Tho "Grape: Curv ' "V A TTTT) A T IN AMERICA. ' i v fhcirs-a Hzd wi ts, 8 extracted from grapes and fpiit. most worulerful pro- uct from nature's j , . .iicrj. li -ve It In yc ar homes and travelsa kw; llic " f wed weaiy or w.ti out IU-ures t b pdsciit, dysrpsu, stomach and bowel c,ni'iiai:it.-t: rt-radvts biliousness, attmu'ates the Ij.-er t :i t:et (ht nciloo, couritei acts the effects of me ar au1 the excessive use of a'eohoUe lirvna e a'i: prevente the abso ption ot malaria: ,no i.e.tu tbesj-Hte'H the want of sound, ripe fr r HrHriHif br the . . ' tONDON 8L-MU8CATIXL0O. . LOKDOJL ENGLAND. ' , Br"ar of 1 1 ltaUwus? The genuine in f 'bine wfiii ' soaly.' j- w circulars t-l "BV4NOVITCH, Gear ml raerican iUnaer, P. O. Box i968,: New oikCl j. agents- E H Jo dan & Co., L, B. tfriorr Drng3fS;t!!ha4otte.N.C. .... . .. . ja"3id4wly . - Mention this -paper. .iv Afl ucrttsimctitB. Mpj-i d '.Safflwejl's C RNIViL 0e NOVEL fIE3. ' For -i L raited S asnn, COMMENCING Saturday. Marcll 27th COLLSliE STBEET, between 2nd and 3rd : UDdlsputibly the grandest can riss entertainment ever givn in Charlotte. '2 Perftirmiscs Daiiy. ;i i Doors open at 1 a 7 p." m Performances to commence at 'i$0 and 8 p.m.. . . Admission. to all, 1 cmts. ONE SPOON r ' Ming ABSOLUTELY PURE,, ABSOL UTELT EFFICIENT, ABSOL UTELY HEALTHFUL If, upon a fair trial, yon find It does not give yon satisfaction, we will reiund your money. TUT II! TRY IT!! One spoon to one quart of floor no more or le? s you see it has twice the strength of our common baking powders, and,-yon savd fifty percentbyoalDglt. Only 2 J cents per pound. We will also sell you sevn pounCs of fwsn parched and ground Bio and Lagnayia 5 ' Coffee, . $1.60 13 pounds of Granulated Sugar for' $1.00 14 pounds of "C" Sugar for - LOO Avery fine, eweet and delicately flavored ' Ham, per pound, at yy- ; 13U uio ictu loiu, ki yuuuu, U AU We sell one, medium and large hominy, perpound, at - . 03 Our BXX blended tea, per bound, at ' v - i 60, Chlppea Beef, per pound, at - - - - -- -20 TRY OUR RORLEH8BRElK FAST ST HIPS. Larrabe's SnowftaJce, the Best Wafer Crocfcer tn thfi Market. A large and Completd Stock Of Canned Good the very best In the inarkeV n . . ... - .SK unr drain and heed More I alwavs gtoeked with hay. b'an.' shucks, fodder. com, oats, mixed feed and anything in that ' juu wani, waicn we wui seu at a. leasonaoie price. ; . . . - .- j-,-.-....... ' We thank you, kind Wends, for your "liberal Patronage In the past, and If we have merited your patronage by fair dealings and prompt attention to your comminds, we promise you th will be jiu enort spared on our part to command the i in tee future. We will furnish you all Ton want m uie way oi rAJUAiX fiUrriOS. All gOOOS OO- llvered free. . . ' R. B ALEXANDER & CO. fotiM Fetcikia Cptton Scci, AT tl.00 per tatfiel.- Dsw Law,aratihaf Aria Lytch Cot on Plantar. Deera Gem Planters. vuiuvawrs ana ouer implements. ? , t ja trAia, . J. g.SHANNANHOPSg ft CO. tK UnlmDroved tot, 99x150, adjoining the pro wi petty of J. H Emory, . P Irwin and others. iroming on Trade streeu Snada trees pa toe lot. CHARLOTTE REAL 'ESTATE AGsTNCY. A Sodnnrt hand iwn linTiffre !ollaf tMlMT in guid eonuiUoa, and wenWlve-oliar set of fvuen. . ' . -r.sjrt,- . ,-: - M o. JUbr:RECEIfl!H9 THE BEST STOCK OF GOODS IN- . THE CITY INOUR LINE. ; Two good second-hand safes will be sold cheap OnelOLLSB'S. '.' f- Oat HKBBING'8. . Apply toCbaa. a, Joaetj t...... peMid4U -. T THIS KHTiCS.,: Houses Rented. r. j Houses rented and renta floflacted. fn therit ! 1 AdverflMdtreeof charge. - CBABL0TTA BSAL B8TATX AGXNCT, : - . '.B.l COOTBANI. Manager, . . tr' ifads street Trent Central tt Kd rr N,-w III nstrated Catalosme for 1 86t ... f'i piicc.i t HW Seed. JIalid f3KK '. r. w. wood & sons, vviosaicjiad BeUil SesdtOMm, Blchmond. VO Janl4w3m. ' y ' OLD "Sllt-t f LOT, Powder, .-TgUBSDAY. MARCH 25r 1886. the oiar Arrival and Departure of Trains. ? Correct for the current month. " ' . RICHMOND AMD PAXTIIXX ALB-LOT. ' t c. 65-Arrives at Charlotte from Richmond at ! r o .61 Arrives at Charlotte from Atlanta at 5 .-00 o. .: uoavtr ior rucnmona at omu a. m. -N v.'; Arrives at Charlotte from Richmond at ip. in. ieaves ior Auania a 1 p. m. - . fi r M Arrives at Charlotte from Atlanta at 6 45 P leaves tor Blchmond at 6:40 p. m. , . . Loj'. Ifrelght and Passenger Train leaves tor Attain- hi 6:30 a. m. arrtres from Atlanta at 8 JO V. in. - , , .. , t - i - C i blotto, Colombia ahd Auodbta. - Arrives rom Colombia at 6:15 p. m. ' - Leaves -i Columbia at 1p.m. : .; : it.-- C. . C. A A. A.. T. 4 O. Dmsnnu i" . '.' i Arrives tr m Statesvttte at U 30 a. m. Leaves to.- -a tesvllle at 6.40 p.m. ' " caboltna Central; - Arrive from Wilmington at 730 a.' m.; Leave lor Wilmington at 8.15 p. m.- arrive from Laurlnburg at 3 46 p. m.; Leavtfor Leave for Shelby at 8.16 av m.; arrive from Shelby iduinniintuiT'i wn wn Mails. . t AW . "'i Money Order Department opens at 1.00 a. m.; .Weather Indications. Middle Atlantic States: Fair warrn- er weatherT winds shifting to south erly, railing oarometer. outn Auantic states: a&ir. cren- erlly i warmer: weather, southerly winas,. laumg oarorneter. ; ' Index to New AAveniMiaeaii. , Forenangh ft Samwell's carnival of novelties. R. B. Alexander ft Co. Baklnar Dowders J. &. ShannaDhooseft Ca Peterkln cotton seed j o.njers uuggy ana Darness tor sale. , -Lot for sale by Charlotte Beal Estate Agency. Settlements for debts dne Tnv nnsnmwii or mrseu WUU U. W. A txandnr. or Mr. n. A. jjeai, wui oe recognizea at this omoe. : . . 5 UUAS. K. JONES, .r ' Editor and Proprietor. .s EOCAE REPPEE8. Mr. K C. Davidson is recovering from a severe attack of pneumonia. Mecklenburg. ..Lodge : No. 33K, fing at Masonic Temple tonight. Kttiffhla nf Hnnnr nrill hA ri o meet- Tne complimentary nop at the Gm skating rink, last night, was largely -attended, and was a very successful, as well a& a pleasant' af fair. 'Dr. Deems'' lecture will com mence at 8 o'clock tonight. Tickets are on sale at the Central Hotel, T. C. Smith & Co s drug store, and at Ross & Adams book store. . Messrs. Geo." E. Wilson and E; K. P.' Osborne, of the Charlotte bar, left yesterday for' Dallas.': The'; cele brated Lineberger factory suits were to have been called for trial at lialias yesterday. Miss Livia Skinner,; of Winns- boro, S. C.j a young lady who is well known in Charlotte - and ; who . has many friends nero. is visiting . tne city. She is the guest of Mrs. ; J. B. Shannon house. 1 ' v ; A workman named -Hillsman, employed at Asbnry & Finger's ma- chine shops, at laddell's old stand, yesterday had one-of his hands pain fully lacerated by getting it caught in a planing machine. c-Me. jRi phy : Grahami a. Jfells i Jknown citizen of , .Lincoln, county, wa3 in the city yesterday; Mr. Gra ham reports that shad are beginning 1 to run, and the Catawba fishermen are having good luck.; t.i-. W. M. -' Henry -was-yesterday ar rested by United Sates revenue of ficers in Rock Hill,;- charged with j dealing in counterfieit money, but up to the hour our informant left that nlace. he had net been" called' to trial. ' Sfl i. ;t.!'h& TontxHendersogold 'ininer on thdiine of the Aflahtic,- Tennessee and Ohio railroad,'' and but a short distance frODathe city,:i iff to be res j The . iTorkville. (S.0 )- Enquirer gives us. thistpiecepf naws- (aomas I McGuUeol.HtenlgiuniK N. QX was committed to jail last iTiday by Unite d States Com m iscioner Hart, on the charge of retailing liquor in York county without United States Mr. W. BL' LiUycrop, ah English miner .who ,naa , ueen a resiaeun ua Charlotte for several years past, has suffered an almost total loss of eye sight, 'supposed ; to be the result of cataracts. i? He left last night for At lanta to-' undergo treatment at that A meeting of the trustees of ' Da vidson College is to be held at the col lege today. Dr. J. Rumple of Salis bury, ReyJ. CAlexander, v of GreensboTO,Eind Mr. S- H. Wiley, of Salisbury, members "of the 'commit tee, were ar the Belmont yesterday, eh route to" the c6Ilege.c ; Colonel John L. Brown and . General R. D. Johnson, of; this city, also; left to at tend the meeting. ''M J ? While the county convicts were at work on the public roads last Tuesday, one of their number, Cy Kincaid, was attacked with a con gestive chill. ; He : was wrapped in blankets and carried'to the stopkade, where he died that night, though the the dor county physician - did; all possible bis relief Kinpaid ; was serving out a ' s'x.month8' s antenfte for larceny His body was buried yesterday at the poor house. . 11 BaUrpad noel Iura'ed, ,,5 Fessengers on tne tram irom jsicn I mond yesterday brought news of the destruction by fire of the Richmond, ;& Danville railroad hotel, at Nortb I nyille, - yesterday mofnuig..- : fire was of an accidental oriem and was discovered at six o'clock. : The hotel was located at the north end of -the bridge over the Dan, and being built upon pil3 to bring itto the level l- At- y'moa 'ot' a vMioir1oroVlA elevation from the ground, and diffis oultof access-by-the fireman. . The building and a portion of the platform was destroyed. ; t The ' railroad corns pahy had the hotel stocked, and lost 'considerably, in.- this respect. Capt. :Lee Hawkins was proprietor ot tne hotel.- A new and larger structure will take the place of that , burned yesterday, i opened and worked by Korthernjcap-1 gle ing on over the pistol, . f.1 ,. I did the occupants of the ed at tne name. m-: t t i ; t . MAGGlfi tVILSQSI DIES, -v And Her Urther-ln-Iaw IVot Ex i peeted L.lTeSad Sit nation In ;-: the Wilson IIoasenold- An Aa topsy sat what it Disclosed' A" Correct Statement of the . Facts In the Case. Maggie Wilson, the young girl who was accidentally shot, at the resi dpnceof her mother in this city, a few days 'ago, ' died yesterday ; about noon,, very ; unexpectedly, and duri mg the absence of Mrs. Wijson. who had ventured up town for the first time since the day of the shooting. a ' . wv. ' " . jars. Wilson yesterday morning found iter son-in-law,: Mike Copela, in a very low condition, from pneu monia, but her. daughter Maggie ap peared to be better. Mrs. Wilson, having a mission ; to - perform up town; left home on- her - errand,. and when she returned shortly after wards, it was only to find her daugh ter dead.' ' Physicians who had in the meantime been summoned, had pre ceded her- and -were ministering to Mike, whose life then;-appeared to be fast ebbing away. . , - j Mike's case was a desperate , one,: but after considerable 'attention had been paid to him by the roctors,,he appeared to rally a little, and so far, recovered that at times - he appeared to recognize those around him. This imcrovement: however. a0iear3dtoi ka -.i- be only temporary, and at last ao counts. Mike was still in a very low condition, and his recovery ' doubt ful ' ; . - :. : It was thought necessary ' to make a poet mortem examination, of the body of the deceased, and .this duty was performed bya Drsv. iicCombs, Graham and Brat c8d, about 3 o'clock in the afternoon.-;': The autopsy dis closed the fact; that the bullet had entered, the girl's left breast just over the third rib, had coursed downward, struck and' shattered f the, sixth hb, then passed upward, taking a very irregular and eccentric' course, 'and. finally buryingitsolf in theesh un- der the left shoulder.; ;blade.- The rib was badly shattered and pieces of the bone: were carried by the bullet to its stopping point. The bullet did not pas3 through the lung, but grazed it. . Another fact disclosed by the autopsy was that' the girl had been attacked by pneumonia, the right lung being decidedly affected. The left lung, which the bullet passed in such close proximity, showed no signs of pneumonia. It is impossi ble to say, from the result of theau- topey, whether her death was caused, immediately by pneumonia, by the ball wound, or by both combined. : All sorts cf. rumors! have been in circulation in regard to this tragedy, and it has even been charged that it was not altogether accidental. It is due the parties that ah exact state ment of the facts- be made known, that all false rumors inay be destroy ed,.fpr it is a sad affair at best. The straight of the matter is this: Mike Copela, a member of i the ; Italian string band, :roarried one of. Mrs. Wilson's' "daughtJeTS,1" arid : has been Evingl : thMreriWin"f Mike's wife has been afflicted with puerper al derangement, and on the night of the affair, got Mike's pistol, for what purpose it is not .known. Mike, fear ing that some harm would happen, tried to take the' pistol from her, and in the struggle',' it exploded', It was a self - acting revolver. The bullet struc 'ahd passed: through a door. The door led into the passage, but was closed. At the moment the p's- tol was fired, Mrs., Wilson and her daughter 'Maggie werein the"; pass sage, r Maggie had not! been j in the room and knew nothing of the strug- neither room Know that she was in the passage. - She was facing the door," when the bullet crashed ; through and struck her in the breast The affair .was, there fore, purely and wholly ; accidental. There are n6 grounds for a coroner's inquest and no steps have been taken to hold one. 1 ARjgoieneal Haven 'at Esjs.''- At '-LtllJ At. n St Among tuo axrivoia m ivue vauuioi by the train from Richmond yester day, were Mr. George K Murphy, of Atlanta and Miss Ella M. Holby, of. Farmihgton, .; Mary land."', - It v soon leaked out that the couple intended to eet married, and so they did. A marriage license was duly: procured and the : couple were escorted to the parsonage of i the Tryon street Meth- oeist church, where Dr. Wo,' Robey tied the knot. ". The newly wedded de parted last night -for the grooms home in Atlanta.- s. r;i;-4 There - is a pretty 1 ittle . romance connected with this affair. seems that .the bride, had beenj connected with Mr. Murphy's family- in the ca .pacity of governess,- since the death of his first wife, and an attachment sprung up between the widower and the governess.! : .Theongagemout was opposed, but Mir. Murphy secured his intended and went with her to Ricb.. mond ; On arrivmg,-he was intAnded and went with her to Rich- I : ., - . - : mond. ; On arriving tbgre,-he; was Uisappotod to find that ths ceremo- ny could not - be performed in that citv. because the bride, was not a res ident of Richmond. Nothing dautit- ed they set put for. Charlotte, and or arriving here met with no obstacle to. thfir marriage. Mr.- Murphy's son. who had been iR cbarge of :tbe bride shic hpthereath nieo the coupie. Dlnie Clreas Couiinf .: '...v-i.v.-.- ..Jb. U.. E. Oullear representing iForepaugb ifeSamweJl's dime oircus. arrived in the city ayesterday, and gave us a call. He has arranged for his' show to visit Charlotte, and it will arrive here tomorrow. - The tent will be pitched on the' f lot formerly occupied by Ahren's machine Bhops neajr, the Richmond, and. uanvuie freieht depot, and afternoon . and evening performances will be givenL nommAncins Saturday.' The circus will be here one week. ' Special after vnoon matinees for ladies and chil' dran wttl be a feature of . the ahow, The price o( admission, is small, but the fhow is a fineone ; CD! AIXLOTTE CJJt GET IT,. A H ew Railroad That Is to be ifallt . Southward and Where Charlotte's Chance LtesThe Ch sum her of Commerce to Take Action An Ijmportant Matter. On the 31st day of this month, a great railroad meeting is to be held in Roanoke City, ; Va, and if Char- lotlje is not represented in that meet mg, the one single opportunity: for relief so long hoped for and now of s fered, will be lost, and there will be no further use of hoping for a corns peting railroad line. - The meetine to hn halA ot-: PAonIra Airv ' vtll AefA th f CU -t . c uuo nutbu MOnj VD ffAV,J i.n .J, J t.i-i- i - cv,ucia owbuwiixa, iuiu wuwa ia 1,0 wountLcu oi iUB rwucimore ana unio 4auroad Uompany. The funds or mat company, it is stated.' will be atjhe service of the projectors of this line. v , . That this new road is to, be built is jsaur to ; be a positive fact. It is equally certain that a portion of its route is definitely settled upon. It will .run from Roanoke City - to Lynchburg, thence to Danville, from Danville to Winston, and frourWin ston to Lincolnton or Charlotte, but to Charlotte if this city so wills it. - Prom Winston, the road will seek a Southern connection, aod this can w. V . ""8" -MV SM.A W A. AA.-wAJn AU... nL.l.AA. ' I The- most advantageous connection that 'could be secured would "be by bringing .the road from Winston to Charlotte, and from here to Camden, S. -.C, there to connect with the South Carolina road, and thus secure direct connection - with Charleston, Augusta and . Atlanta.,.- This, . we are assured, is no - railroad on paper. A prominent, citizen yesterday ins formed an Observer reporter that a meeting of : Abe Chamber of Com" merce will undoubtedly be called to discuss the project and appoint dele gates to represent Charlotte's inter; ests, at the KoanoKe meeting, is is suggested, in view of the importance of this protect, that the city authoiis ties should also unite in ah action to have Charlotte's claims presented in due form, and appoint men .who will not only attend the meeting, but who will exert themselves to attract at tention to" Charlotte's i claims. ; Our informant is a solid business man of Charlotte, and one who never jumps at bubbles. He. is well posted and has. a great deal of faith in this . pro ject. At the: very -least, it is worth investigating. , Trlnes," To-night. Dr. Deems will arrive in the city this afternoon, and as previously an nounced in TB Observer, .will be the guest of Mrs. Junius Smith. To night, Dr. Deems will deliver his lec ture on "Trifles," in the opera house, and aJarge crowd will greet himOf his lecture in Rome (Ga.) the Courier of that place says: "One of the larg est audiences - ever - assembled in Nevin's opera house met the eyes of Dr. Deems when he appeared on the stage last night. ; It was Dr. Daems second lecture in this city. .. His lec ture here one year ago on the subject of 'Trifles," so completely won every-1 body - that , the mere announcement of the fact that he was to lecture was sufficient to draw an immense crowd. His subject" "Before Marriage" and After," was a taking one. He man aged it with all the tact and skill of a master.- As he appeared on the stage he was greeted with' great ; applause. His audience surrendered to him at the outset, and he kept their atten tention by the naturalness of his or atory, the elegance of his "diction, and by the constant .flow of delicate hu mor to the close of his lecture. Dr. Deems is not simply one of the most thoughtful men of the day,-but he is an artist as to his delivery. ' There is a composure and grace about his bearing, a merry twinkle about bis eye that lend a subtle 'charm to his words. It renews the youth and hopefulness of even an old man 'to hear him." He has all the ' elasticity and buoyancy of a boy with all the thougbtfulness ' and rare "experience or a man of years. He has traveled much and has done what many trays elers have failed to do, kept his, eyes Open f The great paintings of the old masters, the. renowned structures of the old world, appeared to have been completely transcribed in his thought and imagination. :,v Of all the public men of the day we have had to lec ture in Rome no one has so .univer sally pleased m Dr.'Deeniis. : He has a large place in the esteem and hearts of our people, and" we shall ever be gfad to welcoms him to the Mountain An Old Inhabitant Comes o the Front. '..i:-' ;. .n.- ' Mecklenburg men, but 'i for many vears.' oast a citizen - of Alexander county,' was in this city yesterday, and stated-to an' Observer reporter th.t if AtaTAndar (niint,V had ohoan . l - - . i ana ampie transportation xacums itlW ii Charlntr wltl, -finA pies at 15 cents - per DUBbeL - The-apple crop of that ooun ty, Mr. Isehor says, s is simply im inense, and as an indication qf its ex tent; he mentions the fa,ct that dur ing the past winter he sold; five hun dred (500)! bushels of good, sound ap plela at eight cenj -s: per U8hej,tiauled the apples 2 1-2 cages tj 'a atillery,; to the owner of which he had sold. them, and then had to take pay: for the apples in brandy, getting ,$4( wiDfth of brandy for the 500 .bushels of apples This is only, a sample of many transactions of the kinl in Alexander. Mr. Isehour, by the way, is now 81 years old; and is the father in law of Esquire 8. H. Hilton. . His memory is good and his talks about old times in Charlotte are interesting. Our older citizens will remember ' Mr, Isehour as the individual who, a 1843, pulled on msBhoeg, pnmhe a high :t flag ; pole, n ''Indepenclenoe square, and. adjusted to its top a James K- Polk flag. Mr. Isehour was an-old time "Poker" and . was a red ho one,' at that,' ' 5 -' LABOR'S T7AE. XISOUBLE" AT; DIFFEBEIfT ' POIMT8 WOCHESTEKS TO DRIVE RACK THE i : STRIKERS. - i Strike on the Eonlsrillc and - RashrUle. ' JSvaksville. Iin March 24. The yardmen and switchmen in the em pioy of the LiouisviUe and Nashville Railroad at this point, struck last mgbt on account of the discharge of I memuer or toe JUugnts of Labor. -"wmiw but passenger THEEK HTJKDBED KKIOHTS INITIATED AT . . OAS TLMK TW PRTT.ATlirr TTT A I ' ' fmLADELPHiA The emilovees of i wib otrees jar uompames began to I ttao5.uluie a Anaustnal ilall as early I , v rr -uw, .u,6ul " uJr one o'clock this moraine - the carta-. cious hall was nearly fiUed. The char ter of the Kniffhts of Lahor war fnrw i mauy presented and nearly v three nunared initiated. The sentiment was 8ironKiv m favor of a strike at once to force the railway officials to accede to their demands,and not give buem urns to secure nth Ar mnn in tneir places.; ; The report of the unevance committee: was presented by Chairman Wilder when v it 3 was announced that 'the Idelay of a week was assea. xne statement was greet ea with loud cries of derision. The men remained in session until 2 :30 a. m. After a heated discussion, in fJMcn an immediate tie up . was free . F fa" Advocated, it was decided trf AhiHe oy the agreement of the arbitration committee, and waif until April 1st for the answer of the Board of Presi dents. Representatives of . many, roads exDressed a desire to ston wnrt I at once, out ine cars were taken out -a. t -r- . this morning, as usual '- - r .? THE SITUATION CBITIOAL AT DE5IS0N. . . Denison An active bovcott has been inaugurated by the Knights of Labor against the business men who signed the petition in regard to the siriKe mat was forwarded v to ColJ Hoxie.- A number, of Eniehts. who had accouts with some of the signing merchants settled their: accounts yesterday and notified the storekeen ers that they would never trade with them again. - lhe whistle at the shons sounder off and on yesterday, but no one was at work. A lar crowd of. Knights ijiuvbu wwaruu an incoming passens ger engine yesterday afternoon as if to disable it. when the .-comDanv's 1 deputy sheriffs appeared nd drove 1 m3 strisers oacK at the point of their Winchesters. They steadily followed tne siriK&rs until - Main s treet -was reached, when the latter refused to recede any father, and the deputies raisea tneir guns as though about to tire into the crowd Sheriff Douelas ' however, interoosed here and arrests ed five of the . stnkers " who : w ere placed in jail, but 'afterwards releas ed on bail. The situation here-is critical and a conflict may occur at any hour. The yards and shops of me miesoun jracinc are heavirv guarueu. J J . . . . - ., BATTLE BETWEEN THE STRIKERS AND POLICE AT ST. LOUIS St. Louis, March 24. A- freieht train of 15 cars was. mad a up this morning "at the - Union denot and started over the Pacific tracks, in the direction of 17th street. On arriving at this point the crowd called upon the engineer and fireman to leave their posts, which they did. The mob here soon became so dense that it was deemed advisable to clear the yard, and ' the ; police-, were called. Soon a force of about 150, command ed by the chief of police and all the captains, arrived at the . scene. " The crowd was then ordered to disperse. and upon their refusal to do so.- the police made a charge . upon ' them. hoping to drive tbem away without using their ciuds. The latter altern ative, however became necessary, the mob stut resisting Dunne the strug gle which, ensued,; several of ' the gtrikers were badly beaten by the police,, some of whom were in turn badly bruised from bricks thrown by the mob. ,1 - . - After a brief , fight the crowd was dispersed and driven, from the yard. Another engine was procured, after' which being coupled to the abandon ed' freight train, drew it from the scene of the riot, under guard of about 50 police, who accompanied it as far as the city limits. No inter ference was met with. How far'be- yOnd this point the train will be able to proceed cannot be conjectured, for the strikers may at any time . render its progress impossible, p ii ,Vl., ;iatiPREIHT TEAF3TO BUSPENDED.-- ! ; 'Bt vL6uis;' Ar special from' 1 'St. J oseph. Mo.;-to the Post-Dispatch says that at noon today ' the yard men in the Hannibal & St. Joe. Arkansas City, St. Joe & Council. Bluffs yards struck, and the freight traffic is entirely suspended, '-v.i The Bljr TtaUroad Salt. :." r' y : The injunction suit of. thej Carolina Central railroad company against the BostoJST-lSduthern tQ be tried at Lihcotnton ori Monday'next; beforelludge Avery. Each company will, be represented by able counsel and the trial will be an interesting one. The case ins yolves the right of way for about four miles between Shelby and Ruth- erf ord ton, v the : - Carolina - Central claiming the right under an old char ' ter grant. . The Boston. & Southern Construction Company ignores this' claim and is laying its "track side by side with that of; the Carolina Ceuv tral's track. The Carolina Central has secured, an, injunction against the B, & S. Co., and Judge Avery is to settle the dispute. - ' compounded of toe beat ao, t purest drags known 10 meqicat sceao&r u is gqanuuceu tu cuukuu notoinx 01 a mineral or poi onous ooancusT. qniy tweaty nve cents a noma. , . : : Joslah Iavlss Tronhle. Joshlah Dans, North Mlddletowu, k;t., whites i'l am now nalng a boi of jour Assam's Cabbquo Saly upob, an nicer, wftlch, for JbS past ten days has given me great pain. , This salve fa the only remedy have found t sat has given me any ease. Sy a.eer was. caused by varicose veins, and was. j pronounced facurabie by my medloal doctors, f find, however, that Hkkby'b Cabbouo Salt Is effecting a CUT." Beware of lmltaOons. . - , Positive Cnre ' for PUes. ': ' Tothe"rjeoDleof this county we would aa have been given the agency of Dr. Marchlsl's Italian I pila ointment emDhatloallr euaranteed to core or money refunded Internal, external, blind, bleed Ing or itching piles. Price 60s. a box.. No cure, no nay. ' - - - For sale bilk B. Wrlston. druggl5t, Charlotte H. C..-- -;' - -. 2' . ' tairraodli. 1 Though pore and simple, and so mild, . ' ' ' ' i It might be used by any child, , ' Tot 80ZODONT Is so swift d'sure i3, That mouth and te?& with wondrous speed Vrorn tartar tad from taint are freed . Till the; beeotne sweet, white, and pore.. " f The freih Fraffrance' '' Of 80S )DONT, renders it the most agreeable ar ticle ever used as a tooth wash, it has none of the acrid properties of the, astringent tooth pow ders, and instead of contracting the sums, $ ren ders them firm and in, - vSFAUniefl Gzvt," mends everrttiing. .Mcdy about the houae, JEWE L R Y. ... We desire to call attention to oar stock of . Gold and Roll Plate : Clims For Ladles and Gentlemen. 0 i. a. " - ' I : TEST AND FOB CHAINS, MIKADO CHAINS, CUT BUTTONS. ' BS LCELXTS, NECKLACES, BIKGS, 8CABT PENS, LACS PIN3, : LOCKETS ANTJtCHAftMB. , - ? GOLD AND BILTIB THIMBU largest Slock 7 6f Silrer rare in Charlotte. MIES & B0YHE,; rJnceessors to A. Hates A Boa,- ' West Trade Street - - Charlotte N.C OOOD'8 SARSAPAOILL M. And all the teading patent medicines for sale by Ji JOUtpJM . CO, K ......... Jfl , .. . rjBUGQurrB. .-. . . 1 - rf . ' .TEAS. -We have jost received a fresh stock of Green, Black ana Hs No Tea for the retail trade. 1 B. H. JORDAN A CO., . 1- .".I Drugxlsts. PREIfCHBItAJtDY..,, , We have in stack vnrv fin hnnnrteH ViwiAh nauuy aim ron wue ior medicinal use. -. lx - Kt - : K. n. JORDAN A CO, : :.:, Z.'rl'"' :s.-r-:,:.'- Springs' Comer.: PUTZ POT1ADE. l Tor eleanme metals of an kind 'Pnt pimuta I. the nnest preparaOoa made. 6 and 10 cents per mm . : - . - ; H. JORDAN A 008., ! r - - - Druggists. E48TEB EGG DI ES. i Poa'sSaaterEse Dves. all, colors. 6 eenta nar ! yaumo, a .. . j. - - : - ML. H. JUttDAM (XT, i -,- r . Pruggista. CO K3T PIaASTEBS. v AUoock's Corn Planter. CunMa Cantw in abimw the best remedies for corns. Price 10 cents, for sale by . R. H. JORDAN 4 CO., - . Druggist. ' , . , "MAT-BEEjIaS." ; We havs lust received a lot T ah tier Wis new este' brated Extract "Kay-Beus." Try lit. old in bulfcby , . , . . B. H. JORDAN 4 CO, , ... ; ' - - - , ; . . jirogguts. I ' 'aGABI. ' . The Xanearo la stm the leadlnc fi mnt etmr i 'For sale by ' :' - - Springs' Corner. . : ; Druggists. 0 Are onto the demands and dlsnlar nmkmbtedlv the finest and most select stock of - ARTISTS' 0ATEIIIALS Ewer biHish to ChaHott x, fc ' -AND- BRftA-BRlCif it! ipMHOp In shairP ot brass and wooden goods, representnitl I PI. 1 QfJES, KET8, : . LOCKS. CRESCENTSV- GIIITABRM 'ifyArs- .r.--. ---. t , Agents for WVELySsSllBllAQlK : im?:f Send f or OBtalogne.-ri' A ton fine of lathe Hts BOflI;iSD.SIitlOMY. BK1SESS. 81snlllsw Slbslllbnsv Cnrsuttnr. ' T.C.Smith 4 Co. have on hand a fun Tine of Bimo2tihafimolnet from' Boerleke A TaM's nnacy, Vtm To call and see Oie medicines an et Htfle nook, explaining all about tne treatment of common ailments. . ' 4 ' The only durable wall finish A.lahaaHne super- lOT to Kalsomlne ready fnr use by adding hot water-sold. in Charlotte only by T. CCSmlth A Co. Manufactured atGrand RapMs, Mlculgaa. ; - .. a . w. a - . The best halt dollar hair brash m the dtr at T. C. Smith 4 da's Drag Store-genrdne Xaglish goods also tooth, brushes at 10 oanU to 2S cents. French blacking Very large; box for 10 cents shoeHpolish also far Ladies shoes at same price-: send to T. C; Smlt ' A Coi and "get a bottle. Buffalo Ltthia Water -Congress . Water Tate SprtngWat6r Wolf Trap : llflu-Eodcbrlgds Alum, and all. the other popular mmetal waters nay be found at.T. C. Smith A Cot'a comer, oppo site Central B.;?;;''-'1?-i; .v. If you want Kerosene Oil by the h; Mnd your orders tp T.ft Bmtth Cov;. 'and gt the bottom price an the timebarrels taken In" exenana for 00.' ., ' ' : '-o-vV--? If you have a small oo qf painting to do and eant afford to mra a skilled workman, send to ,T. Q. Sjnlth .aj Ca's for a bucket of Beady Mixed Paint, and apply tt yourself gaUons and half gaUona all colors. -4mu 3;f0 Prat?i Astral Oil gives the" best hgbt, burns long er and is safer than any other Oa ever mtxodoeed to consamers in this country T. a 8m',U A Co., events, far IT years. ... ' -- 13ooa,sSarsapariIla-hmrfreddosesfcra'cWla it has been well adrerHaed In Charlotte-at yoo feel the need of this new tcmedy send- at once to 1. C Smith A Co. for a bottle, and tUaar prove to i 11 - - i I The steady and continual call for under the magio of low prices, is amrjla nmnf nf tho harmi va BM AOAAA1JJ. .... j i . 1 PeKOus calf, . to; 1 Became purchasers in spite of themselves. This is as it 'should be and as Tit will continue to be until a thorough clearanoe is AfTnotAil in .n HrJ,.. ' : MENB, YOUTHS', BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S C!L0THlNo7Thww who ha V8 yet to provide themselves with . ! in our assortment suite wpresenting at their respective prices fully one uurd better yatue tnan can be purchased elsewhere for thA , .f t t Veiy Beepertfully, Orders' by mail promptly attended turnedatour' expense.,,; '-j . are now rerjdyihg iW SPWGOODS. ' Consisting, in' a variety of New Styles hi 1 GESTLEHEIV'S CUST05I LADIES' flAND LADIES', CONGRESS ' GAITERS. .AND PARIS TIES, and CWIdpen's and ! We call special WOllEUJVOlTIJBN' 8 1 The best shoe ever offered for the monev. , can save yon some money in prices. '-. 50.00 RE WARD For any Sewing Machine that will follow the NEW. HIGH ARIvI .'' : : . TEBTICAt. FEED D&TJSO.-.; ' "DLKJIOG ' :':OaOIEin Through its Vt Variety of Practicarand Fancy Work, Use Mullen's sprite; :Hquseholdr Wiv wra yepnia and lotions try, T4 ; , And with them thy poor body p; f . . Or tobydexpnTimenfr- 1 - ' 5 Wben "Hornets' Nest" great Lintment W i wv.ilr ii aruKguts store; . ; r auimr more. ; '-?-MrlnstaUe who pains endure, ? j A bottle quick at once secure, - -TJjnyouean safely laugh at paift , , And feel yourself amn again. - - But U yon are resolved to die, - ; Pass quickly on as yon go by. , Leave to oners his supplies, i' ;u..u WILS0.YS CRACKERS. We make fmroent orders" for theae snedn. and consequently can at all tunes offer Urem to ensto mers crisp and fresh. r- .- WILSON'S CRYSTAL WAFERS In and 5 pound tins are the best to be found. OT8TE11 fUACCFRS. BllXK ; MIMCIJIT8. iiciEa SNAPS, i - .tj iejfiok -A' - CIXEASX And the nicest oCaD, - Tnterided more eeneelaliy for rnfanta. but person of delicate appetite wui una iaem very paiaiaoM A full line FMI1LY: . SUPPLIES Kept to Stock, which we offer at prices as low as the sane ooaUt of goeda can bo sold in the city. - u JPree ; delircryv ; -Telephone call bl, ; v 4 ' ;v ci 1 i "A'VVi ".renara.asits in sealed packareS at 1 jej.f",VTM A ftp WATEH CO. ProqVs. liflffiRTIRSIRlINS .,. A f, )' . ' I . art.'-f. : -IFOR ' 'I ' " ifiliiS'Bafe Bwt, , T I i onr ammr nn wtmtp.r nTrvr'trrMrt Gratify, iieir Cariosity Clothine: . , t . . to, and if dnAa u. - T".X our Spring Stock of - ' MADE GOODS and TICIMED DCTTON SHOES. SLTPPmtq RTTrrnw VTrTrrorx all the different styles of P Infants',. Shoes. attention to our v, - $3.99 CAJjF snoEs, Call and see us. We believe w -: GRAY & CO. . R. MOORE, General Agent, Trade St. Ciel.ebratje d iiunt; They are needed by tne wise; . . . For that man 1 wise Indeed. - - How knows lost what himself doth need, -; , And when eomes his day of pain" Doth not see relief to vain. How happy is the peaceful rest ' Of tana who keeps the "Hornets' Nest;" . .. No direful dreams his rest shall break,! ' Or lurklDf fears keep him awake: ' For well this wise man now doth knew. - Bach night to sleep he safe may go, f . - . .He s surely got "The Liniment,; - - . ' rwuinainHHCHNDl, Propnietor.U... 1!jDhablottk, N. 0. ILL DYSPEPSIA, SICK HEA0ACHE, CONSTIPATION, BrdwIt lor all IXmnf of fba Uiw, Klal. Siowaigli mm Bewela. A poaitiv 1" !7cpai, Mlek HcaiM!lM. 1 and facta. N r.nnln. ulii nlA ik uiaiMM. ijow. An. m iwa t.aiTuwir.i. bimwii j. j.iilb, amr lm limit, Ky. DEALERS IN gTFnWAT. k. WnEELOCB,- - V , - DECKER RBOg, " . 8I1EFF. PEASE" v -v v:, urn. SIlOrtLXGEIX surra ' ., - " AMEBlCArT, : " . . ' u PEIaOIIBET. : IaOUINQ 4c OTJLKE, - suad 8HOIVlI3EIB ' We are not agents for any one, but we are DEAL ERS. We buy our Instruments straigbt out and thereby get bottom figures, and can -rtalnly sav you nwoey in the pnise of one. Prices LOW XdT and terms ijaAor. . .. .. BIS FT Mil IK SI