1 1 XiHfi'T-f'n 'llu VOLUME XXXIV. ; , OHARLOTTK, N. C SUNQAY, JANUARY 2t, 1886. PRICE FIVE CENTS.' I ' . I I I j I i I v . 1 1 ar . . i i r i f I V EVERYBODY. .COME 111 Can 1 1 Oil The rush continues and goods are selling fast. : A prices- Sema handsome At prices never before heard of. Now Or any thing else in our line CODDIlDailDOD rjf Remember that this sale includes everything from a paper of pins up, at exactly what toey cost . - smith DijnL.MTva. ' CAES ITS. -:o:- BUY WARNER'S CORALINE CORSETS. ABDOMINAL KUBSING " - FLEXIBLE HIP MODEL MOLDED - " HEALTH FIFTY CENT . " 7 SEIGLE S -:o:- Shirts I Shirts l Shirts ! Try my dollar shirt. Quality and fit guaranteed. -:o:- A Lot of LADIES' AIID HISSES' Damaged Gossamers at 50 cents. -:o:- Don't forget the Hudsoma ' Combinatioa r Suite That I am offering at about half their value. TV L. SEIGLE. -:o:- A new and handscme line of Irish and Everlasting arled stock of , Checked Nainsooks, Fresh lot of Table Lable Linens in new and attractive patterns, and at prices that - will sell . them. Have still on hands a small lot of s. , Including a few special bargains In BlWk and Cream Cahmeres, all of wWcli are now offered much' wx aer their value.i In order to make a Vcleaa sweep" ot all ' ; - kid Cloves in stock, have marked the same down to figures that are SUCCESSORS ' TO ALEX Houses Rented, - - 1 - r - . m , Souses rented and rents collected, tn- th dty wertlgedfree of charge. ' -CHARLOTTE bJa ESTATE AGENCY, ; . B. E. COCHRANE. Manager, ' ttM tf Trade Street Front Central Hotel THE LATEST are now running on full ..time. ; Furniture ulactared by us Is kept by the enterprising tture dealers In this city. We make only the estand most substantial In the market NO S20EDY GOODS.1 Ask for goods madefy us and Jon wm pet the worth of yotir money. Our name Is on each piece We solicit the patronage of the Public e,nd guarantee satisfaction. , - ; -. -Bespectfully; " ' . : , . " ELLIOTT & MARSH. ID HOST IMPORTANT! km nice lot of NOT1INGHAM LACES at sacrificing 5P is the time to get a handsome cheaper than ever before. 4 First National Bank BuildlDg, South Tryon Street, - N - Charlottle, N. C DEALERS IN . .' ,lvV - -4 : . . - , r , - Ladies',Misses' and Children's V ' ' V , : FINE BlITTON, CONGRESS & LICE SHOES. Gents' Fine Hand-Made and Machine Sewed BOOTS, BUTTON ND LACE BALS, IIOTV AND YOUTHS PINE BOOTS AND SHOES X)F ALL GRADES T V GENTS FINE Silk, Soft and Stiff Hats. TRUCKS, J VALISES and -GRIPSACKS, UMBRELLAS OF ALL KINDS. SHOE SLACKING and BRUSHES, ALMA and RAVEN GLOSS SING for Ladies Fine Shoes. Stcck always kept full; and up' to the demand. ORDERS BY MAIL OB EXPRES3 PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. it Trimmings - Just . received, Also- & large and Barred (Vluslin, &c. bonnd to, command ; attention. Come and see rrrv r n .0 f INpER A HARRIS. FRED 6. UUNZLER WHOLE3ALS CAOEIX BEEIl XEAU3XX Alia CHARLOTTE, N. "C Represents two of the largest LAGEB BEER Breweries in the United States fflae Cergyner & Extgel Drevlh Co., of JPliaadelpIiia, and the ; V& Mi SchstTer BrewiMS Co., 01 '!vHew TorJc. ,y THE LARGEST LAGER BEER BOT- TLING EST ABLISHMEN IN THE CITY rrorders Ro3icIte3. All orde: o-irfiv filled and delivered free, of oh&rgo to any pr.rt of the city. j . , decSDdlf v 1 PeSif Co rr m m 'TEUTH. XJXX TEX .SUB 8GMJETT5CE3 8UEHTTS TO EX OBSCCBXI). BDT, XJXX, TEX EOS. OKLT IDE A Subscription to tSie ObserT'er v ; ; DAILY EDITION. ' ' - . V fifegiecopj.;... ...V;.:.;.i. 6 cents. uytneweekin the city....:.... ........ j By the month. ....... . 75, .. Three months... .:.1200 r 5 Six months. ii..i..w,. .1....... 4.00 One year 8.00 ,.tT .1 U ! " .WEEKLY EDITION. Three months....: SO cents. Six months."...... itae year. 1.75 L . .................... in clubs of nve and over SL5(V t; s t -, i - -, rVo leTlation. From Xbese XXitles SuKorlutlons always payable in advance, not only In name but in fact. ., , .... . . , . . PROMISES TO PAY. f Another "Boom ln Confederate BondsThe Foreign' Specula tors' ILnoeli'insr at the Doors of Congress for Relief A . Talk with a IB road Street .Broker. i Charleston News and Courier, ! VI cannot understand it 'at all," said a Broad street broker to ' a" reporter, for the News and Courier yesterday.? "xnere is anotner Doom in uonieaer- ate bonds. Why v it" is I don't know and I don't suppose' that anybody, could give a reasonable explanation of this eternal speculation in the se curities of a government that passed out of - existence more than; twenty years ago. It is true, however, that there is another boom m Uonfedersto bonds and we are offering $4 a thous and, while the holders are asking $5.; The bonds bring from .$3 to $4 and the demand that we get always come from . Richmond . , The Richmond stock brokers who seem to be dealing in these neciirieties most largely are Thomas Branch & Co , land ; R H. Maury & Co. - Generally they say that ; they don't . know, , why, there should be any demand for the bonds, and that they are buying on. orders from across the" water or tor persons in New York who are acting for spec ulators on the other side. There are very few of . these bonds left in Charleston and it is hard to get them.. It seems to me , that tins' craze will never die out and that there nre aU ways foolish people ' who ? will risk their money on securitieswhich caii have no standing in" law, r and for which there should be under ordinary circumstances no demand whatever. 1' suppose, that :.' t his present demand has been causd by an advertisement which, appeared in the New York Hearaid on Sunday last in, whiqh it was stated that a conimittee, consists ing of the Right Hon. Lord PeDzance, the Hon; Thomas C. Bruce, M. P. , Messrs. John' L.. Gorse; Q.; C M. P. John P Martin, and Rbert Stewart, has been appointed m London to act as trustees or the Uonrederate bond holders, -In view of the solicited ac lion by the Congress . of I the5 United states persons noiaing sucn Donas, wherever situated, are requested to send to Mr. William F. Moore, in care of the Hon. Wm. Fuller ton of counsel, . 18 Exchanfc e , Place, New York City, giving?: the number: of bonds held by them respectively, the dates of issue and the number of coupons attached to each bond "In the New lorK neraia, 01 Monday, the following paragraph in relation to the subject was published: 'There - was a good deal of talk in financial circles yesterday about an announcement in the morning papers to the effect that a committee had been aDDOinted in Liondon to act as trustees for Confederate bondholders. Mr. Wm F Moore, to whom all holders of such bonds are requested to send 1 their names and a lull de scription of their securities; said that the object of the announcement was to prepare tor concenea action Dy an t.hn bondholders. ; Brokers and finan ciers are inclined to regard ! the -an nouncement as an attempt on the part of London speculators to give value to a parcel oi -wortniess oonus. 'It aDDears from these statements that the Confederate bondholders in. tetid to petition Congress for. some relief: in Other words, they want the United Stotes government to pay for the bonds which they h'jld. It is not at all likelv. however, that the Unit-? ed States government will do any such thing.- - - The onlv bonaJ tnai are saiaoie are tnose witn - coupons. wtuucu . .. falling due m 1865. the most vaiua ble of which are those with j the cou pon payable m April, July and Oc tober or tnat year, muiiuus ' upon millions of the bonds: have been sold since the craze first began, and the Southern people have received at least fc500.000 . in , good v lawiui cur rencv of : the Government for the bonds that have been: aireaoy ? 010. At a rough icuessl I suppose that thirty million dollars' worth of Con- federate bonds nave been soio m ine aggregate. The demand for these so called securities : has - varied largely since the first sale was made. Six weeks ago ' the bonds were in good demand: Then there, was a lull in the market and . there-was neither: any demand nor any sale for such stock The craze has begun again and it seems that it f is never going to die nut. "The highest price Daid in Charles-' ton for Uontederate bonus nas been $ 13 ner thousand. : The first bonds that were sold brought only . $1 per thousand." but the average price paid has been .$6 a thousand. , I. bought 4265.000 worth; from' the estate of a former well known resident of this ritv . for which I paid $9 50 a thous- ani. The bonds have sold as high, as S17 a thousand in New York. I don't eut'pose thatthere is any ground for believing that any part of the Con- federate dprft will be paid by ihe the United Slates Government. The Gkmfederacy died as a; government twenty-ore years -ago and. it will never be reconstructed." : . ! - : SUPUEME COUET -DECISIONS. Digest 1 -of Opinions. October :- ' - Term, 1885.'. -3 .. ; From 'Advance Sheets of Attorney General T.F. n Davidson's 93d N. C. Eepoits. - . x- - : Holton vs. Commissioners of Mecks lenburg. . - ' ; - - "' 3 - ; ; 1. .Courts never declare statutes un constitutional and void, unless' they plainly conflict with1 the constitution Ifariy constructions "can be "given1 to their provisions which will make hem consistent ; with t the constitu ion it .will be done.4 and everv rear sonable doubt will be given - in favor of Jbeir validity. - - - z. 4. ne provisions 01 tne' constitu ion . requiring'" taxes to ' be uniform apply to the levying and payment of taxes, and not to the .distribution of the revenue arising therefrom, , d. -Quaere ? Does a difference in the method of the payment of taxes prop erly levied come within any inhibi- ion of the Constitution. . , . - 4. iThe legislature nassed an act au thorizing a county to be divided into suitable road districts, but providing that: no incorporated city- or town should be embraced in such district. It further provided: that a tax might be levied for road purposes on all the property in the-r county ?. including that situated m cities and towns, and the revenue arising therefrom should oe divided among tne road, districts. not according to the number of miles in such district, but according to the amount . of work needed v on such roads. 'It was further provided that any ; taxpayer ..might, discharge his road tax working onjthe roads withm the district where the tax was charge ed. In an action by the resident ot a city to restrain a collection of the tax on his property : , Jt ,was held," 1st; That the tax was uniform 2d.; That the tax could be levied on the props erty -situated in cities and towns-. 3d.- That, the taxpayer in the city could pay, his tax by his labor. Kerchner vs McEachern. 1.- A court has power to pet aside and vacate a consent for fraud or surprise, but it cannot alter or cor rect it, except with the consent of all the parties. affected by it. . ' ' 2 In order to set aside a consent decree, on the ground that there has been a mutual mistake in the terms in " which it was entered, it must ap- ill. ' . -a. L'l ' L- : .. . : . . pear iuat mere was a common inten tion and understanding which fails to find expression in the decree. Uray vs.'-West. - r- 1 Technical rules of construction and dedided'eases serve only as aids rather than as binding rules in the construction of wills. The construe tion of the will depends largely upon the circumstances of the testator as they appear from the will itself. ' 2. The meaning attributed : by the testator to words and i phrases in a will, when it appears, must .prevail; however.differenf this may be from the - meaning ordinarily applied to such . words, and phrases in; other WiliS. C " ' " - ' r' ' 3. Where a will provided "that A G. should .have her. support out of the J, land r it m was, f Held, ,, under the circumstances of the will, not to be a charge on the t corpus of the land, but only tie right to re ceive a support out of the rents and profits. Guano uompany vs. Bndgers. lr Justices of the peace have power to rehear cases decided by them, when mistake, surprise or excusable negli gence is shown, and the : application is maae in ten uays aiter me aate 01 the judgment: , After the relapse ot that time,' they cannot rehear their judgmeuts for such cause.- ' 2. A new trial cannot be allowed in a justice's court. 6 wherera defendant" relied on the assurance of the justice , of the peace; that his cause would not be tried, after; Which the justice render? ed a judgment against him in his ab sence; .Held, the remedy; is by an ap. peal or a : recordari as a substitute therefor, and by a motion to set aside the judgment, v,. i . i 4 : stop that cocon -..iivi -v.-''v..'-,.,--i-:,. i - ' By Using Dr. Vrazler's Throat and Lung Balsam cne only cure ior cougns, coias, noarsenessaiia sore throat, and all diseases of the t Throat and Longs. Do not neglect a ' cough. It may prove fatal Scores and hundreds of people owe their Uvea to Dr. Frazter's Throat and Lung Balsam, and ho family will ever be without it after once using It, and discovering Its maryelous power. It is put up In large family bottles, and sold for the small price of 60 cents a bottle. Sold by T. & Smith t Co. ' feb22d80d4wly Skin Mfiseases Cored By Dr. Fnuder's Maetc Ointment. . Cures as If by Magic, pimples, blacfe beads or grubs, blotches and eruptions on the face, leaving the skin clear and beaqtifuL Also cures Itch, salt rheum, sore ma ples sore lips, And old, obstinate , ulcers.. Sold by arussnsTS, tr mauea un rcoeiyt ji ynwj, uu xsuib. Sold by T. C. Smith & Co. ' ' TOO, 924deod&wly nsinuters, Wives and Mothers We emphatically guarantee Dr. Mareh!s1's Cath ollcou, a Female Remedy, to cure female diseases, such as ovarian troubles, Inflammation and ulcera tion;. faUing., and displacement or bearing down feeling, irregularities, barrenness, change of life, leucorrhoea," besides many weaknesses springing from the above, like headache bloa fug, spinal weakness, sleeplessness, nervous debility, palpita tion of the hart. e For sale by firugglsts. Price SL00 and $1.50 per bottle. Soud to Dr. J. B. Mar p.hisi. nRR..N. y for Tvamchlet, free. - : For sale , by L. . Wriaton, druggist, Charlotte, N.c- - : - juiyiveoaiv ' ScotMSruufIoii orffsire Cod Iirer Oil lviili Uj'popJiospltifes. v ! . - . ; Li ir,:;cel(clit in Lobg Jrcubks. " -. " Dr. noc2 Callottat, LaG.an e. ua., says: haveused Sootr'.i muisiDn wrh wor.rfulsucoef s in all Lunsr troa les. sind also find that it has no Jeaual in Summer Diarrhoea of children." Rii E LEFT mo Oar New York Besideat Buyer, Writes iia r 1 as follows: , ; ( Mess. Wittkowsky & Baruchi Charlotte, N, C'i :: " Gentlemen:--- , . ' . i I have this day purchased at a Manufacturers' Auction - Sale, 2,650 pieces of Muslin Underwear "..'.-- r'i rt ... ,... . fir' . .... f- 'if ' and Children's Dresses at a great sacrifice. Would advise you to close out at once all Stock on hand as - 1 .;. . : v " ' low as 25 and 30 per cent, below Cost. : Will for ward goods at once. V.- - . . V . , ' ; S v - 1 - Yours Truly, , ; 7. THIS Is J VFDL NBWSFOR THE LADIES. Especially for; those who are about to make up their. TJnder wear for the Spring and Summery as the materiaL of which these garments are '-mde - cannot bs purchased nearly cs- cneap as we sen tne maae up f Thee Am ' GOWNS. ' ' J GOWNS AT 37 WORTH 55e. 1 f 57c. 1 ' " - - 8ec 1 V 6'Jc. V 83. 1 . " 8 .. " L2B I . " t)0c 1.25 . " 15 " 1.40 j 1.28 - , l.b5- I SHORT and , , LOJSG, GHILDREN'S DBAWEB3. DBA WEBS AT 20c. WORTH 85c. 55c. 65c. 8CC. 85c 110 1.25 -At .. .. ... gy,. .1 If 4lc. I ' tl II 65a. 5)0. ' 75c. : 85c. 41 . C As this A L lot L E will MM li ii.UJ CHARLOTTE, N. C. MAIL OEDEE3 SOLICITED ANB FOR SALE. ....... i-'i'.. . ' "v ; r . f. Two desirable building lots. : 60x300 feet, fronting on South Tryon street, adjoining 5'6 the property of J. H Carson. - Shade tres on lots. wm be so a separately . or togatner. rtice 7uu each. ' - - , CHARLOTTE HEAL ESTATE AGENCY L. J. WALKEB. B. K. 8BYAN. L J Mill CO., Wholesale and Retail Grocers. KEW FIRS! NEW GOODS AN the first day of January.l836.the undersigned 1 entered Into a co-patuers hip for the purpose of carrylngona ' "' . , General Grocery Basiness At the oid stand of Springs ' & BorwelL corner Tryon & Fourth street. We are qualified by long eTper'enee, to meet the demand of the trade, and give satisfaction to our customers. ' ' We will Keep on naua.ui au uuics a iiu swv wj. S 3 at, Which will be delivered in any part of tlx-; of charge. , ; r , ; rei 1 - '. . -REMEMBERML , ' t : We will not be undersoil In the Charlotte market. t-ThTelsago'dwagonFardln the rear of cur store for ths accommod on o? our custj uiers. i : -, - h. j.-uAlsseg co. FA0ILY M iffli ! :o:- New Yokl, Jan. 21st, '83. x H. B. MASTERS. j ixarments, . CHEMISES CHEJUSES AT 21 WOBTH 40o. ' " 450. " 65c , " . 44 60c. . " 75c. ' ' " - 1 44 MVic. l 120 ESSESl a A R L Y, " . : ." vr y y-: . , . .. . . . . . not last long. 9 PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. ARE STILL 'TIIIIJTlPnArTff! BTFot fifteen years they have steadily gained ta favor, and with sales constantly Increasing Lave . become the most popular corset throughout th United States. . The G quality Is warranted to wear twtoe a long as ordinary corsets. We have -lately tr.tr ducedtheG and B H Grades with-Extra JJ"- Waist, and we can furnlth them when prefer L ; H'ghest awards from all the World's t t Fairs. The last medal received Is for First Dt of Merit, from the late Exposition held at l.car Orleans. While scores of patents .have been found w""2k less, the Principles of ,. the Glove Fitting L-re proved invaluable. t ' . Retailers are authorized to refund money, lf,a examination, these Corsets do not prove as rere- ' sented. - , ; - F sale erery where. :Ca(aIoree " free on Application. a t ' Thomson. JLangdon ZZ Co JTevr Ycrlt. ( . .: ; s ' These goods ta all strlea and qnalitle for ssla OUEBY. Charlotte, N.C Oct.l6-eod-m YYAINTED TENcribr?d fam!les to go to Wan-en coury. VI :sis.i ri. Gxxl hojsfi, g od wk r good lands, r f t ne t ar y river or brt'om1. 'Pfv tv cotton to pick no. Money h-s teen cermf''ri: here Xh 3 A. Wil iam ta pay for your raroJj tickets. - - . . Also 20 rammes wanted t go to Aanea-y cn same terms as above. : Com andtaee me.- E. A.WILLIiT3. janl3dlw - .... Ciartot, t;, & t , , . , 4. "' .--' SKIRTS. SKIBTS AT 47lic7 WOBTH 75c . ( 4 60c ; : - 850 . 44 . ' ' - 80c, s 1 44 ' 1.20 1 " 4 " tc . 44 v 1.25 S ' - ' 3 , v - w mm mm mr