mmm. vJ -JL 2. J i5) Ti .C3 ; RdUH -ry. nil " A Bey . Hero. TTa was only & years old, little Tommy Rrown. His ftitcr w&3 a picneer out ia eron.' (L& erf ibsriap, as1 always, and nd Oregon, if yo don't know where it is ) Pionwr8 discomforts and privations dream of. They are -often" twenty miles ytij from y store, . If anything has hap ILnd tkat tkey have not laid in a supply of .meat, flour meal, and tnesa things give at at homey it bscomes a very- serious busk e If roads are snowed up. or if the mud is so deep a? to. make them impassable, there is a chance that he pioneer's family may go hmagry. They may , even starve, v v . pro vision had given out in the family of Ur Brown ; There had been' a deep, soft 0w s0 the roads, were .very . bad indeed. But food most be Jaad or lis ' babiei would have nothing to eat So the father .started with his wagon to the .' store, twenty miles ftway. was ..long. time getting there, for the re4 was so heavy. ' " Mr. Brown loaded his wa-on and started hack! Bni a tremendous fall of snow came And blinded h im-and blocked his way. The" wnued several days. Tue forlorn , . . ., .... -- BUUi c'gTea on as HW.a iM. .Uk . IANUACY 25, . 13 6 - - jslour Fhj -i i 'y . . . , . rrxtr.. ................. ............. C:;rcc. Pcz&-C. -7, per cucLsi. Hlxed... Os,ta helJed. tfALTJKORif Flour t;:"?y: fiwara tr?t nd Dried rjltii pies, per ip.. ............. etern-,Superpe t2 6243X0; Extra $3Gtf - eacies, ccci2X.... ;. $108; Family X45i4.75; City Mills Super g'4.60 - . ' unpeeled;. ...... .'-.00; Extra . 33.25i.0. ttlo brands, $462 Blacberrle8,;...... : WEsax j-fiuinern ceaay; western turner; i-uwiue-ti":cw,..-. ,.... ..... isouinsm rei WZtSS; amber. 9197; ho I Mar- Irish Tnd 91S9lVa No. 2 Wehtem winter red spot Catbae, iec pound.. ........i 8lVa hid. Com Southern steady; Westeru trai; Onions, perbustei. ...,..,....... ...... southern white yellow 463C0. ' - 4 - Beeswax, per pound.... nt-r Aeo-Flour steadier; utisern $140S$4 85. Tallow, per pound.... .... .. .. Whesx closed IV36 lower-thau Saturday; Jaouaiy Butter, per pound...... . '5vrtjK--ltfe; Ktbruary '80f?-8i: '- Corn-firmer; Ezgs, per dozen..... casa February KG5ab7. Oats nrmer; Chickens....... casn ana January i&iQSVa. Mess porlr active, Bucks.... but unsettled and . lower: cash $10.75 S10.W: Turkeys, per pound. jeDTuary-iu.7.a;sisi.t4j: Marcli irj.Lj-7lo.vWij. weese.. Lard e isy and isi'oSSe lower: cash.. January and 1 Beef. per pound, net.. Jf ebruary s6rCt23.12i,2. - Boxed dcts steariy: dry Mutton, per pound, net. SHltM shoulders 4.00ar $4.C5;nort rib sides $5.25 Pork, per pound, net.;.;...". S5. T;shO:t clear sides 5.653$5.70. Wnlskey Wool, washed.....;........... firmer at M.16. Sugaf easy; granulated " unwashed...,... Standard A 6- . -, - , , j Feathers, new. fKW. ifiKK soutnern nour steady;' pood to t-uaes. per pound caoice extra sa.4U. w neat spot higher; ungraded Jed blrj-QQ: No. 2 red February 89ii9W2 orn spot quiet; onsrraoed 4SS;50; No. 2 January 61. Oats iaVa high r;No. 28a Coffee -spot fair Rio steady at bii euaar weak: fair to ffood rennlnar 5 16-2)5 9-13; refined dulU C -59155: 1 Estia' O LZZZUZi' y - i r-i . .... . tf.O 4::3 f J . 4.. 5 45350 Tin v 'Q" . V7o LsyB H0T7 tba larcct end nest ccrnpl:t3 ctcc!i thit v KJiJ rr frcl to tho Tr-D, ccpri.::r-cf dl tha btcct ttylca cf olii ever REPAIRING AND CLEANING. D 7-160)5; White O 5; Ytllow 55l: Off A5?1?S6; Mould A -;. Standard a 66 5-16; Confection ers. A tSka 6 1116. Cut Loaf and Crushed 51A: V '"Vi".' Cofcas. 6.:- Molasses n km as ha could. But j 8Ped oil crude 241: re Howcered 13 1627; Granulated 636 11-16: qtuet. nice steady, cotton refined 3iff 11 Eosiidull -w rlder and colder. E began to be at$l 05. Turpentine- firm at 41. Hides ilirftairough. Nobody knew vhat finaUy h. knlet;,..ineM SW87a nuia . - lfcll..--tow,.T v--. JL -10.75j middles . dull; long clear 5.E0 Lardr- liappeme to him m those awful hours, or duu: - Steam spot $6,4712: February What MB IBUUguu o.lvui.'. ; 1 4u.n1, .cici&iLto cicav.. VAttuu u9 uiu; nueai 4U. Vnr ke never: came home. When the -tnrm "cleared awa, and people went to . HfnvI StorM ft him. they found him 'frozen stiff U,: v ' : , ; - lwr j. ,v, 1. . -Hia'-AwifA w WtuiNSToii Turpentine firm air 89. fiostn ana mk -: r . ' firm strained 15: eood stralnea 80. Tax VMRS.;H. -CROSS, Opposite the postofacd, - Is prepared to do all kinds or cleaning and re pairi'iK of clothing at reasonatle rates. Will be fouDd at her boarding house , - ' jan20dlw. S 35-;. dead, ftud ias children had keen left at home turn at? $1.00; crude - turpentine steady; hard TJ ? 1nne to' wait xui. ne caffle.uacK wun.uw ji.mi: yeaiowaip ana virgin isi.ou. m-:.r. What had, become of them, rjoor . avasah Turpentine-firm pru , -, . ... '- rnrm at 1 babies! at 40: ooasi 05 Chaklkkton -Turoentlne firm at 39M: - atrauied tO; good strained 90. - . - - Bosln Rosjn i5i9 rviTl: r - - PEB. GOAT A1TD HID BUTTON SHOH3 in all fjrc 'c3, GENTS :-: BOYS i AND :-: YOtlTI FINE CALF LACS BALIIOHALS, AND BUTTON GAITIH3. : Gents fineealf boots and lieavy-Ghoes of nU . V kinds. TravellingBsgs, Trunks, Rubber eto Glycerole Polish for fine shoes, acknoeldged thol)CfetTfcr preserviDg leather yet introduced to the trade. ' " , To keep up"our3"eputatloa for good goods and low prices Glte us acall.f5 TradeiStrfe't, Central t - " . Building. . ' - . i GRAY & CO. - NKW YORK- Exchange $4.87. Money 10)2: Sub-treasary bal&uc gold $153,323 000; currency $15,693,010; (Ttwr.7inrent8 active: tour per cents, $1.23; threes i,uu48; axata oonas very ouii. Aiabauia-Cless A; 2 to 5. ...... ...... ....... 98 ClaJSB, lives.-. 1.04 ecrKia6's...u 1.02- eorgia7's mortgage ...... v. l.OOiA worth iroima 4'8..i..................89 $9012 ' riorcn uarouna b s.ex. lni.....-,.. i.ioa North Carolina's Funding. i. . .... ;.. . -10 south Carolina Brown Consolff... : .i 1.08 Tennessee .7. ......... 64 finrinla 6's.. 43 Virginia C msolsu , ..: 62 Chesapeake and Ohio' 11 Chicago and Northwestern 1.05 Chicago and Northwestern, preferred.... . .. 1.86: 16 OFFEH8 JO THE AMEH-r ' In conscqunnce of the death of Mr. Samuel Cohens the entire 'took raurS be sold, and for the next 30 days we will sell for f - j Our entire stock" of Dry Goods, Bead yMade Clothing, Hats, Shoes and Gci eral Merchandise at . 4" W holesale i Retail :Trade : The sweet gam, as gathered from a tree of the The goods We mostly neW and desirable. , A large portion 'bought byXoar same name, growing along the small streams to the Mr. EliaS in December, and at reduced price!?. - ' : . . . ' Southern States, contains a stimulating expecto " 1 I v " J 0 '' tT ' ' . " L '' ' f " " ' '' " r I rant principle that -loosens the phlegm producing I 3HQ ' Vf JLXSI ITI IflSi "TOr ; - Y OUTSO I VGQl ,v WHOLESALE BUYERS WITH CASH wili find it to the vaW T0JIMT AOTJ TH3 BABY 0UT IS THE COLD. Denver and Bio Grande Srie..........i.. ....... .... ........ Baft Tennessee... ........ Lake Shore. .V..... Louisville and Nashville. .. .. ...... .. ........ Memphis and Charleston Mobile and Ohio......... Nashville and Chattanooga. . New Orleans Pacific, 1st. New York centrals. . . . t Norfolk and Western preferred. . ... FIVE tons: 231 84 . 13 45 59 1.02 I 25 25 Northern Pacific common.... ..... . it had not been so ery- cold when' he left I Northern Pacific-preferred..... . . 66? home and nobody thought; anything would m:::::::r::r:::;r::!f . happen. There were two cnuoren, a ommy aichmond and ADeghany ....... 6 J nnA a vouuger brother, only 4 years old, 1 Richmond and Danville -78 Their father wouia nave uaxxuj-uarevi w w-v. . yjy leavethem, except that he had & beautiful: SV'VVV::::::::: 9lS 11 4fe cms the early morning cough, and stimulates the child to throw off the false membrane in croup and whooping-cough. When combined with the heat lug mucilaginous principle, in- the mullein . plant of the old fields, presents In Taylor's Cherokkk Rkjedt of Sweet gumanu yixnxxcs the finest known remedy for Coughs, Croup, Whooping-cough and Consumption ; and ' so palatable, any child Is pleased to take it.; Ask yourdruggist for It. Price, S5e and 81. If he does not keep it, we will pay. for one time only, express charges on large size bottle to any part of the U. S. on receipt of SLOO. WAtTEIl A. TATLOSi Atlanta, a. age to examine tbe stock before purchasing elsewhere J. :Ji COIIErl BUEGE.SS N I.C'H43,L-Sv WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALEB IN All kinds of and faithful shepherd dog. This noble an I st. Paul preferred mal was u?ed to take care Of the children 1 lex as Facmc.... i as if thev had-beea two lambs: r His 1 iiStSirv- 1 ' " . I V V GUUOU fl CkbUlU.i. .... mmm m name was "Shep.'! He watched and guaraea 1 Wabash Pacific, preferred,....... . HVa tlinm at nlav. durinsr the houM when their I Western Union.... 68 moa K1irro tn IoUa thTtl fllrmfl ' - I Bid fLBSt Did The liLtle creatures ' and the faithful do ? waited all day for Mr Brown toTcome back. "'They went to bed, and to sleep, and still tl father was not there next morning. - ;They began to get hungry, as the day wore on, Pm QTirtt ' TiiVhr. nns d. ; and the " next juv B X 1 morning they were very hungry . indead. Toey thought they would go ouy ana try to continent j France- find mm. Ther were not very,, warmly t BAi.TrMORx Dull: middllna r 9M: vnet receipts. dressed, bat out they, wenk They, wen lered ; gross S84;1 teases : Block'. 83,405; exports . T . fl. . .i. t - I noasnwlae j : Great c Britain z continent ; into the woods.' oniP ai wr wem.. n was . , , . . 4w- j.. xiicy wj.iB.oti "ai - rft 1 fcie ureal cntaia 210.1. bit no nam came. ; Shep hugged as close to , WmmsuTONWeak; : inlddling fham 1 a rivThArti wre wild animals celpts 425.t ; gross 4r ny IdJJST Y BARRELS gOSered. tAsked. SEx. Dir. - ' - Cotton. AL.VBSTON T?asy ; middling ; 9 ; net ; receipts 1 2793; gross 2793; stock 67,549; sales 167; exports coastwise 9409; Great Britain : continent ; KnnFOT.K-Onlet: mlddllna 8: nT re ceipts 33b3; gross 8383: sales 608; stock - 41,749 Ilrliitt -w. (ST -,r r -.i- '- " ' i.--T?-. mmmi TOR 1 4? . 1 m ! v u;-t. 4:n: T sales 8z&: net re- -; stock 11,283; . . ..m - t 4- 4 in the woods who wouidf have attacKea ana fhiijideLiPHIa Dull; low m ddling 9: net re-: eipts S8; gross 38; BiOCK r jofivi', exports Joasi ?sft ; continent . . . - . . -n M.JIM OOI.. MAntnfl . . - . . . I'M . VI M, U IT3H1UP . .Tl 11111 iriu n.. . I HI nVllllijl afather. ;Wornout a 8Tles 750; "stock 88.408; ramfl thv huddled ddwa azamst Oheps UxnorTji coastwise 1805: to continent-; Great Wovm inn Tt. i thft crrA.atest I Britain - l?ranrA - . .- . elp; -gross 10,758; sales 4000; stock 93 ftTO: exourt coastwise ; to Great Britain . 4h.vr ii . viVM , j uu.. w v , w . . XI 02ILlE UUiei ; mioaung oil-xa; uri roi.-citw v Large Stock Colors,' Yarms!ies,5Ete; Now in its ThWy-Fonrth Volnme; BEDDING, &C. A full line of CHEAP BEDSTEADS, LOUNGES, Parlor and Chamber Suits .Cof fins of all kinds on 4iand. No. 5- West Trade Street, Charlette, North Carolina. rwrzr ""-9: 1 J i-i?"v;. A GRAND "C-HANQE. came warmej and began td rain: poor tMags sutirea wnea morning gios8 3M7,' sales 5000; stock 69.6S5; exports lliev had no hone and no refuse but. bhep. Jt-i. Great Britain SSS4 They hugged him'and cried together.- They ; MESPHis-Stfeady; middling 8; - celpt teUed .tm.,ther couki snouc P V sJ-dmR K&S reetlpts 643; younger ui shipments- -, sales 516; stock . n : r w - ; Charleston Quiet: middling. 9; - rm freezing h to ONE CAR LOAD And, fully -abreast with an the.reaulrements of I modern Journalism . - - - TOE 'DAILY OBSERVES GIVE3 Charleston Quiet: ' middling. - 9; - t i-oroirr -inii crmMM liTPO: sales . stock 70.740; export to contlnenj 4280; coastwise 1407; Great Britain -; France . :V: ' New Yokk-DuU; sales .20; middling uplands 9 8-18: Orleans ; consoUdated . net receipts 27.870; exports to'reat Britain 10,378; to France 8579; contmem 6103. 17 wm Oi said : !' tv'-'--. iif; 'M . "lommy, oh!v Tommy, death" ' :v 5 Then what do you think this brave, ten der big brother did? big brother, though he was only 6 years old He took his own coat off, all the warm v garment; he had, ' and wrapped it around the younger child. The ra?n Tinnrfl.1 in tftrrfints. and lommy uau i , ino m. mw i9nR9f nothing uponjhis shouflers ; but a, cotton closed quiet but sttady; sales 107,000 bales. JJa'AT CLOSE PRIGIOS shrt, but he bora it an; anapuueu mo vy -D.jcember ' ro, irv close about his baby brother. There is not January. ... 9-w.i" me least douDt-cneuCTie ieuow wuum u-v ........ 9K).21 frozen to death only for this. ' - . - . J3jn 9 31 -$ So at last the neighbors found them at may. ."..".." V.V: . i QMiS? noon, Mondayy ;cuddled all down close to- June..... ....... .k 962 68 gether, Tommy,- tha small brother and Shep.. 'y-- . '""""."."'.."J"i 9.69371 . Afew'hoursiore; and both the chUdren ber..:.:::::V.":.;.:::::...... would have been dead. .But how much the nh- v kind hearted people made over them when NoTember. ... -, they did discover them 1 There i was hardly '- . -t ' . whom I f i1rnool CiOItOn i,riw;M , a.-. . a, .. . n. t.,f Tnmmv n hiiTers' favor; Uplands wi, "7r'. TELEGKAEHIC NEWS Fi om at home and from abroad! - and from al Quarters of the glohe, besides all the ; current Nm nf the dav. Local and otherwise. 1 Its com plete and accurate dally, - ( cr i .1. H. MoADEN, t; ; Telegrs phic Markf f Efporfs .; Fcr the next thirty days we w'll take In exchange for "The Sew JHgh'.frm PavtoVsll- &nC of ma chines at ahberalallowancd. - . -. v Jf ' a u ST fin 1 plenty of friends now. BatWMn;; UXj; ?wu o.5 f . - -Ui February and - Uplanas ; ipw--u.muju. - Kvr- ---- Brown is the bravest, noblest' little lad .1, nave heard of la many a day. He is one of the heroes of the world. ; . - More Snowflakes. Most of you will have opportunity to ex- Futures quiet e clause Fet Ma&adeliv . , - March and Apri' 4 61 64d4 60-61d. Aral! and may soz-o". ; , . MaV and June 5 2-fi4dS5 14d.' June and July 5 4-64d. -A LOT OF- Are an important "and valuable feature to the bus-1 lness man, and are alone worth the subscription price of ThkObsebveb. j , J, , '' , - ' . '" ' " .4- a-"' Ifo other daily In the State enjoys sucb- , , iVJ8f.raUe 'sourer.' at d br;ngirg misery to yon, Dy u-mgine oia iasu;oneti rwujg ivlww. "ut'i j-" v-.. ... ;"" .IITjT "New Davla TVerticalKetd." the east st ardlfghtestiu-ri1!g lr.g Machlre in tbe world. Don't linger In the busy pathway of life a lry'nj? libel. all around one of the It Is the easiest running andmost aaraoie. oecaus wi mhoi ' ' " 1 1 . " .,:; '-,i thA iat. mnnhPT nf rarts to move, there Is Jess frct:on ?nd wwr ' h nnch nn Is terff ct modeicf neatness, ard Is a modern "Idea" throughout. Dot.'t tuli txmlre tte ;DUal8.". it ju prove an n spiratlon, new life, viaor and health., . v - , , -- Repairing promptly done. Oil, needles, attschmects and par s. For sale by . , ' - - RICHAEP MOORE. Gnral Agnnt, Trde St . tl UUO auu V ... . j : on.. Kha.T.fiUness of tho iona jannarv delivery 4 58-64d. (Duyers.; aow crystals about this tima of year. January and .February A I H 64 (vage.) February ana aiarcu ' ,ir ' March and April 4 604d, tellers ) -AOTil and May 4 62-64d, (sellers.) May and June 5 l-64d -(sellers.) . - . June and July 5 4 64d, (sellers ) July and August 5 74d (lers.) - -AU2U -t and September 5 10 64d (sellers.; . ifids low middling clause January delivery 4 58 64d I (sellers. " . ' Tammrv and Febmary 4 53 64d, (se iers.j Ffbruary and Ma-ch 4 B9-64d. buyers.; -'March Hand April 446M4d. (seUers ) , . April and May4 C2 64i, (sellers.) May and June 5i, (buyers.) -June and Ju!y 5 3-64.1, ( buyers ) . , July and August 5 7-64d, .(sellees.) - s - a no-nt. pnd Fenteraber 5 10-bia (seue s ; : , - CIIYSTAIj WAFERS, BEST LONDON LAYER RAISINS, CANDIES, NUTS, FBUITS, - AND THE T BEST LAYER FIGS Put up in 10 cent boxs." - v Exceileit Mail Facilities: A3 IS POSSESSED BY 53 B. mmON & BEEVES will for the Th a O 8S E R V E ? Bap OFFZR THEIR " (o)- Angnst end gepteraber Futures closed q'.ie'j. As it reaches all the surrbundirg towns and ail the i impcrtint postoSces . In the State, as weii r.3. rs- mote points. North. South and : v est m cuier In addition to the atove goods we also carry a states, on the - - , , i SKOWFIaAKES. 1 - If you have a microscope you can sea them " - tetter;? Catch them upon somothinij blaci ' ' for abaclrgrbuud,' and examine. Thera are very ia-m shapes. ' One cf the. things never yet fain d duty i how nature makes - suca v ' beautiful crystals. ' Jiisi; given ;some ficaiiES- vapor," then a sudden cold air catches it, and 3oUtharecom8v out perfect Kiath?matical figures in m-.ny shapes' ; Ilaa has triad to r "w thse fr- ue ba': he cannot make tnhin loolt M'de&ato as nature docs. Our geo VUy Ccu Klarlxet 05CSOrTHHOEElfnVK I : tj c. . January IS, 18w. I 14 1 '.'1,1 ' il. . Ill W 1 - Tho c'ty cotton F55f a2 at the foliov;iEg quotations: -,. . ; -v Roodwfd'fJng.;... ; . . . J 7, . . 1 ' ' ' , . , vriddimg...... r-'rr-r- b Tinges. - CliSWi Stains v,, ' '''15 fine line of , . ' - " : CIGARS, ; ' ; cigarettes, 'shoeing tobacco", . CANNED GOODS and , CHEWING GUMS: " c? its PuMicit&;-' This makes it a moit va.u:i::e Kt?s siv publication, as well as alTert!fiirtg n e-Jir.iu. It - pre-emiceit!y the leading V:Vy of tn State,- ar-.J has established its clalni to tiia n-rlt. - ENTIRE iTOGK hovever -i . tuifrf icl -and .i.rf-h i t a tn ral (1 Sifens, Cl.iHV; pnd Visnn'if,.! t.!Vv nre. aro l-atioas of "work . inatla 'by a greater hn i thai.-.Tnas4s-iwork wHch . h-,s be?n sts-nady .cuujreii after year for uato.d agf.. . i. - ai ' t 4 V ak J mm. I' U ;- S ' t f- : . r. ? C A T X.a.aEaJL. Til?: OrrTSUvrn's rew E! t-1 it to ive kt? rearjir.s mr-ttsr t rn or .?.1 Dai!; it it on, hy iiiaii. " C iv. 1-n nniv r. err: ::' CARRIAGE AND BUGGY repository: r 1 - ' - r - Sp'in.- v"ii-'r ! v t's styles, o; iM'-ii..: . tl Oai4.C.j. Clrfi AVI' lit t V.--r --T,-, .1 i TLis r ar cr is ke? t oa Cle at tl 3 c z - -i . 7 i c , , i-- i r:-A.:3 - - f - s ; r - r i O i. . - , a i - t! i t r -r t . .DVERTfSIJQ' 1 j.XJ f;LL-!-. i.J ii t.. I ... I: .1 I' ll if 1! I i it; ti; HI t n i r i in 1 1! it A'

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