TBtiMM t FUR Staien ,Da1aDd;P OF I NEW L We have, catalogues ett, lntormaunn in regara 10 coiors oi goous wishpd to1 be dved. &c. application., . They dye TTTDS. PLUMES. WORSTED and and VESTS, ajl kinds of WOOL, 1 L RE PE V E I repaired , reCrimped and ' t - - I - . ' a I made to I . I.i ;fc luuh. us uiuc turned in 7 to 15 days l , IU w w f v mrn V voiet'THs t1 ! I hare now in state the Jiandsomest. llne of i Fine : Dress i 1 ("A ' rANrtNOVKLTrKSandMOTlOiiai ' 'I ! 1 M That it has erer been my plearareteoffef th pob .Uc. and a careful inspection of styles and prteet to solicited irom a l All Silk Rhodanies, . it the yery low price of $1.00. of J AbeauOnilTartety Combination Suits. f 1 " tr ; In Imbrol ety Silks Camel's Halr, Homespun and Canvas Cloths. A hlg stock of - : FAIICY BUTT0IIS, Large and small, to match", dress clasps, loops, epaolfttes, roasair and ball trimmings. A hand sornelineof . - ,!i ers aadSapiistes,.' ; l' - i The attention of mothers to iesueetfuBeIled to my attractive stock of LITTLE BOYS' CLOTH LNQ belore purchasing, - - -J - - . ;: T. L: SE n i Silks JUUU IGLE Than the Rt amine: CamrarJ Basket Goods. Boucle. Bourette Stripes, Spanish Kobep. and the various woolen suits in .... m . i; coaiplete line of trimmings. Also r 'AJ, 1 ! 1 - mm sr- - m Warm snmTa s M in Mm . STYLISH AND, INI ew'-' QH'dWB-b-a wis These1 g-xxls are the very latest, and Come and Bee for yourself.- 4 j - hi. A 8TJCCESSOBS TO ALeXAKDEB BABBIS. MjjuJLC-JX'Mi. i j. ,f it- ... . - i : - t L , FRED '30mfeR Representa M"$&$m QEB BEEB Brwerl iath,Onit8 ttes ' 1'he Bervner rmtntemk jC1 riM Co., or ibilaeIpMa jnd t ; P. M. baJTer OiV !., TH8 LABQESTr LAQES BEES BOT IN THE CITY.. : , CT Order) skkUciie. Att orden promptly oiled and delivered, froa o ofarge to any pvt of thaeltyj. j deeOdlf n..-!-',"" f ! WANTED Wewffl ood soun m IK M-a sAKnort1 s 9ft tVMTllllft ffif ood sound new eotton seed deJisered at ourquu IW III WUW AW Mo"- V T T " -e Jb Chsrlotte, N. 0. i Ouriette, N. 0. :. A L. We will trade cotton' seed bomu W tted. string 1 OUVXB 0t COMPANY 1 J SoeeettoCIiSaiotteimCoiBTAW! septi5ddtr - - ' t ' TBfLXTEST-l;' ! us:-, ij -J rA If-1 Wa an nr ninntna- on fnC .ttBV.-rurtlti- i irisnufactoied by Is is "kspC .by tbi entarpristoi furottore dealers trr-Hils etr. We make on lie best and most' sabstautlsi tn the ' market! NO ' SHODDY eoODB. AsltXoT foods tnade by n and yon wffl got tbe worth of ioot. jBoney. ..Onr iam U on eaeh ptece. We soUdt ,ta oatponf p ct pi nnhivi and emArantae s&t&cUon. ) 11, t , 1.5 I' f '--TV T, ' - mm -.!'- 4 ' t . I ......... U THE - YORK. 'giving estimates ot which rwe eive on V 1 SILK DRESSES, SHAWLS. COATS COTTON or SILK FABRICS. - a. - r';3 - l.ivifl 'rt I ao aao v. ? vavwiao . v-L q ...j, ....... 4 .. , ' . BfJIXiDlTVCt. P & FM JaUQ3ialV;BaBt; Biiiain, Sooth Tryon Street, Charlotte, N. CL DKALEBS IN Ladies', Misses'and Children Bunon, &ms S UCE SBD1S, : eenrs Fine Band-lEsde and Maehlne Sored bcwtsTbuttonaistactbai, ITNX BOOTS AND SHOES OFf AliL GBADKS Silk, Soft and Stiff Hats, TRUlMKSj . " . J VAlSlaSa r 'A'. GRIPSACKS, UMBRELLAS OF ALL KINDS, SHOE BLACKING AND BBU8HE8. ilQi Polish for Ladles Fine hoes. Stock always, kept tall and up to the demand. OBDBB3 BY MAIL OB IXPKES3 PROMPTLY - ATTENDED TO. P(f am & -s. M . j. . j - uommnaiion. xnese we nave wun a '- - ' I . A Fi'V; ES1BI10FD1 RED WRAPS THE - ECU Co. are being offered at reduced p-riceMrofded auttertby $tjp Fed- vl , " 1 - -i , r j 1 "ft CI A ?. I i EACCTION - 'T- AMP SBXiIt REAl ESTATE, I CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED i.i. r f ' i J r- JIIIWiIDRICE, 1 1 CLU Bl iHWU SE, KEEPS Tfft BE ST BAR AND;' v: U Ti T T. T- f f Tl Tl ' T7 ' A TJ T. AsS.sws m st w , . 4.w m Ih tt o!ty, ' j feblodtf r FOR REN l . I. id ' (1 1" an -t a f-v !"' - ! v tf we SOI t it .r Ci. . 1 t t a a ' EACCTION AND COMMISSION ; t C ; : - - . -j D H O Dili I "TBOTfi. USX TBS SOU, SOMKTOfBS SUBMITS TO El OBSCURED, BUT, - LJKK TELS SDH, OHLX IOB A Bnlmcrlptioxe, to tbe Observer. ' DAILY KMTION. ',' ' : Slngleeopy.... .... ...... Br the week In the city.. By the month. .... .... Three months ...... ........... 6 cents. . ' 20 75 $200 . 8.00 Six months .v.. One year WEEKLY EDITION. Three tnont.hu ISO cents. 81x months.;.... .21.00 jam year... ....... ................ 1.76 in eiuDs at fin and over JLoO. no Deviation Pre s.These Rules Subscribtlons always navabla. in advance, not onivinname Dusiniaci. WA8HIJSGTOM GOSSIPS Tariff and Custom Bills Cox's Ciril SerTieeBill-Fnblie Build Correspondence at TTra.nmnntvrn. : , , ,,,, Washington. D. CL; March 30.- I understand that the t Tariff bill is probably to be incorporated with the miofnmti Kill tt Utm TTamitt nrifl Vlof vwowujo u.uui jui. lien.,.. Wu it will be -reported on next Monday. It is said that the bill, will ! contain the following features: Ten per cent. reduction on sugar and: an unknown reduction on " woolen manufactures ; a free list consisting only of these ar ticleslumber, wool, hemp, and flax.' The probability that the bill will be of some such moderate character in- creases. , r-- The bill on civil service reform, in troduced by General Cox, was reach ed just fifteen minutes before the hour for ihe consideration of such measures v was exhausted. - In this time the bill was reaiand . General Cox began his speech.' He said that the bill was the unanimous act of the committee. It was framed , on the plan not interfering with the law of 1883, and he stated that in no single' particular did:; it so interfere. On tomorrow General Cox will finish his remarks) and endeavor to get a vote. Titer eeems to be no particular ops position tothis bill but many members Would prefer Mr. Eeid's substitute which will be submtttedat the prop er time." i ? The Federal fees bill went over, as it was impossible to complete its con sideration. ' The Wilmington public building is the twenty-sixth in order of that class of measures on the calendar and the bill for Greenville is fourth. These bills will both pass : when reached. Already-, more has been , done ' for North Carolina than has ever been done in any previous session.! And the. end is not yet. It trr, hoped to pass the Wilmington bill before its regular time under suspension of the rules.', - v Mr. Johnson has secured the pas- age of seven previous bills this ses sion'through the House of Represent atives.' ' ' t O'Hara tried unsuccessfully to 1 get consideration of the Carroliton maW ter yesterday. Ho intro4uced reso lutions of the bloody shirt order and providing for a committee of inves tigation., . V r ' : " Senator Vance was in gig ;lseat to-. day but h has suffered ' from his throat "f6r 'several days, t His speech I has been postponed. ; inf oonsequence I :r . i -t- j " thereof. " The Croaton light house has . been Senator Butler has introduced a 1 hill to restore the books. &c.Z iof- the I ,fi9T the-way.....,.-,, . i - ,-,rJUtfge.uenneii-fljaae.,a report to- dayirom thejudiciaTy committee." eraTepabiUwhicaaeriss8ion, ntit: toaavJ:llt is tinders Ifahii th ' WovUfnViH WW VZ-' THv. Lslt T -r:rJ" bwamttiowtfot Teral days Otftuiportant. la-wibusinessrwasj here today. He will, return tQ .Baltimore tomorrow. Drf Xashr-6f Salem:!! and Mr. Thomas. ,W.' Thompson, - of a. Bertie countv. are m the city todays RepresentatiT8TteidJ,ia "sBo.wing around a party from Mandolpb coun; tyj Sheriff Bloffat and essrs. ijradT Kichmona al. rearsoBj ijq, is pere. A Idf e Insurance Decision. : WASBaNQTOT, March 29 The Su preme Court today ' granted a jnew trial in tne suit oi - tne jNew v xors Life ' Insurance - Company against Thomas C: Fletcher, executor of Chinodus S. Alford, deceased. Alford took out an insurance ! policy of $10, 000 upon pis ute in tne -xew. xorK . . . srr i Life Insurance Company through tne company agent at St. Louis.. After his deatn pavment was refused- on the ground that ms answers, tot cer- a..": ... t ten. QuestKm, re?Pec ng : bindi- tion ox health', wre untrue ' and ;the nrfiflent action was brougnt DV nis ex ecutors:' It was jlairnel he answered tne questions .truiyv. du$ Ttnat me acent wrote hiff answers incorreepjy. Tbe lower court charged , that . if the agent committed the fraud the plains tiff could recover ; that if the : plain tiff dfd not discover the fraud - until after the deliver? of the policy and the payment or tbe nrst premium ne- was not caueu- uuuu w mmm au y hujub for tne cancellation oi tne contract. The judgnSent is reversed ; by the-u preme v?"rvt rf The dent EX medy - BosADAUBisagieat remedy for Scrofula, land all taints of tbe Blood. It is well known to Physt- rfans. very many of whom - regularly prescribe it u.iiin. moAln ns AnriAhfnv tlisi tdnrul I and huUdlna up system, Bead the following: i m imn with lives Comnlalnt. I Bhemnattsm.' Sick -Head sche, and .disordered etomach. Iwasatrone time raving distracted, robbing my hands and halt crazy with pain. My wife sent tor a doctor, and he attended me nine months, Eb said he eoold do me no good i but one bottle ot EcaiDAUS did me good than all the medicine Oie doctors ever gave me. - "I j. '3 1 ta'tatect exprfess.edr- : t L I Ik Coionel'Johrf, N."0taple8;s whd ,has t.oore's Creek, N.C - J. H. WALKE3. WHAT HELL IS. The Swedenborslan Ides of the ; Place' of Everlasting Torment Milwaukee SentlneL.' - , - "wnat feopie do in llelj, a ser mon by the Be v. Jabez Fox. was read before the Swedenborgians at their morning service yesterday. Accord ins to Mr. Fox hell is an organized society, having laws and officers and divided into separate communities or states, as the kingdoms of men in this-t vorld are. Jle eavs : "Ana we know hell mast abound with shrewd, cun- ning, - scheming ..men, wnO would form governments' for their Sown in fcerest and aggrandizement, i Then if one joins himself at last to some By- ciety oi devils in one ot toe bells. it is from choice: 'And the Lord final ly permits it because, with the char acter he has formed by his eviL life in the world, it ia better rf or euch a one to be with his like,: He would be more -miserable to live: among the angels. It is true, the life of an evil Jspirit in hlsjjwn world is. in comQarison. witn heaven, most: wretched and) misera ble and full .of; pains and . torments but it is the best: of wnicn the, evil spirits are capable. ; In the true light, pf heaven, the state of the .lost ap pears as it really is ; an i thus it looks just as low and sordid And dreadful and painful and hopeless as $b. really is: and the evil spirits lookr as mean ;fou, base and deformed as they truly are.. in neii everyone acts irom ine love of self; and so every one antag onizes every - others and', would, do harm rather than good, r if an .extern nal force u id not prevent, -s ao nell is governed by force; and evils iareyio. lentlv renressed. li tney were not society would (be . utterly? destroyed To compel unwilling obedienpe, ..ter rible punishments oare inflicted and tbe mpst vindictive-cruelty is shown. ' The evil spirits are as busy as men m this world are,- and there is ! active, ' social life, and a very ancient aristoc1 was-rr nnA in all tViio amKlfinnd tinrl a asw V UU4 JLU CA.i tjuio., wusvavavrMU wuu. jealousies and 'rivalries,; beyond what we hare any Idea, of ;- and bicJteriQgs and contentions,7and- neyer &nf peace, rest and security, : (The people there are the bad from this world, with all their evil aggravated and let loose; and it is easy to see how they can make a perfect nelL" . : j ISAM' JTOIfES BEFOBH8. He u Gives Up Ills : Corncob Pi pe . - ii. . r - -t . . v: ; Si. . ' and -Renounces Tobacco For ever. . - . ", j t Chicago. March 27i While the two' Sams have been trying to do somes' thing for (Jmcago in a moral way; Chicago has doue something for the two Sams. A fortnight ago Sam Smalls publicly announced that he would smoke no more cigarettes, a form ot vice which had subjected him to a great deal of criticism. But Sam Jones continued to smoke his corn cob pipe and chew; his Navy twr&t Tonight, however, at the end of his sermon, Sam Jones renounced tobac co in every torm amid applause greater than has marked any of his much-applauded sermons.. After re-. marfciDg tnat be consecrated mmseit to God thirteen years ago,: Mr. Jones said:, "Down in my country I have nev er been in a 'soul's way that I know of. In ahundrad different instans ces I have been: notified that ahajbit that' you are given to is a stumbling block- to souls in - tbis city, and l want to say to this congfegas tion tonight, from this day till ' we meet up in heaven, you can teU - this woria inai aam jones nasgoc no nao it that is a stumbling block to: any body. 3 For your " prayers - and - tor your smypathy I am grateful, and if I don't do anv good 1 in Chieagol let Chicago thank -Go 1 Almighty she has done the poor little - pale s southern nrouf nnr us iri m u nil- i.iih ihihihth vr-: ri , . , 7" , , , Important Customs Decisions, Aofincf HwrAtnrTr 1Tirhil1 Mnndav decided two " questions which t have been the subjects of controversy for ?bfiorns;rsst,iS I which he sustained the appeal ot the i importers. messrB. wood ano ray I son; who claimed tnat the wooi.is uuuauw nil tuo raw ui t veum uer pound, ' instead J of being scoured wftrti. nn whicn the' dutv is at tne I rate of 71 cents Per pound. The oth- I r question was inr ; regard to, the IPFope1, ciassincation. ot pieces;, ox I blocks cut irom motner or pearl, wnicn are usou ui tuu uiuutiuiiurH f '.knife handles,' tso. V "and - which have been.' classifieds at .the port of factured; ;iTh acting, secretary I fc0ij8 that as tbe,pieceg;really.represj sent mother of pearl which -has not .been, advanced, .beyond -the process of . cutting, they are tree tram uty. & s - The Acang. secretary ot tbe Treas ury has.-notified thd collector of cus toms at New York that thea departs fnieht , concurs' in4hepuiion'of th& Attoiney-vrenerai tnat i.imporeu goods' , wares 'and "merchandise,: the , nroduct of manufacture of the Units ed States, .under., section "250&. .' Re vised Statutes, liable to a duty eoual to-the tax,',, imposed by j? the inter nal revenue laws, are entitled to the priv ileges hf the warehouse' system in all cases where the original exportation of the goods from ! the Pmtdd ' State? ! had beau maqe. va gooa iaitn. A Building for AVorblng Women.' Warner Brothers have commenced the erection of a building in Bridge port. Conn.: to cast j $35,000, for the free use of 1,000 girls employed .in their factory, xne bunding wiu oe aboutventy feet mttaw stories high. . The . first story will be devotea to a restaurant, wnere gooa nuaia will be-Iurnisnea atoost. . Abe second story will contain a large reading room and library, conversarj tion room, music room, oatn room and lavatory. - Tbe third story will contain a large ban, seating euu, a small hall, seating 150, and class rooms. where evening classes in singing, penmanship, drawing, book'. Keeping, iancy neeaxe wur, e;,, wiu be taught. Tbv . building will be un der the care of a competent matron,, and will be free to all girls, in Warn . w - . - 1' -,A. . HI. er crotners; employ. . -. - - , About tbe Apache Captive.; 1 Wnmr! Arizona! March SI. Gen. Crook arrived at "Fort Bowie Monday night, .having left Lieutenant vMaus in charge ot ueroninio ana iub wum anrrnndfiTAd Anaches. i News, how ever, -has just been received that Ueronimo, wisn u otner xnuiauu nuu rnmn 'snuaws. 'Bscapeu: uuriuK night.' : Lieutenant liaus and all the men that could oe -spared siarteu iu pursuit It is believed Geronimo has gone W Oin vjmvi. mniiua. - ' How Senators Dress. The ' way some Senators dress 13 thus described by Carp, of the Cleve' land Leader: , . , . ' . The favorite dress of the Senator of .today ; is i black broadcloth, double breasted frock coat, -high. standing uonar open at tne necs, end boots Still, business suits are fast" creeping and fully one-third of the Senas tors wear cutaway coats. The -only man in me senate today . wno wears ax swallow-tail coat ; at all i times is Senator, Conger, and he is' perhaps the most Democratic in manners of that body., Warner Miller has on clothes', which' ; would not.be out of place were he at the head of a gro cery store. , They are business clothes of rough brown goods, and uii . .muwc 8. couar is neu winn a soic blvje' polka dot . pecktiej.n- Senators Morgan" and .BuUer -are both -well-dressed ! Southern'; men.; ; still,5- their vuaio oib uiauK uiaguuaj; cutaways, ounonea:nign at tne iront . ey a sin gle button; and neither of them show ing an atom of 'shirt. Stanford., the millionaire from California, is, dressed in a ' business 'suit which' could be duplicated for : t40. and his eves are covered by glasses with rubberlrims' uuuu a. juvgan wears a Turn-over collar and black clothes. His raven hair kisses the- cellar of a black broadcloth, t double,-breasted 'frock coat, tne skirts: of which are" ver full, and the buttons seldom fastened Walthall.' Lamar's 'successor.: dresses iikq a business man. He. is tall and thin, and his ble and white necktie is not tied, but is fastened bv! a gold rins throughr which it is drawn.1' Likd kub uiobu oc tne oucnern men ,ne wears1 boots. : and. as' a rule, von will find theSef only used at present by statesmen from the "South and West. The , dandy of. ,tbe. .Senate is :Matt. Ransom.; He; is always dressed in black -diagonal, and wears -hia roat closely buttoned, as he moves about tne 7 cnamber e with , statelv strides." pulling down his white cuffs, so that at least three - inches of them may be seen below his coat sleeves. ' Senator Ingalls is one of the best dressed men in the Senate. Hb wears good clothes and has a Broadway tailor .1 ' John Sherman weark a blue-black broadT, cloth ..with a: rather high standing collar open at the front a This collar is bound with a wide black necktie. and the vest is cut rather low so as to. snow tne wmtest and n nest or inen. Senator-: Teller dresses in black, and combs his hair without a part, a la pompadour. .Culjom; wears business clothes and . boots, i. Don Cameron , affeots , a dark - coat and ight pantaloons.', and Wade Hamp ton has a rough suit of business clothes. Senator Vanee wears a derby hutv , Cockrell a slouchj.and Evarts a plug . ' . . Note sjjnil Comment. Chicago has converted Sam Jones at last, v He has given up chewing and smoking. j . , ileissoniei-'s famous , masterpiece, "11807," in Mrs. A. T. Stewart's gal ery, is sid- .to be badlv damaged.' the canvas having cracked in several places.' , j Dr Beniamin Ehrmarfn. who in troduced the homeopathic' system of medicine in tbe West in 1847. has just died iri. Cincinnati. " A" Squadron of the Russian Navy is about to start off for this country. every admiral and captain's name also ending in "off," The wife of a clergyman at Saras nac,- Alien., supplements her, nus bahd's meagre salary " by driving a wagon and peddling milk from door to door. ' ... ; - The'wido'wf KingFerdinaad. of Portugal ,rf ormerly Miss Lizzie Hens sier. ot Uoston; -' willj soon 'return to J fchat'city and make it her permanent k nniuruii ;n. - - - ....... ...,. residence: ' ..' if,".' . - . i - ', Tne, urst ireight , train to be moved' in Texas lor two weejg? contained 500 kegs of beer. This gives a faipjtideai of the sufleriog which the strike must have caused in Texas during that per iod.; -, . , v ' -i lo-, A bill is now, before the Rhode la- land legislature to prevent thegrant- ing or divorces bo easuy in tnat State. The people are indignant at toe se lection, of Newport as a resort by -per sons from various sections or tne Un ion, who desire to, Beyer, their marital relations. ,:.',!: v . V r ' . . ........ i . ,.: - ,t ' I u::s i MGoing widing today. 5 Awthaw?'! i'Naw; ! Got to work, demmit."l ,VSo sowy, deah boy, r What is tha-raw iob, eh?" 4 1 ""Maw's witten me a let tawi and Tve aw-got' to ' wead it befaw'I can make anotbaw dwat,.on haw." - Did you eva w neah ot such a. boahf ' " ' ?evaw,' deah boy.iney Whilst Rev- Mr. j Kittredge,' ;of Chicago, was telling hiB congregation last Sunday that, .there f were i red- bande4 Anarchists in the city iwno worn rondv tv hnrn nni) rimat.rnv !vi rv thing." steam began to ( escape from tne prgan-.ana a numoex. pi. people rushed .outi , believing- that the work of anarchy had begun'i -,i t , J leavy- Jndsment, the Union Pacific ,f- Washinoton.- March 29. The Su- 1 T SremO Court Of iihe united States to-, ay .afflrme4 .the judgment of; the t'ourt or juiaims m tne suits .between the Union Pacific Railroad Coropany and the t Umted States, growing out of charges made by the railroad for transporting the , mails and the gov- eruuujut ? euipiuBB .. accompanying them,' and on the part of the goyerns ment in reference to the claim of 5 per cent of the amount of the earn-, ings of the' road under the act of 1862. The Court of Claims decided that the road company was entitled to 810,134 OS for - services rendered j the government, and ; that the United States, on, , their counter claim, - were entitled to. recover: $4,487,807 39, and gave judgtoent in favor of the United States for thedifference, 11,577,683 31. Prom this ''judgment the- .United States appealed., , r - ' - m.l.Iinai Pint." " ' BosTOir, March 31r The Globe to day prints a long article which is to appear" in the, anarchist organ .Libs erty, ?and, which declares that the anarchist-faction controlled by Herr Most, is , plotting to burn buildings and cornmit other ? outragesasnpon" property-owners in stew, xcuk 3 Ihe editor , of Liberty though himself , an anarchist, condemns these operations as criminal. -1 -. -- ' ..ii,iui'v'" i r-- ""H -. Positive ?sire for PUes. "' To the nerrnlenf this eountr we "Would sav we have been given tbe agency of Dr. Karchlsi's Italian - me omttaent empnaticauy guaranieea 10 care or money refunded liiiemaL external, blind,: bleed ing or itching piles. Prl&Oc.apox.;.Ko.cure,no nay. s For sale bjC B. WrJston, druggist, Charlotte N,C. - . Juvlleodly. Absolutely Pure ''A -' ' ' . ' - 1 t'"v,j Tnl9 nowdftr rmvar fcnrtaa t mo-i i strenpn and whoMsomenesB.j Mont economical . " " - a luaiTDi U1 UUIlbl iiS?y.Juna8' 'snd.flannot M sold in competition witn the multitude e( low test, snort :MTrTB-, i80! 0017 . , flPPTVca i. nmmrn t :i v f JanaOd&stly '--;. . Charlotte. N CL WERVOUShEh: DEBIL ITATED ': ' MEM. ' Blectric 8qBpensory Appliances, for tbe needy of Vitality and afantod, and all kindred treablca. -Also iorinariT other diseases. Completritora- "' tlou to. Bbalth, Vljror and Manhood nuraateed. No rule is incurred, mnstrated pamDhiet inaaoiid . smskipe Mailed free, by addreaKS ' TT " sV UiiiAiu jjLi CO.. lun&alLXlelt,' : I. 11 noTl7deq)d4w7iri.' pEAFNESSgcot0?dS twenty-eight years. Treated by most of the noted jtiKKsuuiBiatvi uiq aay.wim no nenent. cured hlm self In three months, and since then hundreds of uuiers uj uie oame process. . a plain, simple and BuoL-esnim pume ireannent. Aaaress I. B..P 128 East 26ib St., New York City. 7 PA&E. WANT .- SALESMEN avnrrwtinm. 1 Innal and travellne:. to sell our mods Wm m good salary ar d all ezoenses; Write for terms at once, and state niar wnntMi AHii STANDARD SILVKtt WARS COMPANY, Wash ington Street, Boston- Mass. - . mar34w ; I CURE FITS! LEFSY or FALI.LNO SICKNESS a life-long atody. I others faava failed Is no mitann tew nntiuv. mmim. cure. 8end at once for a treatise and a Free Bottleof my Infallible remedy. Give Express and Poet Office. It costs you nothing for a trial, and I will core yon. auuiB)iw.ii.u.itw(,HireinBisnr xorx. CONSUMPTION. I have a positive remedy for the above dtseaw ; by it One thousands of eases oi i tne worst tin a and of loss; suuains nave oesn corea. indeed, fcostrongls nWfaitsi together with a VALUABLE TEE ATI8B on this diaaaat to ouj sufferer. QlveexpresssndP O.addr.ss.' - -' BBvT, A. BLOCClf. Ul Pearl St. Saw Tera. LADIES WANTED to wor Tor ns at their owa homes. $7 to $10 per week can be -easily made; no canvassing; fascinating and steady emnioyment . Partleulars and wunnia nf t.ha work sent for stami, t Adress HOME M''li CO., y. hoi nuo. Boston, mass. , - i i i FENN YE.0YAL PILLS "CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH." ' Tne Original and Only Genuine. . Safe and slicays ReUshle. Bewsra of wvrtklesa IndtaMsBS. ' IndlBpensable to LADIES. Ask joui brardet far "hlehesser's Enstlish'siid take aa other, jniu.i1 (.lam!.; ws iur parucuiBja m tetter tpf NAME PAPER. C-MeeaterOkeisileal Co- - so ts JBadtsoa uhhi, JraUadsw Pa. . Sold by 111 its prmvllM. A.k tnr t'TkL.ku. . " Peanyrojal ruia 4ake kW. ' JanlOd&wlv , , i 't 1 METAL ,: ppipN.; I am a eonnersmlth by trade, and the smna mr. tides of hrass and copper from filing got into sore on my arms and poisoned my whole system. Mer- cury aanuBisierea Droqgnt on rneumattenx, and 1 became a helDless invalid I took two dozen bnttb ox Hwux's bpecinc m! legs, arms and hands are all right again. 1 use' them without pain Hon is due to S. , ,. r Pktxb Mrrefltrmv ricrxH K. 1X , .Tan Q I'lMa .r. ..... . , ,.,. - i rl ,.; t We have used Swtft'S 8neclfle in oar tamOr as antidote for malarial noison tor two or three yea and have"; neyer known it to fall In a single In stance, a : w. v. JTowunr. bumier net, u, m . For fllxDr eleht .m rs I saftered with tdeers on my right leg. lwi! rested with Iodide of- Potas sium ana Mere a t. ana i Decame neipiess. six bottles of Swift's dp due made a jiemanent core.' . u. JJ. wiLaos, brainesvuie, bra. ' Felraai28,l8i,; i " 1 .-. ' .. -t --t -I iil.(i.-'tf.J--:i,.j -l-.'i Swirt's Eteedfle is enOrelv veeetabW Tnatise n kwdandrSkin Diseases mailed free. u i - - THH Swdt 8FBorri(5 Co.; Drawer U AQantm. flau THAVB conrnlete A.dami All and NewsDaner Pfese. Slaevot nlateni 24x8 tncness xne macmne is in gooa erqar ctaoe p Hoe 4 Co. standard work. , , 1 Llt Price" .-.!. - - ' .12.24000 wjubesffidfor 'rf . . ifioooo on terms id smt purchaser. , t . ?. s - janwrtt' i a unarioue unsemsv ' i : , . HRS' BENSON'&'IIEEVES' ttY. - 7, ' m I -We havererived8xiotheriotoispiiiufiuuui, consisting ot , HAT8,f -" ' -FLQWERS, - FEATHERS, ! RIBBONS,' - KUCHING. -. r COLORED CREPE ' i A- AND- MIKADO VEILING, Something new. ' Call and examine our stock. if i Next next door to tbe Southern Telegraph Offlce, i tit Central Hotel bufldlne.' i Houses Rented,! - EorA9 ranted and rente eoSeeted, fa the ' ' Aiv" rifTf 'iF2. - --.' j c-ju.u. a iji eaX itats Asnrci, 1 '. B. . C0CS3AS3. Kannsw. nSa it Trade Street Root Central; Pfial Reeves. a Tin W: A , y ! v :; -1 x i". ti HI . c: NEW jEL;lIa Zfl - EVERY :' "r ' : - - - " 1 ' i -' : V -v ' ' y j r---- y " -f- I COMLIIE . : -i - . ;. . f , ; . L-'-i?fS" . " - ' - f Kit- ' " . - rAT .Jf! j ''J-'- i - -j i ' PAIR CHARLOTTE, C. 7- J. s OEDKES UCSTESX Al ( ' 1. 1 t H The Jargest and mostcomplete stock of SKi , . S V rfi !. !. . 2 1 l.'ii'iTTJ TRF. :'rT j -.ao-J-et, Ii", ' i I ' 1 BIANOS TT'I- 's rrs, 'i -. -., -..-r. - . prices ana easy T 1;' 81 X 4 io rV.. f I'll,: :' 'i.e.. C "J,,.M1J 11' . I : E I J r' - : , 't .- - H' : ,Ui.; ri MASON & i t - : v, . 1 1 1 1 . , . - rr n fit - I n , I , j. . ,., i" - ; n isv t "v.i'J urder direct .iroia me,' ana eaye time ana ireignt, as i deliTex,lreighpai6r to your cmi buy irom thV, head office, arid will attend Lto your wants in case anyiliing ehould be irrosg . in ; the factory guarantees.; -i ; - - y- - rj - -J CTTATrrTTTS. N. C. ! ' f 1, - ,' T? TVT Tn T? ' Cf n CORSETS HIES. LOT, S I Z E S PERFECT. PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. '4 AND ORGANS terms. &ena lor prices. f DKGEDIitG PIANOS, AJUOVI PIANOILr ! BEIfT PIARO0. ; Daftcsl-f b Piaccs, EiULDT - PUSOS. rav fin A TV! rmfifKa PACKARD ORGANS. tloa tLTmlia Organs. nearest depot aa cheap as you & :. : :; V ' I i-- '