4 if VOLUME , , 0 H AELOTTE, N. .0.;; FRIpAY, J.I7UA?'. 2D, ICC3. ?:v2 oe T TT Tin (71 A M i . r1 i 5 :0: . ' Everybody should aptlclpaia their wants, and coins ' Wblletbe great sale ccsus.ucs. A 1 piece 1 piece 1 piece each Blac's eilJt at 4?c eia, E3e, l. 8 pltces colored b;ri 1 1 tic, 77c, td Si. 21 rr K pieces Hlack and O m nlmes Colored All red El 1 1 v.ra!- s tt IJo 10 places Colored All Vcol 43 incl rsr .cr-s Silk Velvets a 82 cents an1 fl.21 per yard. 500 yards Colored Czz at Li cents per ysrcL l niece Black Tricctins tt 11 cents. 6 pieces Black Cashmeres at 4 is. Ic, 7 ?$ 2c, and $l.lu per per 1 1 piece 40 Inch Elack Carrel's llr at Jc. .... , . . : 1 puce unecKwi AUiia i c. . m mch Dress Flannels 55c Jobs In Children's 47 dozen Mens' Standing and Folded 4 piy Lmen 1000 other things at cost. - . . . , : , : Strictly ?; at C3l :accl?; fcr :.&h;PDly.r.;'.;-f; BEADY MADE CLOTHING AWFUL LOW. Iff GOOD ARRIVING -:o:- HAMBURG EMBROIDERIES. NAINSOOK EMBROIDERIES., ' COLORED EMBROIDERIES. . , . ' plaid Nainsooks, plain nainsooks. , - j check nainsooks. torchon lace?!. , . ' torchon laces, torchon laces. -:o:- Also a great variety of New Novelties io White Gosdn :o:- ifoUstockof - r v It bottom . prices ; Jor the Elites Trade, T. L; SEIG-tl. :o: i new and hajidsome lSCf Irish and rrerlsticg anedstockof -J f - " , - - ' " v k , - ' Checked Naincc6!:b Barred 'Muslin, &c. Fresh lot of Table Lable Lfcen3 in nev E-l f.tiractlve patterns, and at prices that win sell them. Have still on handj a small lot cf - , . '.-''-' ' , , " 'j - H W ? UkJ-' ' . Including a few special bargains in Ela"k and Cream CaRhmeres all of which are now offered much der thnip vaina rti aoh t maim a,"nlan sweeD" of all r ,r - r i KID GLOVES We have marked the same down to figures that are So TWKll.l'f:! T I I SUCCESSORS TO ALEXANDER A HARRIsV Housed Rented. Eoiweg rented and rents ec"3Ctsd, la tiaO Advertised free of charge. .' CHARLOTTE REAL' E3TAT3 AG22TCY, R.E.COC B3d tf . Trade Etreet Frcct Central Hotel THE LATEST AN!) MOST IMPOltTANTi liWe are now running on full tlria. Furniture - manufaetuied by us is kept by ti.e entcrpnsir.g faralture desdersrln this city. T7e r.a!ie enly tLe '.best and most substantial in tlie market. I0 . SaODLy- GOODS. Ask for'coo53 m?. e by-cs and you wm get the worth of year money. na-ie ' on each piece. We sol'clt ti.3 rtrcncL;3 cf Ce ' Public and guarantee satisfactlau. . - -Re.spectfuHy, ' ; ELLIOTT Cz IIAI. :AJ, y.iiiuii:.. ad buy goods unreascnaV.s, as weII es mcrtle, ... will ConviricV You ! It) and II 5 per yard, rer sard. - yard per yard. at E5c. e'n&s and 61c per yard. ; yard. ,j Hosiery. ' Collars, sizes 14 to 13. at 156 par dozen. i . J -i-r 5D-3 -4 COi & CO. : first ; National.; Bpk, Mlding, , South Tryon Street,-- - Charlottle, N. C. ' - , ;V DEALESS'IN;-.. - .. Ladies'jMisses' and CMdren's BUTTON, CONGRESS & LACE SHOES. ... 1 -' Gents' Pine Hand-Made and Machine Sewed ."' . BOOTS, BUTTON AND LACE BALS, - boyo "awd youths' FINE BOOTS AND . SHOES OY ALL .GRADES - ' : GENTS' FINE ' : pJoftandStiffto TRUNKS,"! ' : VALISES and : GRIPSACKS, UMBRELLAS OF ALL KINDS SHOE ".BLACKING and BRUSHES, ALMA and RAVEN GLOSS-1 ' SING f or Ladies' Fine Shoes. - Stock always kept full and up to the demand, ; , 1 OBDEBS BY MAIL OR EXPRESS PROMPTLY r ATTENDED TO. . Trimmings Just received, w Also a large and K7JJL-1L. aTjL IN STOCK, bonnd to command attention. , Come and see T7ECLZ3ALS - CHARLOTTE, N. C Epressnts two cf tha larsst LAGE3 Co., of ITIxITaCc:; ' ad t!ie. IjiXliGrlZoT LA GUI JDOj IN THE Cir All crcr: 3 i..J w.-.jr i - 7 n 1 TT . , V V M A erri:rr3TO E3 C"rmZ),- EUT, LTX3 TTT3 VZSt CIT TZZX A DAILY ELXnON. p:: 77... I 13 u tie ci:y. I y t-3 nzth j . 71 - ltrr3rr:tli .flfD Eixnoua....;..,. 4.tJ Oz yccx .... ....... .. : i -r.o;- ' .T7E2SLY EDITION. - ' ' Three months:..;... . J.. .... ;.,Y. . f 1 cents. fcix months.,.. , , JUO , -a yesr ; In clubs of five and over $L5Q. : So fevi&tion Froia TlieseXliiIea Pilbscriptions Rlways payable in advanca, net cnjv in came duc ;n yactr t ; ; , r Cacts, About Congress. Richmond .TThlg. ;; :.-'u ? .1 L The v present c National 1 House of Representatives is - cornpecad t of S25 inembers. of whom, JS3 'are Demos crats. 140 Republicans and -2 Green- baskers. Of the latter, one is a Green back-Democrat and: the other a Greenback s Republican. ? The - Dernd crat8 have a ma jority-of -43 over the Republicans and 41 -over all. i There are 185 members who were in the last Congress, and 140 a; who were not. 1ms shows an unusually larger pro portion of new members. " There are also eight delegates from the Trfito-. rios.who have seats mrthe" hall, , nd can participate in discussiot lut have no vote. Four of these; are Democrats, three1 Republicans, and one, from Utah, was elected on the VPeople'sjTicket. Nineteen , States yiTfii, Alabama,! Arkansa.s Dala vare4 Florida, Georgia, Indian Kentucky, Louisiana. Maryland. Michigan Mis sissippi, t Missouri, ; North Carolina, Ohio, 'South' Caroliaa, Tennessee, Texas,' yirginia and f West Virginia are represented -by a : majorityu'of Democrats; sixteen, viz'v California Colorado," Iowa, Kansas,; Maine, Mas sachusetts, Minnessota, -( Nebraska," Nevada, New Hampshire,' ' Ne w Jer sey,1 Oregon, Pennsylvania Rhode Island, Vermont : arid ' t Wiscbrisih.'by fmajoi ity; bf 'Republicans i'a'nd tbiee tates. viz.; Connecticut,' Illinois aud New York; by ari equal-number of Democrats nd Republicans. : - v i The'Senate is composed of seventy- six' members, of :f whom - thirty four are Democrats, forty Republicans and twoReadjusters,' who" are alsoJ republicans. - in order for the Dem ocrats to secure 1 a 1 majority ' in the Senate which will ' Come 'into power on the 4th of March; 1877, they must retain all the7 seats they! 'now hold and gain five how held by Republic cahs.' Can they doit? s -. , J The Senators whose terms will ex pire on the 4th of March,, 1877, - are Miller of California, liawley of Con- hecticat; Graypf Dela,ware Jones of Florida; Harrison of Indiana, Hale of Maine, uorman ot Maryland: uawes of Massafchusetts; Conger of : Michi- gan. jMCM.iuan oi Jiiinnessota, veorge of Missouri, Van Wyck of Nebraska; Fair, of Nevada, Sewell of New ' Jers sey, Miller, pf New Tork, She.rman of Ohio, 'Mitcheirof 1 PerinsylVania,sAl drichof Rhode "Island, Jackson .of Tenhessefe; Maxey of Texas, Edmunds of Vermont, Maho'rie of x -Virginia, Camden of tWest -Virginia and Baw yer of .Wisconsin, making twerity- hve m all. Ut these sixteen, are Ke publicans and nine Democrats. The Democrats have already gained iOne in Virginia in place of , Mahone. and are almost veer tain to gain pne in Indiana in; place'.of Harrison., But they will etui lack three of haying a majority, which it-is; possible they, may obtain frcm the States of; Conv . i . t .i.t; ill' ' :j neccicut. ja.icmgan,.ie w j ersey; , apu Wisconsin-- A$. muss u auuiineu, hoover, that the outlook; is ? not particularly brilliant at j .this . time. Un the otber nana, tney are uaoie xo lose Fair Neyada,and it is said the Bonanza King, John W.- Mackayj has set his heart on succeeding Fair. Bo it is by no means certain that Mr. Cleveland will see a Democratic Sen ate in the Capitol during his term of office. , . : ' , : . x ' .'" Fresh from ll&e Peniteitlary and . ; S tealin g A In. , . ; 5 , ;. Policeman , .George, W.arringtqii yesterday captured a yoiing" colored boy named ; Abe Caldwelli charged with having attempted tof rob the money drawer in Mrs. Dixon's store. The attempted robbery occurred' on Wednesday afternoon, but Caldwell was-detected in' the act arid fled be fore he could" be "captured."' Officer Farringtoh, who arrested ; Caldwell yesterday, had the honor of arresting tne same maiviuuai. turet years agv, on charee of the. larceny of lewelry from severai of our citizens. Cald well was tried on that charge, found euiltv and sentenced to , three years imprisonment in the State penitens tentiaryi He served out his term and had only a few weeks since ar rived home. , He is not over 16 years of age, and will doubtless be returned to the penitentiary by juage jueares The TipsJimony or a l?Iiyicaas " James Eeecher, SI. p., of Sigpurney, Iowa, says: "For several years! have b' en using a Congh Bal sam, cUed DR. WM. HALL'S BALSAM FOR THE LUNGS, and in almost every case throughout n:y practice I hive had. entir a success. ? I have used and subscribed hundr-eds of bottles since the days of my army practice (1563 . when I was surgeon of Hospital No. 1, Louisville, Ky." Dawshters, Wives and 2 others 7e emphatically guarantee Dr. "ilarch'sl's Cath .olicon, a Female Kemtdy, to cure tactile di-e-.-.--s faio as rvaran trendies, uuiuiiiau.(.n kivju cera ticn, lallm? and diplac nent cr tearing dew: ft;e:in", irrcjularlt'es, taiTcocess. ciwc oZ W:-. leucorrkoca, b-j.-.iae- rr.a"j vs..Kresbe srrirg: frovi the above, Lee headache, tloa.m.--, s:-i v;c2Ja.--3, slsej-lesKne:. r.rvos debi'Ity, pal-r-i t!o-i of te h-'c. rt, &c, Fcr f 0 s C1.E0 rr Irtila, i.. r d t o It. J. C. AIjj cL'.-i, Ut:ca, N- YM fcr ratrplilct. free. Fcr sale tyL. . 7iL,:cn, irut Ch arietta N.C " - JuIjlJiC-lv Tobacco Cixl turo en a lis ricua : facture To Tlizzz T72so Iefi2re to Er:c:e la Zi. ' . .: t . To tne Editor cl Trcs Orzznvra, It -wculd be natunj fcr ycur rcd era to infer frcm tba heading of thi3 article that the writer i3 oin to give cs a trcctico cn tobacco rcicin- its prcSt3, advantc-cd over cotton, &c., and alo tha best moda of curing and manufacturing. This however is riot our object, for these pointi have been discussed by those who were touch better nested than thia raribA Moreover, it is now conceded that ! tne growing cf tobiccd tin this (Ca tawba) county, is much mora profit able than the raising of cotton. v What I desire to do in this short Article is to let your numerous rend ers, know that tbere is a belt of tohan- co land iust south and east cf Naw- ton, in Catawba county, that excels even the - tobacco . lands . of old Cas well. -.'-J., .1 ,-:, : , i i How do X know this? : Whji by the bect of all teachers expenenca. - ;., -We have parties who,' in the -last ew j- - irs; came from Caswell county on this belt of - what I we t ""?o lands, and have irone t. :iov-; 7ccd, and they have i r- i at their own success. X.y' c chat the grade, is finer t-rt t. . eld AJz3tfzli.; zi ; ii iQne cl tcsa nentlcnien who rjaid ll.OOQ for a plantation .a few years ago, informed me last year (1834) that nis crop of tobacco was worth 1,000. Is,that not profitable farming? What' pther, business, can , we find that will yield as much profit? i-To any of the readers of your. in Valuable paper who desire to engage in this kind . ol business; come to old atawba, and we will try and do you good; v We .have'- in addition to the above; ' advantages to offer men desiring to engage ia tobacco culture, the advantage of a market for . their crops, u: Besides warehouses and fac tories at Hickory And Statesville we "also.have one 'small- t6bacco . factory uu vigar xauwry. &b lewwa ln oper at ion, and another "verv-convenient ly, arranged factory building, for use, ana Warlick' & Wilson have gust erected ;a large tobaeco "warehouse in J To those who ,; desire to manufac ture : tobacco , we confidently cssert that Newto'n offers superior advan tages. In the first place the Internal Revenue office is locat3d there, and the . manufacturer ; will - be at ; no trouble or delay in ett ng his stamps; wnico is no email item. -f, flri the second place ' Newton is o cated at tne junction of the Western JNOrtn Uarolina ; Kailroad and the Chester and Lenoir Narrow Guage Kaiiroad,' One : a through line eat and 'west, Hhe other going, directly south and north, thus affording hrst class shipping advantages.- 1 ? -' f ' ; Furthermore -Catawba; county abounds with good - oak and other Umber suitabm tor box; lumber. . NowV Mr. Editor,1 through you as a friend to Catawba, we invite all men desiring to engage in the . tobacco bus inessV to come and see us. Any one desiring information - can have it by writing to any of pur county omcers at Newton; -v-y v r "l 1 'f V I Thanking you for- your courtesy I ClOSe. 5 ' '1 - UATAWBA. THE DATS OF DRICERY GONE What Resulted From an Attempt ' to Bribe a Young Kacly Clerk, in j Secretary Lamar's Offlce. f. - ' I Repeated efforts were ; madeL for several days prior to I ..Secretary Lar mar's decision in the contested, 'tele phone suit to learn 5 what ihe decision would be, pays the ' Washington : cor respondent of, the Chicago; Jews:. ,A nerson who could gain this informa tion even a day in advance' could, with the assistance bf , certain Wall street gambler?, have made 'an immense sun o money selling xne, ueu siock short' 'Everv effort that ingenuity could suggest wasjriade.to,, learn the Secretary s .; conclusions. A .young ladj' employed in Lamarrs office, wjao was known to -have copied the decis ion, .was told by. the representative bf aiNew York r firm ot DroKersnat $5;O00 would be banded? to .her .if a popy of, the .decision could be placed where. the latter ould; find it.: "She replied that it-was impossible, About an hour later the same person leaned over her. desk and informed her that his offer would be increased to $10,- OOO.if , she would do. as .requested. The.vouriff: lady excused herself a moment and stepped into the Secre tary's private olhce. -i vy nen . sne .- re turned the Secretary accompanied her. Lamar read the fellow a lecture. he will never foreet. : He then in formed him that he would give him iust ten seconds to leave the room When the door closed upon his re-, treating form he had eight of the ten seconds to spare. , , - , ... - ;; ; ; i " Ii-c IV s si on ii etiquette prevents eorce doctors from advertising their skill, but we are bound by no sueli conventional rules, and think ttat it we make a dt covery that ia cl benefit to our fellows, we ought to spread tbe fact to tt e whole d. Thep fore we caused to be pm lisbed .throughout the la: d tt.e fact that Dr. E. V. Pierce's "Golden Sledlca' BLctvery ' 13 tfce best Snown remedy fcr cosfcumpiion (scrofula of tbe !-.in'-a and kindred cLea'pes. ead 10 cents in stamps for Dr." rrje'fc ccmp:ete treaties on' con sumption, v::!i u::s. rpa e.l means of gelf-trct- m r-t Adirss TToriu' Eisrerary Medical Assc- Gent3, loi-u:-.:;sa mn.,a ii.jt.'uvuitts.snajMh'ive scfc''y ioo'-i-".,T t---i i'111" n.inj slructfJ on ;f-i:u-.J r;?ac-;:;s ccseru (.cf-ts, AnaAtt.i.er-:::el'irj' icvel.,p ml tecooi polrts in ore's i'c l. i ::-.v-.-c: iti.s ls. ur.dlor evra c---.i :r f ea.. r lor me n ; r ' if tr t "f eer maaa. A. is. ka.nxo .5 s . ..t & LL'O. for Ci-iiiiOLie - filioci Liii'l ;i, uuui-rl.'i Oar He7 York Besident Buyer Writer o ;.v,, i; . ", - as follows: . -,. ' ' 4 ; ' . -, t .. ""-i 'x'y 'i New YoeJan. 21st, '85. Me88.-Witfkow8ky &Baructit. Charlotte, N.. Cz . GENTLEillT; ' s; ! . ' - - ; , f; ? this day purchased at a Manufacturers Auction ; $ale, 2,650 pieces of Muslin Underwear' and Children's Dresses at a great sacrifice. : Would advise you to close out at once all Stock on hand as low as 25 and' 30 per cento below Cost. : Will forw ward goods at once. -Youra THIS IS JbYFUL NEWS FOR THE LADI1T3, Especially for those who are about to make up their Undcrui wear for the prinjg: and Summer, as thematerial of whirh' these varments are made ; cannot:, be purchased nearlv rnf cheap as .we sell;the made up '5 i' II.? A j '.' ' ? gowns: SHORT. GOWNS AT 8c. WORTH 1 55c. 57c. . . 4S - 8?c i , t eac. . . P8c ;.j,t f , 8ic ' -1,28 . fMsvl5 - 140 ' " 1.28- ..(' fLB6 " and L01S . CHILD DRAWERS AT 20c. WORTH- 35c. S9c, ' " ,. , 65c. ' 41c, s v 65c. NM t5c. ' " - 8Cc. -nr " . - " 75c., , . 1.10 . ; " M 85c . 1.25 A b L: , ,t-;:lbt-r.wjll 5 S-i f i a - t.-s.-; , 1 v 5 - - ' ' ' ' ' ' i" -- ."--''" M---fc-- Milium 1 ' '--l i' . i , CHARLOTTE, N. O. MAIL ORDERS SOLICITED iAND for1 sale: : , t f,lH K(Z "TW desirable building'' lots, 50x300 feet, t)0 fronting on South Tryon street, adjoining the proper tv of J. H Carson. Shade trees on lots. Will be so' d separately or together. Price $700 each. - r CHARLOTTE REAL E3TATE AGENCY. L, J, WALKER. B. K, BRYAN. I J. Wholesale and Retail Grocers. GOODS .'-v---S- -v ON the first day of JanuaTy,18S6.the undersigned entered into a co-partnfcrship for the purpose of carrying on a - .- General Grocer)' Business At the old stand of Springs' Borwell. corner Ttyon A Fourth streets.' We are qualified by len? experience, to meet the demands of the trade, and give satisfaction to cur customers. .We will keep on hand at all times a full stock of Wh'ch will be delivered in any part of tte-: . of charge. , . rec We win not ba ur. ersoli In the Charlotte mrrket. ZZf There i a go- d w?.son yrd In tLe re t c-t ur fetors for t'n cccmmodiV.oa tf cur cost "ir fetors luers. s T. J .T'7 1 64 ' s.. - vim t If :o;- i . Truly, " t " e v iff ' H. b. masters; 1 )i. l fit ,,, i. Garments, 1 ? 1 : ?n: r 1 ; CHEMISES CHEMISES AT 21?. WORTH 40e. in- t'5e. i 49C. V 50c G, 123 t SKIRTS. SKIRTS AT : l .1 c. WORTH 75a. bOc, . . " . 1.21 1 " tstso - i.2i . E A R L Y, ,;.ot,- last rlong,.;;" ''iM;(r( J Jr. PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. ; ir 4f 1 V LSI' 1U i r , . ,r . v.,.-" :!::: ,' .. r .; ' . -For fifteen ypars they have steadily galse tT favor, and with sales constantly increasing Lr4 become tbe most popular corset throuLoui l ' United States. - - Tbe G quality is warranted to wear ti?"!;3 8' long a ordinary corstts. We have - ltt'y -,'.. dncedtheG and R H Grades with Extra T'i Waist, and we can furnifch them wbn rref Highest awards from all tfce World's Jt Fairs. The last medal received is for First L i& of Slerit, from the late Exposition hekl t Orleans. - While score? of parents have been found vrcrli less, the Principles of . the Glcve Tilting LT8 proved invaluable. - Retailers ere authorized to refund money, I?, o examlnatton, these Cor&eta do not prove as repre sented. - ' ' :"-'. r For sale eTerywIiere Catalcc free on Application. -TiiOKisGu, fLauiloii JS Co, Her Vorlt. Ttese jroDds In all styles and nft:" tr cile by , , CM QU2Y, - Clarktle, C. Oct.l5-80d-m f Mi ( a 1 1 I i . .J3 id L iJ : 'CHICHCGTCR'G CriGLICII." Tlie Grlffin.-il an J Cnlj' Crnniae. Fs'e nd always BsliahV. P.cware of Tvcrf - If- ImltstloM. 1 !i-jj;ri-.jile to UADITj. jd'.r i,ru- ''.t lur "Cii$;'isetJ,r' i.js?i:-..s" ai.i tn . - nj o.er, or u...ive . kvi tn) t f fr j-utii,!'' ' by return , .ja;,;e pap!:;?, t: v. rt;.t-.iri c.. , ter-'o iai..u'' ler.ii roj-il I'.Iit. laktiLo niLtr. ' jaalOJi;Aiy n DlIiU, i j i' li ill 4 -I, i ill! t 4f i 1 -Hi 1 3, -i - i 1 J' -Ni J I if. luneSkitf V

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