. -is s If 5- ! VOLUME XXXIY; CHARLOTTE, f N; b.;H tfRS DAYvMARCH 18," 1886 ( I PRICE FIVE CENTS. l3 hi ii i i iii ill if i ii i ii - " jl 1 I - , - j . i 1 'a? -soil Uti 1 i - ' A NICE All Wool "Casbbere Shawls, la Pink. Blue, Garnet, Cardinal, Cream $1 25. Tney are oargams. we are receiving me prettiest stocK or -. . Dress To be found in the City. - Call and see them. TAN FASHION SHEETS FOR APRIL. . g AKSSAVfiS '6i smith BViLDrnia. ltt Boys e JUST BECIVED A nioe line of Little Boys' & .Youths' Clothing. LITTUt BOYS' 8UIT8 AT 2J5 ' 175 " 400 '4.50 . B.OOndnp 4J0O' " 4.G0 .. 11.00 . TOUTHS' SUITS CAUL AIVD SEBTHEM.; T. L. SEIGLE. 12- . Have just received aii;elegant line ota 1 , aiiS- Colored Embroidered and Chinchilla Scarfs, something entirely new. A full line of LADIES' MISSES' and,CHJLDREN1S HOSE. A beautiful line of " . .. FIGURED AND PLAIN SCRIM, A nice asaortmmt of DRESS GINGHAMS and SEERSUCKERS.T A new lot of Everlasting Trimming, Torchon and Damiat me oeei ions w f -. , CO It S ET8 In the place. Oall and examine' our stock of WHITE GOODS. is entirely new. No old gooas. ... ': E. L. MESpE CO, SnCCXSSOBS TO ALXZAKDXB RABBIS. FRED C. HUNZLER. LAGER BEEB DEAUEB AIfB BOTTXJ3B, - ... ,-.''( CHAREN.rC ; BepreeentB two of the largest LAGEB BEEB Breweries Lathe United State. The Berspner 4c Bmel Hrewlftt P. 4e KL ffebsOer Brewip ! THE LABGEST LAQER BEEB BOT- , IN THE CITY.. . t 7AmIh SoIIcltea. All order Bromptly 4Ued and daUverad free of : deonir aa - i . , WANTED, at ih 1K a.nf. narhiuitlfltnf fluouewori tpCttartottB Qfl OomixaT. npttfiddtr ' . . ' "' " THE XATEST We aye now runolDg eo fuD time. lunJUu rnanafactared by us is kept tf tne etOteptUg ttrrnttare dealers in tola etty. ; W mato m& fn beet and most nbstaiitUl Is the martwt HP SHODDY GOODft. Aak for podA aaade by ns and ouwffletOeworUVof hwr awney .. Oar naasf U on each pVeuk. We solicit tne patronai of ttw pnMU and yiarantee ssXlsfaotJoB. r . " . . ; fajasDteU'nBr, . - - - T ... ELLJOTT "is IIAESn COTTON ID 1.." . J. ID.M0ST1P0RW LINE OP and Tan, which we are selling at Grobds BUTTERICKS METROPOLI- ALiSSMIDIBEr 4 lirstVNalioM :';Bait BKMini, 8oaQi Trjon Btzeet, - - - --"- "L.1. SI1LSBS IN Cbaxlotte, N. C I J - Ladies'jMisses'and Children's BUTTON, CiiNSRESS & LICE SHO ; ' jir"v.. I SmtB'nieBaBd-lIadstad VaddaaSawad BOOTS, BUTTON AND LACE JALS,X f , ' - BOTS AIIYOmriB8 I ' J - - . ; , UNI BOOTS AND 8H0M OF' ALL 'gBAMS Silk9.Sot and Stiff:;Hats9 TRUCKS"''''-" ' f VALISES and J 1 ' : GRIPS ACES, UMBRELLAS QF-r ALL; KINDS, SHOS BLACKIN0 AND BBCSHBa r '. t Aim Polish for -Ladies' Fine Shoes. Stocklal ways JkepOulLrandTl 5 np to the demand. t . OBDXBS BT Kilt OS XXFBB33 PEOMPTLX f i t ATTXNBiEI) TO. ; fil flM i t Cotol" j' Shawb, Valencennes Laces, Colored, Silks and Our stock h. a ,1 CO:, AUCTION AND C0KHIS3I0N 17 Slerehandise Dfokers. 1 t i U ! BUT ANB SXLL. ; REAL ESTATE CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED"' J. E KEIIDRICK, CLliB - HOUfS liw; XKSP8 THJS . ; -T7 ;; - " AWTiyA DlbtlABjtU' 1- - FOR KEN IV ! ?, ACOMfOBTABfS 4 room eottsae, pantry And kitchen, whnlir-a tew hundred 'yards -of tM traded School, and six acres of laod lor rent t a M Go. iiPDfi ECCLES fcje CltarTotte OfeaerattY Troth, jsarn m bck, buhriiub uumuibtd i obscukjcd, but, th bum, racLi roB Siibscrlptlom to the Observer.- ; . r; i)AILT XDITION. ' Bytheweekliithecltjr...i..T.... M By the month. ..,... ,. ... 16 Three months. . , Mm - Six months.... 4.00 OMyee 8.00 t , WXBXLTXDITION. . Three mfmthji v'" :n ; im-4 ftxmonth..,..;i.........i.I.l.OO ' i Inetutwot frretkad orer iLfia .r .. . N DeviattoMFrttm These Kvles ! 8al)ea1otkiiB iiwir mnbli In mdr&nee. not duit in name do in tact,,. -' - ' . -.- -. i GEEPKOPpSmONS. BILUSt CI.08EI.r AFFECTIJJIG t . OCB WHOLE PEOPLE. Education sad Infernal Bevenne Bills eif ifXessrar-Beld and Hen. dersonThe, PrtinecH . Ihetr Passage. Correspondence of Teb Obskbtib. Wash1NGT0N-D. C, - March 16. RepreaentatiyesReid and Henderson have , undertaken, and, with a great deal pf -labor . prosecuted conjointly, io- introduce in .the House a number of bills- having ' a common purpose and directing them - to the condition of affairs which exists in North Car olina, and some other ' States. In stead.of an analysis of these impor tant measures, which would take sev eral hours more . time than I have at ommandj' I send the full text taken from the 'author's manuscript. The leading bills were not completed un til past midnight yesterday. The first measure is introduced by Mr. Henderson, and is entitled : - .A bill to mitigate the severities- and to moderate the horrors and -cruelty, of the pimishments inflicted for the" rio-: lations sof ? te. .Internal,. Reyenue Laws." It is an elaborate act. to which the author has added the help- f ul feature of a marginal indexTy The I first Bection . concerns ; the - punish' ment of distillers for : defrauding or attempting to defraud tho United States of tax on spirits. It provides Section II That Section 3257 of the) Revised Statutes, shall be amended by . striking out all after the word "premises"-in lin& 6. "and msertinir in lieu" thereof the'f ollowing f And. shall be fined not exceeding one .thousand dollars, pr .imprisoned not exceeding three years, or both in the discretion of the court. w-i The second section relates: to- the penalty for not having: still - or apy peratus regifitereo. ' proviaesr 't 1 Section 2. That Section 3258 of the Revised Statutes "shall be amended,' by making au atter tne wora "for feiture" in line 16 read as follows; And everyvperson havmg-.m nis pos session or custody, or under his cons I troL. any still or distilling apparatus set up which is not so registered shall pay a penalty not exceeding nve nun dred dollars, and shall be fined not exceeding one thousand dollars, or imprisoned not exceeding two years. or both in tne discretion ox tne court. Section 3. Touching the penalty for not giving the notice required by law Or for giving a fraudulent notice. It provides: That" Section 3259 of the Revised Statutes shall be amended so as to make all - after the word "pre- Anv nwson who fails or' refuses to give such jootice abaU pa a penalty pot exceeding one thousand jdo&ars, and snail oe nnea nos exoeeaisg1 two thousand dollars; and every person who gives a false or fraudulent no tice shall also be imprisoned -not ex ceeding two years. - Section 4 gives penalty tor distii- ers failing to give bond. Its pro- inamna nrn I tint fiAncinn nr tns Revised Statutes shall bo amended so I as to make au aiter- tne -wora-"revs i enue" in line 22 read as follows: Any J person who falls -or refuses to give I remove rae properwy w a piace oi the Jbond,hereinafter required, to re- I BBieitorageThg flther, section re new the same, or who gives any false I dudes .the t&xi ejfcrandy. The or fraudulent bond, snail forfeit the I Hiot.illorv diatilTflrv. annara.tiia and I all real estate or premises connected 1 therewith and shall be fined not er l ceeding five thousand dollars or im-1 prisoned not exceeding ' Section 3 affixes pens t. aAa, That Mnntinn asfls of thn I Revised Statutes shaU be amended so l that au after ttherwora "reotiiymg" I in line 9 down? totandj including the I word "offense":m imd 13? shall read I xneuowin.ir.rxseia8 reBoiu as followsi And any, person who I tion instructing the .committee on ed dnea anv of the acts prohibited bv thia action, or aids therein or causes or procures -the fsame to' Wl done, shall be fined not exceeding one I tncmsana aour.wK-ny j j-u i : jt i exceedipg two years, or hoti inthe tonof Mcourt.. On 6 has rtlatlonS fcs Bhalty I akinir locks, gaining aociaft tof discretion Section for breaking locks. I matPitn. fcc. It MOV mHI ctlI shall be amended by making all after the word "officer"; in line 5 read- as follows: Shall be fined not exceed- Seotion 7 treats of the penalty for using false signs, and is as follows: That Section 3279 of the Revised Statutes be amended by striking out the.',word 'and." in line; 1& and inserting the word "or." - Section o concerns penalty on rec- tifiers, liquor dealers, to.;-; carrying on' - business without -. having paid the - special i' - tax. a-. . . ffli & u.: . It proviaes: . xuau eogyiuu At of the act of February 1S75, as brought forward on. page 1S3 of the fiuPnlemeni to the - Revised Statutes shall he amended: by striking out all of the first paragraph after the word friend. as follows Mnd dollars, or imprisoned not e ceedingto vearg, or ho in the ti&Mtepttdf W coupt. as Section 9 penalty for, making lTh, etdaW jprohibited premises,:"" rd videli" That4iectfn 8283 btit Be 1 vised Statutea De P make it read aftei vised Statutes be amended n -i to and before, ti.. ord ni-nvided." in dine sixteen, ad fol- tmua. I iTVfirV-- Person violating this section shalt be fined not exceeding "fivel ffiousanildollars, or imprisied ihidiscretion of the court.ir "dr. sol . af-Awi till nnriAltv for TramoTtncrnr I nofclin' reads: That section $99 of the Revised 8tat utes boamended-by struung out all ing fiye thousand dollars or imprisi said session, nor at .th, secohd., ses: liojtoTwMsi iriVi)oiani'Kacn. inicttohi'tn' oned not exceeding three years, or I nonof said Ctongiwf; and T ..wjnjuinjrroipotttoiu'- ' ' bSSinthedSoofthtc- t'f MAmt i Priew ;;. 1' " i- n.. A..- 1 nOKUvl Ha ill 3Ann.fA bill 19 A SlUls AATlt !. IO ?' - J . f . j:; ii : in line 6ight,ana; i inserting l W'.'J . Nnt DTiviailmi, Hn r.rinil- reuUOTTOU mcu iwrnosuajiiTw I -T" "TT, " . j : I I fterVth'e Word "fined ," in line ten. am iuueruug: -,i(os 5 ezceeamg . nve thoueandT doUars. or imorisoned not ezceedipg three years, or both, in the (iiscreuon oi tne court.; -j .Viii, f Section 11, penalty for false entries omitting to Keep or produce books. it reaos; xnat section 3305 of the Ke vised Statutes shall be amended by strikine out all after the word"fined" in liaeeventeen, and inserting Not exceeding five ; thousand dollars or imprisoned not exceeding two years, or . both,, in jthe jdiseretioii of the oourt.,w: 'jt-r i,. j.tj,idi i u( ii J Section 12, penalty for. using false weignts or measures v, Xhat section, 3306 of. the Revised Statutes shall be amended by striking out all after, the wora -nnea," in line tour, down to auu mciuaing- trp.r oca "years." in line ix, and .inserting; -Not exceed ingfive thousand 'dollars, or imipris oned not exceeding three years, or both id thediacretion'of the cbnrt; Section penalty u for 'reducing capacity -of stall withouf giving re quired notice, etc.; ,That sectiou 33li of. r the Revised, ..Statutes shall . be amended by striking out all after the word felony," in line, nineteen, and inEertingf And shall be fined nOc ex ceeding five thousand .dollars,, or im prisoned not exceeding t three rears.' or. both, at., the -diflcretaon'of ,the OQurt.v; ' .: .. :,, .v Ju'4 '' i Section 14, penalty for , ofi?cer , ille gally i using or j permitting : use .of stambs. 1 It Drovideai . That ' section 3316 be amended by striking ou the! lars, nor," and the .words, 'less than six months nor.? iW r,':; Section IS.,'- penalty, for: rectifiers doing business jlleKally andfraudu lehtlv: : .That section 3317. of ,the Re, vised Statutes,, and ; the; supplement thereto, be amended by striking out the' following words: "Lessthah one thousand .dollars., .nor " and the' worda,-Vle88 than six, months, not. " 1 I oecuon io, penauy ior omicungtq efface and for illegal tspbrtatioif. It readsr, That section : 3234 of the Revised Statutes:' shall be "amended by strikine but the words, "less than five hundred dollars,-, norland the woras. "not ibhb cnan one vraf nni " ! Section 17. Denaltv for 'ehanrfnflf t stamps, shifting 'spirits, etc.' That f section 8326 of the Revised Statutes anau be amended by strikingJout all I enaea oy strnangxtut all wordBfied,' in line ten, ogte following,: "Not ex- alter tne and insertin! ceeding ten Uiousand dollars, or im-: I pnsonea not exceeding nve years, or I pn, uaugooer or o.onv a. ij. waa both, in the discretion of the court.' dell, is visiting her uncle's family In f Section 18. 5 : All laws' in "conflict with this actare hereby repealed. , . j. i Since the above was written, and I at a late hour, I am ' able to add the following, analysis of the proposed legislation' 1 i Messrs. Henderson and Reid have i been constantly; m conference with the sub-committee' on -Ways and Means, maturing a biU! on the inter- I nal revenue matters that would meet the approval of the committee- and be likely, to pa8 the House.;; Finding tnat a repeal of tne taxes on wniskey and tobacco could not now f be ac complished, thev set to work to mod ify the law and repeal or ; reduce the branay tax." ' AS a result or their re peated conferences with .the com mittee, and of their "united efforts, Mr. , Reid introduced 4 the. bill this I morning, which is entitled as follows: A bill to reduce the number of inter- nal revenue officers;' reduce the' tax on fruit brandy, provide a better and more ' economical administration of j the internal revenue laws, and for other 'purposes. ; ' This bill provides for brandy warehouses, .- similar to whiskey bonded ' warehouses.. Under the .present law, . brandy must "be stamped sixty days after distilled. The warehouse will allow the brandy; to remain in bond fhree years. The bill also extends the right of distilla tion to all kinds of fruit. Heretofore Only peaches, - j apples and grapes Qonld be distilled. -The next section abolishes . storekeepers at all distil- lenes, that mash ten bushels and - less Per day. This will ' abolish all ' the storekeepers in isonn uarouna ana save f rom $150,000 to $180,000 per year w iue gucruuroui, ouu nu tue distiller-of ..this offensive espionage. The next section ; prohibits the cut- tingup Of .any distilleries .orfi jjpBiln img . apperaww, uui rvquirtm bu Officers under heavy punishment to amount or reaucuon nas not ueen agreed 6ttb thO mam fight will ie made 'pver. thifl' secaonrriMia anax xnaerson hope to get' the,-tax jdpwn ,.l;oi;;fifty nlish ref Orin and reduction in.the in- vrnai revenue, iro pe?u spiy aesisjea oy jnuwBvui, nVMW?itnt' I Ucation to report Senate bill 194. eni I titled a "bill to, aid m'the .eetal meDanotonapeisuppo rb,aa chooIsiandi)rtuitonIvs knowi I as fh "KlniP Kill." i iwo years. wn. -w- S-15WUTO' I which may be presented at pur conn Jty for distil-1 ableboAjffltion.A'fijef beenin, I ersJ r ' r" ' nroTniuu I defatifirabMris theiit.labor8 to accoms I , v w noTmnv v -1 mMmamm te, WW IUUUiBD, 1UUJC UIJD XUOU DIWIUU. SftSlA monthJ Of 'ApnI1884, W1Benate passed, and fsent . to 'the r House, Of a nAnM&aanfaftTfAa air.iiMiM a bul wniilarlarthetcB'irefeiTed'to in the title BbovementiQned; which said bill was never acted upon by the House of liepresentatives during tne passed said Senate bill; 194, and sent it to the House. Hf Representatives, requestmg concurrence tnerein ; ana I Whereas. It is reported that the House committee on Education ! has postponed the consideration of said bin until the third Monday" of April f next, a tune when the session nay fee too far advanced and the calendar of the IQUBf toa ' -mudB t "crowded to se cure a proper consiaerauon oi eaia nui: ana j WHKRM8, Thel-egi8iatures pi tne States OI .Virginia,, wvesfcvirguuts, .a- ,-rw. TTT A. TTi Kn-rtYi ; (Vtmlina : Houtn - JarOUna. i-U- 'Tvv.oow.v llahamn' M,'a'. yw ,-- instructed' 10 im in aecuriuK neuiwiaii Federal aid to the common schools of the several States; ana i Whereas. The State Superintend' entfl of Public ' Instruction for the States of Maryland, Yirginia, West "Virtrinia. North Carolina. Florida, Alabama,Missi88inpi Iusiana,Ark:an TO ,inne8see auu jvsta.uvA.jr as V committee to repre- i I appoint sent the educational convention as. semblodironx said. States, at Atlanta. iaed'eongrees, Betting- (orth Ue 4n 1 mediate and pressing" - -educational wants of the Southern States of the Union, and praying for speedy action I in aid tnereoij ana I matructea uaeir senators in jou- i ' -: , , ; Wheekas. The Dassaze of said hill would enable the States herein before mentioned , to extend the blessings and advantages of a common , school t training so ail , maigent And illiterate cnuaren resiaent tnerein, more ess pecially . to . the .children ,of citizens who are comnelled. to labor for low waees in the shoDS or on the farms. and have -not the means requisite to provide an " elementary education; OUU ' ... , "Whereas, It is undemocratic, un repuoiican,. .unjust and , unfair, as frell to the constituents. ,of members ol,; wis ouse, ,who, represent . the States.above named, as to, the poor children jOf the whole'Union, more especiallv .to those residing in the ooutn woo are, without the necessary facilities, of .a common .school educa i tion. to prevent action on aaid bill bv unusual delay in reporting on the same, ana not ( auowmg a full and fair, .discussion 'and '..consideration thereof by the Quse therefore be it J jSesolpett, That te .oommittee on education, to whom was referred said Senate bill 194. be directed to report the same to jthe House forthwith, with such recommendations as , to Said COmmittea mav. MAm nrniwr The bill of , Gen. Xtox on the civil service which .was sent to you yes ferday, was introduced 'this morning. The 1)111 receives considerable atten tion here, and is regarded as an im provement on'aJI previous legisla j My uifonnation.bn the educational bill did not embrace' some interme diate facts. .The plan is: "Mr. Wise has '.introduced Ihe " bill with some changes,; it was referred; ahd will be considered by thtioommittee. On edu cation on Friday,' If the, committee shall refuse to.eport; then Mr. Willis is.to:Mrodijce thei)ill the third tiihe,' only modifying it sufficiently for the purpose of making it a different bil from the'one in committee. And tha further consideration of "which ' lias been' postponed until the third Mon day.' i "was promised an ' interview ith Mr Willis today, but havrnot Mian J .KU f A ' it-' iVi.; we Stated.: and with added emphasis wui say , ina? tne. irienas oc.. tqe meafeure are strong enough to force a TOtis M carry ' the 'buL , Messrs Willis and ,Candler, of ' the 'eommit- ana jaessrs. Keia, Jodnston, Men wl auu meBarB. xteia, j onnscon , nen-1 aereon; Cowles axd ' many others are I forking ; in great earnest IV v ' " J f Miss Lizzie .Waddell,' ofv Wilmihgi "f"8 c"7 ... i; -,' r ' ! sThe following gentlemen are in Washington; today i. Dr. Maze, of fAntonsburg, Wilson, county ; Messrs' V H. and H..B, Munsen, of "WUs nangton. Among recent arrivals are Kf. and Mrs. Emerson of Wilmings ton ; Thomas H. McMahon, of Greens boro: Messrs.. C. R Anderson and1 W- H. Chase.-' s - 1 Mr. James M. Leanh .Tr:. ftavs that the report of his engagement and ap proaching marriage, published in a Washington Sunday paper, is wholly incorrect. v Mr. Skinner arriv9o! at his . hotel this morning. He ' merely made a hurried trip of two or three days. ' The artist Albert Guerry, of South Carolina, has a studio in the Corcoran building; this city. H. CAPITAL PEIZE, $75,000. JB Tickets Only $. : . Shares in Pro b .; portisoa. -,. t Hi,, WedoheTtrtifthatve wper- viat thtarranaemmUfvraU theMonthin qnd, Quarterly Drausinga, o, jtluf Jboui tana titqt Lattery uompanyy ana in per-, ton manage and control the JMnoingm themselves, and that Jhe tame are eon-' duoted wUh' honesty, fairness , and jit good faith toward aU parties, and wi authorize the company to use thia certifl- with foe sxmUxes of our signature attached Wits advertisements.' We thef1 undersigned Banks " and Bankers will pay aJl . Prizes 'draiffri in The " Louisiana' State 'Lotteries Pres. LolMsa!VatioaaI B,alc 'SAMUEHi'BT.'KEIIf KDY, " Pres. State National Bank. !' jrres netrnriesBi naci tmub inwrjrooratedln 1868 lor a mus by the LeKUla- tare for Educational and Charitable nurpoees-wlth seamtaioi 4U,uaum to wuen iatinii iuiiiim I yatvttfttonswa ofer &eo,O0O ha since Jen added. 1 vyiniHTOWiBt a..aon.r.-- v,ii.iit) I UHTwMUllwl III KflW HBUH. . " I pjaoe monthly" and the Extraordinary j regularty ewyJttiree 'montas ttstead win take Drawing AanHauxM fteretorore negnami Mftfca, vttiK, a srtJNoro, oppoRTtrmrr to wtk a fob- TDNK Toartn Grand Drawing, Clan D In the 11. W8-fl91at MtntWjillrawlng. iu .1 0 1 CAPITAL PBTZS...... $75,000 1 'do 11 -do1 v.-i.v.... ' ...I....... 10.0U6 PMZB&I $6.00(U . 41000 a ... ao . . .. a.uuu.1 - .....i, iu.un .80 . ' de f ' JfM(L..vJw.,. ' . 10.008 100 d aoot , .. 80,000 JU do . . 1UU.. BU.I B0S-' do l- fiO...... 1.. .... 96.1 ISOQV do - as .... SEvOOO I i -, . arrinii iiariuri, rnitian. 8 Appi 9 i t. innrtnlmatlon PrlzM of t7G0 ...... S.7S0 " . . . ... ... v.m ' I .A WW. ao uu duu. ....... wwju do-:.- . as- ii aee.....- ubo 1 ! ncaaon tor ntMtnshoTildbe made dan t t 1 U the omrs of th affiarnnT In Kew Orleans. ;-? I iiTor fnrtherormatton wrttoeleaili, giving tuIV , -fvj Portal Ncea. Bxpreas Money Orders, or -vurreucy it oar ex- Tv 1 TTDOTV New Orteana. LA. '" Or M, A. DAUPHIN,' i ' h . - i, . V'. f .u-.wainaiim,M u. .-..vfr. Make P. O. Money OiOejtf payable and addtaaa Mneps so f OHLSANS HATTOtfAL BAIT. I'. ,'?Vf T .. iT7 . .... .KaaartapTnanAV TLaSi 4 xte waives-n kept entUe si tlsas' m-.r & . v i f w.w'-nwawA pwaw .DVERTISlN I ! . . . ... . Conunlsslonjers. ii at !1 ri i y 1 ui ii ii m i3 1 isi - i'-:'-':"HJ 1 II li 0 11 ! -.7 T lidS W - -' 'i !$e . alwiay 8 ' - offer -.i--t Hdlrr' 'Mlil-i-r j T .i&:it l!r..l Absolu Pure. Tnl8 Dowder neier mrlM. 1 mjj of nnrtt ftrentrth and1 wtaleeotneness , More eeonoraleai 1 Uin the ordinary kinds, and ewno. Ibe sold in aompentMa wittbe maltltade of low test, abort weight, alnm or pnoephate powders. 'Sold onlr inoana, arBQ(k9 SUBWIIX, Janmtwly -' J 31- n ft I "SI'l PEDILITATED MEN. ! Ton re allowed a r4nAw ji. Jf wtJ'll wDrnye oVdabrated -Toltsfe Beb,wttu, r.Tli vrj wuiicob, 1 or coe ipeear stf FittoKfat an1 hVmLmJ ... - , T.Vi .4JaD for manT m.W Ait. rvnwiiA - j 1 WS Ml I II Sill II. T 1KU fffivl iisnVKahwol hviim lacwxivQ. iiiiutnuea pamp fDM. hV . ft ; V0UA10 BSLX, COi- JtosbsILXkh. 1 .,. .Krv . . .. v. 1 jl.' ll 'i.'ii it ; j noTlldeodAwTm, t wranij-eiKiiv Tears. 1 reaiea pj most oi Tne noted i speclallsta of the day with no benefit Cured hlm- neu ib mree montns, ana twos tneo Bnodreds of others by the same process. - A plain, simple and successful home treatment. Address TTS-TAtH. ' o miiiw now un uw ; . . i 1 1 WANT 8ALB8MKN ewiwiliHie. otnwtl 1 and travellns. to sell our s-nnri. . win- n cood 'alar ar d all exwiniitwi. 'WrMafiw mmhwi.. I at onoe. ana mai stunm mitM hihiw orjiiAiii mjuvjta WA&K UOALfAJi i. Wash- fnfftnn Rbwtf. Tlrtfitn Www. ' M.ii ' w 1 ..-.wMf .wm- q i ' , -sucutnfT tTTHNTrn IDISS to work lor ns at their f H II I CU own homes, 7 and lover week Miaui in quieuj HUHie. no pnoio painung: no eanvasslnt: for tall particulars. Dlease ad. dressat onceCBSSCKNT ABT OuMPANT, vouuoi gtom, duvmiu, naas.., DQZ.9X AI. i t , 'Established 189, ' incorporated lSS. '' Thos. Bradford Co. f mmmmmmm,iL.i-.na SnCQBSMW to; , Sole Mantrlact.- " -. . urera of the. Old Reliable tmd Celebrated - BRADFORD forlaHe Mills s For. Any Kind of , SMALL GRAIN. Also Manufacture 5 i, -j 1 ill SWH.ua Mi' iGenral Flour Mill Machinery ! ) He. 2S, 7,9, 31 ud 33 Look St.. -; Kear' Highland House Inclined Plane, : Write for Catatogne. CINCINNATI. O. deel2dead4w6m. - T. ! i ' " 1 f I WKad T aaT oiir I do nat main mi nlT to atnn ihjm Cor R tim aet tkoii kAThem fetani avnan, X bbmjti s V Snuwiatmy rwrnedj, tooanUwwmtciMi, Bmum 3 jothers Iiats fwilea u no reuoii for not now receiving & earrx Bend at oooctor w. tiwatl mbA m Fit Bottle oft i..r un I ! m T- . .1 tt r.m ItOMta roa BOhlB(r for a. trbO, ud I rill core Ton : j .; , AddRQpajaa;. HI 1 1 Ulyg I t nawa a poamwa )aaa taontantta of a ! ataadlnac aaa ban I luw a DOwttl w r. md T forth Shaw fll ww : hw It. t nwvoni Euautwi Mac 3- cured. Iadsed, nattnar it mr fall 1 1 wVl and TWO BOTTLKS PSI; faltS . la HaarBanr.Uiat 1 i '-a-T"- 1 """' M.a 1 ; taaay aalfcrer. Wnnjinaiud P. O. aodrraa. j bjwkTom.ui ravimxff Terk. ! I am. a nDDenmttb by trade, and tlui crnntl naiu I oeiea m nrase ana ouuuer lrum minr. rot min anrtwi an my arms ahd nolsoned my whole system. Mer- ffiry ajimiTiiamren nmngni on rnunn&UUn, Sna oeeame a netpteas uraua . wok iwo aoaen DOtues of Swift's Specifle. its&, arms and handg are all right again, x use vnem without pain u restor UonlsduetoS.j3.a - FbtmB. Lov, ' ; . Tan Q . . Annaa !. t We haw used Swift's Buedfic tnonr family as aa ajntklote for malarial DOtaon lor two or three years. and nave never known it to tall In s single In stance. . ,. -.-'v-t h, w.t, JTOBiXrW.: Bumter un, urn., cpepv. uw lam. . tv v i, v . a ,f J llCEBg 4 1 i 'if-: ul ilor slxoreient iern I nflered wttn wleers on myrlghf lea. I w t reated wKh Iodide oi Potas sium and Merou -y. aad I became Helpless. 8tz ef Swin'i jweine made a permanent ear. - u TV nrtrvM. r .mil . ' . rwltt's iDeeme n entirety yecetaMe. Tnatlaa en Bkwd and Sktn PlBeases mailed free, f- TnSwmSnKOioCaDraiBwa itanfafitw wu)w.io.in.x. , jsoi)-i IAP1BS wumto to wont tor us at their owa kornea;' M totiener week eaa be easily I . made; no eanyAssmg; fasdnatlnt and steady j emptoymeni rarucuiars ano nmpie ox tne Work sent for stamo; Adresa SOUS H'ru CO., 1 O. Bpx:191t. Boston, Masa.j it L Uiilu. ml It ?..." m.i .. lit snannnnasnnvBnnr1v. . a. FITS nnMciiPTDTinri UUIUOUI Parker's ;P.piSff.J it I1J : ii Pare TanuU Medtauw that Nerw IntoTlwitBa j,jW V jTJ V JUBLVUSV. wK. vu., I iea WUllank street. IfeW torlri Sold tor U DngM In large pottjea at One nollar. ppnnvnnvAt pills V CHlCHESTER'Ss ENGLISH" , Tne original ana wniy utaaiae. '.ft. nadwawa BcHaMwi BewaW af wui Ihlna. llaltartaai iladtoawtJahM ta LADIES.:' Aak joar DncrUt tar 1 CUekeater's EarUr and take a. Aw, ar Scijai 4a, (.). Cr parttrolmn fa. letlsrirj mtmwi Wat), i NAME PAPER. Chlekeatca? Okmleal O-w . SsU i. BnswlatJi ertML a MJWahja5 i tort EijriSA f eaBjiyaTfiu,.. TaUaaaUw. ' ilajjodAwly . -' FfiiitiDg Press ; for : Sale. I HAVE FOB SAUK a eompleta Adams Book and Newspaper Press, Slza of platen 34XB0 lncnea. The maelilne la tn ood order, nade nna A Co.. standard worJc . , .. . . . List Prloe - . - - :A t . '. 13,24000 WlUlaaoldfor''; -rf--.V:. .''" . fiOOOO Opterjns.toxiirnmaer. 1 t i - --.u ....... CBAS. B. JONXS. . langdtt J -'v.-: Charlotte Obaerfe-f. H 1TOR RENT.J V ' nwentoghomeon Sonta Tryew strata, adjoin ing the resident of Dr. a X. Bratton. ry cos ywentiylfated lor a boarding nouse. . - Chsrlte Real Ett;As;encyj t aacttttt o K, X. COjCHlUKljISaints, y e'areStartingoniiilli:;; EVERY MONDAY UIOIINIIYG selling j at Olacli SS inch Imperial 'Serge7 fAll'WooT 40 V'Chmeri(AUWopj) . &) " Nuns.Veilieg fAll W6ol jri 'A inoTrnoa r a 11 w rtoi 1 40'' " ..HenrietttaJSloth 0 " 4'AjmVtb,iv Lit oru inch v'All Wool' -Homespun ifTumpenal Herge, ..."r; . .-t . mesnades at aan PiiialaiaJteie Black Silks; fSxtea baavy and'rich finisbY1 $1.30 peri yard' worth $1.85; $1.55 per yard' j V&s 5 1 ' -'worth $2.25:;,and $1.75 per yard 1 ' a 1 t : VI! Hi 1 'U Wjeharce tne greatest yarietypf these Vs.' . PRESS ' jGflNOHAMS " ;;At;oc;,;i2i,. i'oc. ; 30c, ' 38c, 'soc, and" Q5c per yard. , 7. j mi WISH -OUR- LADIES', MUSLIN UNDERWEAR ; SBtfll filing at a great reduction, and t 1 . J. t T II E E M B Which -we are Belling in strips of 41 yards only are in greater demand than j tj a ' i , UJdLAltlAM ) MATT. fiT?TTrRQ HTiT.Tr'I'PH'.l . A WTi .:?! i O U iT M-.UV edlmbst bmf -.f-i i4m -ii-i't! b vcx ill i - PIAKOS n-'i I O "L.r: -s-1'. ' A Ja 4Mf " -n, V i ' " . i to nij'-'i tetiJ ii q i j jj,-) g I h (i im innii 1 1 iinnria.v. v ' mm immni Bnsamnvan, a w waani-nnni aanLsnm 4kavswj . i I I' III III I II I I I 1 !il II I I I Al'l",1"'' e begtmak:bnt;he installnent plan. Low prices and easy a '-W. t,l-.! w'-ril oil 4 f' fe.'l! ri .fl'vfii llft 1.7. Order direct from me, and deliver freight-paid tcvyour -,'I12'1'.I t 3" V-'''ijaJ-'- -f M .r. ,T ' W BV JA c sf 0 f 1 can. "bay from the head office and willi , attend to - your wanLinfcage 'tmything. 8Kokdbe;;ongi.iii, jthe , . Mtory guarantees. J ' - - . a OflARLOTTSlj N, a BiRMIlS.; a , variety. of . them. : WEEK ; a ; great;: sacrifice,. Woods. per ' yard ' ti tt - f 46o 52jo! "i : 750 kvia. 7 75o t 70o . . It 98o : 1.40 ;i in, 5 shades at 50o per ' 50o H-- -? yard ' tan only, 11 ii, . goods that was ever brought to this CHEVIOTS " ' - -i-: ... . : For. Boys' Waists : in r, '- 'J -, v.: ; many neat paterns at 12 i and 15 cents per yard. is leaving our shelves at a lively rate. R 0 I DERI . '"i"' 111., IN. U. tTrTWTTT "r A rrwrrrmtT-rvirii-v ; complete dico Hi It . I i f t j i ... ' 'i i 1 i. -' .3 t t, , 'i i L,. q in'i r terms. - Send for prices. .(: f.l ... -1 y- n . -tt. . i S AltlOIf PIAIVOS, i --- '.j ' Li:l i wj BBIX PIARO0, ... 1 . .." U. Ai Jl t fiiJ i'1 Jft r. MattusheK Pianos, Dress Goods MATERIALS & . J - :,-' ' ' ,i'viwj : ';v i ; . -I ii j ;. . MASON k HAHLlNxPIAKOSx t -V it b ti.j j i f-u ' 1 .V MJA ,fl .5 BAY STATE ORGANS, vX" '.'O'x .J'. -t I r . if i- PACKARD GROANS, l, ,1 .1 . - I 4 - j.r Jl . . jj - -tt w- ,y - ., Hason & naalin Organs. i..t it-- save time and freigfityfas I nearest depot aa cheap.; as you t : . i a 1 J.3 i! i- J- , '' .11. . . - .. . V I : . . t ' .'ja r. ."(J ! "W .i !, ill 4 It 4 It I ill

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