A Q UESTION ABp UTx Browns Iron - Bitters -ANSWERED. : ; TITO PHtfYTPN WP's n A -77 1 : fres-ly filled pipe, when he leaned over, Illili ji&imri& & HAJLl-b';spatfillin myel and hissed out, as New York Sun. I I. The wife of a sub-chief known asDes no lett tne loage: - "Baby! Dog!"; ' He had come to insult and degrade me, if not to provoke an excuse, for kili- Xiller was taken suddenly ill one might, : ing me on the spot, and after he had de andl was hastily sent forthat is, after ; parted! fully realized that with such an the medicine men had held a new-wew i enemy in camp I could not feel certain 1t been asked tbon&anda w ann 5rown b Iron Bitters cars ererT- , it doesn't. Bat it does care any disease - stable physician would prescribe IROH , tdeognize Iron aa the best restorative to the profession, and inquiry of any ; Jaal firm will substantiate the assertion ' m aaore preparations ot iron than of any to used in medicine This shows oon- . iron is acknowledged to be the most ' .actor in successful medical practice, It is, , u-kable fact, that Trior to tne disooT- , ,N'SIRON BITTEKSnojrfet. 4 -iron combination had ever been found., ' 7sino:iBinEnsat25: b.Hdev. erproduoe constipation all other Iron -cfrresrztljresitlon, Bllloasiiess, WesJcneee, - .IyT"-a MsUarla, Chills and Ferrers, Ttre'edacGeneral UebUlty,PJM in tne - The' inha . tunr thing?", 'for wis' Physitt agent 1 ijeadin . thatU -other xelusiv ,-imporv.. nowe -?-eryof i v, ido. Ear-lorUmb, Head ache and 7lnrtil , gla ar3 these ailments Iron is prescrihet daily. ' hrOuTSIBQI. BinERS,&s&? -i linirte, TAe all other tnoroarh meaicinea, tt aete siowbj When taken by mri the first syiawl of benefik? senewed energy. The mnscles thee !keeeae K r firmer, iae digsstion improves, the bowels are aetfve, ,. In miaafhe effect is usually more rapid and aaarked. -The- begin at onoe to brighten: the aUa elaan ': . op ; X ky color ocnwf in the cheeks ; nerreeeneee ,. -r diaapeeen; faactiojial derangements beoosea regu- , f Ur, M tt a nnrsing mother, abundant sustenance . , is saSed for the child. Remember Brown's Iron. Bittum is the ON.LY iron medicine that ia not in juria, -.Fhyiieiant and Druggist reconmmd it. ,. ' The Canine has Trade Mark and crossed red lines .. em wrapper. TAKE NO OTHER. - , over her and x made ; use of all " their trickerv and "chicanery without avail. I of living another hour. I did not leave my lodge v again - until was summoned to the lodge, and warmed j night,.; at which time I went to a lodge a that if I failed to cure her my life must pay the forfeit. . v , "; - ; - 1 was now entirely out ot. medicines, except about forty drops of pain killer. I Partly' by signs and party by words the few, yards away to secure supper. The occupant was an aged squaw, who had not only been ordered to feed me, but I had gained her gratitude by healing a rank sore on her neck, first caused, by a squaw gave me to understand that she splinter frota a load or xagota sne was had .been poisoned by eating ; sob carrying. She had an unusually hearty strange berries found' np the banks of supper ready, and as she saw that I had the stream. I knew of only one thing but'litUe appetite she looked cautiously t Aa. and it mirht be too late to ; do J about ner ana tnen made signs Xor vme XZead what the Great Methodist . , Divine and EmlnentPJiy 4. siclan Says of DR. J.'BRADFIELD'S Female Regulator; :0:- . ' - Atlanta, Ga.; Feb, 20. 1884. ' Db. J, Bradfield: Dear Sir Some fifteen years ' ago I examined tlie recepe ei Female Regular, and arefolly studied authorities In regard to its compo Bents, and then (as well as now) pronounced It to . h the most scientific and skillful combination of tke really reliable renedlal vegetable agents known ' to stlence, to act dsrectly on the womb and uterine . exgans, and the organs and parts sympathizing dl jeetly with these; and, therefore; providing a specl- te remedy for all diseases of the won b, and of the flJSaaa oUilLNvr, M. JJ., JJ. JJ. "vThe country Is flooded with quack nostrums, eon 4ammg ISON and other Injurious ingredients, whldt claim to cure everything even Femaxjb jOoxflaxnts. We say to you. if you value your 111 e- TBeTWAES OF ALL SOCHl Bradfleld's Female Regulator r . v purery vegetaDie compouna, ana is omy intended lor the FEMALE. SEX. . M For their peculiar dls . Ml Is an absolute v" OFECIFICI , . smDiau aruggisis. aena ror our treatise on 1 Hut HAAlth Burt TTannfnpj nf Wnmnn maflcuf tnu KZapneaU particulars.' . . THE BRADITEID REGTJLATOB CO.. - enn couchs. croup and ; , CONSUMPTION USE 0T? d U I i r OF' SWEET 601.1 AKD fULLEII. Th: Sweet'Rnm from a treeof the same name growing 4n the Sonth, combined - with a tea made from the Mullein plant of the old fields. For sale - brail druggists at 25 cents and SUM 'per bottle, ITCHING jdcln Diseases Install tlj RelgeY- rpBTMEMT. A warm 'bath with CunctmA . jl boat, ana -a srngie appucationr of Cuticura, -the great Sklnf Cure. This reneated daiiv. with iwu w uiree hubos ul KVXIVUKX ttBSJOLVJENT, ine , .Hew Blood Purifier, to keep the ; blood coolr the i perspiration, pure and unlrretatlag, the bowels -open, the liver and kidneys active, will speedily ; - cure Eczema, Tetter, Ringworm, Psoriasis, Lichen, ATuritus, scan-Head, Dandruff and every species -ui.Ai.cmus oauj ana nmpij uumors oi tne scain and Si In, when the best of physicians and reme- . ECZCMJL Off A CHILX. ". , a. , Tour most valuable Cottcuba Remkdies have - done my child so much good that I feel like sarins - this for the benefit of those who are troubled with skin disease. My little girl was troubled with : Eczema, and I tried several doctors and medicines. dui aw not do her any good until I used the Cxm - uba Remedies, which speedily, cured her, for - wuica x owe you many uianss ana many nights of ANTON BOSSMLER, Idlnburgh, Ind. - wai aunost completely bald, caused by Tetter of the top of the scalp. I used your Coticoba ; uiuuaiiaa wnnu du .nroe&e, ana 1067 CUTBd mT naiy vvurouj, cuiu U 18 CO m 1X1 2 n&CK a frill aw na 1 mh a v - . .-j : : J. P. pHOICE, Whltesboro, Texas. COTERED 7ITH BiOTClIEai i want to ten you mat your CuncnnA Resol- vbnt Is magnificent. About three months ago my aaue vma vereawiin uiotcnes; and after using Huvu innuvs viiwauiniuii wt9 uerieccjy cureo. - -, - , 23 St. Charles St., New Orleans, La. that with any hope, of benefit vThat. was a plant h ealled by, the hunters Throw tip," and growing ardnnd trie camp. . It semetimes resembles, lobelia 5 in looks. though it is smaller. T hastily gathered something or somebody. a hsndful, maae a strong tea, ama gave , the squaw such an emetic as she had never tbetore i eiperiencea4 rt4 one tt was deathly sick all nighty but when day light came she had passed the crisis and was mending. ' ,;:.v "";". .''.'' D02 Killer and a dozen oi his braves f were in and T about the lodge to the last, and I fully realized: that, should the squaw die on my hands, Cmy dooin-was sealed.- No excuses were to be taken, and no mercy shown. . When I felt that the Woman was fmlly ut ; of danger, T; turned to the chief fer a mod or : com mendation, butreeiTe4 a scowl black as midnight iNWL Kt one of the warriorsTdared trs x approval, even . if he so desired 1 4 icsiked then that there were thee fa teas who hungered for my lifer a&4' Cst Ds Killer would much rather kaKSd his wife a cense than on the m U sireogtk. TThon the v squaw, sr tsso trw pain ' and resting ' easily, fci in " signs to evince her graCd, iStt chief seemed very angry, tdtsslfccr in vigor ous language. : jn aturally, I & Cmrtt or escape ev ery day since ray east's. The most seri ous diffliculty in the way was - the late nesss of the season, i I knew that win ter set in early in that region, and that to be eaught on , the plains : or in the mountains without ; plenty of blankets and food meant certain deathl Tf hile I had a fair general ..knowledge of my gesgraphieal position, I ( was r uncertain how high up on the Canadian we were. That stream had its rise in tfew Mexico, and emptied into-the -Arkansas in the eastern part of the Indian territory. ' I did n6t, as a matter of fact, know for sure that we were on the Canadian, but knew that it must he , either that or the Cimarron. My pocket map had been destroyed by the Cherokees, but I could remember the general course of the the two streams and the lay of the 'country.- If I was from fifty to 100 miles south of Fort Dodge, as I tried U figure out, I stood a pretty good cnanee of escape if I got clear of the encamp ment. tJrom i the direction the cney ennes had : come when returning f rem battle. I felt quite sure that Gen. Sully must have set out frtm Tort Dodge with his expedition, rms wenia nut me southwest or the fort, with a plain to trarel and two rivers to croes. If I was oat in my calcnlauens as te Fort Dedge, then the nearest haven ef security, providing I did not run across troops in the field, was Fort Lyon, 150 miles northwest, in Colerade. I shut myself up ia my . lodge and schemed and planned till mid-afternoon, and the malt was that I determined to chance it on the Tort Dodge route. I walked to the outskirts of the camp, ostensibly te gather herbs, but really te see where the horses were herded at night," 'and to determine .what ehanee there would be of getting clear , ef the village when night came. ' I was ' pres ently jl joined by a limping warriei, whose wounded root l had round in a shocking relate and almost cured.' He gathered a fewhandfnls of herb,, and then metiened f or me to sit down and examine his foot. We were both down, and I had his foot in ay- lap when he cautiously remarked t . ,ri,:. "Dog Killer want to hum yeal'l It was the first word of English had heard any of them nse, and - f er a zso- ment I was too astonished te ia cere than gaze at him with open xaeuthv . VMistl Imhna ' lookingl" he ,whis pored. - "White man watch foot all the timet ".., ".--' "So Dog Killer ia my enemy f I asked. "Heap mad! Want to kill year Will the bis chief let himr "Big chief den't earel" I bent over his foot, patting eh a iresn poultice, and. arvcr a bit, m con tinued: " !'hv v i. . "White medicine man must go away to-night. Lose scalp to-morrowl" "Mow can I go?'-' J , "See, tree over there!" It was to . my left, and a quarter ef a mue rrom eamp, a voung tree ? growing alone a few yards from the nvti bank. "When Injuns sleep you eocse. Jind me there." , , v' . To-nteM?'? ; ' , " "Yes. White man heap ' medicine. nre foot. , Foot . most weU Go back -low." I had finished dxessing the wound, and : he ' got up - andT returned to his lodge' and I soon bundled up ny herbs and- sauntered in a " careless way - to mine, stopping here and' there to exam ine the healing wounds bf some of my patients.- So far as. the number went all were my friends, but none of them to eat all 1 could, wnen my loot ex pressed wonder she resorted to the sign language to demonstrate a man, alone on the plains striving to - escape from metmng or someDoay. x Had mv Indian friend taken har into his confidence? ! had hardly asked my-'i self the question when she answered j t by pointing to the meat in -the kettle, and then to the tree Q&ler which I bad agreed to meet' him. When she ? saw that I comprehended - she " smiled and nodded her head. ; The grateful old squawwished me Godspeed.- . ; - y-. In an Indian, village, when there Is nothing of importance going on, most of the people have turned in by 9 o1fclock in the evening, and at 10 only the dogs are astir u Had L been strange to these brutes I could not have stepped outside the lodge without creating a. rumpus and without being .attacked. . I had moved about among them so. long, how ever, that, although every, canine in the village, from the oldest veteran : down to the smallest pup, ; hated 'me, they let me pass to and fro unchallenged.'' It was after 10 o'clock, , and the, vH-j lage had been quiet for some time, be fore I .moved. I. reasoned that the boldest way was the best, and when once outeide the lodge -1 started off like one having a perfect- right to go and come. 'My footsteps ; must have been heard in some of the lodges, but no one roused out to halt : me or make inquir ies. I maintained an even pace to the outskirts of the village; and then halted for five minutes to listen. Everything was quiet, even to. the dogs, and when satisfied of this I made straight for the tree. - .. ; '-. -;.! v. The Indian was there holding ahorse. The animal was bridled and saddled, and I; soon discovered that he was ; one captured from the stMdiers. VA blanket. and a quantity::- or . provisions were strapped behind the saddle. As I came up the Indian extended his hand 1 to grasp mine and whispered: Hurry ! Kide two days! Come to fort? Keep straight this way!" - , i God bless you!" I said, as I "wrung his hand. "Take rifle! Take powder! " Take bullets!" ' he said as. I mounted the horse: and the articles were handed up one after another. . -, .,rifM;c-:i "Good-bye!"v 1 . "Hurry! Rids fast! Maybe DosrKiller come after your,::r' ' -.i-.;-P He hhrried away m the direction1 of the village, and I headed to the north east walking the horse for half a mile. and then urging him to a canter and holding him to it for two hours. , Thad made a successful start, and was highly elated thereat The only drawback was the fear that I might not preserve the roper direction. It was a dark, star ess night,; and it would have tested the powers of an Indian to keep dead to the northeast..: - s . My horse did not get a breathin? spell until about 2 o'clock in the morn ing. l was then at least thirty miles from the: village, and had heard nothing to alarm me. I dismounted on the open plain, removed the saddle,- and had rested- with the horse for ntrhans half an hour when '. he suddenly threw up his head and leeked keenly into the dark ness toward the southwest. I cput my ear to the ground, ; and the f thud, thud of a horse's ftet on the plain - ,wasv dis tinct It was some one coming up on my trait and it must be an enemy.. , ;, , l saw my steed draw ' a long i breath and throw up. his head, as if to utter a neigh of welcome, and I had him by the jaw in a second. I could not make him lie down, and I dared . not let go my grip. - Thud I thud! came the hoof beats, and: ; after two ; or three ; seconds ' a horse . and rider passed I within fifty feet of ; ' ns, 1 headed . to the 1 north east. ' It was simply a blacker spot on the dark night, and. my heart was in my month as it came opposite. I felt certain T that it iras I Dog " Killer on my trail ; When I could no longer hear the S oof -beats I released my horse and sat own to plan, my j future course. The chief could hot be following my trail in the darkness, but he t was pursuing my direotion. Lj esbapo had been disco v ered, and he, ! in all probability, reasoned that I wenld make for the nearest post. He may have depended , oh accident to overhaul xae during the . night. Mf this did not occur he could nick nt the trail when daylight came,-and perhaps might even do aoie to see me: u ; : To ride ahead was to encounter him Therefore; as I saddled up, I determinec to ride te the east for a full hour, and tnen bend back: toward my true course. In this, way, if he was waiting for me, I would flank him. I rode a distance of about eight1 miles v and . then turned square to the north, - and kept moving until I saw the first signs of daylight Then I dismounted and unsaddled again a much better weapon . than mine, cut did not care to face me on r anytnmg like equal'terms.' " T i.vl V.n T Vi o rl a Bin. de-barrelled risie, Dog Killer first ma tt ruvered to draw my fire. He began circling around me, uttering yells and taunts and firing an occasional - bullet, l?ut I realized his object and rerusea nu waste my bullet until the Tight moment" came. Jtsy and oy, wnen ne was wuuw fair, range. I fired &i WS-" hersev-lf 1 could kill the pony the? chief . could no longer pussue; me. - " ""V' At the crack of .thenne ,ms norse rolled' over, and fortunately ' fell upon its rider in such a way as to hold him. to the earth for a -moment This gave m& time to - reload. As' Dog rKiller struggled up rhe drew ) up his rifle and tired, and my- own ammai wens' uow in a heap, struck inthe heai . This left, us face to face, each with a ri3e in his hands.-. He fired twice at . me before I, raised my gun. but his bullets whistled. over my head, -while mine struck him in the chest and laid him on the grass. After; reloading J went over to him and found - him, !as 1 1 believed, stone dead. I took away his ri 'e, l-nile, tom ahawk, and' ammunition ind likewise apprqpnaieu uvriruuaeiin pvfyy. was wearing around Kis n'edk. . I dftrrVt want two guns and so": slung mine away; together with the ammunition.' I destroyed both saddles as well as I could, made a knapsack of blankets and provisions,- and within an hour" after first sighting1 Dog Killer I was - heading .for the fort on foot. : . ' J ' ' r Eor the first fifty 5 rods I looked back at brief intervals. I own that I was' awed " and - frightened at the knowleee that I had killed a "human being, a thought in fair defence of my own life. Then, too, his fierce face, his half -open eyes, the bloody froth on his lips, made up a picture to haunt me.-. I had gone perhaps half a'mile, and'1 had halted on a little knoll to ; survey the plain, when ; a . 1 ' . J X :. : J r " .a 1 ouiiet screamed past, my ear anu a rifle cracked - Bpitefntly. - I weeja around, and there was Dog Killer rest ing on his knees within twenty rods of me.' -That malignity which inspires only the red man had shaken off - the clutch of death and forced him to follow me', in the hope of accomplishing my . de struction. . He had picked up and' loaded the abandoned rifle, and his bullet cut close to my head. , ' ' -1,-1 I drew up my rifle to shoot . him, but he did not flinch. . He; waved his ' hand and tried to shout defiance. I could not pull trigger on a dyiug man, even if an enemy. I shouldered the weapon and walked briskly on. and I was only well out of range when he fired again. Five miles away I ascended a swell . which gave me a good view of my trail, and I beheld Dog Killer creeping along over the path like the incarnate fiend he was. No wounded Bengal tiger was ever more determined on revenge. - - Two hours before sundown I had the good fortune" to fall in with 'ant and ten men, bearing .patches. A halt was made, and : three f men were sent to find 'Dog ; Killer and dispatch him and secure his weapon. The devil was only eight -miles away, 'being only two hours behind me in all the day's walk; -. Death had come at T j ft Ik Use MULLEN'S , i. CELEBRATED nrer--. v.;-' i 1 ; 4 :- m . , . . r tiornets ; Nest uoieDt, V r - (i 1 1 t 4,. a 1 1 v. he Favorite Household IT HEVEXX FAM-S TO CUBE AKJL, AC12JCS ATIZ PAIXS. ' .-. - .... . - i. ( . Rockingham ' N rj ' twh wrlififtH that T havfl nped the medicine Hair.nl TTfmAta -NHkt. T.tnimmt'i .i!J P,2i6tfl 8 lan qtiH em ectlwflorl lYiat It has TPal TTIPrltL I run nwvtnnTnoTiii It no a mww . .V I claimed for It. -- - . - , . . - .r as a good remedy, win do wv Yi Matthews, N. C, August 28th. ifw of diarrhoea and find It h;1 . , . a. B. WALLACB. Oatt G"Rmnr.r "N. n Tl len r-Tha will certify that I have used your Hornets Nest Liniment and am Is claimed for it It la good In colic, sore throat, headache, etc. ; ; ' sauEnet r , ' 1' 'i-V A , ."7: Cheiottk, K G.; September 2nd. iu : j ni ia w vrtay na. j. ux'm ycut zvnuKua a i-imineni on soil corns anc K cured thom f U L f Dear Sir: I used your Hornets Nest Liniment in a severe case One dose cured me. . Kespectruny, - Mr. W. N. Mullen that it will do what weeks by applying it thite times a week. Respectfully, For sale by all Druggists and Country Merchants. W. N. MULLEN, Proprietor: t 1 ; ; .........Charlotte N n ; iMlM,r;:(E(!!)II)8 IISIIP -BY ' i. 3HL , 1ST; "FRlEIiiHT S S., v V Thousands oi cases ol rth a lieuten-: Headache are; permanently cured every year (as the hundred f antif of testimonials in my possession will testify) by the use of tbe scanning my trail. At daylight next m morning l 1 was sase fin i-ort Do3ge, and l nad tne sosio t Dog Killer to prove the truth of my story. , . i , , What tK Frs diit and Cabinet Bad. iWi i ti S ar. ' "Who is the best reader in the cabi- new . a w asnmgxon dook seuer - was z. i .! a:' . . , askad the ther dav;i "Folks sav La- ciUJCi H uci vuus, uuiuub ur .COllKeSUVe IOrm, ariSlDg ITO mar is replied the dealer. ?He may obstruction ,COns:estlon or torpidity OI the liver. Whm I fia . ue, out. A uevoi ncauu vi uio uujiug a i 4-Uaf I r I .pfi ia'a wr w m . vavw r SPECIAL f book. -If he reads, he doesn't keep pace with the times, v I reckon Bayard is the best reader. He bwys . a great many, books and keeps right along with the nest writers. His reading is ot a sober statesman -like character, and he does lots of it He comes in to buy his own books, and I have ; never seen : him look at a:noveL. - , -I? i "xne presiaent, i : nnuerstana, . is . a good reader, but the only book I know BEST for IT CUING DISEASES, were: veteran warriors or chiefs. They and was fortunate enough to find water couia speac in my laveroui iney naa i ter ttie horse in a small natural basin. no influence. , s ' 1 Dayjwas so long coming;that the animal v. i was arranging , some neros over a i was tain v rested bV the - time l . cou Id slow fire when, Dog Killer" entered my distinguish obiects a mile away. - When lodge. I made him a respectful salute, I had the saddle adjusted the sun was One of our customers sav von firnrnrnj i -. Tmn DfLEs are me oesc he can And fnr irinr nf fWa He tried all others and found no relief un- Jf. J. ALDSICH, Drnggirt, Rising Sun, O. 5o:arteverywnere. jfrice: Concmu,. 50 cts.: Soap, 25 cts r Eksolvent, $1.00. Prepared by the jl ui itiOi unto vxusjaiUAli CO., iJOatOIl, MaSS, ocuu ivr vauw wjuiv okw Aiseases." ; DR LESLIE'S Special Prescription. This medicine stands to-dav -withoua a rival, and with Rnarftlv a nnmnfttitnr in Aha xkmtAA ; TAnd laaf .lfKTrr, fco " oll nla.rarl , ' " . J ? " v -UVUtn the ride,: and his glared eyes seemed to ' 9 i physicians throughout .the Country have acknowl- edged ! their inability to cure -it and are now prescribing DrJ Prescription will cure the most obstinate cases of Sink TTparianV.A that it not merely relieves but IPdDSIiulllVCBnV meangjust what I say, and tbatk cures, no matter how long the case may have been standing so that they have not had an attack for wlshtobe - v- If you are troubled with sick headclieaK r be sure and give this remedy a trial C Price 60c. and $1.00. may7eodly FOB SALE BY a B. ARCHER, Saratoga Springs, N. T T..C. SMITH & CO., Charlotte, N.C and Din PLES. Blackheads; Skin Blemishes 1 1 1 1 i Baby Humors, use Ctjticdka Soap. v ' : - ' .. - - mX tiuw OIL, AND WIN 1. TO the famished of old is a CrmctniA i . An-r ai i jrijASTEa ,to tne achlns 0r Diuca ouu uttctk.. fcuo weflK .- HTin nam- Na. ful mKcles, the sore chest and hack W i I ing cough, and every, pain and ache . of dally toil. - 25c. Everywb ere. JL SPECIAL IN OTIGE. KK A desirable building lot, fronting 99 feet OO on Trade street, and running through to Fourth street, oetween the property of CoL- U. 0. Jones aD 1 Dr. O'ionoghue, known as the Dr. J. .ii. niixT place, mce s.ww. : - CHABLOTTJS EEAL FSTATE AGENCY. and arranged the blankets f er a seat. .but he stood stiffly on the other side of the fire and glared down at" me. Hi3 jaw. was set, his eyes burning with hate, ana there was sncn a aevnsn expression to his whole countenance that I' could not keep my eves dn his ", face, five seci onds. u suluted again J and pointed to I the blanki-ts, but. he made , no sign, tl felt that his eyes never left me, and I was soon - in a , tremSe.: Such a visit boded Hie no good, and: though I tried hard to a upenr rgapectf ally indifferent, he must have,; seen ttrat I . , was badly broken v. ijfor-' ten long j "minutes Dog Jviiier maintained thB position Ihave described! Then I could stand it no longer, r Rising to my feer. I was about to offer him a rising.- . - All around was an open plain. Away to the east I saw two or three black ob jects on the line of the horizon, but all other points of . the compass was clear. Mounting I took up what I believed i to be a true course for Fert Dodge, and I had ridden for about an hour .when Dog Killer suddenly left the cover of a dry ravine half a mile to the : left ' and -rode straight at me. ; My first impulse was to fly, but then came the thought that his horse eould" travel two' 'feet while mine was going one, and I halted, leaped to the ground, and got mv rifle ready. , The wily savage halted . af tH' movement, lie naa tns iaea that l ie camp anarmed," while he Could now se that I had a rifle. ..t He was farmed.. with ve testimonials from Dersons who have hwm nmc fnr fwnw tnhMfvr oi nis uavuig- uougub is im&iuw a. ;x : ns i i bti v - ,auV1' w..wu, uuu uave ueea pennanenuy cured Dy two bottles or ut,ixt. to Washington. A great, many . books - .... JrJtiJ3,OUltlJr 11UJN go to the wnite House. , Uoi. x.amont buys many good books and): nearly all the popular periodicals, but 1 dent kirow who reads them, v , I suppose many are got for Miss Cleveland. Secretary .Whitney reads a great deal. He doesn't confine himself, however,' to politics. history, or philosophy He is very, fond of novels, and reads many. Sosse are the best and some are the lightest. He reads . such novels - as . 'he . Vazraat Wife,"?The 'Tinted . Venus," "Called Back," "Struck Down," etc. , Secretary Endicott reads novels, -too. But he never buys anything : in English. , He aiwavs gets a rencn - novels, ana reaas a great many of them. "l he other members of the cabinet we don't see so much of. I. guess there is no one in theabinet who buys so many gooa dooks as, Jiame . aoes. lie' buys everything on ' sober subjects by" well- known authors.-,' He srets much the same book as Bayard does, only the range of his research is wider. " Logan isnt any thing ror buying boots. x v v . ' IndiTidaallty mt tk Diamond, t ' , . isn i it aimcuitr xo laenwiy even a very valuable stone after it has been stolen -and removed from the : settingf "Not at all To an expert every dia mond has as marked an individuality as every man or woman-has, and, like men ana women, no, two stones . are alike, nor win any two; weign just tne same, as a rule. - jso stone was ever eos with out having some, points about it that, if tney ara cioseiy stuaiea. will serve to identify ' it under , any" eir?umtanca. Why, after 1 have made the acouaint- ance or a stone l couia go on the stand and swear to it with ' as much certainty as I could to the identity of my nearest friend. It is because of . ttfis means ibf i identifying stones that it is the work o i comparative ease to trace any very fine diamond : when it-is stolen. - Hewe,rj its setting may be changed; its A individ ual pecuiiarrties can not be altered." v -" Make Money, &tfr A3. '.',- !u'-r- JEstelline (Dak.) Belli ' - ' There are 4,500 composlters . in Parian ana their pay averages about . 13 cents an hours. :. This is pretty small pay , for a prmter,. ; uutai tney: corrow all their tooacco use an Ameriean ; eoriitwwitnr they make a pretty good Iking; out of It atter ail.. H 11? fif- r Our store Is now full of the choicest arid mm desirable goods .to" our line. Our stock of Boots and Shoes this season , being In all grades larger and more comprehensive than ever," we are fully prepared to meet any reasonable demand Jn the way of Handsome Styles, Low Prices and good serviceable goods. Everything will be found Just as represented. We Invite Inspection,' and guar antee entire satisfaction in every particular to all who favor us with their patronage. v ' ; Orders by man win receive careful and prompt ' CO ' CP 3. ?3 ' r r i GO ro, -'.Jc Iinstc n Clotlry Tr yon c 4

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