V nfR XXXTV. I CHAKLQTTK, N; C., SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1826. PRICE rFIYE CENTS; i t i .1 ML.WfclAja.l--.!'.-.W-lL 1 : : 1 " t 2 pair Handsome Blankets, t") C3 and tio ?Z. '-. . 1 piece Embroidered White Flannel, 77 cents per yard. ' H 1 ' 10J pars Children' Wo 1 H m, 10 o 25 cents, f " ; 25 pairs Ladles' Vesta, 78 cnts to 13.05 per palf. ' 3 i - i i naim 6-4 Tricot and Plain Jannels. S2 ents ber yard, j . 14 pieces Bed Twill and PI In Flannel, 14 to 75 Milts of Clothing at New Yor Cost and 14 Overcoats at a price w wiryriae. :o:- OUR ONLY L 67 pairs wnis uuuersmriH, a c-nis to $3 w per i d zen Gent' 4 ply Linen Collars at 75 cents pei 1' o pairs Gen's Shoes, sil 65, J 1.92. $2.47, and $2.75. Special ' jcoms and buy while these goo3s are so awful cheap. - We have Just opened up si full line of - ILadie. , OhSffln- V ; - : ; - . V . x . - ' H1.MBUBQ- EDGIKGS, TOECHON LA.CES and WHITE GOODS, - , it oar regtflar prlcesl whlcix we will be glad to show you. A nice line ot .JERSEYS, at costs. V.- snrra muLDWflr tx of:-:. Sizes - OF THE CELEB BATED FOUR IN "HANn CORSETS; These goods are especially adapted to ter, Ca1! and see them. T. L..SEIGL k:o:- mm ka Dane ana A npw and handsome line cf Irish and Everlasting Trimmings Just received. Also , a large and tarledstockof -, - - s , - , . i Checked Nainsooks. Barred Muslin, &c. - Tresh lot of Table liable Linens hi new and attractlvepatterns. and at prices that will sell them. Have still tn hands a smalt lot of ... ' ' " - , - ' - ' I f L A.DI S? ; : 8HA WLiS Including a few special bargains la BWk and Cream Cashmere, all of which are now offered much un der their value . In order to make a Mclean sweep" of all i - ' ' KID GLOVES IN STOCK, V 7 We have marked the same down to figures that are I J:VlXI ' SUCCESSORS TO ALEXANDER & HARRIS. Houses Rented, .. . , ...... .. t j.. . . . '.-". Bonsesrented and renta collected, In the city Advertised free of charge. " , ; CRAELOTTE REAL ESTATE AGENCY, ; B. E. COCHRANE. Manager, :? tt2d tf xrade street Trout "Cr.ttal Hotel THE LATEST HOST El . I iwe are now running on f-1 ,13. . rcmlture mannfantnroi h m ta Vont- hv ttif ATttemnslns i larniture dealers In this cltj. ' we make onij me ' SEODDY fJOons. L Ask f nr mds made by us and in . you will get the worth of jbor money. Our xxz 3 . to on each piece. We solicit r-trcn;3 cf tie public and guarantee satisfaction. . f Respectfullj, - . - ELLIOTT & UARSHi : ' June20dtt - .-' - 4i:eents. w' pair. , f dozen. . .' less; - aie;v,';Continoes A . Jo PEGRAW & G Firsts National Babk BaildiDg, South Tryon Street, - - v - Charlottle, N. C. . . DEALEBSIN.; V Ladies,Mis'ses'and Children's FINE : BnTMK; CONGRESS & LICE SHOES. ' Gents' Fine Hand-Made and Machine Sewed . BOOTS, BUTTON AND LACE BALS, :",r,Bw awx : Yoirrxxs. FINE BOOTS AND SHOES OF ALL GRADES ( g ents' fine . : Silk, Soft and Stiff ;Hats: TRUlSiKS, i ; A?LISES and- GRIPSACKS, UMBRELLAS OF ALL KINDS. SHOE 'BLACKING and BRUSHES, ALMA and RAVEN GLOSS- & SING for Ladies Fine Shoes. ; ? I Stcck always kept full - and ' :up to: the demand. ORDERS BY MAIL OR EXPRESS PROMPTLY . .. ATTENDED TO bound ta command - 'attention.'- Come and , see i .11' . FR3D G. EWlWJB, T7IICLZ3ALn lag: CHARLOTTE, N. . C Represents two of Jthe largest LAGEB j-tf ti .11. uicnciica in wis vuiwummdv.' Vlie Eerffner & Errsel Ererl2a cV., of Iliiladeljp!iln., end the P. 'ck RI. GchaiTer Krerlssr Co., 01 , .' .KeTT ITorli. r - . THE LARGEST LAGER BEES EOT TLI1TG fc.STABLISIIIIEITT , IN THE CITY.. C70rtSers Solicited.: All ordert prenptly filled and delivered free cf cb"r3 to tny Frt cf the ciry.' A TT fT?W A TMnTW MLUlTiiAMiUiyiiliL repm Tectx wrs rax ?u3r, eorsmna submits to BS OBSCUESX, .BUT, IXKB XS3 EUK,' CNLT F03 A GuTcriptoia to the Obserrei. ' ; daily EDITION.' l"1 '5 , eilgIecopy::..'.L,.:.,..1.,. 'i'.: . ;.V. ..U'' ' 5 eentaJ Bjthe weekta the cltj.;.;.,..., . 20 ,. By the month..1. 75 . Three montLi.v:; . :.:.'.'...V..'.$2.00 Six months i 4.(10. u. ; One ieai4.-..........;...... 8.00 ' ;.KSXtTpDmON?,,:. Three months......... ............ ' CO cents. lx months....; U..$1.C0 . 3ne year.;ji..; :L75 -r In clubs of. five and over $L50. ? v,; !?o paTiitfIoi.Frfu These X2nle - Su'icilptioni siwaTB payable Inr adyance, not only in name bat tn fact. A bountiful snowfall, over htght. " ' ' And street and sidewalk are biocked with whlte- And. pall'4 by manra sturdy .hand,- r . The sounder the shovel Is beard In the land. . Ah, hapless delvers who rise at six " t r- - To excavate for the burled bricks.-;'!. is;! - ' Alas, the labors of fihovti and spade' - A i On all the railroad that ever werelnade; u ; ? Can m ver beela with the toilsome woer Of muscle wasted In shoveling snow; ' " K ' " And when all the winter's task Is o'er The world la the same as it was before. In all other diggings Under the sun' 1 :; ; There Is someihin gained by the tabor done; A well, a highway a grave, or a :ttcby . . - Canalor garden, no mat:r which; 1 " '' But what is there 'eit u sav ior show 1 -of a wimer'js labor in shQy eilog snow i- Ah, struggle for tiumph that never Is won! - , " H hat does it come to when all Is done? 4 :.;V For after the toiler has blistered his palms,, ; i. And Btrained his shoulders aL-d lamed hlsfarms, , ( He has eleared with lnBnlte toll and pain 4 A place lor the snow to fall again.- Three undertakings beneath the son J ! ; - ' 1 l Are never abandened, and never done Though generatlohs their live extend, " " ' ' They'll ntver be finished tlU time shall end; " These threft, as many have come to know., - 1 Are housework, Jdsslng and shoveling snow. ; ; AMERICAN ; t CARDINALATES. Catholics Awaiting the Decision : of the Propaganda with Curios it r ." ' New York:;Feb'::::4 -Jhe ' report that two cardinals will soon be crea ted for this country, based on; an exT tract from' ai private letter from Rome published in a morning paper; ' was widely discussed today among the Catholic clergy, of this city, Rumors 1 oh 'the "subject have been t rife: ever since, the death of the5 late ' Cardinal McClpskey. ; All conjectures pointed to Archbishop Gibbons, of Baltimore, because of his position as primate of ' the church in the United States, and as vicar apostolic in1' the late plenary council.- ' During the recent visit of the American .' Bishops to Rome, Archbishop Gibbons becamfrso great a favorite with'the pope that the lat- ter sens nimi soon; aicerwara a . lire siz-d bit painting of bimselL ' There has been little, if any,- doubt in. ' the minds of the clergy of this city ever since, that the Archbishop 5 of Balti more ' would be' the second American B'shop who would receive the scar let hat. -.. f 4 " ; r Very. Rev. Father Murphy S.. Jr, rector of " the ; St.-' Francis ;Xaier'& church, said today 1 - , , " , , - ; "It is difficult for any: one to say anything at all approaching, reliabil ity on this: subject, a Secrets of the propaganda in; matters of this Kind do not leak "out bo ? easily. , In the present case there is every reason to oeneve xnac we win soon nave an-r other cardinal in this country, : Once the precedent was established, it is likely to b3 followed up. - 'lt the choice should fall on fBos- tonl" he continued, "it will be a well merited recognition, botatrthe man and of his archdiocese:' Archbishop WiJliama is a man -of treatability. wonderful .vigor, ' strong , executive power, and thoroughly p rogressi ve. tne uainmic cnurcn,i unaer1 nis aa- minifct rat ion, has flourished there, to a remarkable degree,'- sui passing I might say, any other section Uata-. olics in that section, are i noted for tveir steadfastness, loyalty and de votion." . y - x ;j. - "What ab6ut New York?" I - If this archdiocese shall be select ed no one could feel any astonish-' ment. This is 4 the . largest , Catholic 8ee in, the world. - What is : laris or Vienna beside- it Hh? that respect? Moreover, 1 say emphatically;, why not give the large cities like Boston, kNew t.York - and Chicago ' a show ? ome time ago it was rumored that the cardinal's j hat would go to Arch bishep Feehan, ,. of Chicago.'- ; That would have been also . a . , merited recognition. . : . ; . . v Oleomargarine in Cuffland. . N. . Times. ' t f , -' t in The introduction of- large quanti ties of bogus butter and "oleo oil" in h ngtand has caused the dairymen, of Great JtJritain to aeK ror legislation that shallinsure the sale of the stuff upon ts merits and for just what it is. v Last year xnere .were exported from this country. ,'nearly,U0,000,000 pounds offbogua butter, and oleo , oil, and Hingiana receivea npr. snare pi it There has been laid before the, Coun cil ofTithe British Dairy Farmer's f As sociation and referred i. to a epecia committee a bill providing that ' al imitations of butter "shall be ' .called by names clearly and -entirely ; d is tinguishable from the word 'butter, and irom anyftmooincacion or aeriya tion of that word i that ?' all manu factories of bbgu3 i butter:;' inf, Great Jtsntain snail do registerea:, inat bo gus butter shall not be colored in. im itation real butter,., and that ;the bogus products shall be sold under. their right names. A remarkably handsome worn on Is said to be the moving spirit In a phllanthroplal movement la Kussla to supply the poor of that county with Dr. Bull's Cough Sjrup, the great remedy for coughs A CURIOUS 7IIA. - A Testator 7ho sialics Provision '-for Ihe Propagation of Goats. RevDavid Abel, a v somewhat. ? ec centric' minister, who died recently" in Burlington county, N. J., left , a will which -has already bothered, the administrator, and, it is not unlikely that & e will prefer to surrender the trust rather than attempt to carry out all ' th wishes' of the - testator. The Will provides first for the pay ment of all just debts and funeral ex pensesrt' ana - then directs that the residue be applied to the establish ment of a ;Bible temperance school for the classical education . of the young paople of both sexes, the pre ference always; being given' to the family relatives of the tsstator. It also provides that the scholars shall pay a portion of their tuition by such manual labor as shall by rule be ap pointed them. ' V', - The iast clause of the will,; how ever, is the, most peculiar. In it, he desires his executor to make provis ion, if possible, for the use of as large a portion of the ground devoted to scnool purposet as may be found available for the pasturing and pro pagation rof goats, in order to en courage the use of their flesh in placo of that' of swine as an article of food: Rev.; Samuel r Miller," of Monmouth county, was named as. executor, buU as he,aiecl recently: Robert , W. vy ain a, Philadelphia vla'wyer. residing in Burlington, was made administrator. Mr Wain has as yet done nothing in regard to the propogation,-,. i ; VIEWS OFAC1METALLIST. Iexter A. ' Hawkins Thinks It Wrong f o Change the Weight of Money. , , .f d i-.?t w ,. . - Pexter A; Ha wkins, w ho has been invitei.tbsaddress Congress' commit tee on coinage, is a bimetallism Yes terday he epoke of his proposed trip to, Washington. A'l do ? not wish ; to say much on the. subject, he ? began, 'but I - will . stte that I am equally in .favor ' of - both gold 'and silver They must both be circulated. Whsn toe coinage ot silver was renewed the bank presidents ;mad$ . the 1 outcry that eroid would be driven from the country. Just the opposite has been the result,, and shows that whetf they say one thing you can look for the opposite . i: , : J , V -r ' " ' 'They are competent to run banks and brokers' offices," continued Mr. j Hawkins. but they, know nothing of national finance. - At that time we had $200,000 worth of ,. gold - in this--country. It has been so i completely driven out that.now : -we; have,Jl$620-: UUU.OUU in gold, an increase or f4au, -000,000 in gold. 1 Suppose we continue this driving out process, uongress will not be foolish enough to demonetize silver agaian and create the confusion it did before. Nor will it load it, with 20 ;par cent.; extra weight. " This would oe a wrong to toe holders 3 or th9 11 old' dollar. It is a ; mistake to change the weight of money:-; It is injurious to business and some one must be cheated ir it be done.' The old ; weight, that has stood for so many years, must, be maintained. J , Southern Steel and Iron. - Atlanta Constltutloa; ,-.." j v - The Iron and Steel Association , of Pennsylvania congratulates its mem bers upon the ..fact that Southern made irons are no longer rormidaoie competitors of the Pennsylvania arW ilA ' iTUft vAoonn fnn : fhia to S.lViof the rates-of freight have been ? raised on Southern road? to.an ; extent that keens the Southern product in its natural markeo, and the trunk lines have so far advanced freights ;,that the Ohio irons and,; those, .from, the southwest are not coming into com petitions wittr those of ;Pennsylva ma. ' vv e tase inis.very lnieresung information from, a " dispatch made up m Philadelphia from advices, re centiv received bv the Iron ant Steel Association, It undoubtedly sets forth the situatioti,' as the iron ; mak ers of Pennsylvania desire it to ; be, and astneysnave contrived to; nave it become., ; - - ' ': - . , The "East '; controls", nearly every railroad line. in the fciouth, perhaps it would be hearer the ; mark to.- s-y Eastern men control every line; for the lines they do' not 'own" can be controlled, by 'Southern, lines thas they, do own; " Southern 'railroads cannot, therefore, be depended upon in a contest between Southern ;irons and :' Eastern irons, V; The former might be protected at times, and war stimulated,' but no manufacture! could tell when the policy .would; re changed.-; v ; :v : ; ; Slcin tsen.sep Cured By Dr. Erazier's Magic Ointment. Cures as If by Marie, nlmnles. black heads or grubs, blotches and arDtlon8 on the face, leaving Jthe sktn dear and Oeauorui. Also eures cu, ut nieum, tnns dip- olet, sore lips, and old,- oD3uaaie mcers. - soke Dy ttruggisis, or maiieu uu rweipi ui pi it, a jcuuj. 4 i t Danhters, Wives und Slothers " We emphatically guarantee Dr. . Marchlsi's Cath- ollcon, a Female Hemedy, to cure lemaie diseases, 8uch as ovarian troubles, inflammation and ulcera tion,, falling and displace nens or bearing -dowo fMp.lln?. lrre?!arlties. barrenness. . chanse ot life. leucorrhoea, "beside' manjvweiiknesse springing' from the above, like headache, bioa'ing, - spinal weakness, sleeplessness, nervous debMty, palpita tion of tne Heart, &e. - ror saie dj oruggisTs. jrrice AX00 and fl.50 per bottle. ena lovr.j.a. aiar ihil. Ctlea. N". Y.: for Damohlet. f w : " , For sale , by L.;. . . Wxlstoo, .druggist, Charlotte Gents, to make a good appearance, snould have 8hap-ly looking feet. - Fin", fitting shoes, con structed on dcientiac principles cover ut defects, and at the same time dvek-pT all the good pciata In one's feet, in or tiieae iasnhs, and tor ease and shoe by tar the best ever made. A. K KAN KIN IWyLhiMi.Iytl. To examine ; these line i: B BLOW . COST lot i FItNE ; LINEN HUCK 17x30 INCHE3 AT. 80 EACH WORTH ; 121c' ; i SV DAMASK 18x36 f V . f I6c- " . ' : 20x40 41 TNOT'D FRINGE DAM. 18x38 EXTRA HEAVY, , 21x43. PURE WHITE DAM& SK 23x44 . It' u" ': - - UNBLEACHED LOOM DYCE I 1 SS. -r DAMASK :v . 1 4i i BLEACHED, it it , It ' 'ft4'," II It 1 l 1 It it it' COLORED i ; . . 1. - : - - 4?SpefcM-IIumbbrs;ih AT 93c A X WHITE t 1 IK ' FYTDA i TT TT" A W . . 1. 15" EXTRA" -a , HEAVY -LSO BEAUTIFUL MARSEILLES ? .1.95 ?EXTRA HEAVY tt x 1 ' -uJSMEIE-ilFIFiSE! 1,500; yards .'off Genuine t ; ide;at.l2c. per. c "1 " sr GH ARLOTTE, N. c'.'.-TM" MAIL' ORDERS SOLICITED AND for sale: e? d Two desirable buildings lots, 50x3?X) feet, OO fr.mtlne on South Tryon street, adjolnlua the property of J. & Carson. Sh&ie trees on lots. Will be so d separately or ; together. k Pilce $7uo each.- - :.L;ifLr.'i - CHABLOTXE BEAli K3TATJS AliJSJNUX. X 1 Vui . . . -. - o - - , L. J. WALKEB. B. X. BRYAN. L. J. WALH 4 CO, -f i".1 5 "i.; ' - " f : Wholesale and Retail Grocers. , , IVEI7 FICKI - HEW- GOODS N the first day of January,i30,tne nnaersignea endmtoacorpaitnershlp for.the purpwe or carrying on a j , : . 71 GenefalGTCcf 'rj' Dnsiaess At the old stand of Sprlrtes &?BurwelL corner Tryon & Fourth streets. We are qualified by long experience, to meet the demands ef the trade, and give satisfaction to our customers.; ; We will keep on hand at all times a full stock of 1- u: . Which wffl be delivered la any part of tletl . xes oicharse. . " lr, r ; ' . ' - - . ' 4 ' lE7mHEZIEMBEBa0 , . ;-( . " .r:- r ;. -" '.' ' We vrfU not be undersold la the -Charlotte maifcst. C?" There Is a good wagon yard In the reir of our store for the acccmmodac'on cl our .custo mers. , " ' . . h. J. UfiESSB .a CO. ; ' We ai qi not - eelMiig , ttecr Ml 25c it tt 25c " 21c j 29c -41 38c ' - it II l 30c 40c Sic :0: 50 ins at 21c per yard worth ) ZZc '.. 60 ins at 35c Ml II ' i ; . r 62 ins at 50c i 54 ins at 41c - " ,60in8at52o t. - 60in8at58c BORDERED 64 ias at 76c - . r - ' ' 64 ins at 82c 60insat32o ? . 60 ins at 50c If i 'J " t. . , ' II' 1 . " . 5i 1 It , 'II t- II : . . .f ( 60 ins at 62c -60 ins at 68c 60insatY0c 11 ; 11 II CROCHET QUILT 10-4 WORTH $l.S5. ;i tt j 11.4- ; ft fY-.l.W mi 11-4 . i ti - t- 12-4 , -:0:- - '.' Lace Striped . Scrini; 40 inches- ?i yard, worth 25 ? cents. - - PROMPTLY .ATTENDED TO.. . . : n1 ;:(lwf C-; ARE i STILL XRliJl?nArT.i V; :,f( J.tateeaym they hare uteadfiy gaed to',- ,j .favor, aad with sales constantly Increasing have TJnlted States. f . . . . . . ' . r - The h quality Is warranted to wear twlc : " - dncedtheG and R H Grades with Extra I 5 ' Waist, and we can fnmlj-h them when 'prefei J. . H'ghest awards from ' all c tbe World's f at : Fairs. The -last medHl received is for First Ik ; -; ; f of Merit, from the late Expo ftlon held at i ? Ti' uneans. - - . , While scores cf patents have been found wrrt- 4- less, the Principles, of ' the Glove Fitting Law , proved tnvaluable . ' ' . . - Retailers are authorized to refund money, If.en ' " ; examination, these Corsets do not prove as rpe- seated. . . , , .... F sale everywhere. Cafalcce r free on Application.; ' - Work. ; -, - -r ' . These goods In all styles and' QuaT.t'e) for ssJ " by .., ' tC.ll QUSHY, , 7 .- OctlS-eod-Cm ,'''' ' L UL.Jyl u i l O' VCHICHESTER'S CNGLISH.V The Original and Only Ccr.uine. SfB and alwji ReliaMe. Harare of Wortilr lmlitf'i InciDiiible to LADIFS. Ask your Lrrsriav r . Chlchter' V.Bgu-u aod tab: no outer, or iuciom n. (tanii) to u for parucolars letter hr retarm Bt.t NAME PAPER.' CfafcheFtrr Caemtosl C, .8SlSllBdio Square, FAUid,rfc Sold by Drnrr1f eTerywbwrv atk for ChJokta. ter'a Engiua" 1'eanjrvrul i.UXa. Tiie a oiLm. . JanlCdiwly " . , 22lc ,;, ; 5ec'- 3.091 w-i 35 . ' J and cows..- . - . . A 20. aent3 ror uiancrta. izznasoa