MM . : .. "a. ' ..." III '1 ? 'W.T"''"''' " f -nil. f ; VOLUME XXXIV. CHAKI70TTE, -N. C SUNDAYIARCH 2U -18. -i?.J PRICE FIVE CENTS. La- f It E ARE NOW READY To siio oxtr Stock of Spring and Summer Gooda. Having taken special care in electing our stock, we are prepared to show tl;e most complete line of Dress rr0 h rrvid Wo have all the latest shades in Colored Cashmeres; Manda lav Suitings, Diagonals, 8lk Lace, Stripes, Ondinee, Albatross, Nuns veiling, g We have all widths in Silk Win) i Henriettas, Sa'm Uuchesse, French Tricet. occ , an as ne lowest poesioie prices. Also, , Handsome em- brl,Hrel HI i:lhiiuiiiiiuu biiiw) very iuw. untiuuu IjHCPB ana mouncjQg8, Torchou and Media Laces. A complete Stock o White Goods, Sec The handsomest Stock of Parasols ever shown here.', It will pay you to rivp us a call before buying as we are determined not to be undersold. Re Somber our UNDERWEAR DEPARTMENT. . 1 ; .; .. ' ' . t w .a f a l i ; Al i I Ml M mmX. m M Mm) , A Bk LiCE COVKBED PARASOLS, ' jjAii , Wonlr whltA Anil HOBNING PARASOLS, With and without binge. ,mnrw TTMnRKRMS. T Ail sizes, colors and prices. IAMB AMD GENTI -:o;- Nlee lot of JERSEY JACKETS For Ladles and Misses. Open for SPRING WOHK. MISS CALLIDAY wtu be at her post by Monday having ast returned from New York well posted In all tie new Idea of the season and will be glad to see all her friends and customers. . .-; , T. L. Press Malif Department SEIGLE WE HlIiliWiM A new and complete Stock of Spring Soods, embracing Business also a go Jd assortment of - . J u. neb a Chenille Wraps, Embroidered Mantles, 8bawls of Cashmere and other material in an colors, and many new Idea la Ladled Kancy Purses, Hand Bags, Bells, ke. Oar stock of DBBSS GOODS in colors and black contains the neest abrlcs of the seasoa, such as the Canvass and Etimlne effects, Boocle Good, Boorette, Striped Woolens, Spanish Bobes, and many be&atifal combinations in wool. OUR 6f Buttons and Trimmings to match Dress Goods la Qiovet and Hosiery, Ribbons Handkerchief s, Corsets outdone. Also an elegant line of ' , . ,S'l!lV ''I.f Genfs Fupnisliizinr Don't fan to see oar Jour in -hand Ties and Scarfs.- E. L. MESHilfiEl CO. SUCCESSOBS TO ALXZAHDIBj k HABBIS. FRED C. 1IUHZLER. WHOLBSAIi v LAGER BEER mEAMJBJBL AN BO ITLEB, - t '- CHARLOTTE, N. C Bepresenta two of the tersest LAQEB BEER Breweries the United States. , The Berfrner St Knsrel Brewinn Co., or Philadelphia, and the P. fc M. Schaffer BrewlBC Co Ol Hew York. THE LARGEST LAQEB BEER BOT TLING ESTABLISHMENT , j IN THE CITY. - triirders Solicited. ; All orden promptly filled and delivered free, of onarge to any pvi oi we wj , v decMdlf . ' - i- , WANTED. We win pay IB cents per bushel of Wpoondsffflr food sound new cotton seea o"wn uurnuu d CharlotteSvC-' " " '- WewiutraUrootton seed mesu or seed, gttlnf one ton of meal for two tons or seea. - OLIYXB OIL COMPANT, Successors to Charlotte Oil Company. septlSddtr : ' THE LATEST We are now running on full tnie. Tnrnttnre manufactured by us is kept . by the enterprising furniture dealers In this city. We make only the best and most substantial to the. market NO 8H0DDI GOODS. Ask for goods made by us and yoa win get the worth of yoor money Our name 5 on each piece. We soUcft the patronage of the pablle and guarantee satisfaction.- ' Respectfully, : - - ELLIOTT & HARSH. - COTTON SEED MOST PORTANT G oods 13, 1. French , Banting, ' French : Batiste, 1 01 First ttiah;Bajt-Bifflic South Tryon Street, . - - Charlotte, N. C. s DSAIiSBS IN 7' - Ladiea'jMisses'and Children's hub " button, Congress mcE shoes, Gents' Ftne Hand-Made and Machine Sewed BOOTS, BUTTON ANDX ACE BALS, BOYS' AlfD TOlJTeS' FINB BOOTS AND SHOES OB" ALL GRADES . GENTS'. FINE - m i (? TA J Cl 'tf TT I I mencs in lalB connection, ine mar tfUSy wOlt aUCl I. till XlcltS, shal is allowed .one clerk and one TRICKS,, " VALISES and T GRIPSACKS, XWBKELLAS OF AL KINDS, , . SHOX BLA.CB1NS AND BBTJSHE3. Alma. Polish far bdies' Pine Slinps. - ; i c c . ' . ' , I Stock alwavs Ikfttit till I and I . -. ' V s w; up to the demand. OBDSB3 BT MAIL OS XXPRES3 PBOMPTLY ATTENDED TO. all the staple articles known to the Dry Goods -i ' ' jf j j .;- ; ! ; : complete.' In White Goods and Embroideries, and all auch goods, we are determined not to be - -'J 1 Is i- . i - m t . . p- - it - Glre as a call and let as show you ear goods. t H.;(L ECCLES & C0.i (AUCTION AND COMMISSION J Merchandise Brokers BUT ANB SXLL REAL ESTATE. CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED J. H. HEIJDRICK, U ,15 ; , Jtl.W U O i! . "KEEPS TUB (: 'BlE S T B A R AND BILL I AH D H ALL ' lntheelty. L febl6dtf v, FOR REN V'.y'r. ACOMTOBTABLS 4 room cottage, pantry and kitchen, within a few hundred yards of the ended School, and six acres of land for rent to a iraiBl mm UMBHUf " t -AND mm - , . K goM teiiaiu. Ayyiru' - - anl ) 2:. JUiCOCBBAlTB,MAiiaisrr -rtf iV. y ' f "Tbdth. un m boh, Nionm suBanrs to BI OBSCDBMD, BUT, XJKB THI SUM, OKLT TOO. A Snbscriptiom to the Observer, i . - . DAILY EDITION, . Js' I i 8lnglecopy...... By the week In the eltj.. Scents. 75 dj uwmuuui.,, Three month.. Six months . One year ....... 4 4.00 ; v ' - ' '. WXEKLT KMTION. Three months.; BOeeot. Six months..!. .... .. .... .v. .... 11.00 Jtae year..., .........'.;... L8 3 . In clubs oc fly and over SL60. . rj v - - ,' No Deviation From TheM Kmles ! Subscrlpthms always payable In adrance, not only In name but in fact. WASHINGTON LETTER. TOE FEDERAL FEE ILlJ,', A Bill Terr Klstid in Its Terms The .Senate Backing Down 1 Personali se. ' On the day" of its introduction, it was not possible to give - full details of the ve.ry. elaborate bill reported for the Committee on the Expendi tures of the Department of Justice jOn fh& subject of Marshals, rDistrict Attorneys .and Clerks',; fees. :l .This measure provides that marshals and, district attorney's shall receive' salar-r. their actual expenses for transporta tion .going1 to s and returning rom court:1 They are required to render itemized accounts verified. Assis tants and clerks are also allowed 8Uanont toutaul tnasolrjxmoii CouncUman Owen. who. A-i : " mi . a. a. . I turns. auo aistnct attorneys ior i Western North. J Carolina and South ) Carolina receive under this bill $4,000 salary; The district attorney for the ; Eastern. District JofNorth Carolina is paid $3,000 with many others. The Western North Carolina marshal's salary is $3r000 The South Carolina marshal's is the same; the Eastern North Carolina marshal's. $3,WK). The fees collected by of marshals and dis- court and all, expenses taxed against other parties tbjin the united States There are , various t. other require-' chief deputy, if deemed necessary by the attorney general.- In file dis tricts with which we are concerned, the galary-for these officials shall not exceed $1,500 in any" case. Where courts are held at more than one place the attorney general may allow either a clerk or chief deputy, but not both at such place, it the busi- ndss requires it, at a salary not .to exceed $1,000. In no case shall fees hereafter be allowed to the officers serving process except for commit ting .and discharging prisqners, No such fee paidito a cfeief dep uty. No fees permitted where?the service could have been by,;mail. Only actual expenses of transporta tion' when itemized ' allowed to depu ty marshals, sheriffs andconstables while serving processes. - Where there is n,o puulio co.uveya,nce an al lowance of ten cents a mile eaph way is madein addition ;to tha fees pr vided byflaw. . w l : , 7 United States commissioners Bhall receive bniy,$l for issuing process to arrest andl for bond for court, also $5 for all other writs, processes, for all oaths, - docketing, hearing an$ trying the same, but where here are two. or .more charges against) one person "the commissioner j is allowed only one fee. Justices of the peace shall receive the same fees for servs ing in criminal cases. Their accounts must be verified aud forwardeoTto the United States attorney " Where, one person is .clerk of both Criminal ' and : District1 courts lie shall not receive IfQriboth services more than $9,000 per annual, (except the" Southern'distriot of New York, $3,500 ) ' " v JOnTy fifty cents per :mea fpi: mar shal, deputy or prisoners, .each al lowed in transportation.:; The bill is very rigid in its terms. --Jurors andwitnesses receive actual and neceswy. expenditures for trans- portatioii, and witnesses $1.50 ani jurors $2 a day aunng actual attend ahce atj-courty and for the ime neoes sanly oqcupiea in going to ana irom the usame; yputy'lnarsha and. guarua xocbito 6 ycrrujr. Tne senate JDacKS 00 wn irom its high-and-mighty position. . By reso- lution adopted yesterday, and by action of the body t in executive? ses sion, the 1 collectors of, internal "reve nue will air be confirmed. 'About this matter there Js only, one comment heard: .The Senate finds itselt.occu pying an untenable JjlJfte cedes. i -r ? v . ' Mr. Hurd will not get his seat. He was nocked ouf by action-of, the elections committee today. This is a .1 . , . ..... surpriS9. ltis noweamjeasnat ne never had any case, j . ,,, ,o?pi Maj.jA. J. Galloway, of the ine, is organizing ani excursion; to 1 Line Havannah, via TampaBay and Che roaas oeiongtng ;tw tu Aaue. t Vw " . .1 ? ' ' AVTA1...1T1 :y ! rA.S.s a number of Senators and liepreseu privUege of a free junkeWW, Senator, Ransom will :go ,as iaj;; as .W4on;. No other member; of either ,'Houie; from the two Carolinas will be aboard" at 11 o;lock tomornrwr When the excursion j&Htil CEEe,'Major is sflTvej railroad manjand qhasvorked' rjp here the totecegJ&Qf: Jus fast line with remarEaoie-aouitynu svut. - T?he resoTufiohs mtfoTiucJSMn' Reid on ThursdaV were tha joint pro duction of Mrs.fd"&n4TensJel i sonl This was' bestatedin my ietter -oithai4a,te, butMr.'Eeid desires it "to be gener ally understood:, - -r - ' - " . , Mr. ! Skinner took; part in the con sideration .yesterday of the Indian Appropriation bill. Gen. Cox has introd uced a petition or twenty citizens ojWake county asking for the opening of the Indian Territory. f . ': : . ' I hear that a letter has been 1 re ceived from Veatern North Carolina stating thatessra." Wilson and Tate have sold ther, tQarble quary topar- nets irom toe jprtn ior zw,yw. i Mr.jW..? Leakepf WadesbJroj passea through thisclty' yesterday. Alt EPISODE OP THE WaB. The Citr .Presented with a Bill for .Rations) JNerred ' to a Com- tMinrof Soldiers; ' . PlUladelphla Baoori' - t. A circumstance boourred in ' the mayor's, office yeeterdaywhich quite dumbfounded the clerks and other attaches of the plaee for a time. Luke Reillyi of No. 831 Catharine street, handed to Major Linton' a bill against the city for $32T 23.K -It bore the re mote date of, April 15jll861, and rep resented the cost Of meals furnished to 100 soldiers of the war, composing Company .A, of the TwentyJourth Regiment Pennsylvania .Volunteers. The ' correctnesa of the bill was at- testediby Joha McHugh,. the captain ortcompany, and Mr. Keilly mm self,; The. latter explained that while the company was stationed in the third story of a building at the south west corner of Twelfth and Chestnut streets hs furnished meals to the men for seven days at the rate of 15 cents ia: meal. He had never been paid, andas an evidence of hii good faith, referred the mayor's secretary .1 ' ne saia. was colonel or tne reeiment l i 'J. t. r i . jtime,' and would remember the nco.Mrr-Keul v said -thai dur&g the war he was worth $7f,p00, and made no effort to collect the noney. Reverses came upon! him years afterward and left him pennik less, and tnen tne idea struck him. that hp had a just claim against the government for what had become to bim in his present circumstances a very considerable sum of money. THe applied to the Washington authori ties, T)ut hi9 bill was returned, with instructions to collect it from the city, jHis claim, including interest, amounts to) over $l,0QL-5(, i ' .4 , A ntatter of Public Concern. NewYor Star ; '.r -J l(i ' 1 'e Vi i'y Numerous strikes throughout the1 country are not only putting those immediately concerned to - serious loss, but they are causing the public grave I inconvenience. , In some cases a tendency toward lawlessness has been developed, - but, : in the main, wonderfully good order has prevailed considering the number of exasper- . The danger of disorder and the in- I convenience to woicn tne puDuow put by this condition of affairs unite to make these dispute between two opposing parties over a private inters est a nlatter of public concern, and it is time that - thoughtful men . were giTingserious attention to devising a remedy. One solution that has been commpnly looked - to in the .past might as .well be dismissed, and, that is the Starvation of the1 strikers into submission to any terms the employ ers may dictate. The organization of labqr is. top complete and its power too. manifest to allow f such an end to existing difficulties. . '. ? Tr. ia'tolao tViot. atrawv rna vP fr.Vvnao disputes 'arises ' from a difference of opinion tnat couia oe readily arDi- 4Afnl!Kr fat mnn i r nrViiVM r-f Vi tKa tiartiea to the ? controversy had con fidence. There re: iiatturto tl0n8 tp the demands on eithBiaft. The emoloyers cannot v oroe meit work for them for lessvpayjtbia wi naantfhi them in reasonjlecency and comrorc. xine men, jon. ineotaer hand, panhot for;tlempl0rtfci pay tqem wages tnat will leave no margin of. profit for" the- individuals or corporations conducting business Somewhere between, these two Xn tremes is a happy medium that will allow fair profits td the- employers nd decent wages- to Je. employed. ibis remedy can only oe discovered in two! way8one - is frank -conference- pf the ;represen,tatives of the; controversy iand the other is the sub-, mission of the question to the arbi . t.rat.lnik nf mon h ft vine anftflflfl to all the faits. One1 or the other of these solutions ought to be voluntarily e ceptedt by both parties, and if this is not quickly done tnere are many in dications of a dispoeitiori to compel suofea; submission by 1 law". There is a growing popular feeling that the ownerji of valuable , f rahchises - must not be permitted to disregard the public; convenience because of a dis- wageslthat might easily oe adjusted hv conference op arbitration. ss:i.l t , , " : . Poyou ask me for my secret , s Why my teeth are pearly white? ; .: ; j (. ,KWhy my breath is oyer fragrant?- , 'f , , My' secret's oft been told before ' 1 ' ' tJss SOZODOST. And nothing more. Frajsram SoxoxSostt Hardens and Invigorates the gums, purines and perfumes the breath, cleanses, beautifies and pre serves the teeth from youth to old age. Sold by all Drugfrstst-n&JS. f - t f-f'iff fi 4 The Florence lHKfetinga.e of (fee Henerr i The following Is an extract from a letter written to (he QemuwBojmedlaessenger, at Chamber Dqrg,renn.t. . Jnat nmn th dortr for taar. ' and Mrs. WlnsloW will prove the American Florence Nightingale of th nnraarv Of this we are so sure that we will teach our Susy to say, -A Blessing on Mrs. WIds 4ow for helping her to survive and escape the griping, eollcklng and teething siege. Mrs. Wins low's soothing Sysup relieves the ohlld from pain. And cures dysentery and diarrhoea. It softens the mima. mduees inflammation, cures wind colic and I carries ine mranttnroug f Mrs. wim low kmm hei carries the infant through the teething period.' It vnatit proresses to perioral, less. We have never seen her only through the prepa ration of her '"Soothing Syrup for Children Teeth ing." , Hi we had the power we would make her, as sne is, a payment saviour to the lniantraee. i ibid bidrigistrwi 26 1 i qents a bottle. 1 8casi EnaalsloBt efPir Cod' '- XJVer VXii wltk Hyprspliltes. ' ' p1 iiier4alhTl)eslrable for Cn Jren, A'IJldt physician at the Child's Hospital, at AlbanyK. T.. saysi "We have been using Scott's Inmlsion' with great suooess,' nearly all of our patients are suffering; from bone disease and oar physicians find It very beneficial." , . ;Ask Cdltel Bl !: , f ' " -About thirty years ago, a prominent physician by the Bamejof Dr. William Hall discovered, or pro duced After long experimental research, a remedy lor diseases of the throat, chest, and lungs, which' was of such wonderful efficacy that tt soon gained 4 widerettatatlon In this country. The ; name jpf the medicine Is Dr. Wm. ball's Balsav fos iat Xtnroi and may be safely reHed on as a speedy and positive core fox coughs, ejolds, sore throat, c , -,. THE:NEWiS0Ura. STlI.ll JEldBCtlnO FORWARD. millions of Dollars Invested in Mar ufactnrlns; ' ' Industrie- Brlrht Cutloolz for the Future. Baltimore Manhfacturers Beoord, , 1, - ' , ,. Rarely, if ever,' before has the ins dustrial outlook at the South been so promisinr as at present., JChecotti a mills ana iron- works are running on full time? iftanyi of uthem-iaro really AL I .. j ... , r. uunupu wu.u uruors, huu 4dieir OUSl ness is yielding betterjrofits than for several .years, and i of other lines of manufactures the same' is : true. i In the diversification of 'manufacturing interests there 'is very notable! pro gress. ! During the ilast twos weeks we have resorted in our Construction Department the- organization: of manyjnewyehterpriaesi and among some ofc the! most-important , were a $100,00 sagar refinery in Kissimmee, Fla., a,$59,)0O fertilizer company in Ocalla an? oe lactory j company -in Sanf ordy'tsrbom factoryl at Tampa," a $200,000 coal company at Mobile. Ala. . a $15,00 agricultural i implements- company in tiwmev ua.,- a tobacco factory and a i $50, 009 company , to manufacture pianos in- Atlanta, an ice factory in Macon, a $100,000 phosi phate company , at Brunswick; a $20, 000 gas company, a $5,000000. mining 'ompany and a $50,000 lumber com pany in Arkansas ; a $300,000 1 wagon manufacturing company, t $250,000 clock j manufacturing i company,' oa $50,000 wool! manufacturing compa ny, $45jOOQ Jstova works, $1,500,000 natural gas jcompany, a $60,000 com pany to mamifacture burglar alarms and electrKaTJgcods,! and a stove foundry in. Kentucky ; in s Louisiana the lie(t of' new; enterprises - for two weeks: 'includes a.i$150,000 ' ice factory! lao--$60,000? f cotton compress s andf ,. the i prospects ,Jof a 5,000 fepindle ;mill to Tmanuf acture ramiei INorth Carolina shows for the same period, a $50,000, company; for th manufacture of coach material, some five or. six' new tobacco facto ries, ainumber of saw mills,- mining enterprise&viand mother i' industries, South f Carolina a $50,000 v electric light company while. Tennessee :w ports a $50,000 fruit-canning compa ny, a $50,000 natural gas company,1 a $150,000 iron i company r a shoe lac tory, $251000 range.and castings com pany, ia, $50,000 furniture manufac turingj company; an k factory; ma-, chine shopfh a: $100,000 company to manufacture heating r; furnaces, : a, cheese! factory a marble, company, gas light company, grain elevator, a flour mill company, a- $50,000 soap and ebiemical company, a hosiery mill company in Texaa-therehave- been reported a $25,000 ice - company, a $25,000 electrio light: company, $30.k 000 cotton gin factory, . $50,000 gas worksj $50,000 lumber company, $50, OOO roBing miU.'a $250,000 cotton oil company to build a .mill, ..$20,000 coffee and spice mill, a $100,000 roller mill, a $24,000 electric light and pow er company, a $30,000; milling corn- Kr any ana $ia,(m,sour. mm; in irgima. a $l,ixiu,ouu tin mining company, an earthenware: factory, a Canning . faotoryr- : machine shop, woolen mill, i $100,000 v paper mill company and a1 flbur'mili, and ih WeBt Virgmia a $100,000 oil and gas company, . an agricultural implement company, etc. 'As this is a record for. two "-weeks only and includes simply the most important industries organised or incorporated during that .period,' it shows j&at there , is much industrial activity all through the South. - In addition to the enter prises I mentioned there ' have been man y saw and planing mills and Bmall industries -generally: ; And "the indications are bow1 'favorable for some' very extensive new. enter prises. The Pittsburgh papers announce that Mr. Henri Haumau "a noted Belgian engineer, passed there last" week on SoathTwherelhe is eoine IWtfla lawre iron and-ateel nlant 1 ;to for powerful Belgian syndicate. These orgs u is. stateqwiuiemploy over men. ana will manufacture steel the basic 'process.' ? And so 5 the eood work: eoes oni i Day after day adds tp - the new' enterprises and to the wealth of the south, s ; uoi, A, k. McChtre. the editor of the miadel phia Times, who is a good authority, says: l "I regard the proBpects i bf the South as even much better than the Sotftbern neople themselves regard them. There is nothing in the his to-. I ry .Ofi the world that can be compar ed with the efforts of. , the eouthera People to rehabilitate themselves. Oonsiderine the . institution ' under which they grew up, their system of labor which has , been, so, violently revolutionised and .the -necessity for diversifying their mdustries,oi wnicn theV knew nothing, it is marvelous how they have adapted themselves to the new order of: things and to what a stage of advancement they have ar rived m a lew-yearsri .Pennsylvania has much more reason1 to fear the South in the manufacture of iron and in the competition than any foreign country. You will draw a large por tion of our industry to your section, and we.' as we - have always done. will learn something new and go at it. There cannot be anything more insane than the raising of cotton here in the Boutn where you nave the Den- eflt of splendid water power that never freezes and where everything tends ;to cheapen production, and .then to ship that cotton away to hleak New England, and there to haves it spun and woven. That sys tem cannot last in the New South. Whenever capital oomes South, where it is bound to come, there will be a revolution ; and it cannot be far diss tank"! ', 4 rIO Boom ttaett Sciei ferred ace has Coi Has been fraught with greater blessings than that which has aecurred to the Inhabitants of malarial ridden portions of the United states and the Tropics from the use of Hoetetters's Stomach Bit ten. The experience many years has' but too Cjjeafly demonstrate the Inefficiency of quinine and other drugs to effectually combat the progress of intermittent, congestive and bilious remittent feveri, while on the other hand, It has been no less dearly shown that the use of the Bitters, a medicine: congenial to the frailest constitution. and derived from purelf botanic sources, affords reliable safeguard arainst malarial disease, and arrest tt when developed, for disorders of the stomach, liver and bowels, for general debility and ranal lnaetlvltT. It la also a most efficient remedy. ADpetiie and sleep are improved by It, ft expels rheumatle humors from the blood, and enriches a circulation impovensheq oy mai-assimuauon. ; DanglUers, Wives atmd Mother f We emphatically anarantee Dr. Marchlsl's Cata- oBcon, a Female Bemedy, to eure female diseases, aneh as ovarian troubles, inflammation anduloera- Mnn. fRlllnir and dianlneement or bearinsr down reeling, irreguianueer oarrennesa, enangBoi uu, Imieorrha from, he above7llke headache, bloating, weakness: sleeplessness, nervous debility. I esiaes many . weaneBt spc Mnn of the heart. An. for sale by dnnarists. $1.0) and $L60 per bottle. Send to Pr4 J. B, Man oiial. ntioft. N. V.. for munnhlet. free. . For sale by U B. Wrlstoa. druggist, Charlotte inging spinat lalplta- Prtoe M7rw lfn ":- " ': ' ''4 OUR : ' taiiini Goods "1 Tll f'll IJV.ii.I'i!t.!a XJ,;;- ,!fiii:, ,,:,, Absolutelv Pure- K'tK -s -i- x I Sri..! li strength and wholesomeness. More eeonomlosi uMauaeonunary Kinas. and cannot be sett In competition with the mnltttode of low test, short weight, aluto or phosphate powders. Sold only In eans.1 Wholesale by ' . - .jVj i J'iahaOdkwiy : SFBTNGS ft BUB WILL, ' unanotie, n. u O ...!;x St NERVOUS it! ;.ti '-.j Ml- '.j ' .1 DEBILITATED Tel EN Ton are allowed dj davofttia Electrio Saspenaory ApplUncee, tor the speedy relief nd permanent eure of Nervous DebOttw. lose -' ?f, WaMy ud ManAoori, wd ail kindred troubles. . Also for many other diseases. Complete reetora- -tlOui.'to Health, Vigor and Manhood ruaranteed..' use or iir. dti rudAhmfaui vic. nu No riak m Incurred. .Uluatrated pamphlet InaeaiMt niww uuuicu I rw, vy BUUrBBBlull iiif f UliXAlU JiJUjT CO. . .... f . noTl7deodAw7nt. sneclahsts of the day with no benefit. Onrwl him. self in three months, and slnee then hundreds f joy tne same process, a plain, simple and 128 Bast 26th St., New York CKy. - . . . snii noma treatment, aikitmu t h piui T ' WANT 8AT.KSWRN anmMii. . h and traveling, to sea oar goods - wm pay ! guw mutij i a nu expenses, w me ior terms st once, and state salary wanted. ; Aririnwa i bTAMUUUl clli V Kb, W AUK COMPA&X. Wash mgionireec, uosioa Mass. , , - mar34w WW YTTIIIiTCn LADIES to wort for us at their I - ' 11 flll I CU own homes, $7 and S 10 (er week I r - WW can be quietly made. JJo photo painting; no I ' canyasslnn for full' rjartlculars. Dlease ad- I dress at -once, CBKSCENf ART OuMFANy,19 veavnu otreet, Boston, jnass : box diaj. , Established .140. Incorporated 1884. s Thos. Bradford Go. - Successors to Tlios.BTaiM&C8. ' Bole Manufact urers ol the Old Reliable ttnd Celebrated BRADFORD Foria.Ua Mills ' for Any Kind of SMALL GRAIN. Also Hannf actur-, era of - General Floor Mil Machinery- Nes., 23, 27,29, SI and 33 Xeelt St., Near' Highland House Inclined Plane. Write for Catalogue. CINCINNATI O, decl2dead&w6m. ' " LCURE FITS! Wnen X ay cure 4 ao not mean merely to nop mem . r a tune ana tnen nave tnem return again, i mean a ileal eure, I have made the disease of yITS, EPfr : fST br FALLING SICKNESS a life-lour studr. I T miaut my remedy to aure thawortrtne. Beota - -thera haw failed lino xeasonfor not nowreeelTint'a eure, sena aionoetoraireaose-mnaarree ow.ieos j t my infallible remedy. Give KlpreM and Poet Offloe, , . goefis you nouuny wr a tnoijauu a wm uuxv Jya. Address ml u., vtAT,itirmnatiKnf fotm. t : til I I U IV ; I httv m positiTw renk4r f or tboobore dUatu ; by Its Mm thonamndB of es of the wonk kind a 4 o kmc taadinfc tov beo ct0. iBdd, sotrongig my fait fi utuemoaej, $nasi wiii mhotwu utrnLJsa nu, koftbrwltbft VALFABIKTB8ATI8B ti ttoUdiaMM ' tO4ivirM0erer. Gire express and P (X add re m. no A atAftr J van t Os w t trmm a wvvvaiNifMtsRjV svw n i 1 11'.!!? . ! . . METAL POISON, I am a comwremith by tade. 'and the srhaa Oar- tlclee of brass and copper from filing got Into sores.' on mi arms and poisoned my whole system Mer cury administered brought on rheumatism, and f became a helpless Invalid 1 too two dosen bottles of Swift's Specific. My legs, arms and hands are all right again. I use them. without pain My restore uon is Que to o. p. B. . rxrjta ja. ijuyi, 1 Jan. , isao. u i : ...,.AJigiiata)tra.i; I ! w a w a m a v ; vwtvSAW ? ammmim niitii jrviovm We nave need Swift's Srjectfic to oar famflT as am annaoDB ior maianiti ooison ior two or time veara. and have never known It to fall in a Single In stance. ! ' i W.CiKJHLOW. Dumter Co., tta., uepv u, bss . u For six or eight wrsl suffered with oloets on my right leg.' I wut reated with Iodide of Potas-- stum and Merc a -v. and I became helpless. .: Six bottles of Swift s Jot clfle made a permanent eure.' s r. m. i; wjlkw, iramesvuia, ' ' LKbraary28f1881,., .p-.j - ) -i -i . Swift's SDeclOc Is entirely vefretable. Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free, Tni8wiw8pcrjrioCo.i Drawer 8 Atlanta. 6a OTHiB W( aSdStN.T- i , .. . , . , . : . i- o if rl .- AD1K3 WANTKD to work for ns at their LI own homes. $7 to $10 per week can be easily made; no canvassing; fascinating and steady emnloyment Partieuhtrs and sample of the work sent for stamo. Adress HOME M'F'tt CO., P. O. Box 1916, Boston, Mass. ' Parker's Tonic, i A Pura Family Medicine; that Never Intoxicates 13 WllHam Street, IVevr Torlc - ' t .- - -.- - Sold by all Druggist In large bottles at One Dollar. PENNYROYAL PILLS "CH1CHESTERS; ENGLISH." , The. Orislnia itnrf . Only, eenulme. j n Bah and aiwa Reliable. Beware of wortkleaa Imitatiras, IndispenflaM. LADIES.' Aak Tor IkrmMlrt Ior 7 MChteaeat'sEnBliair,and-taaBaetaeninatoMtc. . (itamps) to u ror partieolarB n uttwr y fetara aaalai NAME PAeeR.cfcJCfcf.i. - Baiabv Draalta every wker. Aak Sir Chlekea ibsIuR" Pauiyraral fUIa. Taksaaotbar. - tera Ei JanlOdAwly s Printing: Press; for;.. Sale. I HAVE FOB SALS a complete Adams Book and News Da per Press. Size of platen 84x110 Inches.. The machine Is In good order, made b noe a. no., swtnqaru wtart.- . i - '.. wiUDesoiaior - - . . on terms to suit purchaser. . t - - LMAH. h. jonibi. an5dtf.' : , Charlotte Obeerrer, FOB &ENT.- - Dwelling house on South" Tryon street adjotar Ins: the residence of Dr. a B. Bratkon." Very oetv venientiy located tor a pparqing house. t v i v ; a Apply to o t tt j , f j .t p , i ! a Charlotte leal Esit&te ! Aa-eacy, PriMCIIMDTI flM , MPtadtt B,B. COCTBJLrn,lsUaf i ' i . - " I-1 -'-5 C Is Olfering f.:.f. -: v . .v.ixi. let. .'-fi- andqJtne pf goods, all of which are f t new arrivals. ; , 1 i r .1 VM SIZE ;-,,.-, j" . r ' ' , ..." (t ' " HUCK TOWELS t It It ) i tt DAMASK . VJ :. j HABILE MlASHiS. ' - i - W j - -r J i - - - DAMASKS ; COLORED ;56 in 50 in 60 in. 60 in 60 in 60 in 60 in 62 in 62 in 62 in BLEACHED It tt We Have Of Sheetings and Pillow Casings at very the most popular looms of this country. SHE OUR Which we are now offering at 80 cents, worth $1.00; 90 $1.20 worth $1.50. Fine spreads reduced in proportion, and Side Board Scarfs, i - ? H CHARLOTTE, N. C. ; MALL ORDERS SOLICITED . AND PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. : i 1 If- " I. ii.;-t 'u ' M t i' , TKe largest 1 and most I-!.- "to "-r-' ' 2 , ! is inc 1 flij j o 1 f IN i ' ft- v 1 - ' i ? " t not no, f .-I n, - . iH'nnipnnuii MANOSAND, ORGANS ..J t Ofth$;;be;st " makes, on uow1 prices ana easy Orrlpr flirefit from me. and Jff-) ) ,1, I,- 3 ill i -Br jL 1 -f , J , r y 3 s .'i-l- Iff. 1 I -. ; ' i I .. i . I . . . . . .. a . . - -.. i t deliVer freight-paid to your nearest depot as cheap ,f as you CiJi buy from tha- head office, and will attend . to your, wants in s& aiiy thing should be ifrong' in the factory sniaranteep, - t. i.'f . CHARLOTTX. W. O. . I , ' ' BARGAINS 17x30 AT 10c WORTH 12jo . 16x32 J-v He . I5cc 17x36 u 12c tl 16 - . i' .18x36 " 15o " 20c f 21x40 19o , " , 25o 'J 21x40 j". 20c 26o ; 18x40 " i 23o " 80c 21x4C .I'V 25c 4 S5o 23x42s " 30c , " 40o WIDE; i tt .- t t AT 40c 50c 65c 72c 77c 45c - 55o : 62ic 70c 80c WORTH 55c 60c 750 85o LOO 55c 65 800 90c 1.15 a Full Line low prices. They are all goods from QUILTS,.,; cents worth $1.20; Novelties in Bureau complete stock of aDl?(B' .it v K STATE, the installment plan. terms, oena iop prices. fDKKERMG PIANOS, -.i'-iKH-UZ'.- ABIOI IAIfOS, BEItT PIANOS, Slatbiishck Pianos, 1'5 HiSON.HASllI'PMOS. v - r a r a mis we a avvraa I a f J t f . i j t PACKARD ORGANS, tlason & IlaDlin Organs. save time and freierht, as 1 I 1 N . -l: HI 4 . - i 3

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