V A. SArrraoRS FIcur steady: Howard Stress and m, mo,uj 100. -jiamyj $4.2533175: , Ctiy mils Super J-A50 r, and birds ! .00: Extra S3.EOSi4.15. Bio brands. 4 623 CrisHj E:T3 f a 2iriitrnt.s Cifi.. -Mr. Rnrmtlb tj nsws paper editor, nil paper is cx&zl I -rest and. Strea von all abrsi f and feuntin and ? 13; lUynolds vrent down to $4.75. Wheat Soutnem 'steady-- Western doll; vT. eT 'nrlMt wMk. and found ' aoum-sin red 90293; amber 95397; No 1 llary- 3M i.i rrJur,MK, ftna iouna , , 9, ML cNo 2 Vertern winter rsa snot grtat J ; pisi2 na lraISUE2 W 87S87 asked: Corn Southern, steady; Western, front ef Um They wtre tryinj to get ' higher; Southern wiiita asd yellow , ;.f w, glimpse fcs a ttraxs-lookinj box th&t j; Chicago Flo-ui--Qa!et, Wheat closed higher !wfth It was tart wood and art tin. 1 than yestei-day; : Jaccary : 81lfeS8234j February jtooa tr . "V . " . v- Mfcf7lb. Ccm dull: cash .TaKnarr Sfitfef i . i ik Ann , nruiiinv ihm ,. . "'o'- : - KBU a-" - r.wa felt ' , - - r. lUymalSa scattered the erowd right and left, am ntCa lis way up te the box There, Wees y,' were -twtTunj bears about a year etd, day were? of lightish gray ieler, ka ' tiey belonged to the rfbe f cf5si-as, the fiercest and most dan proas et 3 kears. A full-frown grizzly fcur wfil kfl sad drax pffabuffala- - vv ' All heart eaa climb trets as well as a man. BntsoMetiaes -when pursued by them men cape theaa by cMmbinx little slim tree a rtplkfit The Bear's iorele-s are stiff and dusty, e&d cansot reach around and hf a saf2&j? with them; aad thus ascend it fa eaat P after the man. -- fhe erhsslj 1 tbc largest kind of bear. A hie sometimee nine feet long, v Mr. lsymeUI Hok . rather wild as he thoushl ck&$ tfebraary 36a36&, ; Oata dull,- cash 28" FphniaTfl 'ilA ' Itfeufj ruvrfcr ctair'N?- ah e1fi Jfi siu.su; January $iu.3U; jreoruary w:luw:lh. Lard-firm: cash, SfJ.O7lffii8.10: January i&zQ f $5.10; February $6.O7i8.10. - Boxed meats sides t5.l03$5,12iA; short clear sides $5.4015.45. wniskey firm at tXlS. Sugar steady,- granulated 7;yStandardA 6. - - Nkw Tobk Southern ' flour, steady; good to choide. extra i5.40. .Wheat spot, dull, without decided change: ungratted red 91892: No. 2 red January 89a9&k; Corn spot higher; ungraded 46351; No.. 2 January 6(Mf?51 , Oats-shade stronger; No. 86&36ife Coffee spot fair Bio sieaay ar ; o.-'; Y io spot t.SU; J-inuary Ee leoied closely at the; box land; found his ewn name upon it . Whp had sent him ndk a Christmas gift? It was the most awkward present he had ever had in his life. ; Bewerer, he made, the best of a bad joke.; Btk first care was for tte two orphan grizzlies that lay iiudled!t6gther;jhiyermg-;;and. sailing the cold airii The crowl -were tori auating them. " He wrote upon' A piece of paper in large letters the words:";--'; . '.-Sr.vVy'-..; 'flll: S6.6Ca$6.66. ugar 7ominai; fair to good re fining 6? refined about steady; C 6iAf4i; J5xtra O 825; Wblta C 5; Y-l'ow 5ife! Off A 6S6; Mould X 6; Standard A 6 7-16sU; rj recnouers a 6 II lCat.- cut Loaf and Cnishrd 737Jte: Powder 6 il6S!7; Grsnalated 6 !3J6: Cuas ,8 1M8.77. Mo-tissea 'active. Ek firm: Cotton seed oll-crude 26; refined 83 Bosln dull at ; $1.00111.05.' Turpentine; steady at 88. Hides steady. wool quiet and steady. Pork firm: mess $10.25; middles firm; long clear $5.50. Lard without Quotable: Western steam spot $6 4ZMi $6.45. freights steady. Cotton & 32d; wheat TL Narl Store' . - Wilmirgtok Turpenono firm at 35.' BosUj firm ; strained 75; good strained 80. Tar firm at $l.oo, crude turpentine steady; hard $1.00; yellow dip and virgin $1.50. ; Savahicah Turpentine dull at S544; ; Bosln steady at LOOSJl.OB. - - ' CaAKU3TOK -Turpentine firm at 85; Bosln strained b5; good strained 90295. - l?l33iSBXSClaJ., I ,fDOT THK; BEARS." He tacked this- upon the 3 box, and then went to get something to feed his unwel come pets. !. : He ordered at a restaurant near by some bread soaked in hot water. - He had probably heard or read somewhere that this was the proper thing to feed baby bears, w He guessed just right, for the cubs ate it with a good appetite. ? WhUe -they were 1 getting Sieir breakfast Reynolds went np stairs to see if any letters had come for - him ex plaining this inconreaient present. " He found one from an Indian trader . in the west, say ing that the cubs were for him, and that : they had come all the way from -Montana in . ' , . - at flat. lt--:;5'1 ; Grizzly - bear cubs 'are not easy to catch, because their mother is so fierce, and a Pie gan Indian had captured these. The Indian was out hunting, and saw one of the cubs alone.' :. He threw a rope orer its head and lassoed it, and it set up such a crying in its thrill baby growls that its mother came trotting to the rescue in a moment. - He fired at the old erizzly. Fortunately for himself ho was a good marksman, and he killed her. at the first shot. Just as she fell dead two frer young bears ran . out of the bushes to ward her, KM the child's story of thebigbear the little bear and the middle-sixed bear. ;1 The Piegaja' instantly Jassoed thesa alsW , tW ha had: three' young grizzlies.' He dragged them, howling and whining, to his wigwam, aui titd them up. After, that he want back to secure his game, the old one.. He dressed the meat, loaded himself with the tfcin, claws and teeth of the animal as a trophy of his skill as a shot, and returned Btt tiiere he discorered that the cubs had ireken loose and got away. 4 Be tracked them and: got back two. These he sold to the trader for stores. The trader sent them to Mr. Reynolds in return ir some 'MneV But Mr. Refn5lds is in the greatest pickle pout What to do with his uncomfortable pets. banvi take them home and let his chil n plar with tham. One of them might ct out its little paws in pure affection nd lUNze the baby to death. They would frighten nerrous women out of their senM tad draw all the bad boys in, the neighbor kood. ' So the' gentleman just called a wagon aid sent his inconvenient treasures to the menagerie in Central Park. They we there aow. Superintendent Conklin, who takes Won good car of Mr. Crowley, the young Chimpanzee, - says they: may stay there while. But what' to do with C them whin y ct to be nine feet long and too big to bread dipped in hot water is something oout which their owner has . not yet made ipua mud. . s v NBW.TOBK. . Exchange f$4.86. Money 132. Sub-treasnry balances gold $160,909,000; curreney $1S,742,C8U; Sovemments dull; tour per cents. $1.23; threes $101; State bonds-dull: ' Alabama Class A, 2 to 5........ .... 97 ' - - ClaJsB, fives 1.C5 Georgla8's... 1.02 eorgia 7's mortgage i.ooi4 North Carolina 4's. ....... 8Qtfc ton North Carolina 6s. ex. ta.t...;:.'.i .. 1.15 , xLl6!A I'-U m. U1U1U O Mi UUUlllft ..a....'... .... .. mm rsu South Carolina Brcwn Consols. . 1.06 Tennessee 6's 531& irgiuia 0 8......... 43 Virginia Onsols.... 61 Chesapeake and Ohio.....;......"..... 12 Chicago and Northwestern.... .... .... .... 1.09 Chicago and Northwestern, preferred..- l.85 Bexxwx and Bio Grande ; - 19 Erie..:.:...,: , , w "East Tennessee, i... - - 6 uasa enore..... , LiOuisTiua and washTiiie. : 43 Memphis and Charleston 84 Moone ana unio.. ....... 151 Nashville and Chattanooga. 48 New Orleans Pacific, 1st..... 65 New York Central... : 1.06 Norf oik and Western preferred... - 2814 Northern Pacific common - 28 Northern Paeiflc preferred....... ' 60 racmc mau..,. ts Beading.... .......v. 21U Richmond and Allegfc any. . . . . . .... ... . . .... - 6 Richmond and Danville. ............ . : Richmond and West Point Terminal. . , . . , r4ia cvwiv xsiauu.... i. ,,,, .... . . " 1 991i St. Paul St. Paul preferred...........;.,,........ I.211& rexas racinc. Yak u men racmc. .,.;;.; p4 waaasa racmc..... .;. ........ ... 114ft Wabash Pacific, preferred............. . - 21 wesirn union... - 7&19 "Bid. tLast bid;, goffered. JAsked. BKx. Dlv. : lis KTibi i: T. Z J JANUARY 7, ISO. , Cora per bushel.... "........'...". ........ -. 63362 yeai per bxishei. ............... ettrbY Whes.t-per. bushel 1.00 Poanats perbusheL., 1.20LS0 k'lour FariL'j.. .'AKirt xtra. : 2.2532.30 Peas Clay, per bushel . . . .... . 270 Mixed.,. 63365 Oats ehelled, , Dried Iftalt Apples, per E.;;.. .... .. - , reaches, neeied. .' ' nn peeled - EiacsDemes. ....... Fotssoes sweet.. Irish... Cabbags, per pound..... .. onions, per Dusnei Beeswax, per pound.... .................. Tallow, per pound.... ;... ,... Butter, per pound. ........ .... .... ........ r?gs, per dozen.... Chickens............ Ducks........................ ............ Turkeys, per pound..... .... .... .......... UvWIWJ Beef, per pound, net.;... .... .... .... .... . asutton, per pound, net......... ... .... .. h'orK, per pound, nee.... wooi, wasneo..... ' unwashed.. Feathers, new....;,. 3S. per poana. . . . ee r k mwm eee . 834 637 . . 34 435 . 4550 60ff60 23214 J70a7$ 24923 707 12520 1415 10rl5 2fJ30 tZi r K343 7C3 - 7tt8 ..1Q: 8 -18 45 XI 1 .1,5': GIVEN AWAY. LiM S. II. B.; BATASCTAIJ, OA.. . IIAHAH'8 VALKIIIQFAGT. . 72iT TSS7 SAT ASOUI TE3 ' - - V ' - ' Nob. SI is S3 Park row, ' New York. Sept. 33, 1885. J , msans. hoqebs, peet & co. , Gentlemen ; Having noticed In this morning' 8on your advertisement concerning the Hanan'e Waukenphast shoe sold by you, I cannot refrain. : 1 1H f-Mi-. --!- nt t- i-r ntiaAli Aitir anfjaAt aMa wjh a- pair whieli after a year's almost continuous wear. I am lust about discardinir. I nad been ao - I cuetomed to having my shoes made to order, pay. mer I mean a year ago wishing for a pair of shoes at short notice tor a trip to the mountains, X stepped into your establishment and purchased a pair of Kenan's. ' JTor ease and oomrort en long tramps in. the oountrr I have never had their equal on my ftett whQe for dorabillty they t ome about as near to the Irishman's ideal as any. thin I ever saw. He sai he " didn't care what ' ofeboes he had so Iog as the uppers were iui,roueio ana -uie soiss were made or eter the uppers are still perfeoGy sound and whole. "y." They have went out the second sole aag uviiciaiw. buui piTouy sounaanawnoie. . Ian glad to add my tostfmony to their excel. - lenoe, though a total stranger to the Sanaa's or to any member of your flna, and you are at S2rjrtom5? any use of this oonununicatioa gou loay ae fit. - - v . . - - BenefuUy Yew, '''.' ' ' . ' ,-- - aiOKTZBIEB. uvrwasToif ; At e. raivkitv & imo.. A gents for Charlotte."' ' eblOeodtf . The great Music House of the South, has remov en to a Magnificent New Store (the Largest Music Temple In the US), and as a souvenir of this Im portant era In their business, and also as an ad vertisement which will tell from the Potomac to the Bio Grande, they are actually giving away val uapie woia watches. - - i Doubt not this statement. It Is a fact It's a "Wholesale House, and they do things In a whole saie way, . Bead this startling " v SOUVENIR OFFER -TO- PIANO BUYERS. To 'every - Cash Purchaser of a Piano between November 1st, and De cember 1st. : 1885, from us direct, or through any of oury Ten Branch Houses or 200 Agencies, we will pre sent as a Complimentary Souvenir an elegant - " . , . . GOLD WATCH. Guaranteed Solid Gold Case.' and fine movement. Sold by jewelers, at $40 tO $50. - , : ' - . o. "Wo have now tha largest and most complete etock that we have ever c! fered to the Trade, comprising of all the latest style3 dt S . ; PEB. GOAT AND KID BUTTON SHOES in all grades.' - v GENTS : BOYS :-: AND :-: YOUTHS : ,. .. . . CALF LACS BALMORALS, CONGRESS AND BUTTON GAITERS. : '. V Gents linecalf boots and heavy shoes of aK -- Kinds. . ; . i Travelling, Bagjs, Trunks, Rubbers, etc Qycerqle Polish; for line shoes, acknoeldged the bestfor preserving leather yet introduced to the trade. . ' " ; J 't7J3 ' "ARB'' WETEKllffirNRSt 'r-k ; To keep uprouOeputaOon for good goods and k-.? prices Give us a calLa XrauciCc 1 , . - . , . , Building. " . - - . - . GRAY & CO. :o:- In consequnnce of the death of -Mr;' Samuel Cohen; the entire stock must' besold, and for the next 30 day s we will sell for - - . Our entire stock of Dry Goods, Ready-Made Clothing, HaJs, Shoes and Geny eral Merchandise at . . - . C - , The goods are mostly new and desirable. ' 'A large portion" bought Dyvour Mr. Elias in December, and at reduced prices. v t J . Call and Examine for Yourselves; V BP-- WHOLESALE BUYERS WITH CAlSH will find it to their ad vant age tO examine tfee stock before purchasing elsewhere. , ' ; THE Charlotte Observer, r " - cotsoR. ; 1 Ai,visTOB-Quiet: mlddline 8 18-16: net reeelnts 2779 gross -2779: stock 86,147; sales 310; exports coastwue- : Great Britain t : continent . Norfolk Steady : -" middlins' ' BTfei nefS re ceipt 2078; gross 207S;. sales 445; stock 48,886; export coastwise 564; to Great Britain SSS; continent ; France . . Baltimobk Dull; middling 9H6; net receipts ; gross : sales 150: stock 33.248: exports coastwise ; Great Britain ; continent . . Bostok Quiet; middling 916: net receipts 548: gross 2380; sales ir stock 6310: exports coast wise -j Great Britain . v r WrurreaTOH Firm: mlddllna SS5 : net 5 re ceipts 251 ; gross 251 . sales ; stock 10,664 ; exports coastwise , Great Britain . j PHrxADELPBTA Dull ; low middling 9: net re ceipts 168; gross 619; stock 18,805; exports coast wise- j continent - : v SAVAK2TAH Stead?: TnMriHno nt iwwlnis 2146; gross , 2146: safes 22ftt : stock 91. fi71; exports coastwise 408; ; to continent 500; Great pruam - : srance . Nrw OHLVAN.4 ftttdv: middling 8 9-16: net re ceipts 0809; . gross 66C1; sales 5000; stock 397,318; export coastwise 741;:; to Great Britain ; irranee ; eontinept . MoniLa Steadv:" middlins 856: " net receipts 4415; gross 4423; sales 250; slock 60,604; exports coastwise 417 j Great Britain-. . . 1402; shipments 1609; le755); stock 154,716. . AueiJSTA-Quiet; middling 89-16; recelpti S45; shipments i sales 467: stock . -' ' CBAmjsmm Steadr: - mlddlms ' v fSk t net receipts 1861;, gross 1361; sales 2090, stock 95,511; exports to continent 4SUW; coastwise j Great Britain ----;J'rance . i. Niw Yobx Quiet; sales 804; middling uplands sur orieans .7-ie; eonsouasxea . nei receipts 2088; exports to Great Britain 8,699; toFranoe ; continent 5300. ; J " I -a '- New York The total visible supply of cotton for the world Is 3.115.156 bales. Including 3.788.556 bales American against 8.126,475 and 2.625,575 respective ly last year. Becelpts of cotton at all Interior towns 67,670 bales; receipts : rxom Now in Its Thirty-FoBrth Fine, - 148,010; crop In sight 4,926,447. Future plantations 863; And fully abreast with all the requirements of modern Journalism. 1 , " ' " This Offer Good only. Until De- cember 1,.' 85. ' Pianos at Lowest Cash Prices known, with Com plete Outfits; and An. Freight Paid. Every thing fair and square, and full satisfaction guar anteed. " - " Send your name and address for circular giving full particulars. - This is the one chance of a life time, which should not be. missed,' Don't wait. The offer expires December 1st, and cannot be re newed. Address ' 1 . r - Lndden & Bates, Sonthern Wnsic House, ALTMSYEB'S NEW BLOCK, SAVANNAH, GA. Ur Hi " c Who OFFERS TO THE lesale t Retail Trade I , Iehtliylerial"Pusl. ' In the shadow ef the hilltop, out under the tries, tat a pretty miss. Hark, pJMj, to this ord of description; " Iler . hat ;vf as like ; ft c?al scuttle, perched on her head,1 her rings , gold, her dress pongee.: She Wdre Ta seer cker apron tied with a ; blue ribboa At er feet wera her ' cat and ddg, i : She read oud a psalnvon mercy, : The .VordV melted ilowly away,' when , a! boy's terrible shout startled her.. - He was floundering in a swamp ver Ms heels, but at last; he clambered ou wid went into a barn, a clean-looking build- not far away. ' -'. " ; i'ind m the above the ' names of fish and : other water animals, - to the number - of toenty-two. ' ' - '." Look thronp-h.it "rarfifiillr. 1 You will, find lie names sometimes' all in one word, some Jnij partly in 5 one and partly in 1 another. , letters occur .just as they do in" the sanies the. thing ; is to find .them. We may Wtoat oie of the kinds of. fish-i3 "her Tings," fouad in the expression her. rings of . two, ; 'ine other twenty-one you may dis wverroryourselvesL , . , . Nsrw York Net - leosipts 69; grosi Futures closed steady; sales 45.C00 bales. November. ............ ......... , , December ........ .....,.inumi... ,. r January........ .;.;; ;i m... .. .,.," 9.18,19 February.. ; ...,',....., r. 9 JBS.24 March. . ...v. v. 9.34S.35 April Mv.v.v.u..: 9.4sa.46 Kay. .Y.v, i .. .. 9.57.58 une. ... t ..,.. ..... ........ 9.67.68 July.; ; 9.W0.TO Aegust..... 9.850.87 September.. " 9.623.64 October.. .V 9 .46 s See .If Yoti Can Bo It. . iiJ3 j 4 I 5 -. J 6 J 7 j 8 j 9 , 10 11 1 VI m vlaAe twelve c&rds; number them as abova . Jjjw, the idea is t o placetbem-nsix piles, bui JTO.-must juftip two- cards fevery , time, , as . Stotto for Christmas Card. -. - Tou know that I love you, ; i - - j And love vou ri?ht hard, ' ' why should I trouble - . To sen 1 you thi3 card. - ' , -Litrerpool Coitoxt Klarlcei. tttmennr. ''Jannnr' ft Stpjtdv r with ' fair de mand; Middling Uplands 5d; Orleans 6fed; sales 7,0U); speculation - ana expon ouu; xctcipt! American 2.7C0. Futures dull. . ' - Uplands low middllrg clause January and Feb ruary delivery 4 60-4cS4 61-64d.l ; v . February ana in area ci-iows oo-wtu. -, March and AprH 5d. w . s ' , ' April and May 52-64dS:5S-64dM May and June 6 5-643)5 6-64d. . June and July 6 9-64d. .. r Jnlv an .1 AnoiiRt R-1S f.4d. - , 2 p m.. Sales American 6,2C0.' Uplands lew mid- tLung clause, January aeirvery 4 K.--a, iDu.ers.i -January 'ana Feoruary 4 hinsw, iDuyersj . i February and March 4 63 64d (buyers.) March "and April 5 l-64d, (sellers. ) April and May 5 4 6 d. ( buyers. ) May and June 51-64d (buyers.) ' . , June and July 5 l0-64d, (buyers ) July and August 5 l&eid (buyers.) " -Ausrat and September 5 16 64d (buyers.) Futures closed firm. - TOE DAILY OBSEIlVlEB ; gives , -n,.. TELEGKAPHIC NEWS Fiom at home and from. abroadr- and from al quarters of, the globe, bjesldes all: the Current News of the day, Local and otherwise. Its com plete and accurate daHyl r . '-1 - , -v ieleMclIaibt Eepoils ' .. Are aft Important and valuable feature to the bus iness man; and are alone worth the subscription price of Tun Observer. - No other dally In the State enjoys such .' . ' , . ' ' Excellent Idaii Facilities ', ..... ?i s r :' V : 43 IS POSSESSED Bt , The OBSERVER, FIVE TONS mm B UUG E 88 WHOLESALE AND BET AIL DEALEB IN all kinds of N ICHOLS, MM t . . I I ' ' U3K v -r -r "J I BEDDING, &C; -1. r . t in i y i'-H-j--- r .-,.1 . A full line of CHEAP BEDSTEADS, U LOUNGES. Parlor and ChamberSults, Cof- lir. iw.-.-- fins of all kinds on hand. No. 5 West . - . Trade Street, Cnariette, JNortn uaroima. ; . , . - . THE NEW DAVIS, a-. j.1 n ' - mi m r: l nre w ic Mfl, '..'.,!. i' - ). i 1 ' , v , . ' ' ' . ' . - . 'a II-''' .4 : : ? .... - ."i-.:-.. - v. . -v '.-r--1 . i- f " " I - " ,'." ' A - , -o-; - TWENTY BARRELS IfflfflD OIL City Cotton Jlarlscl , ; ,( Officx of ths obshrtsb . I January au, icso. ' ' ,CaAKLt3TTB, N. C ' The tity cotton market yesterday cloaed weak atthe lollowlpg Qucittiicna;- Strict Good Middling .:' ? 0 Good middiinsf.:.'. ? 2 Strict MhMlisg.i.. .;.;,.....,- Middling,'.-; i- ........,.....- : ; oio Ptilct LowMiadlins....i - t Low Middling JUddl-ng Tin?o?.,..v;,; ;..;- i OW Mi"iT StS.tL.3 . Lower GrAitus P. SC'iipt 3 J 6iti?rU?5.- ii .-....... As It reaches all the surMffidmg towns and all the important Postoffices In tata State, as , well as re mote points, North. Sith and West In other Stages, on the, . . n , . , ' Ba of its PnblieatiGD. : 'This makes It a most valuable news serving nubticatlon; as well as advertising .mealum.r.s.lt. i m M.m nA.- - pre-eminently the leading uauy oi me oiaie, anu has established Its claim 10 uus muriu - Tkk OBSKEVEB'anew Eight-Page form enables it to givfrmore reading matter than ever berore. The public is not asleep in respect to sewiDg machines, and a lady, now; davs..buvB a machine not because w naa a gopainauio uuwu j B") ; v. selects the machine tjiat pleases her best; has the most improvements, ajia , , does its work in the most quiet ana laay-iiKe iasiuou. , - j ThfisNewlienArmea uavis, wnn it v ernuaijiwu mo mo w - . .. - . . ' i irn. .i.j n A4.1AntAAhinAS 'vntn : ; . ments. and is saw; to com pine au lae.auvauwgra uiuiuw mavmu lYtAiiv tnab are oniuiu auu ueguiwi w mo . xto. . rf - a-;mz. rr w - i ihnt aVia is the p trial at tViof. txrViof. ment: that the new shall sucosea ana aispiace me oxu , , This law applies weU to the New Davis Vertical Feed Sewmg Machine. Have you seen it? . ; . C -x . ; . . , . The best or Macnino oil, xeiau auu vu iuo For salt.' 1 v 1 ' r ' r ' ' - ' k " 1 1 . .' ' , . - - EICHAEDMOOEE, General Agent, Trade St.- . A Large Stock of Colors, Teinit3, Ete. r ACSO ONE CAR LOAD Vi n a r f TOQCIl'I'rrt ' ' A f. 'IT assessor oi one, may i ewu awsun-cu duo , , your home, will cost nothing, and we will convince you of the ft . w have Raid of the "DaviS 'lS true, "itis ineuaw ui.uocwP- Established 1840, Incorporated 1884. ; Dm Thos. Bradford Go. FcrUWlMi " 17. For Any Kind of V4 .. tl SHALL GRAIN. - ' "- 4 " -'f A ln Tkf anuf actor- - era oi Kerosene Oi SUBSCRIPTIOH RATES: 3, v ; 7V3 4S7U 23 Daily edition, by -mail, One year, $8. 00 " -6mos., $4,00 $2.00 it it. ( ( it t 3 mo3., Ill at ; close ppjges. 1 f J. H. Mo ADEN,, j ' V ' - . - '- r.- . J- t Successors to Sole Manofaetf - urcro oi tne Old Reliable hnd Celebrated Um Flour Mil! faaotiinery -Nos. 25, .27, 29, 31 and 33 Lock St., u; Kear" highland Hoose Inclined Plane, .. "Write for Catalogue. CINCINNATI O Deci2aeodA.ftGiii. ' . v 800 TON rieiii uivUr:i Oami'tGii C. Jones,; ATTORNEY 4 AT LAV. vf' Will practice In the Ftate Courts, and in all the FpdrtO ourts in the Wsetern District, ' Jan3c6t6ws ' CARRIAGE MDBDGGY EEFOSITORY. 4 - A fell line of 'Carriages. B-es, Ietoiis, Carts -Sprin? Wasons, etc, of tLe best makes and latest . f -styles, oik hand. . . . " ' .. j2?Vehicies made to order and repaired. - - A. V IIZTSCIIISOIS' JSC CO., - cialctte, N. C, nsrf to Wadsr -flrt Stables: - . 'fipr2ju2ly ' .".7 ; r To ; ..Frhiters -( For sale vr;v-r. At o j ' ftj,5F SC.-.4 n : r-T.-CJJr Atcod 'b-ckd-tuna Plorgh Paper Cttter.wia janSdlvttuerO&'rl Vrlv v c?-i, tw J4'' es at TKI3 Or FTC f 1 t t ).; 1 1 I; .v. f 1 1 l i ( t r s t T,. 1 t. ' -i I .1 t J 5 J 'i I' ll '1 ( i i I . . i