il ' ' I ' I 0 i i 1 I i 'II' I i ! VOLUME CHARLOTTE, N. C, SATURDAY, JANUARY SO, ICCS. PRICE FIVE CENTS. m ' X rerybaJy should atitldpata delr wants, and come .. ..BEAR IN MIMD! - -"; .. '.!- ',.; -, "-. ; v" ":--. s J -.-.v. m,-k A Look will Convince "You ! i Sflfe Telvets a 82 cents and Jl.a per yard. - iDiece.BlacfeTncotIaeatfe8cents.r - 1 piece each Black SilS at 4?c,6lc, 83c. 41.10 and l 65 per yard. . 8 places Colored 8iik at 61c, 77c, and $1.21 per yard. .. , 5 piecf s Black and Colored Silk Surahs at 85o peryard. r v -'A-.-'T 10 pieces Colored All Wool 40 inch "shmerf8 at 55c. 67ae and 61c per yard. 6 pieces Black Cashmeres at 44c. lc, 77c. 82c, and $1.10 per per yard. 1 1 piece 40 inch Black Camel's Hair at 88c. i i.taftA Checked Alma at 77c. . 13 54 inch Dress Flannels 75c Jobs in Children's Hosiery, f a dnzen Signs' Standing and Folded 4 ply Lnen Collars. 14 pieces Silk Frlngs, Back and Colors, at 25 cents 1000 other things at cost. ,: Strictly- at fcst and KEADY MADE CJUOTHIN G . AWFUL , LQW. I. -:o:- HAM rtURG EMBROIDERIES. . , NAINSOOK EMBROIDERIES. COLORED EMBROIDEKIES.; ' f PLAID NAINSOOKS. PLAIN NAINSOOKS, CHECK NAINSOOKS. TORCHON LACE 3. :. ; TORCHON LACES. TORCHON LACES. -; ' r" -:o:- llso a great variety of New Novelties in White Gosd5, ''Ot- A full stock, of - ." ' - At bottom , prices for the,; Spring Trade. 4 T. t. SEIGSLE. A new and handsome line cf Irish and Everlasting Iff GOOD ARKlV ING .y'4-S. - v ' . - - -Q " s. - -: jailed stock o , - . 's J.: ' - Qhecked Nainsooks, Barred iviusliaV&c..' - Fresn ioi of fable Labie tinena in new and attractive pattern and d prices that will Sell them: Have still on hands a small lot of ' , .. - Including a fewspeclai bargains in Bla-k and Cream Cashmeres, all of which are now offered much mi fler their value. In order to make a Vclean sweep" of all- ..-;', - - , KID GLOVES We have marked the same down to figures that are . : .&ilk;!3j?j3SIIffi SUCCESSORS TO aLEXIKDER & HARRIS. Houses Rented, Homss rented and rents collected, in thecli idvsrtUwi tree ot charge , .-crrrv CHABLOTT15 REAL E3TATS AGEITCT, R. S. COCHRAKE, Manager,' , maa it: Tretie Street Front Cento al Eotel j THE LATEST iNB: MOST IMPfjllTM! llWe are now running ,oa K! time." Tumiture manulactiired by us Is kept fcy the entsrpnsing 4 furniture dealers in tti3 c"y. c bestand most substautlai in the marl::. :0 SHODDY GOODS. As tor 3C3 tzzlz ' - " ' " , - u vuu nwiiu 4 - , Is on each piece, "solicit tie c : t" 9 Public and guarantee satisfaction. EespectfuHy, s rLLIOTT nil. A- A - ' .-i-. , y . ' - . w - . : r . -.4 " " - . - . - i V. - . -.- . V-"". - - and buy goods unreasonable, as well as resoxiafcle, :f sizes 14 to 18. at 76c par dozen. per yard. for cash Only. ICO First National - Bank - Baildioff, South Tryon Street, - - Charlottie, N. C. DEALERS IN " ; Ladies',Mi8Be8, and Children's BUTTON,- CONGRESS & LACE SHOES. Gents' Fine Hand-Made and Machine Sewed -.,.. . . BOOTS, BUTTON AND LACE BALS, i IHYS AIT YOUTHS ' FINE BOOTS AND SHOES OF ALL : GBADE GENT&;F1NE Silk, Soft and Stiff . Hats. TRU1SKS, v. YALISES and r v ' GRIPSACKS, UMBRELLAS : OF- ALL KINDS SHOE 'BLACKING and BRUSHES, " ALMA and RAVEN GLOSS- . I; SING for LadiesVFine Shoes. ' v Stock always kept ;full ; and y. up to the demand. OBDEBS BY MAIL OR EXPRESS PROMPTLY . " . ATTENDED TO. - Trimmings Just received. Also a 'large and IN STOCK,: . bonnd to command attention,": Come and see FREBe.-IIUNZLp.; --wnbrjaALS-- - , ' ' i ' ' . ; r" Z&XXEZi ' DEALER CHARLOTTE, N. C Represents two of the largest LAGEB BH2II lirewerxes intiie umieaotwe. . - - Co., of" l?2iilc:fielplila, end the C. Cs'Zl. CcliniTer Erewins Co., 01 inU LARGEST LAGEI2 B"EI EOT v TLI1TG E GTABLiy i IN THS CITY. , f "CrCcrs Collcllec!. All crden tc Uy died end dslivcrea irc3 ci Paiu I: Co. GlxnxlotU Obscmcr; "Tsorsu ixsx te5s bus, soatgrmsa suEaarsto KZ GBSCUKZD BUT, UXX TSX ECS, OXLT I"03 A tin." 'i - CalyscriptXoxft to te Obserrer. DAILY EDITION. ' ' ; C-:ecory.... U 5 oenta. rytsvriln tiiecit?..... ?0 . I rtner-onth.. ,.... S- ' Ihreeiiontis..... ...............(2C0 ' -t v Eli months.... ................. 4.00 : One year........... ...;..-. 8.00 '"J WEEKLY EDITION. ,. '. Three months ........... ; . ..... . ; .. .". .. 60 cents. famontis... .......$LO0 - 5se yssi..4 .... .... .... .r.. ... 1.75 " , In elub8ol five 'and oVeri'L5(C " ; No leTlsitiott From Xbese Hales Subscriptions 'always payable ' In advance, not only In name tout in fact. KAILIIOAD IFIUECE IT . - Why Arkansas Petitioners D sire the People to Elect , United States Senators. ' ; - - ' Washington, 'D, C Jan; 9.Repc resentative vDunn, ot Arkansas,- pte sented to tha -House today a petition signed by a number of citizena of Arkansas asking, that Ihe Constitu tion be amended ' fed t bat' . the United 8tatesSenator8 ..shall . be fleeted . by the direct vote of the peopte. - The petition j is accompanied by a" long Ereambla setting forth! that Congress ad granted to,' railroad 'companies 133,403,026 acres of the, public laad ; that the four political parties in their platforms of 1884 had demanded a forfeiture ' of . all v unearned grants; that tho House had passed hills- for feiting 73,000,000 acres ; that the Sen ate had not passed these bills, and that the Senate,? through - railroad influence and dictation, had amended the Reagan. Interstate Commerce bill so as to destroy its object and effect. Another branch of the preamble sets forth that the State of Illinois among others, has spent hundreds of thous ands of dollars, in "electing United States Senators, with any amoiipt of corruption, bribery and Iraud; in other States, Kansas for example (in trying to eleet Pomeroy United States Senators) ; bri bery - was sho wn p by State Senator York, which killed him politically and it is, claimed that Wmdom was beaten m the Minnes ota Legislature for United States Senator s by railroadr;influence nd money, -Believing that United States Senatorshould be -responsible to the people,wnose servants .'they . should be, the . petitioners :, hold that they should be elected by the legal voters ot the several states the same as the Governors - and other , State officers are elected.;.; . , 'V Silly Tactics in Politics. Philadelphia Record. , . -' r . , . One of the most sterotyped . .and senseless of the many things that' are perpetuated in politics, js tqe belief hat a new party comings into power can' sustain itself and earn popularity by adopting ' the very practices for employing which its - rival had just been huned from powerYet there is revolution after revolution, under he leadership; of: generation,- after generation" of political leaders;; and. he nrst step ot each successful comv mandep is to reequip the fortifications hat have -proved useless with, the' artillery found to be outworn: It is" . . 1 1 .AJ Ut. V.i in-- with not a few of our Democratic riends. During the long --period: of Republican ascendency it came to be regarded as a sort of maxim in the d istri bdtion or spoils that it m ade no difference what sort of an. appointee was inflicted upon' the public in a State where the Eepublicans were in overwhelming majority or in a hope- ess mmontv. JNo matter what the character of an, official in Missouri or Kentucy, his appointment could not hurt tne prospects: or the organiza tion. J-f a pimilar(man were brought forward in Iowa or in Michigan, the halt caused fey his nomination would amount- to nothing m view; of the overwhelming party majority. These silly? tactics were persevered in, tins mindtul or : their - enect - upon the doubtful States, and at last the dis covery was mad with panic and surprise, tnat nou oniy were me auw Republican States more anti Repubs T il - i a 1. . a I k lican than ever. - out sucn strong holds as Iowa and Massachusetts had to be ranked as doubtful. This les son seems to have ' been - lost Upon some of our Democratic friends, iwho desire to have the Administration pjactice reform in doubtful States like New York, and - perpetuate the spoils system in Commonwealths like FennSvlvania. j nis experiment oi starving the hog one day and gorgs ing him the next, so as to have the bacon in alternate symmetrical slices of fat and lean, will not succeed. . - Sirs. Grant's Birtliday. Tuesday last was the sixtieth birth dav of the widow of General U. S Grant." She had a quiet family re uniori at her Mew , York residence, at which her three sons and their wives and children were all present. -It is said the Grant boys are devoting thsir time to the completion and publica tion of the General's Memoirs. Sena tor Chaffee is quoted as saying that the amount or returns rrom the me- moirg wnicn- wm-, u uaiu w ina Grant will be over $500,000, and per haps $750,000. . Daughters, T7ives and IIot?fiess We emphatically guarantee Dr. Mareh'st's Cath olicon, a i'emale Ktmetiy, lo cure temale dl.e:;ses KiiPh n ovarian troubles, luaammatiou and ulcera tion, lalltcg and displace aient or bearing down feelinz. irregularities, b.ranncss. ciiange ol life, leucorrhoea, beside many . weiikr.essea springing from the above, like headache, bioa ing, spinal weakness, sleeplessness, nervous doDiilty, palpita tion of the nffiiT, ec. j; or s;ue ay onis. rnce 1.00 and $l.oU per cciue. eena 10 ui. j. ts. Jiiar chlsl, Utica. N- Y, for amphlet. free. l or Bale cyJU tirihtou, cxuiifci, tiiariuue The Winston SentineL under tha management of Mr. E. A Oldhiia is to be made a esmi-weekly. ; It will be a 28 column folio, price C3 per year. Mr Oldham intimates that he may soon publish a daily, Sentinel. : jA large and enthusiastic meeting of temperance advocates of Durham was held Thursday night; E. J. Par rish was elected chairman, and Geo. Woodward secretary,- Several cler gymen spoke very encouragingly of the prospects for, the success of the prohibition movement at Durham. Considerable interest was manifested in the matter. :,- , . r . Asheville Citizen : We were shocked yesterday- to , learn of the death of Robert C. Patton. E?q., rrhich tx curred at his, homo on the Swannas noa: yestercay. He was" takenv sick on Sunday and continued so, though no serious apprehension, was felt un til Monday night,: and the. poor man died at' one o'clock that night,", after severe suffering. ::.:v , 0-V : iGoldsboro Messenger:'" It - pains us to announce the death of . the estima- ble wife of Mr. Wylie B. Fort, ot this county,1 who ? died . of pneumonia,' at uer uome in ; iriKevme townsnip, on Monday last, Mrs.. D. D., Carroll died at her home in this: city, on .Monday . night ; lastr . of .paralysis, in the 61st year other age.; The funeral took place from the - Baptist Churcbu of which she had -long ben a j mem.- ner, on Wednesday mornmg. ' Winston 'Republicans v Mr' Z. G. Hege has gone into poultry raising on an extensive scale near Winston : He has opened up business with several hundred fowls, arranged suitable, and convenient buildings, and. gives his entire attention to the new enterprise. With eggs at frorii 15 to 25 cents per dpzen 4 it looks as if .there must be money, in the.- business..' At any rate we wish Mr. Hege arid' his experi ment every possible success, .m y .Fayetteville - ObserVer : v The other day we saw a r car Joad of splendid stone in enormous . blocks at the de- fpot of the Cape Fear and Yadkin -Valley Railway,., designed-tor the river bridg? of the Wilson Short-Cutr The stone is from -Ridge way, on .the line of the Raleigh & Gaston rail road, and 400 or 500 car loads have already ; been brought to this place. Their splendid, history . of nearly 100 'years shows that they' bave 2,'come to stay "a time honored ins stitutiOn of the town; hence we are not surprised to learn : 'that; the Inde-. pendent Light Infa,ntryj contemplate ouilding an armory. " " J , r , NJonirpe Enquirer: On the 19thiiast , in-Sandy; Ridge township,. JamesS. Squires, a son of John B; Squires, and jar. a. ii Moore got into a difficulty about some, boards '. which .Mr. JV B. Squires had bought from Mr. Moore,' wnich resulted , m . Squires ! hitting Moore in the head with a mallet, pros ducing 'injuries which it was feared or several days would prove ratal;: A preliminary ; examination into the case was had before ; Esquire SA. Helms on Tuesday, which resulted in Mr.1 Squires being bound over to court in a justified bond of $500, which was at once given, with T. J. Ezzell; R A. Hudson and J. B. Squires as sureties. We understand that while Mr. Moore is J not considered as entirely out of danger j there is but little doubt of his ultimate recovery.- Monroe is moving , to have a county fair,. this all. . v . ' . r,. l. j ' :. v Wilmington Rsview: Many of the armers of Duplin,1 Sampson and- Pender counties, will devote more at tention this year to the cultivatioa of tobacco than they have ever done be fore. In fact this industry has never been attempted to any extent in these counties in the years f that , have . - : - . ... - .. " t passed the planters having devoted toetr .attention t mamiy , 10 corn ana cotton. The corn acreage, will con tinue to ba as - large as; usual,- but a large portion of the . space that has heretofore been aiiottea to covvou win be utilized for tobacco. - It will un doubtedly 'require a few ; years ; to make the culture ot tobacco as suc cessful as 4t has 'become in those counties where it .has long been an established i crop, r but; we doubt not that our farming if riends. will soon find that they have made a move in the right direction 1 ; . The Signal Bureau. ; ; . New York World. - : - ' ' The Second Comptroller of the Treas , ury, who has been investigating the accounts of Gen. Hazens Signal Ser vice Bureau," has made some startling discoveries He finds tjiat between the years 1880 and 1884 several huns dred thousand dollars were expended without sufficient authority and with out satisfactory vouchers, , Funds have been ' misplaced and the . law shamefully, violated in numerous in stances. - The report -of the Comp troller is startling in its nature, and if sustaiued will prove to be the most valuable bit Of investigatoin thus far carried out by the new officials in Washington.. ,, ' -! " ; : pink gams and month ahd dazz"lngtee?h c . And breath of balm and lips of rose ; : , - . - Are found not in this world beneath ; I j I With young or old, fcaveonlj thesa ... Who dver wls3!y, while they may, . -Use SOZOEONT by night and.1 - - A. Fragant CreatU and Pearly Teetli. are easly attained., and those wno fall ' to avail thimsoives o- the means, should not complain whn accused of gross neglect. - The SOZODONT will speedily eradicate the catae of a foul breath, beautifying and preserving the teeth to the eldest ase. . - - . ,4 "Spuxhts's" celeorated Glao, useful and tree (a n SI PRICE Our; Hew York .Besident Buyer Writes us . ' , , , New Yoel, Jan. 21st, 85. -Mess. WittTcowsky & BarucTk; CharlotteN; C: ; ! GENTLEMEN:---'" - - f . - . ' , S. ! I, I have this day purchased at a Manufacturers1 1 1 i . Auction ,Sale, 2,650 pieces of Muslin Underwear and Children8 Dresses at a great sacrifice. Would .advise you to close out at once all Stock on hand as low as 25 and 30 per cent, below Cost. Will forv ward goods at oncel . f . - - v ; ' , :. : . . r - Yoiirs Truly, i ' . ' - V . " ;,h. b. masters. ' Z' f j this is Joyful news for the ladies, " ' '. 5 , S 1 . " . f . r " V - J J ' ' 01 ' r ' f .. ,,. .... 4 , ,, . Especially . for those who are about to make up" their' wear for the Spring and Summer, as the material of whici these garments, are. made cannot" be purchased 'nearly, cs cheap as we sell the made up Garments, - ' - - f tee Are ' V,. ,i , GOWNS. ' ' GOWNS AT 39c. WORTH 55c SHORT . ; and ; - LONG, t ,57c. 8c S8C 1.20 12) 1.40 1.85 : ' M OS- (f i . 1' . f. " 90c ,4" 1.16 " ' 1 : 1.28 : . . h . i)SAWEE3.- DBiWERS AT 20c. WORTHS S5c." - . . ,;89c. - " ;65c. V, C .4 . 65c. . " J" 65c.- " 8fc. " ' ' " 59c 85c. , . 'i , 75c. 1.10 ,. 1 " 85C. " l.25 t : At a',,.' ' BARGAIN. C A L L E A R L Y, this lot will hot last As OTTO Mi : ; CHARLOTTE, N. C. . ' MAIL ORDERS SOLICITED AND ', PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. FOR SALE. . , KCX. Tw0 desirable bulldln? lots, 50x300 feet, JU fronting on South Tryon street, adjoining the property of J. H, Carson. Shade tres on lots. Will be so d separately or. togdther. Price v 4700 heach.- J ' . . CHARLOTTE REAL ESTATE AGENCY. U J. WALKER.' " B. K.BRYAN. A. 1 5 I, J l , Wholesale and Retail Grocers. IEW FIRM 'A - ' NElTTf GOODS ON the first day of January,1836,the undersigned entered Into a co-partnership for the purpose of carrying on a , . - . General Giccerj Basiocss At the old stand cf Springs &,Bnrwell. corner Tryon & Fourth streets. We are qualified by long eTperience, to meet the demands cf the trade, and give satMactlon to our customers. . 7 We will keep on hand at all times a full stock of FM.1ILYS1 Which wlUbe delivered In any part of ttcc'; of charge. . . : rec - REMEMBEBMZ :: ; ----- . -r ; '-. . ' - -..f..-' ' i "... 1 '. " 1 ''' 1 j- ' ' ' ' - ' 1 i ? We will not be undersold In the Charlotte market. IS?" There ts a good wt0 Ird In the reir of our store for the accommodation of our custo mers. L. J. AIM PPLIE3 LIMM mm : as folldwfl: V : - - i - fflap Dfces o 0 . : , CHEMISES- , CHEMISES IT 21a. WOETH 40e.' 45c. 65c 76A If.' 49c. " "&)c. " 60c -" V 70c. - u it : If. : te. 120 SKIRTS. SKIRTS AT 4710. WORTH - 75. 60c bOc ' 880 i 1.20 1.25 long. T AIXE still r. TRI1JXIH AHX? For fifteen yars they "have eteadlly "gained fa favor, and with sales constantly Increasing fcava become the most popular corset throughout tt United States, Tf-e (r Quality is warranted to wear twice long as ordinary corsfcta We have lately lntt ducedtheG and RU Grades with Extra Lcj Waist, and we can furnith them .wben preferr X. ; H'ghest awards- from all tae World's gut Fairs. The last medal received is for First Derree of Merit, from the late Exposition held at( ln Orleans. wmia nrAf of THitents have ben found wor2. less, the Princlpies' of the Glove Jilting bave proved invaiuaDie. Retailors are authorized to refund money, If en examination, these Corsets do net prove as repre sented. - Fe sale eTry where. "Cafaloffoe free on Application. Tliomson, Langdon I ft Co. Tierr YorLc. - - These goods In all styles anov qualities for tola by . C II QCEHT, i - 1 ' Charlotte, N.C , - OctlS-eod-6m , . "CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH." The OrlinM and Only Genuine. S&fe mnd alwar BelUMe. Beware of wrthl- ImitstUaa. Indipiable to LADIES. Ak your arnrr.1t tt 4t'hlche(tcr, English" ad take bo other, or mcio te. . Yftam9)to na for particular in letter by return Mail. ' NAME PAPER. C'Mchenter Cbr"l-1 C., .,...- Sold fcy Drorr't ereirwkerA. Aak ftr "CTiJeWa. - tera jnlua" ieuyrorftl i'UU. Take wr. janlCdAwly .... v rm rrTriTTTT ' - ' 1 - ' II Ml M I ' -' ' M ' 4 , iF " -Cf: If 9 ;;p';.Vv ; wtuv I A) luneswit

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