X Stiff Cotteir I i .... vC;:iT; VOLUME XXXIV. CHARLOTTE, N. SATURDAY; MARCH 13, ;i886. price tivficfiKts: JUJSTT nice line of DRE33 GINGHAMS, SHEETINGS, PRINTS, SEERSUCKERS In Bleachings we have ' ' , . ; - liislasvillf, 8tfktr, Fruit, Wamsntti, N. I Mills & Pride West. We have opened up a nice line of ' HAMBURG EDGINGS & TORCHON LACES. Look at them u you want some cneap aged witn our tu ui - Ladles' and Misses' Muslin Underwear. Wo will keep ttmt Department up to the full standard, and at prices that wi'l give you full 100 cents worth for $1.00. Full line of. Warner's and other popular brands of C O RS JE T . DonS forget to look at our f new; $1.00 corset, Misses and Young Ladies Gor gets and Corset Covers. Our 5 BUTTON SCALLOPED TOP EIDS At 75 cent, in all the new shades, are having a big run. of them in to morrow morning. Other bargains. f ft as JUST REOIVED A nice line of LITTLS BOT3' STJITS AT $2.25 -175 SDO ' 4.08 4 50, B.OOandvp 4-00 460 6.00 .'. U.00 I0VTH3' S0IT3 C A!0 SEE THEM- T. L. SEIGLE. Have just received an elegant line of . Black aod Colored II MES&.ALIEUISDEB. Little Boys Clothing Kmbroidirpd and C3iinchilla Scarfa. somethbg entirely new. A full line of TAnitos' MISSES' and CHILDREN'S FIGURED AND PLAIN SCRIM, Anice assortment of DRE3S GINGHAMS and SEERSUCKERS. Anew lot of Everlasting Trimming, Torchon and Valencennes Laces, Colored Silks and Satins, the best line of COH SET S In the plape. Gall and examine our stock Qf WHITE GOQDS. Qur stock ia entirely new. No old goods. s E. L. KISESiLISia C. . " SUCCESSORS TO ALEXANDER it HABBLS. - "- FEED C. HUN2LIR - WBOtESAIJI LAGER BEES DEAU2B JUk BOTTIJEK, CHARLOTTE, N. C Represents two of the largest LAGEB BEEB Breweries Lathe United States The Berxaer A engei Brewliag Co ot Philadelphia, and the ,- P. A 91. Hchaffer Brewing Co., ot If e-w Tork. THE LARGEST LAGEB BEEB BOX i TUNG ESTABLISHMENT : . IN THE CITZ. , I crAirm Solicited. All "orden npnmnfi flUnd and delivered free of charge to any part of the city. dooSOdlf . ' in WANTED. we will pay good sound ne IK mantm nortHlflhld nf 90 DOUndS f Ot neweottoa aeed deXferod atoormul Id Charlotte, N. C. We will trade cotton aeed tnea. , or seed, (firing one tea ot meal lor two tons ot aeeo. . OLIVER OIL COMPANY, BaoeesMrs to Onariotte Ofl Company. iept.'6ddtt THE LATEST AND MOST IM 111 PORTANT! - We are now running on foS time. - Fomttore nanolaetnred by us U kept by the enterprutnt toniRure dealers tn Oils elty. We make only tbe best sod most substantial to tbe -market NO SHODDY 6O0DS. Ask (or good mad by and rouwui get tbe worth ot your money. Oar Bam boa men piece. WeeoUett the patronage of tbe PobUeandgoaraBtee satUfaotion. . tSBespeetfully, - - - 1 elliott a iiirrn. HKT, goods. We are very much eneouis Will have a new lot i First National Ban! Jmldiiiff, Soath Trjon Street, - - - - Charlotte, N. C. DSALSBS IN Ladies',Misses'and Children's IINK BUTTON, CoNGEESS 4 LiCE SHOES, Gents' Flne Hand-Made and Machine Sewed . - BOOTS, BUTTON AND L ACE PALS BOYS Alf o Yoinrs . : FINX BOOTS AND SH0S3 QV ALL GRADES GENTS' FINE . Silk, Soft and Stiff Hats, TRUNKS, VALISES and GRIPSACKS, UMBRELLAS OF ALL KINDS, SHOE BLACKINe AND BBTJSHB3. Alma Polish for 1 Ladies' Fine llok Stock . al ways kept lull and h up to the demand. - OBDKB3 BT MAIL OB ZXFBES3 PROMPTLY ATTJBNDEDTO. Cashmere Shawls, HOSE. A beautuul line ot i. a AUCTION AND COMMISSION J Merehaadise Brokers. BUY AND SELL REAL ESTATE. CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED THE DEL510iiT D0TEL Is now open to the public. Electric Call Fells, Ga k Water, r AND Sledera 1 Hotel HBST CLASS IN Hate - - : fjoaveBfeaoes. ALL EES- f9.50 Fer y mi u in ttitt - laalMtt sianager. Houses Rontod, roo rnted and rents oollected, In the ef 1 CO. Pf am o KCCLES StllMS UaJXXW I -it ETTAT1 AEITTC7, " B. B. cr3AX3. liana;:?, r "1 t? C : t rrcrt C ; ' 1 Site CtavXottc bscrx?tr. 'Truth, jaxx th sow, sometikks bdbmitb to ubsuuujeu, JBUT, IdMM THJC SUM, ONLY JTOR A SnfesM-rlption to tbe Observer. DAILY EDITION. fllngleeopy.... By tbe week In tbe city.. Bj the month Three months... Six monUu...... ....... one Tebr ................. 'J3 76 ....$2.00 .......... 4.00 .... . - i7 WXKSXY EDITION, mMiwittlaw..;..;......;.:.:..; eoeguta 'imiinui....4, ....... ............. SI 00 5m year.-. ; L78 In eluba of fiw and over SL60. No levtmUea From These Rales Subscriptions always parable in adrance. not wur ai muw VUt ill UMSIt. THE AEKANSAS EXODUS. GOOD ADTIOE BY A COLOBED . . . .MAX. A Colored 9Isn Speaks Words of Sober Sense to Colored Men, Wbleh They Would Do Well to lleed. ; Wades boro Intelligencer. ' I have . been . asked several times what I thought of the emigration of the colored people to Arkaesasjand as your paper is reaa . oy a goodly number of the colored citizens of Anson, I will take this method, by your permission, of answering the much vexed question. V Emigration. in some rare instances, has proved to oe a Diessing, but not to the negro; it has always been a curse to him the bane to his prosperity. It will be re membered . that, shortly after the close of the late war, several. North ern ' nhilanthromats conceived the idea that it would be a humane act to send the negroes back to Africa. Consequently they formed themselves into what is known as the "Coloniza tion Society." Theyr purchased large tracts of land on the coast of Africa. and several thousand f reedmen were given free passage to the darkconti. nent. After many weary weeks on the; briny deep, they reached the land where their; ancestors hrst saw the ight. Well, after burying their dead x-those who did not find .watery graves they Bet to work to establish -a-republic. - Physicians tell us that sudden changes produce direful eft fects; and probably this change from civilization to barbarism was too .abrupt for the poor, deluded wretches: anyway they died out: the scheme fell through and the new re public - proved a complete s failure. his is a. truthful account of the fir st emigration movement wherein ."the negro was concerned. hen came the great exodus for the far ; West, 'Kansas and Arkansas. Emigration agents were sent to this State; on the line of the Wilmington and Wei don railroad where their op erations, for the mosfr-part, werb suc cessful, a few thousand, negroa were induced, as Horace Greejy ; said, to go West.". Hut it was not until about one year ago that the agents selected this section for the field of their operations; the result of which is too well known. Being discouraged by two bad crop years, the. negroes were easily uupea Dy tnese lying agents. ; Meetings were held, in which forged letters were read advis ing all to give away what little they had and come on to the land of 'corn and wine." Paid negro agents used their influence in behalf of the movement tbe preachers advocated it from their pulpits, declaring that they could prove by the Bible that it was a blessing from Uod. The white agents were looked upon as angels and in the black agents the negroes saw their Moses. WelL the exodus set in. They gave away what it had taken them a life time to accumulate and rushed off to the nearest railroad station to meet the agents who were to take them to Arkansas free of charge. Of course no agent j met them, occasionally it was announced that, on a certain day, a train would take the negroes to the West for about five dollars a head. It is need- ess to say that no such train has ever passed through this country and it never will unless Arkansas gets a few hundred miles nearer to us than it is at present.,- I saw about $00 of these ill advised people in camp at Lilesville waiting for the agent, who never r came, : They waited - sev eral . weeks, then : turned their faces -to ; their homes. I saw them , "journeying thither footsore, lame and weary; and when I saw the sufferings of these people-the wailing cry of the children for bread, I said that this hellish ' thing had gone far enough. So I now say, once for all, that I am decidedly ops posed to emigration in whatever form it may chance to raise ; its serpent head. - Of those who have left here, about onesthird only ever- reached the land they sought, and if Jbey could but get back here, they would not leave again "for all Bucharia's vaunted gold, or ; ail the gems of Samarcand." Where the thermome-r ter registers 20 degrees i below , aero. where ore wood, is as scarce . as an. honest emigration agent, and where coal is $8 per ton, what would li the; average Anson county negro do, accustomed as he is ; to a log-neap fire as big as all out of doors? Why, were it not for color, he would be come an iceberg. No immediate nor ultimate good will even accrue from leaving your home to go to a strange land, it is well snown that the ne groes are constitutionally ; better adapted to the climate of tbe South Atlantic states than any otner race on earth i consequently -i the i labor is all vours without fear of rivalry. Th'S is the land of your birth,!; and the home - of your love. Content yourselves with f your lot, which might be a good deal worse, xo re cord all the - sufferings of ; those r un fortunate ; ones who have ; started West since the question - of emigra tion was first brought forward would require a book as big as Adam Smith's "Wealth of Jfotions,'?: In conclusion, let not Arkansas, or Kan sas, or any other far off land tempt you away. ; "Here be your homes while ypu live here your graves when you die." , . i - ? r Robert R, Russell, Wadesboro, N. C. Feb. 26, 1886. - LOUISIANA 4 Poisoned In Jail- mwnnT.iEANA. March 12. At 7:30 this morning when the keepers of the jail made efforts to arouse Ford and MnwihT.-thT could not wake them tin. After" examination; the -'physi cians concluded the men had taken holartnna. At 8 :S0. Hurphy had ral- lipd a little, but Ford is still uncon ecious. ; 1B. ARMSTRONG AGAIK. Prominent members of St. Phll lip's Beslsin The Doctor to Be - come an Editor. , . Atlanta Constitution: ' .--.. A meeting of the vestry of St Philip's church was held today at 5 o'clock. The session was one of more than ordinary interest, as every mem ber of the board 'expressed his opin ion freely and to the point. :' It" was seen from' the beginning of the mest- mg'tnat a majority" of the vestry of Bishop Beckwith in removing Rev. J. G. Armstrong from the pulpit of fairs since his removal.' V For a time it looked as though St. Philips was about to lose its entire. Board of "Vess try men, as nearly every member ex pressed mucn dissatisfaction at the condition of the affairs of the parish. and talked as if they were going td wnnaraw irom the cnurcn. The re' feignation : of ' exGovernor Bhllockl junior warden, and of Vestrymen Henry Boyleston were rectaved and accepted. - James Thomson,1 it V was eieuuju junior waraen -to 'succeed ex Governor Bullock, and J: W Johnson and E. C. Peters selected to -succeed exsGovernor ' Bullock and -Henry Bovleston as members of - the vestry. Tbe Financial ; condition 1 ' bf the church came up in the general' 'dis cussion of matters of . interest tat the' parish. ' It was stated1 that the ; con gregation of St. Philip's was1 gradu ally decreasing in numbers owing to the prosecution Of its rector, and that many rented pews were vacant every Sunday, and; that the - collec tions had gone , down to nothing; These collections, it was announced. had decreased from $75 per month to to or f iu, and that the prospects were they would 'go' much lower. One or more of the vestrymen stated it as a fact that some of ' -the pewJ renters would declineJ toJ pay; notes' given for pew rents1 When they' be- came due, on the ground of the . re moval of Dr. ' Armstrong In conse quence the feeling ran so 'high that some members of the vestry express ed a desire ta: withdraw from St. Philip's - and ' start ' an independent church, with Dr; Armstrong as its pastor. i ?-p-ftr-.-?-r r.f- tii. . is was also given out that fully ten per cent, of the congregation would leave St. - Philip's if they had some where else to go, ' and certainly so if a new church was built and Dr. Arm strong made its pastor. " It was also the ' opinion ; of some members of the Board that a'- large por tion of- ' the congregation : would quietly withdraw from th "church under , -v the present : condition -of affairs., and the congregation of St. irhuip s would gradually ' 'go to pieces. ' - ; After discussing other matters of general interest the church-meeting adjourned till 11 o'clock today. ; At the meeting today the ad visa- bility of collecting together the con gregation of the parish to take action upon the present condition of affairs wul be discussed. 4 T J. H. Keltsor,' who has been 'a member of the vestry, for ten years, sent in his resignation, and Captain E. J. S. Gay, treasurer of the church, will likely file his tomorrow. i :: yesterday Dr. Armstrong associ ated himself with1 the Sunday Tele . i. A 1- 1 IE 2 . 2 ' 1 T gramr uKiug a uun iqwfw ia tne paper. . This action was freely dis cussed on the street, and was receive ed with much interest by the Doc tor's friends .' A Constitution representative call ed on Mr. Oh'irles T. Logan, pro prietor of the Telegram, and asked if the statement was true. Mr. -Logan said i ''Yes ; Dr. Armstrong has as sociated himself with the Telegram,- and will present his salutatory next Sunday.? - . t , 1 w ill he have an interest in - the papers?" ' "Yes; a bale interest." "Will he have tbe editorial man- agementr "' aiA,i nhnii rrt 1 1- fha rkflna-a rynaMin " T 1 p DU041 C7UIV HUO upt4 wg,VW"V , TEXAS. Reaction , on : the S trikers. i i : 4 Dallas. Tex.. March 12. Receiver Brown, of theTexafc and Pacifiq rail way, sent the following supplemental telegram to ! Mr. .. owderly, ' last night: ; ,. . - . . ... r. "Dallas, Tex. March 11., ; 'I omitted to say in my, dispatch this morning that the United States Circuit Court... for,, the! tJiiastern, disT trict of Louisiana, under the orders of which we hold our appointments as receiyers, is entirely .accessible- any day to any - employe .jor imaginary grievances, since the '.receivers were appointed. , The court will hear and entertain, I with impartiality any charges made by parties preferring tneir grievances. ; ; vr. v:-. v Signed JOHJI U. iSBOWW, -i "1,- "'-'-ii'jxfuPceiyer."..,'- "News "arrived late last night that three strikers had been: arrested at Big Springs. by? virtue of -warrants issued by the j United States . Court. The men are charged with interfer ence with property in the hands of the court. - : . ' - - . Fort Worth. March 12. An offi cial order has been issued to all points' on the Texas and Pacific, stating that all classes of freight, including live stock, will be received for points on. the Texas and ' Pacific . railroad,: and for points beyond, except points on the Missouri Pacific lines." The feel-' ing against the strikers is growing stronger here- - ". '-.x..v - Freight ..is ; moving on 'the Texas and Pacific and Santa Fe roads. - The strikers . are . very., quiet, ; and t no trouble is feared Large Cotton Fire in London. London, March 12 Fire broke out this : morning among a large ouantitv of cotton in the " railroad station at Oldham and destroyed 1350.000 worth before the flames were extinguished. One of the. firemen engaged in subduing me nre, was killed. ., - - . . - - - Mrs. Wlnslow's Koothlnx Syrup. Bev.' Sylvanus Cobb thus wrltee In the Boston Christian Freeman t We would by no means reoom- mend any kind ol medicine which we did not know to be eood particularly for lnlanta. But. ol sirs. Wlnslow'a SootWhg Srnip we can speak from knwledee: tn our own family tt has proved a bless ing Indeed, by giving an mtani tntoied with oollo pains, quiet sleep, t uw parents unbroken rest at nlsht Host parents can appreciate these blessings. Herels an article which wonts to perfection, and which Is harmless; for (ao iitv which tt affords the Infant Is perfectly aaiunw, and the tittle cherub awakesas forisut.ast button." And daring the Drocessot teething Its value is Incalculable. We have frequently heard mothers say that they would not be without tt from the birth of the child tin tt had finished with the teething siege on any consid eration whatever. Sold by all druggists. 25 cents a bottle. -' V, - -r; 7 r r- r 5 TIIE BAPTTSTXHUI45BESS, - The Preeeedlugs as Noted by Ber. v, j. ii. iniehaiu, of Greensboro. Dally Workman. ": -- ' " - ' The proceedings of r the Congress of sue xjcipuHuj ot v irginia, at Uanvule on yesterday, were of much interest In the forenoon the subject or Revi vals ' was ' under consideration, and aoie essays were read by Massra. KmcaKL. . Wm. ' Jones and "Dunas way Owing to some aecQustic d-' fectsin the auditorium it wa impog preserve an unbroken connection of the sentences uttered, and. we ! lost mucn tnat was said by the first ' two speakers; : We gathered some forcw bid ideas here, and there, but 'While MtY Dunaway was reading ihe' reads tusuoctiy scarcely ' any . words es caped bur ear; an'd we are able tb'iav underetandinkly that his' essay was" a very good one. 5 Mentioh1 was 5 made of the . fact ; that reportars ' for ' the newspapers under a total , misappre hension of the meahihg of the terms used, Speak of any ' protracted, meet ing, v;n prospectively; as "a reviv al.' Reporters ; hausV be .mighty biuw.kj i earn wno oonot Enow that buere is a wiae uinerence between a protracted meeting,. something that may be appointed to be held, and a revival' which deDends' uDon 'God's Dies8ings tor 'its realization. The Bpeatiers were5 unanimous ih,: deDre eating r; the 'modern handshaking macnine maae, , horizontal reviv al, s J Bff, : ifashidnaDle ' in: some1 places, - though they are ' more the fashion' of ' certain professidhaw than of certain places:1 being' beritetetic: At l the . concIuilion';6f : the regularly appomteu "speaking vT;ne ttev. "Dr. Bailey, feditop $f the Biblical Record er, :Raleigh,Jm4d9'8pme brief; ; humor ous remarks, ih' which hecarricatnred some' of the so-called ..rivals which had cotne under his 'notice,' of '.the. horizontal handshaking, 'magnetic variety. " " J. A j ; . '; . ' , ! At an earlier stage of the ' nroceed- ings, IRev.' Dr. .Ooodwinth; pastor of theLchureh inl which the Cbhgress was held; expressing the 'desire that the ' pastors ' of iother denominations in the ' city, several , of whom were known to be present; " should be1' in troduced to the. Congress. ' And first of all, said he, is Rev." Dr. Martin of the Presbyterian, church,1 who is ac knowledged to" be" the handsomest J)astor in . Danville. 'Dr. Martin stand up, that you may be seen,-.' Dr. ju.cu. viu a Dcuoa ul uituistoi xou yi yjpi iv- ty, under the circumstances, proved to be too strong for any other antag oajzing sentiment, ahd he retained nis seat;: Kev. Dr. Edwards, of the Mt. ! Vernon - M. BJ.: ehurch, South, was challenged k in a" similar way .'to which he replied that he did hot be long in the category: specified and he also failed to "poke up." ,; It was Rev, Dr. Starr's time next, and he. alone responded by rising to his feet a pleasant, good looking man, and aetarr of the Danville pulpit. Veri ly, there are few, if any, churches, including pulpits,', that do not need a revival of apostolic gravity and earn estness." ' Imagine Bro. Paul calling out to Bro. Apollos to get up and let the Corinthians look at his stately and handsome proportions , , i i mt TIReiNIA AFFAIRS, ' Difllcttliy Between 1 Prominent lAwyerS'-Bnsiness Hen As;alnst Prohibition. Richmond. Va.. . March 11. Major Robert Stiles a prominent lawyer and member ,ox the treeoyterian cnurcn States in a card published this after-; noon that he slapped the face, of Mr, Robert . , Howard,; ; , anpther . leading member oxjbe bar. here,; f The. trouble grew .out ; of ; a speech delivered by. Mr.' Howard at the, ;uieeting .of the business men here, on February. 22d to consider, boycotting. In his, re marks on that o.casiou Mr. Howard was t very . severe on the Knights of Labor, and referred to boycotting as a conspiracy, to which : hi thought the, attention ot tbe grand -juries, should be called . Ma jor Stiles,among other epeafcers a who followed Mr, Howard, depr ecated nhe ; severity oi the jatterg language. Mr Howard jsterday published a lengthy: com unicationin which be iwaa some what severe on Major Stiles, and that gentleman today visited..: mtc How-: ard's; office, he says in his card "and required him to sign a . retraction of what he said about - mm - yesterday. He t first hesitated. V adds Mr; Stales, "then refused, and. theieunou I slaD pen his face, and told him A.wpuld be compelled to maice publication otrtoe ract." .At is expectea.tnan tne matter, will not nd Jhere. y-i -. t " It is said bv those who have given the matter their attention that not: a 'prominent; business,, man in. Rich mond baa been founcMwno-expresses himself in favor of i prohibiting : the sale of ,. liquor as contemplated if the law' passed by.the legislature vis adopted by the people at the special election expected. to be ordered. ! . " . )' t Ml ' I. 'i' ' " ;The Poor little Ones. We often see children with lederaptlonB on face and hands, rough, scaly skin; and often sores on the head. These things indicate a depraved con dition of the blood.r In the growing period chil dren have need of pure blood by which to-bnlld up strong and healthy bodies. If . Dr Pierce's "Gol den Medical Discovery" is given, the blood Is purged Of Its bad elementa, and the child's devel opment .will be healthy, and as it should be Scrofulous affections, rickets, feyer-cores. hip-joint disease 0r other grave maladies and suffering are sure to result from neglect and lack of proper at- tention to suca cases, . . '... IDS T BAVK FOB SALE a eoranlete Adams Book AS and Newspaper Press. Size of platen 24x30 inches. The machine is in good order maae o Hn . standard work. .. LlatPrloa - - .'- " - 12.24000 WiUbesoidfor ; - - fiuuiu on terms to suit purchaser. . v - - . lanSdtf - v : - - Chario' te Observer J, H, S1HDEICE, CLUB : HOUSE, ' -KZEP3 THS' ''""- B E .S T BAR " - and-,'. .ytx"' BILLIARD DH ALL " In the city:- ' - ' ' . feblSdtt - ;r - FOR" RENT. ; tV-;, Dwelling house on South Tryon street, adjoin ing the residence of Dr. 8. B. Bratton. ' very eon venlently located for a boarding house. .; . - APPIV tO- . ; t j, - ,1 ( ' Charlotte1 Real Estate Agency j ' M$aa ' B.X. COCHBANXKanage Press ! Absolutely Pure. I Tb!l DOWdir'Mnr tuba 1 I minl mrifj svength and wholesomeness - If ore economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold In Competition With the mnltltnilA nt Ins Ixt ahnrt - weight, alum or phosphate powders. Sold only Jan20d4wly ; ... Charlotte, M. a ! JUERVOUS DEBi L1TATED MEtl. -ytrKlatret trial thirty Oavot the ' B-Dye's Celebrated Voltafo Beit wlta Ttr t.vyji' iot ..rvr of TUaiitv and Manhood, and all kindred t Itroab! Aisp for many other diseases. Complete reMora- Sv".. mm, .usuzkna jtannooa gnaranieea, Norl UiHuHrred. IllUBtnu1 p&mpiuet in aeaira . . . VtTiii. 'wit waraing novndeodw7mj; spectallsta of the day with no benefit. Cured him- Ben iu fcoro iiiuiiuiiu ana Hmm men nntuirawf a nf vuiwi uj mo mum process. a plain, simple and successful home treatment. Address T. 8. PAftK. rs-1 r - . m W4HT SALESMEN imvnlun i 1vt and traveling, to sell our goods wm par good alary a; d all expenses. Write for terms at ones, and State wtlarr wantml i i miusiu) oiLlltt HittiS WMfAJS X. wash- ffttytm -LADIKStoworkfornst Bil I CU. own homes, g7 and $!0 m can be quietly made. Ho photo palntb tawivawilnflr ' Cor rnIT narMnnlan nloo attfaelr ierweek TVUnr.lncr- nn canvasslne For full Dartlculam. nlmiu a. dreAsat once, CRESCENT. ART CoMPANI. 19 WUIACM wm, BWHU1, DU1 DlU. EstabUshed ii4u. Illuurpuraueil loM.. Tlios. Bradford Go. Succetssore to "- TksiWQrS&Co. Sole Manufact urers of tbe Old, Hrliabla , tend Celebrated mmm vmrSz -SMAlt GRAIN '"''"yak. 41ao Mahufactur General FJor fill MMq Ma, 35. ii7. 29, 31 axncl S3 Lock St., Kear Highlaa-l House -Inolinsa. Plane, Write for CateloguflL' ' CXXClNKATi, a decl2dead&w6m. - . -r I G U 0 E F I S 1 WIipti I bat mra T do not meaui morelT to a4yn thmn . (or a time and tbem have them return agtinjlmeui a radical core. I have made the itiemwi of SxTS, Set LKP8Y or FALLING BICKNE8S a lUe-iong- stody. I wnrrmnt my remedy to ottre the worst otipa, BecuM otben have (ailed u no reason for not now receiving a core. Send a onoefwatreatieeanda Free Bottle ot my infaliible remedv. Sire Express and- PostOffloa, It eosUyou nothing for a trial, and I will core Too. - JjiaremWL. u. u. toor, w rear! Bt, aew Tors. ; la, J. WALKKB. B. K. BBTAH . L WALKER: fi t, , 1 'Wholesale and Betall Grocers.' NEV FIR9I ,, '-' - IlEW OOOD8 ON the first day ef January ,1888, the undersigned j entered into a co-partnership for the purpose of earrrlnsoria - : v " ! General Orbeer j Business : 5 f ; it At the old stand of 8prmea ft Parwelt corner Tryon Fourth streets, " We are mallfled by long experience, to meet the demands of the. trade, nd give satisfaction to our customers. . : .. r we win aeep on nana at au times a iuu stvca vi -) t' FAUILY SUPPLIF1 Whteh wUl be dallTered m any part of ttee?t; tee I ol charge. , - ' mREMEMBER&l - - - i A " t r t We wm not be undersold In the Charlotte market. There Is a mod wamn vardln the rear of our store for the accommodation of our l custo mers.: . -j. i tJ ; j. j L. J. WALKER & CO. V7. L. DOUGLAS Bettmaterlal, perfect Bt, aqnals any W or$6hoei every pair warranted. Take none anises stamped "W. l' iMragiaa' kuw Shoe, warranted. Con. , rreia, Button and Lace. If you cannot get these shoes from dealers, send . address -on postal card to W. L. Douglas, Brock ton. Mass. For sale by, JanlSoeodSui. A. K. B1KEIN BRO. , - - Charlotte, N. O. ?A Cleaf Skin r . is .only; a1 part, of beauty; but it is a part. Every lady ; may have it ; t at least, what ; looks like it.' Magnolia Balm : both' freshens and " beautifies.'"., "." '-V. I' iraf: Of the opportunity t6 securt to you now. .They we goods desirable. We-are haTing-fei :l tot tyi 'i THOUSANDS of; yards Are' stiU being sold by ns at iic4 yard lengths ... ' These re the T sUotsj i r H rv 40c 20c 80a 35c Our ; Ladies Underwear Was visitedj by many hundred oi&MammotK Sale last week,- in tuat. ume, auu wm uu uuuub 0 GOWNS, CUIUESE, SKIRTS AND DRAWEES For; less money than you can make them up with. NOTICE Our new line of Xmbroldered . Chramhray . Booas. at ; oaJy t(J) NOTICE The line of Brocaded and , away down. 3fW TP.17 " O" Vachlneent Assortment ot ilJlJ2i -at levieenU for Boys' Waists. Mr "iTTPT? 9?T Speolal Bedoetlons on Hadras. NEW ARRIVALS - OF Ingrain Carpets. O U - 1 V 1 ,' .O 1 WIHTinSOWSEI CHARLOTTE, N. C. ORDERS. SOlClTKD AND The largest and most , r IN I t -I t - ::.mn Oib MWhuh'Mil'jSfdr-':' PIANOS AND .7. e best makes on Jjov prices ; and easy terms. Sen forfpncies8' f' . t.-Irir-olTT d3 InH at'i -jci.- -rrrriT - i 1 i : Orderr direct iroin' me, and- save time and freight, m; I deliver freight-paid to your nearest depot as cheap aa you cun buy from: the head office, and- will attend to ', your wants in case anvthing should be wrong in the -factory guarantees.' ' . 1 : " ' v - -, . 1 " - - CTAIUL0TT3, IT. a i to the Bua!'. we KrGva ' "Which kretrifttlwnwT t i tuocew with thta. , ; . J ,tft," o Jo l,h ;I of ; ESIDBOIDEIIICS -.1 lJl.J if the popular and low nrieea 1 , - , We are OflTerlmf;. '7' 55c .,65c ,,V , 85c - ; Department, o:7 p : ladies since the oDemhar iil' we; did a' splendid business ' uau it . iireuer mis - wees li'.. on . j 0 ll S:.l K1 buy the mere materials to Plain snka exhlbtted on our Counter, rrVsM Wide Cheeked Linens at Mats, and CbevkXa ' ...tTl, ... ... Lao Curtains -Nottingham. Anttaw-' NEW AgRIVALS Brussels Carpets. lit J' JJ Kt '& PROMPTLY ATTENDED TXX; complete iVV- TJ3 QSTA-TJEIW the installment plan.' - CDICQEIlLfG FIMC3, I, I- 1 ..." : ORGANS'" J( , , . j t-.'-u 4 "--I n ' will isr.-dA .-.WWABI01f PIANO, f-'irJ Si VSI J BE2VT PIAIfOS fV. ifii!w 1fTslhr'V-fr P5t iua aaaaaWOa.1 AA M Jw lion r a ; J r i 1 EAULIN 'FIAKGS. 1 Bit state: oegans, -4 J-, PACEABD OBQANS.V 0i C5 $&lt3 f 9 & lltinlin Orgsns. t f -r.. i I hi t .! I I F m t J I T m .!' l-iK" 1 IS i V:- 1 If -.ill it i;1 f . T ,- Y ! s! . ii 'ii r if

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