VOLUME CHARLOTTE, N. C., THURSDAY, JANUARY 14, 1886. PRICE FIVE CENTS. - : : rr : 7-1 ; : : " 1 - 'i . . facts STATE TSEWS. P-h . rl' . Ll ' - . .NA Tedth. ltdc thx sew, sometimes submits to , .11 " l j i BX OBSCUBXD, BUT, LEES TKB SOH, OKLY BOB A 9 , AND- A EG WE ARE, SELLING OUT AT COST, AND NO MISTAKE! .. -i-'':;.;- 8 pairs taudsome Blankets, $7.70 to $11.50 ' 7.i pairs Ladse' Under Tests, 1.10 to -820, ' " "v 1 " - - . - ; 60 pairs Gtonls' Uudershirts, .86c to 3.55, ' vA 10 suit ramels Hair Underwear. - . " , . 1C - (jnndren's ve-talrnm 18 cents to 66 cents, ',. Comforts at tfi cents to $L.O. ? ' . . v v; : NEWMARKETS, ! RUSSIAN CIRCULARS AND YISITES .? ,.-,,- sit Plush Saroaes, satin lined. 118 15. 598 pairs Children's lHose from 7 cents to 45 cents. r allies' AU-wwi Hosa, 22 oenis to 36 eentsv, 50 yards Jacquard Dress Fannels, 75 cents, former price ; 1 500 yds. col' 1 Satins and Satin Ottomans, 25c. per ydl, In pieces from to 1412 yds. At Cost for Cash COME OHE, COME ALL. NOW IS THE mxn tiuELiiiv. HA N K E T S ! BLANKETS AT $1.50 ' 2.25; ?EK .PAIR. 3.00 4 4.00 : - " 41 ' 5.00 ' u i. 6.00 ' . 7.50 ' " : ' 9.00- , " 10.00 , 44 , 44 15.00 A ' PEGMWI & C CASE OF .EPIIOSY. First National; Bank Building, ,Charlottle,N.a South Tryon Street, r i I - - DEA.LEBS.tN LadiesMisses' and Childrea's : FINE BI1II0N. CONGRESS &:UCE SHOES; Gents' Fine Hand-Made and Machine Seved -:o:- The Subject Lectured on at a Re cent Iew York Clinic : At a clinic held recently'atthe New York College of Physicians and Sur geons a leper was presented ior ex amination' The patient was acneers f ul-looking mulatto from one of . the West India Islands. . He snjilinely submitted to the scrutiny of the stu dents, many of whom for the first time beheld a real live leper, Betore sending the man through the lectures room tne professor expiainea : mat leprosy was not contagious in the 6r idinary sense' of the word, since it was never contracted by persons not living or spending a long time y in some country" iwhere tne disease is epidemic. It j$ a curious fact, how ever, that the countries to. which the affection, is-peuliar are not limited to thetropies, but that m regions as far north as Iceland it flourishes through out the year. ' " : The unfortunate creatures who, under the Mosaic la wi were souncer emoniously ejected from the coramus nity,J included not only those afflict ed with leprosy; ; out . also persona suffering- from many ; - diseases not now regarded as dangerous or espec ially repulsive. ; Borne forms of eczes ma, which -yield readily to medical treatment and are not communicable subiected their victim to rigid exclu sion from the haunts of men.! But there was a true leprosy , as - terrible in its. effects;' as the biblical account implies, - Of the early stpgeof this malady the man before the class pre sented an exceiient example. Me was a mil, well made young fellow of about 25 years, and seemed amused by the scientific manner in which the students examined him as he circulated .through the room. Scattered over his limbs and body were scaly whitish patches, some what, resembling the integume'nt of the scalp. These patches, it was exs plained, were entirely lacking in sens sibility, and the embryo phyi?ians amused themselves by sticking pins Into them to test that point . Bis fin gers, too, were cramped,'; and could not be ' extended except by external force. "After the 'young man been dismissed the professor said that, al though he would not think of telling tlie patient so, the case would probav At Popular Prices. ies.-. It a big Sacrifice. BOOTS. BUTTON AND LACE BALS, bly terminate fatally within a year. -.. . . I a .,- . , -r-: , I fill ' T xnespois ot leprosy woum graauauy spread until they covered the entire body.: The joints of the fingers and toes would swell and stiffen, and one by one the ? fingers " will drop off. -1 : 1 .1 j ..u : j QOlt antt- wtlB HatS. yat death.would bring a welcome' v. HOYS' AII YOUTHS. FINE BOOTS AND ' SHOES OV ALL GRADES ' GENTS' FINE- Ashe ville Citizen : We are nleasod to learn that Mir. Gen. Vance, who Mao ueen criiicaiiy m ror : some time, is very.mucn better now. if he is in Washington.--Ur. Hugh Rogers, a Drominent c ::rr fi of Jackson countv. died at hlsf home in Cullowb.ee at 8 o'clock yesterday morning. ; iA good man gone. Smithfield Herald: - , A hiehwav robbery occurred in the Bentonville section about the 20th of December; J oseph Toler, a colored boy, knocked dpwn, stabbed and divested a white boy ; named Daniel - Thompson, of "Wayne cou nty ,1 of what money he had. ; The boy highway robber has not been apprehended yet. A correspondent of the Wilming ton Star, writing from Lumberton, Robeson county, gives an account of a very sad occurrence on Friday last : 4,Mr. R. R. Jones, residing at Lees Ville, ten miles south of this place, made a mistake f- and gave his two- year-old i child a dose of :morphine for-quinine. The child died in a few hours in great agony." . liTfji r t ' - ' ttt ' iw uuiiukijou xveview : vv e unaers stand that the North Carolina Phos phate v Company,! who are now the owners of the Castle Hay nes ' prop erty nave a large number of laborers employed there and are pushing the work of getting out the phosphates vigorously. 1 ney are now construct ing a rauroaa, aoouc one mile in length, from the, phosphate finds to the depot on the W. & W-. R. R. at Castle Hay nes. : xne 1? ayettevuie isews reports a ca?e fof, hyUrophooia- in " Sampson county. , r Joel Matthews,' aged 35 yers, crossed Black river, the divid ing line between: Cumberland and Sampson, with his axe in hand,' to do some work; s After , getting on the Salnpson side he ,met a rabid dog wljich attacked him.; He struck the dog with his axe but did not kill him; th dog seized him by r the left hand and withhut releasing his hold' held oh till, with his right Hand, Matthews beat him senseless. His band was dreadfully mangled. ; - r News and Observer; Saturday night at 12 o'clock, during a terrific gale, the fire Alarm was - Bounded at Fayetteville. It was discovered that the store occupied by J. H. Benton; grocer, and A. E. Bramble, ' tjnner, northeast corner of market Bquare, was in flames and threatened to con sume : that part bf; the, town. - The fire company, quickly put- out - the flames, but the store - and goods were lost Loss $4,000. a Insuranco 1800. Had it not been f or. the new .steam firfir.engi ne the O yer baugh, house an d one dozen oth?r buildings would have Deen burned. ..... LI MIL um.h KB ARE .at , . 1 - We are Closing Out Our Stook, l6 to mke a change In business, but because we , ao not wisn to carry ttood3 over another Season. We prefer notnlj to i: ; sn!re P"r Profits with our customers, but readily give It up to them In order to sell tne Goods. . "rnxSSe?!inb0,rt. t0 151080 0ut 1,113111685 eriflrely, we could not possibly' IVIARK DOWN PRICES; ; Which are generally Introduced by us after taking of the Inventory. - ? Every Merchant ; Has a limit, within the bounds of Which he Is compelled to keep, and ; ' 5eve-?'?Je1c toas a sm 'bem found to throw goods or money away to oflerwi nCS and Castomers- Among the many Bargains- -THESE WILL TAKE: THE LEAD, BLANKETS, . , FLAN NNELS '. . . . ' j-y , ' WOOL HOSE, BLACK SILKS AND DRESS GOODS. 5" - :0: "Y -AND- Mie . and Rubber . Overshoes. WOOL' HOSE FOR Men, Lais and Children. Flannel Underwear In all Grades. T. LSE IGLE. THUiSKS, ' VALISES and ; GRIPSACKS, UMBRELLAS OF ALL KINDS. SHOE BLACKING and BRUSHES, . , ALMA - and RAVEN GLOSS SING for Ladies Fine Shoes. MysteHous Disappearance. Kes ' called 'The mysterious disappearance of Haviland," says the Rockville Ad vertiser, Vhas called to the recollec tion of some'of our'citizens the mys . ' . Frostbites. Dr. Lapatih, in the .Proceedings 1 Of the Caucasian Medical - Society," advises that fingers and . toes which have been slightly frostbitten, and which subsequently suffer from burn ing and Itching sensations, should be V Correspond as well as H A R D T r E S -AND- L O W P R I C E S. teri0li18a?pfraralcle ino0r about e painted: at first once, and afterwards 1 year 1828, of Mr John Power, acitw twice a day, with a mixture of dilut- zen or tnis town mr. rower was ed nitric acid and peppermint water p. 1 i - i . n 11 j i "w - - - 7r . " . 1 in equal pruuuruuus. mter tuis.tvp Lvyiv, xx w Y o xvcjju iuu Amu ii uuo uuio ao luopupiowi uo plication has been made tor three or AemnrsA . old Washington Hotel. Jfower was , - unfortunate in business, and in order rYDTvn'Tjfl nv mitt. m irrppiy PinwTTT.v I tr tsimnort his lamilv had nrocured a horse and cart and nad Degun wort ATTENDED TO. fiatl GIVE US A' CALL i as a day laborer on the canal, which was then in the . course or construe- tion. One . day rower's horse was found in the vicinityjof his work tied .to a tree, and from that to 1880 no word was ever whereabouts. " The country . was searched - and every effort used to discover what " had become of the missing man. The conclusion . was reached that Power had been mur dered. In 1880 Mr. Lemuel Clements four days the skin becomes darkened and the epidermis is shed, . healthy skin appearing under it. The cure is effected in from ten to fourteen days.: The author has found this plan very effectual among soldiers, who were unable to wear their t boots in conse- time (1828) They were in this way soon, rendered heard of his capable of returning to duty.- H .rillQJJ fj .'- .1:- See our - Overcoats befdre bujing. This cold spell and our Low Prices will, induce you to buy of us AN , OVER-. COAT in spite of Ithe HA ED TIMES. CHARLOTTE, N. 0. The Kind Tliey Carry In Texas. In Atlanta Ga . a few days ago. a Texas stock raiser entered a place of business. He knew : the proprietor. FOR SALE. rt Two destrawe DuiMing iotb, ouraw ieei, OO frontlne on South Tryon street, adjoining .1.. T TT SVcvrt QTlofa IHH ATI lntfl received ft letter from -an acquains Drawing out a revolver, he asked the wm be so d separately or together. Price $7oo Beinsr nbw i better Dreoared to meet the wants of the wo onriallrr inirifA a xrfol: fmm all 3Ro Aaanrpfl tf. 1 tance in Leonardtowti, asking rnfor I clerk to keep .it 'forhim until he A woTTrt 1 i. " mauon in regani w rower h uuuureu, Bmruu uw; w xvun no iu woo iw aiways gives US pleasure tO . . : , , '-.'J stating that Power, himself, had come heavy to tote with his store clothes .'.v.'-;."-.,.! tn i .mnAramwn a snor& ume ueiore on." lae weawu wau iu its wa.v ii . and was at the Doint of death. Unbh beauty It was : a 52-kjalibreo : The investigation it was found that a son (cylinder and barrel were polished to i of the dving man lived in Washing- 'perfection. The handle was of fine fhiiAfcUrfcaii t...- t - ttt i wr,a i nmr.. ton. whose address was soon found wood. On one side ot it was carved UmWSSZ "ATnuldm ,n the W " KM -5".JaKM H l U -k it Po n f 7 f 1 1 i rl 1 I A 1 A recei e instructions in i regard to the mailliow.i "'ldisw8ai of several thousand dollars CHABLOTTS BEAL ESTATE AGENCY. L. J. WALKKB. B. E. BBTAN. with true' art bull. the head of a Texas L 4 f AIM t CO, Wholesale and Betail Grocers. Celebrated ISo ILo , " V. HU0, B. P. HABBY, . Formerly with : ' Alexander & Harris. - . Formerly with : ' Hargrayes & Alexander. STAMPED LETTEB SHEETS. to TYSON & JOISPES. CARTHAGE. N. C, FINE J BUGGIES AND PHAETONS.' i r .. r-i LARGE L Eitlle Invention Intended . Knock Out tne Postal Card. The Postoflace Department at Wash ington has adopted and will shortly issue a stampea letter snees, i.neuse rul invention of. the United States Postal Note Company, of New York. It is a letter sheet and envelope com' bined, a pertorated line running around the sheet with a narrow space i outside of the line overspread with mucilage, so that the sheet may be folded and securely rastened. .The letter, when ready ror mailing, re sembles the style in use before envel ones were invented. This- the Gov ernment stamps in loose sheets and --., :;v -rr...i. collectively in paas, ana win put on JLiegant y a-nety i j g00n at gome of tne fading post offices throughout the country. .The inspntnra ; think verv hierhlv- of it. JNUW UiN iAiN and since it can be produced at a very low figure, and affords the same CLAIM TO BE able TO COtAst with the sy thai j ; an ' - envelope does it Foi. tkt a ..S ri.nl0ttf-.TT. C. Van Clldeu & popular mvor, uuu piuuciuiy vm. "J m. jbjj - T. .. AND ; FCB. DUEAEILITY, STYLE AKD FIKISH, WE ABE UNSUHPASSED. T.YSON & JOES, Carthage N. C- "Hope for a ?eafon bias tbe world farewell," when a man find himself, m tae relentless grasp of reuralgla, but he tmiies and takes hart and tourage when his wife bring3 a bottle of sanation Oil, the g.eatest cme on easth for pain. - A Wonderful Freak or Nature i Is something exhibited In our public exhibitions. When we gaze upon some of the peculiar freaks dame nature occasionally Indulges la, otu minds revert back to the creation of man, Vwhogls so ferfully ahd wonderfnlly made." The mysteries of his nature have been unraveled byDr..'B. V. Merce, of Buflalo, and through his knowledge of those mysteries he has been able to prepare his "Golden Medical Discovery," which r a specific for all blood taints, poisons and humors', snch as i scrofula, pimples, blotches. errupUons, swellings, tumors, ulcers and kidney affections., By druggists Slcln 4 Diseases Cured , Rr nr. Fnuier's Mairtc Ointment. Cures as if by Magic, pimples, black heads or grubs, blotches and PtmntimiR on the face, leaving the skin clear and beaunrul. v AISO Cures imju, etui ruuuit sure my Dies, sore 11ds. and oia, ODSiinaw uicers. eoia dj druezists, or mailed on receipt of price, 50 jents cold bv T. C. Smitb ux TeoMoeoaAwiy Tli5 Parent of Insomnia. The parent of insomnia or wakefulness 1s In nine cases out 01 en a ayspepiws stuiiiitcu. uwu digestion gives sound sleep, indigestion interferes with it. The brain and stomach sympathize. One ot the prominent symptoms of a weak state of the gastric organs is a disturbance of the great nerve entrepot, ihe brain. Invigorate the stomach, and vnn rpRtnrfi pnntlibrium to the great centre. A most reliable medicine for the purpose is Hostet ter's Stomach bittei s, which Is far preferable t m'neral sedatives ana poweriai narcoucs, wmcn, t .tinrrh tiapv mav for a time exert a soporific In- flnncft nnon the brain, soon cease to act, and In- miTiahlv iniurw ttie tone of th-? stomach. The Bit ters, on tbe contrary; restore activity to tbe oper tians of t!iat ail import-nt organ, aad their, ben1- ficial lpfiueuce is reflected in sound siep and a tranquil state of the nervous system. A wholTsom1 impetcs Is likewise given to the action of the. liver andjooweis y its use. , 1 , - itew Finin NEW GOODS ON the first day oi january,ioao,uie ihmmjhukhcu entered into a co-partnership for the purpose of carrying on a - . General Grccerj Dnsines; At the old stand of Springs & urweii. comer Tryon & Fourth streets. We are Qualified by long experience, to meet tbe demands of the trade, and give satisTaciion mj wur euBtuxiioijj. - ... - ... oil Hmna a frill stwr Of W O Will H.ocy UU uauu ab ou. wjlmw Safes for Sale. . Two good second-hand safes win be sold cheap One MILLEB'S. ' - - OneHEBBING'S. Apply to Chas. B. Jones, a, sep9dwtf .THIS )mCJS. FRED C. !!!JNSLER -WH0LS3AX FAOILYEUPP PS Which will be delivered In any part of the city free of charge. , -..., - 1 , - i : '. 'V' ' ' " ' ' We will not be undersold In the Charlotte market- - - . " . ' t" There ts a gofd wagon yard In the rear of ourstorefor the p.ccommodit!onof our easte rners. " " , , . L. mm.MC ; ii.iifc xjnr DOTTJLEH. ' ' v ' CHARLOTTE, N. 0 ' - - Represents two of the largest LAQE3 BEEB Breweries in the United States. .Tne Oersner & Eng-el , Brexrxcp ..... Wy m. -U Mlly WUM HUV .. F. & B2. GcnaCer CreTrtejj Co., oi Re-vr Vork. THE LARGEST LAGER BEER BOT , TUNG ESTABLISHMENT ? V . IN THE CITY. ? vruen bouciicu . an oraen promptly ; filled : and delivered free Ct charge to any part of the city : decSOdlf , - ; - Pnlniinr Pnacc f(v Q!aln limiiii new iui uaiit T HAVtfFOB SALE land Newspaper a complete' Adams Book Press. -. Size of Dlaten r 24x30 Inches. Tbe machine is In good order,- made by Hoe & Co , standard work ; : List Price - - $2,240 CO Wlilbesoldfor - - . - . -50O0O on terms to suit purchaser. - . . CHA. B. J0VT3. jan5dtf - , i- , ' . Charlo'teObaeiver.. aniSton'C. Jones, ATTOIiriEY XLT LAY. WUT rnict!:e In the Fta4e Courts srdfn all tie Fe&'ral Courts in the Wsetern Lktric ' . jan3d6l&v6ws ' . - 1 .......