ." - '. !Q. B. ALEXANDER. FOR THE CDRISTMASTBADE. We have the nicest lme of IVata ofall klstds,liomdoiilayer9 Talencia. and Seedless raats, Citron, . -vA ' Cocoanitts. Finest French Prunes Put up In tve pound Bones. PEACH, BL1CKBEBBT, QUINCE, DAMSON, PINEAPPLE .and APBICOT PBESEBVES. .-: A full line of HEAVY and FANCY GBOCEBIBS. Call and examine our stock. -, ; BARNETT & ALEXANDER'S. Free delivery. . Telephone call 81. ' . TRIUMPIIANT For fifteen years they Jhave steadily gained! In favor: and with sales constantly increasing have become the most popular corset throughout : the Unitea states. TneG aualltv is warranted to : wear twice a long as - ordinary corsets, j We .have lately intro duced the G and B H Grades , with . Extra Long Waist, and we can furnish tnenr when - preferred Highest awards from all-: the; World's 3 great Fairs. The last medal received is for First Decree of Merit, from the late Exposition held at New Orleans.' ' " ' - A! While scores of patents have been found worth less,' the - Principles , of the Glove Fitting have nroved invaluable. ' 1 - " " - - Retailers are authorized to refund money, if, on examination, these Corsets do. not prove as . repre flented. u . ' " 11 For sale ereryivnere. Catalogue free on Application. -. i frhomson. Lansrdon & Co. Neir York. : f These goods in all sty,les and qualities ' for 'sale DJ - r, - ' -l - V. St. (JUJSiKl,' - f t. t'.,? - -. i Charlotte, N.C, 1 Octl6-eod-6m , . , v - , , . , , ; Vi- -WANTED. We will pay 15 cents per bushel of 30 pounds for mod sound new cotton seed del'vered at our mill In Charlotte. N. C " , -j -l we win trade cotton seed meai or seea, eivrng one ton of meal for two tons of seea. . m- . y u OLTVEB OIL COMPANY, ' Successors to Charlotte Oil Company. geptlSddtr RINGIM'Sj Established is the only School In , 1793. - ior ooys m tne south' witn LIGHT, a first-class GYMNAS ,andanrst-ciass BATH HOUSK. Special terms to young men oi smau means. The 183rd session begins August 25th. -Forcatalogue,addres.s mMma'. " ? Blnaham School. N. C DCDIL1TAT HEN. '- Too are anorred a free trial of thirty day of the . nt of Dr.v. Dye's Celebrated Volt&io Belt wltn Eaectrlo Suspensory Appliances, for the (rpeedy relief and permanent cure of Nervous DcbBUv, loss of Vitality and Manhood, and all kindred troubles. Also for many other diseases. Complete restora tion to Health. Vigor and Manhood guaranteed. No risk Is Incurred. Illustrated pamphlet iatealed ntvclope mailed free, by addresiTif - . -, V0LTAI0 BELT CO., Uar&aH, XSch. 'novl7deodJtw7ra. FINE FRENCH CANDIES ACS TILL r;aistafO.I3:?:i';; Calal sa Ma (f I ook'MediEla o: V- SZaaTITEIG A. ... I Will be found alarge lin cf Which will be closed outt close pt&sx , If you want ; " ' letter Heads, - -v - - Wot Heads,! " ' . ' Qilineads, . i'f' . , v IStatemeMts, - . : - ESarelopes " ." - Circulars, v .;t ; ; : ,: "0, 1 "c 1 Hand nths,-?: V v-f : r' ' 'i;v.XaB, ua -- School Catalogues, 3 Programmes. &c. CALL AI M MM t '4 If you want . Cheap Letter Heads, Note Heads, Bill Heads or Envelopes, you can get them at ae low figures as theycan be f urnished " at any printing omce in the country, r- j If you want " : ' ' ' .1 Fine Work AIW-f HEST CUSS' HATEEIAL, ; You can get it at Reasonable Prices. Tne ' Only sPrlntimar EIoe in. v this Section kjstns' Caps' -v'-i. vrry Patent If rocess Jr . . "": I"' Color YTorfc, ' ' ' ' , Look at. These Prices: i.r Letter Heads, at Note Heads, ; .' Bill Heads, f Envelopes, ;. . per 1,0C L 1 ' .,'. 8.C9 3.W ii ii' Tags, ; . ii ' I The prices given : aboveare for cheap stock.41- y - -f- A 1 1 Bool I All JclassesSof IBookEBiaidinstaad Blank i Book Manufacturing execut&l at Short Notice. t7ill receive' prompt atteniira, tsi customers will receive the eamo trcc- ment as if contracts are made In persca. Address, 'Charlotte, N,Q. II Mil II QMS V Colored PrintiDg a.Specialty nm .A . r V tf.."j Sll ii If I a I! V. S ! -i - n M.

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