11 4 "J; .1 -.-03A8, B. Joists in u. UCIXf? 1:111.0 CIIU.TIS IDT House Asraiu Calin Hie Roll -cf 'Cfjife To tlie Introduction Washington, Jan, 26.r-Thi3 being thnrtav annointed for Senate. ad rirpccu-fc- -in mftmotiam .of the late :.VTf President Hendricks.- the gal lsrie3 of the Senate began to filiation mrfv hour wbea, tneretore, ai noon. Vrrint rn-otCTSDore Sherman cal thp'nMt'n to order all the seats in the galleries were occupied, the larger. portion or occupants ueiug uico. 'fhn chairman laid before the Senate riTii-fftr from" th9 ""Secretary .'- of ". tho - TpAtcrv. relating A to the salaries of the col lectors of customs, not confirmed hv rhfl Seriate, and also a letter stat ins that thA information called for by the recent resolution 6 the' Sen - ate relating to claims paid.undir the French and - Spanish ti eatiea,- could be most- speedily - turnisnea oy me State Department. J The letters were appropriately re ' Voorhees then called up ; his reso v lutid J1 expressive of the Senate s aeep pnRft 0 public loss in the death of the late vice President Hendricks After hearing speeches of Voorhees, Hampton. ;Sherman. Saulshury, Evarts, Ransom, Spooner, Vest. and Harrison, in memory of the late VlcesPresident . Hendriqks, the Sen -ate adopted thecommemorative reso lutions submitted byr Voorhees, and at 3:10 p. m. adjourned. House: Pursuant to orderot toe House made yesterday, 'the Speaker proceeded to "call the ,. roll of States uifder -which .calkanumber .of bills and resolutions were, introduced., and "AmbnrmVWerthe following; By Davidson, otFJa.,.fco ;make Tarn-. pa a port of entry, 1 '. ' . By Dougherty, of Fla ; to mvestw -gte the issue of fraudulent land Warrants, and o protect soldiers and sailors from loss therefrom. By Townshend, of Ills.'i proposing a "constitutional amendment provid , 1 in- that. t.hA President and Vice- Praidpnt flhail; be elected by a major-. ity?, of Jtbe people, abolishing Jhe. elec toral college, and relating the meth Ot counting votes by the two houses of Congress, . , - . By Swinburne of N: Y. , declaring thfl silver (Hollar a legal tender. -By Merriman, of NewTork, to en force the 8 hour law ; : ' By Caldwell, of Tenn , to; prohibit the importation of pauper labor, ; Willis, cf K .. providing that in the employment of labor on public v isrnrba nrfifftrflnftft Snail D6 Civeil W 1 citizens. of, -the - United. States,- 'and TwnhihiHnP' the emDlovment 01 con- - In the morning .hour." Thomas, -of Kinoisron- behaifcf 'the. commit tee- . en Naval Affairs, called . up- tne wi ithnrizini the voluntary retirement 5f certain officers of the navy who Eve tendered conspicuouaeryice in ' battle, or -served thirty years m -the navv. ' Pending action the morning nmir Atnirpd. and the House at 4:50 adjourned. r ' ; ' SHBOUDED IK S3 O WV IXew Two Young: Ladies froze to Death In Kansas... , , : Chillicothe, Mo.. Jan. 25. A let ter hasv been received from , T. O. Kirk, now" of Clark county, Kans , by his parents in Sampsel township, 121 this county, giving particulars-of the manner in which - the-' Misses Eoucher late of -this county, met their death in the recent great storm in that section. The letter is dated Appleton, Kans;, January 8th, and reads as follows: -:' Some of us are still surviving, the late blizzard and some are dead Mahala and Eliza Bloucher both froz9 to death, and their mother laid A by their side, but is ., still alive The storm was so angry. looking that they got scared and undertook ? to go to their brother's and froze at bis door.' They started from home at 5 o'clock pu m. and made it all right as. far as the fence around their brother's yard ? The old lady gave out about half way on the road and the girls had to carry her, and they soon gav.e out. They were awful warm when they reached the wire fence, under whichthey ' crawled to, save distance Their v$7Taps got caught in the barbs and it bulled off all their head, wrappings, fee pold then chilled their brain,and It was not yet dark, but qwing to the weather their brother had not ventured out of doors, consequently could not hear them calling for help. - Hahala crawled nearly to the house -nd perished in the snow Eliza res , jrjained with her mother and J froze ' by her side. The old lady- lived through tha night, and when her son opened his door at sun up he heard L-r groaning. He carried her in.and mping on a horse, came alter Billy 'Tacherj and myself. When we ar . : 1 wo carried the girls in. G04 . biJ tbat I should' ever witness ans icr such a scene. 4tT. O. Kirk." A ITatal Fire in Rlempliis. -"mrin, -Jan. -23. A fire this -'nin" at - Orleans and Linder c.rcctc, destroyed three buildings. tv- 1 r.-..irr.:it. a uerman living in t: tcz7 cf Li3 grocery was burned - ili.icT of n. r'liysicaiis. r.:3 Feeder, II.D. itzrs I tave b cn us.g a Cough Eal - 3 rr.. T7ii. hall'3 r iLAii rcn tci 3Cf I Ince the ;s surzocn ci Tba five tory Lvizlz Luildir:, 715, 717 and 719 Arch street was discoyr ercdcn fira fit? 12:S5 thi3 morning Th& alarm vr.3 eoundsd hut the fire had evidently been burning, somes time, and when the firemen, arrived the ;whola building was' ia flames. The; fire quickly communicated to 721 and the heat became eo intense that the firemen had crreat difiiculty in reaching the building wlthEtrc.rn3 of -water. " The guests in tne ct; Cloud :;Hotel ihad retired for the night and aroused by cries of fire, rushed rfrom .their o-ooms Prt?a?ly dressed into c Drriddrs and downstairs to the office. They were soon quiets ed when they found out that the fire was in the; adjoining huilding, and that thare ras no immecliate danger. The fire spread to 712, 714 and 716 and then across the street to the Harris building, but was prevented r from spreading further ; by ,the nreuen who directed several streams on the buildings Nos. 723 and 725 were ens tirely burned out Shortly after two a. 1 m. it was eviaeni tnacu me ;oc Cloud hotel was doomed as a great volume of heavy'- dark smoke, came pouring through the fifth floor front windows. During" tne eany stages of the fire, and before it had reached the hotel, the police ran tnrougn tne latter builaing to awaken the guests who had not previously been warnea.. Some of them were too sleepy to arouse and the officers were compelled ; to break in" a few ot the doors to get the people out. There was a great .scar ity of water and the firemen were almost helpless in consequence. - For a long time only, one stream could be directed upon the nre rrom tne .ironi Of the hotel., and it seemed as though 16 was practicIy;useless;to " attempt to stay the " ravages' of the flames. By 3 a. m. the cornice .and a portiCin" of . thei top : storys of thjarhotelhad. fallen into Arch street, sending up myraicfa oL cinders. FAf3:45 a mi the nre was unaer qomroi., ; ine loss will reach bout a half million dollars. The PrincibaiihVlividual losses as far as ascertained, are estimated . as fol lows : -S: l; ' ,-' ' ".;'-v ;Monroe. 1 Brothers & Co., s $50. 000 ILehman & Bolton; litho graphers i $100,000; St. ; Cloud Hotel and furniture, $160. uw; w: n. uui ler; lithographer, ; $50,000; T. Gute- kunst pbotograpneri i5,uuut May esc Bro's.: millinery, $20,000 ; Schrocder & Hillary, kid gloves, $15,000 ; Geo: London House, $15,000 ;A. Rice, mull nery; $7000 ; Gallagher & Casey, leath er g)ods $10,000. . An Accessory to a Murder Surren ders Himself. A ; Pittsburg, Pa, Jan. 26. At twq o'clobk this afternoon Milton Weston,: who waa convicted of heing access scrv tolthe murder of Obadiah Hay ? fnake, who was killed during the Murray ville riots, appeared m the Sheriff's bflice with his bondsmen, and cave himself up. He was placed in the custody ofrthe sheriff by order of judgo Bailey, and will be taken to -Riverside penitentiary at once, to undergo antence of five years' im- nrisonmeritl -It I is Understood that petitionslfor his pardon ,are already in circulation. , 1 - ' vl r EKGLAND. A Dissolution of the Dritish Cab. inet Imminent. LosboNrJan. 26. SirMicha 1 Hicks Beach; the Conservative leader, gave notice, to the House ot Joramons this afternoon that the government would introduce on Thursday a bill to sup press the Irish National League and other dangerous societies; to prevent intimidation, to protect , lite and property and to maintain public ord er in, Ireland. This announcement was greeted with loud cheers. - Sir Michael said he would ask the House to give the bill precedence. He added that thitf measure would be followed by a bill dealing with the Irish land question on the line of policy indi cated by the land purchase aqt of the last session. :-An urgent appear has been issued by the Tories to the Con servative "members of Parliament to be present and ' participate in divi sions to take place to night, as defeat will" involve the resignation; of the Cabinet. .. " , . " . TEE GOVERNMENT DEFEATED. -; In the House of Commons tonight Parnell : moved that debate on the address in reply to the speech from the throne have precedence oyer; a bill to suppress the National Leagde of which Sir Michael Hicks Beach gave notice. This motion was strong ly opposed by Sir Michael. Farnell later withdrew his motion.' The iuS tice given. by the Conservative lead er of the Government's intention to introduce a bill to suppress; the National League was greeted, by the Parnellifes; with. cries of "cowards," "shame, ' and with ironical laughter. The uproar continued for some mins utes. Mr uollms moved his amend ment to his address. - Gladstone strongly supported Collins' amend ment and the Marquis of Hartington opposed it. - . . - Sir Michael Hicks Beach said that the government would willingly ac cept the discretion or tne Mouse as they had assumed office with reluct - ance and would resign witnout; res gret.; The, amendment was adopted by a VQte of 323 to 2.0 . and the gov ernment was defeated. Commissioner for, tlie Sonthern IooI. . Cincinnati, O., January 28. It hzs been settled by conference between General Manner Gault, of Qaeens & Crescent, and President Smith, : of the Louis villa cc ITashville road, r.r.d all other rcr.i'.i crccin by previous ccrrecpondence, tbat J. R. Oen, rcneral freight ceut cf the Tenno : -j Valley & Gecr-ia P.ailrce.i, rl -11 l.o the cemmiesicner cf tfce Gout': era Peel c:rt. It Is undErctccd be v:iA ce- tt. A. AJ J V A A JL 4. .j.. J-d Pis-racef 11I . Geeuc iri ..tlie inat's i of XegjiaIation Tiie Ilepublican yd inor i t j A 1 1 e in p t r ;-. t o. ; ",' :'-Q'nst Enoisjjli - X) :::ocrsi f s ' to : Ionize Tlieiaselrcs" the ;I!Injoritir -"-Tie Genate Oplit In two.-vri- t : ColujibuB; i January 25 The Ecpublican' members ot the Daio Sen ate; continued i in session-from Ss10 p clock 7: t hisw cior din g; and jt was the?r ihten tion to;ha ve .adj ourried at 4 p. m., unless the Democrats "put Tn an a p pe arance. As the lut er hour approached and it iiao bsen learned that a. inajoritydf : the 'members would be th'ire on ttfnipr,ti"e' Senate ChamberdBlled up: raptdljvjHalf an hour hsf ore-., the joint s meeting-.- all available'' space had 'bseri '-appropriated. Among the epftfc'atnrjs wqr r a lri number or lc':.-u ; :jii'n. both patties, each one Ciaitaiu tnai the other had the hail packed for an emergency. There was plenty - of anxiety and any number who - were ready to fight at a moment s warn. ingv'ne sergeant at arms hook vau vantage of the situation j peioxe tne arrival of the Democratic, members to clear the floor ;;As the - majority members filed in they were -greeted with applausev by ; the1: Republicans, who apparently construed their presence ; into ao admission of de feat. The sergeant at - arms soon quieted the demonstration, and the tactics of , x ridayt aiternoon , w,ere proceeded ,' with. j.The call 'of vthe Senate showed alt' of the ? members present, and a motion., to dispense with further proceedings under tne call wroiild hot hja tertaihlfecM the chair he holding hat tne paii nad exhausted i self by the presence of all thenemhersV Ovr an hourw pent in discussing ' an-appeal from his decision, i 'Wnich was aiterwarus withdrawn?i-and the, . cnaiFfiQwexi' the motion to dispense with, lurthej: proceedings to be votea upoav; xtiere was no, ap; arert point to pe ; gamed. either way on the contest oyer, thw motion. : In the flood .of subsequnT; motions and Anneals which followed the Republicans were -insHting the order of the day 'an d "endea vctfC me to get the contest cases before the Senate: while the Democrats - were engaged in an effort to get before thT body a resolution which had mem agreed upon in caucus, proposing the appointment of a committee - ta'con sider the constitutional and - legal ro lations existing; between the Senate and - its presiding o racer. . ravey (Rep ) had been recognized and -was to report the rules for the trial of the contest cases, when a motion was made on the Democratic side to. 44-: lourn. a be chair heia tnjs 4 ana sev-. eral other motions ot ..aitatory? Pa vey yielded the floor "to Cable (Democrat) for a question of privi lege, and the member was proceeds ing to stat his question ana making the Democratic caucus rcJ5oiution part of the same, but the" Cbair: held that 'nothing wa3 in order except the rules in the contested case3.Tke Dem orats being unable to get their reso lution bafore the;Senate a fina mos tioa was made to adjjiutn andal de mand made by the Democrats :that the clerk proceed with the roll-ca'd. The President at first endeavored to drown the voice of the clerk with tne gavel but finally became quiet and the roll wa3 called, twentyssix mem bers voticg for adjournment The Democratic members rosa frorA their seats and walked out, whileHhe ,clef handed the roll call to t ho President to be announced. That official tore it in several pieces and, threw it oq the floor, while a'vcrowd surged in front of the railings, an I the great - est confusion and violent demonstra tion prevailed. The clerks all left their places and. as. soon ; as: partial order could be restored, the Presis dent read the rules himself, which had been offered by Senator Pavey. With one of the Senator's .at the clerk's desk; tne Kepublicah;mmority voted on the rules, and they 'were declared adopted. " , 1- In results the senate proceedings were about where they were this morning. A democratic aajourn . - T ment was taken to Wednesday at 4 p. m., and the iJsptfblicfins until to morrow morning. The affair is pro nounced i disgraceful by all unprejus diced minds here. TEXAS. Smallpox at San Antonio. .: Galveston, Jan. 25.-:A San Anto nio special says : Although the sani tarv authorities declare that small nox is not epidemic, there are about thirty cases in various portions pf the citv. The 'disease is confined chiefly to the Mexican ; population This eveuing a quack calling himself the Diamond King, who nas oeen selling various nostrums, was strick en down with the disease. , His tent, containing twentyeight persons, has been quarantined, and a v vigilant watch will be placed to prevent peo pie from approaching, it. .;' . . .. ..'-. Ulr Fire at Opelilia, tossFlf ly; Tliousand Dollars. Columbus. Ga.. January ,25. In formation has iusfc reached here of a disastrous fire at Opslika, Alaf It broke out about two o'clock this morninrad fivo cr eix e:crc3 were to be 11 i f. cut.C30,CC0. ins t: 3 C::rlc'j. Tweztv-fcnr c:rl:!-"3 f rcn t'?.pd town, Africa, to l n I ::zo, Cel. i te c tri:ii3at3'Jcr" .t":-3f-l c"i t . is lrtD Its v.: ;:y ever heard cf t iA.:tr::i r vSz djr-si'Sia A L::.an bDir? v.o tiu::5? v.:a t':3 :o--;2il '.3 s-"6to taY3dfrc !i,L"lt" r:sd rr;a'3 Iron f ic'.era to E;:t i ; :. l.r. -cn.cftr. Joseph ircn Lira is cur. i r 3 c: cr:r ij..- :a. -3 rae a 1:2 ZZxitizZi ZllzzlLlz . cus 1.1 ::: j -Axnzyo, Grazer:, Jar ry io rrovcrnment orro,a ci. :rt3 Horace Rumbbld, the Brit:: A'lliuiz- ter, in imparting to the Greek gov ernment; Premiet Salisbury's note informing Greece of Enslnd's atti tude, used language tending to break thai relations existing between Eng land and Greece. 5;'T-;V;,1; " LokDONThe through a committee, have? teles graphed , to Gladstone as . follows? 4We place in your hands the Helen id cause; with the firm hope that - it will find --in you a generous; cham fibh. '' - Gladstone in respouse -teles graphed :-Considering the authority attaching to the action of the powers, both on general grounds, and byrea son of their intervention for the in formation of the. Greek kingdom, I earnestly hope Greece will pause be icre placing herpelf, on this occasion; i-j in f'i'jritl;rt with t.hmr dplihfiratft and united recommendation." - v. ' Athens. Noon, The cabinet council, with the King presiding, is now in session; discussing the politi cal . situation; New , regiments are being rapidly formed for active t ser vice. ; , v : London.-A British Mediterranean fleetunder Admiral Lord J ohn Hay, nas oeen ordered to riracu3,-tne pori of Athens.: " . 1- - : - , Athens The Greek fleet has de parted from Hireus to avoid being blockaded by the British fleet. The Greek fleet comprises 33 ships, inclu ding two ironclads and six gunboats Seven Turkish ironclads are cruising m the vicinity of Prevesa .Hpieus, on the north side of the entrance to the Gulf of Artan. . London. A dispatch f rom : Vienna o the Times says that Lord Sauls- bury '3 note.to Greece was due to the fact that he had heard that Greece Wag! fibout to issue 'letters of marque o privateers.' vit "is reported ' that the finances of Greece are not in a flourishing condition ' The public is chary to subscribe to a patriotic loan. The Greek minis ter has been interviewed in reference o tne possiciiity or a war Between Greece and Turkey. He denied that he government of Greece had any intention of issuing letters of marque. n the event of hostilities breaking put, his government, he said, had a Sufficient number of: vessels to cope. with Turkey, without resorting to sueh an extreme : measure; ''Greece had no desire to follow the Alabama experiences in England. " Professional Etiquette prevents rome doctors from advertising their skill, but we are bound by no each conventional roles, and think that It we make a discovery that Is of benefit to punfejlows, we ought to spread the fait to the whole Arfd. Therefore we taused to be putn Ished throughout the land the fact that Dr. R. V. Pierce's uolden Medical Discovery ' is the best known remed ; for consumption (scrofula of the ungs) and kindred diseases. Send 10 cents; in tamps f 0? Dr. Pierce s complete treaties on con bumptlonj with unsurpas sed: means; ifvielf4reat- m nt. jLaaressvWond'S'Dispensary Med: cal Asso ciation, 3 Main Strett, Buffalo; N. 'Y;t ; CTIrs. Winslovr's Soothing Syrup. Bev. Sylvanus Cobb thus writes In the Boston (Christian Freeman: We would by no means recom taiend any kind of medicine which we did not know to oe gcod-particuJarry lor lnianxs. ; uut 01 Mrs. Winslow'sj Soothing Syrup we can speak from kn wledge; In our own family It has proved a bless ing indeed, by giving an infant troubled with colic pa. ns, quiet sleep, ana tne parents uiiDroKen rest ai night Most parents can appreciate these blessings. Here is an article which works to perfection, and which Is harmless ; for- the sleep which it affords the infant is perfectly natural, and the little cherub awakes as "bright as a button.? And during the process of teething its value is Incalculable, we have frequently heard mothers say that they would not be without it from the uirth of the child- till It had finished with the teething siege on any consid eration whatever. Sold by all druggists. 25 cents a bottle. - PECYIBYAl PELLS "CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH." The Original and Only Genuine. ' - Safe and always Reliable. Beware of worthless Imitation. Indispensable to LADIES. Ask your Oranlit for "Chichester'n EnjcUtili and take no other, or inclose 4e.' - (stamps) to ns for particulars ii letter by return nalL NAME PAPER. Chichester Chemical Co., Sold by Drnejr1t everywhere. Ask tor "Chlehea . ter Enjcllali0 Penny rpyal Pills. Take no other. JanlOd$wlj -, M-' tv - " " - & ALEXANDER Have In store a complete stock of - ii'VfV ! . w&m fancy ::imn, family Supplies of all kinds, Fruits, Nuts, fcc. Pure Lard at . r : Granulated Sugar at- hipped Beef at " " Best Codfish at 10 per pcund. 15 " 10 " " 15 " : " Very i me Bio Coffee at We have to arrive a fine lot of Ctirn Pressed Beef and Beef Toagiies. Which we will sell very low. Just Received A larre lot of Oats, Corn, Corn Meal, No. I Timo thy Hay, rf3shville Bran, Hixed Peed, Clay Peas and any ana evry thins in tne way otieedw IS?" Cell and sae our goods and hear our prices, and you v. : A ha convinced that we mean business. Vewilln:: t3 undersold . i LOST. A r vr:t:h. I let two white bev? 3 v:. en lo 1? .c t, auavi"u3nya"in Vr-i J t") c y.L -r l.'Ctter thv v -'-tAr.j v-r r e::t3 trou.s ty L:iv2 tic Iffl 3 C". C -Zl ma tad a 3 cf candy, and a c'capla cf-vl::rc. . -3 tc. cl 3 1 ,1- , tba darkrsss; KTOVL-UU-ry r-3 piece cf ."furniture hard 1X0' .d:sciib3..! TLara. .was'- En'-' artuchair. a 'cauop;. ' .bver.-' it,- and soma' sort of -machinery ccace nadir the chair;", thsra yras a bell Trb;'cli t;pt rir.jr: the sound of a musicf box bidden ayay, and now 'then a-'dmiat beat and a f aint bule blaslVJV7he:tt:-sa.?eA';torjnb had'gathered near; 'thdjouavniaai.opeEel; business by - saying: '.T-w-o package? of these cough drop's t f or only t-e-n cents, eitd jpleasa don't fpolithVtta ; , When h.had refpeatssd ibis statement in -a, sin-song 46? about;; t wen t y 'times, 5 a trhite man' came 16n. baited and queried i" I 'What macbondoyou refer to?!i f y. - 'T-w-o packages tn ct3, d please don't fool with the masheenf' :; .' , "Mighty dfraid of your old machino," it ap--pears IV growled the, man as he approached the ob ject Tin down here from lllinoy to attend this great world's showj and if there is anything new in machinery I want to see it- What was she" built for, -anyhow?' - . The young man didn't seem to see hinv' He kept his eyes' on the crowd of darkfacs in front of hjm and monotonously repeated; i'lvw-o packages lort-e-n cents roniy t-e-n rents, and don't fool with, the nva-s-h-eenr " W no's bin f oolin' with It I" muttered tne man from Illinois. -"Don't be so peart, over your old invention! I'm some on patents myself, and Ivbelieve this .'ere thing is' a fraudV either as a 'tater digger or a corn sheller, What did yer sling her, together fer, anyhow ?n J. K . " ' "And it's t-w-o packages for5 only: t-e-n" cents,- and don't fool with the masheenr called tba vender, as he .waved a package high in air. -j . v- ;v".- vO.-, . "Nobody wants to fool with it, aa; I knows on!" remarked the -lUinoisan. However, rm goin to see what -the durned thing is if have to. lick ye t& do it! - Reckon "it must be a sort rocking cheer;c; Wonder how 'she "Cures yourcough in naif an hour. fand don't fool with the m-a-s-heenf' drawled t.ho young man, as he made change '-fora- cuar- ter. - - . . . . -.p- - 7 : - ''-Whos'-a f oolin f snanned the-tnanJfea' he .approached closer. "-'"If his ;is" a 'h'4w'j tmng.m rocKing cneerx m-gonjto Knowy it,'ormy.name-ain't- Grandy.- Heregoei to "As I have beierisayin,''irenmTkedv; tli -young man, VI. give you- t-w- package for t-e-n cents, and- There "was a wild 'yell from the crowd and a rush. The man from Illinois, had. no sooner .seated himself than he jumped two feat high, pitched- forward, and rolled -head over hees in'jfche dustr, tMhfle a bell' rang a drum beat, and, a bugle blew; toot I toot I toot! The ? young- "man never turned his heal. Not a soul was left in front of him, but he monotonously continued;, . . The man from Iltindis tries the machino. "And I warrant 'em to cure your cough In half an hour! Who takes the next package, and please don t fool wiiDh the masheenl. . , The . Illinoisad got s up after a moment, brushed off some of the .dust and dirt, and then hastened around to the rude - counter and fiercely shouted You are an infernal liar and deceiver! Come out here and I'll mop ' ye over, two acres of ground in three minute f You put up that job a-purpose on met Come but and be licked!" ' , There was ' laughing vand shouting and a great uproar, but the young man never -changed countenance, never-.cast a"look at the man as he waved .a package in each hand and sang out: v - . - Sur9 . to cure. eonsumptiou in its first stages! : .T-w-o "packages' for t-e-n cents don't f 6bl with the m-a-sheeii !" ' ' - ' - The victim backed off, cursing and blow ing 'and; as he reached the " sidewalk -j he shook his ; fistr sin a; vigorous manner -and shouted: "I'll lick ye; if I have to wait 100 yearsl" - - . ' And the reply.came backrv "Warranted the best in the market, and don't fool-with the m-a-sheenl" - - Where Capt. Kidd Would Have Failed." ... . Spirit Pf. the Times. . .""'' In one of New York's trotting towns years ago, fcplan and Dan Mice were campaigning together. The race was -one which Dan de sired to win, and he and Splan had taken tickets that way. . A third party in the racei whom we will call Johnston,' had been con sulted, and .he agreed, to come iu.I Mace wins the first and secoad heat, then Johnston wins the next two. i He Was again consulted, but declared himself oukv-.; Mace argued their agreement, but of no avail, so he goes to Splan and says: ."We- must win ' it our selves; Johnston is out" ' " - "We kin win it," says Splan. ' They, got the word with Johnston at the pole,, Spian alongside, . and-: Mace Ttrailing, About the. three-quarter pole ; Splan s ; sulky got hooked to Johnston's wheel in some way, and Mace won the, heat Mace and ; Splan both entered the stand at once and protested Johnston's foul - driving. He drove to the stand, and without leaving his sulky, said, with an appealing lookj while stroking his long gray, beard, -"Great Scott, Jedges, Capt. Kidd on the high seas, in, his best days, would stand no chance with those f Hows." " Norrlstown Herald ; The -petrified, skeleton of a whale,' over 'thirty feet long; his been found on a range of mountains in Monterey, CaL, oyer 3,0 feet above sea level. . Local scientists are undecided 'whether the big fish, when alive fell out of a balloon and landed on the moun tains, or crawled up there and died of morti fication after hearing a fish story told by a California fisherman." Both theories ara plausibly enough, Ilnew Wlieii to Call. ' ' - French Joke. - In its anta-room of a minister of state. -'"Is tla vnisr-Escrctzry cf stmts' ia Lij Z.22P . "Ye, sir; Ljl5 Isn Ls is in t3 doesn't ro c::ve azyLoly." , "Allri-U; rilc;3 zzzzdij wh:n L3 in'tin." '. 16 -rra.3 oa . tl.3 p-tlis "-r; street," ITsw Ork-r3r-lA j'i J . ruda stand cover: I t. rac!;r CHARLOTTE .a R. E. COCHRANE, Majtaq tuv.- M rpsiaGENcrrwTLt but and set t t f JL of every description and Dnv nait nf' orSouta Carolina, -and wm rent nSS?0"1-" cityef Charlotte, coUect nts atK and. Ee prompt returns and ttS&S tendtorxnentoftax iC Ailproperty put into our hands wiQ ; : - -For sSpulat:on previously agreed upotu forMalI 1 v: .V.i ' I- - Cn dweitlng house on B street. 7 rooTn ln each rocro. well of jmmvi i,- : In good nel-hborhood. PriwTliowL , w Ieet O': One eweSlng on South Tryon street. S. pantry, well ol woTb1 housa. Price. 3.000, . .lw.IOTawruiag- SiOne-eLIng on .corner of Graham and inn, st3,5 rooms, kitchen, well ofiVS feet on Grahaia street, 162 feet on K M1 very desirable property. Price. $14BaVT, z , 8vOne:tfweIKng; on Poplax Btreet.- io xkah.. ,39xiS8 feet brickKten7Ku,tt'3, OQ Dwelling In MechanicsvHle 1 story sm AO -hougelot 83x180, fronting 6n <reenS 17S3, square aadjolnlns preWof wSlfi : and others. Pri(jash$850. QO Twelot Nog. m and 80S, square 46. front toe streets On the premises is a twotorytJ dwelling, seven rooms and small 8torehou8eT Siw jaxd-'atlrfmesvffls, Ns C.;s 22 the ft ?yats, l pooaumel- shop house &2 hark houje,baAmlirhouse. stable; dweiunS aS land connected with tan yard.- Price iiomw will lease for 5 or 10 uears on reasonable teS' D K : A very desirable 4!arm, contelnine lmk OO acres, about tfireee'mllea T westrt hMlotte on Qie Carolina central railroad, taowe Junius Bayes farmv adjolnlnfe lands ofD?; Paul Bantoger and others.;Seven-room dwellina and necessary outbuildings in. good repair on thS bremlses. WeD watered and to a goclghbo" : hood. Price per acre 5J0 , .. ? r' DA lot fronttng on forehead W., 99x366 feet L ' flttrepSS0086'11' l0t ? - 4.1 XfeSto dwenitig with kltehen and stable. II . lot9gxl9on West Tiade street, Peauutu grow and well of good water, Price J2,ax). Mt :;one story frame dwelling and lot on Stone T:A:wall street Price $500.. JQ; One lot and a half lot, nnimprovecL xm tte TO -corner of B and Uth streets, Priefrj&ToT 4ft SPPf: ftore-noose 20x60 feet,"lot trJh 24x100 feet, fronting on railroad, and on unimproved lot in rear f above 100x125 feet both at Sanford, Moore county, N. C. Frl e $45a Aii -Two story frame dwelling, four rooms, bam. stable, smoke house, good well, some fruit trees, about acre of land. In Sanford, Moore 00.. N. C. f Price S1.3Q0. s- , , rr Fifty one acres of land, 23 acres under cultl tt l vatlon, talance timber, mostly plme,8ome oak. Two tenement house on place, lying on the edge of Sanford, Moore county, N. C. Price $850. - (The above three facts will re sold together or separately, and if purchaser desires can secure -fusal of a htock of goods at price agreed upon tween himself and the owner.) 59 -150 Acres In Davidson count?, N- C.,l . u miles from Txlnstnn nnd ft miicv from i f '. wood. Six room dwelling, good water; four acres In apples, peat hes and grapes. Price $2,000. K Lot with two-story house, six rooms and two ,. -! . - - - - t.w.. UAWU. Will. UiVIT erty adjoining , J. s. Phillips' rteldence. VrioV e J ' Fifty acreF bt land Ip and adjoining Hunt " Utt ersyjlle, N. d : On the nlace there is a com fortable tour-roosa dwelling house, good barn, crib, kitchen and well . Very desirable property. Price. $35.00 per acre. FOR RENT; Dwelling house on South Trvon street:, adloln. leg the resldeiK-e of Dr. S. "E. Bsatton, v rv m. venlentiy located for a boarding house , 1 Apply to . " Charlotte Ileal EsJ ate Affency, - sept2dtf .-. ' r B. E. COCHEANE, Manage ' Safes for Sale. Two good second-hand safes will be sold cheap One MILLER'S. One HERRING'S. Apply to Chas. R, Jones, a ' -8ep9d4Wtf v- 1 THIS )FFIC. riAEOLLlA CExliTRAI. RAIL- OmCS OB SUPKEIOTKK35KHT, ; : Wiubinston, N. C, Jan, 6, 16, J CHANGE 6f schedule. , ON AND AFTER SEPT 27, 1885, THE FOLLOW - lng Schedule will be' operated en this Ball- PASSSNGERr MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIK3, ' DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. v ' ) WtlTnlnstnTi at' . .' : -. : : 7 (VI p. m. No, 1. Leave Raleigh at . ... .... 7 lio p. m. Arrive at Charlotte at.,..-... .7.30 a. 11 Leave Charlotte at". ... ..... .R15 p. v. No. 2. Arrive at Raleigh at.... ...9.00 a. h. ) Arrive at Wilmington at 8.25 a. m. LOCAEFBEIGHT-Passenger Car Attached. Leave Charlotte at..;. 7.40 a, m. Arrive Laurlnburg at 5.4fF. m. Leave Laurlnburg at...-. 6.15 a. . Arrive .Charlotte at. , 4.40P.H Leave Wilmlneton at...: 645 a.m. Arrive at Laurinburs at ... .,5ip.m. Leave Lairlnbrg at.... . Arrive at Wiimlrgton at: 5 80 a. M. . 540 P. M. Local. Freight bet eenl Charlotte and La uria burg Tri weeldy leaving Charlotte On Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. - Leave Laurhj burg on 1 uesdays, Thur cays andSaturda& ft - - - Paseno:er trains stop it regular stations only and Points designated in the Company's Xlm Table. -, ,1 SHELBY DIVISIOir, PASSENGER, MAIL, EX PRESS AND FREIGHT. ; - (Daily except Sunday,) . ' Leave Charlotte at .. .. 8.15 A. . Arrive at Shelby at 12.15 p. h. Leave Shelby at. 140 p. ' Arrive at Charlotte at.. ... .... . .......... 5.40 P. Trains Nos. 1 and' 2 make close connection at Camlet with R. & A. Trains to and from Ealelgn. Through Sleeping Cars between Wilmington ana Charlotte and taleih and Charlotte. Take Train No. 1 for Statesville. stations on Western N. C. E. It, Ashevllle and points West Also, for Spartanburg. Greenvi!le, Athens, At lanta and all points Southwest. - L. C. JONES. - " Superintendent Y. W. CLARE, General Passenger Agent "REMOVAL! 17. D. Farrior: & Brolher. . 1 ' . JLWELESY, WATCHES, Acr 4c . rJayirr rernovf C to our new stand, opposite the Central Hotel, wa will be pleased to have cur menas call, wtsre trey will find a good line cf WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, DIAM0NDS, ILV2 and EILYE2-PLATED WARE, Ac Fpecial tttentlon given to" difacult' watsh Ire- V7. H. FARRIOR & BRO : Successors to Hales & Farr.or. dm; 1 luu uakwo, CUilCIUtiIlli UJ DUSineSS. Print