Ataolntely Pare and Caadulterated.: HOSPITALS, CURATIVE INSTITUTIONS, INFIRMARIES. Aia riiwnn ev Phvmum Eviwrsmaay - OUBE8 . CONSUMPTION. HEMORRHAGES .A aB WatUnff .Diseases; DYSPEPSIA, INDIGESTION, MALARIA. . OVLT - . PORE STIMULANT For the Siok, Invalids, CONVALESCING PATIENTS, AGED PEOPLE, Weak and Debilitated Women. lor sals by Druggist, Chroeers and Dealer. Mm. Dolltur W Bottle. M - ,. i tMlM Mil MM MUSlll. .rMMii Uawn la bottM. mm mt BtU Dom Mot, In pMa mm, Tat Duffy Matt Whlsksy Co., Baltimore, Md. rwn a JtoMMi. i M tlrM-M Of M 'M- r, MT JlMMtlyrn PSORIASIS And all Itching: and Scaly Skin and Scalp Diseases fjurea " by Cnticnra. PSORIASIS, Eczema, Tetter, Ringworm, Li chen, Pruritus, Scald Head, Milk Crust. Dand ruff, Bakers', Grocers' and Washerwoman's Itch, and every species of Itching, Burning, Scaly, Pimply Humors of the Skin and Scalp, with Loss of Hair, are positively cured by Ccticura. the great Skin Cure and ConcBBA Soap, an exquisite &Mn Beautlfler externally, and Coticura iWpLVEirT, the new Blood purifier Internally, when physicians and all other remedies zau. PSORIASIS OB SCiLT SBXN. I, John J. Case, D. D. 8.. having practiced den tistry In this country for thirty five years and being well known to thousands hereabouts, with view to help any one who are afflicted as I have been for the past twelve years, testify that the Cuticoka Bkmsdlks cured me of Psoriasis, or Scaly Skin, In eight days, after the doctor with whom I had consulted gave me no help or encouragement. Newton, N. J. JOHN J. CASE, T. D. a DISTRESSING RTJPTIOIV, Tour dmerjBA Remedies performed a wonder ful cure last summer on one of our customers, an old gentleman of seventy years of age, who suffer ed with a fearfuUv distrtssing eruption on his bead and face, and who oad tried ail remedies and - doctors to no purpose. J. It. SMITH & CO. Tcxarkana, Aik. - MORE WONDERFUL TEX, H. E. Carpenter, Henderson, N. T., cured of Psoriasis or Leprosy, of twenty year- standing, by Cuticura Bkmbdus The most wanderfoi core oa record. A dustpanful of scale fell from him daily. Physicians anl his fiends theught be must die. Cure sworn to before a JusUce o' the Peace and Henderson's most prominent citizens. CUTICURA REMEDIES Are aoH by an drngelsts. Price: Cuticuba. 60 eenta; REsoLvwrr: iLOO; Soap, 25 cents. Prepared by the Pottxb Dkus ahd chemical Co, Boston. Send far "How to Cure Skin Di seases.'' BEAU TTFY the Complexion and Skin by using me UUTICCKA bOAP. " 5 CRICK IN THS BACK. Stitch I ,n 0,6 8We- Cramps, Shooting and If je 7 Sharp Pains, Hheumatlc, Neuralgic, I r I and Sciatic Plns, and every exter I nal Pain and A-he cured by the "1 ' WmT Cuticdra asti-Pain Flasttkr, a ne aua iMrtect anttOote to pain. 25c UFFl ifOMEM ! Read .what the Great Methodist Divine and jxninentPny Irian Says of ; DR.I BR&DFIELD'S Ferrials Regulator. ATT.iwri Gl . WaK 50 1HR1 Db. J. BBAsnxLD: Dear Str Some fifteen years ago i examined the reeepe of Female Begular, and Carefully studied anthorlrina In mniil in tjt Mimnn o " nents, and then (as well as now) pronounced ft to . be the most scientific and skillful combination of the really reliable renedlal vegetable agents known w Beware, io aci asreciiy on me womb and uterine noMi ana me organs ana parts sympathizing dl , rectly with these; and, therefore, providing a sped . He remedy for all diseases of the won b, and of the ujawni organs ana parts, xours truly, , v - , JBSSSBOEINe,M.X)., D. D. ; - GAITTIOIVt .. f Hie eoantrr la flooded with omdniMtnimi ' talnlng IRON and other rntartmia Inowvint. which claim to eure everything even rntiix CQKPLAurrs. We say to you. If yon value your Uter "WAH or AU, SUCH! i V Bradfield's Female Regulator U purely vegetable compound, and Is only Intended wruiBjiaAusBSA. jfor their peculiar dls eat isanaosomte : ' SPECIFICS Bold bran druggists. Send for our treatise on the Health and Happiness of Women, mailed free, Aucagrresau particulars. v . ? ; TH3I BBADPXELD BEGUL1TOB CO., Box 28, Atlanta, Ga. TTTII AXLE BTIXX. 1 TRUTWPHAJT! For fifteen years tney nave steadily gained la favor, and with sales eonswntiy increasing have become the most popular corset throughout tbf United States. The quality Js warranted to wear twice a long as ordinary corsets. We have lately intro duced the ft and B H Grades with Extra Lon Waist, and we can furnish them when preferred - Highest awards from all the -World's rral Fairs The last-medal received la for First Degree of Vortt, from the late Imposition- held at fte Jjj!u scores of patents' have been found worth lees, the Principles of, Jhe Glove-Fitting haw xaminatlon,Ui.--.--if.'TeBa repre To salev'rrwhr Catalogue co. These good, in all tyles and ' X i . . - Charlotte, N.O, TUESPAY, MARCH 9.1886, STATE KBffS. Asheville Citizen: The Tegular term of Buucombe r.- -begins next Monday, H s w$t the case oi tne duwj if h the Jones and his son, charged witn tne t" mor wilt be taken up; it so, time of - three weep, hnth over one hundred witnesses on both Sides, and nearly all of to. j t m;n Ta a rase of exira- STfinteasalltbeevidence, we hear, is circuiuouov. ( tiPrflsa: Mr. A B. Sanaers, surintendent of e toii agW ofWs.AlspaughBros, olAlex. ander county, ptw ,5 week call while in Hickory tjwjjeet.. While this factory makes a speaig of sheeting. Mr. Sanders Bays the factory wUl soon begin running day aid nfght to supply the 'reasedde mand for bunch yarn This e.tar lishment employs about thirty hands and runs between 500 and 600 -spin-dta and 24 looms. The Ijnrt now have on hand enough raw cotton to keep the factory running until an Other crop is grown. . ! High Point Enterprise: Two : hoys aeed 12tind 14 years, have been ai Sd charge with ' buignrog the residence of Mr. C A. fmner, of which mention was made last week. - A preliminary hearm? was L.jk-. Ponniwa ffcmDbell ana vamhoa whifih resulted in binding - r T,r, ft hnnd Of $300 for their appearance at the June term of -i ...1 Cncrmr ftoUrt. ' 1" names are withheld for the present, at the request of tbe boys' parents. ' tW.v v,oa an hnmnrous charac- f in tha rfjrm of Cantam George 1 VOl AAA WUV A , Nowitzky. The News and Observer says the captain opened the cam paign by speaking ao the same time hnh oirips of the temperance mioaHnn ETn ft short talk yesterday MUVUVAVU I. aaA a fclare,e audience ne "otaririiafi t.hft fpnce" and talked nm" nnrl "nnti" all in a breath He says ha believes in ,"No whisky," fchoueh his "initials are "G. I. N. TTp. Riirrounded the entire question, anrt at the close neither his auditors nor himself had the least idea which side was uppermost. A nnfipial to the News and Observ r from Favetteville under date of the 6th inst., says : Henry Hummer, a lAArlin? butcher of this place, was badlv cut thrcusa the bowels last nie-ht in a row with a countryman. named Giles, about payment lor some, tierk. Giles is in jail, and Plummer will nrobablv die of his wound. From all that can ba learn ed it was a case of self -defence on the part of Giles. Lexington Dispatch: Last Saturn dey morning, Mr C. P. Lowe, dealer in general merchandise, made an as signment for the benefit of his cred itors. The failure had been looked for by the knowing ones; but the friends of Mr. Lowe hoped that he woulp tide over his financial difficul ties and come out all right. Circum stances, however, necessitated the step which he took Saturday, in making an assignment to Mr. Chas. M. Thompson. Tbe liabilities as far as ascertained, amount to between $39,000 and $35,000: but the total will probable exceed the latter amount. Amos iJyerly, colored, will be tried today for tqe murder of Orrn l nomas, colored, at X nomas vule. on the might of December 21st 1885. Amos is about fifty years old, and he nas a wue anouc nait nis age, wno was reported to be living in unlaw1 ful relation with Thomas, while her husband was at work atHigh Point. On the night mentioned Amos way laid Thomas and stabbed him with a knife, inflicting wounds from which he died. r 1 . .A. w Itener Hanged for the - Murder of His Fifth Wife. A Wheeline (W. Va.1 dianateh Af March 6 says: A telegram from Cere- J TXT v . . uo, wayne county, says intelligence has reached there from Southwestern Virginia, that v. A. . Witcher wel known in the Westprn rtpt. nf : t.hia State as an orator and politician has been lynched, for the murder of his wife. Witcher had a remarkable nisiory. tie came to this part of the state irom old V lrginia about 1860, Dnngmg with him a beautiful and acccmpusned young wife. When hostilities began between the States Witcher joined the Confederate army leaving his wife here. Mrs. Witcher soon died, leaving an only dauehter ' The husband was not heard of for two or tnree years, when he came back with the rank of Colonel. Afs cerwara ne recruited and command ed a volunteer, regiment of guerril las. who harassed tha TTanfn. u der. eivmer the Federal ftrmioa miil, i1516'1116 warover Witcher set- ueu la w ay ne county, marrying a verv attractive woman k left him. Finding ex-Confederates in rather bad odor he went to Salt Lake City where he joined the ' Mor mon church, and cut a high figure there tor several years. NAbout 1872 he aeain annearfvi in Wamn married the daughter of a Virginian and embarked in State politics. His gift of oratory made him a favorite and running for State Senator he was" only defeated by a few votes. For years he continued -to practice law and take an active part in politics, mrwife died in .1875, leaving him quite a sum of monev fmm h ov er's esfeata J AttV " mourning the Colonel married for the fourth time. 3 This wife deserted him in two vears. Tn irra ha Vrr wife, the on whom he murdered, and whose death , VZZji?. avensred bv a mob Th l' created great excitement in Wavne and aborning counties. To Fill Haneoek's Place. The Question "tf -arlnn nr,1t 1 command of the division of the At lantic is as unsettled ab haf u pointment of Oen Tam i - - vyj ,uo VIA" cant majoreneralship, and is caus- lct" ukuw speculation among the OfnRAra atafinnoJ ,. - - - uvu4. vu ' vruvwuui D island. General Jackson, who in - in- temporary command, says that either ?Kier?1 Spnofleld or General Pope is Vl" ci, l;'uieu'" snougn ne aid nov think that Pope would be moved trorivlus present command, as he would ba retired in a few months. GeneralJackson said that he thought that as General Schofield was the ranking, brigadier-general of the ar my be might be allowed to choose the department he was to command. Horatio Seymoar's Widow Dead. Utica, . N. Y., March . 8. Mary nor Horatio Seymour, died at the s.Sn 7a ml' , 8006 Jonkiing at tSdw The Ute Ooveroor re. moved Mrs, Seymour from his coun try home tO Mm flnnHi-Tl. rr count of her illness, and while at Kllmess68:6 witn hiB Mild, soothing, and heallna Is Dr. Rmm'a rot.rrh Bemedy. - TBEASIBEB JOBDAX Olf SIIi- . VEB. Forced to Make BnlUon Purcha ses Asralaut Bis Tlfforous Pro test. During the month of Februarv the Secretary of the Treasury purchased i,45u,uuo ounces or silver pr coinage into silver dollars, being about 500,s 000 ounces less than the usual month ly purchas. It is explained at the department that tne amount of . sil ver fell short because no more was offered at market rates. The price was higer owing to the increased ex penses of transportation during the- bad weather which prevailed during the month. There - was, "however, sufficient bullion on hand jo i allow the coinage of dollars to. the minis mum limit. These silver purchases are made semi-weekly. : A Commis sion consisting of Assistant Secretary Fairchild, Mr. Kimball, director of the mint, and Treasurer Jordan con siders the bios received ' and j reports to the Secretary the advisability of their acceptance. A division of sen timent -has prevailed for ! several weeks past among the members ; of the commission as to the legality of the purchase in question. . Treasurer Jordan holds that there should be a specific appropriation for 6uch pur chases, and in the absence of - such appropriation invariably recouw mends the rejection of ! all : bids r& coivtd. The two other members of the commission hold tnat the i tOinage act required the : purchase of bullion and the coinage of not less than $2,000,000 in standard dollars in each month, is in tbe nature of a perma nent appropriation, and. confers full authority in the premises. The result has been that for several weeks past the Secretary has received ; two re ports on the subject, the majority re port recommending the acceptan oi the lowest bids received and the minority report recommending the rejection'of alL the bids ! The Secre tary has in each instance approved the majority report and directed that the silver be purchased in accordance therewith. Had he acted , in accor dance with the recommendation j of Treasurer Jordon.' no1 silver would have been purchased and the coinage of standard dollars to the limit pros vided by law would have been pracs ticaiiy susppnood. . vs A Peddler Who llecame a Prince. Pan Kail Gazette. The historp of Prince Torlonia, whose death is announced, is a series of surprises. The family were of French origin and came from Aus vergne, the original name being not Torlonia, but Tourlogne. The founder of the great banking family was ser vant to Cardinal. Aqua viva, who, in his will, left him a provision for the rest of bis life. The valet invested the money in lace and needles, and did a good trade with these small wares, and was able to educate and push forward his son, who early showed decided ability for finance. He was patronized by Pius VL and employed by him to carry out a se ries of monetary operations, all of which were briiiiantly successful The name of Tourlogne was now abandoned, and Giovanni " Torlonia founded a bank, and money multi plied with him. On his death in 1829 he left his son, Alexander Torlonia, a fortune of forty millions. Alexander inherited not only his father's wealth but also his capacity -for business. The forty millions invested in the purchase of a monopoly of tobacco, stretching over thirty years, in creased enormously, and Prince Tor lonia found that while the other Bos man nobles were growing yearly more impoverished, money was. true tifying in his coffers. He employed it in princely hospitality and in ven tures of enormous magnitude, and both methods of invet-tment were prosperous. The draining of the Lake Fucino, a work whieh several of the Lomati Emperors had com menced and abandoned, was success fully carried out at a cost of thirty- nve millions, and Victor Umanuei celebrated bis great engineering acmevement oy presenting me Prince with a crold medal BDeciall v struck for the occasion. The Prince's enormous wealth passed to his daughter, married to one of the Bor ghese family, who takes the name and title of Torlonia. Talking Business in Bi Sleep. FloTda Times TJnlon. "The cook stove at our house, "said Major Fen wick, "has been cutting up ever since the freeze, and I was or dered to go to George De Cottes's and have a load of mixed wood split nne and sent up. Well, you, know the night we attended the lodge meeting? That was the day. I forgot all about it, and when 1 came home : to supper the madam asked me about tbe chips and splinters, and I owned up that business drove it out of my head, but as I would see De . Cottes that night would give tne order and it would be sent up in the morning. You know we were detained at the lodge to a late hour. JNext morning at break fast the madam told me it was 'hardly worth while worrying over the wood' in my sleep, and begged me 'not to hA t.fTkXlhlarl oHtllt. it. 'Tn mxr aloan ' J said, 'why, . what did I say in my sieepjr 'more than once in your dreams last night,' said she, 'you cried out, 'Here, give ire another dol lars worth or chips.' " . Important AD persons afllloied with rheuma tism, neuralgia, sore throat, pains In the baca or limps, sprains duiscs, etc., snouia pe iniormea that Salvation Oil is what they need, if or sale by tun druggists . rnoe tweniy-uve cents a pome. - tADlXS WANTED to work for us at their own homes. $7 to $10 per week can be easily i made; no canvassing; fascinating and steady 1 employment Particulars and sample of the wor sent tor stamp. Adress HOMJS JU'JT'U CO., JU&T RECEIVING THE BEST STOCK OF GOODS W ',' THE CITY IN OUR LINE. A. R. & W. B, NISBET, To Printers. A good second band Plough Paper Cutter, will be sold cheap, - i Apply to Chas, B. Jones, at - ' ep9dAiwtf THIS OFFICB - I am an old man. For -SA) years I suffered with ulcers on my right leg as the result of typhoid fever. Amputation was suggested as the only means of preserving life. The doctors could do nothing for me, and thought I must die. - For 8 years I never had a shoe on.. 8 wilt's Speclllohas made a permanent cure and added ten years to my life, - Wk. R. Hmsd, Uall Co., 6a. I have taken Swift's BpeclDe for Mood poison, contracted at a medical college at a dissection, while I was a medical student. I am grateful to say that It gave me a speedy and thorough eure after my parents had spent hundreds of dollars for treatment. . - . Auausrus Wkxdxl, h. d Newark, N. J. My wife from early girlhood has been suffering from rheumatism. She has tried many remedies, and I must frankly say has derived more benefit from Swirl's Speolffo than from all the oUisnuaTtet long and faithful trial. " " Bav. Jajoeb L. Pnracs, Oxford, Ga. 4 Swift's Specific Is entirely vegetable. Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free. Tn Swift Specific Co., Prawer 8, Atlanta,6a., Orli W.33d6t.,K.T. m - s i.: :. ..-.......... .7 J. 1 ' tr S DP E ft B Flesh Producer -AND 10 to 20 Pounds ! ! A Man of Sixty-Eight Winters. I am 68 years of age, and regard Guinn's Pioneer a fine tonic for the feeble. , By its use my strength has been restored and my weight increas ed ten pounds. ' A. F. G. CAMPBELL, K , Cotton Gin Maker. Macon. Feb. 18, 1886. A Crippled Confederate Say at I only weighed 128 pounds when '. commenced Guinn's -Pioneer, and now weigh 147 pounds. I could hard ly walk with a stick to support me. andean now walk long distances without help. Its benefit to me is be yond calculation. i D. RUFJJS BOSTICK, Macon, Ga. Cotton Buyer. Mr. A. II. Bramble it, Blardware Merchant of Forsyth, Ga., Writes; It acted like a charm on my general health.! I consider it a fine tonic. I I weigh more than I have for 25 years. itespectfuiiy. A. tL BKAMBLETT. Mr. W. F. Jones, Macon, Saya My wife has regained her strength ana increased ten pounds in weight. We recommend Guinn's Pioneer as the best tonic. i W. F. JONES. Dr. Q. W. Delhrida;, or Atlanta, I - -- - Ga,, Writes of Guinn's Pioneer Guinn's Pioneer Blood Renewer has been used for years with unpre cedented success. It is intirely vege- taoie ana aoes the system no harm. It improves the annetite. dicrestion and blood-making, stimulating, in vigorating and toning up all the functions and tissues of the . system, and thus becomes the' great blood re newer and health restorer. GUINN'S ft Pioneer Blood Renewer Cures all Blood and Skin Diseases, Rheumatism. Scrofula, Old : Sores. A PERFECT SPRING MEDICINE. If not inour market it will be for warded on receipt of ; price. 1 Small bottles $1.00; large bottles $1.75. Essay on Blood and Skin Dineases mailed, free. Macon Medicine CompaDy, MA. CON, GA, Hear the messes S CH v - Atlanta, 6a., Ju j 23, 1885. Whenever I know of anything that might be of service to my fe!low-men, I desire to Impart such information; hence I give the following facts to the public: Mrs. M. M. Prince, living at S8 West Fair SL, Atlanta, Ga., has been troubled for several months with and ugly form oT eatatrh, attended with a copi ous and offensive discharge from both nostrils. Her system became so affected and reduced mat she was confined to bed at my house for some time, and received the attention of three physicians; and used a dozen bottles of an extensively adver tised blood remedy, all without the least benefit. :; , She finally commenced the use of B. B. B. with a decided Improvement at once, and when ten bot tles had been used, she was entirely eared of all symptoms of catarrh. It gave her an appetite, and Increased her strength rapidly, and I cheerfully recommend It as a Quick and cheap tonic and Blood Purifier. . ,i v J. W. GLOER, . Policeman. Was it Cancer ? I have been taking B. B. R for six or seven vJbeks for something like eaneer on my neck, and I would not take onk THODSAiro dollass for tbe benefit received. ' " ' I had previously tried various so-called blood remedies, but B. B, B. Is the best, the quickest and the cheapest blood purifier I ever used. . I refer to any merchant of Grtffln, Ga, J. H. BARNES, Griffin, Ga. BOTH HANDS UP. IVewnanlte Suddenly Raises Mis Hands for the First Time in Two Tears. - Correspondence Atlanta Journal. Nxwhah, Ga., Jane ia Mr. Jacob G. Sponder an "old and respected citizen of this place expert, enced rather a sudden change In his gesuculatlve extremetles lately. It seems that a little over two years ago Mr. Sponcler had a severe attack of Rheumatism, his arms became useless, and, In fact, he could not raise his hands to his bead until the other day, when he called on the druggist and obtained a preparation that acted like magic on him, for after taking the first half bottle he could move his ansa about, and when he had taken six bottles he was sound and well. Rev. W. W. Wads worth and our people generally who are familiar with the ease almost swear by the wonderful remedy now. Mr. Sponcler said the medicine was called B. B. B. Mr. Bosworth Interviewed. From the Southern Clipper. "Tes," said Mr. James L. Bosworth, an old At lanuan, "It was twelve yeara ago whenl contracted a terrible ease of blood poisoning. My affliction was truly horrible. I had no appetite, did not sleep well at night, my digestion was Impaired, my throat wascauterlzed five times, and In fact Iwas a total wreck, i had been under the treatm ent of several of tie leading physicians of Atlanta; tried nearly every blood remedy advertised; went to Hot Springs receiving no benefit whatever." "And you remained In this condition twelve years ?" lnterrupped the Clipper man. , , "Tea. sir, and more than that. Three years ago I was laid up with rheumatism. My knees were drawn up tn such. a position that I could not leave my bed for month. My life became a lingering torture. A truly wounderful blood remedy was recommended, known as B. B B. 1 used It, and str, 6 bottles cured me, and I really believe It to be the grandest and quickest blood remedy ever known." BLOOD POISON. Kr. A. P. W. of Hampton, Ga has recently emerged from one of the most remarkable cases of Blood Polspn on record. BUs body and limbs had no less than four hundred small ulcers his boo es tormented him with pain his appetite failed his kidneys presented frlghtlul symptoms and all doctors and 100 bottles of the most popu lar Blood Poison remedy failed to. give him any rolls , He secured B. B. B, the eoncentrated guiek cure, and five bottles heae4 the ulcers,, re lieved an pain, oured Ills kidneys, restored his appetite, and made him a healthy and happy man. . SCKOFTJIA. Are any members of your family thus afflicted? Have they scrofulous swelling of the glands f Have they any . scrofulous sore or ulcers r if so and it ihould be neglected, the peculiar taint, or potson, ma deposit Itself In the substance of the tongs, prod sonsumption. Look well to the eondltionof your family, and If thus afflicted, give the proper remedy without delay. But that which makes absolute cores in the shortest space of time. The uneertng finger of public opinion Points to B. B. B. as, the most wonderful remedy (or scrofula ever known. Ask your neighbors, ask your druggist, ask or jlght to those who give their oerttfigates, and be : convinced that B. B . B Is. the Quickest and most perfect Blood Purifier ever before known. . Book of Wonders. - By addressing Blood BalmHJo., Atlanta, 6a any one can secure ffee one of. the prettiest and most valuable 82 page books now out.. J$ tells all about the blood, its diseases and remedles-rScrofula, Ul- cers, Rheumatism, Kidney Afleetlons, Skin Ho- mors, &c, Ao. Drop a postal for It at once. KUEYJMATISM. Although a praotltioner of nearly twenty years. xoy inoter Influeoced me to prosore B. B. B. for her. She had been ponflned to bar bed several months with Rheumatism which had stubbornly resisted all the usual remedies. Within twenty four hours after commencing B. B B. Z observed marked relief. Bhe has- jost commenced hex third bottle and is nearly as active as ever, and has been to the front yard wtth "rake in hand," elean- lngup. Har improvement Is truly wonderful and immensely gratifying. k . . "" - C. H. MONTGOMEBT, M. D. Jacksonville, Ala., June 6, 1885. 1 - I0 not fan to send to B.B. Co-Atlanta. Ga. for a eopyoi taeir Book of Wonders, free. enABLOTTE, coLtnnu ft - AUGt'STA R. II Co. January 94 th. 188. FOB THS INFORMATION OF TBJt PUBLIC. 80UTHWABD. 18 STATIONS. MaU and Hall and) Way Fr t . 1 Passenger Express. 1 Bxpress. 'Cch At e d P. M.. , A. Charlotte. Ft den. 6.00 6.30 5.46 6.20 6,40 JM 7 46 8.00 8 16 9.86 1012 . 10.80 10,60 11.17 11.36 11.66 12,13 12.25 12 40 . 1,06 1.45 2.80 2 46 830 r - - lTaaetiti DLv.1.00 "lve Hue siding Pineville FortMU Catawba T. O. Bock B1U 1J5 1.27 1.44 152 2.1.2 warren's Smith's , Lels' t Chester ' Cornwall's 2.151 2.22 2.80 2 45 3.081 8.121 818 Blackstock's ' Woodward's White Oak ' Adger's Wlnnsboro 3 80J 3.87 3.48 Ar. LT. Fit Perjot tiocawn Simpson's Bldgeway 36 4 0S 4.161 Blythewood Sharpe'a 4 4.41 Kuiian's 4.49 A. M. Columbia Ar. 6.15 LT. 6.161 Ar. Lv. 6.261 W. C. 4 A. Juno'n 9A 6.801 6.67 BAT. 60 Sit BLV.6.&U Lexington Barr's Kelsler's GUbertHoUow Summit 6. 7.21 6 401 6 63! 6.661 7.02 T, 7.821 7 461 v. 7.4h 7.B8! 8.09 - 8.16! 8 87! 8.47 Leesvilie Baresbunt 7.20 7.87 7.61 Ridge Springs wura's t. u. 8.021 8.18! 8.801 B.42 8 62 Johnston's 88 Trenton Miles' Mill Vaucluse Granite'llle Aiken Junction Langley Bath Dead Fall Augusta .lb . 9.29 9,40 8 69 9 Oil .67 9 69! 10 05 i0.09 it. 10.361 9.0 9.12 lr. P. M. A. M SOUTHWARD. t53- J47. tl7. STATIONS. Mail and - Express. Mail ana Way Fr't IPa-senger express, jutnat'c A. M P.M Augusta Dead Fall Bath x-aiigley Aiken Junction Granite vlile Vaucluse Miles' Mill Trenton Jonnston's ward's T.O. Bio ge Spring Batesburg Leesvilie Summit Gilbert Hollow Kelsler's Bar's Lexlneton Lv. 9.05 - 6.65 . 6.2-i 1 fi.V6 9.82 956 9 42 960 6 31 Sir. 6.S3! SLV. 6S 9.67 7.00 10J0 10.26 10 43 1064 11.04 7.11 7.25 7.43 8.04 8.151 11, 8.87 1182 11.48 11 62 8.43 8 8 9.03 11.551 9.06 12.121 12.23 9-221 9.88 10.06 W.C.4 Juno'n dArl2.6'4 Ar. Lv. dLv L12 10.201 Columbia KOllan's Sharp g Blythewood Bldgeway Simpson's Bockton Wlnnsboro Ar. 1.22 Ar. 10.26 A. ML Lv. 1.32 i M. Lv. 1.6B A06 ".2J.3 6. 7 , 2.34 2.47. 2.64 8.02 3.15 3.22 344 8.61 3 69 " Fr't Depot Ar aagers White Oak Woodwards Blackstock's Cornwall's Chester 9.14 1010 10 50 11 !) 12 06 12.35 4.18 4.84 Ar Lv Lewis' 8mith's Warren's Rock HU1 Catawba T. O. Von Mill Pineville Five Mile Siding Charlotte, Trade St. f Fr't Dep. "4.42 m 130 2 26 2.40 8.15 8.48 4.49 6.03 6.14 6.221 6 42 6 66 6.15 Ar 4 10 M. P. M. P. A. T. Ac O. DlTlSiOIVt 52 STATIONS. SOUTHWARD, ' ; Express. A.M. Statesville Lv 8 30 Troutman's 8.52 Shepherd s . 9.15 MooresvUle 9 SO Mount Mourne 9 48 Davidson College ' 10.00 Caldwell's 10 20 Huntersvllle 10 30 btonewall 10 65 Section House 11 J2 Charlotte Ar 11.30 A. M. STATIONS, NORTHWARD. MaUand Express. pTm Charlotte Lv.60 Section House 7.09 Stonewall - 7i6 Huntersvllle 7.45 Caldwell's ; - 74 Davidson College 8.10 Mount Mourns 8.25 Moresville . 6 40 Shepard's 868 Troutman's 9 22 Statesville i:3 Ar 950 P.M. Flag Stations: Trains stop only when notice or signal is given tnailv. Dally except Sunday. B Breakfast. D Dinner. 8 Supper. Nos 62 and 63 on A. T. 4 O. Division, daily, ex cept Sunday. ilTuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. DMoudsys, Wednesdays and Fridays. Where no time is given trains do not stop. i Time, 76 Meridian or Eastern. - i G. R.TALCOTT, D. CARD WELL. 1 Superintendent. Asst Gen. Pass, agent, i ic?ssio Ain iAKis.x,r KAI4 ROAD. Condensed Schedule. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. January 18th, 1886. No. 60, Dally. No. 52, Dally. Leave New York, ' Philadelphia, " Baltimore, Washington, " Charlottesville, " Lynchburg, Richmond " Burkvule " Kevsvllie ' Drake's Branch " Danville, 12.00 n't 840p m 6.03 p m 9.00 p m ll.9 p m 7.20 a m 9.60 a m 11.16 a m 8.45 p m 6 10 p m 8 25p m 5 26p m 6.06 p m 6 20pm 9 25 p tn a m 6.15 a In 200a m 4 05 a m 143 a m 4 69 a m 5l4 a m Goldsboro, Raleigh, Durham, Chapel H1U, HUiboro,' Greensboro, .45 am . r 6.00 p m , 6.0? d m . 4.66 p m . . 0.4 p m lL21pml.60am "666p"m 6 50am ' Salem, Ch Point, !8burr. iai9 a m a mU1.23 a m mPI 1 Elk . m , . " Concord, -- " Charlotte, . " Spartanburg, " Greenville, -ArrlveAtlanta, i a.uv m in 1.09 P IE 8.84 b m 7.14 a mi 4.4 p m 1.40 p mi 10.40 p m TRAINS GOING NORTEL HI 66 D m 149 I A.W1 MA 8.00a m 5.6c a m January 18th, 18BB. No. 61, No, 58. Dally. Bally. Leave Atlanta. . 6 46 mj 8 40 a m Arrive Greenville, 121 m 2.80 pm Spartanburg, 11. m 8.43 pm " Charlotte, 6.00 a m 6.26 p m " Concord, - 6.66 a n 7.62 p m " Salisbury, 6.89 a m 8.01 p m ; " High Point, 7.68 am .t p m - Greensboro, - 8.80 a m 9.86 p m " Salem 111.40 a m L17 a m Hiltobro," "" ' ' " ll39tn " Durham. 12J3 p m . Chapel HOI, , 12.45 p m Raleigh, lJO.p m - w Goldsboro, 140 pm . " Danville 10.86 a m ll.tSp m " , Drake's Branch, . . 11.08 p m 2 42am . , KeysviUe. 1.20 p m 8.06 a m Burksvlile - 2.00 pm 2.57 am Richmond 4 07pm 700am I ' Lyncbbunr. 1.60 p m iLlua m M Charlottesvflla, 439 p m 4 80 a m "j- Washington, 9 16 p m 8.40 m " Baltimore, ' 11.25 p m 10.0S a m . - Philadelphia, 8 00 a m 12.36 p m New York. Seam 8,30 p m I 0.03 a m Dally except Sondar, ' SLEEPING CAB SERVICE. On trains 60 and 6, PuUnian Buffet Sleeper be tween New Tors: and Atlanta. - , , On trains 62 and 68, Pullman Buffet Sleeper lw tween Washington and New Orleans, Washington and Aiken, - . : Pullman Sleeper between Richmond and Greens- bora Through tickets on sale at principal stations, to au points. . . . . . - For rates and lnforrmation apply to W. ' A. MOODT, Agent, or 5 E. a THOMAS, C. W. CHEABS, : general Manager. Ass Gen. Pass. Agent. y, S 'l:-"js BicbJBopd. Ta .'.5- z Parker's Tonic, : A Pure Family Medicine; that Never Intoxicates - - MM COCK CO , IM WUIlam Street, New Terlc. old by an Drugslst la large bottles at Wsollar. ' lw Goods, Who Notwithstanding the reports made Going Out of Badness AAA At a MtannAii a Ait, a. . it . and to offer to our friends and customed bargaiw in ever'rw m.New a vnnr 7. "5ins in every Demrtmanf Bau,,01uK Hi!l vY wui3, inducements to OASH BUYERS BUR G ESS WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF BEDDING, &C. tAtSU'? ,0f CHEAP BEDSTEADS, GES. Parlor and Chamber Suite, Cof fins of aU kinds on hand. No. 6 West Trade Street, Charlette, North Carolina, t 0 6.46 6.26 6.S7 808 a 20 8 53 8.23 9.26 9.60 Right to the Front of ELIA FDRNITDRE DAILY '- V ( , , . " -.-V,,.- I , , V v ; Complete in Assortment, Splendid in Quality, overflowir g with generous 4 .bargaiiis in HENS, YOUTHS aod I! VS ( ! 0 i ll AND GENTS 'FUBmiiiW GOODS At prices that must surrly lead to speedy sale. Now come early and get the benefit of ouj? unbroken gtock. We have the bright ast, newest and beet Spring Styles, And lowest prices consistent with good quality and honest quantity. If ADUICI IATIIIF.Rf. CENTRAL HOTEL CORNER, CHARLOTTE, N. G. .M..I MB SOFTENS & PBESEBVES LEXTRER- a Our store is now full of the choicest and most desirable goods In our line. Our stock of Boots and Shoes this season being In all grades larger , and more oomprehenslve th' n ever, we are fully prepared to meet any reasonable demand in the way of Handsome Styles, Low Prices and good, serviceable goods. Everything will be found jtist as represented; .We' mte'tnsiwcUon. and'guS antee entire satisfaction" in eveir 'particular (b'all who favor us with their patronage. Orders ty maU will receive carefol and prompt attention. ' r a- -ST A. E, Ranlcin &; JBr 1 toce For All A GRAND SALE OF - .. . Watches, , . v CLOCKS and JEWELRY, Diamond Silver ami Silver-Plated Spectacles, fic, 1 - -j . PrlAM flit Anmf rVrisisi - - March 4th 18867 " JtxSST" ny of the above goods win nieaw by some of our kind friends of and Other Absurd hm ... srs bareaina in oirOT, ty. "rk. wnich wore bonohr. frt ; we We ' 1U offer S & COHEN N I C H f) L H NG STOCK -IS- ARRIVING AMD aU Complitioa we Place Th ml mm SL 1 Johaxtei Block. Tryun Wtreet MBS. BENSON & REtVES Have received a new lot of Ladies' and Misses' STRAW HATS Of the newest shapes. Also HAT, SCAUPS, CaSIIMEIKjB ftAWUS, f AfwCV TWEJIiWO, t - - : Mdrea's Collars, PaifiBiisitlesie. . .. t ' . .... f - - $ Next next door to the soothern Telegraph Offke, Central Hotel building? . J WVANDOTliEGisi -, A,fangt - WYANDOTTE ipsa- . - "" . Ak eesier o - S2.00for;i3; 13,00.26.' - J.- ft., TTADDto maradlm-., T", " Ueoson tistaAirencr of tnu . . .A i . . I wwnsq ageats,"