1 o( Goods 0(D(iD (it -:0:)-r- rlwinfir to a chance in our firm, we will, for the next 30 days, offer, to the public ear entire etock of - ' "; . " . WINTER AISD SUMMER GOODS AT COST: It consists of Dress Goods. : All kinds, Dress Silks, Cashmeres, Silk Warp .... m -vi . li i T711 , 1 -i l. a r Henriettas, ramise, tserges, a 4 ana o i juress r lauueis, , jomoinauou emus, Satins, Surahs, Laces, Embroideries, Crepes, Crepe Veils, Black and Colored Cashmere Shawls; Corsets, Velvets, Velveteens, Ladies', and Gents Under wear Clothing, Overcoats, Domestics, Calicos, Sheetings, Plush . Sacques, NTovrmarkets. Kussian Uircuiars, Hats, uaps, coots, anoes, xc. lnis . 13 strictly a , - - . ' - And we-ofifer .bargains such as you may never get again in a lifetime. Ee member, we sell all of our stock, including everything, nothing reserved. At Gost for Cash. COJIE ONE, COME ALI. mm -AND- winter AT A- BIG DISCOUNT. , X-o-X Selling as low as the lowest BLACK , DBES3 SILKS at prices that will more them rapidly. . A. few patterns In OTTOMAN DRESS SILKS at the very low price of 75 coats per yard, former price $1 25 Fine COMBINATION SUITS In woolen fab-; rlcs at about half thelrvalue. : -,.. Cloaks ! Cloaks! Clocks! , They must be sold; . You will be astonished how low the cash will' buy them. -:0:- 6UMBIS. AND IDERWEiL A big stoak of BLANKETS and UNDER WEAB at very I6w figures. - ' . ( ' Remnants In every department at your own price. - T. Lt'-SEIGLE. CD. "Truth, mas ths sun, soxxnxsa submits to EX OBSCUKXD, BUT, JJXX THS SUM, : ONLY. FOB A sociation will probably be organized nere soon. STATE NEWS., First National Bank BaildiDg, South Tryon Street, - ; - Charlottle, N. C. DEALERS IN LadiesMisees' and Children's - ? ' , ' ' FINE ; - BUTTON, CONGRESS & LiCE SHOES. V Gents' Fine Hand-Made and Machine Sewed BOOTS, BUTTON AND LACE BALS, BOYS' J A1SI YOUTHS FINE BOOTS AND SHOES OV ALL GBADE3 '.'GENTS' FINE . " Silk, Soft and Stiff Hats. TRUCKS, YALISES and ' - GRIPSACKS, UMBRELLAS OF ALL KINDS. SHOE 'BLACKING and BRUSHES, ALMA and RAVEN GLOSS SING for Ladies' Fine Shoes. Sf cck always "kept full -and . up to the demand. ordebs b? Mail or express pbomptly ATTENDED TO. , - Tbe Fayetteville Observer and Ga. zette is now one' of the hanisomest papers that comes to this office, and is, besides, capitally edited . Several first class mechinics,' who are enterprising and reliable, are' se riously thinikng of - establishing a foundry in Monroe at an early, day. ice Wilmington Star says that a dividend of ; four per cent. ' on ; the capital stock of - the Wilmington : & Weldon Railroad Company has been declared by the directors, payable on and after the 15th inss. r - . - .. Newton Enterprise: We take pleas ure in announcing that we have sold a half interest in the -Enterprise to Col. John C, Tipton, a journalist who has won very-high rant in the. State press, as the editor: of the Lincoln Pres8. - . State Chronicle : Mr. Theo. uer man and Miss Francis Smith .Virgin ia Eames attended a ball in Salisbury Tuesday, evening of last week, v and during the dance, the pair stole away unobserved to the residence of Rev. 1, J JViuraocK, where theyr were married. Anson Times: ,The postoffice at Morven was broken into on the 30th of last month and about three dollars in money," some , postal card s and stamped envelopes were taken there from. On the same night a glass was laKen oul or a winaowm ine score, or John M. Brasington's.and the thieves took all they could reach, as is a rule with all rogues. No clue as yet to the robbers. - " . itaieigh v isitor : A eoiorea woman introduced to prove au alibi for her eon, , w ho was charged with stealing corn and bringing it to her house on a certain night, testified 1 that he did not come home that night, ; because she was sitting up studying ariihmes tic. The solicitor, oncros3sexami nation, asked her what jpart of the arit'ametic 6 he was studying The witness, in perfect good faith, re plied, 1 'substraction and 'provisions." Greensboro Patriot : The 'sudden death of Mr. W. A. Gorrell, on the evening of Dec. 29th, was a painful shock to his many friends and rela tives in Greensboro, and the State. Up to, Saturday, evening,; .forty eight hours previous to his death, he had been, in apparently good health,; but was: taken in , the evening with an attack of congestion of the lungs. Monday afternoon he grew critically worse and at about 3 oclock passed away. . . News. and Observer: Christmas eve Ransom Morgan, colored, in a drunken frolic knocked down and mortally wounded Lum Chamblee, colored, in Mark's Creek township. Chamblee died on December 29, Mor gan was put in jail on January 1st. The grand jury found a true bill agaiHet him on Januard 4, ; and yes terday he was tried, convicted of manslaughter, sentenced to twenty years in the penitentiary, and was sent to that institution yesterday afternoon. ; , - . ; ' . i. -i,',-. ,-,.-.v,.,.-V!.;"-.- ... . : -. -.3, Wilmington Review: Mr. James N. Craig, formerly a well known Silot of the Cape Fear, : died yester av. afternoon at his "residence in Federal Point , township, aged about 68 years. He was the oldest pilot on the river, having " been -engaged" in that hazardous calling from his youth although hot actively engaged in the business for- several years past.. Ws are pained to announce the death of Mr, John 8. Wescot, which occurs red at his residence at Smithville, yesterday afternoon. The ediior of J the Greensboro Pa triot,,Mr. Z. W. Whitehead, who re cently had a personal affair with Mr. Webster, of .the Dollars Weekly, has blood in his eyes. : lie says : ' W eb ster's Weekly expatiates at length on his s attack ; upon us tor branding mm an unmitigated nar and a snake in So don't hesitate but come along.; We ' still have special Dergams m vsmu- tn graao, ,CwfXi DREN'S HOSE: Also unusuallnducements m the justly , : v " . SSl Celebrated "Matthew Patent'?Kid Glove lm If V U V j.vwvwwj y - O while we do not set ; ourseli up as a Sullivan or Slade, yet -we claim to have the manhood eand backbone to stand sauare to the front in sustain ing what we have hitherto said,: and rather, than to Ire tract, we would re neat-it ten times over, and in deiense thereof we will sacrifice the last drop of Anglo Saxon blood that circulates through our , veins, v. Salisbury Watchman; The New Year finds Salisbury as a town much imnroved. " Her business men enter the new year with bright and cheer ing prospects. The trade of the town dtirinsr the last three or four, months has been larger than for years past. Them is in this a positive proof that Outsiders, people from the distance, find that a change for the better may he found in Salisbury. -Mr. 11. w 1 Elegant Variety! Shelton, the' . gentleman from ..West & . -v. ' Virginia who has been looking aroud for a suitable place for his lumbering operations, has settled "at Mr. Frank Brown's, in Davie county. ; He goes riffht. to work, sawing lumber. The Monroe Enauirer : Mrs. . ' Sallie Marsh, wifeof Solomon Marsh, aged t y ears, leu irom v iae porcn ac Mr. H. Cf Green's "residence, in Lanes Ureek township, on the 24th of De cember and sustained a severe frac ture of the leg. In Goose, Creek township, on Monday, two young men, Messrs. John and J. K A- Price were cutting down a tree, and at the moment the tree began to -fall - Mr, J. E. A.: Price exclaimed. - 4 'look at my coat," and attempted - to . remove it, when the tree came down on him with . a heavy thud, breakin&r hia neck. ; He died instantlv. Mr. Price was about 24 years of age Willie Griffin, a -young - man living near Gibraltar postoffice, in New - Salem townsnip, nappened to a senous ac cident on . Christmas morning, the result of . his own foolishness. -He loaded an old army gun heavily with powder and tamped it with a whole sneec oi Drown paper, and then ex- ploded it, when the gun burst, tear ing his left hand all to pieces. Sev fral fingers had to be amputated. RETURNED A Father and Twenty-Five - tion. Son . Meet After Years of Separa retai Co. r Uliitton, JN. U.j Jan. 8. A strange reunion nas lust taken place here. In 1861 the venerable Rev. H. S. Spi vy, parted from his only son, John G. Spivy, at Goldsboro. : The latter then a youth, left behind him his loved ones to link his fate to that of the South. He served with the armv of the Southwest, and was present at the seige of Vicksburg, the battle of Corinth and many other engage ments; Detailed to some special du ty in Arkansas, he was captured at Dardanell, in that State,' in 1863, and carried a prisoner to Johnson's Island where he remained until the follow ing February. . He was then sent to Shreveport, La. Here he was placed in command of his regiment which post he served until the close of the war. . After the surrender he went with some of his comrades to try his for tunes in the North west.- After living a short while in several States he set tled at Salina, Kansas, where he has lived for ' sixteen - years, practicing law with great success. His father neard or his capture and imprison ment and thought he died in captivi ty. In 1872 Col. Spivy wrote to his father ,- The letter was misplaced. and came to light only a few months ago, while Mrs. Spivy ; was looking through an old - bandbox. The dis covery that the letter had never gone on Its mission to North Carolina sugs ges tea that the old man might still be alive. The old letter was sent "through the mail just as it was found on its original errand. ; It found tbe father still lingering in life, and from it resulted a visit of the son, accoms panied by his daughter Miss Nettie, to the old father, who so long had mourned him as dead. IIRR Will now. Prevail during the next 40 days BEGINNING JANUARY" 4 th, 1886 1, : -We believe in the motto PUT DOWN THE PRICE PUSH UP THE TRADE ' Que Bargains are of such a nature as to at once con vince the purchaser' of their reality, and the class of Goods we offer Bargains in, are always those most in demand at f Via tlmft nf aln " 1 1 . ' BEAD BLACK GR. 4( (( . GR. it it ". " SILKS AT tt tt tt it 42Jo. per yd. 58c. " 98c. u 1.15 . 1.40 t FORMERLY - tt . tt 75c. per y aid. b5C. 135c. X65. 2.25 tt tt t tt ALL WOOL BLACK CASHMERES 36 m. Wide at 36 oents per yard. - . ALL WOOL COLORED CASHMERES 36 m. wide at 45c. per yard in 9 Shades. ALL WOOL BLACK SflOODAH CLOTH - 38 in. wide at 45c. per yard. . : . -v SILK WARP HENRIETTA CLOTH 38 in. wide at 70c. per yard. BLACK PAR AMETTA CLOTH. , 42 in. inches wide at 63c. per yard. . ENGLISH PLAID I5c. per yard. DRESS GOODS Worth 25c. and 30c. per per' yard. Biggest drive in Misses Solid Cored Hose, 5 5i 6 6i n . 8 8 . 15c. 15c. 18c. 18c. .20c. 20c. ,25c..' 25c. . Befct value yet in Ladies Solid colored Hose, 95 cents a box containing. 6 pairs. Regular made solid colored $1.0 a box containing 6 pairs. - Koosek A Linen Crashep, at 8c 9c., 10c , and 12Jc per yard. BLEACHED TABLE DAMASKS AT 40 CENTS FORMERLY 60 CEX$!S ct COLORED TABLE n tt' 65 80- "1.10 44 50. " 55 u; 75 90 Likewise Reductions in all other Departments. GIVE US AG ALL Being noV ; better prepared .to . meet the wants of the Trade, we cordially invite, a visit , from all. Be assured it always gives us pleasure to ... Report of the Civil Service Lav. - Baltimore Sun., ' One of the features of today's pro ceeding in the Senate was the intro duction of a bill by Senator Vance, of I North Carolina providing for the re peal of the civil service law, and all additions and modifications that may have been made to the original bill, bill in good faith, and at the proper V" V M " P 'V I? S&VX Y ime he will deliver a speech in ex- Uli MJi Liinly U KtUA 1L planation or it. lie does not expect it to receive many . votes in the Sen ate; but from private conversation he behves there is a maiority.lwho would like to see the law repealed; yet tney have not the courage to face public sentiment and vote as they feel. He says the civil service . system is a farce and a sham, whicn tne rans 4 tt ( it t 90 1.25 1.50 .75, .85 1.00 1.25 tt tt tt w E. L. KEESLEB, B. P. HABBY, , Formerly with Alexander & Harris. . Formerly "wltn - Hargraves & Alexander. TYS 0 1ST & JONES. C A RT H A G;E. ;N. C., FINE BUGGIES AND PHAETONS. 2 LARGE AND NOW ON HAND. CLAIM TO BE ABLE TO COMPETE hxJrST -WITH XX( Xtxci mum s Ail THE BEST MANUFACTCBEB3 " Tor Brow sale by A. C. ifntclilson & Co., Charlotte, TV. C., Van GUden & n, AlmiIe, W.C., W. fcmitltdeal, Salisbury, C. ; FOB DTIPABILITYi STTXE AlH)' FINISH; WE ABE UNSUBPASSED. - : V - TYSON JONES, Carthage, G- lift about the N ortn uarolma ; clay which- emanated from tbe hen of a Philadelphia eportsman. has had a large circulation jn the pre of theUnion. Capt. Melee's tamuy will continue to reside here run next summer.-A building and loan , ass CHARLOTTE, N. C. FOR SALE. W f Turn- rioalrnTtlA rmlldins IOt3. OUX3UU IBtiL, OO frontlDg on South Tryon street, adjoining the property of J. H Carson. Shade trees on lots, wnf h soid senarately or together. - Price ivuu and file of the Democratic party do each. not understand, nor do they have any CHARLOTTE BEAL ESTATE AGENCY. faith in it. During the last Presx dential campaign the 'k Democratic stump speakers started out to talk to the people about the tarur. An order was sent out irom headquarters to drop the tariff question and let the battle cry oe "Turn the rascais out." The Senator says he went down into his own State and miormed nis peos pie that if they would come up and vote for Grover Cleveland and non- est . Government the rascals .would be turned out and honest Democrats appointed to fill their places. The people came out and voted as they were instructed, duu now. wnen iney come forward and ask why the ras cals have not been turned out, they are inf ormed that a mistake has been made, as it is now discovered that there are no rascals in. office, and the campaign cry was simply gotten up to deceiva the people. "In the weak and sicklv platform," says the: Sen- fttor. "we ,were promised that the tariff would be reformed. . There will be no reform of the tariff during this Congress," he added very emphatic cally. "Then we were told that the rascals would be turned out and even that nromisft has been broken.". He said he did not wish to comeout too heavily on the Administration at one time, but will have ; to oppose its re commendations on the silver ques tion, and also make a speech agairsfc civil ' service and endeavor i to show the follies of it. , '- .-'- : , : .Positive Care for iile L. J. WALKEB. B. K. BBTAN. L A WALKER & CO, Wholesale and Betail Grocers. NEW FIB3I IfEW OOODS ON the first day 01 January ajx.m uuuwbis entered Into a co-partnrship lor the purpese ,of carrying on a . , , ' General Grocery; Business a thA old 'stand of Sprines & Bnrwell. corner Tryon & Fourth streets. We are quaunea Dy long experience, to meet the demands of the trade, and give satisfaction i to -oar. pastof ers . . W e Will liCcp UU uauu ok oi "x" " . 1 FAMILY EOTLIBi, Which wffl be deUvered In any part of the city free of charge. - " V REMEMBER. - We will not be undersold In the Charlotte market. hat? a hpp.n civftll piio nintmTit-ftmr.hatiea:ly guaranteed to careor money retoicJed internal, external, blind, bleed-. ing or itching piles. Price 50c. a box. ao cure, no rVnr gale5 by L. 'B. Wriston, druggist," Charlotte N.C' ; ,r.. . iumvewu. our store for tha mers.' L. J. WLES z Safes for Sale. Two good second-hand safes will be sold ebeap ; One MILLEB'S. ' One HEBBIN&T3. ; Apply to Chas. B. Jones, a ' 8ep9d&wtf .THIS JTFICJL FEED C. MUNZLER -.WHOLESALE LiAGIII JSEEJX DfiAIJEtt All '.. BOTTIJS&, ' CHARLOTTE, N. C Bepresents two of the largest LAGEK BEEB Breweries in the United States. Tbe Berfjner A Engel Qrewibc . Co., of Pliiladelpliiky and the . P. & IH. QchaSTer XSrevrias t If evr Torlc. THE LAEGEST LAGER BEEB BOT TUNG. ESTABLISHMENT - t IN THE CITY. - . . ' . CTOrders Solicited. All order! promptly filled and delivered free of charge to any part of the city - dec20dlf , , ' OPERA HOUSE. gatnrday, January Otli The Great Success, TOE WILLOW C0PSI5! "LDKE FIELDING," - ANT) A GREAT CAST '. "r ;:.-r rri,.Dn.rlTlnf.. lfl.. CMnnafV. ell,fxs. M.ry Myers, M;es Kate Tousey, Mr. A. S. I!pmantAI?. Bisjmoiid Iic-lmf s,ilr. Janiea Taylor, nr- wn l TTm ' anil oJ1v.-ts...- ' - itlces i fcs ueuaL Seals at CeEtral HoteL: ,,