i ' V i V ' f j i i , V. VOLUME XXXIV. CHARLOTTE, N. C, TUESDAY, JANUARY i9, 1886. PRICE FIVE CENTS. .J K w" ' T" I ! we A GENUINE BOOM : IN VTRADE; Remember only 21 days of the special body and see what we are offering. - prices never oeiure suywu m mo . " ' it. ' see, whether you buy or not. Will take smTH isiJix.Mva. ETS. :o: -.-. . -' v " . ". fj- -x ti A, .-" " i BUI WIBNEB'3 COBIUNE " " ABDOMINAL COBSETS. NURSING - ' FLEXIBLE HIP i , . MODEL MOLDED HEALTH MISSE3 ' .'.FIFTY CENT v SEIGLE S -:o:- Shirts! Shirts! Shirts! Try my dollar shirt: Quality and fit guaranteed. :o:- A Lot of LADIES' MID HISSES' Damaged Gossamers at 50 cents. -:o:- Don't forget the 10a That I am offering at about half their yalue. t. L.SEIG1LE,' ( t I H I :S V J ' i v Reins now better prepared dCj. " s Aiaue, we uyruiaiiy iiiYitc always eiveS US pleasure to J o " , IS Handsome ,.' '.'..if - : . i 1 '. '- If TTTT So don't hesitate but come along.. We' still haye special bergams m CHIL- DREN'S HOSE. Also unusual inducements m the justly Celebrated - . IS.- lb,: EiGESSLEC & M E. L. KEESLEBj Formerly with Alexander A; Harris. E. P. HARRY, ; Formerly with ' narsrayes & Alexander. TYSON - 0 A R T H A FINE' BUGGIES: AND PHAETONS. i;iiAui to BE able TQ compete succEi'aKUL.L.x . m tfuvja ajnu uvauix, nun xjj. , . . BEST MASUFACTUBES3 IN THE NORTH AND WESr. - l5Por sal lv A - C!. TTi,,flr, Brown, AsliTille, W. CiST. Ciuitlitleal, J2?ilijIry, W, C. . FFon rjrrji'p.TT.iTY. rtyle act .. , TYSUN & JOTES, Carthage, If. ) o - sale how. Come this week every -r . - - nnv nArvno; rPT)ATw nUJ ai vxyyuo. ; ttav.vw pleasure in showing. PEG R Allfl 1 CO, ;First National Bank Baildirig, South. Trybn Street,, - Chartottle, . C. DEALEBsm , TT T,adips Mifwea' and Phildren's taI tt6' -?udalm??la ups- lark has beaten the record by dis Xiaaies,ftiiS6es.anat,niiarens pOSltetotheUaitedStatesCourtHouse ingof all tho criminal cJeson miilUfl. lUAbKLda LALIj JMlUrA I 'j :...; ... . . , ....... -. . . .... Gents' Fine Hand-Made and Machine Sewed 300TS, BUTTON AND LACE BALS, rt ays. 7 .to voiit.i' BO)irS AND YOUTIISV fine boots and shoes OF all GBADES - m j i fiuf i . Ull&i wOZl liCL M LIU llftwS. TEUMKS, . . yALISES and GRIPSACKS, UMBRELLAS OF ALL KINDS. SHOE "BLACKING and BRUSHES, ALMA and RAVEN; GLOSS : SING for Ladies' Fine Shoes. Stock al ways kept full a nil up to the demand. ORDERS BY MAIL OB EXPRESS PROMPTLY ; , ATTENDED TO. . ' . .-.t ;. ....... . . .... A I i A I i 1 W , to' meet the wants of the T.Am n Pa oaoi1 4f vxoii. v -r : ' ' -i km. regrara "PIaffhat Patent" Kid ninVA IVtalinevV raieni IVIU V-JIUVU . JON'ES. G E. N. C, LARGE AND Elegant Variety! NOW ON HAND. Co.. cimrlolte TJ. C, Tan Gilders ilnbh, tte aee uUHPAf:cn). , t , .... V I . V A "TEUTH. LTKE TEX 8XTSr SOMETIJCES SUBMITS TO KK OBSCURED, BUT, IXU.THX BUHr ONLY FOR A Subscription to the Observer. , 'duly EDITION. 1 I Slngleeopy.... ................. . ...... 6 cents. ey tne week in the city..... ;.. 1 m t By the month - ' 75 - - Three months $2.00 Six months... . ...... ,4.00 - One year ; 8.00. WEEKLY EDITION Three months.,;. .... ' 50 cents. 8ix months $1.00 . . Jne year L7& in ciuds oi nve and over l.au. leviioia Erom TIiese Utiles Subscriptions aiwars payable In advance, not only In name bat In fact. JUDGE CLARK ON GIMBLIBTG. Ilts Remarks in Passius Sentence Upon J. II. Miller, at Raleigh. . News & Observer, - . The defendant, J. - H. ; Miller, was lnaiwa unaer me amDiirlg-ana zaiuvHup uuBO " , 7 especiauy BLw auLeu i,uor6iwiive at- nons or tne ; uoae are aevotea 10 it. ; " . . , , . . . ; . ixo oiner. i8'SO expuciuy, ioroiaaen and for none other is such searching uieauB piuviucu mo w Some one has said that the oldf ash- - ioned way of stopping a man on the highway and 'with a loaded pistol de manding his ' money was more hon. orable than this modern way of strip- ping one of it without: an equivalent, for the highwayman at least risked his body' to obtain his booty. : But tne.uouru is not caiieu upon to pass unon that Question. .The 'law has forbidden gambling and the keeping of gaming tables and saloons and the court is here to enforce this law bv adeauate punishment Every father who has a son growing ; up is person- all v interested- that this should be 1 done. - " 1 ' ' It appears that the defendant keeps and has kept for years a gambling house m the citv of Raleieh. In defis onrtA and with a nrofonnd fnnt,prrtnt. of the lawVhe has kept it open next door to: the principal hotel, in. tbe.capKLvt?iiiih NrawaoVnho2k, t,iA auu uuBwiuB, ' "'" shadow of this Court-House.. , -That Lu"uurw; " . r,-" I and defiance of law might be lacking m nothing he has "1 .H I INKI 1 tillK I II f I til IJL Li 1 in llllllUlIlt' Lit J LJM I . viiwny' orl tn oHoV-tico I painted-a glaring red to advertise his business, by day... and an electric! Kg0 - iiiooTi SrX S., K.i by night. His illegal traffio has been PI??,bl?'' fo ll s"es in a shofM w"llou iq nnn f ik,, enough to pay $13 000 for his builds o' - r - " prVpe"y , V1 . j , z .. - . i laws are Luu.uu.ujr mo.pcwc, a wu&" i nnntinned 'and defiant disregard of the laws should be sternly rebuked. 1 If the law against gambling saloons is a bad law it should be repealed residence in jjiasi snevuie, jyesier But while it is a law it must be obeyed, day morning about 9 o'clock. ; While A small fine would have no effect 1 on the defendant: He would make it back aeain in a few nights.; The fine imposed upon him will go towards pdncatine the children of the coun try, and the best atonement that the IIMIHIHIHIIb (mil : llia&n 1U1': ilia UIOIQ trnrd nf t.hft law is to contribute a frantinn of his illesral firains towards . . A . . V f- " ' X. a. M tne education or- me nsiug gcuera- tion. - The defendant was indicted by the erand iury for a violation of four rtirfArfint sections OI we eamDiine act, one of which is punishable with a minimum of ninety days' imprisons ment besides a fine. : The aeiendant having pleaded guilty to the fourth rir.ii i ... . ... .iiiiijm ... ww in punishment is, limited to tmrty days imnrisonmentanda fine, the solw tor has entered a nol pros as to the other counts n, ' J ' iiou ucvUB, ; . r ? conduct nas Deen proniaDie inai ne should be fielded from punishment. nn io fvmtMPv: it should increase nances ot mo mw uwpiarcu u. AnfanAant and t.hft nrnftt nft has . , ' 7 -" made by it, the courtcannot do Jess for a lawabiding and law.respecting community man w seuwjuue mm iu ?n)$2,and lmpnSOn" ed thirty days. , - The court trusts this wiU be sutfi. cienc iu ycuavo .u.,w..uuu, respect the law and to break up his illegal business, ji, it is not ne nas no doubt that the next judge who sits here will know now to impose a sentence heavy enough to prove even to ' gamuieiB tiiau -uciwvio 1 North Carolina and that her judges know how to enforce. ; , - - The court further directed that the judgment be docketed and execution issue u uuo yaui-wu nuu when naid or collected that it.be paid I over to the treasurer of the board of euuuauuu iui "y purposes, according to law. Tii Growth - or tne sionument Fund. Cnlcago News. -. . New Yorker-'Oh, yes, we are get ting along rapidly with the Grant fund.v: vve ve aireauy raiseu-i over fiin ono. "So ..much ? I thought it was onlv a little more man nu,uuv. w-p11 vmi see we raised $500,000 by rPfiiicin2 the cost or tne monument jeou omfe , , think you will eventually raise enough to biiild the monument? 9f C Apnt tX I ( IVH III 1 CUUVD UUU uiviiuiukun ,w have to $110,000. STATE KEWS. Gaston Current: Mr.' T. C. Lowe; died at hm home near Denver, 1 Des cember 16th, aged about 43 years: At the time of nis death he was sit -ling in a chair, and died without a straggle. He had.been a great suffer er from rheumatism.; Mr. Lowe was a good man, and was much respected by all who. knew him. . . He was a son of the late Sheriff Lowe. - ,- . Wilmington Review : The receipts of cotton for the week ending Janu ary 16th, 18S6, foot up 1,392. bales, as against 1; 152 for- the corresponding week last year, an increase of 240 bales. The receipts of cotton for the crop year to January 16th, 1886, foot up bjl,bjov Dales as against 85,900 bales ror tne corresponding period . last year; a decrease this year of 4;067 bales. - , Wilmington Star: The Carolina OiLa'nd Creosote Company sent a lot of creosoted wood piling to Captain t JaroesBEads. to be tested, in the Mississippi river below New Orleans. Captain Eads reports that the test hasproven entirely satisfactory and Jtwuav WKaveau orueriOf IWU hundred nilmik for immpriitt a nhini man trt iS?0r nio0 -fi, 8tandmg that he will take several hundred more as he is ready -for " Goldsboro Argus: The body of Captain T P. Clark, of the schooner Crissie Wright, an account of the wrecking of wh'ch off the coast at Morehead, -appeared in yesterday's issue, hag been found, and yesterday his brother, Mr. H, J. Clark, of Bei uu,.xi. u., passeu turuugu iuuj city en route for the mournful r scene of shipwreck and death. It becomes our saa auty to announce tin death of Capt, . George G. Buchan, 40th N. C. Regiment, who died at his home m inaian &prings townsnip4tnis couns ty .yesterday .-:of an aggravated-case of bronchitis, after a long confinement I Capt. isuchan was one of our bestciti zens.and had represented this county in the Legislature with credit, and afterwards filled a ; nosition on the board of county, commissioners. - the Wake county docket. For the bo.-.- u: i u tred) tbat 0Jf a negr0f who last.week dne. Only one case remamsto.be i 1 - 1 ' il. nr Ml'010 B Part;t31 trom.ine express omce. Itis Haimp.d that hftis insanA anri n ,cMrtorr of lunacy will this morn- ins held- : The fines afc this term rtf rv,j, r,a gates about $2,250, and for this term and that of November Over $3,000. Thufi much is thQ pubiic . school fund oennentea. iuourt: aaiourns toaay. Thus have the judge and solicitor Von ii chu uuuui n. iui uca.uuBHM auu uia notch v . , - Asheyme Citizen: Uur townsman, Major IS. W. Herndon, died at his not unexpected it was none tne less a severe shock to his family and mends Major Herndon has been . seriously afflicted for many years, "amounting almost to total lameness,; and had in consequence; been a constant, and a lfcWMW. VV :r."W ' r M am CamDbeU'county. Va.. in April. 1&$9. About the yearvof r 1857; he, :4 came to I A a A wl A f An WT AA Wfl A1IAA f All noupuio,ouu a iow j oaio nuoiwuwi marnea xaiss Joanna a vance, youngest sister of Senator Z. B and uon. t. a. vance, and or .Mrs. uv. xxensuu ui tuis city, uuu .aus. jll. xv V. Price of Tennesseewho Burvives him. . . . ; - J ' . . : - A Great Organization da. .'i i a. n . in. r. lvawaw . .. ......... i-.tw-.. . : There are 70,000 white ciafmalters smoke the weed thev roll, t Eighteen thousand of them belong; jto the in- I ternational union and one-third -of the whole number is organized r The Qigarmakers' International Union a i 'A'M'i.,j York; and has given many instances I i:un uw- 111 MM IIIJWHr. IIKO liLlilU III Bnilllllll' IIIH1I tothiscoast instead of ; Chinese. At a reCent strike in Cincinnati, which lasted fourteen months and was at last lost, over $200,000 was thrown into the fight by the Union. Aftera battle of over twentyyears it has conquered tne largest cigar ractory in the world, that of Straiton & storms, in New York, and wherever it has taken holt its power has been felt. - Its assistance t in : the fight aingt the Chines on this coast cannot be too heartuy welcomed, as, i : necessary, co operative factories will be started by it, and its system A Kv0o' whiVh havA hrmmht 1 time more powerful enemies -than even the coolies on tne coast, wm De ira,,-,,-, , Tf-. hna apntanmn: ahl representatives to . California, and j tnev exnress a determination 10 win the field. They have not yet consid ered the possibility of failure There can be no comnarison, Detween mis odv and a local organization with- ut numerical strengtn or nnancia acking. v . - ' : A Cure of Pneumonia.. .,. : Mr. T. H. Barnaby, of Oswego, N. Y ; Bays that bis dangljter w:.s taken with a violent cold, which terminated with Pneumonia, all the best physic'an? eave the case up and said she coV.d live but- a few ttiours at mast , She was la.- tnU onai.io i when . ffrleni recommende-i D3. -W&: HULL'S BAL-Ail FOB TILE LUNGS, ahdady ssed JLerto try It.:i She accepted It as a last resort, and was . surprised to find that it produced a mariei cliange for the bet ter, ad by p3rs37srin2 a permanent care ws eft-xtfcd. ' ' - I -AS WELL AS- OUR BE IS IN II L NEED , If we wish to conveniently accommodate the immensA Rtnok whii i3 are now purchasing for the coming season. - ' - - UUK VVHOLESALEDEPARTMENThasjiistbeenextendedandwiUla handsomely refitted. We connected the three 25 foot floors which we hats recently added to our Store, by arches, appearance... v. , THIS Does not give our RETAIL DEPARTMENT any additional Room. We ara compelled to make room, and can only dp so by SELLING GOODS CHEAPLY, ; Thereby inducing the.public to buy more extensively than otherwise. At the beginning of the New year we inaugurated " " ' , .. , ; t M: 'DDoy BmK: u:A9. : This is our Third Bargain Week, it shall be : a week of Bargains in everV Department, whilst the following i.' REDUCTIONS WILteTAKEitHE LEADJ - 20 cents' ' : -- - , , Will buy a pair of Misss- All Wool Hose in solid Colors,' every size, between 5 an 8J.- ' . 22i GENTS k ''M Will buy a pair of Ladies solid colored All Wool Hose wort h double the money. ' Exainine These Numbers of Black Silk: ; ,-$100 A YARD ' For our heavy Black gr. gr. Silks, ' which formerly said at $1.40. . .... - $150 A YARD? ' M' For our superb Black gr. ' gr. Silks,' which were considered cheap at $2 25 per yard. . Our 30 cts. Satins! Do not consist of undesirable Shades, WO are Buuniug av vuau pnw. ,v AT 57 CENTS A YARD We are selling Silk Tricotines in myrtle, cordT navy & light blue, pink, garnet, etc. , , SPECIAL REDUCTIONS IN THOSE THAT SOLD AT 7 . SELL NOW,.AT; " WflWMTO&H CHARLOTTE. N. C. ' ; ' MAIL OEDKIH SOLICITED AND PEOMPTLY ATTENDED. TO.': :. V y: for sale. ; en Two desirable building lots, euxaw ieex, OD fronting on South Tryon street, adjoining the property of J. H Carson. Shade trees on lots. Will oe so a separately or wg-swxei. . rnao w each. " y CHABLUXTJS UUAJU JSSXAXJfi AUJKuXCiX. , L. WALKER., B., K.BRYAN. ' Wholesale and Retail Grocers. v - , maw rmM if ew goods ON the first day of January ,1886.the undersigned entered Into a co-partnership for the purpose of carrying on a .. . - , .General Grccerj Dnsine At the old stand of 8prln?s & BurwelL corner Tryon & Fourth streets. We are qualified by long experience, to meet the demands of the trade, and give satisfaction to our customers. -We will keep on hand at all times a full stock of MILT Which will be delivered in any part of the city free of charge. " ' ' - ." We will not be undersold la the Charlotte market. Ty-,i-ra i9 i wrt-vt urs-rnn vqrr! tn" the rear Cf n.Vtrni-s. fnrtb ? tccoiaiuodj.:.o:i Cf CUE Ct.t- V"" . V ' ' " . U 15- ... a v V WALKER DEPARTMENT OEPIITIEOT OF ROOM, r thereby giving each floor a cral - " AITJERATIOlSr 4 - 21 cents v . Will buy a ; pair of regular made silk cloaked Balbriggan Hose, 8 to 9i , - - . - 20 CENTS . - r I" Will buy a pair ofj Ladies solid colored or black cotton Hose, we aave 120 doz of them : $1.25 A YARD ; J 'For our; rich Black gr- - gr. Silks which- sold well at $1-75. . - j , $1 65 "A YARD For the most 'sublime Qualis ty of Black gr. gr,. Silks, well wortn $3.25. , .' i Our 30 eta; Satins ! such as Crushed Strawberry and others, . . -, . , OUR 55 and 80 CENTS. Black ALL Wool Cashmeres cannot ? be ' .equalled any- where. " - " ' ' . OUR LINE OF FINE BLANKETS.:- $10 00 $12.00 1 $15 00 $17.00' , ; $7.00 ; $8.00 j $10.00 $11.00 . ;-.&"-'"':ISflEiD(BO( PRED CUUNZLEE - ' . . k " ' , '-wnorjaALB---' 1 CHARLOTTE, N; 0 Represents two of the largest LAQZ3 BEER Breweries in the United Ctlca. Xhe Dersner & lintel rJreTTfcrs Ck.,' of Philadelphia, and the P. t IX 6chafTer Crewfzts Co., ex Hew ISTorlx. ' . ' . THE LAEGE3T LAGER BEE3 DOT , , TLINO tSTABLISHUETT . IWTimCITy. ; C70rder Solicited. All crdcrt prenptly tilled end delivered fr3 cf' charge to any part tf the city, ' decCOdlf , ' Houscg Rented, ; Tlzzzen rented and rtzti czZzzIzi, ta tli cT; A2TrtIsedfrn9 cf cu"j CJASLOTTU I -1L I"T 4.T7; f ' 37, ' i tsSd ir rrnfl Etriet Front C entral Hotel THE LATEST. . MOSTUjPORTANT! i Wearencw'runcitns on ful time. Furaltcra mancTactared ty us !s kept by thf- enterpnslr; " turriiture dealers in this city. ' V7e r.ake only tie best and most sjtstat'af tc th nar&eL I0 SIIOLDY CO-JDS. As!c tor fe-cod3 made by an3 you vriH pet the worts of yocr money. Our nana is on each piece We so';cit the patronage of tie public ai"-Jgxirixt3 t2 o:ct;3i;. - . " . elmott & :;argh. ,

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