1 v f --- W-. -V-y The Crape Cure. SAL- I A NATURAL -.V .J - .'Dripwia Car 1PI AMBiKlUA. V" The erjagtatiized ea ts.s extracted from erase and frurs most wonaernil proauct rjm na'ure'B i i;n'ia ott- " ic u in jwr uumrn ma vaveis a sres ic for the fagged weary or worn oat It curss suk btml!iiF, djspepl, stomach and bowel c juylaiiits; noows i : btlicutness. stimulates the lwr utianeaHnvcuon. contracts the effect of imiurei jrarer and the exuesstve use of a coboMe J twwrtue and prevents the abso ntlon ol malaria- Slip lies to the system tue want of sound, pi. fruit, h t. ', Pfanarert b the v t. ... IT. : ILONDON 8 1L-MTJ8C4TKLLB CO. Beware of I tiaiitms. l'no genuine in "bine wr,. pets only.' - - - -. -iend for circulars t : EV4NOVITCH. iKem-i-al American Manager, P. (-Box 1968. New is Off.'. iaun.R H Jo dan ft ColVX. K. sufl Druggists, ha-lotte. N.C. ' - .anjUdAwly ' v- y Mention tola paper. One TJ'dLIBjLj.t r , Eighth year of the u.dS8 of ttie.' Centuy,-. : " I t t - ' ; , Th famous "Vassar Bwnty'the an tue Mg o-ieontiesLia uiioit Barnes . i Two Mllon Collar Play, t: f 1 -I ' r '- - .- - I SUPPOKTID BT A C'niplete Dramatic Csmpaav. Prtcaa as uraat feats at Central Bote! cigar Stand marSl: FOR RENT. I l rx room DWKLLIN0 goad well of water and ,Kdiuru, vu ixvci'ui lucvk uw alia VHI' JSalr ' Apriilf -I : J- W. WADSW0BTH. DEAF riCE'S rATENT IMPBOVED CUSHIONED EAR DRUMS mFEcn.ij twu TOf buum nd fwfim Um wwk .f tk. . .tonl drdm. InvUfbl.. cuuiftwubk Mid wt. Ib pwllly. AU conTcmUifV 4 erea wiiiMn hMrd 4UthKtty.'sMLfcrillwrtW hook with testtmonhli, FR EE. AddraH vaUaF. HJSCOX. 849 Bni..ji Nw Tort- Mertfc. fiiiipspeK t i ' EstanUslMd FAY'S 18M MAtllLLA R007IIJGI .' ubs fcu. iu.u: mum w, em decay like ghinglM or tir eomi to Apply; ttons ad dnr&ble: at half tne east of tm. Is alaoa UBsrriy;xK tor- rwsTKK mt Hull the Coat. CARPBTS and RUiS of same .l doable tb wear of OB Clotha. Oatalovae and aamolei TREE. I W. H. VAT CO, CAJUt&S,K. P. UTf Send a sketch or model of In- j veuuon, aud so tutor examina- ilou. -ADDllcaUous for fAT- c.i. . o ui tortti ana prosecutea tiejeciea esses. InfrlDgementt. Interferences, and legal opinions a specialty, S'nd s'amp for '-Book, on Patents.". BnKBYiwiSK trVKjNJtrr, tMUcitor oi ratenta. Attorn-)! Ht Law and Counsellor In Patent Causes WASHINGTON. D. C. . f ... Betereuees ElfiOS 4 CO., Bankers.' FecondNa- WANTED Iff CHARLOTTE. An energetic business woman to solicit. and tae orders frr The M DAMS GK1-.WOLD Patent baart-Supportlng Corsets. These eonets have been extensively ad vertised and eokl by lady ean- vassers tn cast ten years, wbico. with their superiority, has created a large demand for them through oat' the United States, and .any lady who will give her time and energy to canvassing for them can soon build up a permanent and proa table business Tbey are not sold by merchants and we give ex- elusive territory, tberaby giving the agent entire control of these superior corsets -m the territory assigned her. we have a large number of agents who are makln a erand success selling these goods, aiid we desire such In every town. Address r -a,- n m j-i Ary n. a -vaToab jrLME.iiUBW(aiUabU.92inwiiira7neii iwt 1NOT1CE. Chablotte, Columbia ahd AueusrA BAilboad, ) M , I rREAaUBRR B OFFICRr f launuLA, d. v., mtuxa n, ioot. i j become due on the first day of April. 1888. .4mi b i ihu ov iue jjairruiu mim duu vx .-.ow .wm .j, and at the Central National Back of Columbia, 8.C. I J. C B. SMITH. mu30d3t - J- l. Treasurer. ; TO LET. H i Cv. six room house on Seventh and A street. ' Larg - yarn and good well oi water. : Immedl- B. B. JOBDAN ft CO , Springs' Corner. 1 mar30d2t -:o:- Jost recstved. a new stock of . rj'T-.!' ii Hind .Amfl Ir, I C CKS. 1 1 ' - " ' :.--. 5'.- . .- '-r Iflfi CLOCKS, U:''''' -.: :l- ' j 4 BKOXZK tLOCKfl.. J1AMR1.KITK CLOCKS, NICKLJa-r iCaUOCKaf, FDtL STOHK 4 or- Walnut . Jlaotel:; Clocks --ANTaat-- -i OFFICE, . CLOCKS, Banging In price fiom 100? to . S45 00 & BOYllE, I 1 Successots ltd A. Bales ft Son, - , . r--" . - v- Charlotte, W. C. West rade Street TO DAY ft A";l?t hinnflfJ ri-,ffott f. ITft i 4nl an aboBdenee of otter a wrtment a$ & t) H. FEDDEN'S 1 bakxbt. -fi ; .- .- " ----- , ' - , 1 Bt CURE JUoT. RECEIVING THE BEST STOCK OF GOOD3 D? THE CITY IN OUR LLNC ! A. K. '& (V7 B. XTISBLr, - THURSDAY, APRIL 1. 1886. ? .rrm city Arrival and Departure of Trains. s ; ' Correct for the current month. , ; BlCHMOHB AMD IUHTILU AXB-LlHX. fc. GO-Arrives at Charlotte from Richmond at 4 o a. m. Leaves for Atlanta at 8s00 a. m. No .61 Arrires at Charlotte from Atlanta at BiOO a. m. Leaver for Blchmond at 6 AO a. m. - s.. a Arrives at Charlotte-from Blchmond at ixs p. m. Leaves lor Atlanta at 1 p. m. N )-6.t -Arrives at Charlotte from. Atlanta at 6 06 p. m. Leaves for Blchmond at 6:40 p. m. , bty- i Jrelsht and Passenger Train leaves for Atlans at 630 a. m.; arrives from Atlanta at 8 SO p.m. , 0 I VIfm,OOL(!MBU AHD AU8U9TA. " : Arrivw ttom Columbia at 6:16 p. m. ' I Leaves 'i Colombia at 1 p. m. -r C, C. ft A. a.. T. 40. Drraroa. - Arrives fr nn StatesvUle at 1130 a. m. , Leaves tor. stemito at 60 p. m. i ' ti- r CABOUH A CENTRAL, . S Arrtve from Wilmington at 1JS0 m.; Leave for OTiunwKwn ais.it p. m. Arrtve from Lawinburg at 8 48 p. m.; Leave for Laorinbtm rt7 m m Leave for Shelby at 805 p. a.; arrtve from Shelby General Delivery opens at 80a. m.; doses at fxwp.ia. 'Money Order Department opens at B.00 a. m.; Btoseeattuupbia. . ,.-- Weather Indications. Midddle Atlantic States-. Clearing. cooler weather, preceded in northern portion , by rain, westerly winds in soutnern portion. ? i J i- r? -"South Atlantic States: Fair, gener ally cooler weather, westerly, winds. East Gulf States: Fair weather, winds generally southwesterly, slow ly rising temperature,. u -West Gulf States:! Fair, slightly warmer weather -variable f winds, generally southerly. . -v ' Ohio Valley .and, Tennessee: Clears ihg. weather3c6olerB m eastern .per tion of Ohio.' Valley, slowly , rising temperature elsewhere, preceaea by nearly stationary temperatur.. -, " . ladex to New Adverusemeais. . Wlttkowsky A Barach Caroline corsets, f " Blanche Curtlsse at opera house April 7th. I 3 W. Wadsworth Dwelling to rent - . : : ! r- W Settlements for debts due Tee Observer : or myself by Col c- W: Ah xander, or Mr. U. A. : iwai, mm j recognaea u mis omce. , CHAS. B. JONES, - . i - - .-r -Xdltor and Proprietor. . I XOCA1V RIPPIJCS. . Look out for April delusions to day- 'i i - ' .' v - i-Snowrwas falling in the western section of the Btate yesterday after- J noon. - I The law of the' State . prohibits I the shooting of birds between today and the first day of next November.- y We are requested to state that the members of the Helping Hand Society will meet at Col. Bryce s resi dence, this evening. .The ladies of the city are arrang ing for an art exhibition! at Boss & Adams' store.' The exhibition will be given at an early day. C": , . j j j A meeting of the Parish Branch of- the Woman's . Auxiliary will - be held in St. Peter's church at 4 o'clock this afternoon. A full attendance of all the members is requested . ; .;''. A freight train passing through the east side yard last night struck a 8prungBwitch,and four bps cars took to the crossties. " Not" much damage was done, but ; trie' noise somewhat disturbed the circus exercises, going on under the tent near by. -; - - . - . . i - !''-" -r-The circus has survived the flood, I 1 j.. iTu : '!t L. j .w I and though the wirrt made the tens I flW i;w - ol,flmoa .lAtr,M I flap Jike a -.washerwoman's cJothes j line yesterday, there was a big crowd tor enioy the i performance. , Last -night's show was said to have been about the best yet. I : ; In consequence of the delay -to the Afr Line . passenger train, no north' bound train left this place yess terday afternoon. .jThe, train ; went put forthe north after clock last I night.; The-wcoming train from the I non-n war. yue uur wiu muru-1 i v messenger .irom tne Araue street depot came uprtown iast mgnc i ,f or a doctor to attend unknown man wild had fallen off the platform and was believed' to taveilroien one of his legs.' An hour later a telephone J i ... v,i.'r-Wt.iri:.J message stated that tbeTnan was sits ting in a corner fast asleep, and evi dently doing welL His leg was only sprained. :; :;i i :y "s'. '. ! ';::';. iuerw wtu) uuviKiuiuanuu vi up Knights of Laborlast night. At the meeting at the Mayor's court room sayen trades were represented and ones representative from each : trade was appointed as a committee to pro Vide for, a public meeting to-night at the court-hcuse if it can be procured, t which time and piacean organusa- UOu Will LM3 yeriw; lieu, . . 4. uoro woo-n large meet ins; last night and touch interest was manifested. One of the ' Messrs, Newcomb presided. ' V Storm' aad Calm. ? nna niilnlr TaafAPilav. mnrninir and continued at -intervals until af - lter daylight.: It was the heaviest rain known in this section for months past, and what few farmers could get to town ..yesterday, said tnat it will be a week yet before the -ground .can be ploughed. r Yesterday after noon the wind commenced blowing from the noith, and it cleared, off cold. The - temperature last ( night was such that people found it com f of table to sit around fires. - - A Play With a Moral. ; . About the play i VOnly a Farmer's Daughter, tofbe presented in ouc opera house on Wednesday, April 7, Dy JlLlBB jlUUMZWS VU4 VIDCDj , mo . . T iu &ar beauty," wo see it stated' that one thousand dollars jn cash was the sum actually paid by a well-tosdo genlle man in Montreal, - Canada for. a re production at that place of the play. For that night he. extended invitas' tions to his friends in general and to a f Afltr - i-n'T-i rv ntA nnoB in - Tinr'i.ia'sii iur - His case bad been similar, to that' of :"".rrv. .rriTr t ; - . tions, save tne extreme p wmuu mo play writer makes the latter go, that it transformed him into ' a new man just as the author, makes, the result WIU ijennox,: , imcji uiu tne )euuup stop here. Therfi were four oher ... V . -LT 1 iZ p-ontlemen who;, thus were maae aware of their drifting conditions, and "who turned from the error of C:ir rays. - Trouble from the nainsBeported la all Direct ioasTh Air Line Washed Out -A Break In the Carolina' CenlralDamaKe to the Western jSortu Carolina. l As one r-iult of -, the heay rain- Btorm of Tuesdair night. ,the passen ger train from Atlanta, due here yes terday afternoon at 6 :20 o'clock," did not arrive in Cnarlo t' until 13 o'clock last, night.;: This delay was caused by a serious washout in the Air Line track, at some 'point' in Georgia. The Charlotte bounl pas senger. train was caught on the'. At lanta side of I the break, and the lanta bound passenger., train -"-was- caught on th& . Charlotte side The i break occurred at a culvert yesterday forenoon, and. as in the case of the I fw urtviuuB May, was uisoovt r-JU slide the previous day, was discovered I in time to give all trains warning of the track was washed out, . and or -- . - r account of the soggy condition of the ground, and the'1 swollen stream, the work of repairing the break was a very difficult and tedious one The divisionCwreckmg traihwith a full ere of bands, arrived at the scene within an hour; after the washout occurred, and he hands were at once set to, work repairing the dam . ages. .' , ';t '.- ,r- ':.-..:';' ' -- Mr. Austin, lineman for the Wes-. tern ". Union ': telegraph , Company v gathered up bis tools yesterday a ternobn for a business "trip "up the Western North Carolina road, where heaw dainage "to both the railroad and telegraph - properly "is reported.. The telegraph lines are almost anni ' hilated between Asheville and "Warm Springs, and h on J the - Ducktown' branch of the railroad some damage to th9 track by washouts, has' occur red. Informat on in . regard to the situation on wio .western XNorin jar olina road is hard to obtain, on ac count of the wrecked telegraph lines. but it is learned that the track between Salisbury and AsheyiUe is u gKxi order.-;: The trouble appears io be at points beyond Asheville -- V-1 v A washout on the Carolina Gen tral, at a point between.Charlotte and Rockingham is said to have! occur red yesterday, but nothing very deN inite in regard to its exten could be-. . learned. ' ' The C.wktte trin for.. WUmibgton left on schedule time, and it is inferred from this that' it was expected to have the'break 'clear' ed for the passage of that trains - The Richmond and: Danville men report . tremendous - trains- between Charlotte and: Richmond,' but iip to last eight no 'damage had 'been sus- Ltained by that road, though at some places the -road f appeared to pass through great likes of muddy water The Yadkin river was on ,a rapid rifB and ' all" the sma'ler streams were overfl swing the lowlands. - - Lincoln Court. '". . ' ' .' The celebrated injunction ; suifT)! the Carolina Central Railroad Corns pany 'against -the Boston and South era Coos taction ..Company, is still f(hanerinsr fira";in the 8urerior court 1 f0..5-0?. I at LmcolutOn, and it may be several t T.lnnnlnfn i f- wia-vr Ka aairAvif . - j, r . : 1 yet before lt 18 lPOSed Of. The I -aba was flreifcrl frravh 5 nVVvlr Thajj ' 1 case .was erguea xrom o o ciock xues . I day afternoon to IP-o'clock; -thatl night, and was then adjourned to 5 1 oclock yesterday afternoon.9 at which 1 i. .' k!' U.';!ii-v I time it was to have been again called 1 up. Yesterday mor aing, the. court look up the regular docket, leaving . the railroad case temporarily '' on. ..the coblar. Thd Massey mill case was I continued by" the Stato, though the I defendant urged an immediate trial There were about one huddred wit- nAOdna in trta. naan - ani oa T.ininln nas only, one week's term of court. the probabilities were that should the Massey case have . been taken up, it ; would have occupied the entire week: Four State prisoners were in the; jaii at Lincolnton awaiting I iaU and it. was decided to give attention to the jail cases, in preference to the single Massey. case. ' All the Charlotte' wit- nesses came home last evening.. ' " ' ' -r How the Tramps are moving. . The grand" army Of tramps IS UOW.I on the return trip, and4etaChmentfl pass-i through Charlotte every day I for the North. The tramps move m. squads;of. from Ito twen inem bers,'and ir is seldom thaOhey are cpon in tWnnmhara'than ten. i For I r . " .., v .. j. I the past two week gangs Qf the ira- I termty have arrived daily at the pas- I senger. depot here, generally spending the night in and under the box-cars, watching for a chance to steal a ride I . out ' On the first freight train. The I foafArl wif.r. tpflmns and an rlAsrtAPAta I p.w .. " 1 and - iofTminAf. urn t.hft Trtftlnntv -of I them, that the brakemen hav aK most ceased to "bother'thempre I ferring to let them ride than to! run the risks of a big. fight. The bnly i - . - .y .1 reason erven for the Teturn North of 1 i .tW.r-4t,. ',.fr,aii nn I uis aiua u vuaii w naniuvt there is now beginning tQ turn warm. Theae tramps are generally - impu dent, desperate fellows, and our peos on any pretext.; -r Ut pf te4ter. - , ..... List of letters for the week ending March 29,-1888.;-. "'"7,"'i - JT Alexander. J P -A'exander, Julia Adams,' Eli -Ballard, Cornelia Berminger, Saral Burts, Mrs Mary J Chameilia, Annie J. Carmichael Jim Charinder, Maggie Christenburg, A-1 A Cathey: E D Colbert Oeilig Dickey TYnlran Tno T.rtKl I juioauio, rriAn ' Editor r Daily ArgUS,' ThoS. man' . vfi 1 tni- OeffheV. Mrs B A HeUT.8, Mrs Ellga y !? f.VTS ? -r" tr:-- r X Will, C0l. W itt aouuswu, luiiw ju. I r- inn Trwln . J H KitiRftv . I J W Kendrick, ' Miss Kendall & Co., Mrs Mary ; McKays Zick Merclearrie, J F McHair, Mrs Lura Miller, John Monday. Xda Mjrriapn, Mrs Millie Phifery Hannah Tomer, Maggie, Bx, H L Smith,' RP Stewart, 2, Siasen & Gallagher, Jas F Thornton, Edward Thomas. J R Turned John Q Walker. "When calling for any of tfie above Isttsrs; please say advertised. J. A. Yotjng, P, M) pie should be. -warned against ier- wJ?reBrftW-. mitting them to enter their premises" Jt)a-'A: I. A nnlulWuntf rUll. ' " ""7 ,rr-u.u.w t " r'- 1,?t4 WWJ Auiey, rd oid-theatrittal favorite, ie u olf tro stage forever; The curtain was rung down on the final scenes of his life at St; VincentV hospital, iff Naw York, l wt Sunday night! Mr. McAuI7 was an accomplished aetor m ' what was known twenty-five . - - . - , , J. . years aso a , th.v Vltjj-!fimt bnsi- netis.7 and miue time he- became the leesae'of Wood's Jiuseum at' Cincin n,ti, and eubsfqueutly built the present- Ltuisville Taeatre. Bad -times and. ; other .causek brought about financial ruin, and .for the" last ten jearsv, Mr. ;-.MeAuley,, has stan-ed through .the country wiih his plays ;.'UncIe DauV and ;Tae Jersey man." He also. a few years ago-made an ar- tQn cvtiim Anf ... ETnn.mlTT 1? i U ; . I "b"---t -nooiji j, u wuwu I ne acted FalbtatI with-signal ability, I . . ' . . . . . treao closely upon the heels of fame, and after several 1 di jastrbus seasons, Mr: McAoley returned to New York, .having last sKsted at Pope's Theatre in 'St. Louis, in Fubmarv. 1 - A New Street Usht, - Mr. Thomas Kirke,' representing the Atlanta firm of Thomas Ku-kejot Co, manuf Acftirers;; of the Vapor Street LatnpJ Company has brought 'the attention of our street lamp Tjom mittee to his . invention, .as a rival to the keroseine - lamp used in lighting Aha suburbs Oadrof .theseUJvapor I lamps was burning lasti night at the cpraer of College- and tFifth istreets. Mr. Kirke claims that'thisiamDcives a ho-hfc. fnllrMiMli.tei'-.La- is ""j mv chimnevs. does oot -smoke.' and ' cost of Maintaining is about the ame as such poor satisfaction. Atlanta1 has I hsei.these; lamps in her 8ubui-bs;for i u:?jw,"i!0r .vwiri viuco u the north and .' west, where jthe gas mains not extend. 'i'y-t - : .i Charlotte's Cotton. V j 'March 'was aln6'nih of dulf prices for cotfn.t inVtlje1 'face Qf that 4 fdht .Ih4 rWUfhWall YArlntta.fnv that 1 fflonthere very" encouragidgvbein 1 far in excess, of the receipts ,for the same month of 1885, as the following statement will show: .... vT. .jy-'.fi March 1886, bales received March 1885 f', 1:2.' l;ii.,-.,i.-"-f 14052 't-QCii'oer'Marcn,'' '.o' 1413: HABtftilns Bf rtjL.uJ)aAio MAaCB8lT8r8:osl?f ' '';.. X t- ca' KJWt Proomce. v j: " -Bamiiiorb. Flooriiteady; Howard Street and Western Superane 2 75i$35: Extra $3.E0'j $110; Family' $4.3545.00; City MUls Superfine i'taftW xua.iy.auaC$4.15. hlo brands, $4 ta &$4.87. Wheat (Southern quiet; "Western Irregular 'HUb 14 .1 1 .w. DlWi mwjt. iutfu, A.V. 1 MHJTland 9Qt?il4; No., 2 Westero winter 4d spotvj bid. "Ooro-Jouthern stead?; - Western i . . i . i. ...... n.aifliL. iim. ... ' ioicv; 3UUUWTU YtU1UV, IDUim.TIUtD. - Cbioam jriour steady. Wheat closed tke un der yesterday; March aad April 76i4a77V8; My 8.?feit81 Corn-easierj eiaa 84Ua36: Marcb and April 3111-1635; May 8Wa38 O ts easy, cash 244; SU33j Mess pork-dull but easy. eiaH sa 2octi9.bC; . May S9 3oasa4U. .LartK-eiSieri cash, ilarca and Apnl q8 ye u xea m ats steaoyr ary salted snouiders t3.ioa$350. shot olear sldei ta.WciSS&i; short rib si.es $3.17jd)i5.2a ; Whiskey steady at U.14. Sugar -Utuhanged; granulated 6; Standard 4 Nkw York Southern flour stead?; common to 13"" ztra 3 353.75." Wheat syot lower; graded red 7 red APm mtom,: a 'pot n.m; mo. a 42 in elevator, oats-sp r; aa- 4 Vin -: anoh .... . V . . .J Afytu i . ; ttlunjtnv- Haia.annr. shade stronger; Mo. H db In elevator, llops u eaacged. Coffee-spot fair. Klo dnil at 8. Tbugar unner; cut to g m renning so)S;rennea duu; codidiA: watte extre Ctf; cut iioaf aud Crushed seed oii-crmre 'H&n: reined it9s33(. Bosm buesSrm;, new .Orleans 441010.4 wooK quiet; domestic fleece . 27a3S fork-wsaker: aw-meMio.frj3iu,75mida; long clear 46621. Lard 2t.be lower: western, steam soot 6.'iJ. -freights stead;-Cotton ?64d; wheat Sd. .b .in,-!f.'M-j - if aval , 1 ; T Wnjiii&TOH-Turpentme Bm ' at 36.1 " Bosln 5i f0?, JSSS1 t,'iS loo; yeuowdip and virgin 42.00. f "J Ji lar flAVAHMABATnrnentl e aulet at 3d1A: sales ; Bosln Qufct at $1.15SL25. ' f - v Ch ARLK8T0M - -Turpen nne steady at SStyi Bosln strained W; good strained 90. : . . . " .1.- -J ,;..fjj .i.-- ' iliifA' Li riaaiiai.'-Sr.r'.-'-1'-',"-.": -NEWitOBxC if.- ' Sxchange 4.864.f Money -2136, r Sub-treasury .balances gold 1,0,000; currency 1359;eoO; lnf j iM ! wovKnraensB- bcutit; - tout -- vvv wuh , muausi- Seorelaffs ..i Lot 'Seergia 7's m ;.s 1.01 North Carolma 4's.. .......95 6)t96l4 Hi unu borviuia d b . ca iu.M.a. m-i-h(aa -m rt u t. 1 art rHii'Ati m fl Nortii-CaTouna'B iiaMiA.aw.wv4-.-r i - 3outl Caix)llna Brown Consols ,.v... l,09 Tennessee 6'8;;;. u.;..-M'.ru .. 68 -Virginia 6Ts. iak-ai -- :- 44 Virginia C uisols.... ........... Chesapeake and Ohl0i.H"-i' U Chicago and NothwealmtpreferMw-..... 1.85 Kir:jr:;:rr: f &t Tenne88ee,......v.,..,..... Louisviue and Nashviue. ............ '' SttSn fl4 og"l ' lul New.orkOentral;i.tw..Jw-.y.i....v Norfolk and Western preferred., ... --Ste. Northern Paoifie common-... ...... '.'..i....-., 25 pacifio Mau 6i Ue&Uini a, vj aiava ' aMEfij Blchmondand Alleghany...... ; 4 6 Blchmond and Danville.;: ... tv: 76 Blchmondand West Point Terminal....... J 82 IULULU1U11U VV Bock island ......:....;! l. ............ a.H a... M at lilt? . it pautpreierred':: Texas ncina....-....v.. ..V..;t.....,.;..;.. m New Jersey Central. ..........a..:..... .....i - 49 a. a... ........ .. ...... La.' V4A MlssimrlPaclne,. .....a 1-1 wwtam TTnlon .; tS ...I . am. J IT lilt nftHll.. 1 tlfaWa I IMa- '"T 7:"; 7, ' . - .t Conoi. ,, ; J?5 ttAliVasTOS wean; uiiuuiuig o; ue. receipt 103; gross 105; sales ; stock 33,028: -exports eoaatwtae : Great Britain : continent . HOBtola tsteauyr mraaiing of8 net receipts 1244: cross 1244.- sales 629; stock 4L7S9; exports Nobtola -steau j r mwaiing vqw net receipts' coastwise am w aiw ariiaui -- , cuuiiueii. jfrance -v w -M ir ,". ! ij-. BAirutoB Dull; middling 9Vk: net receipts ' 937; gross 1062; aieg ;' stock 30,675; exports coastwisK---; hrreat Britain ; conuneni srr.h spinners..- , .'. Boston vjuiei; tniuuiiug unwraceipui jusu; exports ooastwis" continent 5 breat 'pgTT..f)TCT pitta Dull; low m'ddllng 9 7-16; net tef ceipts -; gross -r--; siock xe,oisi; exports eoasir wise ! (ireat Britain : comment . oavanhab Quiet; middling , ls; net re-- nnlDts 1002:" gross 1002: sales 400; stock 37,625: exports coastwise -rj to eontlnent treat Britain ; France .-, y m ? , -NW OlttJAMa Dall; middling 86; f net receipts- 1865; ' gross . 121; sales "AtlU: stock 303 89; exports coastwise IsOO; ; to 6reat Britain r IPrannft r : continent -J , I Mobiu Qaiet; middling b; net receipts 223; gross 'iia;- sales 230; stock 87,210; exports ooastwiat- 34 tireat Britain ,r - ... ... t -Mkichu oteaoy; middling 811-16; rmselpts .737: ninmentsS9?6: sales 1100: Stock 104.96 - ;. sblriments sales 41' stool AueUBTA isasier; miuuiiug -ra;. njosym r. --csfugjos-puib nwaun. 8?5,. n4ieoetpts 90; .gross 894; sales stock 60,967; vxpons continent ; coastwise 1&F2; ttrest Britain r-. Mw XoMtWteadyfales 203; middling uplands 91A: Orleans 9616: consolidated net receipts 7.393; exports to rreat Britain .: ; continent ., ., , .-; ... ; to IV-ance 4.: ,J Fntoretu s. j a s Nrw '1 T0R-Net' receipts 180; v- gross ft. gtitiirM elnwid dim. sales c3.0U) bales. February.... n ' ... March. -April 9 q June..,,H .,.. ....... . AUgUSta.. '..:., ....- ...... . September... i. " . October.; ........ .m-.-t,.... ....... ...... Koverober.....,,.....,.,,.. 1-1 j . 9 llff J! 9 2ii.2 9.8z5.33 6.5ia.(W 9.493.51) 9.B6..86 i9.2l;.22 9 1H 19 uwouiuw .. ............... ... 9.222,-3 janoarj-... ..........- . ..ar;.. ho Mverpool Cotton FfnvV. TTrJniX!h U111 8l -Steady with fair demandr Jftiandai m' Cleans Sd; sales 10,0(j0; specul -I':nt P l(Xi receipts 8,odoTAttsrican. B,7iWi Futures steady, -v -: . o5Vl?e?ylS5C,64d. mUU1In "a"0 fP111. ;May Kar and Jiitim sra.aihaa ru.u ; ... Juiiesuri Jul. 4 lAui . . i' I Jniysnd Augnst 4 63 64i ' -f - - - -l - 1 I "KU8t .nnd Sejjtem'jer 924i - 1 !l aih'S wertcan BftM. (Tnl;ini. lowmtd- .March am AiU 4 7-Bld. fb mis V ... - .. . s. J May a&d June 4 6o 61.1, fseii-rs ) I July rh 64d. ,eell,) , ' I July and Aumistst rtmA ' - . Anrtl and May 67M. (buyers i- i ' - u fepembar and Oewbfer 6 1-H4 1, lvalue ) r eeptember - 4 64J,b yrj " Kuiores ti?A v ; Aprtl and iay 4 68 6, (se'lers.) . Mar aiid Jnn 4 ftuiirt -Hi vr June and Juy 4 63 641. (eii- rs.) - July ana Auaust s i-ftw k-hoi- -. Augtist sn rpteni!ier 6 8 64d, (hi rers J c . grpierab.randOctoberSa-filJsdl.ers . , V rauJ . " 1 1 , 1 s . m .': K VAiy tto;-':aaA-itea .v'.pr . ' . - ' " OFFH32 0 THX OBHKHVKb " . CHAKLOiTS, N. C.y April I," 1835 f " T?e J'!f i"tton market yesterday eiuMd qutet atthft toUowlng quotirtlons- . 6oodmtddHnff.. : i t t ? acL -. sjMuktiiD :ra-f - g?..f. binges. ............... , . g wns..t....i..,.,,..v -....... i 67 Beeelptoyegterday.... .......X.:. 24 C1XY PRODUCE WABMBTV1 Com Der bushel. t 4, Meal Der boaheL . Wheafcr-per bushel.i. "Mms-per ousnei..... ... .... lj(ile Fur-Jmlly... 4-. . 4 ; .S.6aa.4u ' 'rSI-J"'---"ri..".i..".:;..i-.l8oai2.85?,l xiuirr-yirai, tr ip..... ........ . OH -ZP: ii"' eeted?ii...i.f-f m r- - Blackberries r ... can rumens. DetbuRtiei Beeswax,per pound.. r raiiow, per pound. Butter, imp Mimut. " T-s. Vi2f - eaii SZ, Tj-' ' .... .... .... .... .... .. . - IDTTA: 1 I M:.vfiSf52rr- ntetWi . .w4Q fSK ;-r 4 ::; AND- i mMHw si.. 14 , Um PT'0V i ULLEIE5. (. --ret, p:m, as gathered from atref of tbt - -f -'oJ.9.''rlng along the small streams In the States, contains a stimulating expecto. 1 9 "tiiM. ton IdeDSiie leSmBrodticlna iXirnlng conga, and stimulate '-(.-v.iifr.iiio false membrane In ci the child : i- croup and :J -eriasrkf When combined with the heal t i - ; T!:i;;iius principle In the mullein plant . ul Cchis. presents in Tatloh' Chcbokie H -t y.'KJrr Gt' axd irrfiiiirtii tie Sneat i'fe-fiitu W.-U-j, p1bd''a'iiel'-aiatt! is ! j.. i.-.,, .- j AsJ; your drusgtst jToj ltj Price, It ho il;cs npt.kem lve,will pay,- "if". V?ias .charges on ,ag6 size it,j.!!lho tTs.'jOn; deoeipt ortim Jan: Jt'lUJ . j and 8 SOOKIjD BfJEP ; FBBNCH AND TTJKISH PBUN1IS CF0W-CB0W-AMlID PICKLES O 1 9.li Ovi o -a. -v. - v J V ; - j 1 By measure. Headguaiters for j ' Wilson's i - wots; Fresh and crisp, and tin if.- 3 1 1 "V RF, Ogi$ -ROLLER -PATENT jfisu.ujfi- none jiner n tne mar feet. -- . - - - - - j Orern ft Fresh Roasted Coifeeti . and Fine' Teas a Specialty. . CaDEcd & OottJed Goods In Great variety. In fact everything usually found in a first class grocery, you will find at - 1 , -, 1 i ALEXANDER.- ."Free delivesry. , Telephone caimr- --r . 1 POTATOES, : -OnimnVa'targeIotv" j' K.aatern f anx Svfeet Pota'faes S; M: HOWELL'v tOU t'ILLDE PLEASED With the nice Vienna BoHs. and Cream Flatts, Steam Bread ' Cinnamon Bans, Bask, Cakes, Pies and Crollers. of all kinds made to order. AB frealexery morning at - , , vV; N. PRiVTHER'5 ; Isake'Traio Street, ' wmm. . - : . f - - ' -. ! . f Sjf- 1111. . II Al hhlHll UN lor v . a. ... r j.. vm v ja a. 1 mMJ a I - 1 .1'- Wilson's Baby Biscu awsaeatyv - - 1Ly' ' r 1 - ' '3 jiyVMOLESAI F PFTAli" t J . . 1 lnJ 1 1 " Willi I mil ill n. i;T v By that popular autioreB.1 v' 4 AUTHQaOf- v f v -. ': : '. Jiit.: ? ..J - -i . t . -7- IN 1'tWJ lOTEU'j Hum iiiiil llOOa'SSAIlSAPABli.L I Ana an me leadtRgpatMt medMnffli for saImM i- --; -i I tpi .- .)ny:.iw tun raiaumiae. ' i-- . - B. BL JORDAN 06.it - - - . j- ; .. . . i - u wo.fcaTe.ta stockf very ftiw Imported ffeneh Brandy and Port Wine formsdlclnaTnaeT ' '4 jlj . K JOBDAN ttV'd ir'- SprlijCoraer. rt'-'.K-pi3lra'-poaimoKiU-Ht;i?--i .For clewing metals of all kind, Pntz Pmmt4e is wo uuoi, yreyorauua mtMe. o ana iu oentfr Der Wi JORDAN ft CO" V '' . iPrngglsts. i- 51 . Poa's Baster tea Dres. an 'eniom. fi imi m ' w -r B. H. JOBDAN ft CCS, i ' -' Druggists;. . Ai-coffK suom Masters. Caustic Cones are among : we louiouioo iur wiia. firrice iu cents. ifOr. B.H JOBDAN ft CO i... - -.. . .-(i-T.naarii Diugslstt We liav iist rectiivea alot'Lantiert!s new cele-' orated. Extract ; May-8ells " Try It. sold In W:s: M 'i :$-i4-V;t!0aWt dl 00, urugsuas. r The Kangarols still the leading 6 esht cigar. For sale 0J' . j ,. ,- kss-t; .:. -'- " B. H JOBDAN ft CO:, -jf -; spnngr uorner. -; . iu.. 1 Druggists. ONE SPOON, n LBSOLZITELTPURSf'f ABSOLUTELY EFFICIENTS n ABSOLUTELY HEALTBFUL . If.unonafalr trialrvoa find It dees not sflve yon satisfaction, we will refund your money. THY TBT I i ll One spoon' to one quart of Boar no DO more or less; .Yuu seelChas t i twice the-streogthof . our common baUrg powders, and you save fifty j tim. iwnt.ttv nsfn. it. f inlvQJ tATitjl tt twwitiaV.' . We will also sell yoa seven pounCs . parcneaand ground, mp .ana ' Coffee.'-.. . ' r " " '.' . !i' 1 pounds of entnuUted 8 agar lor 14 nounds of "C" f noar for - k vatv flnn. atvcait. anrl dallrAtAlv flavnrMf Ham, per pound, a. ' . . . . : 121 Pure reaf hu-d. ptrpouftrf, atf tvm, j we sen nne. meaium ana largo jiuauuy, , 1 - ner pound, at ; . . t t- "-B ! tpwpdiiiR ind, at ; - 1 ,ao. I . OurhXXblendei Chlppea'Beef, per pound, , , .-!,. . ft-. : ai,i.,, TRTOIB BOllGLESS BREAK , . FAS ITSTttlPa . Lqrrdbei1 Snowflake thei Oracker in, the Market. 1 . . 1 . - . . A . .i Canned Goods, us II 1 ' PflWlfe UVll v Soods, te very best In tne paritetv all It t - l ibie price. -a -''' j . ( j I j , 51 ' at a reasonable Oar Gria and Fce4 Store Tiff1 'Ts alwars fifiv.kml with Tiav. hrtin. urinclfij. fodder. corn,. oats, mixed fe d " and1 anything In that j line you want, which we wll. sell Vi Jessonable We thank yon, kind friends; " tt ibur hlbeVal patronage In tne pastnd Jf. weave merited your batrOnase by fair den lines and Dtomtt attention to youi eemmnds, we promise yoo th. re win be : ne effort spared on pur part to co.nmand the same In the future, j- We will furnish you all yoa want in the way of FAMILY! SUPPLIES?, All goods der. invereaireei ,u u - . It : B ALEXAM DEJl'tSt (0. . i.'M -..yl i : .ti y fM-rj .1 t . .- : -1 - -.1 : ! - -. . '-.I j. ImlllauglmlUbna. Cnrantnr.' ??.fl.'3n gmlthxCo.aave on hand a fall line lot .Homcgpbatlc medicines from Boerlcke ft TafeTs Pharniac,New ork-aUand.seethe inedldmea anda. Utilarwk expUtliJairalpnt the treatment 01 oommon auments.u au-': a , The only durable waH finish Abastine-Auper- lor to Kalsomlne-ready for. tse -by adding hot water-sold In Charlotte only by X . C CSnUth Co. Manufajtured at Grand Baplds, MKhrgan ' uo, The best half dollar hair brash to tie eity at T, C. Smith ft Co. 's Drug Store genuine English goods--1 also tootlt brashes at lOcentito 25, cents. , - French blacMiaf-very large box for 10 cents- shoe polish also for Ladles shoes at. same price' send to ft C Smith . ft Co. nd-ge n bottle. ButajoLlthia' yater-fpngress ..Water-rtate Spring. WaterWolf j Trap: Ltthla Bockbrlgas Alum, and alii the. other popular mine, at waters may ie found t0?f. Ci Smith ft Oa's eoirtier, oppo site Central Hotel. la-" If you want Kerosene On by the barrW.senrrjour orders toT. a Smith 4 Co., and gat Qie bottom Tjrlcaallllieuirie-bayita for : If you have a small oo of painHpg. to" do and cant afford to Mre a skilled WOTkman. sendto T, CBmlin ft Ca's for aWfttof Beady Mlxed'Palnt, and aplf n'youraelt-gaiions' and' half gajlans K ,-,r - tf -: ' 'PraU's Astraioil gives tbk best fight,' burns long er and Is safer than any other On ever lntrodoccd to consumers tatbtrcrmntry T- C Smith ft Co., agents for 17 years. S ,x - f V" ' 7 1-, AfioodSarsArrmahtmQdosiateaAi i-il has been weU Advartlsed- ffl-Charlotte If o feel the need, of this new remedy send at nce to T. C, Smith ft Co. for a bottle, and lt may prove to be the very panacea for your Ula. , -. ' - r - SPRING- Fm??0? w ani PEARL COLORED ifi- Stiff Made expressly for jis. Styles exclusive and riqbby, and mad by 'the best mAnilfAnt.1irflm.in t.h nraintn nn. ' J tuo "so - . - vm ..1- .V J .i.-- .-. - IsTarriving daily, and bur stock of .CHILDREN AND TiCfYW rr nrrrhrn. is,nowready;-(ll and see us before buyuSsewhoVri - S PITHING -"ifSf -Very Respectfully, -:-:'"jy.fg" " - '.j v-Mf.-i S5 '-.- V1T. -E I . ) 1'll 'l-inilll'Tl AAYn -l-v, Ul .liaa',1 III .1 I II I ! II II IV 1 r Consisting ii a varietr of New Styles in - : - V . i-.'SHSvs-'J' - fiE.mEaES'8 CUSTOM .lIllilADIEK HAND r -w. u,-ouu 5- ti-';.. A lr 1 -lit ...''- vv e vau apeciap 5" 1 The CQildren iest shoe ever offered for the monev. run nrui da. !Vt .Ttr i; SW save yon some money in prices. Mullen's he Favorite j Why vrffl ye pits and lotions try, . ( ; And with them thy poor body ply; - -OrdaybydayexpHrlmeat WhenHomets" Nest" great T.tniment I fO'Jnd at nvrr rtnuwlal-ji' atnzA. . .- .-4 f Where all can buy, nor suffer more, f p ; a.uou uoow u ye wno pains enaare, A bottle quick at once secure, ? r. Then you can safely laugh at pain I And feel yourself a man again. .- U Bnl If in 1 ...... I .! -- - i '.' . u fnt If trtn own nooniwAii a. 41a ! Xeave ut oben his supplies, Use; ifiiii 5 .; . For sale by aU Draggiste and Country MercliMits. T mwnxm SE CHAELOTi nLOTHllJBT.TAMnpafiTnRiNB nn " r- ' I ne largest manufactarewi 1 WhAleaola on Ta4ti mui- s- f.frfSU tftcti, I Ae-wmm a AftaItAI 1i.'tI.a.i,i.. - sAT...Tr6. JUagpayra - I li;.elt;';-";-wi3rV!7:"'1.; ' '"wi " "J iuoj uoo UJO' t ' ---" - . - - i.,i i-,T:; .ai -a, v -m. mi..rf-.; I a .tjm. - -irr . ---f VEBTTCAI. FEED ifK- : constantly Just Received . " n'lvi -S - ' 'a? ? rjros:o(ra . ; i' - Vi CIRCDLATING LIBRARY. 26 volmneiof I g : ,-f P ' R(4'fi " ' V7ct1R. 1' ii 1 SO bound volumes of I'djBranlisilere; , ,A new novel Mr the DooeheM 1 t it fBeT"eTnrerwe alwT earry s ftuT l!n of BOOi3 AND 61ATIOJw.I of evendescrlpUoo, Beet Wafer 1 Exclusively iri their manufactoiv. after h I this fiew FEED INVENTION all seams are made STRONO, and WILLNOT i ' ' '-r U TIT.1 I Afvd otnnlr AAViafn a. ;L. j iw cut iuw;aiaes. t t 1 . .. 1 1: .: . IUI till III If I I I LJ lll!l curs lor '' I Orchard Sflta ht aeld packages at 10 and" .liuaiadeodftwom, ; ;.t j f- - f - j- - ' L. B. WBldT0N,v Agent. 11 Mw;:nnnifo -r- '.tl sc. a'i-S 5 - r'sj r ls I I 3 iEapjy Christianity, 4 ,t ' BrCaaoaJTanor .-'"-. t- Jo: OPENlHGr"; :o:- ahaiasome'liDe of BLACK, BROWN iHats. DHAJk Ul . ' . , , ' - . - i-:-. - ( . i' .... - ' - i ' " k ; 4 - J .jf'.-.-'v;.! ..-k.: y : .li.Ss 5 HADE GOODS and . TURNED DUTTOIV SHOES. au ine omerent styles of 1 MtrtMwr.' Slides; attention to our - " r C;el.ebrat:ed .-(.: tUNlSIliTi: Hbusehblcl " Remedy. They are needed by the wise? . . ', For that man 1 wise Indeed.. . - How knows Jus what himself doth need, , And when comes his day of pain . 4 Doth not seek relief in vain. s; Bow happy is the peaceful rest - Of him who keeps the "Hornets' Nes;" No direful dreams his rest shall break.L Or lurking fears keep him awake: . For well this wise man now doth know, " Each night toleep he safe may go. ... For In event of accident, - He 1 surely got "The Liniment'- ' v n; a THE.. . . Attachtnents, needles, oil, parts. &c:, R. MOORE, General Agent, Trade St. -. DYSPEPSIA. SICK HEADACHE, CONSClPjmON. 17 ror ail oueasss of the Uvr, KM. mm 'W-suMli mmm Bomb, A positivo Fl Mtrmrn epola. SHefa HmdMbe.ll UMUtm. Doae.oM to two teaapoonfuls. II 25 cu, No genuino salts, sold, in bulk. II N. JONES, Haaaccr, Lralarillc Er. ' II B."X. BBYAN L J. WALKER . & CO, vThotosale and BetaH Grocers. itisw Fiairx .: . ' . - - - NEW GOODS ON the first day ef Jan nary ,1896,lhe undersigned entered into a eo-Dartnershln for. the nnroaaa. of carrylngona . i .- -j : . - fr f -.. .... . - . -i General Grocery Business At tne old stand of Springs ft PorweO. eornef Tryon ft Fourth streets, We are runllfled by long eTpertence, to meet the demands of the trade, ana . give satisfaction to our customers. -We will keep on hand at all times a fan stock of - t- "1 FAUILY: SUPPLIEV Whidi win be delivered la any part of tteef l 1 tv oLcharge. , . -REUEMBEROZi,: WewtnivctbeTindersoidmtke Charlotte' market. s . ........ y,.- i. !. : ,. There is a good waffon ysrd In thee tear ol our stare far ta aeeoinmotUtioa of . oar eaBte-, tner. wo ! I. . - - - -. iff 3 5 M ii! f n f r! f 4 A". 1 -1 -I; i 1