VOLUME XXXIV. CHARLOTTE; N. C, SATURDAY, MARCH 20, 1886. PRICE FIVE CENTS. A NICE & Wool Cashmere Shawls, In Pink, Blue, Garnet, Cardinal, Creanv $1 25. rney are uHigniuB. vv are receiving ine prettiest siock ot Dress To be found in the City. Call and see them. BUTTERICK'S METROPOLI TAN FASHION SHEETS FOR APRIL. smith BiiiLDnrfl. PAUASULv! FARMS! LACE 0OV3BTED PAKAJWIA MOBNING PABAS0L3, With and without fringe. niraiv TTMRWTirRT,A9. AU sizes, colon and prices. LADIES AND GKNTS ' , lauiio i silk and Alpacca Umbrellas. :o:- Nlcelotot JERSEY JACKETS For Ladies and Hisses. ress Making Department Open for HPHIN8 WOWC. ' - MISS CALLIDAY will be at her post by Monday having just returned from Hew York well posted In all tbe new Mea of the season and will be glad to see all her friends and customers. - T.-.L. SEIGLE. Have just received an elegant line of - : Black and Colored - Cashmere Shawls, Embroidered and Chinchilla Scarfs, something entirely now. A full line of LADIE3' MISSES' and CHILDREN'S HOSE. A beautiful line of FIGURED AND PLAIN SCRIM, A nice assortment of DRESS GINGHAMS and SEER3UCKERS. : A new lot of Everlasting Trimming, Torchon and Valencennes Laces, Colored Silks and Satins, the best line of CO R S-E T In the place. Call and examine our stock of WHITE GOODS. Our stock is entirely new. No old goods. E. L. MESHiiSE '& CO, - . ; -: i - " - .- -: v . " gUCCESSORS TO ALEXANDER ft BiRRTft , FRED C. UUNZLER. WTTOT.1M A T.H LAGER BEEB DEAIJER Alt BOTTLEB, CHARLOTTE, N. C Bepresents two of the largest LAGEB BEEIi Breweries in the United States : The Ofwwr &Enel BrewUa Co., or Philadelphia, and the ' F. HI. cbaffier Jfrewtaff Co., ot THH LARGEST LAGEB BEEB BOT TUNG tSTABLISHMENT IN THE CITY. f 3Orders Solicited. All orden promptly filled and delivered free of charge to any prt or me city. decSOdlf WANTED; We win par 15 cent per bushel of 30 pounds for good souna new cooon seea wverea our mm la Charlotte, N. C. - We will trade cotton seed mea. or seed, giving one ton of meal for two tons ot seea. , ;. . OLITZR OIL COMPANY, ' 8cocesors to Charlotte Oil Compsay. septlfiddtt - THE LATEST r AND MOST IMPORTANT! We are now running on fan time. Furniture manufactured bj as is kept by the enterprising furniture dealers In this eltj. We make only the beet and most substautlal Id the market NO SHODDY GOODS. Ask for goods made bras and Jon will get the worth of tout money. Our name to on ich piece. We solicit the patronage of the Public and guarantee satisfaction. , '.-. BSBespectfuuy, ;. . ; ; ; ' r , : ELLIOTT & HARSH. 1T1 ffl LINE Ob1 ard Tan, which we are selling at Goods & First National Bant BailJiflE, South Tryon Street, - - - - Charlotte, N. C. DEALERS IN Ladies',Misses'and Children's BUTTON; WRESS k LICE SHOES, Gents' Fine Band-Made and Machine Sewed X BOOTS, BUTTON AND LACEBALS,' BOYS' AND lOCTS FINE BOOTS AND SHOES OF ALL GRADES GENTS' FINE Silk, Soft and Stiff Hats, TRUiSKS, VALISES and GRIPSACKS, UMBRELLAS OF ALL KINDS, SHOE BLACKING AND BBUSHES. Alma Polish for Ladies' Fine Shoes. Stock always kept tall and up to the demand. ORDERS BT MAIL OH EXPRESS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. " I'egrii k Co, H. C. ECCLES I CO., IAUCTION AND COMMISSION. flJRfifiltS Merchandise Brokers. BUY AND SELL REAL ESTATE; CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED J. Ill, EBNBRIGE, . CLUB H,OUS;E, KEEPS THE ', ; B EST B A R - ' AND Ll BILLIARD HALL In the city. -: febl6dtf . v FOR RENT. ACOVTOBTABLB 4 room cottage, pantry and kitchen, within a lew hundred yards ol the Graded School, and ilx acres ol land tor rent to a 1 J&W111 A.X.C0ai3AKErlIaa&er. "Tktjth. ijkh thk bus, soirBTimcs suhmith to M UBSUUHBU, BUT. UU TILS HUH. OWT.Y Kn A SnbscripttloB to Ihe Obfterr DAILT EDITION. Single copy ..............i........ B cents. dj uinwen ui tuecuy.. ....... ........ X) Bv tbe month. ..... . . ; Three months.................. tZOO Six months 400 One year. 8.00 WEEKLY EDITION. Three roonths....' 1 oi monins -..SLOt) Jne year 1.75 In clubs ot five and over SL60. r No Deviation From These Svlea vuir ui iNuua uui, ui ino. WASHINGTON LETTER. BICE AND SUGAR. Reasons Why the Blair Bill Will Not Become a Law this Session Ashe rille Bemember ed by Ita Bepresentative. Correspondence of Ihk Obskbyib. '." There is a restive feeling among Southern revenue reformers at the proposed action of the Ways and Means Committee in the matter of rice and sugar. They say that a blow. is aimed at Southern industry which they ought : not to be expected to re ceive witn equanimity. A North Carolina member, well known for his leaning to free trade, said this morns ing that he thought great injustice would be done in the modification proposed. He seemed to think that the committee would carry out their present plan of putting rice and sugar on the free list and that noth ing would be done by the House at this session. This gentleman says the effort will be made at a later pe riod and that the debate will be pro- onged. He regards the element op. posed to reform fully as strong as it was in the last Congress, if not some stronger. . V 'i r-A : I - I cannot hear on enquiry that the scare as to rice and sugar- has any persuasion except that in the threat of some of the Republican members of the Ways and Means Commite. This morning tbe committee struck off three small articles from the free ist, indicating the adverse tendency to that referred .to. --'.C Notwithstanding the active efforts of its friends it does not appear cer tain that the Education or Blair bill will ever become a law. . A member said this morniDg; " "The 'committee is hopelessly divided. It can. stave off action for a considerable time in spite of everything done to prevent it. . The bill will not come before the house in the shape in which it passed the Senate, when the measure is amended and Sent back to that body much valuable time will have been - ost. iThe Senate will, reject all amendments likely to be adopted. The bill comes back here in the hot fag end of the session and it goes into be committee of the whole for consideration. In my opinion it will not become a law." K A .lively debate took place in the House this afternoon in the morning hour for the consideration of bills re ported on the bill sending - war claim bills the to the Court of Claims. It is possible that the bad blood shown yesterday in the Senate be tween Messrs. Beck and Edmunds wii) givo a sharper and more person al tone to the debate hereafter on the Edmunds resolution. ; In the Senate at this hour, however, the scene is as peaceful as a tropical sea in a dead calm. Mr. Brown quietly reads a constitutional argu ment while Mr. Pugh listens f rom the next seat in the rear, : Senator Ran som's, and the Senate chamber is ab solutely and eloquently vacant. Iam afraid Mr., Pugh meditates flight. But there are so far no signs of the impending hegira. Mr. Johnston asked that .the com mittee of the whole be discharged from the consideration of the bill for tbe relief of Captain James G. Mar tin, Assistant Commissary of the States army, but this effort to secure the passage of the bill was foiled by objection. . Mr. Johnston reported this after; noon the Senate bill to erect a public building at Wilmingtoni e t nOBRIBLE MURDER, A Virginia Tragedy That is Bru tal In Its Details. ' Richmond. Va.. March 19. A spe cial from Salem, Roanoke county, Va., Bays: "A horrible doable mui der was committed on Back Creek, this " county, Wednesday night. A man named Griffey, who. has a wife living on Back , Creek, had just re turned from Texas, where he alleged he served a term m the penitentiary. His wife refused to recognize him. and learning that John and Pickett Metz. sons ot William Metz. had been visiting his wife in his absence, Grif fey went to. their home, called one of the young men out and shot him through the heart. - He then entered the house and shot the other young man through the right breast. The murdered r. young men ; are aged re spectively about 17 and 18 years; tiriney is at large. - NO Boom that Science h&a Com Has been fraught with greater blessings than that which has aocurred to the Inhabitants ot malarial ridden"" portions of he United States and the TminiM fmm the ose of Hostetten'i Stomach Bit. tert The experience ol many years has bat too clearly demonstratert the Jncfflclency of quinine .n r,ar Aran to effectnaHy combat the Drocreai intavmittitnr.. ivineBBttve .and bilious remittent VS. UW"'"' fovAra whii a nn the other hand It tias been no less clearly shown that the use oi tee hi tiers, medicine congenial to the irauea eonsniauon, and derived from purely botanic sourees, affords a reilHDte BBieKuaru acuuBv. wom .-, stomach, liver and bowela, lot general debility and Appetl e and sleep are improved , by It, t expels GIXCUUUIOD uupVTIHUU.eu V iuoi hhiiiii ivv. . .... . . . i . i . J L. M.l .naoimUfi 1 o n . THE F 9LITICAL FUTURE. The Iffext House ef Bepreseata tiTeo The Prohibition Issue Eooinlas Up. : WASHiaTOiT March 17. It was mentioned a lew .weeks since in this correspondence that the Republicans have determined to-make every pos sible effort to carry the . next House of Representatives. " .- Indications of extensive preparation with this ob ject in view are noticeable here, and the Democrats may expect their pp. uucaj adversaries confronting them an every poine in au aouotrui or ae hatable? districts. .- :. Several recent publications have represented Demo cratic members of . ' the House as much concerned at tha prospect, and as having expressed - serious misgiv ings on the subject. It cannot be as certained that there is any substan tial foundation "for . these assertions, as the Democratic -members, when questioned, profess to hav6.no.fear that continued Democratic suprema cy in the- House is in peril. Yet it may not.be long before they arrive at a different opinion. Thepresent Democratic majority" in the House is 43 which apparently leaves a not in considerable margin - for possible losses, Butin just two States if the Republicans should be able to recover the SSstrictq which naturally belone to them, fully one half of the ma jority would be wipei out. These at r i . l . two OuHWJe are JUcnigau,.. wuiCQ now has seven Democrats in the House. and Iowa, . which . has four. These eleven members were-secured by the Democrats, through . no other cause than resentment of Republican voters, mostlyforeigh-born, at the Erombitory liquor legislation enacted y the Republican party; -:; It is as sorted by those in a position to know that enough other districts m the Northwest' have of late been carried by the Democrats on what is called the "personal liberty" idea to make up the entire Democratic majority m the present House,1. It ; was plainly seen in the last State election in Ohio that the German voters, who had given the State ' the 5 Democrats more than once because of the, to them, objectionable liquor legislation of the Republicans, .went back to their -old party and took the State away from the Democrats. The cause of this is alleged to be the deepening conviction in the minds of the for-, eign-born voters of the. West that the Democrats are no more to be re lied upon in the matter of "personal liberty" than the Republicans. It is pointed out that m the south, that the impregnable stronghold of the Democracy, local; option or prohibi tory liquor legislation is making great strides, and Senators from tbat section are going outside their own borders to make proselytes in its fa vor. - xms condition ot arxairs. it is claimed, is fast tending to make hon ors easy as between the two political parties, and there is no incentive for those who are naturally .Republicans to hold aloof from their own party on this account. This feeling, it is said ; is liable not only to have much effect in the West, but in the East, and particularly Mew York. A.well posted German Democrat, who is one from principle," said the mugwtrttrps bad been credited with giving New York to Cleveland in 1884. The fact was that two Republican brewers in the city of Brooklyn had given him seaen hundred votes from among their employes, which, if given to Blaine would have reversed the re suit. In presenting these facts no argument or moral 13 sought to be deduced. ; The purpose is merely to show the entire probability of a con tingency which may change the po litical complexion of the House of Representatives, and really upon what a slender thread democratic coetrol rests. Another contingency which mav be of momentous import in determining the elections for the next House is the attitude of those powerful organizations, the Knights of Labor. From present indications these organizations will make their own fight in their respective dis tricts, and no man, be he Democrat or Republican, can confidently count upon their support if suspected of not being in sympathy witn them. So thoroughly is tms ; appreciated Dy members of tbe Bouse of Represent tatlves that every one of them when considering any subject connected with the labor question, approaches it as carefully and as gingerly as if he was treading on red hot coals. ; .' V '. . i. - TEXAS. The Strike on Its Last Xear GALVESTOir: March 19. A special to the News from Sherman says: The entire list of places needed to be filled on the Trans continental Di vision of the Texas and Pacific rails road at the present time have been supplied, and applicants for places ot strikers were told yesterday that there was no more work to be given Out; The citzens committee on busi ness who adopted the first resolutions endorsing the attitude of the railroad toward strikers, received ?- a letter from receiver John C. Brown, yes terday, thanking them yfor their prompt action. , xne uoveinor says: ''Permit me to thank the good citi zens of Sherman for this unmistaka ble manifestation of their adherance to law and order. We shall bear this act in great remembrance for it is tha ifirst pronounced declaration by ariyi body of citizens against the flai grant-and outrageous violation of the law that - has been witnessed at so many . placesv during, - the last - two weeks. The moral effect will be ex cellent, and I have no doubt that the example set by you will be followed by other localities at once." , 1 onio. The Street Car Difficulty in Co lnmbiis. . - Columbus, Ohio, March 18. The street railway company ran one car over theHne, under the requirements of' the charter, this morning.- The police ' assisted, - and on ' the return trip the men endeavored to take pos session of the car, but were clubbed off bv the police, and one man was badly bruised. The mayor made a speech to the men, assuring them, of his sympathy so long as they in dulged in no violence.. He has the strikers in good control, ready , to obey his. orders. The mayor is not inclined to allow further . interior ence. . . ' Uver OU, with llypophosphites. s, . - w r.-... .... :t .. .i - -- rJ e -;.- .t.-.. m. XsAiiz payBiuiau a uio vutiu m nuDyuaii wr ttnr hAMslMait veal nor Qjwift's v i . 4. -v. n.iiayi llABtirt.l. jo Emulsion with great success, nearly all of our pnysicians nna Tery ucuwiani. . - . STATE NEWS. John" Freeman, of the firm of A T ; .t a -n ' . A-ioaworui ox r ree man, ot jjTUitland. Henderson OOllntv llM ohaoAndad with .three thousand . dollars of the nrm s fund, says the Rutherford Bans uer. . .. , .. Observer Anrl OnottQ. Pav Tntn Huske, who has so acceptably filled the pastorate of the Episcopal church at Durham.- has taken tha Vimt As sistant Rectorship of St. John's churcfc, Buffalo, N. Y. r He has been spending a few . day In Fayetteville with . hia familv? anii frini1a tim. vious to his . departure to his new Goldflboro Mas o no-or Th flaTiai. uiou tuoue Luti uoasc annetr en no nn- ing well. One caught eight hundred white shad at one haul in Alhomni-la Sound, and another caught one hun- area ana nity-two porpoises at one haul at Hatterao 1T.TPlhAtifT PM. disk; one of the best known men in Northeastern North Carolina, died at his home in ftataa rvnmr.-o- Sarnie day ged thirtyseight years. Shelbv Aurora? On tha Honf.h mil for the nast week in this mmmnnitv are the .names of Mr . Martin Beam. airs, ixoveiia nays, mrs. tnnK. Bcism, and little , Lola Bell Fortune. The gardless of the constitotion of North Carolina, levied an oppressive and il- Iftiral tAT fit fhroA riiillnra nn aonli nnll and one dollar on eaeh one hundred dollars worth of property. This led to trnilhlfl. Anrl tornATara iwfnaul ts pay since the recent decision of the CI . Gastonia Gazette: Miss Robecca. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. Dixon, was taken with an acute pain in the pain in the right ear on last Friday nightr Various remedies were used to give, relief, until Tuesday morn ing, when . Dr. Adams washed out the ear and discovered that a bus. about half an inch long, which he succeeaea,.in drawing out, had been the cause of the trouble. It is not known how it got there. . Miss Re becca is still suffering from the ill effects and is unable to .leave her baa. Monroe Enquirer: Mr. Frank Low- rie formerly of this county, was sens tenced to imprisonment for life in h lorida, last week, for killing a man named Vanderburg, about a year ago, m tbat State. Mr. Garrison Biggers, of Goose Creek township, wno was seriously hurt a tew days ago, by being struck upon the head by a piece of timber, while en gaged in raising the frame of a house is improving. Mr. Biggers;ia a good citizen, and we will be glad to hear of his entire .recovery .ofj health .and strength. Shelby New Era: The Shelby opera house was opened last Friday night by the production of ;,Bradbury's cantata of Esther under the direc tion of Miss Launa Murry, of the Shelby Female College, for the bene fit ot tbe Shelby Baptist church. Rev. Wm. Henry Strickland left Shelby early this week for a short trip to South Carolina, his former home. At a roilroad meeting at Columbus, Polk county, on Monday, March 1st, Mr. C, L. Jordan, of Try- on City, was appointed chairman of a committee to correspond with rail road companies with the object of building a road through Polk county, connecting Columbus, Tryon City and Greenville. Winston Republican: It was our privilege on Monday to meet Major Mertz, probably the smallest man in the world, who has been spending several day s in the city. A few years since he married Miss Maria Nail, of Mockaville, Davie county, the re nowned lilliputian lady of the Unit ed Statefe, and as man and wife have been traveling with Adam Jb'ore paugh's show, the wonder and ad miration of thousands. Major Mertz converses freely, and ip exceptional- y Bmall m statute, tips the beam at forty-seven pounds, and is in the prime of life. Tbe little pair make Mocksville their home, and have ac cumulated quite a snug sum by their exhibitions beneath the canvas. . A PARTY WITH A PLATFOBM Establishing a Hew Political Or ganisation , Upon If ovel and .Unique Grounds. f W. H. Benson, of 2 917 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, has issued a circular calling for signatures of those willing to assist in the estab lishment of a new political party upon a platform of principles, which if furnished. The platform has six planks, the first of which sets forth that ''every person - shall be allowed to own :$1 000 worth of real estate exempt from taxation of any kind." Flank two declares mat "articles ot necessity shall not be taxed either direotly ox indirectly by the United States or by any State." Accordioar-to piank three .the United States Senators shall be elects ed directlv bv the neonle and not bv the-: legislatures of the dinerent . - - . - States," while plank f our declares; After the year isao no man shall be appointed an officer in the army of the United states untu ne nas served with honor and credit in the ranks." Plank five promulgates the assertion that "both the old political parties have become corrupt with age ana are controlled by rich men and pows erful corporations." Lastly, plank six tells that "this country, for the future. : shall be governed, not in mere words but in real acts, for the greatest good of. the - greatest nunv. berr" . - . - Figures Cannot tie. .: A I tell you that mathematics is an incontrovertible science;, in tact. it is logic itself., For instance, sups pose it takes 1 man 13 days to build this wall then 12 men can build it in 1 day. 1 . .. - - B -Certainly ; therefore 288 . can build it in an hour, and 17,280 in a minute ; and if 1.036,800 set to work the wall will be up in a second that is, before a -single : stone could - be lifted to its place. - - , - - The Floreice Hlrttugaie ef taeHuserj' . , The following is an extract from a letter written to the German lielormed Messenger, at Chambers burg, Penn.: ,. , , , . a Brazr Aomas. - -, Just open the door for her, and Mrs. Wmslow will prove the American Florence Nightingale ot the nursery. OI this we are so sure that we will teach our Susy to say, "A Blessing on Hrs. Wins-, low" for helping her to survive and escape the Iiriplng.-eolloklng and teething siege. Mrs. Wins ow's Soothing Syrup relieves tbe child from pain, and cures dysentery and diarrhoea, It softens the gums, reduces inflammation, cures wind colic, and carries the infant through the teething period.' It performs precisely what It professes to- perform, every part of it nothing less. We have never seen Mrs. Winslow know her only through the prepa ration of her "Soothing Syrup for Children Teeth ing." If we- had the power we would make her, as she is, a physical saviour to the infant race. Sold by an druggists. ,25eenUabottle. . . . . . ., rafnlVA fl We are Starting mm wm: Absolutely Pure. This nownnr flAvnF nHo. i marval nf ?vnMf strength and whelesomeneffi. More economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in competition wltb the multitude of low test, short weight, alum or phosphate powders. Sold only . - , 8FBING3 i BUBWXXL, ; Janmtwly Charlotte, N C main., w UWaHUjo Of ' WWW NERVOUS1 DEBILITATED MEN. Ton re allowed a free trial nf thirty dam of th EteCtrlO 8nSDeTUUrr ArmliATiPM fw tha enaaH relief and permanent cure of Nervous DcMHtyAcm : 4 VU1.1&1U JIJULT tO., JUTIIiaU, BICh. novl7deodAw7m. ' DEAFNESSKc?wf; twenti-eleht rears. Treated bv moxt nf th nnbui 1 specialists of the day with no benefit Cured hlmr 1 self in three months, and since then hundreds of I otoera oy ne game process. A plain, simple and gueoessful home treatment. Address T. 8. PAGB. UO JMWIi UU1 OU, XlOW XVlJk V1VJ. TS WANT SALESMEN everywhere, local ana traveling, to seu our goods wul pay good salary ar d all ezoenses. Write for terms at once, and state salary wanted. AridmH olahuiliw sluvku w akjs uuMfAKX, Wash ington street, uostou uass. mariHw lUTCn LiDIBS to work for ns at their Ull I Cll n7n hnrrtAa t7snri ift .bcad i can ov quieiiy maae. no paoro painting; no drew at once, CRESCENT ART COMPANY, 19 veiunu ouvet, dubiuu, juuis tsox um Established 1M0. Incorporated 18S4. B Thos. Bradford Co. SuccesBors to TiiGS.BraulDra&:Co. Sole Mannfact- . urers of the Old Reliable . taut Celebrated MMPjrWlli TOTFotUl SM AU GRAIN. jLt.vr 5- J'J7 Also Manuiaclur- -3e4 ror Any Jtuna or Gsnsra! Floor Mii! Machinery . Nos. 2, 37.29. 31jtnd 33 Lock St., Near Highland House Inclined Plane, Wri'f for OdWogne. CINCINNATI. Q. decl2dead&w6m. I GUREFITSM for a time mhd then have then return agam,I mem a radical core. I hare made the rtinwirw of FITS, EPI LKP8Y or FAT.TJNG SICKNESS a lifelong (tody. I warrant my remedy to oare tie worst cae. Becaue other hare failed la no reaeon for not now reoelTlng a cure. Send at onoexor a treatise anda Free Bottle oC my infallible remedy. OIt Sxpreas and Foat Offiea, , It oostsTOtt nothing for a trial, and I wUl onre you. : AddnatPa. H. Q. BOOT, lit Pearl St.. XewTock. Wbrni T r&t cure I do net mean nttdr to fftnn Uum CO nSUMPTIOrj i IhiveapostttTeramedTfurtfceaboTediieaMjbTiU I staadlns; have been cored. Indeed, sootronr is myfalta t M thooaand or eases e tbe worst kind and of Inn in itsemeacT.tnat i win nnaTwu striLss rttrnm together with a V A LD A BI.K TRB ATIBB sn tbUdiseasS to any lafferer. GlveexpressandP. O.addriss. Pit. T. A. EIOCCM, in Psarl St., Msw Terk. METAL POISON. t . - .... f .. .. I am a eoppersmlth by trade, -and the small nar- Ucles of brass and copper from filing got into sores on my arms and poisoned my whole system. : Mer cury administered brought on rheumatism, and I Became a oeipess invaua i wok two aozen Domes -of Swift's Specific My legs, arms and hands are all right again. I use them without pain My restora tion is Que ro a. o. O. JraTKB i. 1XTT, jan.s.iWa . . - Augusta, ue MAIARIAL, POISON. We have used Swift's Soecifle In our familv as bb antidote tor malarial poison tor two or three years, and have never known It to fall In a single la stance. . w . v. tvxuam. Sumter Co., ea., sept. li. 1881 ; - -f L1CER8. ' ' - - For six or eleht veirsl suffered with ulcers on my righf leg. I w ict reated with Iodide of Potas sium, and Merc a t. and I became helpless. Six bottles of Swift's jp cine made a permanent cure. I M. l. Wilson, uainesviiie, tta, February 88, 18S , , . . J , . Swift's Snedfle is entlral v veefntarue. - Treatlm on ruoua ana okui inseases mauea nee. , Tke 8wtpt Spkcivio Ca. Drawer s AtIantB.ea AD1B3 WANTED to work for us at their I owa homes. $7 to 1 10 per week can be easily ; I . made; no canvassing; fascinating and steady ' u employment - Particulars end sample of the work sent for stam o. Adreaa HOMB M'lf 'tt CO., - jr. u. uox ibid, amwu, mass. - : Parker's Tonic, A Pure Family Medicine; that Never Intoxicates misrocK fc CO., 163 William Street, New York. -- . . . ...... v-"-' : Sold by all Druggist In large bottles at One Dollar. PENNYROYAL PILLS "CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH." - " The OrljflnnI and Only Genuine. , Bale and always BeliaMe. ' Beware of werthletv iBttattoB. Indiiipeasabl to LADIES. Ask joor Dranht to Clilehesters EirUh and take so other. oruiclaM 4s. (stamp.) to as tor particulars fa itttmr b rwtavw all NAME PAPf R. Chlekeater Cem)al Oe-, , S Madlsua (mismuw, rklladav, Pv - Sold ky Dranlafa evn-ywhrre. Aak to "Ckiraea. ters r.ogiisa- resmyroyai nm. Taumeotaor. lanlOd&wly , - . jjjj PfgJJ J)J Ssfe IHATB FOR SALB a eemplete Adams Book and Newspaper Press. Size of platen 21x30 inenss. -i ne macnine w in gooa oraer, maae o Hoe & Co.. standard work. - -- . - - Llt Price - . - - . - ' 12,24000 W1U be sold for ."-. m - 600 00 on terms to suit purchaser. . - ' CHAS. B. JONSS, janBdtf - . - Charlotte Observer FOR RENT. Dwelling house on South Tryon street, adjoin- i Ing the residence of Dr. 8. E. Bratton. Very eon i wnienuy tocatea ior a Doaraing nouse. -. : V Apputo - Charlotte Ileal Estate Aceacy, : tepmt a. X. COCHSAKI, Manage : Print EVERY ITXONDAY mORIVINa always goffer We are "selling at Olaeli 38 inch7 Imperial SergejC AU Wool) AO i " : Albatross (All, Wool) ' 40 ' " " Henriettta Cloth , 4o T " Drap d'Amla Cloth , ; . CoIored BPress Goods. -1-5. ' I, 40- inch , All Wool , Homespun , 40 '. .? " Imperial Seree. S00 yards . " " - Albatross, double width, light blue 43o " - B00 " ,in8Bhades. at I Extra heavy and rich finish, $1.80 per yard worth $1.85: $1.65 ber vard , - t .. worth 42.25-lutA tl 7K m vai ' J WASH MATERIALS. We have the greatest variety of these DRESS ' GINGHAMS At 10c, 12i, 15c, 20c, 30c, 38c, 50c, and 65c per yard. -OUE- LADIES' MUSLIN Is still selling at a great reduction, and THE EMBROIDERY Which w-e are selling in strips of 4 yards only are in greater demand than ever. :, ' ' - ' ' , - charlotte; N. G. 0EDEES SOCITED AND The largest and most O,.. - 7 ti -i :i 1. IN THE -:o- t i n u.- . .- . 4ia3fc w uniPDDUitanE BIANOS AND ORGANS o I Ithe best makes1 on Low, prices and easy ,r. . V - ' -i"':"c a.t. "L I 'rer rect roin UwAV vl AAwJaAtr"tvuva. iv j vui 1 H r ti cud, buy from the '. head office, and will attend ; to your wants ; in case .anything should be wrong in the factory guarantees. ., ' : . . ' , m -ffl '"41. CHiELOTTB, H. Q. oni with BARGAINS. a; variety of them. WEEK a great sacrifice, Goods. 48c per yard worth 7Bo W wid 52Jc " " 750 . 70c " " orv, ' (t 98c " 1 40 ; in ' B-shadea t i tin a- tan onlv. k. T ' goods that was ever brought to this CHEVIOTS For Boys' Waists in many neat paterns at 121 and 15 cents per yard. UNDERWEAR is leaving our shelves at a lively rate. .... 7 PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. complete stock of i? rvv :. Mt,vv - STATE. the installment plan; terms.' Send for prices; f MCKEBMG PIAKOS, - ABlOIf PIAXV08, n,,T.ri- r - "-" BENT PIANOS, ... mm ',''' a ara. ifiattiusucM nancs, ilASON -ft HAMLIN PIANOS. Sf. . 'T- -" . waaAiii VMUiUlw : - - - - - - - - - .-.-v.-- ... . .... , . , ; ' . ' " PACKARD OEGANS. Ilason k Uanlin Organs save time and fi-eigHt, 'as I uwtftvns . tsvvv saw vuvnr . w j r i t t J -1 .1 it -- 31 J J 1 -ill 4 4 :l k ! is J

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