II OLLTUK XXXIV. CHARLOTTE; N. C,, FRIDAY, MARCH 26, 1886. PRICE FIVE CENTS. 5 IT rt E H if REM - "Tbcth. lot tbm mm, soirtikbb scbmitb to OBSOU&KD, BUT, UKB TBI BOS, OHLT TUB A Subscription to he Observer. DAILY EDITION. t - To show our Stock of Spring and Summer Goods. .Having taken epecial care in selecting our stock, we are prepared to'show, the most complete line of Dress Goods rv . y.n rvn-ri. Wa nova nil the latest snaaes in colored, uasnmeres. Manaa Jhv Suiting, Diagonals,-. 8dk Lace, Stripes, Ondines, Albatross, Nuns veiling, &c. We have all widtbs m - - Bla A CK-' . GASH1I EKE S, p:k W-irp Henrietta, SVin Duchesse French Banting, French Batiste, Fi f ncit Tntrot. Sec ; all at the lowest possible prices. Also, handsome em-)r-i.!ered and combination 'suits very low. Oriental Laces and Flouncings, T'trchon and Media Laces, A complete Stock of White Goods, &c. - ,;P.A.lii"OI-. : . .Th haodaoRwit Stock of Parasols ever shown hem It wiltrpay you to us a aU bt ror buying as we are determined not to be undersold. y Re member our JSPERWE iK DEPARrMEST. . Scents. 20 75 - .$100 - .uu 8.00 Single ootjv By the week In the dir. By the month..... ..... Three months.... ...... Six months ............ one rear . WEEKLY KDITIOH, Three months Stx months... joe year - In clubs ot five and over tlML Xo Deviation: From Taiese Klea.i Subscriptions always payable In advance, not onlv in name but in fact . KANDALL AND TAEIFF. BOeents. 1.76 DE DOES HOT WAST TO MED DLE WITD IT. s4s 8!TB ' BUILDIItO Pi'1!5' lAiii PARASOLS LACE roYSSED PAK A30LS. MORNING PABA30LS, with and without binge. mHITU TTWPPHWT.lfl. Ail s'zes. eolow and prices. LADIES AND -:o: Nice lot of JERSEY JACKETS For Ladles and Misses. :0:- Dress Mm Depict Open for SPHWO WORK. . MIS9 CALLIDAY will be at her post by Monday, having last returned from New Ycrli well posted In all the new idea of the season sod will be glad to see all. her friends and customers. ,: T. L. SEIGL A Reply Fmn Him Row Fending -.Gen. Cox's Bill Mr, Deader- - son and the Revenue. Correspondence of Ths Obssbvkb. ? Washington, March 25. It is pers i f ectly evident that Mr. Bandall wants to do nothing with the tariff quess tion. His well disguised' professions at the lafct session, that at the right i time when something could be done he would be found advocating tariff i adjustment, are remembered, as well j as previous utterances when this im portant topic has been broached. Mr. Bandall is the best representative of i Pennsylvania interests , the State i probably ever had. And I remember Fitzsimmons, Baldwin, John Ser eeant. Wilkins. Dallas and James i Buchanan.- In old days ; Pennsyl vania asked to be let alone, and the burden of : her fervent petition was granted. She requests now that her iron and other metals be not dis turbed, and her request may be i heeded by a Democracy: always sub servient to her great interests. . ' ; Whflo T writa Mr. Brecke.nridire- . . . . - j tne scnoiariy sun ui iuuu v. muvaou- BOOTS, BUTTON AND LACEBALS, ridge, is sitting by Mr. Randall and BOfff AlfO YOtJXOSV l 1 CD. First Hatioiial " Bant Btaiini, South Trjon Street, - ' - - Charlotte, H. & DSALEBS IN Ladieg'jMisses'and Children's BUTTON, C sKGRESS k LICE SHOES, HNS BOOTS AND SHOBS WJ ALL" GRADE3 - GENTS' FINE ' ' ; Silk, Soft aniStiff'.Hats,' TRUJSKS, VALISES and' ' - GRIPSACKS, UMBRELLAS OF ALL KINDS, SHOS BLACKING AND BRU&HBS. : ilma Polish for Ladies' Fine Shoos. Stock always kept lull and up to the demand. PBOMPTLY OBDEB3 BY MAIL OB XXFBES3 - . . ATTENDED TO. Co. J IHST RECEIVE i new and complete Stock of Bprlng Goods, embracing all the staple articles known to the Dry Goods Business also a good assortment of .. : -. -: ' -; WE IMS nchi maur i Ooois Bourette, btripod Woolens, tipanlsa Bobes, and many beautiful combluutions In wool. OUR STOCK Of Unttnim and TrimroinsB to match Dress Good la complete. In White Goods and Imbroldertes. QlJS'd bbHbXX and all sncb goods, we are determined not to be outdone Also an elegant line of Give us a call and let as show yoa oar goods.- Gents Don't fall to see oar roar In -hand Ties and Scarfs SnCCESSOBS TO AXXXANDSB HABBJB." FRED C. HUNZLER:; WHOLESALE ULGR BEER DEA1XI1 AN BOTTXJBR, CHARLOTTE, N. O ; Bepresents two of the largest LAGEB BESR Breweries lathe United Stesv: The Bersvner 4c Enffel BrewUf Co., of Philadelphia, and the F. A SI. gchaJTer Brewlna Co o Hew Tork. THE LARGEST LAGEB BEER BOT TLINO t-STABLISHMENT ; IN THE CITY. - 6Orders Solicited All orden Diomotlv filled and delivered free of charge to any part of the city, v , deoSOdlf . - - - - , B. C. ECCLES i CO., AUCTION AND COMMIS8I0N1 WANTED. . We win pay 15 cents per bcshel of 30 pomds f good soundnew cotton seed dri'vered at our mill Id Charlotte, N. C. - . We w!U trade cotton seed meat or seed, giving one ton of meal for two tons oX seea. . OLIYXB OIL COMPANY, " Successors to Oliarlotte Oil Company. septl6ddtf lUdnlmdist Brokers. BUY AND SBLL REAL ESTATE. CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED THE LATEST BU JlUflimUftlAHl We are now running on fun time.: Furniture manufactured by as Is kept by the enterprising furniture dealers in this dty. ? We make only the best and most substantial to the market NO SHODDY GOODS. , Ask tor goods made by as and ion win set the worth of roar money. Our name to on each plete. We solicit the patronage of the public and guarantee satisfaction.- V. Respectfully, ' ELLIOTT & IIAE3II. -. JuneW v" . : . . . . SHIMICK, T T.T CL U B h:o u se, , KEEPS THE BEST BAR . , AND - BILLIARD 31 ALL - 4 Intheelty.' febl6dtf .... f vainly endeavoring to enlist hia at tention in a private discusaon of the tariff bill.-The great Pennsylvanian is suddenly interested in some small matter before the House, and avoids being drawn -out. ' I know that this is the start of ; things, because a con-: ference was held only just now in the eye of the House by several of the revenue reformers, and Mr. Brecken ridge moved away from the group to the seat adjoining Mr. Randall's. This caucussing between the rival factions was a prominent feature yesterday. It has been .going on for some days behind the scene. As Clifton B. left on his .return from a bootless errand, the; big and placid Tom Ueed chaffed him unmercifully amid a chorus of suppressed laughter from the galleries. Since writing this I learn on the highest authority the following facts: yor two months the Ways and Means committee .has been ; in consultation with - Mr.- Bandall.: They have had his !siete8tions. and from time to timauhave- made alterations in the draffe'oi the bill to conform to these. In fact, it is stated that every one of Miv Eandall's propositions have been agreed to. ""Tie is. now- asked if he will support the bill thus constructed. He has not replied. - ;J The bill of Gen. Cox," heretofore printed in - this correspondence, was reported yesterday favorably. ; The report is brief," b,ut interesting as a compilation of facts and a statement of reasons for a 're-classification. It is as follows; - 1 - ' "' The" contmitte have had this bill under consideration, and find that the present classifications of the va rious department clerks of the gov ernment are based ,t upon the salaries paid: that the salaries paid, are not the same in the different depart ments for the same kind of work, jnl frenuentlv there is a wide dffer- ence in the salaries paid for the same riaaa rst work in the same department This of course, should , be - remedied as far as possible. AU compensation, should be uniform in the several de partments and offices lor doing work of the same kind. ' U - ' . ' The clerks of. ithe several depart ments were first classified in 1818, and the work of f the departments continued under suck classification up to;i853, with minor changes in 1837. v 1 " In 1861 the Senate adopted a reso lution directing the several heads of the departments to report to tne next cooainn of Coneress some pkmufor classifying the clerks in their depart ments, for approportioning their salj aries according to their services, and for equalizing the salaries of , the clerks ofjthe same, grade in each . of the departments; and also some plan to provide for a fair and im-partiaexamination- of the qualifica tions of clerks, - and for promoting them' from one graae to auuiuur upon a due regard, to qualifications and services. :-' , ; h Tn rnl v to this, the several heads of the departments submitted reports, which did not harmonize, so the act passed upon-them did not secure that uniformity in the several depart mentsv as it is hoped will be attained by this bill. - - 3 - : By the act of March 3rd, 1853, the clerks were . arranged I into four classes, whose annual salaries were to be $900, $1,200, $1,500 and $1,800. 4" This act-was amended in 1854, when theTslasses were arranged wth t.hn followme salaries: uiass i but contemplates an investigation and report upon the employment of nearly all of the Government em ployes at Washington. It : seeks to discover what the defects in the ser vice are, and to secure some recom mendation based upon careful inquiry, for their correction. . - - - y One of the chief abuses believed to exist under the present system is the inequalities of salaries paid tor per forming the same character of work; Another is the furlough and substi tute Bjstem.which they are informed is most difficult to regulate. This bill contemplates tbe employment of supernumerary clerks, who, shall be at the disposal of the different depart ments to fill temporary vacancies by absenteeism from - any cause, and who can be utilized to relieve aay de partment from- an unusual stress of work. A similar class is already provided for m t the letter-delivery system, and provea very effective. A recommendation for a similar class of clerks is made by the Secretary of the Sate for the consular service. " Thereis another important object w hich will ; be accomplished by " a proper classification . and arrange ment of the clerical force of the Gov ernment. ' - It is . this: , Instead of Congress making an appropriation in gross for the employes of a depart ment of whose compensation they are ignorant," it would be enable! to provide so many clerks in class one, two, three, etc., and could approxi mately ascertain the necessity for the appropriations it is making, and restrict a discretion on the part of a department officer, which has here tofore, in some instances, been used. ; The- composition of the Commis sioners is thought to be most judici ous. Three of . them are : selected from private life, and are, therefore, free from any predilections arising from employment ' in the Depart ments, while the two selected from the Departments will, contribute the experience arisiDg from the practical details of their office. This Commis sion is to make its report to the Pres ident in time for its transmission to Congress at the beginning of the next session. In order that it should be thorough comprehensive and corns Slete, time and great care will be ind ispensable for its preparation; Hence the delay is " believed neces sary. The committee deem it proper ta add that the labor incident to such an investigation as they should be made preparatory to a new classifi cation of the service will be so great and of such a cdaracter that it 6 im practicable and inexpedient for it to be undertaken by any committee of Congress. Neither should Congress act upon the reports of the heads of Departments alone, for one of the prime objects is to secure uniformity in all the Departments, which was not done by the act of 1853 ; the rea son for which is apparent. This bill also contemplates an in vestigation and report upon some, uniform plan for promotions in the service. It is known that promo tions have heretofore sometimes been made on account pi personal favorit-1 ism or political influence, and the i consequence is that the clerks draw- i ing a greatly inferior salary are m i some instances performing the same duties as those who are drawing much larger salaries.; . Merit and skill, clear heads and sound discre tionv and -knowledge of the public business are not always titles to pro motion. It is believed that when all the facts are lavl before Congress, which can be brought to light by this inves tigation, by a commission appointed bv the President, tbat Congress can and will inaugurate feuch reforms as Will greatly benefit the public- service-' " . .. .. .. . The committee is of the opinion that great good can be accomplished under the provisions of this bill, and therefore repons it to the House with a favorable recommendation. Mr, Henderson thinks that the ins. tefnal revenue legislation proposed by Mr.-Reid and himself will be favorably reported, ' at least in part. Every i consideration, he observes, would urge the ; passage of the bill permitting the judges to' let off of1? fenders. There was a time when such extreme penalties were deemed necessary. That time has passed and the time of mercy and moderation arrived. i - - In regard to the education bill he is still sanguine. -He thinks that the practice of referring bills to other committees than the one appropriate for the subject matter has a fixed hold upon the body, but admits that there is ft possibility tba.t the Speaker wOl rule that this was irregular,, the point not having been made. Mr. Henderson thinks that if the Speaker does not rule adversely the friends of the Blair bill v. will have enough ben at the; 8tart to get the bill referred.- ,Mr Henderson urges among other-points,Vthe following, very strongly : 1 He claims that the meas ure is not only shown to be constitu tional by the practice of parties in the past, especially the surplus bill ot 1637, but that. if the money is not sent "South" for. this statesmanlike purpose it will be spent in increasing pensionsalready large and go to en rich still further other sections. He believes that under this principle the pension- expenditures .would be en? larged from $76,000,000 to'$200,00Q, 000 in a few years. We are now, he says voting private pensions very lavishly,and adding in other ways to this item of national , expense. - But that is not the worst. The soldiers of the late war do not as yet receiye service pensions. 4 But'pass the Mex ican pensions bill and even without that, there ' would - be precedents in the service pensions paid to soldiers of the war of 1812, ' - ' it a meeting of. the friends of the education bill was held this morning, The blind chaplain prayed on such an increase of patriotism this morn ing as would stop the educating of American children and youth abroad. He is. very pungent and effective, without being sensational. Yester day when he petitioned against gam bling, Ike Hill, the deputy Sergeant-at-arms observed in the manner pe culiar to that statesman: "Our chap lain's knocked hell out of . stocks; they fell two points right away and will probably fall two more tomor row.? . . H.:- 8 TATE HEWS. The Greensboro Workman of Wed nesday,says: There was a fire at Lex ington yesterday. The colored Meth odist church was . burned to the ground. The cause of the fire is said to be unknown. Judge McRae rode from Greensboro to Aeheboro where he opened court Monday of last week. In his charge to the grand jury he said he had ex hausted himself on the road question. The last, ride was the straw that broke the camel's back. v ; Greensboro North State :y The Pro hibitionists of Greensboro met at Benbow Hall last Friday ' night and placed in nomination for city officers to be voted for the first ' Monday in May the following ticket: For may-, or: W. T. Walker. ;; commissioners -J. A. Odell, B. ;F. Sergeant, W. E. Coffin, J. M. Winstead, R. F. Robert son and J. D White.' There was a large attendance. Among them the leading clergymen of the place. The Danville Register of this date, announces that on the first of April, the Danville and -New River railroad company will put on a wagon train between Stuart and Mount Airy, N. . C, with through bills of lading pro vided for all places east of .Mount Airy. By this arrangement goods may be billed through Mount Airy and intermediate points from any city in the United States. , . i " Durham Tobacco Plant: Oa Tues day of last week in Cedar Fork town ship, at the residence of Mr.. W. A. Jenkins, his mother, Mrs. Eliza Jen kins, 4ied in the seventy-second year of her age. ' Mrs. Jenkins reared thir teen children, j eight boys and five girls. Seven of her boys went through the war between the States, made brave and efficient soldiers and all came home, not one even .having been wounded. She was a good wo man and her pious walk and godly conversation will long be remember ed. - Rockingham Rocket: On last Thursday night the store of. Messrs.: Currie & Ciwrie. at Hoffman in this county, was entered by thieves and robbed of between one and two hun dred dollars worth of goods By a letter received on Saturday last, Mr. J. A. Russell was notified of the death of a brother, Mr. Wiiey J. Russell, aged about thirty-five years, whioh occurred on Tuesday, 16th inst., at Glen Brook in . Montgomery county, the old Russell homestead. But a few minutes after the receipt of the first, " a second announcement, by telegram, conveyed the intelligence of the deth of the father. Captain Zebedee Russell which occurred on the night before, 19th inst. Progressive Farmer; One of the industries . of the thriving town of Knersville is the granite works of Messrs. JIcGilliard & Huske.. Tae crranite is taken from a quarry about half a mile : from the town, and is very fine, bears ; a beautiful polish, which makes it well adapted for monuments. - Tne stone is pronounc ed by old workers to be as fine gran ite as can be found anywhere in this or adjoining States A fine monu ment recently ereated over , the re mains qf the father of our townsmen, Messrs. R. Ji and H. H, Reynolds, in Patrick county, : Ya:, is ;ofgranite from this quarry, and was made by Messrs. McQilllard Huske. - v ; Salisbury Herald : Another event in the tobacco history of Salisbury is recorded this - week, from the fact that the ground is broken and opera tions have bgun for the erection of a factory, facing on Council street,on the lot behind tbe Banner warehouse. Tbe building is to be a frame one, with a brick basement, 40x80 feet; two stories high. v. It is to be complet ed bv Mav 15th. The i tobacco ex change proprietors have been, in the habit of paying ferriage on all wagons bringing tobacco to town j from over the riyerv 'The jig is up,? as some of our honest countrymen would haul a load of flour with a. few pounds of the yellow leaf on top and make a claim of ferriage against the ware house. Mr. Alexander , Gorl; of Cabarrus county, has purchased the white house and farm about four miles from town, on the river . road, of Henderson and Woodson, and will move his family ' out there. The well-known and comfortable- hotel, the Boyden House, has again changed hands and is now under the careful management of Boyden & Sullivan Mr John Bovden. Jr.. and A. M. Sullivan. , ; - " Scott's Emulsion efPnre Cod y. Liver Oil, with Hypophosphites. t' ! Especially Desirable for ChflJren, , : - j A LAdy physician at the Child's Hospital, at Albany, N.T.. says; "We have been nslng Scott's Kmulalon with great success, nearly au of our pauents are suffering from bone disease and our physicians find It very beneficial." - . , . Daughters, Wives and Mothers We emphatically guarantee Dr. Marchlsl's Cath--olioon, a Female Remedy, to cure female diseases-, annti a ovarian troubles. Inflammation and ulcera tion, falling and displace meat or bearing down i leellne, irregularities, Darrenness, cnauge ot me, leucorrhoea, besides many weaknesses springing from the above, like headache,, bloa'mg, spinal wftMmtM. sleeDlessness. nervous debility, i linn nf the heart. Ac For sale by druislsta. ti 90 and S1.5Q per bottle. Send to Dr. J. B. it ntina. v.. for oamnhlet. rree. - - JTorsiue by L. B, WrlJtton, aruggist. Charlotte N.O. - - InWeodlv MS A r : louse Foiiiiif Goods 11 1 Absolutely Pure. This nowder never varies. A marvel of purity, streueth and wholesomenes!! More economical tu in tin ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in eomnetitioi with the multitude of low test, short weight, alum or pUosphate powders. Sold only In cans. Wholesale dt - j - , SPRINGS ft BTJBWKLL, - JanSOdftwly - Charlotte, N C. lERVOUS DEBILITATED MEM. Von are allowed a free trial of thMv dam of th Dse of Dr. Dye's Celebrated Voltaic Belt wltli Electric Suspensory Appliances; for the speedy relief and permanent cuie of Aereovs Debility, loss . of Vitality and Manhood, and all kindred troubles. Also for many other diseases. Complete restora tiou to Health, Vigor and llanhood (rnaranteed. No risk Is Incurred. Illustrated pamphlet luMaJed, MMkJojm mailed free, by addreasinR - . V0LIA10 Hl CO, 2In&aIl, 1Q6V li ; - - - - novl7deodftw7m. " - T7 A T"T I? CC lt CAUSES andCTJBK, U niiVJ? iN T'O'by one who was de3 I twenty-eight years. Treated by most of the noted specialists of the day with no benefit. Cured him self In three months, and since then hundreds of others by the same process. A plain, simple and successful home treatment.- Address X-S.PA6X, izb jsasi -asux si., new xotk vaj: , DEPARTMENT ,,V, k:: -Is pffering ' ' SMS ' A handsome line of goods, all of which are ' ' - ;: new arrivals. : v j: , " BUCK - ' , - it - ..:'! DAMASK TOWEISi SIZE .17x30 .16x33 17x38 , ! 18x86 21x40 21x40 18x40 21x44 23x42 ' AT ( I i i.-ii j, tt it . . 10c 110 It to 150 190 20c 23c . . 25o 300 WORTH ,t -, it t it tt. tt tt ti ti 12io 15C0 16 20c 250 25o , 300 35o 40O WANT SALESMEN everywhere, local and traveling, to sell oar goods Will pay good -alary a: d all expenses. Write for terms at once, and state salary wanted. Address STANDARD SILVEti WABS COMPANY. Wash ington Street, Boston. Slass. . . - mar34w , Wa M TC fl LADTRS to work for as at their U Sf IT.IJ own homes, $7 and $10 per week can be quietly made. No photo painting; no canvassing For full particulars, please ad drew at once, CBKSCENT ART CuMPANT, 19 Central Street, Boston, Mass - Box M70. . COLORED , '; . ti : i . :" " , tt - 1 t, BLEACHED tt - - tt, - ... - r . . DAMASKS 56 in ,60 in 60 in 60 in 60 in 60 in 60 in 62 in 62 in 62 in WIDE AT - tt : ti - ti it .. : ti , it ". ' it It ti . 400 50c 65o 720 77o- 45o 55c 62iO 70c 80c WORTH . 65o 60o 75o ' 850 1.00 550 65 80o 900 1.15 Established 1S40, THE Incorporated 1884. Ttios. Bradford Go. . Successors to CO- B Sole Manufact- '. urers oi me Old Reliable tanet Celebrated VT5 ij; li For Any Kind of SMALL GRAIN. Also Manufaotur - . era oi Pcrtalh iSs v We Have a Full Line -, Of Sheetings and Pillow Casings at very low prices. They are all goods from the most popular looms of this country. ( , , , T SEE OUR QUILTS, Which we are now offering at 80 cents, worth $1.00; 90' $1.20 worth $1 50. Fine spreads reduced in proportion, and Side Board Scarfs. cents . worth $1.20 ; Novelties in Bureau Nos. 55, 37, 29, 31 end 33 IocIl St., " " Near Highland House Incllnod Piano, TP-in fi-(",,v?ii3.- ' CINCINNATI, d decl2deadftn6m. - FITS! i ; CHARLOTTE, N. O. MAIL ORDERS SOLICITED AND PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. V5. .V- :-;y 5-" yyi'V- y'rC :;'y'y ym:'- 3---4J&itfiSii2 ! WnenlsavcureldonotmeanmerelTtoston thmn for a time and then have them return again, I mean a radical core. 1 have made the disease of FITS, EPX -LEP8Y or FALLING- BICKNtSS a lite-long studT. I warrant mT remedy to oure the worst caaeu. others hare failed is no reaaon for not now receiving care. Send at oupefor a treatise anda Free Bottle ot my infallible remedy. Give Express and Post Office. It coata yoa nothing for a trial, and I will core yoa. - -AddrwaDK, hTQ. ROOT, lis Pearl Sk, Hew York. I have a positive remedy for tike abora disease ; by It intraeffleacy.tlmt Iwt l Ben.lTWO BOTTLES FRBB, ase fcrioaBanas of cases ol the worst kluaaiidof Ions stand in k have been cured. Indeed, ostroiigis mrfKlth RUMS IIKIPT QfJ. The lareest and most complete stock of " 'IFaniPLdDiiaiiL?; . . IN THE STA.TE. tKetherwluiaVA.I.UABMiTBKATISKonthiidiaeaM toaBjeonirer. ijiveexprfiMMDd P O. addr aa, - , . - DR.. A.SLOC0M,181Poarl8t..liwTork. AD1E3 : WANTED to work for us at their I owu hom9S. $7 to 1 10 per week can be easily I j made; no canvassing; fasclnatlna and steady U employment Particulars and sample of the work sent for stam. A-iress HOSLB M'JT'fcl CO., P. O. Box 1916. Boston, Mass. -. Parker's Tonic, A Pure Family Medicine", that Never Intoxicates . j. t w ... :-Jt:.. ,x . . y UISCOCK & CO., U 1 S3 William Street If ew York. Sold by all Druggist In large bottles at One Dollar. :Of-T- PIANOS AND ORGANS PENNYROYAL PILLS Otj Ithe best makes on the installment plan. Low,; prices , and easy terms. Send for prices. riJUIiEKliG F1AK0S, 'CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH - Tbe Original and Only Genuine. gfs andiwaji Kell.hlr,. ' Beware of worthlew ImltatSona. - Indispensable to LA DIES. Ask yow racgit Aw ; ChIclieater' EncliKh1 and take ae other, or iucloM 4s. i - (sumps) to ns for particular, ,n Utter by retmn ammll. NAME PAPER. Chichester Chemical Cev, ? 8&tSMa4ilwBare,PhiliTP. '. Bold by Drwca-tst ererrwhere. aik for "Chlehea - , lanlOdckwly - ' - - ' - METAL POISON. Price Mar FOR RENT. COMTOBTAFLE 4 room coti-ae, pintry atid iriir-hin. within a tew hundred yards ot tbe I Graleiifchool, ud t.x acres tf land lor reut ta a srood teifiiit. Apply to was fixed $1,20Q per annum iclas8 2,$l,400; J They wiuV mee6 againj on 'Saturday class a, f i,ow; wow iw- i for final-, action. inej meeiiug then tnere naa uw change in the - classification, not withstanding . tbe treat augurnenta tion of the civil sarvice employes. It is difficult to account T for this omission; find it is submitted that if tbe public affairs are to be conducted on a bueinef s basis, such a c'assifica tion as is contemplated by ? this bill should not be delayed.. ; I . , The present; bill is more compre hensive and complete in its proviso ions than anv similar measurw here tofore presented. It not only em braces the tilherto classified service, this morning .approved - Mr. - Willis' plan to introduce the Blair bill on Monday. Mr. Eaid reported the Senate joint resdhition. relating to the printing 4tf thfl-ftnj-fidd; statute matter, and ;it1 A, oraye vv iuumu vA-vmL to a North 'Carolina Democrat: '-'If a Nw Ybti? Democrat is' nominated in; 188 6qV- would ,'Gorernor Lee; SiSftRker TJarlfela - or r. -Gsnerai: Joe Wheeler do for Vice-Piesident t" i FOii SALE. : I have two horses and two males for sale. - Are young a id we 1 oroken. - Also a gold to horse wagun.all of which i will sell cheap tor cash. I will maxe tt to the interest of parties in nee J of any of Uw above to see me before purcnaslng. MariSdetdlw D. A. JOHNSTON. T am a oonnersmlth by trade, and the small par ticles of brass and copper from filing got into sores on my arms and poisoned my. whole system. Mer cury administered brought on rheumatism, and t became a neiptess mvaua i tuos. two uvusu uutues of Swift's Specific. M? legs, arms and hands are all right again, i use mem wunoutpaia my restora tion is due to S. S. S. . PkikbIE. Low, Jan. 9, 1865.. . . i - Augusta,Ga, BIAliJtRIAli POISON. - , We have used Swift's Speclflo in our family as- an antidote for malarial Dolson tor two or three years, and have never Known it to fall In a single Instance.- ' w.c.rraiiow. burnter uo., Dept. u, ioo. - r- , . . " " UCER8. " - ; For six or eight re: rs I suffered with ulcers on my right leg. I w t ! reated with Iodide of Potas sium and Merc if. end I became helpless. Six bottles of Swift's -p cine made a permanent cure. . - -. 11. D. Wilson, Gainesville, Ga. . -- February 28, ii , v , Swift's Speclflc Is entirely vegetable. Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed tree. Thk Swir r Specific Co., Drawer 3, Atlanta, G& 0Ilu9 W.fflilbU,iH. x- v BEWARE of A DVLTER ATiil ' The city Is flooded with it, Its odor when cook ing dete. ts It xunlne for yourself and be sure you ae nothing it . C ASS0 it U3 ' TAB IS 5tAID" USD '.-- Is piAranteed pure. ' Try It and you will use no other. Put up m packages from 3 to 800 pounds. R RisyOh n SON. Baltimore Md . Carers of the ceibra-d -Star Braua" mild cured hams and baton "maraSdly - a arTe with small capital. We have something Kukil lWnew.no risk, larpe profits, special mmy -offer, write at ones. nruia Ccu, Sal Canal St., A. I. mar20illaw3iu - ' -' rr ' 'y y .1 i i & MM ABIOIf PIANOS, BERT PIAIf OS, ; natbcsLekPiaccs. : 1 'V.. ..r J - " MASON S MilLLV PilNOS. j BAY STATE OEQANS, PACKAKD ORGANS, PriitiE Pimlor- T HAVE FOH SAXB a Is eornplee Adams- Book and "ewipaptr Vm. . Bl of platen ittxro Inches. Tbe mttcnme is in good order, made o Hoe Co., stanaara wont. ' . Ltt Pr.ce - - . - - Will be sold for ' -' .... 50000 on terms to suit purchaser. . . .. CHS. B. JOKS, "janSdtf - Charlotte Observer, y BAIJAIJAS, LHI.10IJ3 : AND Castern Yam Sweet Potaloesi . -; at -". , s. m; nowELJL'Se ilasoii & llanlm Organs. Order direct from me, and eaye time and freight, as I deliyer freight-paid to your nearest depot as cheap as ycu clri buy lrom the head office,-and - will attend to your wants in case anything should be . wrong in the factory y- .-.-'yyyy; -yivy,'- yfyvyy ;y y: 'y 'y';y" yyy yy; y guarantees. '...'.' - . ' ' Utlo ciiarlotte, N. C : t ' 8 1: 1