n Which i in charge of Miaa Alice Hart, is now supplied, and consists of 7"" I MWX JH rSES mi CHILDRESS CORSETS, ZEPHYRS, G rmantown and i Saxony- Wools, &c.. Which w? guarantee to sell as cheap as the cheapest.' Our Mr. HAR GKtl VES la now in the Northern Markets purchasing our Spring Stock- Wiich is arriving baadsome line of daily." Call and O-ED NTS HATf. We are still closing out our winter goods a sacrificing prices. SMITH BIJILDna. Little Buys (Ming :o:- JUST RECITED A nloe line of Lilt Boys' Si Yoaths' Cbflriig. LITTLE BGT3' 8UITS AT $2.25 2.76 8X - 4.00 1 S.OOandup 4.00 4.80 6.00 " U.00 T0LTH3' SDIT3 G.4X.L AWO &E3 ; THEM. T. L. SEIGLE. Have just received an elegant line of . and Colored Embroidered and Chinchilla Scarf a,' something entirely new. A full line of LADIES' MISSES and CHILDREN1) HOSE. A beautiful line of FIGURED AND PLAIN SCRIM, A nice assortment of PRESS GINQHAMS and SEERSUCKERS. .Anew lot of Everlasting Trimming, Torchon and Valencennes Laces, Colored Bilks and Satins, the best line of C O R S E T 8 In the place. Call and examine our stock of WHITE GOODS, is entirely new. No old goods. . . ,. j , 8U06BSSOBS TO ALXXANDEB HARRIS. FEES C. MUN2LER ' -WHOLBBAIJI - - ,: ULGSML BEER HEJJLEH AJII , ; BOTTLGBi :. CHARLOTTE, N. C Represents two of the largest LAQEB BEER Breweries in the United States , The Herieaer A aSagel Brewlkf Coi, or Phll&delpbia and the f. 4c M. SchaJIer Brewlmg Co., oi If ew TorU. "; r THE LARGEST LAGER BEER BOT 5 TUNG tBTABLISHMENT IN THE CITY. , , -' i arnM Holidted. All orden promptly filled and delivered, free charge to any pvt of the city. deoSOdlf - ol WANTED. : . We win pay 15 eenti perbiishel of 80 porads for soundnew cotton teed Wred atoormlU wM"erfton eeed tnea. or aaid, gWng one ton of meal for two torn of eea. ., ' OLIVER OIL COMPANY, . Saeeeeeon to Oharlotto Ofl Company. KptLBddtt THE LATEST AND MOT 11 wearenowranntog on fnD Ume. rumltnrt manufaetared by m Is kept by the enterprising rimridmilMkmtii thU eltj. We iMlte onU the bestand moat substantial 1 the 'market NO SHODMflOODa. Aakfor soodimadebreaww i in t tb vortb of roar money. Onr name U on eaeb piece. , Wa aollctt the patrooate of the COTTON ID 1P0RTIT pablle and guarantee latlsfaetion. , . . ' Caaeapeetfullj, " ELLIOTT tz HATCH. ' DEPARTMENT, sei them. We have just received a & CO. First National" Bait .Biilliii, -Sooth Tryon Street, - - - - Charlotte, N. C. DBALEBSra. Ladies',Missesand Children's FINE .. BDTTON, C .NGEESS & LICE SHOES, - ' - - ; ' -vrvv;-" " : i '? ' V Genu Fine Hand-Hade and Machine Sewed BOOTS, BUTTON AND LACE B ALS, HOTS' Alt TOUTOS ' FINE BOOTS AND SHOES OF ALL GRADES GENTS' FINE Silk, Soft and Stiff Hats, TRUNKS, VALISES and GRIPSACKS, UMBRELLAS OF -ALL KINDS, - SHOE BLACKING AND BRUSHES. - ilma Polish for Ladles' Fine Shoes. Stock always kept lull and up to the demand. OHDKR3 BT HAIL OR EXPRESS PROMPTLY ATTENDEE TO. ULb II it!l Our stock e. a ft AUCTION AND COMMISSION ',i i: li i' ii m JierChaBulSC tSrOKCrSe BUT AKB BELL REAL ESTATE. coNsiammrs solicited J. E K8NSRICK, s. -r-ri tts (j Li U XL U U O : KEEPS THB . BEST B A (R B I L L I A n D HAL L , In the city. . - ' t febiedtt , FOR REN t AC0H70BTABLS 4 room oottaee, pantry and kitchen, within a few hundred yardt of the Graded richooL and six acres of land lor rant a 1 Pen & k KCCLES "TBOTH, LIUC THB SUH, SOMXTTKBS SUBMITS TO Btt OB90CBKD, BUT, LIES THB SUM, OJTLY lOB A Subscript! ob to the Observer. .r . DiJLYEDfnOlt. Single copy..;. , By the week In. the city. 6 cents. 20 a j vnemonm ... Three months........ . Six months.... .......... ..j 75 .....$100 4.00 uneyear . f .... .... . O.UU WEEKLY EDITION. TnMemonOs.i.r..:. ........ 60 cents. ctxmonias 11.00 Jtoe year...;....... L!6 In clubs of five and over $L50. No Deviatloa From These Bales Subscriptions always payable only in name hut in fact In advance, not WASHINGTON MATTERS. WORDS OF HOPE. Col. Cowlee ob the Action of Con Kress as to Internal Berenne Xeclslatlon Alleged State of the Pnrty. Correspondenoe of Thk Obskbtxb. Washington, . March 12. I have the authority of Col. Cowles for the following fltAtemnnt TljLways and Means committee is in better temper as respects a modifi cation of the Internal Revenue than heretofore. Therels some expecta- tion that the brandy tax will : be re duced or possibly repealed altogether. That great committee will report, in Col. Cowles's opinion, in favor of the abolition of gaugers, &c, for all dis tilleries which manufacture spirits of less quantity than ten gallons per day.. : This will remove one of the principle grievances of the people of Western North Carolina and some other . vuarters. The delegation is very active in its efforts and intelli gent in its suggestions to the leaders of the House in regard to the wants of the districts affected by the odious laws. They recognize the difficulties in the way of doing anything, but are not discouraged. After prolong ed endeavor they 'are encouraged to expect that something will be effects ed at the present session. - In addition to the above, which is the substance of a long conversation with ; the Representative from the 8th District,' I ami able to state his be lief that the fees of Federal officers will be abolished. . These are all mat ters nearly affecting ; the . people of North Carolina and I make no apol ogy for so frequently bringing them up in this correspondence. For the second time since January 1, 1 have thus been able to state at leaet the definite expectation of members bas ed on their knowledge of the inten tions of the great committee, oh whose action the House will largely be governed in its determinations.' It hardly need be stated that if the Ways and Means committe should report favorable either on the brandy or small distiller proposition or both, that its report will be adopted. .- The whole trouble is in getting to this point. Mr. Morrison and the"majori ty of the committee, represent cor rectly the feeling on revenue ques tions of the Democratic majority And if the Judiciary committee, as CoL Cowles thinks, and as there is reason to believe, shall recommend the abolition or cutting down of marshal's and clerk's fees there is al most equal probability that its recom mendation will be approved by the House. - . . There is a feeling of apprehension among democrats nere as w ine .prospects of the party" in the fall campaign. Some' of the r stoutest hearted express in private their doubt of the ability of the party to hold the House of Representatives unless something is done to alter the lethargy which they allege . exists among the Democratic masses. There Is an attemptto put the whole re sponsibility if or .the alleged ill state of things onthejshoulders of the Presi dent. But broad as these shoulders are, It is very clear that they ought Hot to be permitted , by any intelli gent and virtuous public to carry such a loadA If it be true that the Democracy isin a bad way BOtfie body else than the President is to blame for at least a part of . the mis management which has caused ths condition of affairs ' . "While the Democratic speakers who - have followed - Mr. Edmunds have not known how to state their case as ingeniously ' and with as much literary skill as that displayed hv the Vermont Senator, thev have succeeded in demolishing his. prece dents anu piling up uu unoj vj. precedents against him which he can hardlv exDlain away. Mr. Kenna is now making a yery able" speech, Some of his remarks in the begin? ning were ; personal but delicately couched and therefore parliamentary. Both Sherman and Edmunds were placed at a disadvantage. He is now at 3 o'clock warming up and making something of a sensation. The Deny-, ocratsare all in their seats, and a large number of (Representatives are nrovided with chairs on the floor. j . Tile galleries are nearly full. Sixteen' of the business men of tTTi.Tivot.it.inn t.hft TTmiBfl for thfl il i""Mi'v:- Dassaeeof the James bill to relieve drummers frgmthe Qtate and local license taxes. : , A, the instance of Senator Vance tbe Fihance committee of the Senate has been' instructed to report what -disnoition - it-man.es ot mr. xaniei R. Goodloe s compilation - or internal revenue legislation. " At the suggestion of Senator Vance Mr.'Hawley requested on yesterday that the adverse report on the bill of the latter to repeal the civil service ent. The Senator from North Caros lma will speak on the subject. - -; : CoL William Trenholm, of Charles ton, Bon of the Secretary of the Treasury Trenholm, of the Conf ed erocy, .and Civil Service Commis sioner, is to he Comptroller of the Treasury The President, it is un derstood, greatly admires CoL Trens holm, whose financial views are in accord with those of the administra tion. , ' " i Senator Butler will be one of the Senators who will go to California tomorrow as an escort to Senator MUler. .J '"V - " Mr. S.. H. .Wiley, of Salisbury, was in the city yesterday. Representative . Henderson is to appear before the committee on Pub lic Building and Grounds in behalf of the public building for Statesville, the bill for whiqh he introduced some time ago.- He has given permissioA for the use of the following facts: He is in receipt of many letters'frbm prominent gentlemen in the District, The people there are thoroughly ja earnest in support .of the measure, and he purposes doing everything in his power for its passage.. The busi4 ness of the Circuit and - District Courts, during.1 the twelve years since their organization is as follows: Total number of cases 2,312, or an average of 165 per year. Many of the equity and civil cases- were of prime importance, involving valua ble mining property, &c, The civil cases are said to. be greater than, at any other place except Asheville and comes next to that Court in criminal, cases. "Altogether Mr. Henderson will say that the business is as important as that of Asheville. " The railroad connections and facilities -; will be dwelt upon and the ' commercial ims portance of the flourishing cityv of Statesville with its 3,500 inhabitants. The statements made from official re cords that the Internal Revenue of' fice transacts more business than any other in the collection district will go' into ? figures. i. I . have here only room to say that the February report of t Collector Dowd I-.-, will be shown to the committee. This makes the volume of the Statesville collections $11,078:68 out of a total of collections for the month of $28,330.19 Judge Dick writes a strong letter in favor of the movement. . Twice this week has the eloquent chaplain of the House, Dr. Millburn, prayed on the subject of the labor difficulties in the country. This morning he extended his petition from one to two minutes, and invok ed the deity to command the peace between the two parties to the con test with appropriate blessings upon each.- The blind preacher is proba bly the most eloquent man who has held the position during the last thir j ty years. He is extremely simple in manner, has a full, round,' deep and pathetic voice, which is the despair of all public speakers and the perfec tion of nature or art, and all his prayers are directed to some one pur pose, and are elegant in diction. It is known that many of 1 his worcls and phrases are adapted f or the Protestant Episcopal Book of Comnion Prayer. ljut his use of ; these is peculiarly his own. : " - Col. J. L. Brown, of Brown & Weddington, Charlotte, was here a day or two ago, A -o'J--: , - ' Representative O HaraiSQtt on a six days leave of absence. Mr. Julius A, Bomtzt of the (iolds- boro Messenger, is in the city. ' EL : The Vance Family. ., Statesrlle Landmark. . The editor of the Salisbury Watch man has addressed a letter to Senator Vance. , inquiring ; pf the , truth ; of a statement that he has sixteen rela tives in the government service. The Cincmnatti commerciaisijrazette nrst published the statement giving a list of the alleged relatives and the sal- ary of eaoh, the salaries aggregating 25.3J50. senator vance aenies any knowledge of the majority; of: the nersons namea ana cnargea w mm. the following as a correct list : , : : - V- ; : : 'A A A ' - Z. R Vanee, V. 8. Senator, Balary , 5 ; $5,000 B. a Vanoa, Assistant Com of Patents, .; 2,000 n u v.iuh. win. Clark to the Senator.. . - 800 Z. B. Vance, Jr Lieutenant in tne Army. , W Hall, nepbew, page in tne House, - 600 Total.' - , WJXQ This ligt, of course; is not intended to include a lew relatives or oonuec- tions of Senator Vance in revenue and other offices, but all told and counting himself i there are : barely more than ten oi cne tamuy in omce. And there is a good deal of difference between ten and sixteen,,, "" Saecesai of Arbitration. . The 3 success of - Commissioner O'nrtnnnll in settlinff the dienute be tween the New ot ana erootiya street h car oonpanies .and , their etrikine emolovesL has led the entire board to tase tne master oi aroisra tiona into consideration, ana intro-v duoe a bill into the Legislature ' ems nowenne tne Doara to Decome aroi trators m ail aiSDUies. oetween rau - ... way corporations and their employes or natrons:? Bv the terms of the bill tne inveBugaiouH are w ua u puunu and the findings oi the commissioners are to oe certinea ; w me. anurucy . . , . - - -.A. General within fifteen days after in vestigation is closed. The advantage of tbia plan is that it would do away. witn tne necessity oi ssriKea ana a legal board of - arbitration, whose decisions would be binding. The danger in the case is tnat tne appoint ment of the board might in the : end become a matter ot contest between the parties likely to have dispuis to be decided oerore it. .r . i aogliter Wives ai id Mother We emphatically guarantee Dr. Marchhsf s Catht ollcon, a Female Remedy, to etue lemaie mseases, such as ovarian tnwbiesinnammatloa andoloera mn mil it and diHrilaoe nent or beafllUf" dUWu feelinXi lrreguianues, yarreuijrsu, vuausc vi- m leueorrhoea, besides many weaknesses springing from the above, like headache, bloa'lng, spinal weakness, sleeplessness, nervous debility, palpita tion ot the hoart, Ac For sale by druggists. Price il 00 and 11.00 per Dome, oeoa w ui. . a. for sale byL. B. Wrtoton, drugglirt. Charlotte .THE CABDEfAL's BED HIT.; Hemarhable Ornament That Now l Occupies a Prominent Plaee in .St. Patrick's Cathedral.: : t-- New York Hearld. , ..-.---. i Visitors ' to the Cathedral during -U T . ! .......... 9 vua Ajcuueu . uervioea win notice cnat there n now suspended from the key stone of the grained i root, right over line nign aitar. a somewhat remark able object, ..aw greats hight above the floor may1; render , it: somewhat difficMlt for those who do not possess goodaight to tell what it is, but if they look at it carefully: they 'will nna it .to oe a low-crowned, broad brimmed hat, of red color, with red and gold cords hanging from the in side of the crown, to each of which are attached fifteen small red and gold tassels.- It is the hat which marked the? elevation . ot the first American ? who ever attained the honor to the ' dignity of the Roman purple, and is the one placed on the neaa ot tne late Cardinal McCloskey by his Holiness Pone Pius IX. when the Archbishop was created Cardinal by ; the title of Sta. Maria . supra Minervam. The Pone with his own hands placed thn hat on the -head of tne Cardinal on that occasion,, and it has never been worn" since. At His Eminence's funeral it may , have been ODseryed that it was put at the foot of the caeket ? which contained his body, and it is familiar, to all: by its representation?; oyer, the Cardinal's arms over the mam door of the Ca thedral and elsewhere '.;n ": After' the death - of any -of the KomanaCarftiaalS the red hat ia al ways hung tip ro his church, though generally in. tnat. ;iorm , wtnen ne takes his title in the Eternal City- in fact, so far as known, there ;is but One other . Cardinal's hat preserved outside of Rome, namely; that of the late Cardinal Wiseman, - which is hung in the Church of St. Mary. Moorfields, London. The presence of me nat in tne Cathedral ot JNew York will remind future generations of the amiaoie prelate, wnose talents and virtues caused the " Pope " to : elevate him to the highest dignity within his power to confer. The red hat itself represents to the Cardinal : that it is his duty at all times to Js ready and willing:, if occasion arises, to lav down his life for the faith, or for even the least of the privileges of the Holy See, and thus, while it confers a dig nity which entitles the owner to more than royal honors in the Church it also reminds him that the duties which are inseparable from that office may call upon him to be stained in the imperial purple of his own life blood. - The presence of the cardinal's hat within St. Patrick's Cathedral will recall to mind that, - whatever may happen in the future and elsewhere. this, at least, is the honor of New York that it gave to the Church the first American Cardinal and that it was in this Cathedral, that first was seen in the great republic of the West tne imperial purple or Kome; that here presided one who, although, an American citizen and proud to claim hiSj citizenship, was also a prince of the Church and a representative of vigorous Wesrtem life within the in nermost circle of her ruling council lors.. ;:A.: . TIGNAUX BADLY BEATEN. Schaefer's 'Brilliant Play Leaves the Frenchman 771 Points Be hind. . :. : . New Yohk, March 11. The billiard match between Jacob Schaefer and Maurice Vignaux was started up on its. third mgnt witn benaeter .458 points ahead. He opened the play, and when he had closed his unfio ished run of last night he had added 108 points to his already well earned 1,200. The balls were left, in good position, but Vienauz failed to count. Schaefer immediately increased his lead 33 points. : Vignaux now made 27 and Schaefer 38. Some marvelous billiards had now been seen, but little i wortbv of note followed' until: the ninth inning, when Schaefer ran 86. and" making each point so quickly that the marser eouict naraiy j:eep Dace with him. Tne score was now called : Schaefer. 230 : Vignaux. 67 more than three to one. - Vignaux's succeeding six points was responded to ! by Bchaefer with 70. Schaefer deemed to magnetize Vignaux in this 1 run, arawmg uim iruta uisBair anu itakmg him ' witn mm, use Marys lamb, everywhere he went. " sexton, Sohaef or's umpire, suggested to Vig naux that he take his seat, and only jthen did he reauze that he was viola- tins tne ruies. ;, j Vignaux, in the two following in nings, scored 18 and 7 points ; ochaeter 151 and; 90 points- respectively. .Vigs naux made his shots in a listless way. Schaefer ; played 3 with a brilliancy that only skill and confidence and success can. insure. . The score was bow 431 to 91 in favor of Schaefer, and only one hour and fifteen min kites had elapsed since the game be1 gan. vignaux now maae 28. TTimng counts for champions were made in the next innings, Vignaux playing as if he wished the night were over. He 'waked up, "however, sufficiently to pin 67 points, stopping on an easy carom, ocnaerer louowea witn 43, and 1 was now entered upon his last 100: -Vignaux scored 45, and what cave promise of - a great run was ended by the balls getting into balk Schaefer brought the game to a close in.. ms - nmeteentn inning witn -vo points, and leaving the balls in posi tion iur kuuh upetuuK .ruu wjluui row, tne lourtn nignt 01 tne contest. 1 . m . .1 1 Scorer schaefer 108, o, z, 0, 33, 4, 1. 1, 86. 70, 41; W, 12, 9, 49, 26, 4, 23, 46 600. Total tor three nights. 1.800. I mgnaux--0, 1; 0,, 26, -27, 2, 4, 7, 6, 18, 8, 28, 11, 57, 45, 22, 6, 21188 Total for three nights, 1,029 AiVl WTT M --Ve WW" . '... 1 Umpires W. Sexton for Schaefer ; C. Davis for Vignaux.'' 1-1 1 Time of game 2 hours and 15 nun I Schaef ers average,- 31 ll"-79 ; vig naux s, 16. . . , Best r unsSchaef er,: 108,! 90, 70 : Vignaux, T57, 45, 28. AA - Sirs. Wlnslovr'B Sootblns Svnip. Eev. 8rrus Cobb thus writes to the Boston Christian Freeman! Wewonld by no means recom mend any kind of medicine which we did not know to be good particularly for Infants. But of lira. Wlnslow's Soothing Sjrop we can speak from knowledge; in onr own family It has proved a bless ing; indeed, by giving an lniant mwDied; with oollc pains, quiet sleep, a u parents unbroken rest at night. Host parente can appreciate these Messlnga. Here b an article which woraa to perfection and which Is harmless; f or t -ia wep which it affords the Infant la perfectly oatura.,-and the. little eherub awakes as "onat as v button." And during the process of teethlrg its value Is incalculable. We have freonentlv heard mothers say that they would not be without it from the birth of the child till It had nnitthed with the teething siege on any consio ration whatever, bold by au druggists. x oanta , ROYAL IStJJi ' XJ Absolutely Piire. Tnls DOWder never vartna. A mtrfd nf rnirltr. atrengtli and whelesomeness More eennomleal than tbe ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in oompettttoa with ma multitude ot low test, short weight, alum or phosphate powders. Sold only uiwoua, wuoiessue Dr - JanZJdAwly , , , . t Charlotte, N a NERVOUS DEBILITATED MEU. Too jsre aUowed a free trial of thirty gag at the 1 Auvuw suspensory Appliances, lor tne speedy relief and permanent core of Srrrxmt Debility, om ot VitaUtv and Manhood, and all kindred troubles. Also for many otber diseases. Complete restora. .n XT 1.1. T.I . - . . . . No rwk Is incurred. Illustrated pamphlet in sealed SMiMlflllMI lllllllml fi ii li Vv alHwalna w ,bcuiu, . iwr miu jaannooa ru&raxiLeea. uixaj.u jsi&Li' uu., Ji&nnaU, suea. novl7deodw7m. ' specialists of the day with no benefit, Cured him self in three months, and alnoe then hundreds of others by the same process... a plain, simple and successful home treatment Address X.B.fAUB. 128 Kast 26th 8t, New York City. m WANT SALSSUEN everrwhera. Wv&1 and traveltnK. to sell our goods Will nav 1 good f alary ard all expenses. Write for terms at once, ana state saiarr wanted, a rl limns ingioneireet,iwion nass. ... mars4w TTTJlHTim CADIESto work for us at their 11 Bfs CU own homes, $7 and $10 oer week WV can be quietly made. No photo painting; no ' canvassloz Cor full Darticulnre. nlmtjw nil. dre at onoe, CBKSCENT ART COMPANY, 19 VCUUW iUCCtf, OUBIAJli) JUABS DUX llA ih Eatablisaed IM, f TIsDS. Mi Suct3es;oi3 to . uiwim uci-w. uvwr . Bole Mcccfsct- Ulfcli Of tiiO . Old Reliable bwd Celebrated BBADFOrS. Sa&-f Z For Any Kind ot V.l -t-oui-... Id" Jfc-f :nSr . . . . . - ... . ajbu iiiauuia;i-ui - . ent of - Aanatual n A C 0 MM I8Qpll,RQriT. ites. 25. 27, 29, 31 acd 33 Loci St..' Kear Highland House Iaonncd llano, Write for Ostalcfue, CINCIXKATi, C ' decl2deadftwSm. . , . . , I CURE FITS! lVken I aT cure I do not mean merely to itoo tham for a tiniBMMi then him them return again, I mean radical core. 1 have made the liineam of flTS, SPh LEP8T or FALUNS 8ICKNE88 a UCe4ong atndr. I .warrant my remedy, to onre the woyrtfiaou. otbsn nave railed is no reaao? ror not now reoemng- a euro. Send at onoe for atneatiu anda Free Bottle ot my infamble remedy. Give Kxpreaa and Post Office, it ooetarou notUng for a erial.and 1 will core Too. Ajaqjeqe ifa. u. u.ttuv,ureariiK.,jiew xars. L. 3. WALXKK. B. K. BBT1H L J. WALKER & CO, ' Wholesale and Retail Grooers. FIRS! - IVEW GOODS 1 r& the first day ef January .1888, the andenunea V Centered Into a oo-DartQershlD lor the ourpeee i oi earrjinK on a General Grocerj Cosiness IttaebM stand of SDrines ft Parwell. corner Tryon ft Fourth streets. We are aalifled by Ions: experience, to meet the demands of tha trade, and dIm utUffljilinn tAfflir AlliiUimArA. w e will aeey on uauu at au uima iuu okvuv ui FAlilLY SDPPItlF8 Which will be denrered m any part oi fiiCtl f ree oi charge. , We will not bs nnderaold In the Charlotte market. 1 tr There Is a eooa waaon yard In the rear ot our store for too accommodation of our kcusto- mera. L; J. WALKER fi. CO. ; 1 IV. L. DOUGLAS 1 Best material, perfect lit, vqnals any orfSshoe t every pair warrantee lace none luuea. wmpji W L. uoaglas' Shoe, warranted." greas, itntton aoa If yon cannot get shoes from dealers address on postal to VY . Li. uouKias. WD, BUD. i For sale by jaal3deodain. . A.S. BAJ?KTN BRO. , Charlotte, N. C. A Clear Skin . is "only a. part- of beauty; l but it is a part Every lady may have it ; at least, what, looks 'like ' it ..Magnolia Balm : both 1 freshens sand beautifies.,, - von- . i j sy , . II MTTm : FRESH - r, EVEBY HOiVDA ltZOliOIG We"; always (offer ' t We are selling at Black 28 inch Imperial Serge (All Wool) 40 40 40- 40 0 Cashmere (All Wool) ' 1 - Nuns Veiling (All Wool) Albatros (All Wool) Henriettta Cloth Drab d'Alina Cloth Colored Bress Goods. 40 inch 40. . 300 yards 500 . " All Wool Homespun - in 5 shades ' at ' 50o " Imperial Serge, tan only- - "l K0o " Albatross, Double width, light blue 43o i . " in 8 shades, at 29a i Specialties in Fine Black Siliio. Extra' heavy and rich finish, $130 per wash materials; We have the greatest variety of these DRESS GINGHAM3 --.'.'...i-'i.,"-. ''Jr.' .'.'ri'-N v;;.'V- At 10c, 12J,' 15c, 20c, 30c, S8c,'50c, and 65c per yard. -OUR- LADIES' MUSLIN UNDERWEAR ' - . - V Is still selling at a great reduction, and THE EMBROIDERY Which we are selling in Btrips of 4f yards only are in greater demand than WlffHK MAIL ORDERS SOLICITED AND The largest arid most 1 1 IN THE :iafaHE;i PIANOS JtND ORGANS Oil !the best makes on Lor prices and easy Order direct from me,- and deliver fteightpaid to your 0 - aU i PH.. t I f.. 6 ? cin buy from the head office,, and .nill. attend Xo 'joaxt wants in case anything should 'be TvTong in thelirjf guarantees. " . 1 1 . Wo GIIARL0TT2, IT. a a Variety '-of them. : a great (Moods. sacnuce, 48o per yard worth. 750 65o per 4 ' ' l - '! 460 70o j98c 41 75o 75o 900 140 ; t I . it yard worth $1.85: $L55 ner vard goods that was ever brought to this CHEVIOTS For Boys' Waists in many neat paterns at 12) and 15 cents per yard. is leaving our shelves at a lively rate. ever. . ' ' - CHARLOTTE, N. C. : J PROMPTLY ATTENDED. TO. 0 'iiv i complete ! STATE the installment plan. terms. Send for priced.' rniCBEQMGFIMCl - I JJatLcsLfIaPi-C3, 1US0N &vHAUlIN;-:HiKGS.T BAT STATE ORGANS, 1 " PACKARD pRQANS, 1 j -!Isson(& Haialia Orgaci wye time and freigtt;f -I , ' nearest depot as 5 cheap, id:, joa : stock of f ,! law be laid on the table for the pres w. C, . jmjiiovuj.1 abotUft.