VOLUME XXXIV. CHARLOTTE, N. C, TUESDAY, APRIL 13, 1886. PRICE FIVE CENTS. Yards of Check PK at 5 cents per yard. " Yards 4 4 Bleaching Clear of Starch at 7 cents per yard. Yards 4-4 Sea Island; good quality at 6i cents per yard. All-Wool Cashmere Shawls at $1.25 each. - ' Jerseys, elKwool, from $1.00 to $5.00 ' 1,000 urn 1,000 50 200 '200 1,000 100 Cases Ladies' and Misses' Kid Yards fine hi'e India Linen,' Hamburgs cheaper tnan tne Pieces of Torchon Lace. W HldE m . c .. . .J . .'. ,. THK HANDSOMEST USE 01 Goods i We have ever offered. - Gme and V p a a large stock of Ladies', Misses J TT-j.moii at.Wtt.tnm nrices. r i Dru . i - GLOVES AND- H o SI ERY, :o: GLOVES. BUT the Caprtea Konr Button Kldaat il.35, every pair warranted. . BVJ h? exanl Seven Hook Glore at $1JE0, blacks aad colors, eTery pair Wdrranted. : i --TTv h Mivhnitmi T.irome Kid. extra Quality. ,15 at $i.00, every ualr warranted. LADIES Lisle Thread ftlorea, at 25 and SSeenta. , ! -r m'w Si'kOlnvM blacks and colors, at 60, 80. Lt 75 cents, SL00 and $126 ajialr. r lyjITS, all lengths anJ Qualities. HOSE.. - ; '.--..-;. - i. . 1 ADIES Silk Hose, blacks and colors. -. . L J1DIE3 Lisle Thread Hose, blacks and colors. LAD1K3 Fu'l Hegolar Hade Hose, colored, at 80 85, 40 and 60 cents. - . , j LADIES Balbrlgran Hose at 36, SO, 37 and (0 cents. - .- . .-- j pHTLDRSNS Ribbed Hose at 12& 25. 83& 87. UiO and 60 cents. T L. SEIGLE. s5 H ILd tibw lot. nf PIomd Rilka. Checks. Stripes and PlainV just received per Sat- urdav's exorts. Alt o Black Silks, Gross Grain and Surahs. Don't fail see them before buying. - - . , :o: Ccloredand No better or cheaper assortment to be found in the city. Mne line j of Trimmings, such as beads, laces. Passamentaries and Buttons For anything in the DRY GOODS line, give us a call SnCCESSOBS TO ALEXANDER Jt HARRIS. FRED C. HUNZLER WHOLESALE . LAGER BEER DEALER ATtV BOTTLEB,, ' : ;j. CHARLOTTE, N. C Represents two of the largest LAGEB BEEB Breweries in the United States , The Bergner Jk Enel Brewing Co., of PhUadelpnta, and the F. 4 Q. cljaflTer BrewiBf Co ' 'New ToZ-X'irZlM THE LARGEST LAQEB BEEB )BOT iLdO 18TABLISHMHT ' , r IN THE CITY, i ' 6Order Solicited. All orden promptly aild and delivered free of charge to wy pvt of tfeecity. deoSOdlf ' r W. L. DOUCLAC Beat material, perfect fit, cqosls say 5 f,J CTery nalr warranted. Tka nnlW UbIbM SUHlPa "W. t Douglu' S3.00 - bDOe.VArrntMl rn. . . - ( . m gjeu. Button and Lace. If yon cannot get tbete inon from dealert, send address on postal card to W. L. DoogUa, Brocle- Tor f bf Iat03Jo13m. 4. . RAwmrw A BRO , i - , Charlotte, . C Men Think ftey know all about Mustapg Lin iment -Few do. Not to "know is nottohaye. Opera Slippers good ones, 75 cents. 34 inches wide, at 10 cents per yard. cneapesc. . r ; W' SHOWING V i. r , : k. VTfi U i see our immense and pretty stock. and Children's Domestic and Cam- I 'c - c - i - -v . -. - i . . . .. PEG First Msial Bait Bai Sooth Tryon Street, ' Charlotte, N. C DXAXSBS m Ladies', Mlsses'and Children's use . i; .'. - ' .- - -fi :-t-r -. BUTTON, WRESSiUCE SHOES, Gents' Tine Hand-Made and Machine Sewed BOOTS, BUTTON AND LA.CE BALS, BOYS' AND TOCTB8' ' YTXX BOOTS AND SHOES OF ILL GRADES GENTS' FINE II IT SftTT. flTlfl St.m HfLtS. " . 1 I TRUiNKS, ;:X VALISES and.- GRIPSACKS, UMBRELLAS OF ALLKINDS, SHOE BLACKING AJTO BBUSHE3. '. .. Mma Polish for Ladies' Fine bhoes. Stock always kept toll and ... I . tip to the demand. ORDERS BY HAIL OB SXPBES3 fBOMFTLT , ATTENDED TO. to f , - 1 liiii; regram. wv I ,' "1 I lack Press tfoods. and you won't -regret rtw ?, AUCTION AND COMMIBSION Slrel n lite""; B'okers. BUT AMP BELL REAL ESTATE 'consignments solicited i' J. U. -KBUDMCK, CLUB-HOUSE, ""- - KEEPS THE J. B EST BA R H Hi D I ! I A II D HALL Intbeetr. (eblfldtt FORiRENT. ACOMTOHTABLJ 4 room eottage, pantry and kltehen, within a few hundred yards of tne Graded School, and sir acres ot land for rent to a good tenant Apply to mmm ht 1mvl0tU hsevvtv. "Tbdth. Lm tub strsj, soKxrnns submits to BC OBSCUHXD, BUT, XJtt TKB BOX. OKLT JOBA SvlMscrlptiom to the Observer DAILY EDITION. Slngieoopy....' Coenti. tsj lie wees in me atj hj By the month. 76 Three months.. 1200 Six months.... 1.00 -." One year.... 8.00 WEEKLY EDITION. - Three months SOeents. Six months $1.00 Dne year .V. 1.76 : ' meiuDsoi aw ana over sl&ul These Radee ' SubecrtDtlom always Davable In adTanos, not only In name bnt in fact k Jajr Gould's Friends, the Enemy! Philadelphia Times. 1 - Jv : : Jay Gould's most efficient friends in bis contest with labor, are the enemy that m impassionate hate proclaimed him f 'the gi Ant fiend " .They don't mean it' but had . Jay Qould ; in his " most . subtle cunning been authorized to control the move. ments of the Texas and Missouri strikers, he could not have, directed them more to his own advantage or more to their own disadvantage. His friends, the enemy, will win Gould's battle if it Bhall be won at all. Had Jay Gould been consulted as to the best method of paralyzing the rapid growth of The Knights of Labor under the wise - and conservative leadership of General Master .Work. man irowderly, what would be have -advised, could his direction . be tin- seen by tne world l Ln any. one doubt that be would-have advised 1. That they precipitate a strike, when there is no "complaint as - to wages, payments or Hours oi labor. on a railway tbat is in the hands of a sworn officer of the United States Court, and for no other reason than that one objectionable employe had been discharged without inquiry as to his membership. - That the strike against the officer of the united States Court in Texas should be extended to - the - Missouri Pacific, when the Gould direction has no more power over, tne Uourt re ceiver in charge of the Texas Pacific than has President Gowen over the Receivers of Beading. i-'--C.:---s 3. That the strike should be pre cipitated on both lines in open disre gard of the laws of the Knights of Labor which warrant strikes only when authorized by' the supreme tri bunal of the Order. i 4. That the -strike should be pre cipitated ' without formal complaint and attempt at comerence or arbitral J tion. in . flagrant violation of the solemn agreement with Gould in Ahcniat loKt -whArnhv Via WflRtvnnnd to confer and arbitrate any complaint and the Knights of Labor were bound to demand' and exhaust conference and arbitration before resorting Jo a strike. 5. That when tne etnfce was tnus carelessly precipitated in violation of good faith and of the laws of the Knights of Labor,' the strikers should i resort tqrviolenceana tne aestruction of Dropeftyrahtr prove to the world ! that they would disturb the whole commerce and trade of ' the country to gratify the hot-spurs who obey neither the laws of their Order nor the laws of the land. 6. That when the stnte was thus inaugurated without reason and pros ecuted in violence, it should be main tained against the dear public senti ment r ana putwc interesui oi mo whole country, until Gould can re place the labor of the striking Knights a a - . . J' . A . I ana aisracb anu. uiyjiKgraw moui by the loss of labor tfiey madly in flict upon themselves. : ; Had Jav uould been empowerea to direct the action of the Knights of Labor in the West, and employed his best eunning to make ; their action self-destructive, he would: have ad - vised just what the Texas and Mis souri feuowBtupnasaone. rus rrienas, the enemy, have fought hie battle by evil counsels and violent action, to an extent tbat GOuIL w)tb ail bis scores or miuions, cou4i no. nave m. ' t J - . f in the" direction or ' tne western Knights of Labor or, ' unless the wise anaiust aamoo tuuuH vrouenu. Master Workman Powder ly shall be Eromptly accepted Gould will win is battle simply because his friends, the enemy, are fighting it for him. - There is now put one nope or saiety to the Western Knights of Labor,and probably to the : wnoie nationai:jpT ganizationi tbat is to stop the strike at onoe unconditionally, dismiss law less members, go back to work and then demand conierenco ana aroura tion. ' Such action would at once dis arm Goul i; it would take from him his only defensive position in the con test; it wouia assure tne great ouei nAsfi interests of the country of the safety, of labor organizations, and it would recall tne popular gympavay for organized industry that it has lost by causeless disturbance of busit nesS aflna by violence. xnenus ui labor : look the truth in the face, and answer - whether there any nope for it in a contest beeun without reas son, prosecuted in violence -and eon tinued in aenance .,- oi ,aiwrs wB Chinee on the Ban, San Francisco Bulletin. . ; f-f - An attorney: who' ist probahlyaa well acauainted with the Chinese in San Ftancisco as any whitd mjitr can be says tbat if: toe present agitation is continued for a year there will not be a Chinese merchant ' in ban yran-. Cisco. At the present time they are closing-! up i - thelrbu8iness be fast as they can, and every ; steamer takes one r more of them away.; The bus iness of the merchants is being ruin; ed by the expulsion- of i the laborers from the interior. The merchants in the interior of this State, in Oregon, in Washington Territory and Neva da have no business,1 as their patrons have disappeared and they - are un able to pay their debts. In conse quence the merchants here are suffer ing. One merchant has $150,000 worthi of bills -which he ca,miQ$ col lect, and a recent tQur of -this and neignoormg. states enapiea- mm to. secure enly 3,000. ' Merchants have for - some time1 been Easaisting each other to prevent failures, hut ?t"ap. pears atf'th? W18. reaped.. ja jaflEmedtha thero arcrmore yacant stores in Chinatown than were ever before seen; an the prospect s- that the number Wil grow larger, ''-'-"i ' ':.:: : T h.Mh nthilWDaoii-vswiuitiauu Ptia Ointmnt-H5i.uaacfUj gtiaranteed to care or money refundedtrnal, ' DaSl9LZ leg or Itciang pilos. ' Prtee 600. a box. oeare,M fjev. aart&to K.G. c waitctg fob ms wife. A Philosophic Observer Consoles sv Ifervoaa nasbnd Until Train Arrlres. .-. Petzo It Free Press. "If you are standing around railroad depot about the time some train is expected in, you needn't look twice to identify the man who is down there to welcome his wife. She has been away ' three weeks, but the time seems like three months to him. He was never so glad in his life as at the thought that she is rolling ton wards him as . fast as . steam - can traveL , - yv 'A" ::r A, : ' ' There was such a man at the foot of Brush street Saturday. - He ex pected his wife on . the Michigan Southern train. He rushed up and down to see if the train, was on time. xoen ne rushed out and engaged a hack, i Then he promenaded up and down and wiped his brow, and -he was still at it when a man who had been across' the road to wet bis whis tle with old rum came slouching back ana inquired: ? "Expecting some one, ehf' ; -"v "Yes. sir.'7 "Wife, probably? "Yes." - "Bin away long?" "Over two weeks." "Coming on this train,?" , - - -"Yes." "Well, I duhno," continued the man. as he rubbed his back against the ticket window shelf. "I wouldn't be too enthusiastic about it. . Wimen are mighty onsartin. . I've had two of 'em run away from me. Is your wife any hand to ' make . acquaintances while traveling?" "No, eirl", v "Oouldn't be induced to elopa?" " "Sirl : Do you intend to insult me?" . .J ::.-v "Gosh, nb."' I wouldn't insult non body nor nothing. Could - your wife be carried away by good .looks and lots of money?" V "If you wasn't an old man I'd thump you for your impudence I". ex claimed the husband, as he grew red all over, v -. - ' - ; TTou would! Well, I won't talk to you. If your wife comes in on the trajn, all right;; if she doesn't, you needn't blame me." t -" He went into the sitting room, and presently " the train came in.--" The husband dodged abort as if he was walking on glass, and the passengers came out one by one until the coaches were empty.- There was no wife. It wag ten minutes before the husband could give up, and when he did and started out doors the old man lounged out and said: 1 j "I told him! Tve lost two wimen just that way, and I knew what I was talking about." - 'state revs. ! Asheville Advances Mr. George B. Council of McDowell, representing several Philadelphia companies who own large boundaries ' of land in Western North Carolina, is in the city for the purpose of offering these lands for sale. The company- repre sented by Mr. Council own one hun dred thousand acres of land in Mo Dowell county, including the 8wan nanoa Gap. They also own a thirty? five thousand boundary in Caldwell and Watauga counties. The lands are well Uoioered, and no doubt offer a fine field for investment. They Abound in the finest white pine tim ber to be found anywhere, besides walnut, oak, etc ' Wilmington Star : The annual r& port of the chief of the fire -department, Captain C. D. Myers, snowg that during the past twelve months there were' forty eight fire and five false alarms, and one fire at Point Peter, - to which ' the little Giant steamer was sent. -: The total loss by these fires will approximate $800, - 000, with insurance of about $66.0, Q00. i .fji uv'&f: . y--i . "Wilmington Review: The receipts of cotton at this port from April 1st, 1886, to April 10th, 1886. foot up X" 103 bales! as against 119 hales for the corresponding time last year, an increase ot 984 bales. The receipts for the crop year up to April 10th, J886, foot up 96,989 bales a against 3.373 bales for the corresDOndinz period last year, 'f an increase (this year of 8.fil9 bales. The total re ceipts for the crop year ended Sep tember 1st 1835, were 94,054 bales, or 2,935 bales less than have been rei ceived thjw far this y tar. J " , l Durham Daily Bocorder: One year ago there were $16,000. worth of lots belonging to the Green estate sold. The game land cannot be . bought to day for $95,000. a This is! one of the evidences of Durham's growth. Real estate in every section OL town has i . . : ' j ' : . .. . vancea in price. Durham Tobacco Plant: On Satur day last Colonel George' W. Tate, of Orange county, was taken to the In sane Asylum at Raleigh for treat ment. Colonel Tate wa one of the cleverest and most substantial i citi zens af Orange county; and this mi fortune is quite a shock to his many friends. . We hope that he may re turn to his family, at no distant day fully restored MrA. J.Butjes, who has had oharee of the Claiborn Hotel for the past two years will leave in a short time for Columbia. where he is to take charge of another hoteL W -iVi Hi ' 1 -News and Observer Goldsboro cor Vesnondence: It has been currently reported on the streets,- and the re-. nnrt is now confirmed. thuV Mr. Bonita has sold a naif interest in his Axmllent and nrosperous paper to Mr. J. Harwood Brown,-of New Jersey, who is now in the city, and it is said will assume the business manage menii ui duo umw wiuwji u innt. The price paid for the half in terest is $16,000, whi-sh, however, does not include the handsome Messenger building,- the title of wnicn r remains with Mr. Bonitiv? The new manage ment expectrto put a great deal of additional push and ability Qn the Messenger, wnicn nas lor a number of years, nas been paying Air- tiomts au annual pruuk ui iruiu a,ww w ' v. a c M . aaa a.. Am wi urtrlln now in tha 'very zenith of ita fiBefulnees and hope f or a greater prosper ity. . Mr. Brown oomef nere hiehlv endorsed ' rU a courteous and clever gentlema an4 brings much eioenence to the Messenger, Efe was the. inanaee'r of a publishing oomnanv in New York, which issued IV. Deems' book "Jesus" and be and Dri Deems ulanned and - issued the rifiristian An. Until his delarmina tion to connect himself with ' the Masseneer. a few- days atso. Mr. I Rrown was connected ' with thi tv -- , :,v. .ua -a: I iwueni. AJeiuuurtsMU oucwir uo. xors - Liar. uovemor Aoi-BQeiner paper, and the Governor .. endorses hi iim in ntrrtn? terms as a newsDaDer-. man of ripe knowledge an$ ability. it' ANXIETY OF THE PRESIDE1IT He Confers "With Gen. Sheridan ma the Need of Regular Troops, ' WASHmoTON, April 10. The Presi ueuv us very mucn concerned over tne recent labor troubles in the West lie said today , to Gen. Warner, of vino, .iiiiau u tne - troubles were not soon ended ne should send a special message to fjongress on the subject. It is further understood that Mr. Qwderly will come here next - week to comer with Mr. Cleveland, and that the. latter, has sent a request for him to come, -k ' . - ':t It is understood that the President nas been in conference .with , Geo: Sheridan, foreseeing a possible - nee- essny tor tne presence - ot regular troops to guard Government proper sy m case oi a riot. Gen. Sheridan's departure for Chi cago at this time Iwould ' seem to in dicate that he desires to be on hand in case such necessity .arises. It woold, be easy .to concentrate 2,500 (roops & u Liouis or at any point in Texas within twelve to twenty-four houi s. Tbere are alwavs on hand at Jefferson Barracks, i within twenty mues pi St. Liouis. from four to ten companies of recruits. Further sup plies could be drawn from Chicago, ana could reach St..,-Louis fwithin twelve hours.,,: - tr.wiwi?i There , is . no immediate nrdanect tnat troops will be needed, hut, : with io,uou men ready to be converted in to a lawless mob, . with a common purpose, on an hour's notice, it has been thought well to be prepared. If the rioting at East St. Louis ,should get beyond control of the State au thorities, as is not improbable. con. sidering the lawless nature of the population of that little town, the United .States authprities will be ready to step in, if possible, to pre vent the spread of the, trouble to the other side of the river, t, ,. a u.,-r t A TEAR TOO XATE. n : jx '3t..:-y.3ffi(.s fms$e&. ---"-it e Called, to See Hen , fcnt She Was OInrrled to Another Man. j A citizen. of thiff town' went' West about threa years ago in search of fortune,! says the Detroit Free Press. He returned the other day, and after i Jong searon heard that bis "wife ived on Beaubien street, -l It was 10 o'clock at) night when he rapped at the door. After a few minutes an upstairs window was raised and a fe male voice cried out: m-U"!v "Who is it, and what do you want?" "Is that you Fannie?" he asked. 4 "Who calls me Fannie?"" ; . i ; "Your husband. It's me Henrv : I have come back." ' "Ob, it's you, then? You d better skip n i "wny? . - " 'Cause Tm married again. : I got a divorce from you a year ago. : v D annie, now could youl . wasn't I a loving, ten " - 'Ijoofc-astierer snouted the harph voice of a man, as his head replaced that of the woman's. "I don't want no fooling about this I Are you eoing right off without any fuss, or must I come down and carve you up?" t "Jiutx want my wire 1" .5 v "You haven't got any t The Wayne circuit court divorced her, ! and a Presbyterian minister spliced her to me. Do you think we are going back on court and church just because you happened to come back? Are you going?" - ;: : .: . ; "I'd like to talk the case over," v "Haven't time, f v I'm going to give you just two minutes to get out of shooting distance." : j fioi The ex-husband got. but he went down to police headquarters, and ex plained:. ';,.: 'r ' -. 'r'X . "If ever I marry another man's di- yorced fe I'll , be. half way,, white; about it. , . If be comes arpund and wants an explanation I'll be gentle man enough to ", invite him into : the house. -. I won't lean out of the. win dow and blow and holler anq..lug out a pistol and make him feel all . flat- 1.1M.IAIW BIADISOH'S MURDER 1 , tit ' . .. -. Daoeovery "Whieh My Yet Ssto Clnverfiu front theiGnllowB. - BiCHMoirb,1; Vi:n AprU ' lZ. The- Question - oi tne- execution ot x. j Cluverius for : the murder' of Fanny Lillian Madison is now; in the; hands of the highest court of the State, the condemned matt' having asked for a new tnaL The wnoie case nas been' shrouded in the deepest mystery, but today : an aiteged fact-.is: ryealed which will create a great sensation. In the latter part otslastsummer an old maiderr iady inamed Rachael McDonald, livmg near the reservoir in which the body of Lillian Madison was discovered, was iouna dead in her yard with, ner taroat eux.'M Appar renuy every eiruri was miwe to ais covev the means of 'her 'death, but -without avail.. Her property is in the nanas ox tne court, ana : now-ioomes the startling news ; that 'witnesses have been found to prove that Miss McDonald ? was murdered' and that they will appear - before 'the next grana jury, oi me cauniy vennoo; witn more postave eviaenoe. Hull more startling is tne informa tion that Lillian Madison, ' who, it was tnougno was ' tnrown- infio the reservoir hv her. cousin.. Cluverius. died at the house o Hiss .McDonald from an attempt at malpraoiicew and was thrown into the water after death. - Alt these rumors nave excit ed the greatest interest, and - counsel for Cluverius were not slow in doing everythingpoa3Sible td' get ; the facts of Miss McDonald's death out. ' One of "the . shrewdest detectives in the country has been in the oase. Preserving the .Family Average. Trom Clan Ben"! Letter. - i ? . a .i '-: t They had been eating a swell din ner and. doing same incidental drink ing, of 'Wine. jTheneau was percep tiblv drunk, but his wife, a belle, was only exhilarated. : They -were, alike oblivious of dress as they came across . . i - . l 11 TT. 1 1 each other in tha haUway. He tvad I claDDed his hat on in the nreaenoe of ladle vithowt lalizuKgiV and she well it was disastrous, but funny! Per corsage had a garland of flowers across the top, and brought over the shoulders to form all there was of sleeves. WelL one side got loose and fell, down, but she didnnopceit, for the difference feeling between a bare shoulder and one -covered only hv a naIfinoh'straD or a string of roses is trifling. r; y v ; 'Wy-don't yon take off your hatf sne sharDlr whisnered. . - ' - r VVBecause." he thickly ! retorted. the- family ousht to keep a little something on.- So I clapped on my hat the instant J. noticed the gtyle of dress you're wearin.,, ne-w Absolutely Pure. r; ThlS DOWdflP nmw TftHM 1 niml nf nnrMv. Bnengui and wholesomeness .- More-economical than the ordinary Mads, and cannot be sold In oompetltlOQ with the multitude of low teat, short weight, alum or ohosDhate Dowdm-n Hold only i ' 8PEINB3 ft BTJBWSLL; Jan2D(I4wlr sit f in. Chariotte.N CV ; K IVlERVOUS r : DEBILITATED MEN: ose of Dr. Dye'B Celebrated Voltaic Belt wits of Vitality and Manhood, and all kindred troubles. w lurniany otner aiseases. complete restora. Moil to Health, Vleor and Manhood guaranteed. No risk Is Incurred. Dlnstrated pamphlet In rim ltd " SMVioMinalled free, by addre8intt , Y0LIA10 BI Ala: co waTBnaTI. Ulca. ' - - . . . . nort7deodw7m i v , ; DEAFNE8S&ira-2S I twwitf eight wars. Treated bT rarat a ttw nntoii STMOlaUstS Of thftdSTwlth no hnnflt. finnul film. elf In three months, and since then hnnrtmriii at I outers OTue same Droeesa. -a niAin. mmoiA nt sneeessful home treatment Address, T. S.iFAAX, m WANT 8ALSSHZN eveirwhere. " loeftl aoa wavcniur, to ceu oar goods' ww par good alarrardU expenses. Write tor terms at onoe. and state mmrr wnntMi iriHroait STANDARD SILVER WARS COMPANY. WiMh. ItHoa Stieet, Boston Mass. . -. marSOdlw - KU RE FITS! when 1 aay core I do net mean merely to stop them for fcrfime and then have them retorn again, I mean a vadioai core. X have made the disease of FITS. PZ. LEP8Y or FATJUKa SICKNESS a life-long ttuAj. I variant my remedy to cure the worst cased. Beauun others hare failed a no reason for notnowreosivma;a eore. Bend at once for a treatise and a Free Bottleof my infallible remedy. . Give Express and Fort Office. : It ooete you nothing for a trial, and I will core yon. AddVearH.Q.EOOT,lisPeart8irewrfc. cprjsur.iPTiorj. I have a positive rameor for the atT disease ; by Its staBdlarhaTebeenoBred.Iudeed,MstroneIsmTfalth ' - wnni...u. . wwbw in von, una ana or lone Iniuemcaey.thatlwlil send TWO BOTTLES FRKK. together with a T A LUA 9I.B TBEAT18S en this dissasa ' Co any suSVrer. aiva express and P O.addr. as. i T. A. abOCDK, M rearHfc, jkaw lesfc H ADIE3 WANTED to work for us at their own nomas. 7 to giu per week: can be easily 1 uiaue; nu chut 'twiuif; rascinaong and steady " employment Particulars and samnln of tha work sent for stamo. Adresg BOMS M'jrti CO.. u, box 1816, Boston, Mass. - " PENNYROYAL PILLS CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH ' Tb Original al Only CreBaln.' Ban and always Reliablet BewanafwartMesa Imitathna Indlspeiuabls to LA Dl ES. Ask joor Dranlst ' "Ohlehaater'sJ&nKlti.sT'uKtUke no ether, or Inoloseto. ' (ttamp,) to us for pvtioalars a letter by I e luj u saaU... HAMS f. t rf . unreaesser vaemieat ua, -, - t,.- 8tSBIadiK,laPallaswJVs, . aM ay Hi !( everywhere. la everywhere. Atk tor Chlefeea. Feaayrayal FUla. Take as stseb . fiastusa" . JanlOdAwly w-wtiiw. PAY'S ANILLA R00FINBI Takes ttaa lead: doss not eorrode like tin or iron, nor : Oeeay ftkashmglea or tar eompositwns; easy to apply; etroa and dnrabla: at half the eost of tin. Is also 5'1'e.lt as Mali my. ilSiS uAar&a avv9 uc sump bhwhi, donble th Wear of OH Olotba Oataloone and samples W.H..2AI. P1TCIITC Send a sketch or model of in- r t I mention, and (6.00 for examloa s1 tion. ADDUcatlOos for PAT- 1 icm in uccnaredandoroseooted fieleeted cases. Infringements, Interferences, and legal opinions a specialty, Sena stamp Tor "book on faients," rfrttn-r wtsr OaRWRTT. Solicitor of PatMits. Attorney at Law and Counselloc In Patent Cause, WASHINhTON. d. q. . , -. f .'., .' Beferenaes-KlGfxS ft CO., Bank8rs, Second Na- ! 1 i nonaiuanE. wssnington, ij.Ai. j ' V ANTED IN CHARLOTTE. on An energetic business woman to solicit ana rase oraers irr -j ne MADAMS Cr&lSWOLD ' Patent Bkirt-Supportlng. Corsets. These ooraets have, been extensively ad MltlHd and aold Df 18JUT - Ut- . wuviara the naat ten veara, whtah. 'with their surjertority, has created a large aemana tor mem xnrouKn- j out the United Statea, and any laaywno wiu give iner tune ana . energy to canvassing for them ean nori hnlld rm a Mrmanentand Drooxaoie Business thei are not sold by merchants, and vie give ex- Ainarm trrttw-r. therebv clTlnn the agent entire control of these superior oorsets in the ' territory aaaiarmrt her. , wt haa a larae number of sxents who are maklns a . arand success . selling these hmoda. and we desire' such th every town. Address cstMttsUBvriJUi4avUi9MiKwaHwa,uvw aa BT vftoe of a deeree of the Superior Court 01 Mecklenburg county. In the .ease of CL B. Boyles, . administrator of.J. B. Boyies, ao oeaapd, vs. Nannie a. Boyies; et ai;iwlU expose EOr sate at Vie ooort nuuBB uuur ut uaauHS). w Uutarat irnnrta-. (the 3rd davl of Mar. 1U86. the tract of land of said J, B. Boyies, adlolning the lands of W. A. Brown, Bea T Price, John Hoover, et al. The same will be sold In two pareels. 1 a he lands outside the dawer In one lot, and the 1 anhtrvrt to th dower. , . T Basis. Ten per cent 01 toe pureiiase nronw eash. The balance In two installments January 1st, 1887. and January 1st, 18as. Interest at 8 per eent iron eate on we ouwer irara.; w murr tract Irom January 1, 18U7, when possession will be given, , r. duilm, mara6dw4w - Admr and Com, CURE'theDEAF race's PATKN'S1 rUTPROVm CUSHIONED EAR DRUMS imraciur assrsaa tits f n an pxlvnn th work st tfcs aaloral dram. Isvbiblsk ewfrtabl and always in seiiuon. AU esBvenatfcm sad. fvra wkirpen heard distinctly. Send forilhntntac' soak wits, tastinwstsla, FREI, aaareai r sui oa . auw gOg Bxwdwsy, w York. MenUoo tab psptr. ... FOR SALE, 00 fronting on South Tryon street, adjoining th nmuirts nf I. H Ramon. : Shade tsees on lots. v n Two dpainihia bm dins? lots. Hixau ieet. WUl QB SO,Q aeparawMy of sutfeuier. iibo- annh - . VtUUVAJrA A'Si nam aaia'a aoauvx. Houses Rented, : Houses rented and rests eoCectod, ta the -advertised free ot charge, t v -v. " CHABXOm BSAL SSTATX A&XNCT, ' j r- - ' B.KCOCBIBAlCa.lfsiuger, : gaM If Trade Street front Central H Printing :--Press for f Sale. I BATS SOa SAlsl a eomplete Adams Book and: Newsnaner Press. Size of platen 21x80 Caches. Tbe machine Is In good order, made b RMnA ajtanrlflxrl sznrrtr ' . . IPrSe - i- ' " ta-woj l WUl be sold for - . i-. ,fib0t on terms to suit purchaser. - , " lanJSStt -1 1 C&arsrttftQhsfirsgr. V I' a WE ARE SHOWING, r 'irniiiicB v .' ' -In perfect style, correct cut aiid-large'TarietyjA-''!!' Oar (Mi and Fornislg Goods Department Occupy as much and more space ing Stores in. the State, in regard to variety of stock as well, as low prices we take the lead. - : 1 ME '-lUEAVSOH WMI We cam none bat well made and' stylish Cloth- riW Fay Special Attention " i .. - - i To the purchase of these goods. We have an old estabUsned trade, which looks to us for well-made Clothing. WE WANT YOUR CUSTOM .Til Because If 1 1' 1 trood servloeable Business Suit made no hi aood style at $30, $4.00. and $6.00. ... V .-- Vi . . .-. All Wool Casslmere Salts. In a Tarletv of sh itdea and patterns, at $70. $8.00, $9.00 and $10.00. i - ..all Wool Black Diagonal Salts at tlO 03. which cannot be duplicated elsewhere for $ 12 60. tilt. ' 11 AND In;magnilicent styles at We handle the Mcn-Hts, Dots' Hats and Children's Hats - j , E?er brought to this city. SPECIAL OFFER:.: entire. , stock of , MgnaLSolid Colored Hose worth from 35 to;50 cents, is now beiD&r offered at the uniform price of 25 cents a pair. . ; CHARLOTTE, N. MAIL ORDERS SOLICITED AND t f , ft.IM.K Si it -. or?-- ,)'ii . s-i4 i i.. J ; - ' The; larst ' ani1 most TO IPopiPiiDutfnniP - H IN - THE r t I 1 PIANOS AND ORGANS MSI OltJjeV best: makes on tojtLprices rand easy ittri 1 .. "' .. t i -l4-li.i t'.'t .)S - - 1 --t-i.n-.J.i.TS . . - 1 T ' . . M TU- a - - - -- lands l i a, V r a ( , - X1IAS0N -7". X J I S) I I - r. I . . Ordfjr, clifect from me, ancLsav& time and freight, J, deliver freiglit-paid to your c&n hny fromu. the head1 office, wants" in case anything should be "wrong in the factory guarantees.,' ' .' 1'--, ME si J j i l J -1. ' r . -i than many exclusive Cloth We sell Clothing and Famishing Goods at low figures! j We are Spot Cash Buyers! Large Manafaeturers are anxious to secure cus tom, therefore offering usBottom Prices. We do not aepend solely uioa our Clothlog Department to defray our expenses. , . we Sell An excellent Business Salt, made of medium weight Casslmeres, and stylishly cut at $6.00, $6.60 and $7.00. m - . . . : - Salts trimmed handsomely, equal to custom made, which we are asking $12 00 to $16.00,- sell elsewhere at $M O0 to $18 ooT y ' ' A full Una of SnHni and fimr KnH-nn n,j.n In Casslmeres and Worsteds, that are the best 0 ting garments ever manufactured. very moderate prices best makes of ; V . .' ; . , PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. . i complete stock; of the installment plan. terms. Send for prices. .. .. ......... .i . ........ CDIfKEBMG PIANOS, PUmlfOS. BENT PIAHO0, Mathnshck Pianos, !t HAM PIANOS. BAY STATE OBGANS, , PACKARD ORGANS, IlasoriiSt llanlin Organs. nearest depot as cheap ag you and . will attend Lta your "I-"...-. - J r. ;n . I S3' 1 ! - It J ! J 11: t u II 1 4 ti I i r : ti. -Ti 1. 1 . 1st i t i-i i 'I t n 1 i w. w ! -1 i-

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