- -d. 1a v ' f 0 X I 1 T-bor performed in fa,ctcri:j . Lcra t!-3 .1. r :z.tzzz--z Hour ft n; i:-"-ir3 : e-3 ( ': I :y iU'r'i.:-; city L."Li --t a U r H;J:rr"7,;:-- ------nlcctDctcitLo c-.rr c f.:; I to tl:3 Lr-cc:r:r0- cf ell tbo btc:t ctylri cf . ..... .... . : . s V . f whether c?vec .-3' cr r: :r 1 -n. or whirs -pc: i: ) i tza c'-v.r , j 1 ;ary- ' arsedc, lec4 or mercury are ucci for , jWV , ' Lonrin or otber purposes, diould ba cb- h - r Y : - civ- '1 I. a. z Vietta w-.ntcr red spot lntelr orti3den for children, and, em-'k 1 f ?lulf 1 fca obl!d to adr-t Prv r r j v j-. -.7 ' :i i rza .COA HID BUTTON in ell tcl seru- " 1 teuru- QEIITG v : BO YG - AND .;?-:' ;Y013T ,13 jer: March r i - CiL? L1C3 ElLUCnitS; HID LCTHCII GATTJE3. T'jdnc 'ihy'W0 arnixfcire icf r-,,-rs 43.te-4ej. f:ort' rb m-s Gent 3 flneJcalif bcc&'cnd ! heavy rchbes or V"l j - 11 : - - A, i ...V, five . tgits" 1 -- .-" 'IOCS TjE. It t ' 1 ha obl!d to adr'-4 -vprv jw..;.j...-.7' xix , v, - . L.oWpreca&.8awu 1 mo v -jicr; p.nerx : 'yo tut we' ;J."-yt.l 1 ;;. , -1 therein. .. . r - ', wrn-r- r; r kc;- 1 "SVmost perilous occupations, by .the I UOrTmi mm7 w W'-- feC-lation'of irritating dust, are needle- fo-V,H;- 'f" tt'Jiat"; jjjjjaiauuu . ; i ?' .Zi. Lard -firm; caa i&tZLb: fhitis'of an acute form. One authority avajwah Tiirpemme--oulet at 43r Bosln toflers b so Jpat that tbey die at or be-r tr&roed fOr good fitmiWa'su. " hV w their 35ttl year,, - . ; ti ; r - t Worker! in ; lead ; BUlTer greatly andJ 14 iwa-al.,"- , 'like mercury the po T ' Kswtob are not .-sawjw.- w yj km owano-s goia aiKi.sn.uua; currencr tlft.7e9.0C0; ' rtitradebut fthetokers. of bronze nnnt,f teaij; op r-r ceui; taeci " wrl-r. wJiich is the filings of coppexr or A.tfca'a- a. a to a ? . ca -Phtliis an4 .ronth;catarrh; are'eomr rSramor.;;;:;::::! Ut ' man among-tuem. Ane aacpuonqi rea S"!),1,11"1 w a ,i t P? . 5.-f xirKifo fin Ka v?- North Care na 6"B.ex. tit :.?;. pbQspJi'J?y1? v vfr, - - rTo wrui tiaroima's Funding!.... .... .. 13 fifni:! jessena we ttiMigeyH, .sa ,nis 1 wuiuujroimaisrown vonaoM.... .... a . - w mm wm mm m m mm m m m w : rennessee 6'8.... ... t&lk ' .V riire ' - ; . I. V ... ... 1 Wliite Lead, : . r ' form of this substitute does not .give, oil 7106.:;: - vapoi iak gulpkiesometim?producMgactu gaver and Bio Greade.. thP sizafc affected, ,rfHvin ffiUAxnV S - Printers aM3reenlV wdrl ih Ki d(fflS:: badlTenroonisaad.tae- I rJ.,!?2?J5:- 3 --erase,,- .uyspeiJ&M .um4uvcu5wiu; i wewurieans Jraciao, 1st..... ' 6-, mon amonK compositors. Kheumausm iprawntral.... 1.05V8 .rsciaticfis tht of the,Tcooper. gSSepSS.- Carpenters frequently : nave hernia and Sl1!?126161???83'-. ..'... cabinetmakers are-4ubject tolvaricdqele. Beading. . """' S?! Tailors anu snoeniaJterji.Avurii.-uiiuer: uie 1 ?AUJAi"""iUAuegaany... - 7 . .- 4.;v " 1 ' I Rlnhmnnd and TVinviiia . m nrw 1 r:;rrr:r : : """.'t I I, , , H l.m III1H UKI. . ' : f.- v 1ST. Hani niafamil - - m work many consecutive aays.-xogetner. 1 rexas racmc.. .......... , 12 1 Dillon Pa cine... - ri . Tears is uie uuui mjo wau? vmrnci 1 wuu jTocinc, preierrea... ....... . "lo1 ,nf millstones. It is said that almost all w2i:v''"-:' ., 1 . ; j 1 'nin. t IjHN . lun ' e the sandstone cutters near Edinburgh . . ... .. ..!'.. Sago, Trunks, Rub cIo 1 rev Juhs Glycerple; Polish for fine iri6eAuackno eldpcd the test fci, ire.ccrvirii: leather. yet. introduced U th trade. w v Tvmg Jeatlicr yet X7& '-Anti ;ETTI3binnKI2D Ta tucj cp tcreciztoa fr good goods ad low prle s GlyacaacalU Tride Street, Ct&rraL' il . .' '1- . a " ." -. j ". 1 n ...,!! . na - v ccsiMWJsnjff-m-(Doss. .- -:o:- 4 lnl'nBequnnce cf tn death of Ur.r Samuel CJoben; the entire1 etoclr ' be 8cldlt aria lor tbe next CO days we will sell ton ".'j? 5. , ' Our entire stock q( Dry Goods, Ready-llade Clothing, Hats, Shoc3 tad Qd erai juercnanaise at c - i Bid. tLast bid. Offered. Risked. liEx. Dlf. die of consumpnon, ana 11 is rare to see i - ,, .v.- Cotton. v nna attain ace. of 50 vears. The ' HALvsafrtnt Oulet: middling 15-1fi:nfTAirtj. i - rHorv nnnnfppTnin flnnnpr 26965 K1"088 269t; stock 72,900; sale? 1846; expOTt , makers of pottery ana porcelain sooner Qotite : Great Britain : continent-. or later become asinmaucai. iuh jemaie nouFuui oieaaj: miaaniy? net - ;MMtiirM -nr TvAllid and rhlorotio and oeipi BOi53S gross sales 899; stock 43,872; operatives axe paoua ana cniorouc ana ftxporw coase r to ; Great Britain.---; their infants almost ail scrotuious, with i continent . France . an enormous morality., Bright's dlj ease' is common among glass-blowers, (coastwise Great Britain - : continent. R1aTmiths become nrematurelv aeed. I Trw--yuiet;mid(Uing m net receipts . 166; w - w i vniuu M inii bu ao btaa i1 KVl It owurfl a i ... ..j v-it.,. "r. . -"',rM'r'' . "..wiwiii wv v causeu . ujr . uie cam uiuuj i wire ; u-reai xsniain gross : 256. sales -; stock 11,772; nomire to the heat of the force; the nro Zfa-sMrt middllnft 8;-. net re- r--T- , . - . j j r - ceipis ko gross sales - fuse perspiration and sudden changes of esports coastwise : Great Britatn ' temperature.' Phthisis is hardly known nm-Dull; low m ddling , 9; net re- " I O v " www, wwu V.4HV, VIV1W VVW. wie ; cuuunem ' : among this class of toilers. The dust of flour and meal to which havashah Doll; mlddllngN r. net receipts ... . ., - , 2fi32: . Groan i 2fi32i r1ai 17'0 stivb- R7QQJ Uort coastwise : to continent : ttre&t . .' effect on the respiratory tracts Tlie only Britain ; France r - Brewers are ' sometimes - dyspeptic and I S90 519; exports coastwise -; to Great Britain t.ui- j tu-'M- iuk : France - ; continent . ; j uuuuMwiui ;wugwuuu,ui..uiouia, MoBiut Quiet; middling U-1: net receipts " butchers have only rheumatism to fear, 1157, gross 1159; sales 5C0. etotfs 68,648; exports andare usually florid and robust' in ap- SSteSSSi receipt. Dearance. -The sappinsr of the' vital 87: sniDments 1ULQ: sales 2050: tock 141.110. fnrna in thft 'twuift nf kkflr Is thnmiio-h - ATOTOTA-DuU; . inlddilDK lpt 628; -r -7 .- . . o snipinenta ,saiea 54: stock . - . . and their power of resisting epidemic Charleston Qu'et: - middling 8; et " icMQo olmnaf. nnfViino- -- - -;.'--. : rBtelptafiOO; gross 900; vsales 800, stock 73.999; t I expori to continent ; coastwise ; Great icawici uiucuucuii nuu.cir wiM'-tue i enia-in - jTance , r -x" mostly : women, suffer greatly. Three n JWP"8t8?d' sales 603; middling uplands , years at the trade lsjhe limit with .great jo,2i9; exports to rreat Britain 9,860; to France impairment to health. The lungs and J conxineni w&o, eyes both suffer. ; Artificial flower-mak ers are in danfrp.r. thronp-h t.h' Tx-nsons I o noo in aaAaA I Nw ' YoRK-Net receipts 60; ptos 5828; uwuaij vuvuuuu nuu wxwio iv.vv, i Ducures ciosea sieaay; sales iui,zuu Dales. " i i . i . i i . i v i . i . I V ..... . ......... one that their., lives .are shortened and K ilT5owa" ""V; ""?fc -wiaa w fi,r I AtivsPooi., Jannarf -sO.-Quiet, without iitopta- . bo; Uriels c-JBu; and export 1000; receipts -"wv4VUiu.v riuv.,-tw" i pjg. f crange; upiann8 food they consume. Salt pork 'is "the t sales 8,1500; speculattnn -u:- iL-.t . : r , .. ;t umo- Amftrlftan l'i.OOU. Fu' witei arucie 01 meat, ana usually poony i.-- to paralysis which last long after work is December Ahandrmerl. T3lAJirTiAra ' nf tniri-ra inhn.ln ! JaUUiUT.. chlorine gas, which is harmless, while 1 S bSSm tneir other onlv daneer is eruptions on April .; 9.253.27 . u ', v 4 i. -i, MaT..:...-:::...:..........;.......:-....i" 8.87.88 wic luictiiiiiii ua,u3u uy uaviiig tu-wuiJi. i j -ji - 9 474$ with not - water-and strong r lye, which I jiiij.. ... f ........................... 9.57te.5i cracks and lissures the skin. " - S m Farmmg.woiud seem to be the most OTtoter.. .' 9 healthful of all pursuits. The life is free Noyemter...... - . frnm nnYiofv "l-Tif Una rtim. . i'a; o Tvoirkfnl I . ... ; " ' ,j,;.y !i:V . - Juiet, wi Id; OT t export 1 ores flat. DDlands low middling ctenee January and Feb- ruary delivery ib'ibwasBJ-civi. .- . - February and Marcn 4 w-vum t Ha. March and Apri 4 62 64d54 61-64d. , April and May 4 63 64. , . , . y May and June 5 l-64d. - ' " - ' June and July 5 4-64-1. " .TiiIt bti 1 incrnot. R 1 ftlfl. - ., -: : ' ' l p. k. Sales American 6.700. Poland low mid dling clause, January delivery 4 68-64d (buyers.) January and February 4 &3-wa, i buyers.) . . February and March 4 58-64d (buyers.) ' -March and April 4 60-6ld, (buyers.) Airtmnd May4 62-64d. buers.) ' - May and June 6d (buyers.) r - ; June and July 5 364d, (buyers ) -. v - : July and August 5 6-64d (vflue.) August and September 59-64d (S3jlers.)v : Futures flat . . 4 City Cotton Klarliet ; OFFICS OT THB OESKHVKB. CHAniiOXTK, N. C. January .31, 1886. The city cotton market yesterday eluded quiet cooked. - ' - . - ' . 1 " A class that are adtuall T benefited in health by then profession , is . the tanners . and leather-dressersV f at-renderersi lard- refiners, bone-boilers, gluemakers', pork packers, soap-makers; oil-pressers and makers of cheese. - . . " , The manufacture of tobacco would seem to have no dangers beyond that of the absorption of . nicotine by the system, lor workmen claim ' exemption from m f flammatory and epidemic diseases. ' But ton-makers, and all workers in bone, are healthy men. Another class of toilers who enjoy good health and a certain im- . mumty against epidemics are the work , . - ail LUC WUUKUlg u.vuuv.vui. me combmg never troubles them. in ew Good mtddling.... ... ,. v . 8S3 York World. 81 4 ' f 6tS7 Strict Middling .... ., Middling,, Tinges, 'i. ; Stains . . Beceipts yesterday. 90 Eeportedby T. B. MAdnx. JANUARY 2V1&6 IiTigttion lit the lVile Country, Irrigation in the Nile country in Egypt s carried on as follows : First, a hole is dug in the ground to a level with the Nile river. . Two upright poles are-.erect-ei and another pole . or crossbar is ex tended from one to the other.. Then a lOnf - TwVfo -!a r1rrmA titviti flia ffrkS?Vlfl.'r. Attached to one end of tins pole is' a stone hnahi 65S67 of probably twenty or twenty-five pounds Wheat per ."""120Si; m weight, and upon the other is a rope t,rrvnfniiv ...... .2.302.85 .. - - . " . . - , .- 1 .............. n ncAn nn wim a rai , .: A n a.H vanr k fivo hft nnfnn2 t - , : Kxtra...... . .aa? f.oy frt rr'.,7. - super................. is.if2ii5 10 the . Sheikh operates this maclune, ppa(iipr per bushel ....7........ ...... 75Sb0 "men is cauea a snaKiro. . xie araws me jiiiseu...... .......... pail down, falls, it with water, and then ggpVf n":":";. uc veignt raises it up, alter wnicn uie 1 veacaes, Dfieieo. water is : emptied into a channel, which conveys it oyer the land and into other Fctatoes-Sweet.-.. .......... channels.-Chicago Herald. - - - Onions, per Dusnei Had Been Painting in the Country. Fopax, per pound '"Why, Palette, old ' boy," said Robin- nutter.'per pcund.l". son: ,t ,t,n,m,,v,MT. f ws. pvt cozen.- , . . - . j , w v j . - 1 " -" :, "ui 01 MJWIir - D'!i .:s "Ya'as," relied Palette; "been up along t b'ne cf the" Hudson, painting littla Wis ; of scenery treo3, rocks, antl Eort of thing, y'know." : , "Ah, ah! Patent medicine ads, I cu; pose?" Keu' York Cun, n it Tuixejs, per povmu L?ff, rcr r--'-jr.3t jvt', .r iJ,I..'',:n,.!f L-.r. . WiKi, . - '. ......... 70S75 4o50 8S4 657 Si24 43 459,50 6V?7 2?21 75,? 12.?2 17c? 13 t rl 7?3 Colors, fefete, Etc. ONE eet gum, tame name, growing along u Southern States; cont&inr m itlmu. rant principle ( that loosens the phlegm pr. the early morning congh, arid stlmalatei the child to throw 'off the r fAlse ; membrane- fn croupf -and wnqupingonso. wnen comoineavwnar tne ueiii- irig mttcllaginonr principle' In the' mnllera plant' of the old fieldsl presents in Tatlob'S ChxkOkix pj' D r31? 1?WXB,r J9' HuiMir the lioeit and,(k)nsxunption j. and so palatable, any child ia please tp take, it. v Ask your druggist for it. - Price, ZSi and St. f if he does not keep it, we will pay; forgone time. only, express charges on large size bottle, to any part of the U. 8. on receipt of tLOO. WALTER A. TAL'X'lVOIt, Atlanta 6a. .J age to tu. kerosene (li 5 ALL AT CLOSE PRIGES . . . 1 Iiiliiilitr, 3! l 'N 6 . i n J Its :f V ;': Have in store a complete stock of STiPLE 1SD siore a complete stock. 01 4 . .-- : Tkf oiifik iD FANCY . iRICEMES, v;.;:: ' Family Supplies of all kinds, Fruits, Kufave. Andt fully, abreast -lth all the reaulrementa ol modern journalism 71 (: , . " V ' y ife TSEDASL:""0B'ERVP8 jet at v -'- IS ' " - . hat ; 10 '-' -1 . :, s . t. - . pin rvfAA t . tent; .-, v l . - ' - ! - - Pure Lard Granulated Chipped Beet Best uoonsn at - - Very Fine Bio Coffee at - We have to arrive a fine lot of GIVES J . srri a Ccrii Trcied Beef and Beef Tongues, telegr aphic , jews ; "which we will sell very low. I JustCaceived Fiomaf home and from abroad,;,.gtd -frfm al Quarters of th&i gtobei, beaSdes : all . ,lhey Current 1 News t)f the day, cocal. ;and otherwe.j. eom piete and accurate daflyj . - , ' 1 Alarge lot of Oats, Corn, Corn Meal, No. 1 Timo- thy nay, nasnvuie man, mixea jeea, uaj reas ana any ana every irnng in me way uneeu. 1T - Call anJ see our goods and beat our prices, and you will be convinced that we mean business.- wewmnoi DeiunaerBoiu , , . :; Telegraphic Market Reports 7., Are'an important and valuable feature to the bus- C T k V TIT? a nTr??n Q ff ' mens man, ana are aione worm ice snnsenpoon liB. ALliJiAiMUlllii&XOt Price Of THE OBVKB.' k Beantiful Lo -OF- SCRAP PICTURES just - -'nECiiiVEi: -AT- No other daily In the State enjoys such- Excellent Mail Facilitifs AS IS POSSESSED BY The OBSERVER, As It reaches all the sarroundipg towns and all the important postofSces in the-State, as well as re mote points, North; South" and west in other States; on the ' , ' . I Bay cf lis Fcbcatiop. This makrs it a mt viTua'jTe tiefs serving publication, a well as advertising metf.I-.ni. It pre-emli-entiy the leading Dai1 rcfth State, and ha? established its cli.au to thi6 nif rit. it to give Esor" reaoii'er mutter than ever I fare. 1 ni TP-. V? -l.lj "e mostly new and desirable: A- large portion bought by- cr - ;; -W, and at reduced prices. , ;, v , , ,-.. : .,r. - mine for; Yourselves. CASHWill find it to-the!;' advan. Tc9wbere. 1 "7. 1 'WW.. WHOLESALE AND RE? AIL DEALJBB IN :Z all kinds of 5 BEDDING, &C. A fuU line of CHEAP BEDSTEADS. L!HTOra 6 LOUNGES, Parlor and Chamber Suits, -Ck)f- ITZ-.: ..L-.. .X?, ... - -... v; ., r;;.-.-; " .. . .-1..-sr i i, . ' : il S. . s r- ILL r1? ijE,r!r . A. i- fins of all lnds on - hand. - No. 5 West Trade Street, Charlette, North Carolina. A- GRAND CHANGE. 1 . j(' 3 t f1 ' . ,l s .m " .. : t" r . " - ... '.'' : ' ' -.. v ........ ' .... . St : ' ri hfl Davis Sflwlne Machine. mannfaft;ifed !v the Davis Sewinz Machi.ie 'Company, at Watertown. N.T.. hafaJrly asto.iiahed Its loventor", manufantarers and agents, In the Tapkfity with which 16 has come to the front as the favorite family newfng ma ine.-r r- r,. " , . v- . . ' . People have, for years, supposed that no m-re improvement couio De maae in tins "lanmy xnena," -but that this was possible Is abundantly proved by the N-w High Arm Davi.- They are la greater de- . mand. where their merit are known thn any other swlrg mjiCb'ne. They are so easily understood; v' so light running; so sure to stay in perfect order, and so ehau, consl ertng he quality, that we advtra all persona wishing the very t est tewing macs i e evur mae, fc cb am a -Davis." The company rouy -warrant every machine for five years and well they v- ay. for the machine in an Its parts, is of such , high grade ol workmanship matlt cannot weu gat out or orner, a nara running macnine win evento a ly impair themstltntlonot the strongest woninn . A machine that does not work perf -ctiy, la -.agonizing: to a r ervouv, delicately org in'zed girl r woman . A mach!fte that is cften out ol order; ttat la not ready foftise at ad times whn ltis wanted,' 1 a thing of nel her pleasure or profit. Tbree-fourtlia of the time required in maki g the g -rment Is ordinarily eon nm-d In. basting the work. No time is thus waste with this-macnine. as. ny tne use otTr e verncai an manner or sewiDK is aone wjiqoui basthie. ;-.- yoHbuya- Davis'youwlllBaveainactineapproxima'mgpeTKCUon and lor more izxsx this, no one need ask. ' -. , - . j ; , , . , . H i'.;;.;.. . Jb'orsaieDy -,- , ;s-"j;;-..-:-:--:-' V r. EICPARD MOOKE, General Agent, Trade Et. - will for the Thirty Bays OF FEU THElS ENTIRE STOCK -OF- at con r. JP!3 "Sft1 , "JP ':'M '''. ' ' : CARRIiGE AND BUGGY EEF0SIT03Y; FhKetona.Cart Spring Wagons, etc, oi tLe b&X . mm, aud latest styles, oa hand. . . - S3?-Vehicles made to order and repaired. . : ; - - A. C. 2UTCII2MOrS z CO., Charlotte, N. C, next to Waxlf -th's Siablea, Sir25u2ly . - v. CLL EARLY t SH.illH BUylllCi?. ! rv 't o' -non 41 it r.ii'., Or.f yr." " C mos., " 3 mc-3., ; ? oo t i.f-0 C?.cc M ! . C.r.tral Eotcl brf :'r.r, e-.-'ie tlrcj ;L. lira J Co-s t;rj. - TLIs paper tcpt ca Zlz at tl3 cCre cf IU 1 1.4 C? I . . CD DVER" FT St.'.. "1 ('. ft!

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