H5V m. f 1 i"'"!. Absolutely Jfttf a Wi4 JDnaddUanrt HOSPITALS, ' CURATIVE INSTITUTIONS, ; INFIRMARIES. Am nmMi; wf ttwtUOKvuimm . CONSUMPtlONV1 v HEMORRHAGES An mB WasHn?IHaDf DYSPEPSIAiiNDIGESTlON, t MALARIA. J rmm MIT PURE STIIIULAIIT ' FOR -THE SlOK, INVALIDS. CONVALESCING1 PATIENTS, AGED PEOPLE, Weak and Debilitated Women. Tor Ms by Druggist Oa&m and Deal Price, On Delia? per Bottle. . ... 1 - IBM HUt uli. MBfllM M )kt, ul tb bum of oompur otom " ImiUmtm), anbl to toc.t. It tnm JfJJ kn bit DbM MM, 1d IUIikm, M""' Tat Dufljr MaltWhMksy eo.,Bsrbnore,a M I " i' ' imtf W "' m. IW . jH'f"'"' "VJJ And nil Itcblne: fflnd.Sc&ly 8W tnd Scalp Diseases Cured byCutionra. V"-"- PSORIASIS. Kezema, Tetter, Ringworm". Ll Khrni. Pnirttns. Hcald Heait Hllk Crust. Dand- rotL Bkert Grocers' and WashCTwomsn's Itch, and every species of Itching, Burning, fraly; . Pimplj Humors ot the 6Ma and Scalp, with Loss, . of Hair, are positively cored hy CcncrjHA. thegreat kln Care, and ConocBA BOAP. aa ezqrilsite akin , Beautlfler externally, and Cdticoba Kksoltknt, the new Blood purifier internallj, when physicians and all other remedies fall.: e',?j ti t 1 1 PSORIASIS OR SC AL.T 'SKIN. I, John J. Case, D. D. S . having practiced den - tls try In this country for thirty five years and being well known to thousands hereabouts, with ,a ,lew to help any one who are afflicted as I have, been, for the past twelve years', testify that the Cuticora BioaDiicsenred.meot Psoriasis, or Scaly Skin, In eight day&i after the( doctor ' with - whom I iiad consulted cave me no help or encouragement Newton, H. J.. , . JOHN J. C 4SS, D. B. 8. mSTRESSI! KRITPTIOK, " Tour Cdtiouba Bsmxdibs performed a wonder ful cure last summer on one of our customers, an old gentleman of seventy years of age. who-suffer ed with a fearf uUt .dintr sslng eruptlcn on his head and face, and who a ad tried aU re-uedles and doctors to no purpose. J. K. SMITH 4 CO. Texarkana Ark. if MOREL WQ.OEtt'lJIilwET.f I H. B. Carpenter, Henderson, N T., cured of Psoriasis or fx-prosy, of twnty years- standing.' by Conctrai Bkmkdiks The most wmdertul c'ire oh record a dosipviful of scales feirfronr ban ' daily. Physic tans ani his friends- tbeogttt'he must die. Cure sworn to before a Justice o" the . Peace and Henderson's most prominent citizens. CUTICfJRA REMEDIES -7 & Are soli by aH drugelstg. Price: Cdticcra. 50 cento; REsoLVwrr: $1 0); Soap. 1 cents. Prepared t by UtaPoTTKB Dbo amo caraacii Co,. Boston. Send Tor "IIow to Cure Skin Di seases.' ' R F A I I .Lrx pc IM BMP' ns,n T DLflU the cdticcba. soap. I . . . : - r rr. CRICK IN THS RACK. Btrteh In the Side. Cramps, Shooting and I Sharp Pains, RhenmaOo, Neuralgic, and Sciatic Pains, and every ex ter u - rcuuf wm -Acne eared oj XM: CtmODBA AKTI-Pat ' Pum V A new anu perfect antldote-to pain' 2Sc f i;t7 -- in;' ' , f 'ill , r-,. T.,.-- t ARBSTIIiliTRIirnPaAIVIt ror nrteen tpsts ther Hare irteadtlv 'trained t favor,' and with' sales constaafly increasing have The euallty ft WTfahttd 'wea'r twice a long as ordinary corsets. We have lately Intro duced the a and R H Grades with, Extra, Ions Waist, and we can ftrmlsbthemhehTlimfnTsd mgnest awards from all the World's great jiuitb. im uuu urouai received is iot jnrst uegret Orleatii? BWW, e4. .at. I&sf, proved invaluable. -r- Retailers are anthorbed to refund" money, tr1. or .zli Tr; vwraci" 00 n0 pnrwaai reprs - CorsmlooyArywlMnre- Csvloa;Br Thomson, JLansaoa; . ClJfevf These goods ut aJT stjles auk roaHtles tor salt 5. M. otjsbv. P7t Charlotte. N.C"; Oetweor-8m L..Wl3B, iff B.;K.?HRrX Wholesale and Retail Grocers. new Firm SEW GOODS 1 - f 1 - . . - 4 - - ON the first day of Januar7.1888.thennderslgned entered into a co-partaershlp for the purDeee of carrying on a - - .i. . - -. . 6..iv (ST-. t' .1 vfe-;-vilf b.V- ' ? 'r-.-i -, - i -.. .- - .. r --.-1- - . General GTccer y Dcsiness J- - - . r fjv At the old stand of BpAngs "3k 'Harwell eorner Tryon Fourth street . we arv nmltned by lone rperiencerto meet the deraandg of ths tradB" and give satisfaction to oar customers. ' . - We will keep on hand at aU times a full stock of "FAUILf-SDPPIJf ,0, - Which will be delivered in any part of ttcalt: ' xea feharge,. t;,.-. 'Si fREMEBR " We will not be undersold to the Charlotte market. er There Is a good wagon yard In the reaf-ot our store for the aeoommodatioa of our .eusto- W f (firms FOR RENT. T-t store born ' and Ce i:aiv-slty. f merly w ,ie- r y J i. Ijtrt for U ieive doUars fut r 3i v a. I 1 1 .111 I 'A ft IT ' Willie jrni . i MIT irtf tlll'T,ir. ----- . i 'a' V - . I, -JiaOf i ' THURSDAY, MARCH 25. 1886, , STATE IfEWS. i r -1 uaanniftn: Airain f urpntvnfl cars loaded with the irofi I bridge for the Fayetteville ana vvur dge son short cut, across river r at x ayei:"" - at jcayeiieviuo, r-rr . Shce Heel last Saturday! khmnirh Shce Heel lass : The Mafphy Bulletin' of V1. earned ft was goiog to press.of thf Dickf "raUwell known andmuch respect. ' m,n.nVoA fountv, He ea citizen ui - , x. notJSm i: the; legislature naa rpreeu .riTnU. -J I fl was a brother of the late Pickey. WAVman? A - senOU8 I ! AnmirrarlLin fronli Of I Latnbetnfl snore an j.uwm';--- lAat flvpinine There wts w i L.t.i o whitci man iuiu a - ueiwwuB " . and the latter gasnea ro i about and across ne- " l I ,Va Tr.ftni. - The names are not I eiven At the time when the trawl I kX.,,, nasaed Thomasville the l negro hadnot beei arrestecL h i 1 1 lince it left her hand. Miss Cleve 5 fl wor ome past i land does not refer with annoyance Wilmington Star: For some past t !f '"ft- - - . . - had i to lt8 publication, Dut treats tne mat cumber of -colored people ave naq tDSiloeoDbicaUv;andf says her! subscription poo hoan nrnOAntinfiT been nresentmg to our citizens asK -i i ing for aid for the completion 4f Fifth I 6 Sunday; I . I Stephen a cnurcu, on1 T?orf (Vros streets, ijaav hooka were to brpught.io, and we ... understand. cthai while a good many otthem,wfriPP tA fhit. thAtahurch reulizec by what returns were made one thou sand ana nveaauars.r I Asheville CStiaen: Colonel J. Connallf reached Asheville onBatur, I dav evening, leaving ; his. wife ana I daughter in Richnioud, bothwereW I gret to say, quite unwen, iv i Ka1 rtn nskntrnrsAtinn vet with Colonel I Connally in regard to the incidents I of his perilous acciaent anu.iuafi i ious escape,but anticipafe anxiously! I hispeinaJ.narrative-oi;ToeviAiB i 1 of the. mammoth Oregon. -xnera RTfi an unusual , number ol visitors here for the period of the -year! Many of. them J. rom the Northern iandV Northwestern States, and a fewj returuing' Florida visitors. -Wilmington Review: A telegram was received here . this .afternoon from New" York, addressed to MLessrs,- Brown ! Roddick, conveying the sad intelligence that Mrs Wilkin; Roddick, wife of the junior1 member: ot the firm was dead. . The- dispatch was from Mr. Simpson, of the firm of .Crawford, Simpson & Crawford,' and WHBBBlUllUnoi . ... ,v . i "Mrs Roddick died suddenly at 13 ociocKtoaay. , f The.ause of death was heart dis with which she had been a long ci-ITawaw Sha in nnmnanv Bbo, in company witn ner hnd. leftere lFrida; night for New York bv the advice or ner I phveician.' with the " hcpa that ; the I change of. climate might prove bene--1 filial, t ' i ? ? ; I Newbern Journal : Tfce " Elizabeth CityJSconomist mentions the rumor has been bought by the' Philadelphia and; Washington road. .The Wasmg4l . A. jt i i S"78!r1 hue vv iiuiiUKiiUii BJtiu v eiuuu wmuai i i a , . . , . r ,, n i , i I ii v uti uuutui me itiunuut. ouutueru i Byroad.- We give these rumorsor ; 1 ;I . j t I ??Z,U uwrsgM wIrK '. ni t. wr?iul "T1 1 mmii 1 1. iH-Tinr iiroiv i.nur. i rw nnA nB i wui tuv 9vuu, - x inin uie iuf A. Till i -I -I , . i M - . . . . f . i w-j i s ' i i that it nnot lifeeiy that, the " MofH lTATrTtZtZ - in f' IrtD. t.rt,Tl-pahandop and modesty. which, no ale-eouli s take 'place. vlt may, nowever, occur at any timet that some corporation, will buy up & majority of the stock, which we tuw derstand is of nominal value only, News . and Observer : Mr. J. 8. Carr. president of . Blact well's Pur-. nam tobacco company, of Durham. states mat ms company has orders al- "J uuumu iur tun UUUUUS - AW"' I ham Bull" smoking tobacco thatwfll run them full time and full force nn-i I til the middle of August. He also I says that the demand for their fine; .WWwWwwiHqr p tnejaonuup brand .pf cigarrettes, the "Golden! I uarterif Drawmg$ of the Loui Belt," has grown so enormous- tfiiS I iana 8tate tottery Company y and in per- he had Id redaU his salesmenowirid to his inabilikv 6 mMtth. rnVnl i-r. i I 119 COmnanv has r.iwnl.lv nnonsH oI 9-tto-- T;r.r V- r.J w il S T . " """'J first has proved an immense succaaa Cable ordctrs frdra Lphdpri England,; to Durham ;' arCj po." mowrcCommon; now than orders bv telfitrt-1 am-toNew! York fimsomSbf the Nbrth'dwoli na towns.;. MrVCarrfitatea.that his company is at present employing in-' uouuDu iiui, vuir sag con urac dots, 037 imuua. ,em vt iv frm--r. t v l Mandarin CTea. t fTbmhaseerj much said, thi m-. ter of the famous" Mandarin tea Sr ciety membera, however, .says "Mac" in- the-J fiartford '-Times;i !hriw Miss tt sa crettilv lairtr by her gorgeous tea service, and Rus sian- amovar'on; tier-mother's re ceptioiTdayaL:,' Today . the jridow And -daughter arrive in Ban- Francisco oivu duo .luumu . bl tilll :iir r.n- naart Senator, 4nid most Uikely the name soon passes .?out oc tne social annals and will xruickly be f o'reotten save hv the irrtimate frienda tbey made.-Miss miliar waswrnpiy iacizeat)yi her fa taerjwno crratmed irn tavhr w,-w he haajbeen for foWfyeawfa Mftb qieef Wyuful, social Circ?8,thu5 tuiyor uumiug uacjc wis past winter gave up an tne gaiety to spend every moment with her? father. . Vn young girl she had that inimitable sag inai means so mupb in society and. managed the hosoitalitiAa nf ,4a u .-t. r r,-L jouuoi uuuHo wita tne same clever uw ana succefs sne often exerted in nis omciai ana private bnainatu m ah led always in theelegance of the fihterw tainments planned amonsr thk where she moved. - , .She haa bvn on. kokdu iur oevtsrai years lO JiAntAn Tl in . . ' aub tuvcruL me navy ana only Won her father's consent to the marrincrA ast summer, before -his fatal illness. oegan. As one ot the richest heiresses on the Pacific ,coast, .her. marriage would have been a - treat e'verit if it had occurred 'here thiawmter, as partly planned; but othmg definite could be settled on, bwing to the con dition of the Senator.' Her father's will leaves .her abundant riches an independent fortune. . " " NO Boom that Science has. Con- taught with greater blessings than that which has aceorred to the Inhabitants of malarial ridden, portions .of the United States and the Tropics from th use pf Hiostettert's Stomach ' Bit? ten. The experience of many rears has but. too etaarly demonstrated the inefficiency ot quinine and other drugs to effectually combat the progress ot intermittent, congestive and bilious remittent fevers, while on the other hand It has been na clearly shown that the ass of tha Bitten, m. medicine congenial, to the JrallBst eongtltution. and derived from purely botanic sources, affords eUable safeguard atalnst malarial disease, and arrest It when .developed, tat (d!sor4er, of the stomach, liver And bowels, for aeaeral a bMt aha renal Inactivity,- ft is also a most efflcieu remedy. Appetue and sleep art Improved X)j it, it t?peU rbeomatla humors from tha blood, and earless a circulation lmporerlshed by maHtwbnlJ-m KISS CtEVElVAICiVS LETTER. Kot Written for , publication ICor la Geptr to Mrs Stanton's Strle tares Upon Dress.;. - . - - :, New York World. i Miss Cleveland, in conversation tos day, told a personal friend the facts regarding the authorship of the ietr ter on dress recently imputed to hen a letter wnose sentiments, Dy the way. met with hearty1 commenda tion in the best circle of the capital. It was written by her substantially as it appears in f print ; as a private letter, between two and three weeks ago. The letter of Mrs. uaay Stan ton had never been , seen by Miss Cleveland until it appeared, in the World of Friday last. . Mrs. Stanton is not personally known to her. al. tnougn fine entertains a nign estimate of her character. . Mias Cleveland's lot.tAr wax a11a1 -"out hv a seriea of oarneni anriAala to her !n brivate lets :.,iguiftryBv ments ox ner coniormity. w . ahwuiuu huih giana&ruB in ur. uwwwit uuo , , , , , ., m. i irom a veneraoie ciergymaa,' wnstea m - paternal an, Mev.yui. Whatever there is in it conveying an impression that-it wa8 written foi - oublication has evidently-been -added - to T,rt uofc sho w wilTine to be judged by them imall candidnindB.1 ; v r4 'f-M'e: ?MiM Clftveland'sexamDlein Wash-i fMiss Cleveland's example in Wash ington has been consistent from tha first in this matter. The dress worn' bv her at the- Inaufeural ball, which she has also worn : several times thisi winter,' was modestly ana moderate ly decollete, as have Toeen ail tnosa vhh htm xvtwrLnn fiill-drftsrf oceaflions.l Neither id it true that' evening idfessj during the past " winter has -been more exceptionally 6 immodtsba than. during the last winter or Mr. ; at ) tlrnp'a AHminiat.rfttinn. And. twrt years ago," one well known lady, wbose nusoana -naff 'recently'; neia a diplomatic position from our Qov eminent in Jbiurope, appearea in Washington society and in the White! House circle' in " dresses whose " cut surnassed any .exposures that have been indulged in since her day. . " Mr.Howells.'1 the 'author.' in con versation thW eveng, complimented, Miss Clevelanu s letter, both as to mntiment ia'datv IfiTHe "expressed himself as heartily gltd it -had been, written and; that the'public, haa been permitted to share it. -.Mr and Mrs.: HoweUaleaye for Fortress Monroe on Tuesday after four, weeks most agreeably spent here They will sub-i sequently go to see "Mr. Howells's father1 in 'Richthond, Va.1 then to N6w T6rk for a' brief iBojourn, before returning .tanoaton. j Mr.1 Ho wells has passed his forty- nthjbirthdayt during, his. visit here, h A The dancing ol Mrs. uecil tJlay.tor rherly Miss Kosma Vokf s, who, with her company of , Eeglish .amateures, has been srivincr verv ' excellent dra has been giving very ' excellent dra matiC performances in this -country, has neen mucb .aamirea. it com-- bines audacity and modesty in a re "fiTi. a ZZ? tJl??l ..;v- uuuudl uiar,ouu. wcaio mjlxj uqdulww. Her clinginglt'rains are lined-with ... - . r a I ..,u 1M . TT a. ouu witno mvu sow; wuuvi .i -n - l n x- . i. . "SST ke" ZJZt UbO. HJU UUIK W OUU . VUUWWi.. WO limb atverv movement, having to . - . . tne audience tne appearance ol elao Ai a v .1 UrdliClV. UlUiUICU B1.IIU). 1U HUVDO nnru'inf .nHRnmnH hi. trie th h. rnvHinMiin (MPiTAi jpsm $75,009, Tickets Only ti '- Hharre in tr' ;'".V;r portion. 1 i-i- 9 -fri' 1- o .. m JbOUlSlaDa ifOUerV U ) - "Wdq hTfy certifr that we super- .f? porw? w rawmgt tMtneetvetana mat tne xme are eon- fi linns, ftmuu ml. """" y i CW aA totoont aU parties, ana m ease, u ith fa MmUtes or our aianature- ttttnrihjuL. tm. U liKi'fifl.wmiif. . We the undersianed Banks and Bankers wiilpay ''aU-Prize drawn in The Louisiana State Lotteries which may be presented at our coun- t Li . OSLEgBtl i Pres. Ivonlitaa a. National Hank. AMirKIL.'If fiCR.IKDT, Pres. State National Rank. : A; HA LDWM. Prea Iffewr Orleans Nat.'! Bank. ,Ineorporatedlnl86Mor SB years hy the Legisla ture for KduoatJonal and Charlt&ole purposes with eepltAlof 11,000,000 to which a reserve fund of over $560,000 has since been added. By an overwhelming popular vote Its franchise wasjnade a part of toe present State, Constitution adopted December ZdVA, 3.: 1S79. The only Lottery ever voted on, and endorsed by lh6iopleof anyatatft:'- - - .I;.4 !. It never soaiee or postpones. T Its Grand Single Number Drawtngsuwlll - take place menthly, and the Extraordinary Drawings legaiarlyrevery thre. m6nthslnsead. of Seml AnouaUy as heretorCff beginning March, 1888. ... "A SPLENblDr OPPOBTUKITt TO wTN A FOR TONK. J- Fourth Grand DrnwlM. eiaat D tin the Academy of Music. New Orleans, Tuesd4y AnrU, I JriLoOaJ illTAI, PHIZE 3uU n o I'd,-:.: 100,000 Tlokets Five Dollars Kaeh. TraoUonslri - - i't is uiaoparBon.. .. , ,t TJLst nt Prises; . - .'.'I f,BIT.TBI7V )1 - ' 3 $75,000 25,000 10.00U 1 -.ri?i 1 ao ao .. 2 PRESS t $5,000.. 6 do - 2,000.. 10 do,.;;. 1,000.. 90 -'do J-" 600.. 12.000 .... 10,000 10,000 loo: ;, o, ." ?o. ." ........ . W,WV 20,000 80.000 800 ao - luu... ......... 6i .ido" t.60ui...w .. 26,000 1000 do , t w..... ......... HbJXO AFFBOXDCATIOM PJUZK8. 0 Approximation Prtees of $7B0.. - 8,750 f - do" - 1 600.'... i 4,5-30 1967 Prneaj anwnjjtjng te;S...l.:w...saB6A Application for rates to dubs should be made only. to tne omce or we ouiuyuf m vijswu. - ror further Information "write elearly, firing foil address. .Portal Notes, toprees Money Ow., : oi New York Exchanw in ordinary letter. Currency by Kxdkxm aU suwaec a ana uinrcwt our ex- Or H. A. DATJPHW, . m wasnington, v. u. - ' . rTr? . o i-' w Make P. O. Vonev Orders Dayable and address Begistered ltrs to " - -: J ju:.. i u ' ' Kew Orleans, tt 1 I l ! I ii I' I I li HI .1 (illl'iff THSORIQINAL 0:;i:K;;i;Brd;0i:;3J!u iA f, 't - 'S ' J -1 'i ' ''' 'nmnnarteratOso. Ball's Mt Karket. and w i. ! . T D D..rinirfin'l fh.,tu.a f , a . I . . of Bread, Cakasor Pl promptly diivwod re of charge -s imi . (',- !f s -a J. H. .iDjof. "i mo;) ti.t -n 1 "-. MJ- ' "H 1 fl V. JjM -. J V t r err fl-r o D 1.1 E B -AND - J ) h A Man of Sixty-Eight Winters.! .i...." y- ii " 'vi ;'uii I am 68 years, of age. and. regard Guinn's Pioneer a fine atonic for the! feeble.) ,: By its use my, strength -baa-been restored and my, weight increas-' ea, en pounaa. .!-. ... i. . f . , A, :F,.0:, CAMPBELL, . "r 1-7" Cotton Gin- Makar. Macon. Feb. 18, 1886. , ... , . ? Mr A. IL'B.'ambleit, Bardware at of Forsytls, :;t---( ' . da. -WritofK It acted like a charm on my general nealtn. -1 consider it a tine tome. " J I weigh more than I have for 25 years. - '- ' 'Respectfully; "i? 1 i ' 1: A." H.' BR AMBLETT. 'Mri Wt 17. Jours, Mncon, May .':My wiie has regained ber strength and increased ten pounds in weight. We recommend Guinn's Pioneer 'as thebest tonic. -- NSr?- '' ' - V J W.F. JONES. A Crippled Confeolernte Say si I only weighed 128 pounds when 1 commenced Guinn's Pioneer, -and now weigh 147 pounds. I could hard ly wain with a stick to support me. andean 'now 'walk long-distances without help. Its benefit to me is be yond calculation;' '' ''": - 'ii. 'i y r D; RUFUS BOSTICK; ' Macon. Ga. ' Cotton Buyer.' f" ii tl V i Dr. O. W. DeIferlfsr,:orAtla it r.,.--ll f'.ir... f-L.f . . fa VriLm afflalnai GBm '. Write of Qnlm Pioneer--''1-"'' 1 Guinn's"1 Pioneer' Blood '.Reh'ewCr,! nas oeen iised tor years with unpre cedented Buccess.' It is intirely vege- aoie ana aoes me system no narmr. It improves the appetite.1- digestion and blood-making; Btimulating4: in vigorating and toning Hp all ' the functions and tissues ot the 'system, and thus beeomes the great blood re newer and health restorer, a Ll'VHll '": ". 'yl ' '-.!.'-'."- ?f. - rfr ' -V - ' t- - S ';' iJ ' j ' ;"'Y- K.i- GUIIIU'S Cares all Blood 'nd" Skin Diseased, Rheumatism, ; Scjofula,1 OldSorea.; PR1NG' ' If not inyour market it will be for warded on, receipt Sf " price. ' Small bottles fl.00; large bottles $L75.. -:-. -. Essay 76n -Blood and Skin DLieaaes mailed free. IIAOOI), OA. mm i 'rk t. U "t-rf bt'-ri " ' 4 .- .'J l' 1 V-J " c J v , j W 1 i i. " ' s' v r V , j J'l'.-fc''.' J't - 1 1 I . . , it "3. f' J i- ' ' -s. ' f '. V -2 -.!: l'-' - ir ,v- i t !!.T . Piobcep- Blood " IliMwer Men " ' ATLANTA, SA.; juy 23. 1885. . Whenever I know oY anyUUns; that might be ot service to my fellow-men, I dejlre to Impart snch information; henee I give the following facts to the public: ; -; - f -T " i -a Mrs. M. ML Prince, living at 88 West JTalr 8V Atlanta, Ga., has been troubled for several months with and ugly orm of catarrh, attended wfS a copi ous and offensive discharge from both nostrils. I Her system became affected and reduced that she was confined to bed at my house for some time, and received .the Attention of three physicians; and used a dozen bottles of an extensively adver tised blood remedy, all without the least benefit, f She finally commenced the use of B B, B. with- it decided Improvement at once, and when ten boV ties had been used,, she was entirely cured of all; symptoms of catarrh.'1 T ' - i tt gave 'her an appetite; and Increased her5 strength rapidly, and I cheerf uUt recommnd ii u i quit and cheap tonic and Blood Purtner. w ' " - ' . ' '' ' " j.tw. glojer;" j - - - - 4'r 1 PolteemaiJ J t Was it f-.' Cancer ;?j t, , - . . , - . . , n f i have been taking B . Bl" f at six or seven weeks ior something like cancer on my neck, and' i wvuiu m, vase o thocsand dqllabs for the benefit received.1 I had previously tded various so-called blood remedies, but B. R. B. 1 the best, the Quickest and the cheapest blood purifier I ever used.' I refer to any merchant of Griffln. 6a. ' -v -" "J. B'BABKES, Griffin, Sa. BOTH HANDS UP. A. newsaalte. Suddenly Bnlses ; , His Hands for the -First . Time In Twro Tears. , Correspondence Atlanta Journal. : hbwan, Ga-, June 10. Mr. Jacob G. Sponcler an old and respected dlzen of this place expert enoed rather a sudden change In his gesUsulative extremeties lately. ' It seems that a'httleover two years ago Mr; Sponcler had a severe attack of RheumaDim, his arms became useless, and, to fact, he could not raise his hands to his head until the other day, when he called on the druggist 'and obtained a preparation that acted like magle on him, for after taking the first half bottle he could move his arms about, and when he had taken six bottles he was sound and wen. Rev. W. W. Wads wortJi and our people generally who are ftunijiitr with the' case almosi swear' by the wonderful remedy now.' Mr. Bponcler ssld the medlcirje was called B. B. B. "' 1 f . - ' " ' ' BLOOD POISON; " Mr. A. P. W ot Hampton. Ga has recently emerged from one Of the most remarkable 'eases of Blood Poison on record. His body and limbs had no leas than four hundred small ulcers his bones tormented him with ' pain his appetite tailed -his kidneys presented frlghUul symptoms uidaUdoctonandlOOboWesofthemostpopn" lar Blood Poison remedy failed to give him any relief. , He secured B. B. B.,. the concentrated quick core, and five bottles healed, the ulcers, re lieved aU , pain, cured his kidneys, restored .his appetite, and made bun a healthy and happy man. i, Mr. Beswerth Interytewed. , yiqm the Southern Clipper. .-' - ; 'Tea," said Mr, Jamas "L.Boworth.r an old At lantUn, "It was twelve yeara go when 1 contracted a terrible case of .blood poLwiilng.;., My affliction was truly horrible, I had no appetite, did not sleep wen at night, my digestion was Impaired, my throat wascautetlzed five times, and In fact I was a total wreck. ,i bad been under the treat u ent of several of the leading physicians of Atlanta; tried-, nearly every blood remedy advertised; went to Hot Springs receiving no benefit whatever.", , ' v "And yon remained in this "condition twelve years r mierruppea tne uipper man. I'Tes sir, and more than that. three years ago I was laid up with rheumatism. J My knees were drawn up In sqen a position that t conic not leave iny bed for month i- My life became a lingering torture. Aliuly wound&ful blood' "iWedy was reoommended, known as B. B B. 1 used It, and sir, 5 bottles eard me.'and 1 really believe tt to' he the grandest and ftuickest blood remedy ever kBown." 4 n'...i SCROfr'UaLA. li'W Are any members of your family thus afflicted? Ham they scrofulous swelling of the glandi? Have they any scrofulous sore or uloen ? If so and it chould be neglected, the peculiar taint, or pouen, vnaydepowtitseW in the substanbi the lungs, producing consumption. . Look -well'te (he oorltjipg of yoar tunliy and If thus afflicted give the proper reme-iy wlfrjout dulay. j set that wtuoh makes absolute-cores la the shortest space. of Ume, The uneenng .finger f publlo -epinWn points to B. B..B. as:;the most wonderlul remedy right to those who gi their oertlfioates, an4 be convluoed that B.B. B la the (juiciest and most perfect Blond Pnrtfier 0ar hef jib kuown. :t - : RBieU.vIATIf. f i4. f If! Although a practitioner of nearly twenty years,: my mother influenced me to prosure B. B. B, for her,. She had been confined to her bed several months witn Rheumatism which bad stubbornly: resisted all the usual remedies. , Within twenty: four hours after commencing B. B B. I observed, marked ' relief. She has just eommeneed her third bottle and is nearly as active as ever, and has beeri to the front yard with "rake in hand," eleany Ing up. ' Her Improvement la truly wonderful and Immensely gr&tlfTlnc. -'- ri r- jy.i. i' : , . Book of Wonder. By addressing Blood Bahn-Co., Atlanta, Ga any on oan sseqre free one of the prettiest and most valuable 82 page books now out. - It tells all about the blood, its diseases and remedies-Scrofula, in. era, BhenmaUsm, Kidney Affections, Bkln Ho mots,Aa,jto, Drop a postal for tt at ones, -. " ' .C. H. MONTCHjMSBT, MvD. ' .Jacksonvnio, Ala., June 6,1885 .... - ( - - -j . Do not fall to send to B. 8.00. Atlanta, Ga. for opy of then Book of Wonders, free, --x GnAni.oxE,'roi.fJiii?iA & AUGU STA R. It Co. - 7 JasjVtary 84th. is8. :" FOB THR INFORMATION : OF THB PUBLIC. .4 (j SOUTHWARD. f tl' t48. STATIONS. Mall and Mail and, Way ?Fr t Paasenser Kxttpss Express. C'ch Atod P. M. A. M " Charlotte. Ft den. U. 6.00 ... - t.:xraeBt JDLtIOO -ive nue biding Plneville Fort MU 1J5! 6.20 6.46 6.20 6,40 , 7XK) - 746 : 8.00 815 96 10 12 - iaso 10,60 11J7 11.86 1L66 : 12.13 12.28 ! 12 40 1,06 1.4S . 2.80 ' 2 46 1.27 1.44 162 Catawba T. O. KOCK H3U Warron'a r , 2.02' 2.15 2.22 118' 2 SOl Chester -346 Cornwall's 8.08 - 8.12 Blacks took's Woodward's White Oak Adger's Wlnnsboro 8.18 8 80 3.37 ' 8.48 Ar. Lv. Fit Ttnnnt 86i Sim peon's - 408 Kidgeway Blythewood ' 4.16 182 bharpe's , Kllllan's -Columbia ; 4.41 4.49 M. Ar. 6.15 Lv. 6.161 Ar. 380 LV. 6.25 P. M W. C. Sc. k. Jane's SA 6.80 Bat 80 SL 6.67 tiexineton 4 BiiV.6 00 6. . -1 '7.21 Barr'r- . " , , 640 . 7.S2 7 46 ,t 7.4t! . 7.63 - r- 8.09 Kelslers 1 "' Gilbert HoUow Summit - 7.02 Leesville , i .7. Baresburg Ridge Springs Ward's T. O. Johnston's . 7.87 - 7.61 &15I 8 87 , .8 02 ' ' 8.13 8.80 . 8.47 8 8 - 9.16 Trenton - s - A Miles' Min V ' M.42 9.29 Vaueluse '. 8 62 Granltevllle -Aiken-Junction Langley , Bath Dead Fall r Augusta 8 60 19 02 .6V 9 69 , S.Oe "8.12 lo05! ' 10.09 Ar. 10.86 ir. 9 88 f. M A. M. NOBTHWARD. . -T63. J47. tl7. ' STATIONS, v, Mail and I Sxpress. Mall and Way Frt Pasenger Express. K rh At A. M. P.M. Augusta - 5.; - . l-angley". . :. r, Aiken Junction firanltevlUe ' Vaueluse' ' Mllee'MlIl , Trenton Jounston's ( ward's T.O. Ri'-ge Spring , Batesburg Leesville $. ' ' Summit Gilbert Hollow "' Kelslers Bar's - H 1 Lexington . -W. C.i A, Junc'n LV. 9.06 6.55! - 6.2W .V6 9.82' 9 42 ', 9 60 6 31 3Ar. 6.831 SLv. 6 3 -' 9.67 7.00 10.10! 10.26 1043 10 64 11.04 7.11 '7 251 4 7.43! '8.04 8.15 8.371 11.26 1182 11.46 11 62 8.431 858! "oos 1L55 12J2I 12.23 9.061 9 221 9.S3I ldArl2.62 dLv L12 Ar. 10.061 V ' " ' - U ' i - ' ' LV. 10.201 Columbia . Kfllian's Sharps 1 - - Blythewood .r -Bldgeway " Simpson's i-: Rockton . -Wlnnsboro - Ar. 1.22 Ar. 10.26 A. M. Lv. LS'it . M. Lv. 6.45 - 6.25 " 6.87 ? n.68 A06 218 , 2.84 2.47 2 64' 8.02 .'3.151 ; . 3.22 Frt Depot augers . Whl'eOak Woodwards Blackstock's Cornwall's. Chester Lewis' Smith's Warren's Rock Hill , I Catavba P. O. . Kort Mill Plneville , , Five Mile Siding -Chariotte, Trade St . " Fr'tDep. 9.14 8 44 1 8.61 3 69 -A- - 4.181 ' 44 4.42 -4 49 5j03 5.14 ; ' "5.22 . 6 42 8 66 . 6.16, Ar ' P.'M. f . M. A. TP. Ac O. DITISlOIVr "A f52 8TATI0N3. SOOTHWARD, Mall Express A. Ht. StatBsvIlle -T utman's Shepherd s Mooresvllie Mount Mourns . Davidson College Caldwell's . Hunters ville. stonewall - -SeeuoD House Chariotte ' Lv - . " ' 10 : 10 AT A.M tsai 8TATIONS. NORTHWARD. - Mail Express. P.M. Chariotte Lv Section House Btonewau - HuntersvlUe Caldwell's Davidson Collef e Mount Moume Moresvllle ,. 8hepard's. , : -. Troutman'a 1 ' Statesvllle -. ;74 Ar r.M. fr'? Stations: Trains wop only when notice gireu juaiij., xtMuy except Sunday, B Breakfast. DDlmwr. Rfinnnw - - Nos 62 and 63 on A. T. 4 O.JOlvlalon, dally, ex cept Sunday. . x ttjueedays'.: Thursdays and Satnrlays. - ir, -r UMondsys, Wednesdays and Fridays ; -. - Where no time Is given trains do not stop..- Time, 76 Meridian or Eastern . - - - . . B. TALCOTT. . , D. CARD WILL, -,f puyermenoent. r 7 ASBt wen-, nm. A gent ANI a.RW1LJLC ROAD. B , . , CTondenaed Schednlo; TRAINS QOtNQ SOUTH. January 18th, 1888.' No. 60," Dally.-. NO. 62,; Dally, i Leave New ork, , iv ,. Philadelphia, - 1 -A-' - Bwtimore,if jjrj-i,?; wa Washington, - i " ': Charlottesville, ,U " Lynchourgw.! Richmond : -. , - Biirkvlll :tJ. i--sif jj-J " Kevsvllie --.--v-''- - Drake Braticlt h 1 T . Danville, . 1100 , n't 8 40p m 6.03 p m 9.00 om 7.20 a m 9.60 a m 11.15 am 11.00 v 8.45 n ml ADO 6 1Q p ml 5 . IS a 826pm 6 36p m 200a 4.06 a 6.06 d m 4.48 a B0n m 46a 504a 9.25.P m s " . Goldsboro, "r - , X. t Balelgh, " ' Cbapeli&IIl. - r -Hi4-oroi73 s vif ,'. -.45 a m .. 6.00 p m 6 07 Dm r . 14.66 p m ' 6.4 pr j. : Creensboro, lL2l p m 9.50 a a Salem, l6 65p ml 660am 11. ip m iai9 a i UTTVi! !&; s. a- 1.1 mlu.2S a Concord, . Spartanburg, . ,"i Greenville. 1.57 a m 8.00a m U.69am Om.' 1.00 p m 6.66 a m. 8.84 9 m 7.14 a ml 4.49 p m ArrlveAUanta, ?-.Vi3 t-i 1.40p-tniia40p "TRAINS. QOINO. NORTH, January 18th, 1888. N0.6L Dally? iNovoBVi Dally. Leave Atlanta. 6 46 m 840a m 2.80 p m 3.43 p m 6.25 p aS 5.52 p-m 8.01 fflt 9.08; d m Arrive Greenville, " ..-,.J KlY..-!m V Spartanburg, r i'jCharlotte,. m i tt , Concord, , .. ' -'Salisbury, i,rf 4 l f : Htifh Pnlnt .1 . .. 1' 11.. . m 6.om a a 6 65 a on 6.89 a m 7.68 a m 8.30 a ml 'Mi! Greensboro, T : 9.86 p Salem - 11140 a mll.17 a ra 11 39 a, m riupnHHi 12.18 p m Chapel H01.V-' J . .. ' -jRalelgb. , 1446 p m ii jo 5p -mi .v p.m V Dfinv1llB iuna ra U ns m 1.20 p'm 2 00 d m 1128 p m " " 'Drake's Branch." ?. -.v Keyvine. ---; lain 8j06a m lirkvvil 2.57 a u 7 00 re iidSiflnd 4 07 p ml 5 ",i Lynchburg. : Charlottesville, -1 Washington, f - Ba'tlmore, , - 4.28 d m 430a m 9 .16 e-m a40a m il.B p Bl 10.03 a m s.uua m 8 20a m 12.35 p m .zu p ra Dally except Sunday.7 HL'KlCPINfi CAR SIRVTPI " On trains 60 and Bl. Pnllman Riiftot mn - nwu . irr nini I mill . . On trains 62 and 68, Pullman Buffet Simmer Tm tweenWaaulnaton and Naw OfU. wEVJL- and Aiken. -- --"T- , u PnllmjtnfllMiarint. i T.., -. ; For mtaa arul (nhmnHn, . - moody. AnC w.: a. , ,taui AflnW. Asst jStSent: ft : y A Clear Skin . j is r only a, part ' of eaijty but it js'a .partv" Every lady, ".may-have it ; at least, what . looks like , it. . Magnolia .. Balm - both ; freshens and beautifies. f- ' ; - New Goods, Who Notwithstanding the reports' made by some of t . - - - - - Going ; Ont off Basiness; and tOnfTAP farm frianAo i. j.MI- - - " yuawuABrs nareains in pvoru r: v " JrJ -iuuw,cuw no DU XU8, " I BURGESS WHOL-SALS AND RX TAIL DIALEH IN all kinds, op BEDDING, &C. :V!rs:.iri''' if''"" -"H:--iy.s.k3 t. LOITlwwai J' BKDSTIADS. 2?rt ?Si$g? Chamber smt?.' nns or all kinds on hand. No. 6 Vest xrade Street, Charlotte, North Carolina.. d OUR S R DAILY 8.52 75 8.08 a 20 863 8.23 9.25 9.50 1010 10 50 11 ViO 12 05 12.35 mm "7 1 Right to the Front of all Comp itition we Place Them. Complete in Assortment; Splendid in Quality, overflowing with generous -!' ' - - j '- - - bargains in MESS, YOUTHS and BOYS CLOTHING AND SHOTS FURNISllliG At prices that must suwly lead to speedy sale. Now come early and cet the benefit jf our unbroken stocks We have tbe brightest, newest and best : Spring 8 1 yles, ' ' " - , ..... , s- And lowest prices consistent with good quality and honest quantity. W.EAUPMA N" & CO " . . UJJMIt3 iLOTHlim CENTRAL HOTEL COKNER, CHARLOTTE, N. C ISO 226 2.40 815 3.48 4 10 and 8 30 8.62 9.16 9 30 9 48 10.00 10 20 30" 65 11.12 11.30 and 660 7.09 7A6 7.45 8.10 8.25 840 8 68 922 950 or ' " .t SQFTnS & PBESEBKS LEATHER - .' - : m m m a '"i."' 3 is now kXlirWP-Vor m m m ; i 3 e yj .ri H ouow tnw season Being in all grades larger "S ;andihore'ieonahenRtve thn ever, we are fuDj 3 Bjjg?. prepared to meet any. reasonable demand in the " f-.'.Vi ..- -'.fg cWWOf BiiidsoineStrtee. Low Prices and good,.; ; 5 3 i t ?reable goods. Jtvervthing will be found lust ; 03 , ; represented.-' we' Invite inspection, and euar- ' Jo. a.; J J ante entire satlsfacjlon ; tft everj particular to an f a j 5 vrhosTitocthefrjtron : "t Orders by man will receive careful and prompt attention. a rfl j A RAND SALS Or , ... . .:ss. -j . .. . ,1 -r i. : CLOCKS : and IFMT? Diamonds Silver and Saver-Plated jRetrtrntmi. ThaaksgtrhW Day " . J. T. BUTLBR. r ' . . ... ... '1 ,vmwt iin, r. f j, 9t;tv K'sfcyri 1 ..1. ' latches; 'si' k to our kind friends of k k "uboi our and Other hmv Arr . n New V? iT . . . - which were boueht 7&?KSr& . ; y " -" ''HI offer wiU offer & COHEN NICHOLS IN G STOCK ARRIVING AND r '1 k foil ef ,the choicest and most . line. Our stork of Boots .'era J ' S2-' i 4 ..j jJahasUB Itleck. Tryon Street v.:l;.:douclas "Best material, perfect fit, equals soy ts orfSihoet every Mir warranted. Take none unless stamped "W. . Biw)a' ' SS.0O M ft 1 Sboe.wsrruiteil" fraev Bottonteod yn caoaot get noei rrotn dealers, sddreai -on Tt.T ..T lo Wf. jl Douglas, Brock. oH Massi v -. t r v. - . ' k For sale by JanlSoeodSia. . A.B.B1NKTNABBQ., . . Charlotte, N. C. To Printers; ' laSdaT,dkn Cutter, PgCa.B.aoDai.i --this omci REMOVAL J . H. FarriorJJrotier. JERY.WATCHK, Antral Ioiw0PrSewtB, opposite the ftal attenuen given to dlfflaUt watch re pairing. W. IX PARRIOR & BSO. " Srwessors to BAles Tarriori t - 1 1 V Con- i m S' pill