"'A V 1. V VS. ' VOLUME CHARLOTTE, 7N. C WEDNESDAY,. JANUARY 27, 1886. PRICE FIVE CENTS.- f i 11 1 :o: Everybody should anticipate their wants, and come and buy goods unreasona&le.aawellas resonable, hlie the great saw conum.es. , . , , - . i , - JLL MM- mm A Look will Convince You ! 811k Velvets a 82 cents and $1.21 per yard. . " . . - . 600 yards Colored Satins at 25 cens per yard. 1 piece Black: Trtcoline at 88 cents. ' - r . ' " 1 piece each Black Silk at 4fc, 64c, 88c. l. 10 and $165 per yard. 1 8 plvces Colored Silk at 61c, 77c, and $1.2l per yard. - ' . - t , 5 pieces lack and Colored Silk Purahs at 85c per yard. . . 10 pieces Colored All Wool 40 Inch o-ashmer s at 55c 57V25 and 61c per yard. '. ' 6 pieces Black Cashmeres at 44c, 61c, 77c 82c. and $l.lo per per yard. ; : 1 piece 40 Inch Black Camel's Hair at '$8c, , . . i nisce Cheeked Alma at 77c. 1 '. 54 inch Dress Flannels 76c Jobs in Children's Hosiery. ' 47 dozan Mns' fctandlng and. Voided 4 ply L nen collars, sizes 14 to 18. at 75c par dozn. ; 14 pieces Silk Frlngs. Back and Colors, at 25 cents per jard. - .. . . 1000 other things at cost. '. v. ..-- 1C Strictly at Cost and for caxh aly . READY MADE CLOTHING AWFUL LOW. rem; MBER .MEMB8.'&:flBiBMHIll NEW GOODS AURIVING. t:o:- HAM BURG EMBROIDERIES. . 1 . NAINSOOK EMBROIDERIES. ' ' ' COLORED EMBROIDEKIES. , PLAID NAINSOOKS. - PLAIN NAINSOOKS. . CHECK NAINSOOKS. TORCHON LACE 3, , TORCHON LACKS. - c ' - . , TORCHON LACES, " . " PfPPfll I Lul nlul CO "Tecth. likk thk suh, somstimes submits to BS OBSCTJBED, BUT, LIKB TBLS SUN, OSLTIXBA TMS." , Subscription to the Observer. ' I " DAILY EDITION. ' SInglecopy.-. J....4. ; Scents. uytne week in the city........ By the month ; r . ;. . 75 Three months ...$2.00 Six months . 4.00 - One year ; ; 8.00 -WEEKLY EDITION. - Three months '60 cents. Htxmonth8...i......i..v,4.........;.fl.00. ' One year L75 - In clubs of five and over $1.50. 1 . Deviation From TTbesfT Utiles - Puliferiptlons Always, payable ' in advance, not only in name but In fact. ., . - - TnELAnORrKOCLEM. WLat Connecf iciit Workingmen Ash and What Iheir Congress men Think. -i. ,."., -:o:- Also a great variety of New Novelties - io White Goad ; :o:- A full stock of it bottom 'prices for the'v Spring; Trade. SI-GEE. First --National Bpk BuildiDg, " South Tryon Street, , -v, S - Charlottlei N- C, . : DEALERS INT - '"" Ladies'yMisses' and G hildren's V-' ne WIMMmi & LiCE SHOES. - -Gents' Fine Hand-Made and Machine Sewed , BOOT3, BUTTON AND LACE BALS, . iBflYS' AWO TOUT' ' ' FINE BOOTS AND SHOE3 OY, ALL GRADES " : GENTS' ''FINE' v ' Silk, Soft and Stiff Hats. TRUNKS, ' - YALISES and ' . , v : ; GRIPSACKS, UMBRELLAS OF ALL KINDS. SHOE ' BLACKING and BRUSHES, ALMA -and RAVEN GLOSS SING for Ladies7 Fine Shoes. Stock, a 1 ways kept ftiH and . up to the demand. J; ORDEBS BY MAIL OR EXPRESS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. . . - v - Pifi-S Go 1 :o:- Also a large and A new and handsome llneof Irish and Everlasting Trimmliig Just received.' arled stock o , - , " -7 ..'-.',- - - . Checked Nainsooks. Barred iVluslinv&c. Fresh lot of Table Labie Linena In netf and attractive patterns, and at prices that will sell them. nave still cnTiacds a email lot oi , ' . Including a ieV special bargainsia Bla and Cream Cashmeres, all of which are now'offered much un to their vilue In orderjto make a Vclean sweep" ot au , ' KID GLOVES IN STOCK, Wft iia rnA trt fronts that are bonnd to command attention... Come and see them. s - - - 4 - - n- - -rrr m n rr ran SUCCESSORS TO ALEXANDER & HARRIS. J7- (D Houseo Rented, Houses rented" and rents ccllactad, la tiscltj wrHflei fi-ee of charge. - , T ' CHARLOTTE REa ESTAT3 ASE1TCY, B. E. COCEHAKE. Ilanager, ttM tr Trade Street Frprt Cent? alEotel THE LATEST IV ill MIT JPRTANT! 1 He are now' running on full time. Furniture toanulactured by us Is kept by the enterpnsicg faniture dealers in this city. We make only the .stancl most substantial to the "market. NO. SHODDY COGD3. Ask for zoods fcaia by C3 and you ww get ilia worth of yoar monpy. Our name 18 n each piece. . We solicit ' the patronage cf tie Public and guarantee satisfaction. . Iteifcctnuly, , ELLIOTT Cw j.,J.i.j.X..-.'AJ fJk EES C. IIUN2LE?, ' -WnCLTSALS T - CHARLOTTE, N. G Csrresents two cf the largest LAGED BEHIS Breweri3 intho United LIC3 Co., of Pliiia:elr and.tha THE LAEGE3T LAGEH BEEP BOX TLIITO L ST ABLI3HIIEITT IN THE CITY. ,- V. All crdcrs present. I favor Government 'own ershipof tflraph lines and that the people fchoujd conduct their own bus iness enterprises." - STATE HEWS. ', -' New Haven. January 24.--A com mittee representing the Amalgamated Trades and Labor Union f Connecti cut recently forwarded to" theConnect iout Senators and (Representatives in Congress a petition requesting Itheir euppori ot the following measures : First--that 'the public lands be re served for actual eettlers, and Dot for railroads or speculators. , v Second The abolition of Mhe con tract. s stem in National works and of convict labor competition with free labor. . - : Third--A graduated tax; cfn lands and incomes , , ' r , . Fourth-That . the , importation of ioreign labor under contract ,be abol ished. ," ' . - 1 .Fifth That in cooneiition with the post office the government shall pr? aiuzs safe deposits for popular sa Sixth The incorporation ot trades' unions and otner UPceisHary : protect ive organizations ior ine laooring classes ' " 7- Sevenbh-.-A direct issue of money by the government 7 without inter vening banks, &c. r . - . Eighth That the government shall obtain5 control of 'all telegraphs, tele phones, railroads, and -'that hereafter no charter or' license be granted to any corpomtion for the construction or operation ot any means of trans porting " intelligence passengers or reight. -1 , v ' - ; ; In reply, to thislpatition t Senator Piatt writes: "I never pledge." my vote for or against any measure but in reply to so courteous a petition I want to say that! am anxious to bets ter theiworkingmen's coudition.r .My views coincide with my action in re gard to the bill prohibiting importa ion of contract labor. Aly speech in the Senate, Jan. 19. 1883, in favor of a Government postal telegraph was, 1 thmk;-the . tirst speech m its advo cacy ever made in the; Senate. -In act, I may, say that my course m the Senate in the past clearly indicates my. views upon the labor questions. V hile' not advocating (ji-ovexnnient , control of railroads, I favor Gov ernment regulations-: on the subject, as my concurrence with the report of the Senate Committee on the Inter state Oommerce indicates. Governs ment ownership of railroads would result in a vast-increase in - number pf dishonest - officials, and Govern ment regulation on the, matter are the most advisable course -1 am no? enthusiastic over proposed .Governs ment savings banks, as the ; average postmaster , would prove 77 a poor banker. ;But I dont think I . should oppose such a measure. The aboli tion of. putting put Government work by contract . would increase "cost of wore excessively, and it is impracticable to have some work done otherwise. . ' The abolition of banks I am at present opposed to.and also to an issue of paper money, uns less secured oy goia ana snver, or bullion. I do not think Congress hat any right to incorporate trade-unions except in the TMstrict of Columbia or m m - Nl r t. 1J 1-1 -li the Territories, due i snoum hko io see them incorporated. Strikes, I believe, are ruinous to all concerned. and generally a loss to ; both parties 1 T .... a .1 ! 1 to tnem; . l tmns i am truiy a rnena to the working classes, and will honestly support such ' measures a3 1 believe to Be just and calculated :.. to improve the condition of , the labor ing classes " 7 . , ' ;" Congressman Mitchell replies: . 'I am thoroughly in sympathy .. with your first propositioa regarding the public lands, ana ii Ke wise or me sec tion regarding contract and convict labor. To your third, ; fourth, ; fifth and sixth, I give unqualified appro val, but regarding the issue of . money bv the Government, I radically differ '-.."C-.-'.-iT,. i t i i m from you. 7 j. wouia nave xne xreas urv gradually call in the notes under ten dollars, and issue gold and silver in their places. 1 am in favor of the methods of telephones, telegraphs and railroads which oan be most cheaply onerated. -' " . , ' In the course of. a brief reply Con pressman Seymour says: "I -intend to vote for every measure beneficial to the workingmen's interest, and not in jurious to the rights of others." Congressman Wart says: 4,I agree with your views in the main, and consider your propositions of vial importance to socieiy.- There should be a friendly sympathy befween em ployer and employee, f though there naturally will be a slight differences of opinion." Congressman Buck says: "I am in full accord with your views, and see no objection ' to incorporation of tradssuniens to -further your just demand3,7: While favoring the ma jority of your : propositions,: I .think bank3 a ncccszary institution , at Wilmington Star: The exand'iurv of , the vlate' session, of the Criminal Uourt in their report recommended to the Boad of County Commission era . and the Board of Aldermen of thf city : that ah appropriation of a certain sum of money be made and piacpq with the chairman and mayor to pnable thm to employ detectives wHon nef-drd.'- - - . ;Eh'zibeth City Falcon: The steam er Shenanandoah made her first trip after .the freeze on Mondav. .When she arrived here rn Monday, Capt. Southgate reported having seen . an iceberg in : Croatan sound, and de scribes ; the 5 sight as beautiful. r It stod about twelve or fifteen feet out of the water and was about-75 feet in diameter. When the Captain first saw- it he took, it to be an ice-bound ve sjpel. Capt. Pritchard of the steam' j-er Newbern, reports having seen the same iceberg. - -j -- Raleigh Visitor :: Prof. Johnson De Bejrinere Hooper died at.Chapel Hill on? Saturday last of heart disease His remains arrived here on the train from the west this .afternoon. anc the tuneraT services took place frdtn- Christ:, chUrch.:- The oldest native born white citizen of Peters burg, ,Va. is MK John Enniss, now nearly eighty seven years oftage. This good citizen of Petersburg, is the fa ther of DrV : Jno E Enniss, the ' well known druggist of Salisbury aiid Jas a. Enniss, editor of; the North Caro lina Farmer, Raleigh, jnV Cj ; a Lumberton Robesoni an j Mr. Daniel Is McLean caught a wild cat in Shoe ileel swamp in a steel trap-ono, day week betore last :which 'was 18 inches high; 36 inchea long, ' and weighed .25 poiands -Mrs. T w. Toon, wite of Col T F ToonT of Fair Bluff, died sud-. denly - last Saturday :of something lik,e congestion of the Jungs. From the; 20th .dayqf.,November-t6. the 31s lay of December. last, ,984 deeis were" admitted to probate -in the Clark's office- in" this, county, and of thi number ; Mr. -Townsend thinks fully, 900 of them were old deeds. , (Ireensboro "VVorkman: News has been received here of the death' on Saturday last of Mr. E. N. Moffit, of Moore county, a' gentleman of 'much enterprise- and , of sterling ..worth. Though advanced in years he was stiJfull of energy and attended -to 'a vast deal of business. Mr . Moffit was at one time a partner 'of ; the Odell Compauy her,e' and, at the time of his d atn owned an . interest in the Durham Cotton mills Company the Odell Company at Concord, Russell & Moffit at the Gulf, and the Ran dolph.: Manufacturing Company on Deep 'River.7 He .had accucoulated quite a large estate. We have no particulars ot ,$be circumstances of his death;.- .. , ,7 - - Wilmington Review : At. about 5 o'clock this morning the store ot Mr: Fred Klein, on1 the corner of -Tenth and Mulberry streetswas" discovered to be on hre and before available as , sistance'could reach the scene itwas destroyed ' with all its contents, Jto- gether with Mr.- Klein s : residence, which was a pare of the same: builds in'with nearly all the contents of the latter. - Betore the above hre had completed its work of destruction the alarm was again ; given ; ; this time caused bv the discovery - of a fire in the shed of the Union Distillery; in the Southern section" of . the city, in which av large . quantity;: of nayal stores was stored. The firemen has tened to the scene and did everything possible to stay ; the; progress of the flames and were eventually success ful,; but not until property to : the value of nearly or quite $4,000 ; was destroyed; Both fires were undoubt-; edly the work of incendiaries.: , - : ' KBHTUCEI. . COST PRICE LEFT AWAY BEHIND ! :0:- Oar New York Besident Buyer Writes tio r as follows: The Terrible Work of a :Crazv 7f Negro Wear Henderson, K jv; Henderson, Ky.,; January . 24 -rA most heinous murder, was committed this morning three -miles from this city. - Calvin Simpson, a negro, forced! an entrance to .'Mrs. -Graves's residence. She and her two daughr ters fled out of the front door,follows ed by the negroi . The old lady was overtaken and "killed," a bludgeon beincrthe instrument used. The negro said he was sent by God to do the deed because Mrs. Graves would not pray. . The girls escaped to a neighbor's house. Simpson then. went to the residence or Miles crown, near the place of the "tragedy, drove .him out of bis cabin ana eook pos session.. The news: spread rapidly and neighbors surrounded the cabin and stood guard during the balance of the night and until officers from this city arrived. . .' ' After hard work, battering down barred doors, Simpson was captured and brought to Henderson. He feigns insanity "and says be has captured the devil and set the world free. One of his first acts in jail was - to attack the deputy jailer, and but for prompt assistance he would' have killed him. Mrs. Graves was 60 years old. There is talk of lynching the negro tonight. Thi3 negro "was . lynched Sunday night a3 reported in one of our tela-, graphic dispatches yesterday. EJ.l . Salvatica Oil, the greatest cure on cartli for pain, lias no tQ-aal. Persons suSering from rlifcu nrilim, neuraia, or fiom cut8, bi-uL-e. sprains. &c , 6tvalci not be vlltoutit. Cures f-re eilecied irupn In tc ly sort time. Pr:ca only twenty five c-.ts a tct::e. I'cr s j.ld by all drucs'-sts. . .. New Yorl, Jan. 21st, 86. - - f" . - ' " - , - -.Mess. Wittkowshy & Baruch Charlotte N. C. r Gentlemen-. , - - 7 I have this day purchased at a Manufacturers' Auction Sale, 2,650 pieces of Muslin TJnderwear and Children's Dresses at a great sacrifice; Would advie you to close out at opce all Stock on hand as low: as 25 and SO per cent, below Cost. Will for ward goods at once. ; " ' "' ' - " 1 - ' '7 'v " . Yoiirs Truly, . " ' V . H. B. MASTERS. l THIS IS Jti YFDL N FiWS FOR THE LADI ES, EspeciaHy for those who are about to make up ttieir "Under wear for jthe Spring and Summer, as the material of which these garments are made' cannot be purchased 'nearly as cheap as we sell the made- up Garments,: ' ' 4 , o 0 : : "GOWNS, ' GOWNS AT iTeT WORTH 55(5. M - " ,-: 1 t f .i 57c. 6c. 8-c, 90c 1(5 1.28 85C P8c. " : 1.20 125 " 1.40 ;i.B5 , v SHORT, ' and - y ' ' CHEMISES CHEMISES AT 2K WORTH ' 40c. 45C. viae.. - V 6)C. . " 7(o. fc5c. 75c f50. , ' 90c 120 ; DRAWERS. . DRAWERS AT '20c WORTH 35c . 55c 65c. 8Tc. - 85c '1.10 1.25 890. "41C E5c " 59c 75c. "85c . . - , , , SKIRTS.' ' s . - At ar- . - SKIRTS AT 47C. WORTH , 75c r 60c 4 ' :- 85c. !-'- fcOc ' ' , 71.20 -. ' " 88C 1.25 .. C A. L L- . E ' A. R As ; . this lot : will riot Y" last: V- Lt W7 W ' fit long., 9 .-..'-.7-- ; CHARLOTTE. K C 'A: MAIL ORDERS SOLICITED AND PROMPTLY, ATTENDED t6'..: "; 7 FOR SALE. rrr two desirable butldlnsc ; lot9. 50x3f0 feet, OO - fronting on South Tryon s.reet adjoining the propertv of J. H Carson. 1 Shade tr-es on lots. Will be so d separately or,, together. Price $7oo .fihT - : CHARLOTTE REAL ESTATE . AGENCY.' , L. J. WAtKER. B. K . BRYAN. , i; J IT WALK Wholesale and Retail Grocers. IfEW FIH3rX - - KEW GOODS -1 ON the first day of January ,1336,the undersigned entered Into a co-paitnership for the purpo-e of carrying on a - , . . . , . g So- So . Mr yj r ' Iff ; General Srccerv dosisms At the old stand of SprLigs & BarweiL cornel1 Tryon & Fourth streets. We are qualified by licj? eiperience, to meet the demands cf the trade, and give satif action to our customers. '.. We will keep on hand at all tiioes a full siock of FMilliY'l it Which will be delivered In any part of ttc . of charge. ' "- - re: "REMEMBEBMS, ' , v We wJ3 not be undersoil tithe C.'iai'lo".o n:arfeet. " f ' -------- j, :.r... --.---. -- - r- -.. - ; -, JtST-There is a go'd wagon yard ir tl-e re ; of lr store for tiic fcccommodtlca. cf car - cut t our mers. l - : rift EFT aije still .TnivupiiAirrr For fifteen yars they have steadily gained In favor, and with -sales constantly Increasing have become the most pop ular corset throughout th United States. Tte H Quality is warranted to wear twice 's long as ordinary corsets. We have lately intro duced the G and R II Grades with Extra Levi' Waist, and we can furnkh them when preferrex Highest awards from all the World's greet Fairs. , The, last medal received is for First Decree of Merit, from the late Exposition held at lew Orleans. - . - . While scores of .patents have been found Worth less, the Principles of ,' the ' Glove Fitting have proved invalu?blf. - - ; Retailers are authorized to refund money, If, on examination, these Corsets do not prove as repre sented. - Fo sale CTryivIi ere. Catalogue f a An A nnl f 1 nn . Tljorason, JL nn sI on Co, rer These goods ta all styles and qualities fcr ssls ' by - . cm QrEHY. . ' , Charlotte, N.C, OctlS-eod-Cra WAITED. - . TEN colored famli's ta gi to Warren coun'tr." UiliAii-aU .Go-Jd fc(is-i. geod water pd gncd lands, fret ne r isvy river or bottom. Plen ty cotton to pick no v. Honey hs been uepos!:ed iitMiitiiR J.VU iami t?pi7 for yoar railroad' tickets. . '. .. . Aiso 20 femllles wit1 1 to go to Arkansas oa sam ttrms as zU)vi. Ccn;1 and Fee me. n. a. v,'illu:'3, 'JanlCJlw - Ciarlcr.a, :,. C ltme20itt

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