AN ABSOLUTE .CURE, ; PEP 1 UiREADY RELIEF REMEDY. Wo""" . or PEPTO.on 2 cbht ta-. anil in it crrxoT. Sum no more. ur r tarem a emccTto ncutr r" a .iNTiD cvinrwNMl. PHARMACY. 30 E. 14th ST N.Y. SALVO REMEDY fSmk: Highly endorse by themedi- .r - ai An and prepareu w weu luivm u c w LiS circulars and fq. Sess "SALVO REMEDY, . r-fVsslon and prepared oy weu .nwra; jxew Wii i HO. 2 West 14tb St.. new York. i-.-n-w trtva fiiTR a complete Adams Book IT viwimaDer Press. size or platen saxse and pi,no tn In irnad order, made bv 24x30 Tcotandardworiu . YlatPrlftV . v". .. f;viui .-V I B lllvi"" TO , - ... - janMtf Charlotte Observer. , AiteBtion Pioneers, hereby ordered to attend theregular aneetlng f tout company ai x-iuueera- iiau Sl (Tuay eyenIng at 8 o'clock, sharp. i j By order ol J. M. KENDRICX, President. Secretary. B. J. SWDf90i TnABOUNA CENTRAL DAIaL- C - omat or SOTatEiflTJutujurr. - i ' WILMIK6T0M, N. C, Jan. 6, 1S6 J CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. rlt AND AFTER SEPT 27, 1885, THE FOLLOW 0 leg Schedule will be operated on this Ban ned " -FASSEKGEB, MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAINS, ; DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY,. ' . ) Leave Wilmington at.. ........ .,,7.00 p. h.. Kn'l V Leave Balelgh at ............ .;...7S5 p. jt. $ Arrive at Charlotte at .......... . . . . 7.S0 a, m Leave Charlotte at.-. ........... ,.8.15 p. k Ho 2. Arrive at Balelgh at.... .... . 9-00 a. k. J Arrive at Wilmington at . ... . .. 8.25 a. tOCAL FREIGHT Passenger Car Attached, r T-ovArRr'.otteat ... 7.4UA.M. Arrive Laurmburg at 5.4SP.M. .... 6.15 A. K, 4.40 P. H . ... 6,45 A. M. 5.00 p. 5 30 a. Mi Leave Lauruiuuie a,. iiw rftarlotte at .. Leave Wilmington at Arrive at Laurluburg at T Antra Tft,irinhnT2 at.... Arrive at Wllmlcgton at. . 5.40 P. M Tal Frefgh betureen' Charlotte and Lanrin-iffffTrlwceay-leaving Charlotte on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays Leave Laurinburg on luesdays, Thur; 5ays andJSaturdajs. ; . - p ' Wgenger trains stop at regular stations only nd Points desknated in the 3ompany's t Time Table. SHELBY DIVISION, PASSENGER, MAIL. EX PBES3 AND FREIGHT. (Dally exoept Sunday.) Leaye Charlotte at . . ...... : v.. 8.15 a. k. Arrive at Shelby at. . . . .... .. . ..... ... ...If 15 p. m. leave Shelby at. .. .. .. .. ..... 1.40 P. M Arrive at Charlotte at. ................. .. 5.40 p. m Trains Nes. 1 and 2 make close connection at Hamlet with B. & A. Tralnato and from Balelgh. Through Sleeping Cars between Wilmington and Charlotte ana Ealeigh and Charlotte. Take Train No. 1 tor Statesville. stations on TTestern S, C. B. K., Ashevllle and points West. . Also, for SpnrtanbuTg. Greenvlile,. Athens, At lanta and all points Southwest. XTa . .'. . i L. C. JONES,-' Superintendent Y. W. CLARK, General Passenger Agent, x v Will from to-day sell thPlt STOCI OF S3ILLIHERT At lowest Cash prices. The stock Comprises Felt, i 2StT8w aad Yelvet - Hats and Bonnets. TONGS, BESAST3 and TIPS, -. RIBBONS, VELVETS, SCARFS, K' " EONNET CROWNS, KERCHIEFS, ; - VEILINGS, &c.J &c, : &a, &c, Central Hotel building, entrance t'hrQUgh Gray 3r Co s store. ' Of another year we announce still further Bed ctiass ia Prices. We have Candy, Cracksrs,' Fruits, Nuts, Cocoa-1 Jmts. Peanuts, Chewing Gum, Harmonlcos, Canned fioods, Cigars, CIgarette3. Smoking and Chewing Tobaccos, Snuff, Pipes, Matches, Twine, Paper Bs. to., 4c., on all of which ne': wffl dimllcate Baltimore anl New YftrTrnria1 - What goojs we do not 'manufacture we buy from tat hands, and can afford to sell them low v ARE STILL SELLING THE BIGGEST STICK OF CANDY F)R FIVE CENTS. C H. BUtS CO., MANUFACTURERS AND JOBBERS. , ville Female College! NT C. ' l 1 TS SPRING TERM of this Institution wUl" be- Hi.uiaM,vwtp naa hMit n 1 loot -----" " " i w, uuu. to ft ftXon 01 Parents and guardians is directed wcatlon T,nr a"CI . lu? "w"uiy 4 foin talogue. reasonaDie cnarges. : Jan3d1w i 31133 FANNIE EVERTTT, J-Zrw PrinclpaL BamiUon C. Jones, AT LAW; JeSeriPlS6 i tbe 8tate Courts, and In all the to the Wsetern District. rrv.w - Ik Bensm liili lie Mmu m Arrival and Departure ot Trains. Correct forthe current tsc-ta. BlCHSIOND AJTD DAKTHX3 AXS-LlSX. - ' No. 50 Arrives at Charlotte from Richmond at 20 a, m. Leaves for Atlanta at 3:00 a. nv ' - No. 51 Arrives at Charlotte from Atlanta at 4.-45 a. m. Leaver for Riehmondat 4 5 a. m. No. 62 Arrives at Charlotte from Richmond at 12.85 p. m. Leaves for Atlanta at 1 p. m. - - - No. 63 Arrives at Charlotte from Atlanta at 6 10 p. m, Leaves for Bichmond at 650 p. m. ' Local Freight and Passenger Train leaves for Atlanta at 50 a. m. ; arrives from Atlanta at 8:30 P.m. . , 1 Chaklotti:, Colcmbia ajtd Augusta , , - Arrives from Columbia at 6 JO p.m. .. , y r Leaves for Columbia at 1 p. m. ; , - - -; ' ' C. C. & A. A.'. ' T. & O. DmsiOH. ' Arrives from Statesville at 10:45 a. m. , Leaves for Statesville at 6:35 p.m. r . ' :. i "i Caeomka Central. ' . - 1 Arrive from Wilmington at 7.30 a. in.; Leave for Wilmington at 8.15 p. m. ' ' -Arrive from Laurinburg at 3.45 p. m.; Leave for Laurlnbarg at 7.30 a. m. Leave for Shelby at 8.15 p. m. ; arrive from Shelby at 5.40 p. m. . . - s 1 ' " Mails. ; i 1 General Delivery opens at 8:00 a. m.; closes at 70p.m. ' Money . Order Department opens at 9,00 a. m. ; closes at 4 DC p.m. . "Weallier Indications, f - ' Middle Atlantic : ; Cloudy weather and rain, winds shifting to colder, westerly. - . , - - , , v South Atlantic : . Fair weather pre ceded in north portion by local rains; colder weather, followed in southern portion by slowly rising temperature, westerly winds. , , - '?.'" ' - Index to Mew Adverusemeats. EM. AndrewsFurnture,' Pianos and Organs. iaas. n. ci ones rnoiing press ior saie. - v Meeting Pioneer Fire Company to-night. LOCAL BIPPtES. Hon. R. T. Bennett arrived at the Central jesterday from Wadesboro, and left last night for Washington City. ' . , - . Mr. H. T3 Rollins has leased the boarding house' lateljr occupied' by Mrs A. A..N. M. Taylor, and; will continue if as a boarding house. - James Newcombe and Walter Treloar, two of the rising young men of this ;cityy left last night for Phila delphia to seek their fortunes. - - - ' The board of county commission- ers were in session yesterday, but the proceedings were confined to the exs amination of claims against the couns ty. The board will meet again today. : A number of our people have re : quested us. to call' attention 'to an ugly mud hole on Eighth street, the principal approach to; Elm wood cem etery. . Carriages have to turn out and cut the sidewalk to get around it. The work of tearing down a por tion of the old. iron banister ed build ing on Trade street, . preparatory to the : erection, of Davidson iChilds' new structure, r was begun yesterday." The new building will be three stories high,' and will be provided . with a yery handsome front. ' -' 1 1 . -A report reached:' the city yess terday. that . Mr. Chas. .Webster, a well known young man of Gaffney's Statiotr,was shot1 through the breast and killed by the accidental discharge of a pistol at Gaffney's yesterday. The Observer was unable to learn the particulars. V- -.- A change in the scjaedule of local trains. Nos. 9 and 10, on the C. C. Road, goes into effect tosmorrow: After . that date, No. 10 will leave Charlotte for Laurinburg on Mons days; Wednesdays, and Fridays and M o. 9 'i will leave Laurinburg . for Charlott3 on Tuesdays, Thursdays; and Saturdays.;. Nos. 9 and 10 have heretofore been daily ,trains - . " To be Tried on a Writ of Habeas Corpus.;, - -. . Vf-- " who shot and killed Jim Smith, col. ored, : is in - jail, efforts to-secure the privilege of bond having been unsuc cessful. Col. EL C. Jones, McFadden's counsel, has applied for a writ of" Aai 6.ear coxpup. upbn which McFadden win pe orougnt : Derore j uage onipp for- trial at noon today, when the State will be called upon to show cause why McFadden should not be released on bail for his appearance for trial before Judge Meares, in: the Criminal court.onCthe second Monday in next February. I' f , - T t t - ' .v.. Against Dr. May- IHore Ch arses field. Many of, our .readers-are familiar with the recent troubles of : Dr. May field, v president ..of- the Mutual Self Endowment and Benevolent Associa tion which recently, failed.". - Since, the failure of this concern the. papers have been bringing outr all -sorts of things on the Rev. Dr. ,;and, the latest is tnis trom tne umter tsv watcn man t4Rev. ,W. D Mavfield.the head center' of the Atlantic division of the recently busted Texas mutual insurance concern, was recently tried by his church in Greenville f county -for immoral conduct, and' expelled from its communions If Mr. May held is innocent he is deserving of much sympathy. -:He was published as a defaulter in Memphis, Tenn ; ' years ago. He was published for something worse in Bristol some years ago, and now in Greenville his business is en tirely broken up. and he is tried and turned out of his church for conduct unbecoming a Christian. Truly his lines have fallen in hard places. , ; White teeth, sweet breath, a fragrant mouth, ' - There are no charms surpassing thsse; v ' Abroad, at homeeast, west, north, south. ' , ': These three prime charms are sure to please. All those who SOZ0DONT apply . Will have these charms take heed and try. Personal Comliness .: is greatly enhanced by a fine set of teeth.' On the other hand.'nothlng so detracts from the ef feet of pleasing features, fine eyes and graceful figure, as yellow teeth. That popular toilet article EOZODONT checks their decay, and renders them as white as snow. . .- - -' 1 . - Do not for a moment let your confidence betray you Into supposing yourseir mcapaDie ot mistase. it la indeed a serious blunder to refuse to take Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup when you even suspect you have takea cola. -. . sJ..- J .. . .- .... J 4. A jm..J GCOT COD G II AH ATI ? Tne Gallant Ex-Confederate Sup posed to Dave Been Fatally T7oundedA Christmas Epi sode. - - ' " , For ; several days ' past," ; rumors have been afloat that Mr. Robert Graham, of this - county, ' was shot a nd ; mortally v wounded Christmas eve,but have w'erefrainedfrom saying any thing about it. until we - could give the fadts. Yesterday,' one who attended Mr. Graham's bedside was in! the city,' and we publish the story as he" gave it to us. Mr. Graham; he states, left town for his home Christ mas Eve in his buggy, accompanied by a friend, and as they were passing Jamison's f blacksmith shop, on ; the suburbs, an explosion similar to that of a heavily loaded - gun was heard close behind. Mr: Graham, 'shriek ing with pain, called out to his friend that he was badly shot under the left shoulder blade, and "begged him to convey him to his home with all possible dispatch. He friend urged the mule forward by all the means in his power, alarming the neighbor hood aef he traveled with the dis tressing news of Mr. Graham's mis fortune. Arriving at the house of ! his friend, Mr. -Wilson, Mr. rf Graham begged him, as the last friendly act he couldl ever perform, to assist in conveying . him home, : Mr. Wilson waited for neither : coat or saddle, but mounted his horse bareback; and proceeded to render all the assistance hecould. : They had gone but a short distance when Mrt Graham called out to his friends that he could proceed no further that he was rapidly dying of internal hemorrhage, and besought them to stop and save him the aiu of further travel, but they succeeded in propping him up with pillows and bnggy cushions and continued caus tiously. until they reached his home, whence was tenderly lifted from bis conveyance to his bedV Scarcely had he reached home before the news of his sad calamity had spread abroad in the neighborhood. Friends and neighbors rushed in to assist in doing all they could for his comfort. Upon his: stating that the internal hem morrhage had become much worse, and that it was impossible for him to live until morning, a r preacher wad sent for to minister to him in his last few moments he hadon earth. : Upon his arrival, the minister prayed fer vently for, his wounded friend," and above the solemn tones of the preach er's voice, could be heard the piercing screams of his heartbroken wife and children, and the lamentations of his many friends. , For some cause the doctor who had been summoned as : soon as the dis tressing news reached his home, was slow in coming. His friends present thought that : they would probe the wound for the ball! and possibly i in that way relieve the internal hemo- rhage. Amid . the . protests of - Mr. Graham to let him die in. peace and quiet, that : it was useless to try to save him, they, finally-: succeeded in baking off his wooden leg, which takes he place ' of the one he lost in the battles around Richmond .while gai- antly . defending his native South. Giving the patient time to recover from the fatigue 01 removing ins clo thing, they made a thorough search of .his body to discover the nature of the wound. After - a close examina tion they could not discover any bul let hole, and finally assuring Mr. Gra ham that he was mistaken, that he was not shot at all,; he quietly com posed himself and fell into a sweet slumber, when his ; many assembled friends dispersed. - i , , - . t Mr. Graham was m town Saturday and telegraphed to Baltimore for a detective to ferret out the mischiev ous miscreant who let off the cannon cracker under his unsuspecting mule, on the aforesaid Christmas eve, and woe' betide the boy. or man :when he overtakes him. . - - , The famous inquiry of "Who struck BilH Patterson ?" sinks into insignif- icanbe in the presence of the momen tous' question, "Who shot. Bob ' vGras nam and wnere was ne mi.' jiaaiea over tjie" happy termination;, of the affaix ' Mr. Graliam is' preparecr to wager tne best dinner mat can ; ne gotten up at the Central Hotel,' with all the necessary condiments,' that he can : shoot trom nis norse and kui more .rabbits on the next annual hunt, than' any man in Mecklepburg county or out of it." Who takes the bet ,? (' ' - a w JPolice Commission Estab lished. ; ," ' - '4': At' the "meeting of the Board ht Aldermen yesterday afternoon, the . 1-: " ' '. a. 1. 1 '1. - J ' DO lice commission was re-esiauusneu, and Aldermen 'McDowell, Davis, and Brevard were elected to' compose the commission. The powers and duties of this commission are the., same as that 7 possessed by .the. old, commis sion, -which was abolished when the Dresent citv - administration first came into powers As defined under section 158 the police - commission snail naver supervision 01 ine idos lice1- department, and shall 'con stitute an advisory council for the Mavor in all matters ; connected with the tx)lice government of the city. The' Mayor shall be ex - officio : chair man , the ; police commission, with power to suspend tor cause tne unief of Police or. any policeman, and at all times he shall have immediate control of the police force. He shall report to the Board of Aldermen all Cases, or suspension at tne next ensu ing' meeting, and such suspension shall be final only, when ratified l and confirmed by a majority vote of the Aldermen present. , in all cases or suspension tne Mayor s nau nave Dower. witn tne advice ana approval of the police commission, to make temporary appointments to fill va cancies pending final action by- the Board or Aldermen. : The only other business transacted bv the boaad was tne election oi k. m; Oates, Josiah Asbury and F. W. Ahrens. to serve as a committee to assess damages to property by the widening and improvement of the streets of the city. . TUESDAY, A IIl-Ii Tcn-C Local. , as 13 not an' unusual thing lately z. a, . v)? to gaze in admiration tu urmiancy and oeauty of a par ticular star in the Western skies, and wish that our street lights were only half as brilliant. But leaving the street lights for other people to growl about we would simpiy rise to ad vance a few points astronomically, forthe enlightenment of our readers. This star referred to is Venus, : and duriag this month she assumes her brightest aspect.. On the 13th at midnight, she reaches .her point of greatest brilliancy. - When .evening star,' she takes the form of waning cresaenVand hen morning star, of a waxing cresent. In both cases about one fourth of her discis illumined. As she advances towards the earth; less and less of her, illumined . disc is turned ,towards us. But her increas ing size" more than, counterbalances the loss of light, .and she grows more auu iuvjco erxgni unm ene reacnes ner period of greatest brilliancy. After that event the loss of light more than 1 counterbalances : the . . increasing di mensions, and her light grows dim untilfat inferior coniunctioh she is lost to sight as she passes between us and the sun. Her light will be lost in the. evening sky thirty-six days after'she glows in her brightest i col ors, aud 584, days will pass before she comes round again to her nreaent pusiuon - - .r Died Trom Exposure. v ( Open air life, starvation and expos ' ure to the elements, is beginning to get in its work on the colored people who have congregated here, awaiting 8nipmenL to Arkansas, v . Tne average number daily - in camp - on the old field near the Trade street depot has been 200, for ; the past two s months. The field has been, trodden under foot until it is as barren as a circus ring looks the day after .the circuar has left all theUoose rails in the surrounding country . have been gathered" and burned -as fuel, the coal cars have been raided, for the same purpose,' and the emigrants how in camp find that they are really in the midst of a famine of fire and food. They are but poorly supplied with clothing and are totally unprotected from the rain,, save at Such times as the rail road company happens to have an empty- box. car handy .for them. A large 'majority; of i these emigrants are women - and children and their sufferings are many and severe.' One of the .emigrants; a colored woman named Susan Johnston, from Liless ville' last weeki contracted a severe case of pneumonia, .which resulted in her death last . Sunday. - Her body was interred at the expense . of the county. ' t High Vinds and Water. '; , Sunday was a day of Wind, clouds and rain, and yesterday was but.lit tle betteri though- the clouds; passed a way ' in the afternoon and it cleared off cold, thus verifying the predic tion of the signal office, from which i. the cold wave flag ' was displayed early-irf the -forenoon., The rainfall Sun.dayand Sunday night was very heavy, 'and the railroad men report" that all the water courses are out 01 bank, and the lowlands submerged. More damage was done by the wind than by "the water, and telegraph linemVhhave been kept busy-repairing breaks. The wires of both the Southern and Western Union Com panies were stranded by falling poles, m f -H I - - near l nqmasvuie, causing serious in terruption for' several hours. ; - ' ' - -1 Railroad Quarrel Out West. s . .Howell, Mich:, Jan 4. There is liable to be ' trouble here r over -i the railroad v war between the 'Toledo, Ann Arbor and North Michigan & Detroit, Lansing ? & Northern rail roads. 'tThere has been -a dispute about the right of the former road to crous the Iatter's track in extending its lirieand the case was brought into court and appealed. it 'is now pending on appeal to theCircuit Court; u Yesterday morning a force of 150 r?Toledo.& Antf Arbor and Northern t Michigan employes were brou'eht. to the point of the projected crossing, and .began work; by-digging under the Lansing road , They made a cut. braced upt the . track '.of the Lansing road and constructed the line of the Toledo undent. ' The workers Were, protected by an, armed force, which leit wnen tne worK was., com- Dieted; This mornifag, about 500 men were brougnt on tne . scene Dy, sne Lansing road people for the purpose of nllmgnptne cut. xneToieaoc Ann Arbor meD., ' however, s , drove them away, then cut. the telegraph wire of the Detroit. Lansing & North era and' tore up the track ror.,nair a mile on each side of the cut. -Tramc on thefoad between Genoa and Fow lersvileis now interrupted..' w if -1 i4 i ; Foiled by a Boj. -s v Pittsburg. 'January i.A desper ate attempt :to burn down the' town of Tarenturn, ..Pa. was made this momme. , The yillians nad taken Averv nrecautibn to-make : the . de struction sure. They , had" ait the ropesr of the two alarm bells, broken the principal; pumps in the village, and carried off the fire buckets and tubs. . The cries of fire aroused a lad named William Dibbell, an employee of a large planing mill, upon which was a belL He ran to the mill; and unon, findine the bell rope; cut, r.limbed to the room and sounded the alarm byS striking the bell with the hammer. This awakened the . entire community, , who turned j out en masse and eoon extinguished the flames. About two weeks !ago there was an attemnt made to burn the village down. :now Ciross ITas the Man?", Thin imesMon was asked in a recent law-suit who had acted unDleasantly. The answer was, 'he was so cross that when he .qiiat! nn thpi mwa at mllklnz time it made the milk sour." Probably this poor fellow had dys pepsia. But the worst dyspepsia can be cured by ..i4nT Prnwn'a Twin Bitters. - Mr. J. M. Codora, Minn., had dyspepsia, but now writes, . Brown's iron Bitters are truly the best remedy I ever used lor dyspepsia and bilious complaint." . JAIIUAHY 5, A Eloh that Attempted to tynch a colored lan Cheraw, Coxaes to Grief. , . . ; Cheraw Reporter. Several weeks '. ago we mentioned the, fact that three of our young men went opossum hunting and took with them three . colored men, , and that since then Peter Chambers, colored, has been missing. ' Since that , time, some strolling fortune-tellers prowl ing around this, neighborhood have been telling the neerroes that I Pa- had been murdered by the other t wo negroes who went hunting with him Old man Billy Pegues,- one of the party;: had fbeenthreatened with his life several times, and on last Satur day he asked Mr. E. M. Wells ; what he had better do, as some of Peter's, friends had threatened to 'burn him out. and kill him.; Mri Wells advised him to take out' a warrant if ho knew the parties 'who- made the threats. ' Not knowinsr exactlv who the parties were Billy did not take out any warrant. 1 - i .Between 11 and 12 o'clock on Sat urday night Billy's Wife told him she thought she heard some one slinninsr about outside, but he told her he thought xt was the doe. As BUI v turned to go into an t adjoining room J eyiuo arues xrom we ouisiae made a rush for the door. As the door re fused to yield Billy had time to grab his gun. At the second charge - the door flew opejn and Billy fired at the foremost man.. Receiving this warm reception the mob fell back and set fire to his hay 6tack. They then rushed into the house, firinsr their eruns" and caught Billy. . He struggled desper ately, ana . m tne struggle his shirt was torn off. He: finally, tore loose and jumped out of a window, near by The crowd then took to their, heels.1 Billy's wife recognized two or three. or tnemoo. There " were .-seven in the crowd:'; - ' .S.J? ? The; persons recognized. were -'ar resiea ana several otners - were ar rested on 'Suspicion., Tom ;Munner lyn, colored; was found with several suspicious looking holes ? and ? bruises on big head" xind face, and it is sus pected that he is the man ' that Billv iio6. jxil . or inose arrestea were boUud over to Court in the sum of $600 each, r , 1 ' . niGIlWAYlTlEN ABROAD. The Way They do Out in Ohio. Cincinnati,- Ohio, Jan. 4; A dar ing and unique robbery took place on Hirrison pike iust outside the citv; imits ; at an early hour ; Sunday morning; the i burglars being mere boys who wore masks and conducted themselves in regular dime novel style. Theodore Wolfe r lives in a small house,' a little apart from ! his neighbors. His wife, .; who was alone' in tne nouse, was abed and asleep. She was awakened by a knock at the ront door,- accompanied by a sum mons, ''open this door or we 11 break it down, we are robbers, " and then while the woman almost fainted with fear, the threat was executed, and the; marauders stood before her and de manded: Where is your money and your , silverware ?n. The woman de tected the voice of -a boy ' attempting to speak like a man. : ' She refused to give up her. valuables and one of the rumans threw her .upon the floor.. The others went through the house scattering everything to the right and eft and pocketing , whatever, struck their fancy. . When v the house; had been. thoroughly ntled,-. the two youthful robbers made good their es cape and hava not yet been arrested. nor is the identity or either of them known to Mrs, rWolfe; When Mr Wolfe. -returned, .scarcely; half an hour after the .robbery had been com mitted, i he found : nis ;wife nearly overcome with,, tear, and - sue has been dangerously ill ever since, i--n V. ,. m 1 ,i- - k ,The Strike in Chicago.'. t- Chicago, Jan. , 4.-Thet strike at Maxwell Bro's.- box factory is spread ing, f This mornmg, twenty five meu employed m? the planeingmills. re fused to go to .work. 'They haveno specials-grievance . and : their, action wa& based on sympathy witn ?tne striking : nailers. Thirty ;five non union nailers . .went to work in the factory this 4 morning. They, .were not mpiested oy tne strikers A reduction of 10 ner cent in the best MENS',, YOUTHS', BOYS' AND CHILDRENS' ClTHING, .commencing rrom Monaav. ueceuiuer uuiu ly reduction is made to give the poor garment or an overcoat ior tne jnriscmaa aouaajs, mauo auu srjmmea posu. to any Mercnant xauor woric, xor una pay. y elsewhere for inferior and old stock. . ' it- a- a n ' i'4 We, have just received by express . The reputation gained in this special line of JNli.Ul.wliLflxsin ine cny, ana at popular prices. . ' - . Do you wish to buy an appropriate present in a Suit of Clothes, Overtoils. , a Dress Shirt, Underwear, Suspenders, Hosiery, Gloves, Silk, Linenor C-; brie Handkerchiefs, and at popular prices. . Call on us and save timo czl -money. . r 1 " , . , . - , Very Respectfully, -( , . - --, ; , ; ; . -' XSADEfQ CLOTHIEia 4H0 T1IL033, EI.IZZAG133 OUT UE3T. Wonderf ull.Cold TTcstt? Oct r f in the Prairie Country. Chicago, -III ;. ; January; -The severe snow and. sleet storms which : hasbeen raningthroughoutth2nozJi- west since Saturday ha3 seriously ia terfered with the telegraph wires ia aU directions. 4 4 All fines west of herd -are t6rh -down, t CommunicjMin- $3 ' very, uncertain. A idesrattar from- Sioux City, Iowa, last , mghiV f epcrtj . v a. blizzard there.k It has bec-fcadtyV mg and blbwihs? hteadilv c-a-n-fJ - urday, arid there is already tzow to " the depth Of a footfonthe erctind and no signs-of jthe storm arjatlnsr At ' Desmoihesahd Omaha hftavv.?ivW storms aredrted, and a- U ?zA li: despatch reports' siinuar&rcss ; throughout LIinnonfa And ri-v : The cold wave aiernal is - fl viVi v fsv-. siguarserviqe buildings hex& ,?f V- " v iaeeit, tjje AOTjciiVP; ' -Kansas City 'Mcl- .Tanuar ji-- . Thomas ,W; Keen, the art-'ry-'i - stricken with paralysis at a rec4tica venaerea nun last night .by th locil lodge of ithe Order of Elkaf t. 1 fcj uu w au tae yoacs uouse, attended ex He is not suffering any pain and ia-' sists that he will Appear on Tussiay ; night, His right arm and shorlisr t i is paralyzed and his face is drawn' to ' : the right. - He can speak only in a whisper. It is probable that he will . -recover from' this, attack, but it is : certain. that he; will not be able to resume the .duties of his profession : ' as he expects. 'i - - , ' ; Tsr-: The Cattle Disease.' H"il, Lancasteh' Pa.;? January A t fresh case "of pletxro pneumonia has been discovered.' . Near , Masonville, ihis county,7 twenty five animals out v of a herd of 100 are afflicted. The State authorities have been npjifiedf Prohibition in Atlanta. V 7.V? Atlanta G a J anuary 4. -Today t J udge Clarke in the Super ior cpurt, . if , dismissed the petition of "the' limiq men for. a mandamus, compeUing,t,t3 -ordinary to hear the contest, of Tt4h hibition election.,: Tho case wiirnWj . v go to, the Supreme court. ;r - i. - ; -f CI See here, sir V! exclaimed a erocerj bristling up with righteous indigii tion, as the milkman made his morn ing call. VI should like you ,:t e-5 plain how the chalk that I found this morning got there.'' "I don't know I'm sure1 answered v the milkman; s 'unless you sweetened your cotTie ' with the same sugar you 1 sold' yesterday." tus-., : Sick and bilious headache, and aUderknieheatl' ot stomal and. bowels, cured by Pr.Pleree's "PeUets r anti-bilious granules.? k :SS enta ar Tiki. :Nq cheap boxes to allow waste of Tirtues. Bydrugglstl .' mil . V,!.;.1 The WatloM f al Complaint ; DyspepsU la the national complaint Almet ' every other man orwutan you meet has lt.:twi the result Is that the' number of ' pseudp-remadio : ior ii is as numerous aa rnaraon s nosi. xnerirt for the most part worthless. There' lBfiOMwVeWa searching eradicatit pthisdistresslag ind obdm rate maladyone whse "genuine merttsiong sinee raised it to a foremost place among the staple medicines of America. Hostetter's Stomach Bit-' ters -extirpates dyspepsia with greater certetnty and promptitude than any known TemenviQ a most genial lnvigoraat, appetiser, jiad id to se cretion;.; -These-' are not empty assertKns, as thousands of our countrymen and-women- wk nave expenencee . ltav effects, are nwarel. tut ut are backed up by . Irrefragable proofs epeatedir laid before tne public. The Bitters regulate habtt of body and give a prosaotea ealtfulititua- lus to ine unnary organs; rniii : A , ielp;Hijtnd If they v VMen should be what ftey ateitf; are suffering tortues with toetbatefce, they h14 not try to smile and look coel anhaandsome." ISnr mucn wiser to ease tne pain wltirak bot.le f Sal- vanon oil, wnicn can ' e beugnt lor cento. Mrs. Winslovr's Soothing Qjrp. Bev Sylvanns Cobb thus writes In. the , Boat Christian Freeman .-We would by no means roeom-. mena any ma oi meaiane wnieii we ata not Know to be good particularlyforhfMts. ; But; of' AIM. Wlnslow's Soothing. Syrup we -can 'speak- from knowledge; in our owa family it has proved a bless- . ing Indeed, by giving an Infant treaWed wtth-eolle - V, patns, quiet sleep and thepareBtsmbrokenreetat -" night. Most parents can appredste these blesstt 3s. Here is an article which works to perfectlom.' and which Is harmless; for tlie sleep whlehlt affprdf the lnf lit is' perfectly natural, an&the little cherub t. .awakes as "bright as a butt."J, And , daring the .process of teething its value".! Humlquup)e,,r : nave irequentiy nearctmocners say mat tnejF j Lnot be without it froni the Dirth 0 the- ehflol nan nnisneu witn tne teetmng 8iegf.on any eralion whatever. Sold bv all dracslsts ' ' 2Sr fit; i'.lti t!3 ' of Season on entire Stock ol jauuarv j.bu. j.oou. xiiia cacty. auu u as well as the rich a ; chance to buys a same price, wnaii you wouia nays u 1 ift in' tttt ri Tl from New. York the latefet 1 -' line is that we have the hands - x f 'r - - 1 tflij .1 -twit : "BQOirncjinSa , 0111510111., BAiElGII JtfiD O'lST-Usj ?. til u -'! H t'' 5 . i ( if t V 3 M . E 1 ? J- 1 1 i V 7 'V 1h t 1, "V it i - 31 1 V 1 . 1 1 ! f, III 1 X if ?t 1 ij J. ' Si , , (I t.virr ! 7. !