was A GENUINE BOOM IN TRADE Remember only 21 days oi the special sale now. Come this week every body and see what we are offering. ....".-' . ' Prices never before known in the . DRY GOODS TRADE. Come and fiee, whether you buy or not. Will take pleasure in showing. ' ' BLA NKETS ! BLANKETS AT $'. 1. 50 PER PAIR. ; 2.25 4 3 00 " 4.00 5.00 v'. .6.00 l - 7.50 " 9.00, 1 ' 10.00. 4f 15.00 -:o:- At Popular Prices. ieci7' At a big Sacrifice. Arctic and Rubber " Overshoes. WOOL HOSE FOB , Ladifs and Children. Flannel Underwear In all Grades:. T.L.SE G IV E U S Teina" now better !! nemred Trade, we cordially invite a visit from all. Be assured it always gives us pleasure to i don't hfH.if.ftf a 1-mt: rrmA ftlnnc ' Wa, TMJWNTiri' TTftnm i j o nuojtii. mso unusual inaucements m me jusuy Celebrated "Matthew 1. 4.: EClSSlLISlS . 6 : f . : 3g- L KEESLEB, ) ' Formerly with " 1 wiiisurn, Alexander Harris. -B.P happv t Farmerlywlth 1 ir.nAttKi, jHargraves&Aleiander. , . . ' TYSON & JONES CAR T EA FINE v' BUGGIES : -AND- PHAETONS. y CLAIM TO BE ABLE TO COMPETE SUCCESSFULLY. TN PBICE AND QTJALTTT, WITH THE BEST MANUFACTOBERS IN THE NOBTH AND WEST. F-iJ .. TYSON &" JONES. Carthage, N. C- , . o CP , First National Bank Building, South Tryon Street, - ; - Charlottie, N. C. . - , 7 DEALERS IN - L'adies'jMisses' and Children's , , FINE BITTTON, CONGRESS k LACE SHOES. Gents' Fine Hand-Made and Machine Sewed BOOTS, BUTTON AND LACEBALS; ' , BflYS',. AK YOlJTHSVv V. BINE BOOTS AND SHOES OF ALL GBADE3 GENTS', FINE Silk, Soft and Stiff Hats. TRUCKS, YALISES and I GRIPSACKS, UMBRELLAS OF ALL KINDS. SHOE. !BL ACKING and BRUSHES; ALMA and RAVEN GLOSS SING for Ladies' Fine Shoes. Stock al ways kept full . and up to the demand. " OEDEBS BY MAIL OB EXPBES3 PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. t Pet am k Co. A G A LL to mefit thft wants of the , - ntill ViavA fiTiAnial hfircainn in OHIL- . it. - a1 - - " Patenf'Kid Glove y . ' .. " ; '.' .' - . ' G Ev N. C, LARGE - AND '. Elegant y ariety NOW ON HAND. TT JL Site &frxx&tt& Ohstvntx. "Tbuth.ukx tkb suit, sometimes submits to kx obscukkd, but, leks thjb sun, only fob a TOOL" 7 Subscription to the Obserrer. , DAILY EDITION ein3e copy!. ........... Scents. BytlieweekUi thed. 23 By the month.. :.. .... ... 73v : i Tfcee months ..$200 .- . Six months. i.., 4.00 " ; Que fear .... .. .... .... .... .... .... .... : 8.00 ' WEEKLY EDITION. Thseeonth8.... ' 60 eeota.' ftixmocifiis $1X0 v., itoe jear... 4. L75 I In cit of five and orcriLSO. No Xria.tlon From These Ztales Subscriptions always payable only la name but In fact. in advance, not WOMAS'8 Rir.nTS. Wecessltj- of liood IHxfi. a Care Free Moth Stavretfa JSloquent 7Plea,--, ' . , h- Mrs Hellen E.: Starrett makes the following eloquent plea ? in behalf of women's right to be cared for, to be generously supported and .kindly protected when she becomes a wife and mother: "The woman who. when circumstances require it, can take care .of herself is a - truly ack mirable anl delightful person to meet. - . She encourages our hearts to feel that our daughters may be fitted by proper education to meet the emergencies of life cheerfully, brave ly and successfully. But it Js prob able that we all feel, when planning for the future of our daughters, that if they are called upon to fulfill the whole of woman's , natural destiny; if they become wives and. mothers, their normal condition, and that which would be the most favorable to their own happiness arid complete and harmonious development would be that of bemg cared tor Iu this cons dition, as in all rmht conditions, thev are entitled to all the rights and priv-i lieges, and navi all thtj claims upon the respect and kindness of mm that could possibly be claimed or awarded to the moss enterprising and auccess ful ' workers v among women" iu any department of the world's works. "Colonel Robertlngersoll says that women .have all the rights that men have and one more, the right of be ing protected. In this statement he shows discrimination and "genuine politeness; in that he did not use the common phraseology and say the right of being supported. . A mail has no more business to eay he supports his w ife than he . has to - say he sup i ports his partner or his clerks. .Air good wivea tender a full quid pro quo in the partnership or the home, even though they do nothing but make it pleasant and meet their husbands on heir return from business with a smile. A young woman hv virtue of a fine education and natural abilities is as a teacher able to earn $1,000 a year A young fellow asks her to relinquish this and join him in founding a home, her part in it being, perhaps, mainly to stay in the house and oveilook tbe housekeeping. She may consent to do so, with most happy results both to herself and him; but one essential element in - her . happiness ' must be that by so doing she does not place herself in a position that shall create a painful sense of dependence: There is no ,highspirited woman who can endure without pain such an attitude, ; yet there is no rightly constitutea woman who does not, under the right conditions, .enjoy having all ,her temporal wants supplied and being cared for and protected. " An earnest and thoughtful writer upon social questions of the deepest importance says wnat tnis country most needs is a leisurely, happy and carefree motherhood. The period when a mother has her little ones around her knees ought to be the happiest of her life. But when ma' ternal cares press a stronger hand than hers should ward off all other cares and trials that would oppress her or interfere with her'care of her children. This is the period when women's most sacred right is that of being cared for and protected. Alasl that to so many mothers the period of maternity is one of being over burdened physically and mentally and of unrest and sorrow of spirit. And this condition is one from which in a maionty oi cases, sne cannot rescue herself. . She may need recres ation, change, help m her labors and many other things in order to a healthful condition cf mind ani body. But she lacks the strength and energy to provide herself with them. Mere is the opportunity ior the good husband. Here is the chance to bind his wife to him with "hooks of steel:" here is the time to show that he appreciates what is due to woman in the mst important rela tion of life. But in order to do this he must render this homage, not as one who gives to a dependent, but rather -as one who brings glad tribute to a.sacred altar.'7 " The People's Protest. ' . "For dental trash, our hard-earned cash y . Too long we've spent In vain.1 !. vv.v But henceforth won't, TorSOZODONT v '. : The teeth preserves that's plain. , , vThe . . Pearly Substance: of the teeth Is brittle. SOZ0DONT, composed ex cluslvely oi hjglenlc vegetable elements, and con taining no solvent, Is the only article which, while whitening the enamel, preservs its soundness. Spaulddig'sGLub makes troken things stronger than ever. Gents, to make a good appearance, should have shapely loosing reei. 'jcmw ucung snoes, con aTPiic.terf on Kctentlnc principles cover ud defects, and at the same time develop all the good points in one'B feet, .ior these reasons, and lor ease and comfort., always ask your dealer ior the "HAN AN shoe hy tar the best ever made. A. E. RANKIN 4 BBO. agents for Charlotte . . reblldeod TIH; TX70 OASIS. 'A lie XXeetings in Cincinnati Led. by Her Sam Jones and Mr. Small.. Cincinnati, Jan. 16. Already the meetings here under the leadership of j-vv. .oixw jouea are Becoming tne leiding topic of the season and give promise of producing the most pro found religious era ever known in the history of this city. - The news papers frankly admit that he won upon the confidence of the people in his first utterances and that the haps py impressions he made are widen ing and deepening with - every ser-' vice. His open, unstrained manner, his earnest words of sympathy.' love and eolicitude, and his perfect faith have completely captured for him the hearts of all who have heard him He has "at once ? conquered all the popular prejudices that garbled newspaper account might have en gendered. The eager crowds who are thronging Trinity church are not the usual first night's crowds of curi osity seekers.; The spirit of religious interest is fully manifested and the situation at this early stage of the meetiug is.f ull of - ' 4 - Iglobious pbomises op SUCCESS. ; The Enquirer said editorially, after giving a few "pointers," .that in his tussle with Satan in - Cincinnati, we are decidedly on the side of Sam Jones. ' . , : The Commercial said of the initial service that "the church was crowds ed to its capacity, despite the weathv er, and the famous preacher reached -the hearts of his ' hearers," rand also reported "flattering irdications for a great revival." . , The iSiih' said: , ' . Before he had talked five' minutes ha had that large assemblage, at , his mercy.:' r He was so frank; so free, so unaffected, the words came in such purity that every one. was charmed, Sara'Jbnes is a" wonderful man in his ownjpeculiarLway. The audience was really- impressed and delighted by the wonderful discourse. ' The Evening Telegram says: - sam Jones opened the Liord s cam paign against the devil ; last night ? His fettack was vigorous and full of fire. " The individual sinners received broadside: after broadside. Cincin nati fcan stand a go d deal of reform atio4 and still show Sodom several tricfejs. ; -We wish "Mr. Jones suc cess. - ' . . ' , The Evening Po3t, in commenting says: - In manner,be is perfectly natural. He dresses looks and 'talks plainly. Youliear no gorgeous, high-flown periods,1 from ; bim. "His speech is pureEnglish; about seventy five per cetiV'f his words are monosyllables,; anfcoii?, too; mat nave only one meaning. He thinks clearly and log ically, and his experience in address ing juries is now doing: him good service in aiming straight at tne mark. - " The Times Star, quotes the strong est points of the sermon and re - marks: . , It was extremely entertaining and ull of epigrammatic sentences which was thoroughly enjoyed by the listen ere.. - - x ' i. ' ' X . -i : . v ; , - , WHERE HE IS HEARD. . Rev: Dr Joyce, the pastor of Trin ity church, -says : These are not only the largest con - gregatibns that have ever attended revival services in lois ciiy, wiiuiu my knowledge, ;. but they are made uoof the finest class of Cincinnatians and of people 4 who are : seldom reached i by . the ' preachers a and churches. , - - I ' . ' ' The large number of ministers in attendance at each service are evir dently interested in the great work and are ready with 1 responsive 'aniens. - MB JONES SERMON Mr. Jones has filled ' the appoints ments up to this time, pioneering the way for the continuous " and " heavy work ahead" 'Mr.Small is prepared to go forward with his assignments when reacned.ana tneprooaouities are tnai as no availablehall in the city will hold the people double services will be held in . separate churcbe3. Every agency will be used that , grace pro-? vides to make tnis meeting o wonderful and k permanent good re sults. " The sermon last night- on the de mands of the situation and-the duty of Christians in Cincinnati in the present emergency, was one of unus ual ferver and'power. . It "created a decided sensation among the people, and caused many, persons to grow serious with .unusually pertinent thoughts about their own livev and daily examples. The effect of the sermon f will .,. be . creat upon , the future Droeress of the work , in this kitv. - Mr. Sam Small wul lead tne noon day Draver meetings of the Young Men's Christian ? Association this week. -' . . . . bkinV diseases 1 Cured. By Dr. Frazler's Magfc OlntmenL Cures as If by Magic, pimples, black heads or grubs, blotches and eruptions on the face, leaving the skin clear and beautiful. Also cures itch, salt rheum, sore nlp nles. sore lips, and old, obstinate ulcers. Sold by druggists, or mailed on receipt of price, BOents Sold bv T, C. 8mith A Co. x feb24deodwu , Dauhter Wives and Ifl others Wft emohatlcallv euarantee Dr. Marchlsl's Cath- olicon, a Female Remedy, to cure female diseases, such as ovarian troubles, Inflammation and ulcera tion, falltng and displacement or bearing down feeling, irregularities, barrenness, change of life, leucorrncea, oesiaes many wtsuuiessea spruigin! fvnm the above, like headache, bioa lng. soma weakness, sleeplessness, nervous debility, palpita tion of the hf art, &c For sale by druggists. Price il.00 and $1.50 per bottle. Send to Dr. J. B. Mar hisi. iTttca. N. Y.. for pamphlet, free. , : - For sale byL. . Wrlston, druggist, Charlotte, N.C . . uiyieouv. I I'Rn.RSM.I II UVUUUilL - f AS . WELL AS QUR RETAIL DEPA J' IS IN NEED If We Wi8h to COnVAnfpnt.lir Arvnmmnaa ha ;mmnn ,f.AV'.I..V.''.a are now purchasing forthe coming season. ' V 41 yuK wiUL,rAL,i;: DKPARTT.TENT has just been extended an.l will bo handsomelyrefitted. c Wo conn-rrd the three 25 foot fioors which - W have recently added to our Store, by arches, thereby giving , each floor V trand aDDearance. . . . J . - " appearance. P6es not give our RETAIL DEPARTMENT any additiona1 Boomi ww COmDellftfl mmfltornnm onl nnr. nln T ' y -.-., , : --: v . wui, vscki-i wujjr SELEING GOODS CHEAPLY Thereby inducing the public to buy more extensively than otherwise. A tbe beginning: of tho.Nnr vao. i... J v a 1 uvuerwise. A 4L Mv- W&vh Iftri ..flil?' Department, whilst the following . . .. . - " f- REDUCTIONS WILL TAKE THE LEAD: -J 20 CENTS . ; - Will buy a pair of Misss All Wool Hose in solid colors, every size, between 5 an 8. : 22$ CENTS ; Will buy a pair of Ladies solid colored AH Wool Hose worth double the money. Examine These Numbers of Slack Silk: $1 00 A YARD-' . it , . i - ' - i : For our heavy Black gr. gr. Silks, which . formerly suld at $1.40 , $150 A YARD For our superb Black gr. gr. Silks, which were considered cheap at $2 25 per, yard. Oiir 30 eTsTSatins ! Do not consist of undesirable Shades, we are snowmg at inac price. CIIK4I?1, ROSE, BLUE A?kl ' CARDINAL.; . P.; AT 57i CENTS A YARD We are selling Silk" Tricotines in myrtle, cord, navy & light blue, pink, garnet, etc. SPECIAL REDUCTIONS IN - THOSE THAT SOLD AT I $10 00 1 $12 00 $15 00 $17.00 ; ; l ' ' ' SELL NOW A r $7.00 $8.00 J $10.00 $11 00 ' 7 charlotte: N. c. MATT. OHDER3 SOIJCITED AND PROMPILY ATTENDED TO FOR SALE. ( Two desirable building lots, 50x300 feet, OO fronting on South Tryon street, adjoining the propertv of J. H Carson. Shade teres on lots. Will be so d separately or together. Price 7U0 each. - - ' ' - - CHASLOrTJS REAL 1S3TATJS AbhEWCX. L. 3. WALKKB. B. K. BRYAN. L. J WALKER & CO. Wholesale and Retail Grocers. NEW FIOM NEW GOODS ON the first day of January ,1836.the undersigned entered into a eo-paitntrsnip for the purpose of carrying osia General Grocer) Basioess At the old stand of . Sprtnes & Burwell. corner Tryon A Fourth streets. We are Qualified by long eiperienee, to meet too demands of the trade, and give satisfaction to our customers. - -" J We will keep on hand at all times a full stock of Which will be delivered In any part of the city free of charge. - . r. We will not ba undersold In the Charlotte market. IS" There Is a good wagon'yard In the reir of. our store for the itccomniotLttloa of our custo mers. , .. L. J. 'l7iU23.& CO. FA0ILY SUPPLIES, m in OF ROOM: IPWI ALTER ,-VTION uu uy " J i i . - . - 21 cents; r Will buy a pair of Regular, made silk cloaked Balbriggan Hose,'8 to H - , . s ; ' 20 CENTS Will buy a pair, of Ldies solid colored or black cot6on HoseT we have 120 doz of them $1.25 A YARD For our rich Black gr- gr. Silks, which sold well at $165 A YARD ;. For the most sublime i Qualis ty of Black gr gr. Silks, well worth $2.25. " Oiir 30 cts. Satins ! such as Crushed Stra wberry and others, .. . . OUR 55 and 80 CENTS. Black ALL Wool Cashmeres cannot be equalled ary where. . OUR LINE OF FINE BLANKETS. Safes for Sale. ; Two good second-hand safes will be sold cheap One MILLER'S. . One HERRING'S. . Apply to Chas. R. Jones, a ; ' . Bep9dwtf . THI3 J7FIC& ' FRED C. 1IUNZLER " WHOLESALE-- ' ' ' - . - ,y ; . CHARLOTTE, N.'C; Bepreaenta two of the largest LAGE3 BEER Breweries in the United State. Co., of Philadelpbia, and the P. & KX. SchsCer Brewlns Co., oi THE LARGEST LAGEH BEER BOT . TUNG ESTABLISHMENT . 7 . IN THE CITY. r ' f ' ' - CTOrder Solicited. All order! iiucu mu ueuvenHi tree X charge to any part of the city. - dec20dlf - '7 Printirig Press for Sale. TFAVE FOB SALE a complele Adams B' and hewspaprT Pres. Size of platen 24i30 inches The machine is in good order, made by Hoe & Co , standard worfc. LW Pr;c8 ' . - .... . " 2'0 80 Wlllbesoldfor - ' in " 5t000 on terms to suit purchaser. . . . cha9;b.joes. . 3an5dtf Charlotte Obseirer.; ; n&ni'itsn f. Jones Of ATTOXirJETr AT TmJWT2 Will r rrcWe in the Fta eCcu ts. and in all toe Federal i oitts in the Ws item District. Jan3d6:fe6w3