v. r : r ( rm.i (I : J II 1 I ill! il - t 9 3 r ! N VOLUME XXXIV, CHARLOTTft, N. C, SON DAY, JANUARY .10, 1886. PRICK FIVE CENTS. r M ill ' i i j STATE Jf E ITS. . " " " " ' " If fist -CO:)- TEUTH. LIKE THK SIT. SOMETIMES SCBIttTTS TO ES OBSCUBHD, BUT, LIXZ TEX SUN, ONLY FOB 1 TDtK." . - . . ATS rivria" to a change in our firm,:we will, for the next SO days, offer to : the pablio our entire stock of- " ; -.V-. :' - WINTER AlND SUMMER GOODS AT COST.r Tf Mrsists of Dress Goods. . All kinds, Dre53 Silks, .Cashmeres, Silk Warp TT nriettas lamise, oerges, o 4 aim d r jauueis, , vAJmuiuawuu ouiys,:: ctina Surahs, Laces, Embroideries, Crpc3, Crepe .Veils, Blacly and Colored n ohmere Shawls, Corsets, Velvets, Velveteens, Ladies' and GentsVUnderv ar Clothing, Overcoats, JJomestics, Calicos, dheetmgs, Flush . Saccules, Smarkets, Russian jCirculars, Hats; Cap3, 4 Boots, Shoes,- &c. This is strictly a ; .v . : - , 7 K,vtu,j , u,"w vv jh uprjajwys8iuwu grana cnuaren and great e ruaus.ai -jiourteenm. ena Twenty- dren. She was a native of third f.ireetsan connection with the hut marHpn a nH CA AL1 And e offer bargains such a3 you may never get again v in a ', lifetime. A Be Member, we sell all' of our stock, including everything, nothing reserved, - At "Gost for Cash cottE ormE, cojie ail. 55 ft A : L2i -AND- fill AT A- BIG DISCOUNT Selling as low as tlie lowest BLACK BSE3S SILKS at prices that will move them rapidly. t A few pattern's la OTTOMAN MtESS SILKS at the yery low pnce ol 75 ceats per .yard, former price $125 Fine COMBINATION SUITS in woolen fab- irlcs at about half their value. . - ' ' First National Bank Baildicg, South Tryon Street, - Goldsboro Argus : The month! v pay roll of the city of Goldsboro for its various officials foots ud $366: not EL.E CTlll c A I RAILWAY, including the many and .various in . . . . cidentals that call f or To Be Kun Uuder C roadway fcy month and which in the - aggregate an EntirelrTfew System. runup 10 respectable nigh ngures. New York Sun, , . Ana yec we nave the most economis Today an idea of incorporation of cal cy, government that we have t.hp Fnrtf.fnth . arid T vcr an txr -third ever naQ and WO : QO not know Of ft Street . District Eailway Company single superfluous expense, i .u win d? mea m aididv . Among tne Asheyille Citizen: Mr. G. W. Mc duvetorg .! are. .(Jntv 1 Godrd.: Mars rjiflolrfin infnrmana tiat v.;a CooPeI George F Seward and mother,-who died soon after the war vv iiiiam j . uampoell. rms company at the age of- 85. had sixtvfi ve - dp- is to hs ix branch, of the New" York fndant, in thp On r, fori " ----- - -w , wv v W V W Ul V M.KfJ . rand chils Georgia, TToirnrnrt1 ew .York company., . , t county, to which she removed after , lan system by whxh the new com marriaffe .-Her ctmfante w ll panies propose taoperate their roads natives of that glorious countv 13 known as the Hazard system It is Probably this 13 the largest cbntribu the patented invention of Mr. Row tion to militarv-RprviV.fi ma hv nv land R, Hazard, and has been recom onA familv i mended by;. M. da Montgolfier, the j -M f" rm rencb engmesr and adopted by the w luawu xjuy : vv e understand Paris municipality:. - Mr. Hazard was ill bem on theN. C. Virginia saen last evening at the office of the Midland R, R next spring- and will New York: Railroad District Railway Pe pushed to completion to this place Company it 146 Broadway. at an early date. ; With this, fact in : "TheSunisentitledtothehonorof view, the future of . the . Twin City's calling the attention of the public to prosperity cannot be grasped by the the 'scientific street,? by its article of ordinary mind. Its growth has been August JJ, 1S84," said -Mr. Hazard. gouuuuea bo, anu is VThe great difficulty with the uow v unest ana most pros- schemes hitherto proposed for a raiK perous cities in JNortn Carolina and way beneath Broadway, has been uowsr muuraueuis to capuai the necessity of seeking legislation to than anv other city in the State. give the right to take the vaults u : AqhRvilln AvanWftv - TfAi Mnnda der iha "street. 'We have adapted plants to meet the requirements of Cuthberson, from McDowell county, the present law The essential fea- an overseer or seotionnmaster on the tures of our plans are:. 1. ia unit bucktown branch of the . Western foundation of concrete two feet thick; North Carolina railroad, wan Rt.rnoV carrying the external .vault walls at 0n the Head' with a spade by a negro thecurbline as well. , 5. The rain- nrid kilpd., Fmm th information wp imum of i capacity. The excava- have received, it seems that a diffi- tion .will be ,on,. the average culty, arose between the two over a only 16 X-6 feet deep, and we shall KM. whilft thev, were . both on thP nave room tor, lour tracKs, siaouaru cohstruction; train, and, they : soon gauge, v fluu . b wu - siuo ? luuum i came ; to blows, witn tne result men wnicn an eiectric wires. an water-ana 4 tinTi - Tho nPrm Aqmrf huf.- pipe and1 sewers will oe.pHced captured, and lodged in . jail ARE IN JSLIU AT- ITSOIIf fe: M lll'S Cloif Out Oar: ii, DSALEES IN T BUTTON, CONGRESS 4 LiCE SHOES. Gents' Fine Hand-Made and Machine Sewed ::o: Cloaks ! Cloaks ! Cloaks ! They must be sold. Ton will be astonished how lowttiecash will buy them, ' :0:- ETS AND DNDERWEiR. 1 big stock of BLANKETS and UNDERWEAR at very low figures. - - - ,'-'- . . Bemnants In every department at your own Ipdoeu - " - was -4nese side tunnels will b accessible Charleston; He claim3 that Uuthbers irom tne vaults, and wnen our ruad is K8oh was "trying tocut him with a onco conipleted thr,re will he no necM Kniffi'whn he Rtrnnk with tha smde. rhW IVfiqpa' anrl Phildrpn &y'of breaking up the street again Xhpre were two eye witnesses to the Qies, misses ananiiamis on the -concrete foundation -wxd be difflcuity. but we have not heard fine ' placed granite blocks to, carry the what,thir statements are. . " vault walls and, the pillars to support -. - , - - . , tee road bed above The pillars will lmington Review: Mr. . I E: be of angle iron four feet apart, and Williams irom tneyicmity ot btur- instead of brick walls to: divide' the euu " . V tracks one from another which 4he I Pon; "ti"1: Tnrrra rTrnvrrKT Kfcrn t a mx? t t q .aAmnn Af -ka -o-wrirt m;ir tnai isirs.,'"vv nite ana-ncT'owp am8r ...... ............ 1 k : . f w 1 r tt mv .-. : nhrtitrin n ' TATTk .1 BtJYS AWI YOUTIIS . vpntion of mv owri f rr the fire on the 5th mst.t an accounW "? DUUiO -.OJiXVJDO' UHAiJXO t - - r ;i . .Ol . . - , lirrt ,Ai r woven m which is flax, tar, asphalt j womuo wuimug, GENTS' FINE , . , or asbestos, he-whole is ? covered but that there were no prospects for ' m,-,i, Aii" nnA t,h,;u,; the recoverv of either of them. The Silk. Soft arid Stiffs HatS. treated,-so. that; it becomes wateV accident has casta deep gloom over Uliii., MU1WCU4U AASWiJ. f Rtrftn . . Wpp, and. lftSa the entire neighborhood , . Rev. Mr. liable to fracture. - It is also, non White, aside , from the terrib e.and resonant- The cars will be on steel ueartrenamg caiamicy wnicn no vera frames, covered with ferflax. They ?Jer-hia household, lost all he had m wni nave no windows, tne oniy i eiass fu -urt 7- " u in the -n being the globes of the eiec- nd impoverished condition . which triclamps.A6pntinuou deflecting appeals strongly to the sympathy of Not because of wanting to mske a change in business, bnt because we do not wish to carry Goods over tnothar Season. . We prefer not only to -enare cue profi, s with our customers, but readily give 1$ up to them In OMer to Seattle Go .da. . - - Were we about to close out business entirely, we" could not possibly ' undersel' our ' . . . . v jViark --down prices, : Which are generally Introduced by us after taking of the tnventory.' a ..'' - . . - , : . Eyery;- filcrc'dant -: ' - - . . 1 ' i Has a limit, within the bounds of which he is compelled to keep.' and never as yet has a firm beea touid to thrav gools or money away to . benefit xheir , ITriends and- Customers. Among the ': many Bjtrzalns ' -Offered - . , , - . , - . . THESE WILL TMa, TIE LEMi, BLANKETS, -"'! ; - V "WOOL HOSE; ' i: ami i ! ii n in mm :0: : Wt w '-iV JBIMIII HI 1 -AND- J?"3! 5 TRUCKS, - YALISES and !: : - GRIPSACKS, a--.. Correspond as well as H A R D T ! ai E S -AND- SING for Ladies' Fine Shoes. mjn rn iio 0ifr;ir ' aiso oaaiy ourneu, oui, tuai xaer m i... - " - " J -vfi-Kiei rvf aaoinnain rhaiv hdrdf We have experimented, and are iZrr Vu Ud OUU VUCtU ; DUO : "lil UlUUMUMi ' WV - y IG1L1E. Stcck. always kept' fall ;and .fi-SSSjSTfiK SuVTesto'S : , . up to ine aemana. . by electricity, and can produce a - - orders by "mail OB express pbomptly thoroughly perfect system of electric -: . . PnK.Io,ed , . " L O W P R I C E s; I , " ' - , ' -- " " ' - ' ;"'..''" . See. bur Overcojits , before .buying. This cold spell and our . Low Prices will induce you" to buy of us AN OVER COAT in spite of the H A:RD ;TIME8 ATTENDED TO." k G I V E U S A C A L,L of seven heaw cars forty : miles -an I A romantic story has been devel- houri -We propose to run through oped at Canistep, bteuben county, JN. t.rainn nn thft two inner tracks in the Y. VVednesday; morning Theda A. morning and evening hours, and way BDrumwisor jsoam, mien., angut, trams on the outer tracts. . Uur cap- ana preny youug muy 01- gvou. iaun itai iafiYPH nt. a nno-non a mil. and lv. arrived in the village, and m an negotiations are complete for placing excneu siaie 01 mmu asueu ior a iiy-bfrtoi- in viilnpnTwsiri.Mfifl .wfl fiannnt erv. where she found a horse and Dlace it' here. - drove immediately. to." Hartsville. On The Storv of a Tenus. eral months ago she began a corres CHARLOTTE; N; c. FOR SALE. V ; Two desirable building lots, 50x300 feet. I ' " rf . r- a- a -je-j.: ....:i; 1 oorrii all v invite a visit from ' all Kp aqsured it late artist, William i'age, but now irequent anu auectiouate, uuwi hum cumiaiiy mvite a VISU irom ttl. BUieu it & iv n fihe-amfini: -of marriaee was US pleasure to ; ' ' rinc"is not numbered among, the made. The .ceremony was to - have w - " : l - . . nntnotnnfo nf Mi- :. Pawo'a toiII Thft takfin nkftfl on' New Years, but OB iieinor no w: bettpr nrfinarpd to : rneet the wants of the uraae, we y gives So don't hesitate but come along. We still have special bergains in CpIL ttN'SHOSTR v Alan iiniicsnol innoAmpnta m thfl iiistlv , ' - Celebrated " aiatthew Patent" Kid G love Formerly with . ; . " Alexander & Harris. - t ' - '" Formerly with ' - . - Hargraves & Alexander. - ' ' , A New York dispatch to the Phil- pondence by chance with a young 5g iS&oiXa adelphia Press says : 'Mrs. Peter B. Sweencv.i the- divorced wife of - the man named George Benjamin. The letters between them became' more th Trnnrt.v of J. H Carson. . Shade tr?es on lots. Will be so'd separately or together. : Price $700 - - CHARLOTTE REAL E3TATE AGENCT. - L. J. WALKER. B. K.- BRYAN; WE W FIRM ? HARRY, CARTHAGE, N. C, FINE . . contest over the first husband's will that day the expectant bride, having would, it was thought, be participate made all preparations ior tne ratner ed in by her, so that she could get romantic wedding, received, instead possession? of his tamous - painting 01 tne Dnaegroom, n leirgraui s.i ulu 'Venus." It has always been sup his sister announcing that ''George" posed that the artist modeled this was very low with typhoid fever and no nt.inc rrnm nflr ftna exninir.p.a ? ic couiu uuu uumo uuu man jao vo vwii- mi Mini v f mm rflvp.nffeful motives. It tinuall v, asking for "Theda." : I The was painted snortiy atter sue Decame teiegram, uigeu. uci mocwoo v. TOifo f ffwAflnflv i : Thfl , ficiirfl ' ia t and- she hurried fast as DOSSible.Vv He noovW lifft-RiVfl and naintfld -with a had never sent .his photograph, but rpalism that has never been excelled, described himself as haying dark hair It was exhibited in the Paris Salon of j and moustache and. good looking. tssQ and M Paffft-'-withdrn wi? it ' to 1 With" disgust-th3 youne .woman 8aia hang it at , the Academy exhibition he proved to be red-headed, squint- ol carrying on a here in the year lollowmg, hut his eyea ana pug-uoseu. xio wa uuu friends persuaded him from present- Sick' at all when she arrived at his ino- it. During: its . first exhibition home, ana naa not ueen. auyro was Mr. Sweenev off ered five times its a scene there, and the disappointed value to nave it suppreyseu or. xo get quu iwiwu giu icvmcu vV it in his possession, but; his offers refusing to have anything to do with were declined. The painting is now her note paper lover. in the gallery. of Mrs John Watson, L. 'J.: WALKER fi. CO., Wholesale and Retail Grocers. NEW GOODS O" N the first dayof Januan,1835,the undersigned entered into a co-partaershlp lor,. the, parpen General Growrj .bnsiacs BUGGIES -AND- AKTONS. LARGE one of the artist's daughters, by his first "wife. .Mrs. Sweeney was one of the mosi beautilul belies . ot Balti more when Mr. Page married her in her seventeenth year. They ..took a bridal trip to Italy ; and ? remained abroad six years, when, ; they parted iliegant V aiiei-yi studied for the AND Smilli's Failure. V The well known firm, of ,W. M. Smith & C0. of Eichmond,, who were. manufacturers and dealers m agricultural impliments and one of the oldest establishments in the South, made an assignment on the : 7th. and nom- s At the old stand of Springs & BurwelL .comer Tryon & Fourth streets, We are .Qualified Iby long eiperlence, to meettae demands of the trade, and give satisfaction to cue cuswraers. . We wia keep on hand at all times a full stock of FM-i NOW ON HAND; TT'J ... . EE ABLE TO 007IPETW SUCCESSFULLY. IN PRICE AND QUALTIY, WITH THE Xllzl HAJ,UtfA'JTCliEES IN 'XBE OJtiJ U Aisi vJ3A. r. fcal 1T A. . riinclilc.n fr Co., Hmi lotto, C, Van Gililcn cj; created a sensatip 1 I'ltr rnrniitinrr r,v T . C ,-rnnnntr 1' ; , - M ro fi moon nvr 1 namdU. it is saii, left Paris and returned to New York in 1882. since which she ot '-&TOS IIIe Care Tor lISes, Which vrm be deUverei "in any part of tie city tea of charge. We'V7"il not be undersold intte Cturlotts maxfeet. Safes for Saiia. Two good second-hand safes win be sold chp - One MILLER'S.1 One HERRING'S.. Apply to Chas. R. Jones, a Bep9dAwtf THIS JFFICX. mm e. hunzler . - -WIIOLTSALS - - CHARLOTTE, N. 0 Represents two of the largest LAGE3 s BEEB Breweries in the United States. c , v 1 - , r. , - ' Co.; of J?liilatlelplila, and the -' ; F. & gdsaSfer Brewing Co;, of THE LARGEST LAGER BEEB EOT- TLEtTG LSTABLISHKE1TT . ' 5 - , . IN THE. CITY. - CsGrftzva RoUeltch All order proiaptly iiiled and : delivered free cf ; tshsrge to as;y part cf the city. - - - - decSOdlf , . PfiatiDg Press for:: Sale. X FAV2 FOS SALT3 - a C0TtitIee Ad3m3 Por and Newspaper, Fre-s. Slie of platan . 2ix59 inches. TlittiiTifjiiinelsIa gODd order, mad by Ece , stintlard wDrk. L5 t Pr.C3 '- - - 2'2'orO WmbeseldfoT -.' . '- - '50 C8 Ojterinsto suit rurth-iser. , ' . .. cms. r. jovt:?, - Janoltf V Cha.;lo te Ob-iiver. ' ; rCR DUDArillTY, feTYLS AKD FIIilSH, T7E iEE OSURPAESTia . I has been living in retirement m-the : T-the reop of m cot rg-ThereHa awronrriJta tte rer c: latter Citv. . - ffiV.. rewmntoa ot our et,: I If ve wo-'d 1 e p v.e.l'jl m nds, vo nis tl:i Ir; 1ft ,111 i he '--.t?. wv n it lene: it Tjjv.ei-i' 1 n c'eiwemas.l.bor;lf we wt-uid pe;, rM vf a i-ii, . at py. bvL. Ii "VTr'on, dirl'i r.t'r.tte - T7 JVC Sf, S Vr T7. W.,?rrL'ar:l3fJ.ri'v7''.:.rn''m-fi'r."7i t 'uc U-? n ? 1 ri'i'tis o' t' e fc;:" s ir.v-v'.:,j- f rl.i E': fh' ...i' r !1 I I 6 V it f . v I i! ii 1 1 3 i :, i fit f V : -. i lit i If: if1 ii! iii: ii! n Si if i i i in '.r i t - f t iii ; ! , ; Mi 4if ft - 4 n nnrr ;on & JOISES, if, . .. . v-'-v--... Julys etnU7i - 3 couirh, we must take lr. B. 's Cough tij'rup.