ijnf Vflticrticciacut0. DISSOLUTION. rCES neretorore wasting under the Cm I name an u bijh wiuusrg ana u. uoben is TiflrpDJ dissolved by mutual consent The busl- m will continue uuuer u nrza name or J. Gold P88? irnlleee street. ,, laniit , his nciD cto7ix off. Arrival and Departure of Trains. - Correct for the current iac::tli. - FHIDAY,.. JANUARY 15 Ac3Tno.-;a3 x;;i.ii 15, 1833. ' BLANKETS. v THE sate of Blankets at private sal t will continue tot three days at the auction house adjoinlne ea np.n? s. -; it the warehouse on Fourth street, next to Carson Bros. , t Richmond and Danvhxb ais-Iooti. -r ieaves ior Atlanta- i ys. . . arxrres at Charlotte A Shocking niintin XSear Salisbury dowry's Tra-ie DeatI Mr. Thomas Mowry, a well known Accident Thomas Continued tj . a Secret One. .... Att.'jwih . -t ' V rr"tr' January is n, , from n.v..j.i vminiivin: n( Cl.- t"' . Triftl Or Warr T- T . " 5rsrw SrArt iso.ury' acci- "Ttu --f- Armstrong be., Ma. Leave? ior Hi Ahnn whfo A tITTl trTt .UU Philin'a YirZr 'f4 OI C. E2-ArrivMat c;ri, - "UUM"5. raoDits wita a AiTrT?5 fe cnapel was wpII 1 &C8 i f p I w Li 1 No. TDE 21 fQ8 from Columbia at 6 JO p. m. Ifaves for Columbia at 1p.m. , - . aJL-A.(-T.&0. was well male v ;" "ar ot "!gun.. V tn" present, -and sat 8i0 VU41 w xearn tnern I ZZiZJ vi. ie court, alttioiiffh uui u.uiuzen -nr Na iehtiiCTni . uB wva uo nan m tha j- " P-m" -JESS P???. been torn SS. "'eMip's parish. A GRAND SALE OF . TiilLi10 statesvlUe at 10:45 a. m. SiSf1 yesterday; are about as S.fl ?ftrOBS w not presenTwh toilowai Mr: Mnwrtr . J ine court orMn . t vtt. dogs and guns, SlSrr0!?1 elected Is new open'to (he public. Z , rauoic nunc, ana wberi 5; " " V r u "e"- Uharles II oauspurjr ine dogs I Tro; uuaD . secretary and. Division, leaves for Statesville at 65 pVnt lJ4TfftTTi rTOmi - ' I vnr. . LL.V . . .. f . "ftu 'anoimni. : rm , inH. . v , i .." auuiii iuui a no nw - rroo ' i -rr"-y. xuo cfiiirr. wna ua , UatQt H StCi , j rinburg at S45p. m.: Leaved Mr. Mo wry resorted to the Dlanusua W offered for. the guidanca Sf Ihl euuu cases, and proceeded to fill t iaeir deliberations. - Mr hc0Vf tree , with smoke SftnSUry was Pointed stenol oysettiDfffire ton niioXf i0o,tAJ grapher, , " ea m the openine- RAfnr PnmmanA f n t 1J Aii .LAunnDurg a rprtnburg at 7.S0 a. m. . au.. aiiivB i mm Knaim M4MMI AND ALL . . at5.40p.in. noaer . .ticHce. I Ilvitjl rr.tm rT.16S IW ATT. TTC3TTWwn,-. I ' IMnAMl TVnH ; ' jimoi w . -Cxxo. ; t) n, nT opens at Bu a. m.; closes at . r - - j i""c" opens at 8.ca a. ea.; ' -v -.- " " v -' - ! .-f ' : '- i.--- - "(.-; -t ' "' : MS and: JE17ELRY, 4 - We !ffM ttl3 mornlca or eniie ttocxir - ift fin- doiujuvj AT HALF PRICE: mg the opening Before commenc wors ot smoking out the j the Mamgec. janlMtf. LARGEST SALE Weather Indications. Middle Atlantic JLES8 for th? organization of tUlY CaA - hafniw 1 rarrV . the COUft Of the: rabbit, Mr. Mowry his lurTdo; with its, muzrlfl fca,r, JtX iu body n vL CD, dull III ' inA CrtHriava I . fln;.-i.' "P UWMJ Ul fnfia. whioh ensued it is believftd th i ho ?laU be held with c-IrtHAr? min nr k. . " - rThft fn Ami .T vio. warmer weather fnUnA' a. ' 3 "witea aown oy one of the I -r" resoiucion was mtro cv; uuweu; ouriDff aog8., At anv rata T QUCea Dy the Rtanrl 'uay:uiKnt OV local raina n.cnAn.r' i " S t wwuc tou ur i -, ; JTr--- wiuuiitnaj; , variable, winds: CenPrlW ?.owni aM the conctis. ,VL rnat tb? committee be easterly, fallina baromr """"6 w Ta. .caused the charge in , 43 1 - . w w , amond$ Silver and SUver-Plated $1 00 1.50 50: cent hats at Fair, 2 50 75 v v-f a A targe lot or. sew itjrto STBAT7, Ptit VILVJCT HATS Just received, are lneluicj ta sale wry 'a - head, ipimBTf TUP) runiNi u u Irani tue gun to explode. The whole load southern bortions rlV y u u -KU.n was loaded with: squirrel ? " - "uo vwence under such restrict temventST 0 8ha" be prescribed bv th barometer :- -"uo' wg .J0 waa within' a' few inches' 'of -jy . V r ' ' " - - ?h;oH0Wr s tead-1 Th effect was ' L resolution was read and sup. LOCAL uiPPTPfi 5?nPHt aI1 that 8ide of bis head a, short talk by Mr. Walter ; w- ' . and the flesh powdersburned. f?tl0nv ' He sal that a publicity of Mr. W. J F T.irl?oH r u. Mr. Mowrv WasmarriVfl - an 1a t"e tacts COUld not hurt, tha f has n f w;u7rj:rM "VU1.S a wife Anrl Varn7u;,""a ant, and to t00n """"r - nauiijswu to ioOK artfr I ; " wt uuuuren. jtte i J , -rvYf ;.uoui eeuret generaJlv warmpr wpntiw mL"a "at'.au"- lieve that the church peODle ehnnW btochMrU?0"11 -a, Da, to desirable and fashionable soods at ' The gun was loaded with: squirrel 6.ive the evidence under such restric -AT- allowed to be preientTt ttaWrf-E -KMM''wui mira thn w,. j . - rhii. r ti ug loin inwMr am AUCTION EVEB HELD IN jOBTH GMOLIN J. T. BUTLER. r-' : vuwua om ii rn - iiiiirnr. r mti wu m 1 u ha m .-. fc si m ssr matters connected wVh mrTJ a very highly resnectfd riti burt the church". . wiaaui XIMKN" patents. ... . tragic death has caused great uAf ; " ' ' A Burke countv i.,r " 11 of SalfeburV. &aLMcLi Intertoini. ' T ' trw.w....i.-ri:v. uao 7v iuuwju a5 most dpn nrah a rvay wul"u wuuw ; act , aa attftr nra : . ' ! ' v o. mio. ' sToetensra S.V;to " feff????'-,On.; Mr. D&! : . Xh. Family JwnM, 0f America. Respectfully, C. M. QUERY. OF- Thoronghbred Stoi . FROM this date v?e off ar at DrtvatA kaTa qtv b, the followlnThK?h rtoWtaKttS -Spartanburg a. c. wnslsMnsrBeiiartC " cows, seven fine young bulls We will commence selling the furniture of thr ntral Hotel at the store room on lrourtn street sntly ocoupiea Dy TaiDora Bros., on . January 1 9th, nd eontliine the sale until all the arrlcles are ti- omjd of. The stock consists of . j 75 Walnut Suits. IfOCottege " ' JS Kattrease (cotton tOD). 25 hair matlm-Rfiq - 100 Carpets, 150 pair blankets CO Sheets and pairs pillow cases. - - ISOBedsprlnes. (Marseilles, guilts, Pillows and Bolsters, Crockery aiverware.ana all kinds of Household Goods. - Janl2dlw Late proprietor Central Hotel. . .' : k- fler' nPme m g Creek township yesterday morning. She , - , 7 . ' ; Sharon', townshi i IBU IQ COIOM ' unit jyui W hvo uaasomeiy marked he'fer caim ' young lady 12 year old who weighs was 8rted the resistance of the ice 10 pounds ia . o rianxkA. f I caused one of the Mr. S. A. KukDf trick, and i on aV the Central Hotel corner tn hnraf. commonly handsome young lady. . ne Pressure must have been ims i - ...'.'. w . i ill t-" r i u a w r r : a hud uiaius uavfl rrpniiAnt. tr . .,, Ice in the Stand pipe Caused It. X!tA 1 2?ide "Pon.the manner when the engine the pumo .'houls S"'?8. ? the chapel except, the standing com- "JI,VW f uo omcers ot the court, the witnesses and the Bishop. The press ' T.inmn ' Oil-' . ' .' ILLtJS rR ATKD IN EVERY ISSUE. A Papsr far the Homes cf tie ' Land-; , v -ntslrTiRn atiiI A.!I-.-l Ft: muuiluuk auu vnmu la Um r - Feature , - 4 -Mr. Bo Chambers, the well known iSSAUi The Pr?secution. asked to. liveryman, formerly of this city pounds to tlaua n,gbfc for tension of time, which came up last night from A fW 7,1 BJ .SSI . i?e,?SS?J,?Ph The wa was granted ' The trial will wm va w w vuo iiM.ijiit-rf-f i main Trt-rt i n a - . . - . v v w.- SPRING BACK tKVV,- u U1U8 ere. ne says that his b-isiness m Atlanta is flourishing- - , - . " -r VV liliam J. Hooner 8r. P5nn '"wiout mo, mountain island Mills shattered main fmmrt ifQ TTn ... . vu uy 10 me surtace through the fro 6uuuu ana macadam, and the iuv.awuu ot cne oreak was thereby re. vealed. ; Superintendent Hutchison OUUt UD a cord wnnrf f? force of hauds at work to repair the sumed on the 26th of January; -AND K. H V W 'UW .U I w WW H .. M. .M W. T M-M Jordan and- others, incorporated at rf11130; but so firmly was the ground vutb pjace me Mountain TiQnHHTA,- "ou tuttu me enure uav was onn- uiouiunuK jo.. witn a nanitni efrti 1L . matiuK me excavatinn or.S25u.ooo. - - " iU" oroKen IKDIiNS AD COWBOYS ; In Chains En Rontelto the Pent-tentiary-pelayed in the Snow Storm. ". . . , The ttmeT hS 7Z rS 2ZL7,. : rorms lelegantly i SMLtoM TpUceof a newsnar.J 2X&EiJS speclmenand hoii.,'!:uu CVBry wwn oi importance have thTr D6 ItlMh mnro thm' . f " .. lva' : "ubi, m7i7B7,hZr ""eri:i irnst be a t laava . r . ' srand srerfmAn nf r7i -V- "Xi.: tt, a a erent Jersey f amIUes, alnug to get 5 " growthy animals, full 0f goooVpoi&s Ali ts&' &WerS? OT eTWleto be in tJcSj Books ofthe American Jersey Cattle UubT Also, two "blooded stallions, CnMlior- -tonlnn, StaUlon-Pedlreed--S SSaffi mahogany bay,16iASds MKh oti 2 d el2gant m a11 aspects. SdTSi SnSS&SSV l nla.5 ( " . ' -C4MIJRIA, . ' Red Day. St alii nn.if . Is four years old, rich In the celebrated and other noted' blood. , Large. Smiact?tua ' T Shoulder Drapes For ladles and Gents, -AT- ! .V R., JORDAN CO'g, .RATROJLIl'UIC WATER ;KS?byen5lnentPhyRlcIaM to be a m- ' vJoliet, 111., Jan. 13. The sheriff Of ' Johnson COUntV.1 Wvnmino. . - - i -j., . ' . ' - ' ! v"""f . oe mB num . . mftm nrao ran n) . nveu nere last nichf: with o r a uewspa dark bv a npW spftH" territorial nnvipS ;:rV6 "A iSatoWSL" Mr. J. - Hubbard hnT KlF -7, works arA aoin in wrj'- bova and .rndinno . tka . . . , ..fflostotton, and it must zS?2 ri. : . -r,,... y-. y . vvni v . - v: bu m.iu. .. , . , . r party -, naa j meniorthAtmniiran o zi"-::' vIf0- ouuaunoprs.ac vvusesOoro. writ n mm - ' ' ; oeeffon tne road for ft wTb- lwucxvlt5Ter7Ciass Ir r" nuz-eu over, vwiuPcrea-' ; mf,'v owimo uu tug union Iracific r.u, vm wun io oanir, ana tnatl -Trifl ti0nr0n wj v j iowjuvicib were neavilv irnnoH the degrees below r. STORIES aFXflE WAR Partlefl rtenMnt t 6r5nfl Pn "k1' J' . ' w u- P trreenvuie, S. C, when cfircu ar of sook D?w?rV pedigree and description, win be f orwwdeK other desire j Information draea' WKSl fo?thpu . LLS-.ratr: ' x..MiLiijar AdminlstratoA - decSOdlm B. B. ALEXiNDBR. - L. L. SC1TT. FIRJQC. J t' : - r m- ti. . f .- 'r.---. f---.rr.- w VJWV4. 4-1. liT J 1IIIIIIIM 1 fir 1 lt-r r ' 111 . . : I v i'l ao LfUltl INIWWJ 1T1 Alrkh : V. . J I inches tJeep, and old citizens say that not ibSn iSr ? wee aS- Tbejr amvalcreated H 4 f il MIWD A PA I . r 4, . r-, . . wuiw ui ueiusf .a verv substantial ful looking a mn w K:. 1 - o h'w" Auuiaua UUUuu nrasani drink. op a t h . . B. fl. JORDQN & CO.. Druggists, "gbes' Cherry and Glyceiin,. though mixture. The npw -Anmistir' , nAA rStrUCtUro.- Wit.h tvoA more u f ; wiug "T" ' - .. MVUIA UUllURIINIIILT I' ifu " V . IJILil kl 111 I I f-L V ir J rTkt- B-kM. t . pumping engines for the water works, masonry and the approaches . of heavy iee-. AarkS have arrived in v the city with the sohdearth well graded. 'The bridge wereboth vounInS JilIfdlan? necescary auxiliary pumpcohdensers, wide enough to allow vehicles pas mens of theh fnflv lf18?1 &c. The machinp.rv i now of sine each other on it nnb "" eir trine, tuljy six feet in Carolina Antral depon and it w ill 5g? 1 ? W ISfS0 do'XWlf "255 ouu up lu reaainees-'Tor operation at t,ia- - onage is quite a high rapid cure tor aU'aiiectfonV Vf th- t uf- - , xnia i win make the , city safe aosence ot gmae . rails vis a SS naa50 cenTa Sffi jffiS aSainst .cident to any one pump.. very seriOUS matter? and giv? poai. rpurea Dy . . .- . . . - .. ?- ; ioo vi..iuiuio iaw Bulls ' . b. h. johdan & co., Druggists ,The lce 81x11 hoIds Sood. andthe - -JIt - . . , -, j. skaters are having fine times, Stew- Ufrconciou from a Fall. - . "i. Tr"vi-r-.V-WD ,uvx bireets, uwiyg to inesmau amount of sunnlips uiey louna a colored, man Iv. fiirnihpd htr -if . mg insensible up6d:the ground. The that- these two re&lctW Jintormed that. the, man ing for food when,thpv killed, thp on the ice ahad fallen beef. Although thev had T TERMS: " ' 1 " - f R?f!iI FTVl! CKKTS PKR COPT, v uvaa ma lj7i imr. ir i rrv aiv . .. the c'nb. dec31dt sheriff explained that the Indians were, convicted of killing beef in the mountains hear the Buffalo aPn the penalty of whihh ift f.r,rr, light ten years lo-tbe' penitentiary.' It is saidhat the : Indians-at Aranahop . . ' - ' A " T Address Times Building Philadelphia. : is the only School ror boys In , the kh1 GYMNASfuMXnd a H MZHlire Established: liiliuuaill o a m (. 1793. !llt I iH.wfiOTk'SSa 'SJ?1 and.it infirm and hard, yet. strange to say, no we houses are bes ing filled. Northern ice ' and factured ice isplentiful in the sums had I Sinned mer now. and .rm haMToatino. io . tflsu 4C0'S,Sprmg,'arner. ?'?he linine Hair Ton tn fBJ5ffrJ W vtor to the ft w fruV: riV-. prepared by ; B.H. JOHDAN & CO, Druggists. tffiSS80? Hf ' J108863 and Enb- - -Druggists. upplies " ,3'",." . Mftemen oi ?au means. ' obooiwu uegms August zatn. -For catalogue, addref s - - " ' " B1AJ . BlNfcrUAM, BJagham SchooL N. C. .SPECIAL INOTTCK. "cio in tne ;vir!-ini;vn Richmond, Va:, Jan. 14 Thp-s, preme Court of Virginia today "pen? nt Mnftknmn T. no J r . I hilt' lia finl n!.,l-t;.. i' n tu j.iacii.ijo o uauLw uuu 4, m. on roe o ou oup.iy -utsBu KnocKea iq station, FeK 6 and 7; Issant GrovG sibla by ths falb He remained uh circuity at peasant Oroye,' Feb. 3 concious for;- nearly an hour.' The and . 34; Morfroe clrcjtiit, attCentef- P0"00 did jnot learn: his name. -Feb. 20" arid 'SI": Clear Creek circuit. ' v ' rthurt"Qe reet. and m 'nw rM. flt Mill Qrnvp m,h 97onrt 9. rrt Election f Officers. "c" ' . 4 'Pr- ojDonwxi pi2Si"y-of CoL H. c. boroAtatioti March 6 and 7.-i" Th h Th n ii 1' J dered a decisioain tho oasn -f nu aww ach OM3 warus wui meet in mod-j merce eiefited n firra iu-l"w a reiwurer. aamsfc Vnoi 25tb," at 3 o'clock p. m. the present year, as follows r ; 1 m?n!'ln ft6 Patteri of the State "d6bt. vrresiaent .i. u. weddinffton. - "j.mcv4,wibu, tuai, we contract of ESTASUSHED E7ER zoaooo ,OOLD ?! f-5 S4V- oo;i umniASJ USED IN ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD HaVlnZ aSSftrtlatfwi nnnulns -fl j, . . attove firm namefw theTaSf conduct Heavy Grocery, Feed and Farcy Grdcery Business, at the old xUnd am n ucr RR? tn action or ctS ' friends, and the public generally to oui 'stock. Wa and wUl give special attention tn th aaX J our stock for the ctty trada. we guarantee sattf the city free of b.artj w sep wnstaitt? a prAv uTAxf r - ' -; . "-"MIXED PEED; " CORN. OATS?; "; ' - - PEAS.-'i &c., &c." In fact everything Isesi fit a g-gj and Fd Grocerj i Cable AddrCObkJIN. -Dec22dtuesthnrssat-tf r -sj Stare. -' -i ' . . ' ,r. . ... . . , . . r J Highest cash nrlM nn.M trw mnnm w.' solicit the natron nf t.ST J7. : generally 7 " lD as the Dr. j. HEALTiST ATE A GENCY. SfBOOL: BCOKST ! ! roe on Jan. TO" JfcT nECl-ITER tlstVicevPresidentM. C: avpr"raaica h n, under which i the ad Vice-President-. R M. -Miller VouPons recoveranie tor taxes, "were Junior.;-,,' ; - - tr lssu?4, did aot have the essential ele- Secretary, and : Treasurv 1 ru?n -o vaua consiaerationf, . and on Tiddy. . . . - f, proper case,nhey would Holdr the 4 uuui jg autoi warcn 31, 1871: invalid New L O 7, Installation of Officers. Mecklenburg, (Lodge jNo.' .335, Knights of Honor, installed officers for. the ensuing term last night. The f v,J Tiic umoutuago ana Board of Directors-Cba R Jones JU1a.ing actot March 31, 1871 ;T " T." . 1 J. u tsrown, l M.. Kigler Harrison j""t"&aV' wuu' cai tne coupons the time. ' . , , 1 t ti,, vr Q;lb.on could' tint hp. rooeir i tch-o, ruuuieB, ,j. w.-waas-1fu"riAU-' r ii ' WmBU1' w wnrfh T IT TA a ' n - i.l9 that'DortlOn Cf thft BhflfvA . taTho a. Found Deaa to Be. . a ".' wrSaSSST - ' ""Wn ?Pt by , the constitmion of Virrfnta Mr. Monroe Kennelev. a voune : - ' ' : ' tor the maintenance" of. the Dublic vu jua,ruiu(s iu Bunin uav I , .v. 7"6u ii4Aurjuu ueiiverea G.B.:AtGXARDEa6C0W ! "Tl - I. I ii i 0pY N?W ECLECTIC PRIMERS - SPELLKR 1st BEADERfl. 3rd 4th 6th 6th ELU.THMETICS. fBicTicAr1 -;; C ET.WmT- . J KL ALfiKKRAR HISTORIES. man of Long Creek township, m this county, was found dead in bed at his home yesterday morning. He had failed to make his appearance at the usual hour,- and when breakfast was ready a member? of the household ' , ollna. News and Couri-r. , The following table sho increase and decrease in the earnings oi me rauroaas iu tnis state for thf the opinion of the court. .TiidfmTwib president of the court, alone dissent mg. '&;wm for m public! " ; A TPfl 11Hrtr rvf IfV This ear y zzd tr. PRIMARY ii ii His Cot tnn Flvo inn Ki.tnt. v; ,i i .... , , -""- me , ttiI -. , iruui ikionaav. ijerernnpr ldt.h.iiinfii t- -I-.. iw uwiwui i.u waa.o uuu, wucu raonm oi ixovemoer, 1885,-comDarpd -cokt jjionroe, Va., Jan. 14 A W -ror-H WZV uauu"J 9x000. xaia ear y r it was discovered that he was dead, with the same month nf t.K despatch from Nwrr, t tIwo .t' iZ113 made to. glve thepoor as well as the rich a , chance to rTk Mr,Kenneley.wsyearsold. It year: ... . . that: about two thousand balP "A? fJtrSt 2: IFf33 Holidays, made and trimncd uoiton were damaged bv firp-nrf Qxr mi,vrirrrj:-:,Iw"0 'V0 ..wuayou. wouia tava , t is believed that he died with an epis leptical fit", as he was subject to an affliction of that character." . - JTOTAL JEABNIXGS. " -' ' Nov 1Sx4. Athevllle and Spart'g...... $ a,0Bl 44 BOOK S, franklin Spellers -AND : 8 else In abundance. mm A Little Bit Cold, Yet. ; The cold wave still holds sway in these regions, the mercury having never yet reach eJ the thawing point in the. shade, , though the temperature is not so frigid5 es it - was a few days ago. It has even been pleasant to stand in the sunshine, but one had to bo well - wrapped up to enjoy , even a a sun bath. The gutters of jthe city are still caked with ice, and while but little snow is to be seen in the city, it lies on the fields in the sur. rounding country, to the depth of thrca inches. Yesterday a cold northwest. wind was blowing, and last ni.ht th8 weather was decidedly colder than it had been within the pa:t 21 hours.- Atlanta and Charlotte Acgnsta and Knoxville.... Central o! South Carolina.. unanesion ana savannah Charlotte, Col. and Augusta Chsraw and Chester........ Cherawand Darllni?ton. ; ; Cheraw and Salisbury.. i... Chester and Lenoir ... Columbia and Greenville.. Hreenvllle, Lauand Spart. ' Laurens Northeastern Port Royal and Augusta.. ,. South Caroltna Railway. .;. Spart. Union and.Coliunb'a Wil't'n Columbia and Aug'a 104.819 07 11 189 50 8,741 27 : 36,270 14 70 607 05 4,114 62 J 9,934 43 ' 8 'SW 26 6.322 06 - 76,608 05 " '219 8$'.' . 4 435 06 : 52 521 82 5 : 25,284 94 " lb3,H31-30 8 504 83 : 56,5i)5 19 Nov. 1R85.V 2,385 54 111,238 19 17,15714 V 9,48127 41868 74 . 60,992 76 3,1 0 78 . 7,843 61 - 3,95 60 v"-- 6.890 13 65.930 23 fi.208 74 " 2,616 66 51,477 81 29,43673 113.119 32 8,372 02 : 60,812 84 water on the British Rteam T1-J1'.. . . . . " ",",uu" oKuuugcon. ne will, have to dis cuarge ner torehold. , The vessel was i unimurea. . Oil "!-- 1a.!. ' "--...-- . , me xanunore steamer arrived at! o p. m., ana reports heavy ice down w coue jromc. pay elsewhere for inferior and old stock. 8psBiol.foi? ibc-DgHecId We have just received by express from New York the Iate3t oouoaon. on-" utiqutji Total $61506 41 '$690,924 01 ' Slcin' ziiseases Cnred Cy Dr. Frazier's Magic Ointment. Cures as if bv Hasle. Pimples, black heads or grubs, blotches and eruptions on the face, leavlngxthe skin clear and beautiful. Also cures itch, salt rheum, sore nin nies, sore Hps, and old. obstinata mrJ em k drucrsts. or mailed on receipt of crlc? ra wns Hold hi T. C Eaiai & Co. p fSSijSS Cverytliln&r Goesl TYromr IA-e kily ecbanlsm when the Iivergefs out of I Mr? T1 "Vuv cispepwa, r contamlnaxion of the blood, Imperfect assimilation, are certain to quences. and remove their na fe?1? regulates action.: The direct ? Dress Sairt, Underwear, Suspenders. -Hosierv: Oln j s.it- t .inn RnAafh tha I hrirt Hanflb-ofhiofa ol , "- -0 result is a disappearance ot the pains beneath the ribs and through the shoulder blade, the nausea, headaches, yellowness of tbe skin, turred lock of the tongue, and sour ordor of the breath, which characterize liver complaint Sound digestion and a regular habit of body are blessings also secured by the use oi this celebrated restorative of health. JI.i 'imparts a degree f vigor to the body which Jf0Eest,Suaran8a,01 eafet from malarial epi iffjfk' erv weakness and over-tension are re Jieved by it, and ii improves ooth appetite and s.eep. . - '- The reputation cained in this RnPP.fnl lino ia tlinf mn 1,... A. t ensue But it is f est to Wnt ThV.; ;V" line of NEf WR A R in t ha oit-rr . - i ' ' ' w ause,- by a coarse of Do vou wish to hnv An flnnmnmoM j o.. : ; , brie Handkerchiefs, and at popular prices : Very Respectfully, r?nrT'AHn,p' Call on us and save c? CHi-- tirro cz-J. i CLOTIIKia 4ND TAILOw, CUCLOTTZ, CALIian AND KCTXtir.