' I,-ijl n i ls.tUoi iv CHARLOTTE, N. C. iFJRIDY;pjtI916;'v VOLUME XXXIV. M i X ail ... . i- t 'HjV'i ft t - J L. Ill Any one not abler to. read this - fine print clearly at 12 inches from I the eyeR should consult . an oculist at once . ; We nave Undoubtedly the hndnom r' ; est and prettiest Hne of Spring Goods . we have ever shown In this plaee. Everything stylish tn Dress Goods and Trimmings, all the Novelties of the season. White Goods, . Laces. Km- , . r-rolderles, . Rhiunclngs. Sat Wens and Crinkles; oh. my,.so pretty and' cheap. Ludte' - Underwear; all prices and . styles. .Misses and Children' lace Caps . i We are ready for the campalen. Our - prices are Axed, and we cordially asic ou to come and see for yourselves -- epeetal attention tor older for Goods ' : or Sample. . , j.- v-j ,: -. ll4RGRATF.8i ALEX1NDER, r. . sum Bcnsnie. 1 A V . I upening, Big display of FINE DRESS GOODS. Good variety of Street and Evening Silks. B g exhibit of t FANCY NOVKLTIES In dress trimmings. .. : f Handsome display of Ladks' and Misses' Parasols. ' : ' .. , A great many t ATTRACTIVE GOODS In house furnlslslDgs, &c Remember the Day And mak It a point to come. A cordial Invitation extended to all. v - . T. L SEIGLE White, Cream and Colored. Oriental, 'Bilk, Colored Wool Torchons, Woven, lace, and various other. JLaces. 1 . -:or- All qualitiee, all styles 1 5 ' , - J 5 -: ' i ' ' rl v" '- - i ' j SDCCBSSOBS TO ALKXANDSB HABBIS. i FRED C. UUNZLER . WHOLBSALB , . j " c - :.: ,-' LAER HEER DEALER ARk CHAR LOTTE, C i Bepreaenta two of the largest LAGEB ctiEtt breweries is the United Wastes . The Bcrgaer A Bnel ; Bl'wtk on r Philadelphia, and tbe ; ' V. A n. 8chairr BrewlBf Ct . Ww York. ' " (..; ',- . .'. THE LARGEST LAGER BEER' BOT - TUNG L8TABLI8HMERT ;- t . :- "- IN THE GITZ ( -';;'. "Order SoUclted. ; All order promptly filled and delivered free of charge to any pvt of the city. I .. dec20dlf ' ; i :, W. L. DOUGLAS Bent material, perfect ot, cqoaW sny f orfSfhoei JTJ.T.Plr warranted. Tsko nose uues stamped . i uoogiat- ss.ro Shoe, warranted." Con grew, Batton and Lace. . , If yon cannot get theae , nne from dealers, send uur on postal earn i ri to w. l. Donglaa, Brock t Zi row Tot sale by jahlSdeod3m. A.Z. BAKKm A BBO.. ' ' Char)0tte. M.C Men Think they know all about Mustang Lin iment. Few do. i Not to know Is, not to have. , . t :; ( - PEGRAM I j . : CO first :Mioaalt: M?Muu South Tryon 8tree - - - - Charlotte, H. C. I T " ' BKAIJtBSIN 1 " x !,fi i! Ladies', Misses'and Children's BUTTON, G iNGEESS & LICE SHOES, : V -. "'I Sent Fine &and-Kade and Kadxlne Seved . BOOTS, BUTTON AND LACEBAIS, t "BOYS' AUD TOUXOSfpT.. FQIX BOOTS AND SHOXS Or Ali BASIS ' QENTST FINk-Kf SQkv Soft aiid StiffiEali; TRUCKS, ft 0 t : VALISES 4and1 GRIPSACKS" UMBRELLAS OF ALL KINDS, V ! SHOK BLACKING AND BBUBHSS. ' , , , ilmi Polish for Ladies Fine to. Stock si ways kept ; lull and to the demand. ' OBDIBS BT KAIL OR XXFRE33 PBOkPTLT - ATTZNDXD TO. Black and White, Spanish, Colored linen, PjIIow- Case Laee, Curtain, v. .. , aU wldths-jow prices.- . 4 if? 'hi H.MI rco; Mreiidiv8 Brdkers; V:' BUT AMD SSLL R E A U -E S T A TE. i-h-. Z CONSIGNMENTS SOL2CI1ED) vpa Tvt- . B EST BAR AND " j ; BIHaIAIIID, HALL - Intbeent. Iebl6dtf FOR RENT. - COMT03TAHLI t roots evttwef tntir . xlteaeo, wnnin a i lew hundred yards of the Graded School, and six i iwtil tenant. Annlv u i iasa zov n not to a regram ACES '-1-riA0CTioii ."ahdV onaiaiBaiOil' ..r,. ....... -fg,. jaey . . a. tcQCS5A?qp, )Puucw, BB OBSOUBXD, BUT, UXM TU SDH, OSLIK" SsibvcriptloK tj tlie Observer. DAILY. EDITION. - Sbutieeooy... 1 Scents. By the week In the dty. By the month. .... . Three months.......... .AZOO .4.00 . 8.00 six months.... One year r .. U' J ft WKEKLT XDITION. Threemontbs...... I. ............ 60 cents. Six months .....SL00 Dne year...............; UK ' In clubs Of five and over SI. 50. No OevtAtlost From These Kstlea Subsorlptlons always payable in 'advance, not onivm name Dot in tact. TWO OPPOSITE VIEWS. THE LABOR QUESTIOIf DI8 CUN8E1 BrJOHH 8 Wilt TOW ATHD GEORGE Witt. CCBTIS. The Alms snd Purposes of the Knlshts of Xabor-.The Child of the Earthquake That 1s Co: Tnlslna; and Transforming the CsmasBwealth." ' New To k World. - "-- The editor of the World - asks me to attempt to forecast the "future of tue present labor movement. ; t In seeking, to do so, onei must glance at -its predominant features, takine ' especial 3 notice of those itf which it differs from previous move merits. The discontent and the struggles of labor are everlasting, but latterly they have reached an unprecedented magnitude, and are ' raising appre hension if not alarm.' The strikes and the unrest of other times are not at all comparable with what we now and neitner tne empiricism nor the repression once in vogue is appu - cable to existing conditions. 4 ' The present phenomena are pro duced by the tremendous social and industrial transformation that is be ing wrought by the development of machinery, the concentration of cap ital -the unparalleled growth of huge cities, the advance or. intelligence among the masses, ana tne tenaency of the working millions to organize for mutual defense and welfare under the revolutionary changes of . the times. '" These are current ' forces. which must be - comprehensively studied by every man who attempts f to form a judgment as to their out. There!are several novfl features of the present labor movement which strike one, &tr the first glance, more especially if he turn his eye upon that unique organization, the Knights of Labor. - - - - - "!r 1 " . rrs scope. ; 1. Oreatiization is today as wide as our boundaries, covering every State and all their industries.. There are - local and State; labor parliaments; there are a score of trades possessing national organizations: there is the National Federation of Unions, and there is the order of the Knights of Labor, which embraces all produc tive vocations ana extends over tne whole country. -rThe last named or- j ganization, ttr the f opening of the present year, nad tne power oi a Quarter of a million of members, and its numerical strength will probably be double that before the close of the present month, when the multitude' wbo nave been waiting ior tne with drawal of the quarantine against new assemblies shall have passed behind the veil." Never in old times did such bodies exist anywhere, and they are formidable agencies 'that cannot be left out of account. f , .. ... . ns SOUDITT. .1 2. This also 'is a feature without precedent in any previous labor movement. . It approaches the solidi ty of military method. ' Ther riide hosts are ' rapidly acauinnz disci pline, and recruits Who but yesterday were Deing 'puii iaruugu. wio- gwoo step Are today in full line, under the watchword of "obedience," withr of ficers holding power through free and democratic, election, by univer sal suffrage. For example, the order of the Knights of Labor, is governed according to the Federal system un der the authority or. tne uenerai as- Aemblyjesrwhieh Aimnajlj-ejeete1; BH'I executive boara. ue xocquevuia found the unit of bur. political sys tem in the township. wrucn;nas its correspondent unit in fQiefXocal As sembly, ana just as vinf pousics we ascend from tbei township to the County, the BCate-afta tne Feaeral Union, wun uoagress ana tne ao ministration, so in this industrial or eanization the ascent is from the local" ewte "aistrict," tne '-taie" (recently - provided for), and the "General Assembly,' with the "Ex ecutive Board,? . The "mechanism is systematic and solid. Its operation nas Deen narmonious ever Biuce iu origin, seventeen , years ago. , x re-t . ... . i seat that tne present movemenstoun tevAmnliflAd. 4fK in-' this v resoect also different mix any -otnpr wnaevt past, a- 1 J . it .?asADp of a ThA nmmnt labor mrvemuit'ns.S uiitoore a larger ob ject than that of 610mhmst which -eonhned their energies' torthd" fixing of swages i and - trade'.fules Look at the platform of any; Central Labor Union, or of any State organi zation, or ot the federation, ana look especially at the "Declaration of Principles" of the Knights of Labor, who are in the van. You will find that the tatter is as broad as the com monwealth, dealing not only with wages and hours Of labor, hut touch ing the land question." the" financial Queeiioa, uie estaniisnmeos ot a w- - . 1 Ll'.l A. . - operative system "of industry,- and tne relations oi: capital., xne worK tngman of America has discovered that these things concern him, and that he has power over them. - Here again is a differencing feature of the movement $t today rom .ts prede cessors.. ? tM. -x . . t d -. ; ITS MTJTUAIi HELPFULNESS. 4. The ' exemplifications of .this feature urecept years hare been as surprising as they are .noveL The local assemblies of the farthest West and South giye jtBO- iu weasqre o service to tnejr oretuern m ine iar- tbest Jfiast apa ortu. oey au join vanria in Aidine an approved strike. in raising suppueg, in me uujruui., in rtAfnndinflf anv brother who suflera on their account. 'and for such other nhtots as eet the approval of the Ex ecutive Board, i There have been not a few cases of mutual aid. that may wail confound the pessimists. For eiiimple, In his lletwithejlate Southwestern 'railroad Strike Vice- President Hoxie said it bad grown out of a supposed wrong to a single member in . Texas. . The statement nawmvafA Siul Vflt f.HlX mnfiil rtf the Knights of &abor, which is copied from a maxim of Solon. runs - thus "An injury to one is the concern of alL" s.' Here again is a feature of the present : movement that ; gives it a power not before known to labor. 6.- The intensity of the earnestness of the present labor movement is an- other 91 h ' preaominant aeatures. Those who watch its workings know that the hosts united in t feel that thev are confronted" by what the English call "horning questions." I have,- within the past few years, ad dressed hundreds of "labor meetings'! here and there, at many of which tne audience seemed to be possessed hy the spirit of the conquering Saracens of the seventh century or of the Cru saders of the eleventh.' ; This is not the mere effervescence of logcabin campaign politics. It is a deep and mighty ftirceSpot to be overlooked. i- 6 All the- organizations of labor are in some measure training schools for their members, and . those who know the most about them - will best appreciate their , work as such; but, among the Knights of Labor, "edq-cation"-; that is to say, schooling in the ; principles of the order-r-is the supreme-, and never-endinar-duty of all members. The methods "adopted are known only to those who have taken upon themselves the- Obliga tions of membership, hut .the results may be discovered bv any - man who looks for them in the proper Quarters. It is a lesson in high morals even to. oe maae aware or the; fact that ' four Of the fleecing classes iol . modern society are, proscribed. 'as unfitito enter the organization. ; The educas tional features of this srreat body add Stability to the present movement, of wuicu ib is tue viuu enerEVju-va-ijjei .j. ... . .. ITS AMERICANISM OT CHAEACTEBj 7. The present ! labor, mdvement is not a "foreign imDOrtation.,'u as Jav pould implied in that Tribune inter- i i r . ' a vi w -. ' - view wnicDttneworio. coptea. xne Order of the Knights of Labor wafl founded by an American of the old anti-slavery school., upon an Ameri can basis, and has developed-acconK ing to tne torms and , instincts of American life. . There has never been an organization like it in any part of murope. it is "American throughout in its system : aad - the massiveness and inclusiveness of its groundwork make it worthy of American ideals igm. ' " - . - ; . ..... ! Finally 'the present "labor move ment" is larger and deeper than the mere labor question in' the old nar row view. It the all-embracing social question. It is the volcanic energy of society under the forces of the depths It is the; child of the earthquake that is - convulsing . and transforming the American Common wealth. : ; 1 1 have ,&ne over these, features of the present labor movement in reply to your question as to its future, so that every man may on his own ac 'Count reach a fail judgment. It must be evident that it .is on. a basis of abiding strength, not to be easily Wrecked or subverted, not 'depend eht on any single man's policy' or tactics, it has - become far more formidable, it covers greater issues, and it has acquired a far greater mo mentum than any labor movement of the past generations of mankind. If the Knights of Labor and the other organizations were to disappear to morrow, it would take on other shapes more to tbe dreaded by the enemy, it la a necessary movement for the salvation of the under world, working, along tne lines of .tne uni conscious wilL and is not to-be re pressed It will gain its ends somen how. for thgiieed of them has enter1 ed into the common, heart, and they are- within -, reach of the. . common hand,' which is sure to find a way of grasping them. It is resorting to all sort of crude devices to get thenu It is trying politics in a fitful way: and it is trying the resources of organizas tien, inoiuduig colossal 'str'kes, with, all that the word implies; Beitssured tnat it cannot be turned backs lor that way is the pit; ; It is doomed to advance, for that is the way of life. We can aid it by legislation, but we cannot stop it, . We have no.r force that can;overcomeit, for it is itself the controlling foree. LouiB Napo. leon once boasted ; that he could frighten , France with a "whiff, of grapesnot, . out ne aid not tnus ooast waen tne grape naa nui pi ay in ioii. now and always,: let ram ' tnreat euings be abjured; and let every man whose hopes are bound up J in the peaceful development of our - young democratic republic seek for ways of peremptorily righting the -wrongs that nave turned it outot its proper course. ...;; .--v X-:- '.fVc '-u The demands of the labor move ment, which fire . today - proclaimed from the housetops and striven for bvithe organized forces here spoken of !have their root in "that primeval law of leqoaHtyproclaimed?.;by 1 the fights 'rhich Jefferson" put as its Drerace. . .j. -:-- After tll. no more than the "editor of the World can' I forecast the ' out conie of .that ever-swelling movement which is taking oil shapes more and menaciae to the. usurpers who oestride our country and have seized the resources tnat oy ngnt oi nature and virtue neiong to tne aisinneniea ions. ;: iohm pwihtoit. UBEBTT AUD MM8E. Tbe , Present Xab moveanemt Bionnd to ! to a Beaetlea-? Kktrepae Ce.aater Moyentent n tn Part : f EniBleran Iev- t - '.a - 'a Weekly. " .si Vf;'l Vi' l The great strike in ; the Southwest, and the smaller labor ? strikes and ! a " - a. 1 1 trouDies eieewnere, - nave' naturaiiy led to serious consideration ofjthe Practicable defenses of enterprise and industry aeainst sudden and violent interruptions. Tms is not to pe ms terpreted as. a disposon o defy or to disregard he rights of any man, but ion the contrary to guarantee and proteVV VUO t14VQ tH UJWH' the I direct employers oi iaoor wnu are lcRmediatey affected by gucb ins tefrunuons, ana among ine proposi tions, we observe a -letter to the Chicago, Timea, signed? ltanufacH turer " wnicn Bueeeata, a aenerai org4niation of capitaiistaand manu-' lacmrera ;ior - xouiuat prowcuoB agamst strikes. '. The article concedes that! tri-TOTJOration is not new.- In Rhode Island it stati t there is an breaniaation ; of tnanufacturers Who; pay into te tasury one- fifth of the sum of their monthly pay rolls, which has now swelled to the Bum of tt,o6o,00ov, t Such,' a plan,,1 sayf ;the artldle.' mould not put -an end to strikes, but it would curtail unjust demands,' and it would enapie em plovers to meet the - labor organiza- Ueclaratfon or independenoe ana. in I V" iLr,T I Assigned her. we nave a large numtHroi agents tions upon a fairground.' Intelligent and coolsheaded leaders like Mr. Powderly haye seen, of course, from th begmnmg the possibility of such movements among employers.' United action and boycotting and all-for eaca are -metbods as open to em ployers as to employes. 4 a combined lockout against a combined strike would 1 be aft indescribable disaster. But , no employe or union ---of .em ployes, will suppose that, m a contest so desperate as that which a general strike would- involve,' the employers would, hot resort to the most powerful weapons at their command; " T.n3 mMons of employes assume to decide wjbat kind of- labor employers shall engage and j what wages they shall paytihewi they, shall direct the "wf.sneyiiBire' ana to wnon tneyr snaU)eii- ltsoroducta. nd ah other j defcaflf 'the business.ff They loneit. tneonance oiTesoming it, ana to aoanon tne support of their fam ilies an truststo a; oramittee or tin association: tokeep themvfrom star v. ing. xnere is no uch despotism in the world as such a system; and there are -no slaves so abieotxas : such a- scbeme produces. It is the annihilas.1 tion of ; liberty, and naturally it in tvites counter-organiaatiorA.iTheqUeS- .HunwmcQ is raisea Dy ne! tsoutn- rtaiuirxjesible.fivTbe.iutaltiefity or nnml ii..iml 1 Tin '1 1 1 1 1' 1 1 1 1 hnd the enormous amount of "money j Invested in. railroads-make a suspon- I Biouof railway traffle a National ca-t lamityi Thatucb A calamity should ucfrcuu upuu-wewBUD oi -an irrei sponsible; body mi men wholly un 1 knowtt. to the law is mmplv anarchy.' I tuuuswiulxKWU ior WW.. i3UCrjs I Situation musti end. unless' society is-1 to De .nissalVBd MAniMil; 'mrtrv whrt I live by wagegf and wbc honestly de.' qaiescein this system of blind obedl- ence ; to an unknown authorityi cad lee that is tho contest which that authority may' provoke tbe final re sult does not i depend upon Aumbers: Destruction of ail the railroads in the country, total suspension of railroad traffic and the massacre Of all rails toad officers would end neither in in-: Creased employment nor in1 higher wages.: It would end in terrific re prisals 1 and iin ' a -common ' catass trophe.'f' - f''l f :1 '!"U ;t.i.-'; - if J- The Knights of Labor sometimes boycott: a newspaper.: 'But ifthe newspaper interest in all its branches should j-etort j by i boycotting every workman in any branch of its em ployment, papeKisakhTg-.fnk'making, machine-making, printing, refusing absolutely to employ any man in any. branch who bad any connection with the Knights of Labor,. .who .would suffer most! Riots would not remedy the situation for the boycotted work men. - Destruction of property would merely confirm the lockout, exasper ate passions, and ; postpone peace. The moral judgment of the commu nity would jironouqce against, the instigators of t the trouble, as it has pronounced against the Southwestern strike. These , tremendous reprisals' are sources to which employers have not generally turned 3ut the de mands of the Knights of , Labor to supersede lawful government, to dic tate to every man what heghau. do with his own, to permit all great en terprises and industries to be prose cuted only as they shall choose, will not be tolerated in a free country and by a free people. There is no excuse for such attempted tyranny in this country, "where, Knights of Labor are .voters and can 'influence legislation, and where there is no, public sympa thy for corporations and great asso ciations of organized capital, -but the strongest "disposition to favor .labor and the laboring mam - Nothing has shown this . more plainly than the friendly tone ot the press towards the Knights of Labor until the recent evpnts in Missouri, wbich have ' re yealed so -cieariy thesoope and ten- aencv or tne situation that. .exeenLin. a f ew aemagbgue sheets. . which , are tne iworst enemies- or vnonest iaoor, the condemnation is universal. But its character should be' understood. It is not condemnation, of , the union of any body of men lawfully to de Thafc la not- denied; ; What ie on uouiucu u , wuo.uuuu ui ouji , uuhj vt t man rrk muisfan finlAasrritli v wr.nhA' ii.i AtJhOvrvBeesidn.oi i'e 4em'da'oxl9 teraav. dibuvv jxutbi uretuuiu ir. rent lutions on the, iabon question Mtrere adonted. The preamble recited that toe : larwr queaupn w xne eoononiiCH DroDiem oc. tne ae, ana on tnat ao coiint vanriot bb imdred.tby ' the guide !in. labor disputeal: -he; mem bership prhe Jlethodist Church, it.1 ia swtsev, - -wmpuneu targeiy oi j workmen: and conseatientlv the min istry is deeply ihterestedi The reso-' lunons assers inae capuat ana iaoor are; not to be estranged or arrayed against each other. Labor should be rebUkea wneu ' it r-terrorises capital; capital inustube denounced wben-it Oppresses labor: " Work.mgmen. have a right to organixe , labor unions as muon as capital naa w comoioe m corporations, :but society must con demn trades-unions vhen they are despotic in their; method, and de nounce corporationg-ior tyrannical actSr towards employes. Strikes are deplored as ' a check to investments," hurtful to trade and injurious to workinemen. The demands of works ingmen for fair wages and reasona- . . 1 . , . . t. . Die ppureare approvea. , .axourauon is recommended, and the arbitration' bill sow before Congress ia approved as a step in the right direction.: - It is recommended that workingwpmen h pud in the. same ratio as men, The Saturday - haf-holid.ay is declared a I necegsity, but the opening of muse 1 1ima Gn Sunday is objected to. '- muse- DaAhtera Wlvea aal Slothers We'emphaHdany guarantee Dr. Marchisl's Cath- oUcon, a Pemale Bemedy. to cure female dlseasea. such as ovarian troubles, innammanon anauioerar Qon, falltng and displace sent or bearing down feeling, iReguiannes, oarrennem, enanee ot uie. from the above, like headache, bloalfiqa, spinal weakness, sleeplessness, nervous deblUtt, palplta- uou of ue Dran, AO. rqrgaDyarufcxiaia. xnce $1.00 and .6Q par bottie. Send to Dr. J. B. Haiv eblH, utioa. N. Tu "(pamP Uet, free. . ' For saos ey u a. wnsioiLI.arnggut vnanoaa PvsiUro Cht Tor P Uea. To the oetmleor this eonntr we would say we have been given tbeagenei of Dt. Marcatel's Italian rue umtment empnaoeauy guaranteea w careur money relunded internal, external, blind, bleed ing or Itching piles. Price EOo. a box. Koeara,M atmOrn toft. "a. Wrlstoa. druggist, Chariot 1 a..-t'. 1 -- i..i.j- 1 I aobend of these sunerwr. eorseta: J ui aasTttorr Absolutely p,iii-e;: hThU powder never varies.' a marvel M nurltri Ei?ir5ha'29 wnaiesomeness 7 Mora seonomioal ri&t,?S?I7.wklniiTd "inot,besold in eomoetttlon with the nmmtn.if .Kut Alum AR nhnnnH . t . ii iii i i JWrWCT i . j i . . .' U .. ( msism i o' 1 m xi 111 CDlf AllfV'j w-'-' a ai h; . -n-TTjf- m.W SaWiilalialfaw LX9n.wpwedaArTWrff?wrrJiraw.1 Rurtiix s,A c.rLT, v'i1 pen TEft?utv d . and ail kindred troubles, FJTOliAio B.C0 KsrtliaYJAk, I - fn"!i. . , :.S;i il wlu-.ri ;, I aovl7de0ddar7mr svemausts 01 tne nut with nt ym.n , kl ' Sh m iJ" mmth8' nl slnoe then hundreds, ot ZnZZZJt, Ti 'TSL" . iimni.Bimpie ana W SJN r HA LiKS MEN nrral. . and travellne. to sell onr imnii ' wrn nw good 'alary ar d afrexoenses. Write lor terras i atonae.nd stAfrA. aAiaM .mtaii .. . "MlmuoLICTD ijusiou. aiaaai. . marSOdtw I Ea ;"cali-l'- f -.! wnen I say cure I do iwtt mmmn hmmI d-. v fop a time and then hTthem returalCnmJimeaal. nuucaioare. 1 nare matte the diaease of FITS. EPt. . LEP8Y or FALLLNft RlnKT.KNaTEci.iiiB!.1; . 1 . . . . . . . .... u u ... lu 1 -1 ftt.hftw h.p. fmilAC 1 . . W 2"?- ,6?.'?. M oncef or treatie and Free Bottle5 7 lntallible remedy. Qtr Szprau andSitOMi Itoosta you m Itl I U lUi f hara a potiitlrcr remedy for UiaabomdlMu bTiU ' thousands of euMAfth. wntMmi.... , taadlnK har been ca rL Indeed. Mtronei, mr fltf Initaeffleacy.tbatlwM aend TWO BOTTLB8 JrajllL -. together with a V ALU A BI.B TBB ATISS on thi, disease " toaaisoiTBrer. etre express and P O. addn sa. V v j. JV.A.iWUOK,lttrarlgJI.wTafajj Louisa waited; to work for ns at their own homes. 7 to $10 per week can be easily , made; no canvassing; fascinating and steady jBmpioyment Particulars and sample ot the a . OVA. IXJBUII AaSS. - " : PEtlHYROYAL PILLS i '-'CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH." 1 1 The Original maid Only Oeaalne. Safe and always Bettahle. Bewara of worth leee Iml tattoos. S5Sf!"!" " kAOIES. Aa Tour IranUt br "Chlehi eetersl Is ns fbi 1 &VeTuei" ana laae e oUf sooiese xwotkeicar a. NAME PAP i e. i'hlch eater. Ckrmtral Os, won OQavare, 'kUmda,, Pa, esunj royal PIUs. i Takei JftnlOdiwly. KsUWlsKed p A V'S ROOFINGI the toadt daa aaSeenode like tin. er iron, nor eeoay til ghinlen or tar onennositionsr m-jlll the tMBt of to apply; . lavalso aj : 1IUI v VyVV a j r jv -a ana rcu t. w 4 mmne wevweex oi P'HTr ilTC 8611,1 "ketch or" model W gl 1' -venUon. and $400 (or exam In a tloir. - Applications for PAT- Patents, i i i L '""SJp-w An energetic- nnsmess :. woman. t-r -. t -u-to solicit -anu wie araers rrr m batLrtupportlng, Corsets. -Thee -corsets have been ettenslvely at verUsed.asA.sohl'l;kr ear TtwewB uia ikmw ten fmrv, wurcsi.. I with their superiority, has created a large aemanaTW inem tnrqni 'JouttttleJUnlUd'tWia "lady who wHrgivf-her time and . energy totAnVasstng for them can tmlld ud a Dermanent aDd-oroti table baslneBS Thev are not sold.by mercnanti. and 6luniyterrrr,'fcerBi giving the fcgent' ent coods. and. wedeelre such in every town Ad .JIM. eiBVfOLD 4 Oa.Saj Broadway, NewT BT vWnssof a decree of the 'Superior Cotirt of Mecklenbarg ooun, in the ease of. C? Bj Soyles, ' administrator, of J. t B. Boyles, de eeasMl, v. NonteJ. Boyles, et al. I will expos, lor sale at the court house, doon In Charlotte, on uw ursfe nuuuav, tuie oru uajj. us. uii sono, . we tract of land of said 3. B;-Boylea, adjoining the lands of Wv A. Browo, Ben. Ti Price, John Hoover, et si. The same will be sold In two paroda. r 1 be. lands outside the dower in one lot. and the lands subject to the aower."- - ' - - .- Tsbms. Ten iter cent of the poreliase money cash. The Balance In two Installments, January 1st, 1897, and Jannary 1st, 1888. Interest at -8 per eent from date on the dower . tract:-on the other tract from January 1, 1887, when possession will be glTCU. --v. , , , ay. d. dviiiki, mar2814w4w'- -i 1 v - ' Admr AndCom. CUREtheDEAF PECK'S PATENT IMPaOVEQ CrsHlOKTO BAR TlRtniM jtncn.r aaanemx tbw ssanwev and ssiftwin tsa-work- ef tas satanl dram. InTuIbls, onnfortabls and always In notitioa. . All (juuinatloa. sad neawkbsen asara duttneuy. Bod rorumnnnc BOOK wit ttnlKJIIUil, FREE. AaateNSieausas-.iuqyya,, 849 Broadwmyj Sew York. Meatian, Vhto , ej j Two desirable building lots, 60x300 leet, Ovl ' fronting-on South Tryon street,' adjoining the propertv of i.H Carson. Shade trees oa lots. WlllM sq d separately or together. Price. $700 CHABLOTT BKAL SSTATX AGSHCT. Houses Rented, 1 nnnaMi ranted and' rants tadUetsd.' tn the Advertise tr. eharge. i -.rs XaiBXOTTK BJLiX XSTATX A&XNCT, kieomAKlllAiiagi: ' M tf Trade Street Front Cential H 1 Printing FreS for -r vt i vie troTt salk a aamDlen Adams Book land; newspaper Press. ; Size, of platen 84139 tnMMa. The machine Is In good order, made fc.. Hoe 4 Co., standard work. v - Will be sold for - . , 60M nnMQiiriDTinH WW IU WW I -1 MILLA Takaa at Ua.lt tbe kuus ot sane material, .11 Oil Clot)uL Oatalrareearirl samnlaa I J Iwniuw wwjiuuuBjuw m xraienb sauoes, fieterenoes Bi6ki3 i OOB&nkns: EeetfndrKa-! i i - aonal Jtonk, washBigtos. D c. .- VULT. CJ u - t soon Sale en terms to suupwjhaaer. . - CHAS. B. J0RX3, ' fuddtf - OiaflottoObMCfK, - a! il i D Will-take place -!. i '). 11" t a : ' 'if-' o 1 ".HQ Jbjii'g, .- 'T'C; LFriendsr; laiitfS Eitrions ' --'V. Lias Yited, i - i. !V.. t :.; '1 j -cj a.: r i,l HiiW e - fcih a it' ttyigiTORs.riyiLL; Respectfully, t - hih :! -i-. -- . ? . ' ' j ! . . - hBVC:'-)H t-.J.-l. 'jf-i: 'i-:-; ' - ..'.'! : c - t - r . . . - - . : : it - , iiiid '-;:ciJt:- !" -.-.v -'j-.'v -fi i.i . -j'. - . . . .... A T :i. I ' . - " ' . x HAIDSOME SODf EII1 j rj.i iV-l- ";i-f:-!'-J f .'." ' r "; , ; T. - CHARLOTTE, N. 0. JIAIL ORDERS SOIJCITEp AND t3st aiid most e pest. maKes on Low prices; and easy ;flniuis.-tO' -hi cai Order direct from me, and deliver igHUpaii rto yow 1 1 ii it! Ml ! Rf r!1n:-.ril.'Ll i'' a t i fj,,, iMMii itini? 1 v.4d silfii i.tio't' rfefiv' .i -.-.. -. . j . ; ; ' ;.i , '"l 1,5 ' ;'; .. - i - ..-. .. ... , ... f 1W35W-rT i?jj't .' ''' " ; i nl ' ', - iO: . i . ..- ; - , 'I. . . -.-. PI"A:lsrOS A;NE) OMG AiST J3 '-" . .-. -i '. , . 1 4 -juvfivaiKfJ K-.-u.. - - .- :. itt,iiH :i , il 1 r. !-'. - v .1 , , - w.-, . . . ' - - ,- , . . ; ;i u --.i i-;-3 9 .-.h:v ; r v . - . 1 ..-Hi,! ! . iiiii.-i t, :! . . J VL: lir.l).:i . 3 1 af 'avasaafaa. ,! ' L "i .t... t . -rr 1 ri ! a "' js . a i I. y caji bujr from "the head j6fficey and will attend Xo " jotir wanto anyt 43 guaranteeg. C3CLIABL0ITS, N. a ' 3:- rfh i C1 are cordially; in- be -'presented XMPTLY ATTENDED TO ' complete the installment plan. ter. - Send for prices. cnicpnL(6 pIarcs, . - i; 1 : ABIOZT PIANOS, V BITT rXAJIOS. JM & HAMLIN FUKOS. .' ;i9AY STATE OBGANS, KWr 1 U: PACKARD 0 OBOAN8. f i 'M'?y I'. 't-'i I saye time and freight, aa I nearest depot aa cheap aa jou; 1 if ,,.i sir L-AWv ' a-v7 --'if

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