u-1 j 01, kW K' , . . VOLULIE CHAELOTTE, N..C,. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 4. 1G36. Q PRICE FIVE 0EIIT3. -THE Special Sale ONLY Goods are sjolng fast. :0:- We. are Such as have nerer before been COME ONE! it -AN- t:-: of:-: -OF THE CELEBRATED FOUR IN HANI) These goods are especially adapted to rs aol Dancers, Call and see tnem. T. L. SEKL1. :o:- 1 new and handsome line of Irish and Everlasting wneastocKor . Checked Nainsoolco. koriiD Sizes CORSETS Slate Preshlot of Tablp Lable Linens to new and attractive patterns, and at; prices that .wm'sell them. Have still on hands a email lot of , ; - ' - , ' , - "l,f. " t. ' toctadlng a few special bargains In Black and Cream Casnmeres, all of which are now offered mncb un wrthelr value. In order to make a "clean sweep" cf all , ?" KID GLOVES I IN STOCK, We have marked the same down to Csres tnat are eucc :CL3 TO iXTAin) & IIAB3I3. , Hpuses denied. w8e(ltree of cnar-5. - CHAELOTTE ESALT3TAT3 ICHTCY, THE LATEST pnr.m.'.TTrpi nweawwmronnirix cn lz3 Vrr Tzn.'-'r-i BlWaredbjbs Is L;,t Jtj 113 tz.Zz-Z jjmiture dealers in tt!a c". T73 r-il !cz:jtl3 rb88tand most Butrtor 1 tl3ir-:l - 1-3 BHODDY 6O0L3. Aci'fcz L- -U " t " : ' J wm get the worta cf jzzi r Cr ri on ewh piece; 7er:"-:: Iritis BeepectfoEj, ' . . . . . HLLI0I7 IVin if Aotm t Hid iLViv ' Gdntiooe: A Offering 9 .0 offered In this market. COME "AL'JLi!--! .-. - PEGRil & CO. : First National rBank-BuildiDg, South Tryon Street, ' ? : r Charlottle, N. C ; - - DEALERS IN LadiesVMisse' and Gdren's - - - ' FINE - 1 .-,-. t " BUTTON, CONGRESS & UCE SHOES. - Gents' Fine Hand-Made and Machine Sewed BOOTS, BUTTON AND LACEBALS, nvi& AnD.:-yoirrKsv;'-"', FINE BOOTS AND SHOES OY ALL GRADES i : . GENTS' FINE ; Silk, Soft and Stiff Hats. TRUISKS, V I ':. v -VALISES and ' GRIPSACKS, UMBRELLAS OFJLLL KINDS SHOE SLACKING and BRUSHES, - ALMA and RAVEN GLOSS SING for Ladies' Fine Shoes. , Stock always kept .full s and , up to the demand. ; ORDEBS BT MAIL OR EXPRESS PROMPTLY i t Trimmings Just received. - Also a : large ; and - ' - Barred KVluslin, &c. bonnd "to command attention. , Come . and see G. UWiWJ. TTKCT.r: it.: OEilltLOTTE, ,N. C ' C zzzznii two cfd-5 Izrczt LAGIZ2 Ercwcric3 lnt3 Un;:caj-Li:c3 .z?. cor-; iliito lc.u . : -r -f " J..i a ... w .... i i cr':: "7 111:1 r-I C:::r:rcl Zzzo cl f w - 'TrUTX LESS TZ3 EUTT, ECrZTmS'EUTSITSTO ex crzccsTD, -xtt, uxs Era ccsr, czxrrcsiA Conscription to tlac Observer. -, ". ,V - ' DAILY EDITION. , , , F!r-TsccT7 5 ccnta. ty me wees m the city. S3 t3 incurs .... M ............ . ?5 TiTES CT.r.I....t.... .C1C0 ; Six nontj.. ...... 4.C0 One year 8.C0 : .'..- ' I7S2XLT EDITION. - Threemors.... .......... CO cents. Rtxnion12a (LCO itae year..... 1.73 ' ' , in clubs of five and over 4L60. - - !o deviation From Tliese dales r.Tipnons always payable In advance, not onlvmnunebntlnfact. " ... STATE HE 178. i Wilmington Review The receipts of cot on at this port for the month ended January 31st, 1886 foot up 7,s 127 bales, as against 6,587 bales for the;.'Corre8pohding month last year, an increase of 640 oale. , The res ceipts for the crop year to date foot up 86,089 bales against 88,966 bales for': the corresponding period last year, a decrease this year of 2,886 bales. - r , . . ' - 1 News and Observer; Ai the stone quarries near Henderson, about 100 convicts are employed. These as a rule have . been very s tractable, , but Sunday morning ;a party of them made an attempt- to escape.. . They made a break for liberty, the guards ubu awayuJQ ' lively way ana wounded Itwo : of the neeing1 men.' One. ,of them ' was captured and brought - here. Six men made their escape. r-The Februarylterm began yesterday'. all the" justices being present. The day was devoted to the examination of .applicants for li cense as attorneys. rr Up to yesteis day thirty-three sheriffshad settled the taxes due by their counties. ; Goldsboro sends fourteen convicts to the penitentiary ; all sentenced at the recent term of cpurt; This is the largest number contributed at any one time by one county in a year oc Asheville Citizen: Much to the re gret of ourbusifies&commUnity,Capr tain Grace ,Hallybiir?ton h'as retired from the Cheney; of fherailroad at this Dlace'CatDtain.Gfachas been agent herd for 3 vera! years, and has notwupsxanciiE ic3 rasny aisaavan tages cf c r. ztrr, road :Jtnd irnpbrtuni- Frcr.P,r'iir, cca.cf our townsman Mr.f A: J," Blair, Esq..;:He has been in the isrvica cf theicompanir at Cl:s . for contim3-cndtbi3 cp-i pbiztmcat attests !wlth:x7hat :es:c3l- ent eatisf action to hi3 employers. His appointment is, .very satisfactory to our pccpis , v' , , ;:r ;.;V - ; f Ashaville Advance : , We" give below he number of pounds of tobacco sold at three of the Asheville warehouses ast week:'-'-s '-J'--' , -J Buncombe warehouse, " ,J 34,0QO "Farmer's - : J,70,191 - .Asheville. .-r -' , ' 78,147 TctsL.i ...V1S2, V7 Trere 'unable to eet a report from the Banner, but the sales at that warehouse were as great as at any ot the others. It will be seen that not less than 260,000 pounds were sold in Aeneville last weeic. xne average price was about $12.50 per hundred Dounds. i mazing : xne ; amount paid out for the weed about $20, 000. , , , Ooncord Times : Thacase of Charles Eagle brought to break his father's will was given to r the jury about 3 o'clock Saturday evening. The jury hung until 11 o'clock At night.: when it was called before the judge and dismissed, and .almistrial.made. ; .Mr. Eaele left his only child, Uhanie,hve dollars, and the. rest of his , property, worth about $1,500. was to be expend ed for tombstones. Charlie tried to prove his father's insanity in order to have the will broken, Standard Oil Company OOcers , ' Indicted. V V-Buffalo, N. Y.,: February 3. Late todav the Grand Jury of the Court of Sessions reported indictments against the following persons, officers of the Standard Oil Company : John C. Archibald, Henfy . EL Rogers and Ambrose McGregor, " of New York city; and HV B. and Charles M. Ever est, of Rochester. "The indictment charges these persons with malicious conspiracy to ueiro me. uumess, property and reputation of the Buf falo Lubricating Oil Company (Lims ited). Anions the acts charged are the bnnjnnr up ot vexatious laws far mslicioua p.uroo3 : the corrup tion, by bribery of the employees of the BuHalo company, to cause them to act in the interests of the Standard Company ; the suborning of witnesses to commit perjury," 'and the hiring of an employee of the Buffalo Com pany to commit arson. The indicted perron ere the ccme who were fcrra erly indicted :ca cut:te.ntially th3 charges end eutesqUently had tho indictm?nt3 referred back to the Court cf " Ce:-lo-3 for correction, where the indietmsnt3 were annulled ca quccticm cf law. ., , , , Ccctl'a ZIzzzzlIzIzzi cri'cro Cod iatz c:i, T7i::i nz-zz-.'-iiza. Dr. niTOCI C-lXIyGVTAT, LC,CrOZr3, Ci., "I Lire cc:3 C::tVs Zzlz:zzi vr.ihTzzl:zZlzz.:zzzM m jl Lcr- l:: -Ll:z, zlzo C 1 tlii it t.Z3 no c zzzl ti C zzzzzz. ':i Lzzzz 3 cl izzZzzzi." ties of impatient patrons,. civenrgen eraVitisfactioh.', - He, leayeak the agency with!. tbeJbect wichcabf, all, wer ro rjre Ha is succeeded bylRIri rill. BATAUD V7II.T, ISOT UC " .... GIGU. . . '. Tlie Cuiaorfliat lie Intended to - Ieare the Cabinet a Elere Ca- nard.v ' . .... - - WAsmsGTON, .February 2. There was a rumor today that Secretary Bayard . would at an early day re sign his office. , The rumor was based upon a remark the Secretary is said to nave maae to an intimate friend, i which . was in substance that his troubles of late were so great that he was in no condition of . mind to at tend to the important duties of his office, and he believed that, in jus tice to himself and the - administra tion, he should resign the Siate portn folio. His friend urged him not to think of taking such a step, and ai gued that the best relief i his ' .mind could get would be in the engross ment of business . cares. The Secre tary said nothing in answer, to this argument, v If the Secretary should refer to the subject of resigning to the president the latter will not listen to it for a moment. He is much at tached to Mr. Bayard," and regards him as the ablest of his consritution al advisers, r -The general impression amopg the friends of Mr. Bayard is that he will not retire from the Cabi net, and that within a few weeks he will be able to resume the important duties of his office. , . ' " ,-"' A DENIAL FROM "WlLMINGTOIf. . Wilmington, Del., February 2 Senator Gray George H. Bates, Esq., and William J: Bryan, Mr. Bayard's privat6 secretary were seen to-night in respect to Secretary Bayard's re ported resignation, and all "agree that thete ) 'no basis whatever fortho rumors rMr; Vryan ;said that Mr. Bayard bad never' intimated such a purpose to him, and he was certain that the' idea had never been enters tained- by Mr. . ayardir This : was affirmed by Sehator Gray, whose re lations with Mr. Bayard are exceed ingly close and intimate. Mr., Bates said that : the 'rumor was " the mere figment -of a reporter's bram, ; and was deserving of no credit whatever. VI give toy strongest assurance,'! he said, Vthat Mr. Bayard never thought of resigning. ; Indeed,' what he needs now is not idleness, but worhv - -. - 1 ' - -, - - - " - . - . . . V A Tooth Forming In His IVose. A young main 'went , to Belle viie Hospital, New 'York, Saturday, and wanted to have something' done for his throat,' which had been giving him so much trouble that he ' could not work. , Dr. Griffin made' an ex amtprtion of-; his - throat, but -could iot find anything , the matter . there, and was about to tell the young man that he was carrying a disease around in his mindl when his eyes fell upon something in the roof of the mouth; A closer inspection showed it to be a bone, - and by follbwing "its , course along the upper jaw it was found to fit m a socket at the base and was evidently an extra tooth. V The young man had a full set of teeth, and as this extras one could be of little Ser vice in the mouth, it had gone on an exploring tour, and the end, was found projecting into the left nostril. It had a hnersbarp point and by dis tending the nostra it could be plain ly Iseen.v The patient said that it had been there so long that he couldn't remember . when 7it came. , It had never given him any trouble, and he did not believe tnat tnere :wa9 any thing the matter wita. it:. , it, was found, however, to be pressing in such a; way upon the tissue as to cause . irritation t and inflammation. and he wad advised to have it taken out, as there was a possibility that it might result in cancer. -But : the patient reiusea to; nave ic removed, though ltoould be readily done witn but disfiguring his - face, and went away from the hospital with the idea mat a man witn a loom in ms nose ought - to bring a good . price in a museum. Yankee doodle " in South; Car' Some time ago a man in Ohio wrote to the Secretary of the State of South Carolinarinauirine,whetherthe-tune of V Yankee Doodle" had been inter- dieted in that State at jthe outbreak of the -war. r. .The question . was an swered in the negative. A few days ago anotner man writing irom .aoas ton, asked whether the ."interdict" had been removed; To this query, he says : 'Appleton's Encyclopaedia an swers, "yes," and thatt the Boston Globe states that the - interdict was repealed at theHime of the- recon struction,, along with T "obnoxious laws."iThe Eecretary'of State incloeod a copy of this letter to all of tne gen tlemen no living, who were mem bers of; the Legislature at- that time. and asked I or replies! These various answers were sent to Boston last Sat" urday. They are from gentlemen holding ihe highest positions in the State and each is an emphatic denial that any such interdict was ever mentioned in the Legislature, or that the Governor ever issued such- a proclamation. - - . Held fey tlie national Eanlzs. .It is stated at the Treasury De partment that eigdtysnine national banks hold about C3.110.000 of the 510,000,000 1 three per cant, bonds which are included intha.cne hun- dred and thirty third call issue cn Friday.- About 3,CC0,CC3 cf the bonds embraced in the cne hundred and thirtv-cc rend call, which matured todav. have already boon received at! the Trcssury uep-nmsni icr res REGARDLESS i the mm 03Q Giusiiij:: Sale 7as near pieces-mail; orders included t? "We displayed our entire Stock of Underwear consisting tf V ifi,Uuu nieces, and sold dnrinor thft -nnftt Q a 1 ofk by our Buyer (gee below Correspondence) will be received and ready for sale in about 30 days: Special announcb ment ; of this sale will be given through the columns of tLb paper.'' ; ' - - i- - : - N NwYobk, Jan. 21st, '65. Men, Wittkowsky & Baruch, Charlotte, N. C: Gentlemen:-- - - , V r ' ' I have this day purchased at a Manufacturers'. Auction Sale, 2,650 pieces of Muslin Underwear and Children's Dresses at a great sacrificed Would advise you to close out at once all Stock on hand as low as 25 and 30 per cent, below Cost. ' Will for. ward goods at once, , Yours 1 Whowere unable to; see our come ttis Week, as we will mouth bale Saturday, February 6th. ; -: "". NOTIClfi :- : TO :- : THE :-: ECONOMICAL. . QSLXSUNtESt MONEY JTJMCIOUSLYl. 2:1. ' nr Stvk of TtanuutlrR. Towflla and 'Wnnlrlna la nmnniatA. a-nA mtnnAm XJnsurpassedjln order to gjve them a good send off for the S. --..-.-.. , . - ' , prloK we have Dlaced remarkably low orlces on them. , : - ntlrelr fresh eocds. not shot) worn ones, are offered br us. , v K notted Fringe, Hock and Damask Towels at S2J cents, worth 60 cents. ' ndless variety of Towels at lOc lZlfe, I5c, 20c, 2214. worth 25 Der cent more. mhroldered Wool Table Covers, Colored and White Table Damasks, rices of which range for this Week 45c, 60c, 70c, 80c, and 95c per yard. JK specially attradlre are oar Napkins at $1.65, $L85, and $225 per dozen, educed from $2 25, $2. CO, $3.00 per dozen. They are genuine Bargains.' K )uch prices are bound to attract all Economical Examine Them Even CHARLOTTE, N. C. MAIL ORDERS SOLICITED AND TOR SALE. . .;. r'TwoWsIraWe building Jots", 50i300 feet, OD fronting on South Tryon street, adjoining the property of J.' H Carson. Shade trees on lots, wm be so'd separately . or together. Price , $700 each, - '"' - ' - ' . CHARLOTTE REAL ESTATE AGENCY. L. 3. WALKER. - ; B. K. BRYAN. Wholesale and Retail Grocers. ncTT.Firaa - .-wxsrr- goods -1- ON the first day of Janaarr,,1838,the undersigned entered Into a co-partnership for ,the purpose of carrylngona . , . -4 -j , r GtzzYzl Gtcserj DZoiccca At the old stand of "Springs ' & BorwelL corner Tnon & rocrth streets, ? "W e are Qualliled hy long experience, to meetthe demands of the trade, and give satlisfactlon to our customers. ., , ft v ft Jwocr vaA ..i t. uu Hu.w - VT8 ?a net ta tzlzzzM ln3 Ci-lct ci:; CT"Ther8l3a fptaf:-caysrdto tl3 ir cf irsrt fcr ti3 5ccr-oda:ica cf cur cz: cur mers. r ty y..-, r f-. -v 7 ' mm t j i i : i ii i i 'i f i i a. vi w kii ij y i v a Success. many lines are entirely c!cci3 r - 4 Truly, I J H. . B. - MASTERS. ,p"nder wear, are invited ; to ' v positively -close this Man- ,ii:r.f4 Housekeepers I if . you Don't Buy. ; PROMPTLY ATTENDED- TO. mm AI2X3, 6TELU; TKXXJOTIIArTr?- For fifteen yars tfcef have steadily gilRC" 13 , favor, and with sales constantly lncreiinLT become the most popular corset tircsshc-i tzsr 1 United US. . ; . Tne quality is warracr'i ys tczt it. a a d'iccdtheG and B H Gra?' with Lxtr;v- f r;r Val:t. and we can fcrcloh tiea !tTTru 'J K'Lc?t- awards frca -t!l -tie Vc'i -, -i Fairs. The last medal received is f tt I -rt r r ? cf llent, from the late Imposition tc!l 't ,3 Or'rr-s. - ; Jt'-- Vtli- ssrres of patents tare been f j . rt! ? ; less, tie Frlncicles of .the Cloreli.2 trrs .. : prorei Invaluatla. -' . . - EetIsrs are athenzed to reTzsd rzener. tJca; I examination, these Corsets do net prcrs as r?rr . v sale everywhere! 'CatIr.rs Ticrason, LsnonS Co nvr tj. . , . . C II QUILiT, . .a,i,v r Iw k ha lw t au J fa .., ... .a ' ! I ! I r""T - ; UllJWllUI Mil 1. 1 Vt U t U . i TLa c . ; -t :ic...";C: ' ; - 1 t). . A ' A r . . K4wt i ' fc- .: , 1 vcr' ijt Jf' 4s v