i: 17. cr.' y cn 4' ' 1 or 1 t royals- O -'sip ' : Absolutely Pure- I . :j.Aar npvflr varies, A marvel of purity. iWP1";" Thrtiflsomeness. -More economical "fSnrdinary klrfds. oand cannot toe sold in tMOro . multitude of low lest, short SfSKm or phosphate powders. Sold only Wholesale by ana. SPE1NG3 & BUKW2LL, . ,- . . Charlotte, N C. Blonday, February lit. cademy Opera Co jE4IB TVi;STnr, Ktct CKARLE. Vt RSE LYIWHTON, t nLs onera Co) (From McCauU Opera Co) ORGE APPLEBY, WAJTER ALLFN, hm Abbott Opera W) ibrom add atupera u j ?SnT HOGAN, JOSEPH FAY, BUB tjaiiiij ""T""4"' comeaian. .wiucuuui. )BUS OF 20 VOICES. ORCHESTRA. iAJI 1TZ13I Jr Conductor, -40 ARTISTS. Tifi above Company as an organization has been inz at the Ac tdemy of Music ; Baltimore,- for . ... .. .son ltavlncr '1nT. M.THtrir1ttA n. hit? weeks season. The organization Is one of mOSt COmpicuB cyci yui via uio oiogo. ;-... Von guppe's Great Opera,. - BOCCACCIO. - Usual prices " . BOARD WANTED. IbBTVATH board deseed by a gentleman' and I wife. Prefer a place convenient distance to lemress office. Address- . . ' - a, ; an26dtf BoxfcO. I ill : Li) -OF- CRAP PICTURES JUST HECEIVEI -AT- I , RECEIVED A Finn Assort meat ' 0Y ART SUPPLIES, Hammered Brass Plaques -ANIVt- Pbotograph frames, ftjjeverj thing needed ia the studio. And school books and supplies at" ; ; T : R0SS, & ADAMS'- es8toC-loritoarBo and Stationery busl fteoivi. VS01 to the kind consideration cf tne kenw3, i-otte and vicinity. Mr.--Rosa. 'has teaimoivi?i? year3 and we desire to tesr public Perfermii1??112! and fidelity with which he BothhT-ii1" outies darlns that lonr; period, and hTn.".-l Adams were born' in Cnarlott Portmf i.uplnour midst. Their correct da fur a ..rmM?0Wn to all, constitutes a strops: appeal tona;,L!"dnandlncreeof te i:brr-l rst ifPK.-'J'Fveaattnehar.da c tr.9 c.u- wiwh'phnrVrt"5 ,ana surrounciins cou: .Hd ic uiaux them. ill TIDDY & EI :0. . - ir:!;:irt CL..:' fr:n EV - J a. n. L a -v . 3 f c r At r 1 1 t 3 U a. r o. El Arrl--3FtChr-r.;; 3 fr iAL:: I'vp;crl 'rzciiEtija. n. '---i.TiT set Cr.:rl;tt3 f:i L ' P.-to. I c r.x-s for At-ta at 1 p. r i. o. t j Arrives i t Charlotte frcn Ati -It4: . , 4. . V Virt ' -t and iassenser Train leaves for 'ait&Ja. xa.; arrives from A' Carta at 8X3 CSAlJxrrxa.COLTDIBIA AND AUGUSTA. V Arrives from Columbia at 610 p.m. " - V V Leaves for Columbia at 1 p. m. " , - C, C. & A A.. T. & O. Dmsioa. ' Arrives from statesr&le at 10:45 a. rx Leaves for StatesvWe at 6 55 p. m. - i - - Carolina Centrul. ' Arve jrom Wllmlnson at 7.30 a. m.; Leave for JlmJfngton at 8.15 p. m. t. LveJrm Laurlnburg at 3 45 p. m. ; Leave for Laurlnbarg at 7.80 a. m. bJt? r ShelbT 8.15 P- m; arrive from Shelby General " Ttaiior lAAip. m.. - . -iH0116! J.Jeir Department opens at 9.) a. sx.; doges at 4.0G p. m. - - Weather Indications. . Middle Atlantic States: Warmer weather with local rains, generally followed by fair weather; winds be coming .variable, preceded, in north ern portion by northerly winds; falU ing: barometer, s- " . ' ; ' Souther n Atlantic" States r Light local rains, generally followed by fair warmer: weather ; ' northerly; winds becoming variably ; risi n g,v preceded in extreme north eastern portion by falling barometer, and again folio wed in the southern portion by f ailing bar ometer. ... - . - . - .- ' - West Gulf: Fair weather,' followed by local rains winds becoming varis ftble; slight rise: in temperature tonight,- followed during Tuesday by colder weather. , , .. . - Ohio & Tennessee ValleyV Fair weather; preceded by light local rains in eastern portion lOtthe Ohio Valley ; wiuua generaiiv nnimg 10 nor in westerly; ; preceded by variable winds ; nearly stationary tempfera lure, louowea oy rsiightijt colder weather.', ; . - ; . Index to New Advertisements. : Richard Moore Davis Sewirg Machine. -Macon Medicine Co.-Pioneer Blood Renewer. kuirgfavcs & AlexanderMuts to Crack. Academy Opera Company Feh. ft. Board wanted Address A, box 2j0. - 127 Settlements for debtadue Tele Pe3erveb or myself by Col C W. , Alexander, or Mr. H. A. Deal, will be recognized at this office. . r 7 . " CHAS. B. JQNES, , v " ' Editor and Proprietor. LOCAL RIPPLES. -All the trains came in on time yesterday, but brought few passen gers. . . - r Mr. Eldred-Griffith," who has for some time past been identified . with the cotton business of this city, left ast night for Fort "Worth,- Texas. The cold wave has come. If Genk W. B. Hazen will - bear us out of his cold wave territory hereafter, we will extend to him the thanks of this com munity, 4 ' : ; - . -Nothing- bag been ;heard from the pig on the floating "ice t that passed down the (jatawba a tew days ago. It is believed that the craf t was ship- wrecked on Tuckasege shoals. ? -Mr. Jerome Dowdf iiteraf jfc edi tor of the Newton Enterprise, is in the city oh a visit to his friends here. He reports that himself and Colonel Washington are still holding-the Cowpens. ;. . . . -v. -We ure requested to state that no one will be ad mitted to the . masque rade on the 29th, except by ticket, and that those not yet supplied with tickets can he accommodated by call- ins uDonanv member oi the scorns mittee. , - . - . " . Ooaccount of the ; icy oohdition of.' the -public roads yesterday; the. wood market was -very poony sup Dlied. only three or four load, being Been on the-streets during ine aay. . r - - . - i .... . i vi ... Prices were high, -. generally z, 50 for poor loads. . -r Mrs." Mary ; Latbrop. president of the Michigan W. C T. U., is to come Rome time in February to- North narnifrm And wili.v bv invitation. sneak successive! y in (Jh arlotte, (Jon X V . w - - T .. - A . 1 cord, Winston, ureensooro anu xvai- . . : V . X , ... ' ' J '.T- T ' AiVh. the 8th. yth. lutn. lien ana 12th. . : , ' Judce McRaeV spent Sunday at the Central in this city, on his way to Concord: where he opened the spring term-of Superior Court for-Cabarrus niintv vpRteroav. solicitor, a-uama attends asiprosecuting attorney aor the State. This-cpurt is tor tne cna of civil cases only. , , " -Mr. J. G. Hood, of Davidson Col lege, who was shot by his brotherrins law in that place, a few weeks ago, was in Charlotte yesterday, having rpfiovered from the wound i ne was warmlv conerBtuLited by his iriends here over his recovery.. - r ' -' Cant. W, B. Gooding 13 engaged this week in collecting all the taxes calledjor by the city tax books, so as . 1 A l A. - - i. t n board . of ; aldermen next Monday Those who have not . paid, have jus five days intervening between them selves and double taxation. - :. Sunday was a busy , day yith the hotels in this city, an unusually large bar of traveling- i men having Koon vlrivpn into this Dort by the hiiVfird. The Central was filled and the Belmont had to refuse applica tion a for hiiar ters from fifteen call- ora fnr want of more room,- the full est capacity of the house being under test. - T)r Pavns and his ' wife, the In dians who are at present sojourning in our city, took advantage of the im perfect sleighing facilities afforded cn the streets yesterday.and securing a horss and sleigh proceeded to. have c-a pnnrt; Thfl doctor wore a crown - t : ---.-..- . J I of feathera and nis wire was wrujjpsiA in a bi- red shawl, arid they seemed to be pu joying themselves supremely. cop;; Febru: data fire it TIT - Of this comDanv. re and Geiihted au- dience witnesced the presentation of Von Suppo's pleasing - comic. opera Boccaccio. - It wa3 .a mucical treat which the audience did not, however, anticipate, the company being com paratively unknown "here as an organization- although many ? of the leading people are old favorites with tlemphisi; " theatergoers. V. Manager Gray can be congratulated on mak ing a decided hit in securing so tunes ful and sterling an attraction. It is something u that ; the people t enjoy; good ; comic acting ' and music, a strong chorus, elegant cossuming and appropriate scenery, as the surround ings, trf-a sparkling opera. ;Mits Jeannie Winston as Boccaccio was ex cfieningiy attractive, ana was ue- fcerv" .cj recipient oi, warm ap plause, which was shared in by Miss Louise Searlo as Fiametta, Miss An nie Myers as Isabella.: Walter AHen as the Cooper, Arthur Bell as the Grocer, and Rose Leighton as Pero neua, wnile tne minor roles were each and all excellently well filled. it was a mosii: sausraciory .periorms ance, notwithstanding, the fact that the members of the company: were travel weary, many of them having been unable to secure sleeping berths on their trip from New Orleans, and navm had to sit up all night. The succsssof the, company d uring the, remainder of .the week is assured, aud' increased " attendance ; nightly may be expected by - the -.manage? meht." - .1 - . Tlic " flbado's 99 Date Chansed. The manager of the Templeton Mi kado Company - has changed the date for the appearance of that company in our opera house, to Thursday, the 28th inst. instead of ihe 26th. Katie Putnam's -engagement having been canc3led ; for the present, the date which had been reserved for her has been secured for the ."Mikada." Of this company, the Brooklyn-Union says: , -"The Mikado, as presented by John ' TemDieton's ComDanv (the original people, who first produced the opera in America,, at the Union Square Theatre) at the Lee Avenue Academy ofMusic last evening was a complete triumph, both vocally a'nd artistically. The cast includes many more fine voices than- are usually heard in comic opera organizations. The piece was beautifully mounted. and the costumes rich and: appropri ate. The chorus was large and showed the result of careful training in both acting and singing. Every member was .encored, and it was after 11 o'clock before the curtain fell on the finale. v - -" " - ' : 1 " Rogues About tne Depot. Our local detectives have several cases of trunk .and valise stealing from the Trade street "depot to work up. There is considerable stealing going 'on at present, and with the number of idle people loahng around it is not to be wondered at rlu some instances Che thefts have been of the most daring character, and the rail road men . are particular anxious t capture the individual v who stole a trunk from a trucfe in the train yard, right under the eyes-of a hundred or more people who were moving about in the yard at the time. Another thief is wanted who picked up-a va lise in the- depot and walked away with it. As goon as the new. depot is built and nobody can getjin ...with out showing thoir tickets at the gate. all this thievery will cease to exist The City Under Ice. The cold wave arrived after mids nigiit Saturday night and Sunday morning uawneu wuu a bieeu uurui. The sleet fell - all day long; with slight intermissions, and the appear ance ot the ground was as .it a snow had fallen. The sleet covered the streets to the depth of an inch, form insr a hard, treacherous crust, which keot most -of : our people indoors There were services at nearly all the chuiches.' and . the congregations were auite large, considering - the disagreableness of the streets. Yes terdav .was a threatening day, but thou2h the skies were heavily over cast, no sno w or sleet fell. There was a gradual thaw during the day, and slushy times may be expected this morning. , Impudent Begars. . Early " yesterday morning, two strangers, an old white man and hia wife, appeared upon our streets on a begging' expedition." They went to Reveral bouses and forced an ens trance over the servants, making themselves obnoxious generally. Later in the day, the .old man got drunk and "went to sleep in a store, w hen the police wera notified;". Officer Hunter arrested the old; man,;, and found it necessary to arrest the old woman also, as' she tried to prevent the arrest of her husband. Both wpro taken to the guard house, and locked up. -v A Cliarlotte Boy in Texas. : We see from the Galveston (Texas) Dailv Nevvs. of the 21st, that Mr Ed. H. Bailey, one of Charlotte's representatives in the" West, has hpp.n elected secretary and treasurer of the Houston Street Railway Com nmv. The News, in noticing Mr. Bailev's election says: "E H. Bailey who was elected yesterday, has been cashier iathe Houston office for a leng time. Ho is a brother o VV. i Bailey, editor of the.E vening Herald, and is a young man of superior cleri- cal ability.'7 - f iEd's many, friends in Charlotte will ba glad to read this evidence of his. growing popularity and -success Tin his adopted Texa3 home. . - . "Truth ha3 a quiet brrast, fays Avon's fcard, but when tUe bre:-ift is weked with a co'.sh It cm not be quiet. Try a bo. tie cf Dr. BuU's CoiTgh Svrup. The ccuKh ltwul stay..the soreness allay, and jcu'll bless Dr. Bull for mcmy a dsy. cf ti:3G: mczd r.czt. Hay, c.3 cn cf tLo d:!o ?:atc3 from the North --Circlina Con- ierence. ithe : Gn?-rrl Hnnf-rp v7iU.fc3 a crcat affair, C3 thz dcl-atc3 reprecc, thirty-ei-ht cnnuol cca- ierencc3 and extandvA mr"!"."? in in China; Brazil." and ITssico. Thp C0nferenCC3 and mfcr.inrsa emh-rr more : than MO.000 rrpAfri 30,000 communicantg. Lirr-p.lv np, than half : a million Sundav.shnnl scholars and five million adherents. The place for, holding the conference unn ..i i. : . . . uas uuu jreueen-eettixia UDon. 5road street church and Centenary street church" have been scoken? of. hut in the judgment of - man v npithpr- nf these is large enough for the larffo crowds that ' are likely to attend the celebrations, and the Armory Hall is spoken of as a more suitable place for noioing tne session or the conference. In addition to the ordinary business ot a wenerai uonierence, it is expects ed 4hat .the coming conference will create several bishops.- - ; Death of Rlrs. Terryj We regret to announce tha drtkt.h of Mrs. Lucy P. Terry, which oc curred in this city at noon, vester- dayf at the residence of her sonin- aw, lon. K. Y. McAden. the result of , a stroke- of apoplexy which she received a. re w days since. Mrs. Terry was in her 74th yearr and was indeed, a most estimable lady. She was a native of Prince Edwards. Virginia, and was married fifty-one years ago to Dr. Benjamin I . Terry, who survives her. Since her residence- in this State,: Mrs., Terry has made many , warm personal friends by heri pleasant. ways, and many ex cellent traits of ; character. ; and all will express a feelingof sorrow; over, her departure from among us,' ' The recollections of her, many good deeds upon -earth will long survive her: and ner. memory wui do Dieseed. Thetiuneral services will be con : ducted from the residence of Mr. Mc Adenyiit 11:30 o'clock this morning. - ,iv. Tlie 48alisbiipy Fire. . . . , No definite statement has vet been made as to the extent of the loss sus tained by the Eichmond & Danville and . the Western North Carolina Rail road -Companies, by the burning of the ireight depot at Salisbury, but it is believed to, be, $15,000; as stated by us1 Sunday. The Woolen Mills loss is about $7, 500, partly . insured. ;At one time during the progress of the fire, it was thought certain that the Salisbury gas works would be burned. ' and the crowd stood back at a respect ful distance until the -danger was over. - The burned " depot will at once be replaced ; by a new and better structure, '.vlFho Is tlie iscamp? BostOB'Traveller. ' A cbrta n Southern Senator who stands very high in the councils of he Democratic party ' is in a good deal bt trouble,, caused by; (is own indiscretion. "Only "a few tlays ago this Senator came' to Washington frbmiSv home in: the South. He took a section in the Pullman car. Occupying the ad joining section was a young girl about seventeen years of age, who was on her.way JNorth to a boarding-school. The old. grays haired Senator looked at the young girl and the young girl looked at the Senator. They looked separately and they, looked - together. - The. ; porter, came in and made up the sections. The Senator prepared for his night s repose and the young lauy disap peared behind the folds of the curtains- in front of her section. Sud denly there came a series of piercing screams. Those who were quick enough saw the venerable Senator scrambling to get into his own sec tion.' He was not quite as rapid as he would have been had he -been a man of fewer years, for the unromantic conductor and the Senegamoian por ter came in and made him dress and eo into tne smoKing-car. wnere ne snent the remainder or tne nignc. Theonductor telegraphed the girl's father the facts in regard to the: in cident and that gentleman started for .Washington with his blood full of fire and his -pockets full: of : pistols. The affair' has been- hushed up, a compromise has been effected,- and the Senator is now wondering -wheth er he has been successful : in keeping the escapade out of the newspapers. -. .".Tbe Cireaiest Sale of ; , MtJStlN TJNDEBWEAB IS TAKING PLAGE EIGHT NOW at: wrmowsKT & dabuch s. Important Decision byltlie Court r ' - . : P" Claims. . - - . ' Washington, Jan. 25. The Court of Claims 'today announced fits de cision in the Choctaw case, rendering a j udgment in favor - of .the Indians to - the- amount , or aoouc 4uu,uuu. This suit was instituted to recover compensation and estimated at about five; millions or dollars : ror .auegec violation of 'certain ."treaty stipula1 tion3 entered into by the "United States and the Choctaw nation in the years 1830. 55, andV'66. ... In passing judgment the court remarked that this case was -probably the most ims portant - one ever; oecmea oy ,tue court. . It will be appealed to Jthe United States Supreme Court. ; ' -:. FUSSSAIL. MO f ICE." ' : The f aneral service of Mrs. v Lucy T. Terry rwill tatfl nlnrw at tha rfisldence of Mr. . Y. McAden at. 11 -si n'nlofik-thn momlnsr. Friinds and ac q.ualntanees are invited loauend. ; - Unlike other cathartics, Dr. Pierre's "Pellets do "not render the bowels costive." after opera' tlon, but, on the contrary, establish a permanently healthy action. Being, entirely vegetable, no par ticular care is reqiJred vrhile using thsm. By drugslits. " -TloXviX Cost Erice! P-CT 25 PES GKJTCT? ACTUAL VAtUE-DO WE 7LL ox;r jntteis Stock cf muslin Undes-vteaji row. ;:; -.lllUiU...'LiUiCil : kill T7r.cn tl 13 3 wa cer e t pri? t-73 cf C::;?J;rs yC;r. 3 t Irs to L:a etcta cf tl:3 1-ta Laisca A iM3."cf cow3,E3vea t3 jcr-i tl3, (soiU cclcr), and fcrcrll73 til::.::.y marked he'Izr cl7C3, Lre pyt. D rnri. wbo contains fi'ty rcr cent cf Ksaal B cod Is t-a years cli, very lare and a grand Eedencfti3 race. Tfies-i cows are Lt calf to i t Bernard, and were carefully select l nam dlierent Jersey families, aiming to get lar 9 growthj animals, full cf pood points. All t a above are registered or elible to be In the n d Books cf the Ameriesn Jersey Cattle Club. - -. Also, tTO "blooded stallions, Chancellor-IIanitla tonlnn, ttanion-f-edlareed is five years old, a rich mahofany bay, 16$4 hands high, denotes fjreat power andwonderlul trotona: actioa and Is finished, smooth and elegant in all respects. Bred by Fitch & Gewett, breeders of Hambletonlan horses. West Farmlcston, N. Y. ,f; Ked Cay, fiiallIon-IedIjreed, Is four years old. rich in the celebrated Mfimhrtn und other noted blood. Large, compactly built. and good styled: strictly a combination hone: per forms elegantly single, double and under the sad die. Cambria Is a moddled specimen, and - wed adapted to this section. . ; : Parties desiring Information wCl address Mrs. 15. B. Hills. Spartanburg, 8. C, or O. P. Mills. Greenville, S. C when circular ot stock,, giving pedigree and description, will be forwarded, with other desire-i Information. . . O. P. Mills will visit Spartanburg every Saturday for the purpose of meeting parties who would like to purchase stock, or to settle orther business con nected with the estate."- - E. E. HILLS, Administratrix; " ' OTIS P. MILLS, Administrator. dec30dlm - , mil -OF- Glycerine and Dcscsf, Hughes' Rose waer, Glycerine and Carbolic Add, Vaseline Cold Cream, and Vaseline Camphor Ice are the best preparations tor chapped skin. A. 1UU filWK till - ' . ' n. n. joriDAi co's, DBtTGGISTS. fickle Plated Electric . Lamps, arge and small the best lamp made; Cheap at R. H. JORDAN & GO'S, Springs' Comer. ;; ; , . . .V,..v CARRI AGE BLACK . . - For making old earrlazes and wagons look new. in Quart cans ready for uae, at : j : ' a. H. JOltDON & CO S., Druggists. DiKGR'S CHOCOLATE. Edds' Cocoa; Nelson A Cox's Gelatine: Coleman's jmisiara ana auxea pice?. a rresn btopk at a. ti. JUttUAN & cu'a., Druggists. Pemberton's French Wine Coca. ror sale by v ' J ' - - R.H. JOKD AN A CO, Druggists. 8JIOKE TttE K4NGAnOO, The best 5 cent cigar sold R. H. JORDAN & CO.' -"" . Druggists.: Springs' Corner. ; Ppiatiog Press for Sale. HAVE TOB SALE a complete. Adams Book and Newspaper Press. Size of platen 24x30 inches. The machine Is in good order, made b Hoe & Co , standard work. . Llrt Price - - - 42.24O00 Wlllbesoldfor - . - - i. 500 00 on terms to suit purchaser. -J 1 . UUAS. K. JUNES, i an5dtf ' Charlotte Obseirer. . BINGHiJTSra Established is the only School for boys In the In .r 1793 South with r GAS , and a first-class BATH HOUSK. Special terms to young men of small means. The 183rd session begins August 25th. For catalogue; address : . , Mai. B. BINGHAM, Jo- ", , . , , Bineham School. N.C. ESTABLISHED USED 111 ALL - Cataldgnes and Prices on application. Sold by. all the best Carriage Builders and Dealers; - - CINCINNATI, U. J. A. - ' Cable Address. COO-CIN. Dec22dtuestp.urs&sat.tl , , y ? - . , iObelfiiDg ;i!o LL1D0LB 'A reduction of 10 percent in the best of Season on our entire Stock of MENS', YOUTHSV BOYS' ANLV CpiLDRENS CLOTHING, commencing from Monday, December 14th, until January, 1st, 1886V Thiseany and tina ly reduction is made to give the poor as well as the rich a chance , to bay a garment or an overcoat for the Christmas Holidays, made and trimmed equix trt anv Merchant Tailor work, for the same price, what you would have to pay elsewhere for inferior and old stock. - . 7 . . : , - :: Sne'dalfioi?; We have just received byexpress The reputation gained in this special lino is that we have the handsziCw line of NECK VVEAB in the city, and at popular prices. Do you wish to buy an appropriate present in a Suit of Clothe, Overcoat, a Dre33 Shirt, Underwear, Suspenders, Hosiery, Gloves, Silk, Linen or Cam bric Handkerchiefs, and at popular prices. - Call cn us and savo tin3 ad money.. " , . ' .Very Respectfully r . . " - : - . - , ' LEADING CLOTIIIEILS ANO TA'L023 CHiRLOTTZ, SALEIGH AND EMQUYHLr .1 twi ' e c"er tils xzorclzz czr cz-llra etc;'; cf . AT HALF PKICO 50 ?1 00 1.50 cent hats u at ( a 25 50 75 u J A large lot of new style STRAW, FELT tzi VELVET HATS Just received, are laclud3i ta tis sale. No such an opportunity to purchase est?. aeslrahls and fashionabla goods at ; 831 jzzi has ever been oSered In this city. : . Respectfully, ; C M. QUERY. A U C T I O.N. J -.of ; - Fioe Oil Faioip, STEEL.;. EilGEMIIIGO Water. Colors, ACADEMY i OF : FINE ; BOSTON, MASS. - ' - 1 Will be sold to the highest bidder. Sale tc-day, ? 70 P. M. bpeci Laoies' sale, 2 ) v. li. . . h. a eccles & co.;; Jan22dlw Auction Room, Central HoleL' JUST DECEIVED, FRESH BANANAS, I Tery Finest, Vream Cneese. I - f 4 FRESH. ALSO- BREAD AND CAKES Every morning. S. M. HOWELL. OPERA HOUSE. , " Tuesday JTanuary SSlb. vr 'if fe' &i "' "'.i. fypt -ii m: THE FASHIONABLE EVENT 07 THE SEASON t Gilbert & Sullivan's Latest and Greatest Opera,' M IK A D 6 . r - , , . NoncK.--For this occasion only. The Orlglma Mikado by the Principal Artists who gare 7 1 the first performance ot the Opera " 1 -, ,-x In New York. v ' Original Cast ! Original Scenery I " Original Cos - mmesi unpnai biage uusinesi v Seats now on sale at Central Hotel. A VALUABLE House and Lot for Sale! - . In the very heart of i " RALEIGH, N. C., OPPOSITE POSTOmCS. TTNDER authority invested in me by the sope- . U rior court of Wake county In a decree In Cw snecial Droceedlnes entitled R. C. Freeman and ART SALS others, ex parte, I will sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, at the court house door in the city -of Raleigh, N. C, Saturday, the 6th day of. Fabru- -ary, 1838. that very desirable property, consisting of one house a id lot located on the earner of Mar- tin and Salisbury streets in said city wit 71 feet front. Sale at 12 o'clock, M. . Terms one third, cash and the balance In one year with interest at 1 - percent.. Adores, i a. i. rasi-iw, , Jan20dlw- ". Goldsboro, N. C. ' tlbe - EIoHayai - from New .York the latest Bris. fibond 9 0