- -''AS TO CIVII. RIGHTS Hatter in the IllRttt JLigui. Coast' Defense Inland Water Itne from HewiTork to Florida.! To the Editor of the Industrial South. ' ; i Our coast defense seems at last; to hae aroused the attention of bur Government, Mr. .Tilden has written a letter .to the Speaker of the House of Representatives on the subiect.and Usferrins to the recent refusal ot a the president has appointed a com landlord. at, Troy, -N. ,tp : aamitas mission to take the matter into con- gutstHlio Fits. JUDueee mgerB, nftiiaoiaoasxy,- - the f New York Tima cave: "fe tumble is that the case is one 'whwtt' itirritist everv body,: fudges in one way when it is presented to him sideration and report to Congress such improvements aa they may deem ftavisaDie. The defense of our National Capital is, of course, of the greatest import tance I notice that the commission -..as an infract question and in a very has devoted several months to ex- ainTf'n vy, uvxxv axQmmg me aeienses 01 jj ew x otk in Xhfwncrete.:. . The : guests - of the i city PhiladelDhia. but as vet -vwn w t- - . i Troy, twtel would aye ; renounce nothing has been done looking to the ine guw "i u?uc:Mvr;'Vw protection ot tne unesapeaEo irom r - ,.i hA oqttio nnr.PI Wlin w .. -m j invasion, jj orcress jvionroe ana u ort fnA:i til Mt'at tno same noiei witu jleatiiy and decent negroes, just as the guests of other hotels denounced them wheni the reports of the case y canvassed at tte tables of. the uUr hotels., . ' ' . . - ' ' tfi is "especially - unjust to blame the landlord of this iTroy i hotel lot Wool (Rip Raps) are 'relied- upon to defend the United States Navy yard at rortsmouth, the . city, or JNorioik, James river, and .. our State Capital, as well as.Baltimore and Washington. Jfort wool is incomplete ana never will be 'finished.' Modern "guns and v&fnmsr ta entertain colored gljeetS, f nhin ? rAndAi-int I it iisaI agh wa must A tokn.no more engages in the busi- rely upon the torpedo and ; improved nesB of keeping a hotel than m any ordnance for our security. ' As ?ihe other business for the purpose vin Rip Raps j3 an artificial t island of no . dicating the rights of maf He.en- value, would it not be well to remove gages in it for the purpose of making lt t0 point halfway' bet ween Cape money; and it is his right, as it is his Charles and Cape Henry, on the shoal interest to make his hotel attractive known as the Middle, Ground using by keeping out of it persons who, for jte CTanite as a foundation for the any reason or for no reason; are - or erection of a steel clad fort with all fensive to the classes upon ;wnose ra- the modern improvements, including vor he must rely i for his living. a torpedo station, which could be Them are very few landlorast-it may duplicated on Cape Henry, to com be doubted whether there are.any in mand the approach of all vessels this Satewho would turn , away from the ocean? ' Lynnhaven river. colored guests on account ot tneir 80 v celebrated . for its - fine personal prejudice against the Atr oysters, would make an admirable can race. They dislike to receive rendezvous for the boats, as tit is en- such guesis simpiy oecauBo-i.w.y tirelv land-locked and would be a lieve that by entertaining them tney 8afe ; harbor? at all times for, such will lose more than, tney wiu gain, t smau craft : besides, a short ; canal Eyen supposing the calculation to do fr0m Xinkhorn4 Bayfto Back : Bay erroneous, a notei Keeper is no uiuio WOuld make a continuous waters tn be blamed for making it than any merchant is to be blamed for acting upon an opinion with regard to ,the market for his goods, which turns out to be mistaken and by which he loses money. And nd reasonable person ' will be apt to say that this particular calculation is erroneous. There is a dispute : about "the fcts in this case, as appears by', our diss patches, but there can be no dispute about the public feeling, "A hotel or a theatre in this city; to which it was generally understood that : negroes were admitted -: on ; the same i terms with, whites would be in danger of be mg abandoned;to the negroes. This fact shows the folly of attempting to legislate against so impalpable and lrresponsioie a tmng as a? i-aw way to Currituck and Pamlico sounds with little cost, and this inland chan nei might be extended to Florida ; thereby making an .inside v water route from New York, passing Phil adelphia and Baltimore, to the exs treme south, free from the X perils of the sea, and safe at all times for. the transportation of munitions of war, provisions, .and : the products of the adjacent Vr country,; and enabling concentration of torpedo boats . at any point on the coast, to protect our seaboard cities. ,The inland route from New York to JNewbern, is. U., is .now complete The Delaware and Raritan v canal fortysthree miles long, enabling ves sels or 500 tons capacity, to come from New York to Philadelphia: the THAT rOIIGED DRAFT. I How a Swindle T7as Attempted on Montgomery Banks. , Montgomery Advertiser, Jan. 2. - -- ,.r - About the 23d or 24th of December the First National Bank and the Mer chants and Planters " Bank of th w city, each received a letter having all the appearance of being genumerom the Stock Growers National Bank, of Cheyenne, .Wyoming Territory. The letters were forthe purpose of indenti fying George Sanders, to whom.it al leged the -cashier of - the Cheyenne bank bad issued his check jno. 3,142 on the Fourth National Bank,, of New York, for $6,000, and requested m be nail oi ur. oanuers, iuo uauai courte sies. Upon the receipt- of the letter by the First National Bank Mr, Chambers, the cashier, replied ac knowledgmg to the bank at Cheyenne. This letter of i Mr; Chambers to the Cheyenne bank was the first intima tion its officers had of Mr. Sanders, and the letter purporting to be writs ten - ny tnem, ana a aispatcn was promptly sent - here that thev ! had written no such letter and had issued no such check. The arrest of 8an dersyif he presented himselfi' was'i:e questea. similar letters; it is eviv dent,: from the dispatches in yestei day's Advertiser, were sent to otner banks. It has not been ascertained tofwhat exteht'Sahders was 'successful in his schemes. Letters or laentin- cation were sent to many points and he no doubt expected in due time to present himself and reap the rewards of his rascality. If it had not been for the letter of Mr. Chambers to the Cheyenne bank, he might have swin died; several banks. JtLe has never been here and consequently the sur mise that a Montgomery hank had been victimized is. incorrect. .. Some bank, however has been caught; for $6,000, and the probabilities are that lt was a Texas bank, as Mr. Cham bers yesterday received a telegram from Texas warning, him against any check purchased by Sanders from the, Cheyenne - bank, as he was a forger. . . V,; . j y -dice. You may pass laws to 'prevent Chesapeake and; Delaware canal -a novel ; Keeper or a iuoowiuai uwua er f roin discriminating against col--ored persons, but you cannot bring the law to bear on their white custo mers. That being the caseit is an obvious injustice totsoeroe the land lora or tne manager into ueiymg - ' An Awfnl Calamity, v ' Arkansaw Trayeller. An old negro with an air of utter dej'ection sat on a bench in front of cabin, borne one, seeing tnat ne must be miserable, stopped and said : You do not; seem to be enjoying yourself, old man." a - No, honey. De time for my 'joy mentis dun ober." k ; 4 4 What is the matter f Wife dun dead, honey." s-'- . ! am very sorry to hearthatr and I assure you that y cu have my sym pathy." . "inatee, sah." . - , . . 4 A man loses a good friend when his wife dies." Dat be do, honey : .datr he do.v I has foun7 dat out to mv sor. ? let me tell i'fer, an' now my good days are all gone." : - 'h rwnat was the matter; witn. your wife?" ,ti..- - f.4I dunno, honey. She tuksick one night an' she died de naixt ebenv in . lt waz er awful blow on me, tur dat oman: wuz. earning $15 ebery munf. It wuz awlul bard fur her ter 4iie ies' arter de white folks had raised her wages. Teared like long ez she wucked fur $12 er munf she kep' her helt; but the $15 'peared like, wuz too much for her. Yes, sah she wuz, snatched off at de berry time when she wuz de mos' use ter me. . 'I doan know what's goin'ter come o1 me. , I!U hab ; ter go ter - wuck. I'se ateerd'Z , . -. Useful Home Hints. , ; K "A- . x; ; C0RHEH CEHTR&L HOTEL; To tie perplexed ; at this season of the year - over thW lections of suitable , clothing for Men, Bots and Childrp - for the Holidays. - . . . LA,....; ' . at' M J J I Promises may sound somewhat extra vagant, but . iheir ex large arid satisfactory perfbrraance ! Every iGrarment, ISiiii ana .uvercoai wn oe eoia ; panicuiany cneap, - a; "saving j from 25 to. 33 J per cent, to any economical buyer . .IHSi'SOGlJB'-OST :'A FEW iOF OIJtt GREAT UlRGAns. Men's Suits for $5.00 -reduced from. 8.00, 1 - Mens', Worsted uits for $10.00 reduced from: $15,0( CD " ' ,.f. New Markets, Prince Charles, Sacks" and Heversibles bv the thousands. ; . . , 1 ; . Our Children's" Suits and Overcoats ind' it wi5 lne4 A ' ovfag off ,pidlyf Oar low prices;, have attreeted it very much. 4 , . the . attention of the ladies, and they are in, our store fit- A 1 fourteen miles, from Philadelphia to Baltimore, and the Albemarle and Chesapeake, fourteen ; miles, contin ues this channel from Baltimore and Norfolk to Newbern, N. C, The lat ter canal opens up 1,800 miles of in land navigation in Virginia and prejudice which he maoThimself N0rth Carolina, and is the only ca- mtnwa huh nrhmh ha Q aaiTron It7 Pannnt 1 ; i - , nai m mis country on wmcn steam is . share, but which be assi&edly cannot overthrow. The lot of ;an'- educated and refined colored man or woman, in this country is very hard. It can not be ameliorated legislation, be ang a subject appropriate for sermons. Appeals to humane i and Christian used exclusively as a motive power. The work to be accomplished may be done in two years from this time, provided liberal appropriations shall be promptly made by Congress. The materials are at hand and, dredging feeling are entirely in rder. They machinery in abundance. -ao quite a much good as penal laws. PIIO VISIOH8 FOR THE 9III.- Marshall Parks. Norfolk, Va., Dec 28, 1885. The Folltlclan's Way. Some curious features of elections eering methods come to the surface here, says the Washington - corres pondent of the : Cincinnati Times otar. . A party or politicians were sitting together the other evening when some of them began to chaff Mr. Neece about the methods ; by which he carried his district, which has a very large granger vote. Neece,? according to the accounts given by these gentlemen, doffed his beaver. collar and store clothes; and dressing himself in farmer costume, with with breeches in his boots and a buck board vehicle, made a canvass which caught ,the hearts of the farmers MSS?,,: ?2SS ocrats agaipat a former Bepublican CJ.rSlSZcr?tu" rx. majority oi two or , throe thousand. me," Baia iuage Amount and Talne of the Grain i ' Crops of the, United States. The estimates of the statistics of the Department of Agriculture for the principal crops of 1885 have been computed, and t the' aggregate in bushels, in round millions, are as follows:: - ' ;.;-.-. -,: ':' Corn 1,936, wheat '357, oats 629. The area of corn is 73,000,000 acres, -of wheat 34,000,000, pats 23,000,000. The.yalue of corn averages 33 cents per bushel; and makes an aggregate -ot $635,000,000 or $5,000,000 less than the value of the last crop. The de the -product of wheat utonly the valuation, which is $275,000,000. tfchdV rpuA wxiumaa ,n ion wv AAA I xnau . remmas TTanted a Civil Answer. f Detroit Free Press. t . i ; ."What is this about the President's message?" he confidently asked the man occupying a window-sill in the postofiice corridor. ' : "Why, the President has written a message w r ' . . . . Vle nas, en ! w rites a purty good hand, 1 suppose? Who got. the mes sage?" - i . . ' ; , : - i ' 'It was sent to Congress. " "Exactly; That was purty white in the President, eh? I'll be hanged if I would do it unless they paid "me purty well. What did Congress want of the message?" why. don't you i know what the President's message is ?". exclaimed he man. -' " - ' s, 'Of course I do I Haven't ; I been Overseer of Highways in my, town or the " last : thirteen veara? .Ynu needn't snap a man's head off because he asks a civil question. Was the message in poetry ?'? , , VDid you ever see a President s message in, poetry?" " "No, sir, but! don't claim to have seen the hull earth I The message hasn't anything to do with a play. has itr ., . r, 'See . here You go home. You don't know enough to pound sand 1" response, "i come up to you m a gentlemanly, way and ask a civil question, and you fly mad and abuse mel xou are no gentleman, sir ! i 1 didn't know but what the ' message was to be dramatized." . ; - "Well, did I ever!" r '.There you go again ! Seems as if von tlnn't ferinw fniitf tn answpr n. civil question! I'll bet a bushel of 'caters to a cent that you don't know nothmg about the message yourself!" "1 won't talk to you I" "Neither will I talk to you ! You go your way and I'll go mine, but don't you try to bluff nor bulldoze me any more or I'll crack your heels agin the ceiling ! I know what the President's message is just as "well as you do. and don't you dare reel yourself higher'n A tablespoonful of turpentina boils tjnp- their little darlings with a ed with white clothes will greatly aid -rrT ' rt r-r, ia. t t the wHitenm? nrocesk: VVe.havQ .a fewjelt. Dont.mu The test treatment for sprains and voiir boy. KJX UiaU' AQ bUU ' UllVU tilUU VJL DU1V water, of such temperature as is agree able. Mixtures of two parts of glycerine; part ot ammonia and a little rose-, water will- whiten and soften ' the hands.- " " 1 If in cooking meats too much salt has been used, add one tablespoonful of vinegar ; and vone teaspoonf ul of sugar:' If brooms are tipped in hot. suds once a week they will last much Ion ger, and always sweep use a new broom. " ? Tne best remedy for bleeding . at the nose, as given by; t. r. Gleason at one of his lectures, is the vigorous motion of the jaws as if in the act of cnewing. nice ouit or . u vereoat miss to procure 1 suit fop THe SHALL - OUTLAY OF TOO DOLLARS - Will get a warm suit Tor the winter. . Handsomest Silk Handkerchiefs For Christmas Presents fcan be found in our Store, toys' and I' I The yalnatioriof oats is $1$0,000,000. The reduction of wheat is mostly in the valleys of Ohio and? California. The States of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Missouri and Kansas last year pro duced only 170,000,000 bushels, and this year only 80;000,000, a reduction of 90,000,000 -bushels. The reduction of all cereals is 53 bushels to each in habitant, and the aggregate quantity :is larger than in any former year. KATIE PUTNAM JUS X.UCK. , Site Gets a Gift and a Mine is also Advertised. The following dispatch from Hot Bprings, Ark., is now, going ' the rounds of the press: The newspapers of this place print today an account of the sudden wealth heaped Upon Katie Putnam, the actress, who is now filling an en gagement here.. Five years v ago, when she was ; in; Helena, Montana, theowner of anewly discovered mine was captivated by her acting, and asked the ; privilege of naming jhis mine after i her. His request : , was granted with thanks for. the - honor, Thoman, who was one of the party, of my friend Hill," of Ohio and the way he carried a Republican district lor tne Democrats a couple oi years ago." Mr. Hill happening to be one of the party and making no objection to Thoman's remarks, the Judge continued, saying: vi was travel ing in that part of Ohio making some . epeecnes, - and . wnen l came to Hill's town naturally went up to his office to see him. As reached the door I saw standing near a very dilapidated and aged buggy, the seat broken down at one end, and the horse apparently broken down at both ends. Going ud to Hill's room. I found him sitting there batless and cqatless and collarless, hayseed in his hair and his breeches in his boots. He was discussing politics with a couple of granger?friends. He was as thorough a countryman in appear ance as you could possibly imagine, and quite the reverse of the polished, weii-aressea geniieman - wno sits just beside me here, r ile invited me to a seat, which l found dimcuit in acs cepting, by reason of the accumula tion of dust upon every articlef o furniture in the office. 4 Great heavens, Hill 1" I said, when Katie Putnam heard nothing further Until 'qTa CkfaT7CkA n a r.Viriflt.rriaa niriAht.'n vo norvmoiTT-ii his granger friends had disappeared engraved -.certificate, of 300 shares "what 4oes this mean? You- look 5 -non-ass(?'ablepaidup stock, in.the llk a scarocr6;:-.Why don't ypu go TTAtiA Tn f nftTYt vf Tinin rBnmi out and dress yourself up and black a MnntanA. ThA rATMoi atrir vour boots, put on a collar and make . ot the company is placed at $300,000. yourself respectable r, My; dear.fels -It ia said that the mine has recentlv lowsaid Hill; as he deposited his i fW c fh 'Wi muddv boots on tne office the 300,, shares of the little1 actress ' worth nearly a quarter of a million of dollars.' - . : A Liquor Dealer Assigns. Chattanooga, Jan. 4. S.. Eosen thai, dealer in4 liquors, has made an assignment. His liabilities are about $15,000, chiefly - jn Nework,, I ghall carry it.' Cincinnati and Baltimore. -Assets i ie table and leaned backward wearily, 4I1 am making; my . canvass.- If I sbbiild black my boots and follow your ad vice in other particulars I should never' see Washington again as a member of Congress from .this dis tnct. . This is a j Republican district but if my clotnes and buggy last a week longer and my horse don't die And ne.did carrv uS, although the Republican majority Clurerius' Christmas . . Cor. Nor!oik Ledger. "Did Cluverius hang up his stock ing Christmas?" was asked of Jailor Bussy today. " h&J "JNo," said he, not that TI am awareof. ' He received a box contain ing good things the day before Christ mas, I suppose , from bis brother." Yes," continued the jailor, 4,the pri soner is very hopeful and is looking well . His aunt, Mrs. Tun stall. ' was here today to see Cluverius. She laughs at the idea that she has aban doned him or that she has exhausted rail of her means in his defense. He is up "stairs now shaving himself. He is allowed to do this in the press ence of one of the officers of the prison You know, "added kind hearted Jailor Kussey, rCluverius has a good many expenses. He bad a barber to shave him twice a week, and ; it cost him twenty five cents each time." , I am. One Way to Collect Debts. A district bill collector has' devised new way of collecting debts from impecunious members of the foreign legations who have sought protection uouiuu tuu laws wnicn prevent ineir being prosecuted for.debt. ' - The , bill " collector has had a large envelope made of the coarsest, and most vulgar tinted paper. Upon this envelope he has bad printed from a ragged woodcut a badly drawn design ui h Bmrveu cuicKeu jusc emergmj from a shell chasing a fat fly, whic is down well towards the horizon of the clumsy picture. - By the side of the picture is printed, .If-.: you can't catch him . in five days please return to Jonn iiank, constable and bill col lector." , . ' . He pursues the foreigner who will not pay with these envelopes. , '- He orders them sent to these distinguish ed representatives of outside' nations at all times and upon all occasions. A; young foreigner may be calling upon some heiress whom he is anxious to enslave, when in will come one of these terrible looking envelopes upon a wauer,? nanaea over oy: a grinning servant. The - result is that John Blank, - constable and bill collector, has had a marked success in making certain young ioreigners : pay bills, where in the past they have ignored the most strenuous demands for pay ment presented in. the ordinary fash ion.. J. ' . - ". ; j Passengers ISeseued " r Columbus. Ga;. Jan. 4. The steam er W.; D.' Chipley, which was sunk in the Cnattahoochee river- Saturdav ninc, nau a large quantity ot mis cellaneous freight and 300 bales of cotton. , ' Many of the passengers clung iv me cooion ana pieces or tne wreck until picked up by the steamer 4Naid" which came! along soon after the dis . Seal and Plush Skating, '.Caps. Of Walking Caiies, gold &nd silver headed fine'; Silk and Alpaca Umbrellas. It ybu are in '. search, of ; : Call on us; and we will present you with a beautiful Son , i venir. Jflar Muns; at 10 cents a pair - - UFMAN&.GD The largest and most complete stock of THi STAR. m. Newspaper supporting the Principles ofa Democrat Ic Adminlf ration. WILLIAM DORSHEIMER, Editor and Proprietor. v.S (.. ' . ) " ' , . ; Daily, Sunday .and . Weekly, Editions. - V A IN TOE WEEKLY STAXi; A!!SixteenPair NeTrnaier sued erery Wednesday. is PI ANOS AMD ORGANS Of the best makes on the installment plan Low prices and easy, terms Send for prices. The ablest, brlghest and most Interesting week ly published. ' The latest news down to the hour of going to I press. 1 - .;. , Original Btorles by distinguished American and foreign writers of fiction. Humor, Poetry, Market. Financial, Agricultural i and Household Departments, an under the direc tion of trained Journalists, the ablest ? thel respective departments. -Its sixteen pages will be found crowded with good things from begin ning to end. , r The Daily Star) Tne dailt stab contains all the news of the day In an attratlve form.: Its special correspon dence by cable from London, Paris,' Berlin, Vien na and Dublin Is a commendable feature. v At Washington, Albany, and other news cen ters, the ablest correspondents, specially retained by The Stab, furnished the latest news by special wire to New York. , v , , v . - Its literary features are unsurpassed. . : - The Financial and Market Reviews are uhusally I 1UU WIU UUlUlllCUh .. ... :':.-.. . , .', ' -(,.".,...'. i TKEMS OF THK DAILY STAB TO SlTBSCBlBKRSTOEK . urrusiAujs in me umiea states and Canada. outside the limits of New York City: -j jBvery aay m me year (including Sunday) -" ' 7 00 I Daily, without Sunday, one year, , , - . - 6 00 Every day, six months, . , 3,50 Dally, without Sunday, six months 3 00 , Terms or thk Weekly Star to Subscribers'. ' Per year . - 1 125 Clubs of Ten ' - ' 100O jClqbs of Fifteen (and one extra to organizer) l5!oo ! Adress. ' - THE STATiVi t ,26 and 28 North William St, New York. " I IS: mi p f; , v OS 0 -AND- O'D ons 0 IDelivered FQ&IGIIT PREPAID NOTICE. " AGENT FOR IjUDDEN; fe ..BA.T15S ' 1 oneriorior saie pnvateiy my farm in Annnn county, w. c.j lying on the Pee Dee river, lust be-' ivn """iiusBiusvi tuo v. a. a. aaia tract con tains about 1,000 acres, with good Improvements. una is one or me Dest grain and cotton farm in tne btate. 1 win sell as a whole or in parcels to oiiiu yuiuuoaoia., ? jcu i luiuusr lmionnauon. ad- No charge for packing or drayage. ffla-M o unknown. against nim was several tnousand: ' - " v . t" ... . AhlnffHrtT, Or 8. G. Walu LResville, N. C. , gelAwtf CHAHLOTTE, N C.

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