' . . V" r-l I VOLUME XXXIV. CHARLOTTE, N, CU SUNDAY, APRIL 11, 1886. PRICE FIVE CENTS. ill Yards o Check PK at 5 cents per yard. " i , . Yardj-U-4 Bleaching Clear of Starch at 7 cents per yard. Yftrds-4 Sea Island, goodquality at &i cents per yard. All-Wool Cashmere Shawls at $1.25 each. Jerseys, alKwool, from $1.00 to $5.00 1,000 l'uoo 1,000 50 200 200 1,000 ioo Cases Ladies' and Misses' Kid Tarda fine white India Linen, H unourgs cnauper man ine Pieces of Torchon Lace. - E AHE E.0W SHOWING' THE HANDSOMEST LINE GF- i We have ever offered. Come and see If ARGR A VES & SMITH BIJ1XDI1VCL ".: ' p g a large stock of Ladies', Misses bric Underwear at bottom prices. Big display of FINE DRESS GOODS. Good variety of f tmi mA Eve&ia Silks. Big exhibit of FANCY NOVELTIES la dress trimmings. Handsome display of lafe' asd Misses' Parasols. A great many ATTRACTIVE GOODS , In house furnishings, 4c. Remember the Day And mak It a point to come. A cordial Invitation extended to alL . T.L.SEIGL! S 31 ILa ipi Opening, iliiaihy, April 8lL , . :0: - . . New lol of Colore 1 Silks, Checks, Stripes and Plain, just received per Safr urdav's exDres. Aleo Black Silks.- Gross Grain and Surahs. Don't fail to see them before buying. ' Colored ami Slack Dfress CbJoods. Noibetter or cheaper assortment to.be found in the city. line line of Trimu i'-ps, guch a beads, laces. Passamentaries and Buttons. For anything in the DRY GOOD3 line, give us a call 8UCCE3SOB3 TO ALEXANDIB ft HABEIS. FRED C. MUNZLER T' . WBOLSBALB V LAGEK BEER DEALER A BOTTLER, - CHARLOTT'E, N. C Eepresenta two of the largest LAGEB BH Breweries in the United States rh Bervaer & Encl Brewlss , Co., of Philadelphia, and the " " F. & n. chaffer BrewiBg Co., o York. - THE LARGEST LAGEB BEEB' BOT TUNG 1 8TABLISHMENT ; II? THE CITY. Orders Solicited. All order promptly filled and delivered free of charge to any part of the cityj 4ec30dlf 1 W. L. DOUGLAS Bt material, perfect lit, equals any 15 or$6shoei VSftf1 warranted. Tak none onieas auinp! W. L. Dourlaa1 S3.0O . , i Shoe, warranted ftn. Pew, Button and Lace, u yon cannot n( thae aw from deaTen, tend on poatal card LWV Don1. Brock ". Maw. . or sale by Janl3deodS'n. LLBANKTrTBRO.. Charlotte, N- C. Men Think' . ;.,.. u v..'- ! Z they know all about Mustang Lin Jiment Few do. Not to know is . not to have. -, Opera Slippers good ones,-75 cents. 34 inches wide, at 10 cents per yard. cneapest. i Trimmings our immense and pretty stock. ftLEMMIIt. and Children's Domestic and Cam : , : . First Mlioial Baal Bsilin, Sooth Tryon Street, - - - - Charlotte, N. C. .- s - DXALEBS IN Ladies', Misses'and Children " UNI BUTTON, CiiN&RESS & LICE SHOES, Gents' Fine Hand-Made and Machine Sewed -. BOOTS, BUTTON AND LACE BALS, BOYS' AIVD TOITH FINS BOOTS AND SHOES OF ALL GRADES GENTS' FINE EilV Rff rt Ktvrr Ware ItfUAf WWAW UUM Mini aaMIWWf TRUiNKS, VALISES and nDTDO n-rro Ixliii o A L-iVD: 1 UMBRELLAS OF ALL KINDS, SHOE BLACKENS AND BBTJ8HES. Alma Polish for Ladies'.. Fine Shoes. Stock always kept lull and I up to the demand. OBDXB3 BY MAIL OB EXPRESS PROMPTLY ! r ATTENDED TO. US. iH :! and you wont regret it. t i AUCTION AND COMMISSION I HchiidUe Brokers, BUT AND SELL REAL ESTATE. CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED 1 J. E KEI1DRICK, cl;u b h.ouse, i , KEEPS THE . , : ' BEST: BAR AND ' BILL I ARID HALL Inaisettr febUdtt FOR REST. A COMFORTABLE 4 reoca eottaies, pantry an kltehen, within a few hundred yards of the ended Sehoel, and six acres tt land let rentes -A CD. r i: . h it m AND i m hz Kzxl0Uz mszvnev. "Tbcth. like thk BOTH, flOMXTIIIBS sdewts to R OB30UBKD, BUT. LIKX TBS SUH, OKLT FOB A rant." - .Snbscrlptiom to the Observer. DAILY EDITION. - ' Single copy .........i... B cents. By the week In the city. 20, By the month 76 Three months .-. $2.00 Six months .... 4.00 .. One year 8.00 I WEEKLY EDITION. V Threemonths.... 60 cents. bu months .. ..$1.00 ane year 1.70 . in ciuds oi nn ana over exou. ...... r ... No Deviation From These Rules) Subscriptions always payable In advance, not oiiir in name dui in iact. AWILDBOAEHUNT. AN EVENT OW ELYSIAW FIELDS I WHICH AM. USED MHIT ! PEOPLE. Two Animals from the Bartx Mountains, In Germanr, Let Loose on the Baseball Grounds as Targets for Sharpshooters Mayor Tlmken's Lively Expo rienee. . ".. New York World. Never did a more amusine or ezs citing affair take place in New Jersey than the great boar bunt which came off at the Elysian Fields Hoboken, yesterday afternoon. The German steamship Eider last week brought over from Germany two wild boars. which had been captured in - the Hartz mountains by agents of Charles Reiche, the collector of wild animals. When the boars arrived they were Canted by Mr. Reiche to Charles gebahn, of No. 314 Washington street, Hoboken. For several days he was at a loss what to do with. them. Finally some of his friends suggested that a 'grand wild boar hunt be given at the JUysian fields. xne suggestion met wicn tavor, ana the : hunt was fixed for yesterday afternoon. Invitations were issued to a number of persons, but many more people came than naa been asked. They swarmed over the fences of the baseball grounds, where the hunt took place, and crowded through the gates despite the pre cautions of the keepers. Among those who came were nearly all the city I officials of Hoboken, many of those of Jersey mty. besides Hun dreds of prominent citizens and hood lums and street gamins. The sharpshooters who had been selected -Ttfy. kill the brutes were Henry A. OoWe, ;B. Werfelman, w. Hollister Wall and George Brown. Only the two latter appeared. W. Hollister Wall is :.the editor of a iobokeu weekly paper, ana his father is a clergyman. He learned to nanaie fcoe raw esny ui iub, uiiu is an expert shot. George Brown is a colored man, and is in the employ of Mr. I Reiche. He, too, is a crack shot. . At 3 o'clock the inclosed grounds were crowded with spectators and the tops of the fences were lined with people, while out of neighboring win dows peered hundreds of faces. Half an hour later the door of the pen was thrown open, and as the smaller' of the boars shot through those of the spectators who had not already se-. cured a place . beyond the reacn oi the1 terrible looking tushes of the wild beast sought safety in undigni fied flight. A dozen -valiant police men scampered with the rest ot tne crowd out of the way, while Chief Donovan and Mayor Timken vied with each other to reach the fence top. The obesity of the mayor pre vented a successful execution of the manoeuvre. The boar, an under sized, yellowish brute ran half way across the field, then he. stopped to root with his long snout in the spongy earth. 1 Sharpshooters Brown and wall edeed carefully up. while the crowd keot cautiously oacK. . , w nue tne boar had bis head half buried to the eves in the dirt. Brown drew a bead on him and fired. With a squeal of agony the animal turned and ran with laws widely extended towards Editor Wall. That valiant hunts man nervously put up his parlor rifle and pulled the .trigger.:, The K, cap snapped, but the gun failed to go off. The boar, however, fell dead at his feet. . . : ' Then the other boar was released, He was a bis fellow and was inclined to be lazy until Kaegebahn's big wolf hound was let out. .The dog walked up to him, smelled of him and then quickly proceeded to seize him by the lerc ear. i xne oottr Huuecuou, auu mo dog let go: and gazed at th strange auadruped in apparent astonish ment, lie was mucu more ubhuu- ished when the boar opened wide his tremendous jaws and made a side lunee at him. Had that blow ever r . . . . . . , . hit the dog, mat aog wouia nave worried no more boars. Luckily? however, for the sport, the- dog eocAned. and then began the fun. irirat the doe chased the hoar., and tnen tne Doar cnasea we uuk. iUD- two Ruortsmerx cot 'as close, as Ibey- rlnred' but could hot get a good shot. Suddenly the boar started towaios a group of spectators and gent them nylDg 111 evorjr uirouuuu. awjm Timken ? gotagamst tne lence,: ana when the brute was close to mm kicked tremendously. His honor's feet looming up like a big stone wall frisrhtened the hoe. and it ran wards Gus Seide, who tumbled over Bill Wright, who in turn knocked down Water Commissioner, Winjes, who, in falling, toppled over against Chief Donovan. In an instant aU was confusion, and Charley Kaege bahn ran up with a baseball bat and beat the boar over tne neaa uiitu ue ran towards Brown, the., colored sharpshooter, who blazed away, at him. His ball nearly, broke a fore leg. The dog, kept snapping at the boar until JBr. MCAnerny torn mr. Kaegebahn . to cad him off or the sport must stop. The dog was imme- diAtpfv called orr. n ' ' The infuriated anfmal tiad mean time luneed towards Editor Wall, who fired a big rifle ball into his breast and killed : him. . Carl Eckert, Hertley's expert butcher, ran ut and with a big knife cut the boar's throat. The two boars were at once hung up and cleaned, after which they r were hooked to the side or a Yasr fniRfc and oaradod through the streets. v-;;, hfefe .- 'positive Citre for Piles, To tha DAonle of this eoontr we woald aaf we k ' SLSf th. Smof nr. Marebtel's Italian file Otatirient-emphaassilyjaaranteedto eareor moner refunded Internal, external, Wd, bleed Ins or ltchinc nlles.- Friee fiOe. a box. No eure, no vIvmI h tL wnstoa. arosstrt, Chartoae w.d - - iuinoaJJ. WASHINGTON.NUGGET FAVORABLE OUTLOOK COB THE BLAIR BILL. The Blsposal of the Coinage Question in the House-Personal and Political Melange. Correspondence ot Tax Obsxbtsb. . : -. Washington, D. C, April 9.--The friends of the education bill are sans guine on a favorable report on Mon day from the Committee on Labor. That, committee met today, hut did nothing. : The special friends of the measure! are not accessible at this hour. Mr. Reid thinks there will be something definite to report by to morrow! possibly by a late hour this afternoon. From another source I hear that it is probable there is more division; on the subject m the com mittee than has been thought proba ble. Messrs Cram and Lawier are avowed enemies. It is believed that there are other enemies. One of the points brought up this morning was the right of the committee so near the educationcommittee to consider the question. This right was sus tained, y Now that! the coinage matter has received its quietus.attention is turn ed to a measure.Baid to have been favored for introduction on Monday by the Committee on . Banking and Currency. It is intended to prevent the contraction of currency and pro vides for issues of silver certificates of the denomination of $1, $2 and S5. It also provides a new basis for na tional banking. The imperfect infor mation at hand does not suffice for a full outline of this very important measure. Mr.-Johnston's bill for the relief of Captain James G. Martin, - assistant quarter master; general, passed the House this morning. The amount of the relief is $325. On the silver vote yesterday after the close of my letter, Messrs., Cox and : Henderson were against free coinage and all the other members were in favor. The whole delegation opposed suspension. - The prayer of the House chaplain this morning in severe reprobation of the adulteration of food and drink, seemed ; to please Colonel Green, whose speciality it is in a secular way to expose this sort of guilt and humbug. The Colonel has accom plished much-in this sphere. Frank Brown, Esq.,' of Davie couns ty, ex-State Senator, is in the city. Colonel Co wles will address the Virginia Democratic'Association on invitation this evening. Major J. M. McLeod, of Asheville, is here, i H. SAM JORES AS HE IS. A Graphic Sketch of the Great Revivalist in Blaek and White. Chicago Tribune. ' Sam Jones, if questioned about the secret of his influence upon the mass es of the people who throng in thous anus to near mm every nignt, mignt say with modesty and with some truth what Mark Antony said with Subtlety: "1 am no orator as urutus is, But as you know me alf a plain, blunt man." j He makes a queer impression ups on one who loofesat him over a long stretch of masses of heads and tries to estimate his qualities as a speaker. But the first idea is, what a magni ficent audience. The big, lowsroofed hall is packed with people, and banks of Spectators slope up to the ceiling on ail sides. The iorm that risos ups on a platform-almost in the centre has the eyes and ears of all that vast assemblage. . There is no greater ODDortnnity for eloquence; for the speaker has an audience that hushes its chattering curiosity ' to catch his every word, ana he- nas a theme above all other themes. that have called forth human eloquence. The figure is not an impressive one in its ; quiet conventionality, The speaker in a cutaway coat, showing bur watch chain, might oa taken lor a well-to-do clerk or engineer. The first peculiarity is noticed when he lifts his hands. The ' lanky, cuffless wrists ; contrast, strangely with the whitely collared neck. But Mr. Jones has not overlooked an article of his dress. - When he lifts his" arms in apostrophe or prayer, that stretch of bare wrist nas its proper aramauo a m " J a. S effect. ; He is a man who is appealing to the people, and he does not wish to nave any more starcn aoont mm tnan is necessary. The voice has a plain ¬ tive as well as a penetrating quality; it rises and falls slowly, drawlingly, and with every phrase tipped witn a rising mecuoa ana a twang, l io not wearisome; it is soothing, it is the voice of one who has never been in much' of a hurry, ;- and it might have its melancholy color from the loneliness of the mountains. It is homely, but rude. The sermon begins, and one won ders at the speaker's fluency. He takes an idea and he spreads it out as thinly as they spread the butter on the bread at a chanty scnooi. tie is never at a loss for an , idea, for he keeps ringing the changes on the old one till something else occurs to him. When he feels for something fresh, he nasseshis hand slowly over his head, S running his fingers lightly through his hair, he seems to nave the assurance of innocence, itself; thoughts panting for utterance do not stumble or crusn eacn otner at nis lips; he never suffers from the rush of ideas to the brain. Other men mav tremble or flush with the. mes sage that is in them and is struggling for deliverance, out oam uuues ow a calm consciousness of power that would well become a power that was greater. ... He soori makes a joke. There is a ripple of applause and a great grati fied cackling. The fringe of specta tors near the doors who have been sitting and staring at one 'another with f the indifference - of ' sights seers : suddenly crane ' their necks and crackle " with the ; rest. That is 'undoubtedly what some of them have been waiting for,, Jt is said thatv Amerioans - are flippant. Some, indeed, speakr'of " their flip4 pancy as irreverence. - cut wvcv are other that bold that fiumor, even if n sometimes runs away from the apron string of taste, is a healthy uuuu, ouu wm grow up rugged and maniy. Mr. Jones, it would hardly be original to say, is a humorist. It may be questioned whether the tragedy or nis lire has impressed him uoopij , uui is is certain mat the com eay has , touched him acutely. But stop, tie strikes a pathetic cord. He speaks of maternal love. The tone is true, out not ; overwhelming. . An orator would have swayed that vast audience, and for a single instant perhaps ' have fused all souls in a single name of. feeling. . Mr. Jones is not the master of his hearers. . There is something wanting in him to give tiiui ausuiuce control. , The , expres biou oj.; muuxerence returns to some faces, the smile of amusement to others, and the loose, flowing sens tences slope lazily through the air. Now and then, when a point is to be made, the speaker stoops low, and lifting himself high while sweeping his arms gives forceful utterance to some epigrammatic thought, t This is what breaks the monotonv at inter. vals. v Once an imaginative flight is attempted the description of a rsara van in the desert sending the crv of water ;t ound" from one voice tri another toward the rear. The figure is a fine one. - the simile as it is an- plied is apt: but before the effort, nf what is reallv eloauent is obtained the speaker branches off on a trivial storys ; , -..::!:- Small Silver Certificates. Atlanta ConsUtaUon. The House committee . on . bankinir and currency has before it a proposi tion that would relieve , the people's pockets of the overweight in the shape of large silver coins. No green backs or bank bills are now issued of a denomination less than $5, and even five dollar greenbacks are not freel v returned to the people b the treas ury officials. 1 The policy seems to be to load the people down with silver. Whysuch a policy, involving reat inconvenience,! has been adopted, we need not storrto discuss The nlain fact remains, and it has resulted in no little public inconvenience. Why snouia it oe continued and - intensi fied? i .V: ' The silver certificates hdw in cirRu- lation are all $10 or a multiple of ten. a. ceruncate of x l is as unobjection able as a certificate of $10. As no principle is involved, why should not the public convenience be consulted? Why should not the. former suddIv of small notes be restored through the issue of small silver certificates? The silver, coins are of small denomi nation, and it is fitting and altogeth er proper and : sensible that some of the certificates Should be correspond ingly small. Both would . then be adapted to small payments, and the silver coinage would fulfill its mis sion. The bill hangs fire in the commit tee, and unless it - is reported very soon it will not come before the House in time for action. The com mittee on banking and currency should at least 'give the House an op portunity to act upon the bill. The smothering of bills in the committee room is certainly not the best way to dispose of them. , The House . sits in part for. that purpose, and if the bill is to be killed the house should do it. Let the bill come to the surface, so that a vote may be recorded upon it. Superintendent of Education Disappears., ( ChattanooqaI ADril 10. A disDach from Decatur, Ala., says Col. N. A. Fiournoy, superintendent of educa tion of Colbert county, has disap peared. There is a. shortage in his accounts. . ;; j- ... W CAPITAL PEIZE, $75,000. Tickets Only $5. Shares in Pro portion. '! Loiiisi&iia State Lottery Co. "TFe do hereto certify that w super vise thearrangementa for all the Monthly and Quarterly Drausmaa of the Louis iana State Lottery Company, and in per son manage ana eontrot the .Dramng themselves, and that the earn, are con ducted with honesty, fairness, and in aood faith toward all parties. and toe authorise the company to use iits cemji- eate, with foe simtlies of our signature - i CoJBsmissloners. We the , underaicmed Banks and Bankers wilt pay all Prizes drawn tn The l lxntistana . istate lAmervse which may be presented at our couns xers. . ? .t f- - - ' J. If. OGLESBY, :, Pres. lionlsana national Bank, Jl. W. RILBRGTII, - Pres. State National Bank. A. BALDW1I" Pres New Orleans Nat'l Bank. TnnnrnoratedlnlBnSfor SB Tears br tne Leftlsl tore f orTSducatlonal and Charltablapnrposes-with a capital of $1,000,000 to which a reserve fund of mr tKfinmn hna alnmt bnnn added. By an overwhelming popular vote Its franchise was maae a pan oi we present autta unuuwuvu The only Lottery ever voted on and endorsed by the people oi any state. . - Its Grand Slnsle Number Drawings will take - ST. IIHVHr NRHim isr irrilisjiitjii. ninM mnnthiY. and the TCitrftordlnarv Drawlnes reenlarlv every three months Instead of Seml- Annually as heretorore beginning March, 1886. a BPT-mmro OPPORTUNITY TO WIN A FOB- TUN K. Fourth firand Drawing. Class D in the Academy of MuBlcNew Orleans, Tuesday, April, 13, 1886 -191st Monthly Drawing. CAPITAL PRIZE 100,000 Tickets at Five Dollars Each. Fractions In , cuuiB in prayuruuu. Eist ot Prises. 1 CAPITAL PRTZB... 1 do do .... do- do .... 3 PHIZES of $8,000...; ....... $75,000 ,uuu 10.0U0 13.000 10,000 10,000 10.000 5 ao i a, uw... 10 20 100 800 600 do . - i,uuu. do - - 600.............. ....... do - aoa.......... do ; 100, 20,000 80,000 26,000 25,000 09 ea......... do SB..I....... 1000 ..... AFPBQXrffiTTOlf FBIZBS. : I Aprroilmatton Prizes of S7S0.'J..;... : . -.. do ; , eo . GOO......... C750 4,500 260 THvS z?A',:w. ss-U:uV am..... 1967 Prizes, wnoontlng to.....:. Application for rates to clubs shonld be made only totneomceof theoompariy in New Orleans. ' " iuir or Currency by Esprees (aU sums of $6 and upwards at our eX' rjerisei auaresBeu. ... , -,. m. a. iAurm " v ' r Kew Orleans, La. Or K.A.pALl'HJK, , . ; - it .v. Hake P, O. Honey Orders payable and address 1 Letters to , ,. . NIW OBXIANS lUTIOITAL BAIft - . mr runner information write eieariy.- mnnu auidreea. Postal Mote. Exttress Money Orders. New York Exoh&nM In ordinary- letter. - . tew uiieaoa, ia IT f ROYAL rs J mm Absolutely ilte. This nowdnr n ever VArkw. A tnnrvAl nf nnrlt. gtrenRth and wholesomenew More economical than the ordinary kinds, ana" cannot be sold in competition with the multitude of low test, short weight, alum or phosphate powders. Sold only ueaua. wnoiesaie dt SPRINGS & BTJRWKI L, JanaOd&wly . . Charlotte, N C. i.WERVOUS DEBILITATED; men. Too are allowed a free trial of thirty day of the one of Dr. Dye'a Celebrated Voltaic Belt wlttt Electric Sospenaory Appliances, (or - tbe Fpeedy relief and permanent cure of Aerwua Debility, loss Of Vitality and Manhood, and all kindred troubles. ' Also for many other diseases. Complete restora (iou to -Health. Visor and Manhood pnaranteed. No rink la Incurred. Illustrated pamphlet in Moicti (MKjpiM mailed free, bv addressing . . .. - ; 'Y01TA10SLICO.,UTslial,3cIlu ' novl7deodtw7m TM7 A T?Tt' C C ltsCAUdESandCTTEE. XJ UtX: A1 AJiO hrt ne who waa deaf twenty-eight years. ( Treated by most of- the rioted specialists of the day with no bent-fit. Cured him self In three months, and since then hundreds of others by the same process. a plain, simple and successful home treatment. Address T. S. PAGK, 140 JWioL OLU OU, JXOYI XUrK WANT SALESMEN everywhere, local and traveling, to pell our goods will pay good , alary a- d aU eznenses. Write for terms at once, and state salary wanted. Addreaa btandakd SILVKB WARE COMPACT. Wash ington Street, Boston- Mass. marod4w i Whpn 1 say cure I do not mMn rumv.1t of at. for a time and then have them return again, I mean a radical cure. I have made the disease of UTS. EPI LEPsr or FALLING- BICKKKSS a life-lnno- rtnHv T warrant my remedy to core the worst cases. Because others have failed is no reason for not now receiving a ' cure. Send at once for a treatise anda Free Bottle of my infallible remedy. Give Express and Post Office. It oosts you nothing for a trial, and I will cure you. Address Da. H. O. ROOT, 183 Pearl St., Hew York. CONSUMPTION. I bays a positive remedy lor the above disea. : by its nse thousand, of C..01 the worst kind and of font standing have been cured. Indeed, sostronsis my faith lnitsaigaacy.tliHtlwi l send TW O BOTTLES FREB together with a VALUABI.BTRE ATISB on this diaeasa to an J sufferer. Glveexpressand P O. Rddr srf . ' . H.T. A.JiLOCUM.lsiPearlSt.. iew York, AD1ES WANTED to work for ns at their own homes. S7 to S10 per week can be easily I . made; no canv swing; fasclnatln:; and steady " employment Particulars and aamnln or th. work sent for stamo. Airess HOME M'JTlr CO P. O. Box 1316, Boston, Mass. ' PENYRSYAL FILLS "CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH." The Original and Only Genuine. Safe and alw.y. BeUaMe. Bpwire of worthlem Imiutlon. S58ne!mbl V LADIES. Ask yoar Urnecl.t for "'Chichester's Lnfrlish" sod take ao other, or luclose 4c. (trnp) to ns for partioolars in letter by return mall. NAME PAPER. Chichester Chemical Oo . 8S 8M.aIlmn Square, l'hllads, Fa. BoH by Tmcxtt everywhere. Ask tor "Chlohea. ter1. Knsdt.h Feanyroyad Filla. Take ne other. janlOdotwly Establlaned FAY'S 1866. MANILLA BOOPEriG! Takes tha lead: does not corrode like tin or iron, nor decay like shingles or tar compositions; easy to apply; strong and durable; at half the cost of tin. Is also a SUBSTITPTEfbr PLASTER at Half the .owl. liAKPh'l'M and KUGS of same material, louble Una wear of Oil Cloths. Catalogue and samples PI T IT II T C Send a sketch or model of in " 1 H I y veoUon, and tS OOrorexamina s1 ' yw1 tlon. Applications for PAT- 1 Hcdo nr.. pared and prosecuted Rejected casfs, lnfrlne intents. Interferences, and legal opinions a srjeciairr.' anna stamp tor -book on patents." 11KMKX wiais tri.tuNi.ri-, solicitor oi patents. Attornej at Law and Counsellor in Patent Causes, WASHINGTON. 1). C. Beferenoes BiGfja & CO., Bankors, Second Na- 1 . f . . f uonat BanK, wasnington, u. u. WANTED IN CHARLOTTE. An energetic business woman to solicit and take orders frr The MADAME GttlSWOLD : Patent Bklrt-Supportlng Corsets. These corsets have been extensively ad vertised and - sold by lady can vassers the past ten years. 'which. with their superiority, has created a large demmd for them through out the united States, and any lady wno will give her tune ana energy to canvassing for them can soon build up a permanent and profitable business They are not sold by merchants, and we give ex clusive territory, thereby elvlru? the asent entire control ot these superior corseis in me territory sjufimMl her. we have a lante number of agents who are making a grand success sehlng these irooda. and we desire sucn in every town. Aauress WMK ttKlaVYUljAJ X VAA, iU) DIVtMiTVOJ, 11CT 1U1S - LAND SALE. TY virtue of a decree ot the Superior Court of r MTncklenhare county, in the case of C B. Boylea, : administrator of J.; B. Boyles. de oeas"d, vs. Nannie J. Boyles, et al, I will expose for sale at the court house door in Charlotte, on t.h nrst Monday, fthe 3rd daylot May: 1886, the tract of land ot said J. B. Boyles, adiolntng the lands of W. A. Brown, Ben. T Pi ice, John Hoover et al. The same will be sold In two parcels. 1 be .lands outside the doner In one lot, and the lands subject to the dower. s . Tekm. Tenner cent of the buret ase money cash. The baianoeln two Installments. January 1st, 1887, and Jannary 1st, 1883, interest at 8 per rant, from date on tha dower tract: on the o her tract from January 1, 1887, when possession will be given. t. . a. i.r,, mar28d&wlw ; . - :. Admr and Com. CUREftchDEA PECK'S PATENT IMPIIOVED- CtJSHIOKED EAR DRUMS nincRT BSflTOBB the BEAKiNe aiul perform the worV of the natural drain. Jnvhible, comfortabk ud always fa- position. All eonTCTBatioa and evea whltpeit heard dirtioetly. Send foTilln!tratrT Ixmk with tMttraonialv FREE. Addrest or call oa F. H1SC0X, 349 Uromdwajj XHew Xoriu Alenuon vais paper. FOR SALE. en Two desirable building' lots, 50x300 feet, DO fronting on South Tryon street adjoining tha nninnrrv of J. H Carson. Shade trees on lots. Will be so d -separately or together. Price $700 each. CHABX011E BEAL ESTATE AGENCY. , Houses Rented, Houses rented and rents collected, in the , Advertised free of charge. CBABLOTTS BEAL ESTATE ASKNCY, ' " ' ' I ; ; B. S. COCEBAITK. Uanager, -: raSd if 1 Trade Btreet pout central H PiiflPrew-Safe T HATE EQB SALE a complete Adams book i Adams A and Newspaper Press. Size of platen 24x30 Inches. The machine Is tn good order, made 0 LinPrToe " 12,000 WlUbeaoMfor 60000 on terms to suit purchaser. - ,,Ti, - " . CHA3. B, JONES, ' Iftnfidtt "; " ' - ChattottsQhserr. . ma GUhE FITS! ; WE ARE SHOWING In perfect style, correct cut and largs variety Oar Clothing and Fornishiag Goods Department Occupy as much and more space than many exclusive Cloth ing Stores in the State, in regard to variety of stock as well, Las low prices we take the lead. We carry none but well made and stylish Cloth- tog. . , ) We Pay Special Attention To the Dtw chase of these stood. We have an old establisned trade, which looks tons for well-made t,wuiuig. . 1 . . - .( ' VDE WE WANT YOUR CUSTOM Because A good serviceable Business Suit made ud In eood style at $3.2a, $4.00. and $0.00. All-Wool Cassimere Salts. In a variety of shades and patterns, at $7.50. $o.03, $9.00 and $10.00. -. , .i...; jo. . All -Wool Black Diagonal Suits at $10 00. which cannot be duplicated elsewhere for $12 60. In magnificent styles We handle the OTT S. PEPSIN AND ' ' WEAR i Me' MiU, Boys' Oats and Children's Oats , Ever brought to this city. SPECIAL OFFER: Our entire stock of. JMens' ... Solid Colored Hose worth from 35 to 50 cents; is now price of 25 cents at pair. CHARLOTTE, N. C. I - MAIL ORDER3 SOLICITED AND The largest and most IN 7 PIANOS AND ORGANS- Of j the hest makes Low prices and easy m 5 : h 3 m Order direct from me, and deliver freight-paid to your Iff Mmmm'H tw c-ri i' i can buy- from the head olpce, and will attend - to your wants in case anything should be , wrong in the factory guarantees. - , , .3 0HAEIX7TTE, N. a ! V, REAS0l.HT ' We sell Clothing and Famishing Goods at low figures! 1 - . We are Spot Cal Buyers! Large Manafactureis are anxious to secure ens-' torn, therefore offering ua Bo "torn Prices, We do not oepend solely utoa our Clo(hlng Department to defray our expenses. we Sell An excellent Business Suit, made of' medlim weight Gasslmerts, and styllsbly cut at $6.10. $6.60 and$7.C0.' - : . -. Suits trimmed handsomely, equal to custom made which we are asking $12 0U to S15.1XI, sell elsewhere at $14.00 to $18 0J. '' . j - - A full line of Sacks and four r-utton Cut-a-ways, In Casslmeres and Worsteds, that are the best fit ting garments ever manufactured. at very moderate prices best makes of being offered at tha uniform PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. complete stpek of STATE. :o:- on the installment plan. terms. Send for prices. CHKKERMG PJAIYOS, ABIOIf PIANOS, BENT PIAKOS, MatLcsLf k Fiancs. . MASON k HAMLIN PMOS. BAY STATE ORGANS, PACKARD ORGANS, Mason & Hamlin Organs. save time and freight,as I nearest depot as cheap as you . 'i 1 1- lb t ill i'

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