T)T" ULL1 $ ! H x7Llch iz trlc-r-ipLca from fail pe'r.:. - J L. w i lu.il -vu.jf i 5 ' LrLlf ..bed uner t . r.ircc- . CILLIIlArCD M .1 L .ri-' s . 1 i : 1 : . t i. --j, 1 V- lnI rVcry c c" 3 cf i :c--nnr i i:ai:::r.:: ;:;:: :isecCi;'eJ '4T?CS3I1, or Cal. r.r--, r'7r- C- "Sf .tjLl itcbms ?nd tun.:.-. ;;, inj.. yt- -7 -carra baih CcncusA Eoap, d a tfpe '.Icatlon of CCTICIT2A, fTc 1 r n hla rrueated ca..7. - wtti t . . o r . -Cuticcka Kiaoi.vx-5T, the Kew L.c 1 lXTUr. TO ; Jeo the blood ool. the persp'.ratl-ic: 1 a- i r - -rr.atfc: tfca boi.ols open, t-a Hi. a fi . 1 il-jews cure i-czema, rtwsr, niugnwuii i?i-.jp".. t C3.lv .ana l-a;.J -open, will speedily rsonasis, juicnea, Humors of the Eialp and bkln, when tie best , , --Thr.iclaas and all kncra rsmed'ss fall. Vnx' 1&2DtoiS, IDe&.bon Et...C . ; . rrevfury a; -hot fsa a crre :f Ecz' ', ;aEi:8UTn,cnhe4. ec':, fc a, inns e .1 to for seventeen years; d le u r Ik e- spta - - hands and knees lor one yar; not atle to Lip tjia A self for eight years; tried hundreds or remedies; . . doctors pronounced tls case hopeless: permanent , ' ly cured by Coticdha Resolvent- blood- purser) Internally, and Ccticukx ar.d ConquBA BQAfc ttne f t-jpreastocurest externally." ..- ? i i ! . rr 1 ij - " "r v. 'Wia' mrrairroH' - "Eso . lawrer. 28 State Street. Boston, reports a case ot Kczwna under bis obser vation for ten years, which covered the pattern's - oody ana limes, ana to wnicn &u kuuwu unuiwu . of treatment had' been applied without benectf ( i which was completely cured solely by theCcncuBA v EX&BIW, tearing ft cjgaa healthy sfcln, v w . - Ma. Johk TsiiL, mesbref TiaTe suffered trom Salt Ebeum or ter eight J Bars, at ttmes so bad that I could not attend to my uHlness for weeks at a time. Three boxes of Cdti ouea and four bottles of Ri36LTkot have enUreiy cured me ot this dreadful disease.' - - PmfQirTiWa Pwrrerrwrtr Timf . I hate ItOthlCS but the highest praise for the results obtained from your Cuticura bxmkdies, of which l , naye soia more than of all others of tlr ind. v ' -1 7 MONLs BOND, M. Da ; " 1 2500N,BrSa4St,Phlledelphla.Pa., " 8&A everywhere. Price: : Cimcrat W efol; -fiOAi 25 cts ; Besoltejt, $1 00. Prepared, bv the '? . POTTEB DKUO AND CHEMICAL CO. BOStOB, . MaSS, fiend tor "How to Cure Skin Diseases.'? .r - - 'r " D Cf It i I TIFT the Complexion and Skin by using - UtheCdnajRASoAP; -; iv RHEUMATISM, NBURALGIC, SCI ATIC Sudden Sharp,! and: Nervous Pains absolutely annihilated by the Cu ticura AOTi-PAHf i PiiASTKB,. a perfect untlrfntA tn naln.finrt IntlRmatlon. .New. original, Infallible.. At drcgglsts. . 25c, BradQeOd's . fC-T !ttneEsala Intact. ,' l.ohnUiQrbcu CcTrdcncaca rcf Tia OEssavxa. i - ' in to induce the iowris m hiai district v. T7zjsniNGrc:r, - jVruty 7.- The to defray the small expend incident war, of certain, newspapers . on ths tb' the eEtablisnmentbf w'hat iai known an.. Hactric T Company . is a war in s&tiona' 6f ! tne"snal jEer' which th3 pr.rsrsunisDdlytoths ;rf ; " f r ; ; President and th jj as: itc;;and ttoN JHr: Harlc ill'binfeon of ? Buncombe, hey 8 of theE I! elef ic ie have air wnosa arrival here was mentioned in rived at ca u: Jtanib" fcr a cop Iaiels'tter'Ss' waiting to'ta assigned Eideration. , The facta are now per tbjduty tinder; the civil eer vice roles; fectly well knovrri here. Prfces es ii having stood Ins' examination, cc. high as $5,000 per article have been Vitr' F: W; Cfarkf of Wilmington, paid end aTiewgpapcr, iiistiniuiihed eVelrtopwa1 raUVoadv man,1'. wad' quite as much for its virulence as for on Saturday. 1 " '' 1 ' 1 i" its ability and success in a not very J uv.: v i - j-w " remote 'past, has published aa J&lPi sV ; f " ' m"lm m" :- - v 11 toriai the points iaithe Bell counsels -f .xepTmessee. i'. ; unci, tvimuuv wcuiv.. Mw,"y'"i i - .inn tnat woulp be toojaia an exposure oi A'TUuienee .'Lftwr.iriiMUTrDraiK riuj "1 T 1 v ; iu wl ii L il .f - "I J - i IIof nets ; -Mi uwmk DKABJlI?:rI in cheerfully recemmend your Liniment for sdmiV- T n'. v,.,. . . upon wb ch I couia scarcely bear m, weight and to twTlvi hofrsU iSfl?,?0 W N. MULLFN: w'lv N I 11 J - 'I :ir i" lia S. Vv J. This eertlSea that I have need thA len. and am satisfied that it h mH vuuiueu wr id. th VUftWrifoMai "Wthi lbaff. Thelento Overrun the Stole witb Nasheville. Febfuary , flL'A suit the release of -penitentiary ll'fs -.. 2 - i a r ?. -: .1.3. - . ; sy ndicater xxf 4 ISfe w r York papers en gaged inlying to drive Messrs.,La: f Naiievillb, Febf uaryAsUit -;-wm be ( a line of Lfandarlandro empracesneariy we:wnoie ffmFi.. what are called uthe great; dailieswr- subsequently moved to the'Supreme f jyUl ) 3 ? j - j - 1 1 A Li J mnm mrvWflfp, fWrPo tHft Herald pay DaflaOcflnq-ipBupiwou uuaujr. - -.- - .. f8? degr seuled. Consel f or George Binghami- 'v- ' s y,? and two ox .the r evening, journalj. acon,vict, filed ?a petition, fpra. rran- Which will be closed out at close prices, Tha Times and the Star with a laree domna ' tA.,mnV. fna wflLrdpn Arid ? ' : t-i -; ( -'iT'y:- 0- ' j . s . r! ' part of the respectable pre&a- else-1 lessees of the penitentiary to grant V ; you want kvr 4of v,iQt,; i nim reooa ume aunaer tne iaw Dass r'' " ? T ' c Ud, py .the FQenerpl .Assembly last I-tte " Tr:f t rrr." " : J r i vpar. une clause or tne law orciares r . t i An Infallible and absolute spe cific for all tbe distressing dis eases peculiar to the female sex. A trial means a cure. i. I- r- Ladles Buffering front troubles peculiar to tHeir Bex, no matter rTwhat kind, can: find relief and i cure in a bottle of : Bradfleld's . Female EegulatorJ CSsad for our book containing valuable lnfonna tton far wotaao. . It will bemalled free - to appli cants. ; Address -.1 - 'r '-'- SoM by all druggists. " ' Establipiied io. THE, 1198, -WfflM m Successors t- nn TVr.r.T.tvf C-fn an 'apologist for - Messrs. Garlahd 1 that the - provisions . shall not be car. & Co -: the statesmen who nromoted i riea out unless agreed to in writing ';,.... ,- . .. ... ........ . . i .. . I . a v ... . . a j 1 '" ' . fho Pf, onfarnriDa . .Tnat t Dy. wie' lessees. t AneiQer iCiause oro U0I01igu,auu juBwypxo. and after its Dassaee. whde fetdl an-1 two entirely! distinct questions In other says it shall not take effeefcmh the first is involved the responsibility til I the present, leased expires. The of the'politicians 'wnd' took hold of good time",; allowed . by , the lawjis Harris RodgersV,invention, tovtetmgi- ndn i Note Heads, : , v Bill tleaiU, . : : ' .. ISnrelopes,. " s.: "Circulars, : '-r.r - Hand Bills, , - ' Tags, J Cards, Headache are permanently curVd'every year (as the hundreds Ot teBtuinorilals in mV-rjosfeesdon -will tPhtitVi Kr , : r y DR: LESLIE'S Special refecription .This medicine stiirids to-day withoi t 1 ! ands of physicians throughout the, countryJiave acknowO edged their inability; to cure it, and are now.preecribiriff X)r : oic o v. jcuij AKBw ipuuu -iur an cases oi w - in it their public influence and pri to and including tie tenth year not Q 1 A A 1 E vate enWavbrsl -No'abubt tney made ojily for years, that elapse after the oCflOOi lataiOgUeS, i'8erious"inke;but they.prilVabJy Page of the act, but also for, years ; , - ; ' ": . . o i ri iir pu in in no r-.: f CALL AND 11UUU ! ; I which tion i.AtriAna : MhAti 1 ft t ha . am, rQOOAi . uo nub even uow bbwi, uu uiuj uo v - hft dftf,iarfi( rtonstitnMnnal , hv er see wherein there is wrong in an the Supreme Court many convicts American, Cftlan Ls,JOi!jing BbOCK in a i win uo luimeuiatcijr, pe. au uueriy. at j rftU. I is claimed by counsel for E; Hi J6hn- ivi vf.: ri..io,i'X rvkoiiA soni another, convict,' whose applica tnwp)ax.iUriQpa$B position! tioIJ for a wrir 6f habeas corpus has is more questionable tnan tnat ot tne, been under- consideration - by Judge Senators who own ttock. Thev may I Reed, of the Circuit1 CourW for sev- V ..... " ..'-.-f,..:' ' I. 'I .-. 1 .tlxi'i f Wa' U.lM . MU never Have, occasion, to cast a vote un; , . ?lu ich remojely involves-the invenV 5Ie,!Se'K a of telephones or the right m teK the Joh'nsbhrctise deferred Judte ephone property. . But the Attorney Reidupon learning of the suit insH nonontl ia rtlnnari nnw whAPA ha hoc I IU16Q OY BinEUtUIl, -aeciueu TO aWftlft to abdicate for the-nonce one wouwl?u"" - T iT of the important functions of his of55hhson,s'f attorneys is1 that-' by the : ;v;h-?KX z John son. you .TOi.oneap letter ueaas, ... W": Fir iuwiwu. ;.-. UranTH. irriririannmanh fftP rfthhfo. ... - , - pprehend that, Mr. Garland's eat tnem at as low cgures a. embarassment is and will continue to caped irom pri8on;andbeing;;recapi they can to, furnished,, at any printing be, that he accepted the stock. .His tured;was deprived pr his -"good 0ffi m i . . . .i ' . hma ".' A .hill will rw fiiArt anriii t,n rlo. . . . . , - , - ;. s .. AirAn Vkin AniAWintiAti ' mAifl n flprtrtl I . . ,r i .....Av. .... . ,, his Rtatus in niihiin fistimahinn. and I - JL9lJb.lf JUAACrlSB. certainly would not affect 5 the right If you want Finfe Work , urers gi tx Old .Hrf ifiblt ' ;a.4-S- For Anr Ot a tr wrong of" his posit ion; unless he 1 A Ncwspapcr-niaii Persereres in should become convinced that he His. ff ork in the Fate of Death. could not longer conscientiously pre ' Philadelphia, February 8. Geo. serva - the "status auo: I ffa mtirkiv T; Lanigan, one Of the editorial writ- on -th. assumption -that .Mr, Garland SSKSSaiS KEST CLASS" MATEEIAL has all along been conscious of no ims da v. The can se ofhis:death. was. vg; propriety m nis action. . . - .r.;; , nearc aisease,(tne nrsc; symptoms oi It is known, I said, that the Bell : which- were maniffstea in August Company is behind thesaults on wSJkdwS Set untS me two aDinei memDers namea November th&t he wes cobnelfed t j above. The statement is that Mr.Ros- take to his bed pe rmanently. " While coe Conklinsr. the leading: lawver ot Ideath'lowly approached, h's mind . . .... ' -:....,..., J. ... I - , .'. . . . 1 !.-.. . . , the comnanv: "whrln the newBna- iq not wse us screngcn, ana ne con , -p" " ' . , riz tmued to. writer When he pers. The purpose was to frighten off lost the use of his arms thr0Ugh tne prosecution or'so impair the ad- r. ess, he dictated until a few daysbe- ministration . beforehand, that its ef- tore his death. - " - 73 forts would be minimized." The :in 1 1 flnence .of a subsidized "and vindictive fcH Wives .and MotL ers You can get it at Reasonable Prices. Colored Printing a Specialty . in:, -. -w. .--.f c---.., a f y Also iar;ioclur' Goneral Floor f,l IMstorf , No. 25. 27.2931 and 33 Loch St.. . . Near Highland House Inoliaeif TLun-r. , ' "write ior ;ctslcgne. , CINGINXA?;. ). 's DecKdodiwCm ' ' ' m wmm, 1 1 debilitated ' nun; f Voti are allowed are trial of thirty davtot the CRe Of Dr. Dt' rTAlnhratarl 'Vnltifai Pslt witlt Electric Suspensory Appliances, for the fpeedf i rci'i-i uitu permanenL cure oi iservoue im ouuy.iOB of Vitality and Manhood, and all kindred troubles. swtteioD mailed fre; bv addressini.' VOLTAIC BELT CO., ZIrs2.all, llici. Hovl7deod4w7m. I Davulsoa College. ' RlC; Fall Faulty. Thorongb lnstractloru Well egtupreaiaDoratones. Beit moral and rellgtou! lnfl wnces v ITlexible Cnrrleclnm Flfialthlnmi. tloa Economical, r Seslors beta la Septerter s f nd J'inaaiT.. 6;udwatarccetT.a at anytime. Land ir uitia.'i'guo. - ... 4 Rkv. LMcKINNON PresldentJ deysatJiwSm Davidson Colleee, N.C, '3 into' C; I . .....-;- ; r-tv J j -' ri pnict'.re i.i tLa f:ae CcuTt3, and la all tbe red tvl ourts la tlia .'setern Dtstrlct. " "I. - a , V ...! secc-ad Lend Flousa Paper Cutter, Nsia tes-.'i .Lent). tt . . Arv'iy to oii, . at , unuea xo wrne. vvuen ne nnany -. -.- , - i. f weak- nrpsfl has hpfin rpatlv nwrfatpd - A " we em pnancaiiy guarantee nr. MarcH!8l'8 Catn preas oas ueen greaiiy overratea. t A 0Ucon, a Female Remedy, to cure female diseases, recoil has alread V .beeun Itis Seen 811(511 68 ovarian troubles, inflammation andulcera- at J the White , House, too. that the 1 feellngi Irregularities, barrenness, change ot life. ; -.,.i 'ui: j I leucorrnoea, besides many weaknesses springing Tetter TTnadn at conspiracy IS partly political, and not from the above, like headache, bloaMne, spinal Jjetter eaas . this Section Using Caps'. ; Patent Processr for . Colpr Work. Look at Those Prices : $3.00 per 1,000 2.00 2.00 " 2.50 u 2.00 il: it it it it whollv mArpPTiflrv T'atti" infnrmAr! weakness, sleeplessness, nervous debility, palpita- " tt ' i wnoiiy mercenary. , j. am, miormea tlon of tne nPart &c : For sale by druggists. Price Note Heads, Bill Heads, i uor saoe oy x ' v wrisvon,' aruggisx unanone Lamar has always ; been One ''.ot; his cabinet favorites. .:Kr;. Cleveland ;is f? AROUNA tENTUAL HAIL Tags, giving personal attention to the tele V-V 'WAY.' ' ' ; . phone prosecution, appointing coun Ctfict of sroiinmrr, - iv -I1' ; The prices given above are for cheap baI ,AnninD. t.ha 1ofila . Af AWSnn. . . . ' : wnaoHemw, . c Jan. 6, 1886. i the case .in cabinet sessionhd .in, all ways- showing a Vdeterminati'on- to 0JiFKLI' - ,,r. -.,- ,-,: i.-lcui ? -.t . I V lng Schedule will be operated en this Ball uave tue ngnv cause ymaicatea.' .me I : stock. .eiwuuu.u. vuitji auviser ne pros :ciiiwjkif'-Aiuw iiuo, j eciitidnof-thatreab'lawye in.' IjJrt VJ ". "T . ' lLeave Wilmington at.. ...........7.00 p. m: COrruntiblOi (citizen 'Hon.Allfln cfi-. No. l.V Leave Baleleh at. .7 85p.m. . ii . i " . i . & no. a. Arrive at Charlotte at... .7.80 a. m' Leave unariotte at., ,.... ... .8.15 p. x Arrive at Kaleigh at 9.00 A, n. Arrive at wumingcon at... ..8.25 a. h. Thurman, is evidence of a disposU wq 10 qo evej-y ining possiDie, 10 SUm.up : : tne Cabinet , has- StOOd , LOCAL FBEI6HT Passenger Car Attached. iuo'h? ui-.iaua, jruuizer' joj. me Leave Charlotte acn..k ..,.: 7.40 A. x. ii':-4. " 1 rf ' u - ' - ." - '. : - I T.onrlnhnrcr at. ....... R AH x r lilili clamor,; tneiPresident is eteadv'inhisl Aniycotto.., 4.4pp. j SAlL classes of Boofc Bmdmefr&rirt Rlanlr " tVinlr I tfann f ahtn rin op ' n-ArtitArl . ,.t ....,--.... .'. . . , . - , . I v I Leave YV limiUKUUij at.... ........ n jo A. M. 1 . . . o orisixiaWrpdc?,an4ci th; great mpndp- frw lamtogw at.i...... ....- ... 5.00 p. m, olyfha3 feitoply got to do all its work Artve atmmmgton"at .",5.op1m. at Short ITotice, over, v t. i'A. Local Fre!-rr;bet9en! Charlotte and Laurta- Anrfl - . , . 4 burg Tri weenjy leaving unanone on Mondays, i'oixurs. : WAdnesdars and Fridays. Leave Laurinhnra. on It is Moore, and not Warren countv 7mwkpw aa misnrintfid in this Mrrpnnn1Dn-o ' Pafsenzer trains stpp at regular stations only . miBprinieu in inig correspondence- -ana Points designated In the .Company's Time which is to be transferred from the Tabju3; :ir" iu . - ,i sr Western tft th F!ist.Prn FidPi-pl nJ SHELBY DiyiSIOH, PAS3SNGE3, MAIL, ,EX- '1, 5 t lujaaul. 1 L ' " vroueriw w uu.i pas.sa. r 0 vacr-- eiTsept Sanday.) - , . The position secured by Maj. Dufly- LcveCisriotteat 8.15 a. V' is that .of State r;corrc?o-dent' of usi-tt lwpI m North' t3arolinir of tne" Agricultural A,a.ui hlrV" vJ;;;:::";" 6,43 Department. He , will compile thai crit v. ji & a; Tra to andtfcaiieish,1 f E-cnt 3 if pc-tract3 are made ia per county reports and f or radtha whole c1---0 ,L a a11un V;V ' . ' 'V. ' , . 1 with a general Etatembntto tii3r D; AevlS1011 r;,fAddrcr.3, partment here. ' Theco reports :have , Also, for -?;t;nt"-;(evi:ie. Athens, At- been verv usaful ta thft farmers and . . . , t'.- l. c. joxra. 1 v ViH receiye : prcnipt .attention,' cud cttcracrs will - rcdciTS the tsina ?trct- Charlotte, 10. 0nnyi4u Charlotte,n.Ci I used your Liniment on my little boy who wax sufiermg with a ictm tt , . ft v'T- J 5eBPi! b all prbggifitB and Country :MeVchintB, t W: N.MULLEN. ProDnetot?-''' VWi !.!' -T " ' - r.HoTjsarids ot;casfeaoir 5 in either its nervous, bilious; or congestive form? arising from that Dr. Leslie's . , J ' SPECIAL ' . description will cur the most obstinate cases of Slclt Headache; I meahHnf what I say. and that t i that It not merely relieves but - - , , 7 ""wvtaauiaxi i cures, no matter liow long the case tr ay have Been standing j. m ave testimonials from cersoriB who have been h minted for tvntv wan tvin ot three days at atlme every to weeks, that lave been permanently cured by two tottles of to L lie a Special ' . . - , . : . ' : - , - , . PKEf-CRIPTION, , so that Oiey have not had an attack for rver .five yearsT lf you are troubled with sick headachebnl wish to be - , . - , , , . , - 1 - 1 v jvO be 8ureand give this remedy a trial, i Price 50ci and $1.00. mayveoaiy fl. .. IRTIira. aaintntn tarvfn- w V - - - 4 rVH BALK BY ., - . c. . - ' ' - V T.1 CtSMITH & CO.. Charlotte, N.C., :M(DIWIE. SOFTENS 4 PRESERVES LEATHER ? SO ! - Our store Is now full "of the choicest and most uouixaDie gooas m our line. Unr stork nf Rnnta , -. GO ; j and Shoes this season ' being. In . all grades larger 3 ; ;-and more comprehensfve th-n ever, we are fully .. 09. era CO .Cm, prepared to meet, any reasonable demand In the way of Handsome Styles,1' Lew Prices and good, r ZA .sa scrvlceable goods.: Everything will be found Just; f !s, J s represented. -We lnylte llnspectlori, and guar- &m& antee entire eattef action In every particular to all ? 55: .' who favor us with .their patronage: -, f Orders by mall wni receive careful and prompt " S 'attention.' - ; " - ' , c , -Jplisicj Cloel T01" 8lree THE "t-xjage -traper, Issued every Thursday." - It gives ftdl local reports, TelcsrophlcNew8,- Etat3r:eT;3 and General Ills-ccllc-ieo-s.llattar, arid cja-an -tnnsns circa-, fc.1.ClS ituin:ik-iun 0 tr- U. ft! -'Air - -C Wccilyeditrca-nDTcirv I ' c-Cl.76 . , .i.- M . Cit C:cth i!:' C1.00 ;f-4. - - Jij'-ft . t To'advertl-prs tie tIy iir tTeclJy Oj-syza Irctisiltute'fcnSjhirCv-Ill t- "-j." s Cey flrea-tLi'cilythrcc-iocttia!:. ; . "Ccr.-ract, rates ferUHd tpcj, trLtlc.0 :.'v i 7 .'nr;.,j .13 s n livs ?i ITcnaowhaTcmt '.to ' Ircop np ,771th th? nr,- ,cf the dzy can alTord tO bo vatlioutTni: WANTED. -V - . . 1 !? We wllT pay 15 cents per bushel of 80 PpondBl good sound-new cotton seed d-J'vered atournu" la Charlotte, K. C..i - j. ' a ( ' . '. We will trade cotton seed mea. or seed, gwiM ens tea cl mztl for tr? trrts cl seea. , j 4 r ft- 0UTE3 OIL COMPANY. 1 Euccesac to Cnarlotte Oil Compsay. septlSddtf . ,, ',,...,. c . , 1 -r l : nc".f open to tte public 1 A lodcrn I7ot-l . Convenience , FEIST CLAfS-lN ALL, SPPCTS. II--r ::i r ? E. W.OVEEBAtTGa Janl3dtf. - - ; . , - - Manager.