f I "-,o ' f v r v y - A V V volume xxxiv: CHARLOTTE, NitO, SATURDAY; FEBRUARY -6, 1886: PRICE FIVE CENTS. 5 " - " I.1 L. 1 1 - T. e .:m: hvm. b is ti ' .wq "TKXTta. LTtE THX SUH," BOifETISEKS SUBMITS TO BX OBSCUKXD, -BUT, UXK THX SUIT, ONLY FOB & TUCK. 2 pair Hmdsorue ElanVets, f 9.65 and f 10 F3. - 1 piece Erobrc.der?d tt te Flannel, 77 cents perjard. J0 pa'n Children's Wx 1 Li se, 10 ?o 5 cents. ; , 545 pairs Ladles' Vests, 73 cnts to $3.05 per pair; v ? ! pairs 6-4 Tricot and Plain Fannels. 2 cents per yard. -v 14 pieces Bed Twill and Plain Flannel. 14 to 41 cents. 67 pa'rs Gents' Undershirts, 72 cnts to $3 05 per pair. .---' 85 d- zen Gents' 4 ply Linen Collars at 75 cents per dozen, 10 pairs hen's Shoes at 1 6 $1.S2.- $147, and $2.75. . .. '' 75 nults of Clothing at New Yor Cost and less. . ' ','- -; 14 Overcoats at a price to surprise. , s inscription to the Observer. v- It ' DULY EDITION. ; . 8ln5leooT7.k...wL. " , 5 cents. bt taa wees tn tae city J Bytiie month.;... 75 : Tnxeei :0:- OU ft: f dOHtfcJ mm mm ICO Six months ... ... ; 4.00 i ' One rear 8.00 . . -f m f T7E2SLT EDITION. fcreemonts..j:i;:i '.'...i.l.i J. 60 cents. P,lxmontns...,i..; .....,..,.i...,$00 dne rear...: 1.75 In clubs of five and oyer L50. . 1 - 1 b 7$Tifttim FrOiu These BhIcs ifftifscripttong RlwVs payable in advance, not onlT In name bat in fact.., J . : Special -ale . -ContinoSs mTimAtBiiECAu r . v.- ONLY A J J- i Conie and Iray while tnese goo Js are so awful cheapt We nave Just opened up a full line of v H1MBUEG 3EDGINGS," TOBCHON LA.CXS "and WHITE GOODS, 5 The Changes of ExtrarrtiRnnee and Mismanagement Considered by a Member of the Board. In The ' Charlotte - Observer of January 24Lb ult., an ! article report i ing an interview with the writer con tains the following paragraph : ' '"He 'says the charge'- of extrava- ganc maae oy ine itaieign unronicie commentinfir upon tnis tne unton nf Tannarv 28f,h aavs ' W mail i wnFi'rDrl(!e8.wnlch.we will be glad to snow you; Aniceiineoi jebssts at costs. , . Mr. Leazar today a codv lof this :ta- . -, J ' , - . per and the issue of the Chronicle containing our article on the ' Agri cultural Department. ; We oeheve after he' has read our impartial ac count of the working of ' the Depart ment Mr;. Leazar will see that in the above statement he has done us ; an iniuslibe- As a fair.man he will of : I " 4.1. 'i i course,: gcurreub me imprtjasiuu ms statement is calculated to make. : No STATEMENT WAS PUBLISHED ' IN ; THE Chronicle which we are not ? pre PARk'D TO VERIFY.' s ' " - 3 '' V: 0 1 . -AN- Assortment of OF THE-- CELEBUATliD First National Bank. uu. v'.'.'-l Knilninrr iiuuiuug ormed, are much less j onerous land responsible-than those .required of. him at New Orleans. .v Any - person of good ordinary judgment . will be . satisfied that he earned. very cent of nis money, if he will examine the ac counts of the "very complicated and uiuicuit Dusmess wiucn( ne directed . with "ereati ekill 'tand accuracy. Judge Howard.- United State Commissioner for North Caro lina at New Orleans, said in the pres ence of the , writer that he had res served 1300 of the'funds in his hands that he had intended to pay to Mr. Wilson if the Board had not allowed add ltional v, compensation ; ; 'f or," u he said; r Air, Wilson nchlv deserved it " Ju,dfeC i Howard has turned this money v into, the -Treasury. The Chronicle : has s already,, surrender ed, its position as to this item,- and ht stumbled on an . error" . himself. Where is the extravagance .Where is me mismanagement ? - There, are tooj many negro tm pioyes; they are paid too much. v: Let'u see. ? There may . Jbe some thing in it. , : Some of the beard have raised the question more than once but have generally : been t forced', to conclude that we could do no better. There are four servants paid by the Department: three at $25; and one at $15 per month. " As to the numbers; Nd 1 makes fires in the several of fices, carries hundreds of po-undsof mail and other packages, arid is ban dy at things generally. No. 2 attends to; the engine and other ( basement work of : the , laboratory. ' "' No. 3 is night watchmgn ; he guards the De-i partment , buidmgs ' " and ' property w hich could not ba replaced if they were destroyed by, fire for $30,000 No.' 4, takes care pf the privy which belongs to the State, not ; to the De partment a service which formerly cost the State, it is said, $1,000: and wnicn is now loistea upon ine; De partment of Agriculture, because, there is,; no appropriation any where else to pay. for ir. "Which can pr ought to oe dismissed? The Board has; endeavored ) to see its way clear ; to dispense with some ot these." 1 . xnow as ; to the wages. ; When ths REGARDLESS Ml EJiT WEATliE OF EliSlPASTr. WEEK- A, ,4 f " ! " it-it - -. . - " -a S -- " Sale vais a Success. i - W6 displayed our entire Stock of v Underwear consisting if neaflyA2tOp,0 pieces, and sold during the past 9 days .160 pieces- mailorders included--many lines are entirely closed outj. others, remain incomplete. ;tThe ; lage rpurchase ; macla by? burBujer (8eebel6wC6rre8p and-ready- for sale Mn - about 30 .days.;,' Special announce inent : of thi sale will be-given through the columns of UilsA-: paper. . .; , Vi1 4 South Tryon Street, ; -" - . FOUR IN HAND 'CORSETS. These goods are especially adapted to Skaters and Daac In the same number of the Chron- icle referring to the recent examina e Ya Pino .: i Trr- present Board was constitiited. ADril - - Cnarlotue, N. C. v-"-- -r , 1 883. the RArvanf wpfa iw-PiviW An posea 01 jyir.- upenuren, jur. itooinson 1 " ' "" li.7. -rriT' - -a :.a fJj t,JPer month. :The statute provides. , .i;,1!' V Si ?56ne dollara daythe T'.oiV Hff BMa in rWMAV no better or more. . honest :menuD""! ,ww r NWtVr rhrnHnQ" than fhft nflpmon lor uikuu watummuJ. -. iuu uuaru who formulated that report,- says in 7el?LlZl . - u iiic-.; v,; .'i Jtirpu.. servants to the present rate. We RnmiN.f!ftNCRRs-it nro: shmk ssg rrndTxw iDkit stm-pretty high, but u n U" I IVUi VVIUUUMM All mJLJJ UUVUNI - ,MT --T ,- - , -. rF"""'l acq than thft ftW fl rtWfl .'V ,x : Gents'-FineHand-Made and MacUe Sewed defy any man to show , an error . in aDSUntto here ?68 - ' extravaganc BOOTS, BOTTON AND LACE BALS, cultural Department published iu n lbe.re. 18 als0 employed by the w this paper." -.'- V,0m.isoijersL. an.Inspectorof Feis. I01Jtns inMuXs the Writer regrets the ne- "iA ifi. fine BOOTS and- shoes OY ALL grades cessity of a public controversy,, in- . ,JJe months " UBUeve Let us inform the public, if not the Board clerk. g:and u--.k r;A ..uifall, he was sent , out to inspect, that EL JL" J1 TTu"; is. to sample fertilizers. .He was paid V VALISES, and ' thewouiT 'ZUsVfeorsf ' - - GRIPSACKS, wS 8 wSeSii - - - - - . . . u.-.t.ui:.fv, services last year, and now employ UkBRELLAS OF ALL KINDS. Sa l'f S two men Z. iontta tor tta'hi I hoLwere' unable to see our Underwear, are invited , to corne this Veek,' as we will positively close this'4 Man inoiith: Sale; Saturday, February, 6thL -. 4 .;. , NOTICE TO :-: THE : -: ECONOMICAL: 0W TO INVEST HONE? JUDICIOUSLY! TEUINKS. made by the Chronicle : is not .true, j mU: :n SHOE-BLACKINGand BRUSHES, calmly accepting ; the. defiant. chaMm ALMA and KAVEJN .UlUbS-i lenge to snow a single .error m nis thnMIllfh- ff ifni.mHnnia wii.u ivi uuuiw a "v-rr"V .. . . t . innrrpftt t his Rhf5n nr.ft v npppssarv sfir Wedonotsay tnattheunrpnicieeai r ''tflrrtrln npi,hh ,th riam, Stock, always ept full: and mo JZun -i t - i - " v : v wfl nn nnt, rav that he has einseionslv .. ' . " .. . , UP IO ine aemana. v " r r ;" 7;fl. whQf. - they Keep more men m trie neia. Call and see them. ; v 1 L:SEIG n FT misreDrtBeuieu lauw wuan .wo .uu txtu ii u i '- - ' l--.. : f-r vUBreiocAiiavaftaui;t-, ORDEBS BY MAIL ()B EXPRESS PROMPTLY say 18 iutt, Buuirwuioa u uiu ujap- f tTr wnndprfilllr ftin'nrisin how prehension, which it he had Deen iuu Z .- ia possessed of the spirit of 4 honest in- .rt1o .ofoj f,hfa in;0oa afo. quiry for truth, might easily have L. ' ' nH ?h fplpnhVhnu ATTENDED TO. H 'nr Stock Of Damasks. Towels and Napkins is eomnlete. and stands nsurpassed : In order to give them a good send oft for the - ' wprlne we have placed remarkahli low prices on them. - 1 " Entirely fresh goods, not shop worn ones, are offe-ed by us, v. ' - . ' " : r v -, notted Fringe. Hnck and Damask Towels at 3&s cents, worth 50 nts. - ? - :v; ' v ndless variety of Towels at 10c 1216, 15c, 20c 221A. worth 25 ner cent more.'. ' - - - limbroldered Wool Table Covers, Colored and White Table Damasks. " . rices of which range for this Week 45c, 60c70c. 80c. and 95c per jard. ' - r ; Especially attractive are our Napkins at $1 65, $1.85, and $2.25 par doztn, ' ' educed from $2 25, $2.E0, $3.00 per dozen. They are genuine Bargains. Ouch prices are bound to attract all Economical Housekeepers. , ' ' v . . .. Examine Them Even if you Don't Buyi Ifil k im. quiry xor ruiu Ui? tionery, etc., and the telegraph . bills been removed, sometimes from his oimniv Ptinrmnna " 6 - ana " SPJS..kS' iZii .'-W answer : la thft collection li . . -i:,-jr t: - a-J r lt I Mi opal auiuiA vl uu iuauo vi motir ainvampoe, W for the Exposition (which the ,-1 tmngs wnicn are iiuu tru m tueui- rjhronicle endorses more heartily than selvesrand has pmcea a ise coior- f th DOard ever did) there "6 r t. b - " must. have been much treight ana 4-VVkyv Vsrkci rv aria, . Aiir. . nio rr an . I . . O . - r "d , "1WT. . . . . . ' express expenditure. As to postage, inaD nis cnarge w uuu trut-. . . the Department publishes nd sends r, lu is not ciaimeu : uere luau ju iue f f rt - - -m ----i 0 , Q ko rt A new and handscme line of D-lshand Everlasting Trimmings .just received. :Also a laTgs and dn-bur&ement of some sixty thousand thnuqanrt'a of nmnhlptq Ipafltq and i(K Part Of lbbO, fl.-krf1(i hnnb-a nf i ti format inn i n rovarrl :o ' .: " . 1 . ' , varied stock of dollars during 1884 and Ghpr.ked Nainsobks.-.Barred V1u3iin.'&c. S ' - and agents, some iningsmignt nave pn a , ftilt n-it r onrt ponips ' of his nw.mtnfTiMATAWArftTis in new and attractive patterns, -and at prices that will sell them, w HnnA whinh did not - meet the. s?na? , tT . I .0VY"rp . "i? ' : - . -. . . i r-' t .. u n u i T7 oio . Kaniirr. in ci ttuut' run r u approval of the Board, and which, as "Tconv-toTtaV O. 1.ay.not?n.ereaZ!re5"t.e.a a large amourit of. stationery,' per Jf. STJKS. .TkT1"u".-,;"uJ' " " aps weu : more than is required to Viatua.uy "" . - r . . ' . ' i nil hli ah t.hp I Ihrnriif a." 1 A s for te e Have still on hands small lot of I J A.Ji)i fM .. KJCTl. a VV at'the'first opportunity ,..--c TanxnnrAmrM BiTfM,SiRno offered much, nn- ciauneu, i.uau rVUi.T; publish the Chronicle. : As for der the1 ?iSiSr "ffSto riS make a "clea swVe of T:7' " " " - " re?D3JaJ,Jh Si 7ti .51 grams, it has occurred to members of KID GLOVES IN STOCK, minded and patriotic citizen will see fha unt rua fninom hQ;nQM . "jTJtl: might be a.trifle heavy6;; but a clo3e vco v . V" i ''iu investigation by a hardtiated com vr .-.j ai.. - Arwm in AmTM tTidt ATA bnnnd tn nnrnmaTid . attention. . Come I and se th m remdriBU' M : - . . - ' mittee has hitherto tailed to hnd that ttem ' - -' "v- relte?mp,IlS a $4,000 business, running from Bos TTl fT - rrr HirnTT TTinT) : p TftTv ;TheChromce nyjto ton to'Np Orleans, in private hands, SUCCESSORS TO ALEX4.NDEB & HARRIS. Houses Rented, Houses rented and rents collected, in the dtj . Mvertlsed free of charss. " CHARLOTTS R3AL. E3TAT3 AGENCY, ; .? -IUB.C0CII3ANS. Manager, 2d tf ,y Trada Kieet Front Cential Hotel THE LATEST IS ID MOST 1P0RTANT! nwearenowrannlrs cn full time. Furniture manufactured by us 13 kept by the enterpnslng furniture dealers in tills city. We make only the best and most substantial In the "market KO f SHODDY GOODS. Ask for gooSs male ty us and you will get the worth of yoor money. "Our name ; & on each piece. We solicit e patronage cf tt8 Public and guarantee satisfaction. f C Be8pectfuHy, ' - ' LXLIGTT Cz 1IAT3H. Iune20dtf " , bill of indictment,- and we trust the " .7- X k THPT f1 1 TTTTW7T T?J: - public will exercise a patient charity -iVlilvl- tbM'e k&hU U. UUlMfilsiV - Towards a man who has the-audacity J 5DiZal 1 4tto take up the glove" of the -vam- norQflrfinn, w v,;ato . ' . 1 oinrfnna I InrftnifilA, anrf t.r t lonlr fnr - , " . . . -i.- .-. . to T --7 oiten perrorm aomtions wnicn a a Au- " JL- 1 printer's 'devii" never does. . , .Charge:; .Extravagance and mis- F .tS5rmia mnnw wa flin eVnenrlnl . . . : . n iiji ..Alii . r . ii .n. v .iiiiv. .iii.r..ir..i & The commissioner is said to receive v,i u...-vi s n r-. WHOLESALE"" PTTAPrnTTl? 1 V P -v X ifrV help business, in all," amounts to no - - - ' thn Dpnnrtment.i We answer that. enougn men are empioyea,- it seem! to acaref ul observer, to do all th work needed;" ' You're right; younj mn, f or'ouce ; we cangratulate you Depressnts two of the largest LAGEL jhe" performs . the ' services .re- BUEIi Breweries in the United titea ne, -a? k- k iL I a toa.careful observer, to do all the . quired of him by, the -law and the WOrk needed." You're right; young Board, and it is no cost to us if he mUTl fftrWl wAnMilati vmr me wepariuwuih. - vv uuawcr ftnoh mpn ' flrn emnlnved - it Reems raei;ersner.c iei i-rema3 reueiv au wwujb uum wuci oui- The Board has ruled rigidly in regard . -'I Peter M Wii?nn - tne Sep.rprp.rv nf T- - ' ' , . . - r .' ft r..',-. TTi--rrf- At 1.1 rr ' ?r v.7! c;vrr !L:5I now mucn noes it amount to . ; . -r ine uoaru, wa? auuweutiayiaSi yeur Th. nheminal Dpnartment- Aftrr "v Tk " : riiT stating with unusual fairness the im pf his seryiceaUthNew Orleans portance of this work, compUment TLHTQ LSTABUSHLIEIIT.-'-, M: " 1 inthe eystematiax)rder ana .exacts uuuulC3 u,.-m uWCa. ness" obeved the A4horrors" of the We answer: Mr. Wilson s . , salary :,is UsoaD,. and -whisP brush" again re- -f f-rtTTr.. All rr.'-! PaiU DlOl S3 D.Wreiarv.Ul ma-IJOarU, ,S.VA tTnv tUKtoniij -emilnf fhn rrcnpily filled tsd delivered frco cf .xneauues qi tms poshiod. areva lnn0eent fisherman and he says to any part cf Cia ciy. . home in 'the Department building, . - - C"JL1I , lanavinougn weu auu capaoiy per-j - t .witut unwviu yuyv.j TELE LARGEST LAGEH BEE3 DOT III THE CITY. " (; ; ; ? , . . New York, Jan, 21st, '88. Jlfe. Witttew&y & B$rwh, Charlotte, K 6.: - iGtoTTLEMEN:-- . - . ' : . - : x .1 have this day purchased at a Manufacturers' Auction Sale, 2,650 pieces of Muslin Underwear and Children's Dresses at a great sacrifice. f Would advise you to close out at once all Stock on hand as low'as 25 and 30 per cent, below Cost; Will f ors ward goods at once. 1 ':;.'' -: c , v Yours Truly, ' . t H. B. MASTERS. if C.,::.'-S, IS . Sa "A ''EH E 13 S - CHARLOTTE; N. G. . MATT. OEDKRS SOLICITED' AND PEOMPTLY ATTENDED TO; si ; FOR SALE. r ft Two desirable DUiimiur lots. buxw reet, OD fronting on South Trjon s.reet, adjoining the propertv of J. H Carson Shade tres on lots. -WUl be so d separately . or together. Price ; $700 each; - ' - J . . ' CHABLOrTJS KEA.JU JMi'Al JS AUiiiMUX. " L. J. WALKER. - B. K. BRYAN. L. J. imiii I CO, Wholesale and Retail Grocers. ; , NEW GOODS ON the first day of JanuaTy,18!36,the undersigned entered into a co-partnership for. the purpeae of carrying on a . , , - General Grocer j; Casio ess At the old stand of Springs A BurwelL corner Tryon & Fourth streets. We are qualified hy lng experience, to meet the demands of the trade, and give satisfaction to our customers. , , . We will keep on hand at ail times a full stoci or Which win be delivered In any part of ttC6Ii iee of charge. 5 , ' " , ' ' r We will not be undersold In the Charlotte market ' There Is a good wsgon yard In the reir of our store for the accommoda:ion tf our- cui ti mers. - ' - -i . ' k j. uAissn Ci go ,AKE. STIf-l. TIXIlIMPnAITEJ , - Tot fifteen vars they have fteaduV eateed la favors aad with sales' constantly increasing hrw become the most jpoular corset throughout M United States. - - - T ' ' ' . Ttie ri quality Is warranted to wear twlc long as ordinary corsets. - We have lately lntr dvcd the G and R H Grades with Extra V s Waist, and we can turnkh them when prefei J H ghest awards from all tbe" World's g; vJ Fairs. The last medal received is for lTlrst Dt."- of Merit, from the late Exposition held at Orleans. . M M Whil scores of patents have been found wctSh less, the Principles of the Glove Fitting horn proved Invaluable. - -. BetallTS ure authorized to refund mcner, lf examination, these Corsets do not prove as rtpse-sented.-. - " - - . Fe sale evcrjrb ere. , Catalosrse free on Application. v . XltouiBon, jL.anq;lon & Co, Ieir YorLr.. - - , w . ' ., These goods in all styles and qualities ' for es by - . CM QCEKY. . ' - - . ' Charlotte, N,C " Oct.lS-eod-Cm . . . , ' - ' l4' .i iii.idi. m L LiL--J U Lw Ui a u 1 :j'J. ."CHICHCStEn'G triGLICH." - The Original and Only Genuine., Sa and 1wt ReliaNe. Pew are of wortlilP" Imltt' Indi-'pensable to LAuIlSi Ait jour l,rn' hi.h Miter's Laz.iii''ud ie bo otber.er 1 (st&iiiir) to 08 f-M- rucu'ars Lcttfrr by rrtiiri ntko "M Mtt.in square, l'liUad.Tja. Sold by TmffrT( eery w here. Ak tor 'Cb!tfcea fcer' njBUL" i'eunj royal I'lII. Tk Do u;n. JT i -i

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