n OFFER IIS 1,000 1,000 1,000 50 200 200 1,000 100 Yards of Check PK at S cents txr yard. - N - s. - Yards 4 4 Bleaching Clear of Starch at 7 cents per yard, s , r r Yards 4-4 Sea Island, good quality at 6f-cents per yard. A IKWool Cashmere Shawls at $1 25 each. Jerseys, flUwool, from $1.00 to $5.00 " - Cases Ladies' and Misses' Kid Opera Slippers good ones, 75 cents. Yards fine white India lineup Ham burgs coearer tban tne Pieces of Torchon Lace. , -THK HANDSOMEST LINK OF- press oods We have ever offered. Come and SMITH B1JIUimCI. p S A large stock of Ladies', Misses and Children's Domestic and Cam bric Underwear at bottom prices. . ', , . ' i GLOVES AND H O S I B;R TTi' :o; gloves: B UT the Caortce Koar Button Ktdsat every pair warranted. , ' ; ! Tl Jj blacks and colors, every pair warranted, BUT the celebrated Larome Kid.' extra quality, at $2.00, every pair warranteu. . T ADIE3 Lisle Thread Gloves, at 25 andKeenta. LAD(K3 Silk Gloves blacks and colon, at 60, 60 75 cents, tl.OO and $1 25 a patt. i i IJITS, all lengths anl qualities. ; s .v ?. HOSE. JADIES Silk Hose, blacks and colors. . JADLBj Lisle Thread Hose, blacks and colors. - LADIT3 Fan Regular Made Hose, colored, at 90 35, 40 and SO cents. , - J , ( LADIKS Balbrigran Hose at 36, 80, S7fe and CO cents. . . - 4. CHrLDRKNS Ribbed Hose at la, 36, 87, 45, 50 an4 60 cents. . , , T.L. H -Ha SEIGLE New lot of Colored Silks, Checks, Stripes and Plains just received per Sals urday's exprcsv Also Black Silks. Gross see them before buying. . telored and Olacli Press L.-S '.T r- 41' No better or cheaper assortment to be found' in the "city. ' line line of Trimmings, such as beads, laces, Passamentaries and Buttons. For anything in the PRY GOODS fine, give us a call and you wont regret it. ? r-orr i , , e. - ? 1 i i Z, . C v.. Ul IE. L HEESILEB &. CO.. SUOCZSSOBS TO ALKXANDK& tunnia. FRED C. UTJHZLER WHOLKSALBH " - LAbEB BEER DKALEB AXft BOTTIERi CHARLOTTE, N. C Bepresenti two of the largest HAGEB BEEB Breweries in the. United States The Bei gaer'A; Emy el DrtriBag Co., of Philadelphia, aid the P. A n. Schaffer THE LAKQE3T LAGEB BEER BOT TUNG U3TABUSH11ENT " " IN THE CITY. 1 f taTOrdera Solicited. All orden promptly filled and delivered tree ol charge to any part of the city. ,. - BettmiterUl. perfect fit, qaala aiqr ff erfOMMj "ery pir warranted. Take bom nalMi sUmp4 "W. . DotutlM' 1S.09 - I Sho.i RKM, Button it yQ hoetfri . addreai to W. L. DonsUa. ton, H'W. ' TMsaltnr A..BAirrrNi lanlSdeodSai. , CfcarkJUa, Men Think thcy know all about Mustang Lin iment Few do.. Not to know Ui, not to hare.' .; . ' till lad." Coa- m -'- ' w , eafirVinad . "all j I . Mr.V SBQ.i . 34 inches wide, at 10 cents per yard. Cheapest. - , i , ; , ' - t - ' I i:i f ; cS TrimminQs Bee our immense and pretty Btock. & GO. V 1 f m Banl BaMiflfc Sooth Tryon Street, - - Rj Gbarlptta, H. C. K DIALKBSIN T Ladies'Missea'ancL Children's BU, C JSPJSS S LiCE sme, 6eniy line HazuMCade and Madilne Sewed BOOTS, BUTTON ANDEACE BA1A - BOTV AND 0CTO8 i UNI BOOTSAirV SHOXS OP " ALL GBADSS VENTS' SINE - Silk, Soft and Stiff' Hats, TRUMKS, VALISES and , GRIPSACKS, UMBRELLAS OF ALL KINDS, SHOS BLACKING AND BRUSHES. i Alma Polish for Ladies' Fine Stock always kept tall and ' up to the demand. ,f ; OBDEB3BT MAIL OR XXFBES3 PEOMPTLT ATTINDKD TO, '' ..1 Grain and 8urahs. Don't fail to . 7 O' s- AUCTION zioiu:i AND COMMISSION 5 k'i 5 kj -.,' it- m r, -AND- 31 rc5nniisa Brokers. BUT AND SELL REAL, EST ATE. CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED J. 0. KBUDBICK, CLUB HOUSE, ; "1 v jrj$ro thj - BEST BAR , -- ti :t B ILL I A II D; II A L L , , , .iKOR.RENT. :, -, a COVFOBTABLX 4 room cottan, pantry aaa I kltebea, within a ipm aondred raros Gradfd ftehoeL "4 six acrea ! laud tat ra ift la real a HI ISSL 13 2 r-aa.t, ; cOC2A2X laa-. J i buave c, and effloactons.- , f r"1" , ' "-- , ,,T;..':..Jij-; i:. :iii " -,jfra! J "TatrrH. i.m ths stjk," Botarrjaa submits to BS OBSCDBXD, BOT, UU TILE SUM, OfTLT JOB A Subscription to the Observer." DAILY EDITION. Slngleoopy..... By the week In the city.. Br the month : B cents. 20 75 $3.00 : 4.00 ,8.00 Three months.. Six months One year.. WXKSLT EDITION. Three months . 50 cents. Six months .tl.00 3ne year.... L75 In clubs of five and over SL60. No OeTtatlom From These Sides ! Subscriptions always payable In advance, not oniT in name am in iaot. - , j WASHINGTONIAN. CtETEI.AHD'S CITItSEBTICE. Comments In the President's FavorBill to Increase the Jurisdiction of V. 8. Commis sioners '-Personal. Correspondence of ThjbObsbbveb; . . Washington, April-12 A member of j the State Democratic Executive Committee now 'in the : city, says that if he could be at the approach ing meeting he 'would offer-; a resolus tion endorsing the President, and at the same time complimenting tha activity of North Carolina members who have started out to secure modi fications of the civil service law.;: Hep does not doubt, if . such a proposition shall be made in thecommittee, thati it will be adopted. This gentleman in not a ' civil service reformer. He thinks that the policy. xf the adminis tration must , be sustained, , and be lieves in the wisdom and uprightness pt the present Executive. - ; . Another practical man,- a JNew Yorker, assures me that the Presiv dent is uphelct by the preponderating public sentiment at the North,, and j tnat any .suoversion , na ponuy a i this time, if that were possible wonl 1 oe iatai to tne ruie or. uemocraqy, in the country. This statement is. con- firmed by others. It is admitted that an active opposition is manifest, but contended thatthis will cease before 1888. ' Mr. Johnston introduced an impor tant measure, referred to obscurely on the request of this member some time ago. The bill gives jurisdiction in minor cases .to the United States commissioners, and thus relieves fL fenders of this class from many hard- ships. Mr. Johnston has had it in contemplation to introduce the meas ure for several weeks, but retained it in his hands until he had satisfied himself of its constitutionality. I ' Besides this, Mr. Johnston intro. duced two private bills. and a resplu- j tion to make annual the clerkship pf : the committee xn Public BuiTdings and Grounds. ' - Mr. Henderson ' introduced -. two bills, one of thembeing for the relief . of certain late officers t the internal revenue service. ? ; Mr. HemphilPg bill to restore silver and other articles captured durmg the war, and now deposited in the treasury, passed the House this after noon., . ' -r.v - ' ' Senator Ransom is detained at home by his own illness and that'bf Mrs. Ransom. Senator Vance has returned. . j Mr. Snow, of Bajeigh,: a the .Ebbitt.. - 4 " ' ; ; General Weaver tells me that Colonel Winston, his North Carolina lieutenant in greenback : campaigns is liei-.:v.-j-r.-?w.W'tje ,"j v Major Jimes Y. Christmas has just returned irom New Orleans, where he succeeded in getting his important interests in shipebape. "j Major A. J. Galloway, of the Coast Lineisagamtheoity,, ; Mr. Skinner is ' steadily working upj the coast interests. He has had two measures to pass, the House estabs lishing a light house and, a lues saving station, and has the promise of a favorable recommendation from1 the engineer corps for a lighthouse at Hatteras.' This will probably bei come a law-next -' session. Bluff and easy-tempered, hd Tiasnot been re garded as "a working member" por excellence, but 1 tma that ne : naa rxade a goriTer3ordcrl:..L :j. I - Bev. George .Lee, of Mr. Skinner's districtjeanae- nere iour monuu agp to preach for a, noted Baptist church helonglnglto ihe colored people, and situated on Vermont avenue. ; He is creating a grand sensation, baptizing hundreds . every inohth, and other- wise throwing life into the religious community. Yesterday he administ tered the right of - baptism in the Potomac to 265 persons In two hours and seven minutes. This record has aoV it is-believed,' been beaten in modern times. It certainly exhibit a' remarkable muscularity in the preach.er, . ' - " . I H, I AlPrehlbltlon Victory In Rhode . island. - - I The election in Rhode Island Tues4 day resulted in a decided prohibition victory. . liovernor westmore, w publican, is e-elected by less than 1,800 majonsyt wnue Jiawm taewaii, thn Democratio and Prohibition can dldate for attorney general, has a ma- inritv of 1.784. . The prombuory 11 auor law received over -one-fifth of ail the votes cagt. The liquor deal era are dumbfounded and can scarce' ly realize that their occupation is gone.-iOn the other hand, mass and nrayer-meetings were held ; all over the State Thursday night for j the nurrvwA of Bi'vins thanks and reioics me wertheresui-of the most mem4 orable political contest that ever took place in the State. ' ' . ' " ' . : HCOttS JUntnisawH w m. w msww. ; liver Oil, with, HnPBMPWteii -. ri. enriiinna nn( ConsunrbUve Cases. ! t tv. vr iwivn.m. Nm York, sals: "I iiava rrequenUy preecrlbed Scott's Bmulalon and re- r. .n.ntlnn In mofnlnn ,nH AN ENGLISH MANIFESTO GLAP8TOHE8 PLAN OPPONED By Iiord Bandolph Churehlll I Oe Attacks Irish-Home Rule. ! London, April 12. An editorial in this morning's daily news on Glad stone s scheme has served to increase the - uneasiness of the' Liberals. Michael Davitt declares that if Glad stone's land purchase bill doeslw& na tionalize land in Ireland," he will stump the country against it, -and is confident that he would succeed: The Dublin Freeman's Journal says the rejection of the home rule measure would result in an acute commercial crisis and would provoke the unem ployed of Dublin to commit excesses similar to those perpetrated during the recent riots in London.. The Pall Mall Gazette says that in view of the action of the Conservatives in deciding, to allow the first , reading of the home rule bill so as to enable .Gladstone to introduce his Irish land- purchase measure, and thus strength en the Tory campaign in the event of a general election, it .would be wise for Gladstone to 'ride for a fall", to-. higbt,.-1It advises him to force adecw sion on his request for leave to in-, troduce his home rule bill during to night's debate in order to avoid the introduction of the land purchase bill and the consequent addition to hig opposition. . The thing had better be faced and settled at once, rather than have the land purchase bill "hanging about the neck of his 'adherents for several weeks" only to bflnally'etr: tied in perhaps a less advantageous manner than is possible now. -London, April 13. The, Houstof pommons waaagaiq. densely crowds ed this eveping as, the result of an extended announcement that Lord Randolph Ctiurchill ,' would attack Gladstone's home rule, bill, Among Conservatives and Whigs there was interest in Lord ' Randolph's effort. Prince Arthur and Prince Christian and the Duke of Cambridge. st tos gether in the peers' gallery; and they were surrounded bv a host of peers. jGIadstoneiK reply to questions stated t.hnt .it wnnlrl Ik imruwii'KIa trt rlrwA he debate on his request for leave to bight and that xn this account be harl rtfloiflfifl r.n nrtar.nnnA Infrnr1iirinc Ibis -Irish land purchase bUl untU Mondav next. ", t. ' i Sir Michael Hicks - Beach made J a brief address in 'which he indicated. for his party an understanding to res train irom lorcine a division on the home rule bill, until it .comes up for the'second readmg. iiord Randolph (JhurchUJ by virtue of bis motion to adjourn at the last session having the floor, resumed de bate on Gladstone's request for per mission to introduce the home rule bill. He spoke substantially as'fol lows: - Af ter a long consideration he bad come to the conclusion ' that the scheme involved such a complicated mass of contradictions that if any ,-: body besides . Gladstone had pro posed it it never "would have been taken, seriously; Cheers. t It I was hedged about with such f am cirul and eccentric guarantees for the integrity of- the empire that the speaker was astonished at the Par neuttes acquiescence. -He had vain- , ly : searched, all authorities, ancient and modern, for a ...precedent . for Gladstone's two orders, which were j to compose the proposed -Irish Parlia ment. The first order was intended to specially represent property, and it was worthy off attention that the great leader of fthe1 liberal party had chosensuch an antiquated and diss carded machine' as a property quali Scatidtn for an electorate of: Laa-fit order. : ' The second .. order was,- also elective. Both orders were to sit to gether; each could -demand exercise of right to voto separateljrand one order could veto : any measure brought in by the other. jTake a sim pie illustration of how this would work in practice: . Suppose the new Parliament should proceed to the election of : a : speaker ; assume bat : the popular party carried ?the elec- .tion for, their candidates. The props eriyv party Dy voung separately, could veto the choice, and then in consequence, for three or four years he election of the speaker would be suspended, j Laughter. .The game thing would happen in all those eases in which one order should 'Choose to veto the action of the other such as,! for instance, questions Ipf .TUles; ,bf; procedure or budget proposals. j The Premier, continued Churchill, labored on Thursday last, to how that the fiscal unity of the United) JDbgdbmwtold tr bef affected -by retention onibe hands of-tbi British; Parliament of the power of collecting customs and excise ,dut?es.'!: 'Now if this were done; what . would,lecOme' of that ancient British tight of taxas tion and representation ..going to gether! .Cheers." i tji The speaker thm .went on; to an4 alyze the receipts and disbursements! Of an imaginary, Irish budget, for the! Surpose, as he said, of showing that rladjjtsoe's proposal tomaiatain the fiscal unity of the empire' while giv-j ing Ireland home rule,- was altogether untriJatwoxthy. He pointed ou that the amounts which the Premier had named as that "which Ireland would . every year Contribute unde home rule to the Imperial Treasury as her contribution for the benefits of imperial unity was of an extremely precarious character. - It might be seriously uaffected by many, things; Taking it, however, -as the price the Irish were to pay for maintaining the fiscal unity of the empire, what would the English have to pay T They would have to pay far heavier pro portionally. for the bands of Chan4 cellor - of the-'Exehequer - would be very much t eramped, if . not alto- gether tied in dealing with the cus-f toms c and excise I duties of - Ireland Under per . - practical mdepenenca Hqw could he lower these duties? i If he should lower them he : would 4i4 minish the very resources wherefrom Ireland was to. pay her tribute to England. ?: He would have to do so without hearing ar wori from Irisfr representatives; nor could ho impose an additional tax m Qrdey to Obtain credit in case of an emereency'.'with'. out dela v involved in suinir for the permission of. the parliament at. Dub-" fin, where there was supremacy of the British. The real principle of the bill was simnlv a repeal of union. It handed over protection of the lives and property of every man. -woman and child in Ireland to an ( Irish par liament and deprived the imperial parliament of t all voice in Irish mat ters. The measure gave mucn on one hand and took much on the other. expressing in the same breath confi dence and distrust. 'On the question of Ulster he asked if an Irish govern meat could pay its way if Ulster were withdrawn. That the English government could - not make up it& n,t-J J j m . ... uuuu m rpgaru w vjisier proved an almost insoluble 1 character- of "the wme ruie project. The Premier jus tified his proposals on tho that there were 86 home rulers in the House, but why should the voice of ot man members prevail over the voices ot 584 other members? - His tory snowed - the rise and fall of farmer Irish parties. O'Connell's party was formidable - throueh the even balance of the Whigs and Tories- x ai liauieut m. wnicn 1 tnac party wjas puwenui was aissoived. r tJ UoB' uei uiou uruicenvneariea. ifutt in wo headed a party 60 strong. The speaker saw. Butt i before his death.' when the latter was in. the deepest uiotresa. over iQ8 oreaK up ot his party. . Parneli in 1880 led 6Q votes. In six months his party: was divided. remaining so until the end of the last Parliament. So the Parnellites, for midable today . were in " danger of u in union--tomorrow. The danger that rarnou sought to avert by insisting upuu a pieuge irom ni3 iouowers to vote in acertain-way. . Cries of dis- spni irom Jrarneiutes J ' The Premier,. continued the speak er; further argued that the repeal of the union was necessary , because En glisbjlaws had a foreign aspect to the Irish. . Morley had emphasized-that by warning the House that unless the Gladstone bill was passed the country might, prepare for resistance to the payment of rent, for, revolt, dyna mite explosions and assassinations. The House, he declared, was ready to face such. , a position - with which it was already familiar, v Gladstone's proposals had given the Nationalists an;, enormous advantage. He had hstpned to many - of ; Gladstone's ipeechesk the; charms of which ,wera described as jbeineiike the effects of morphia sensation under operation was trancendant. hut the awakening was bitterly painful. In conclusion the speaker said that the effect of the bill would.be to free Ireland from the supremacy. , of - Parliament and the sovereignty, of . the. Queen. He re gretted that it had hot been deemed consistent -with .the customs of the House to. take a .division on Glad stone's motion for leave to introduce the bill, but the davof division would speedily arrive when the House would vote' against the ' ! proposals which were desperate: ' unconstitu tional and misleading. Loud cheers. V i. An Afflicted Senator. ' Senator 'Morgan.Vof Alabama, is suffering great domestic afflictions. llis house on Capitol-Hill has been almost broken up, . And the insanity of. his daughter is, a constant' source of the sorest distress. Last fall the Senator's' son was' drowned in the Potomac river. This seemed to un settle the mind of his daughter, and she requires , constant and vigilant care, an object of extreme solicitude. Senator Morgan has not been in so ciety at all this winter,; and declined an invitation to' dine at the White House. He keeps a messenger at his house .ready to summon: him from the Senate chamber at any moment, wnen nis presence may be required. - d rarely , trusts himself to, go- be tuuii me rtjuuu ut a Buuiuiuuu tuat is liable to be sent at any time, ' rf" ; ..... ., , - Miners Get sn Increase -of Pay. PrrTSBTJRQ," April z 13 .A Connells ville. Pa., special says the advance demanded by Mculure 6p Uo. s work men was granted yesterday, and all will return to wortc tomorrow. Uver one thousand men "are affected. Ev-. ery mine in the coke region is now paying die increase. V WT, CAPITAL PBIZE, $75,000. Tlrhets Only Shares in Pro. '4;f i portion. -t". ! -i "" - - - Louisiana State Lottery Co. 'We do hereto eertifv that toe stiver- viae the arrangement for all the Monthly and " Quarterly Drawings of " the Louis iana State Lottery Covwany, andin per son manage ana eontrot toe vrawmgs themselves, and that the same are con ducted with honestv, - fairness ' and in good faith toward all parties, and we autnortze toe comoanir to use tnts eernn- eateiwithfae simMes of our signature attaehed,tU advertisements" . WeThe undersigned Banks and. Bankers will vav all Prizes drawn inK The 'Louisiana State Lotteries ivnnjlt limy UK yi TXXl Ui-u f -"' ters. -. i .- - . JW. OGH.ESBY. Pres. Kjonlsana,Ta.tional Bank. - - . 'JJ VT. KIL.HREX1I. 'i JPca. State National Bank r Pres New Orleans Mat'l Banlc - - - - - - - . i ' Irrtwrporatedln 1868 for 95 yean by the Legisla tor for Sdneatlonal and Charitable Dorooses with a capital of $1,000,000 to which a reserve fund of over $660,000 has since been added.-': - .v-- Bv an overwhelming popHlar vote Its franchise was made a part of the present state Constitution adopted December 3d, A. P.. 1870. -. The eaty Lottery ever voted on and endorsed b? tne people or. any otate. ' It iMmr wMlna ar MHtnones. Its SraDd Single Number Drawings will take place monthly, and the Extraordinary Drawings regiuawj every tnree monins wsieoa 01 aouu Anniialiy as neretorore beginning March, 18j. A SPLENDID OPPOBTUNITY TO WIN A FOB TUNK. Fifth Grand Drawing. Class i to the Academy of Music. New Orleans,. Tuesday, May 11. 1886 I9W Monthly Drawing. ; ; . . ;, ; CAPITAL PRIZE . 100,000 Tickets at Ftve DoQan Saeh. - - - Fifth in proportion. ? . " Ost ot Prisesi Fractions to 1 CAPITAL FRIZK...... 1 do ' do ...... 1 do do ...... SPBTZBSOf $6,000...... $75,000 25,008 ........... 10.000 ......,.,.12.000 6 do 3.000. JU,UUU 10,000 10.000 do do 9 do do do i nm ao 100 800 600 1000 ' GOO........; .... 300 ... .. i... .... ioa..... ........ ml............. 20,00 8U.UUU 26,000 25,000 ' .PXi - 4PPBQUHATIOH FBIZBS. . ' 9 Approximation Prize ot $760........ 8,750 do OO BOO ,.. 400 9 do " do."T 350..VX SU60 1987 Pibea, amoantmc to. ........... ,....$26600 AmUaatIon Tor rates to clubs should be made onli to the office ot the company in New Orleans. ror further Information write clearly, giving fuD address. ' Postal Notes, Kxpress Money Orders, ot New York Exchange In ordinary letter. Currency by Express (an sums of $6 and upwards at oar ex pense) addressed, . , M. A. DAUPHIN, - .j , -J - " Hew Orleans. La, ; OrM-A. DAUPHIN, t.. ! l.; Washington, P; C ; t . i Make P. O. Money Orders payable and- address Registered Letters to - '. 1 r NSW ORLEANS NATIONAL BANt ' "- - NewOrteana, Le i ; ! ; .. - - DIUUUodcv DR. SCOTT'S-klectrio aooca, Itt Broadway, Kw York. -. Thm Qplj QnniM - . : apr4dsod$o, ""--.- ;.. f ? - . v . . i j iSFM . ftROYALPssr.a r NJ Absolutely Pure. jjhls powder never varies. A marvel of purity, strength and wfiniAflnmAna.. . Un ummMiMii. than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold In competitioa with the multitude of low test, short weight, alum or phosphate powders. Sold only a cans. Wholesale bv ' - . -7 .,. , SPBTNGS 4 BTJBWELL, jan20d4wly - ; u Charlotte, N C,' NERVOUS O EB ! L ITATEDV ME Hl'l Electrto Suspensory Appliances, tor the speedy, relief &nd permanent cure of lSmxyutteMtuAM of Vitality and Manhood, and all kindred troubles.-, Also for many other diseases. Complete restora. ' y'L? .Hf"lH. Vigor and Manhood pnarmnteed. No risk Is Incurred. Jllust rated pamphlet InwatoS i mvelope mailed free, by addressing - -.1 : i VOXTA10 fiLT CO., lUxahalLaUh.'' . ,' . novl7deodftw7m. .'r - " : twerity-eight years Treated by most of the noted specialists of the dav with no hnnoftt. rhmut self In three months, and since then hundred of others by the same process. A plain, simple and successful home treatment. Address T. S.PAGS. 128 East 26th St, New York City. t 7, Z E. -'WANT SALESMEN everywhere. Imal and traveling, to sell onr goods Win pay kuuu miary a an exoenses. w rite lor terms at once, and ntatn saiarv mntwl tHAMH STANDARD SILVKit WABS COMPANY. Wash ington Street, Boetoa Mass. marS0d4w I GUBE FITS! - When I say cure I do not mea&merely to stop them r " tor a time and then have them return again. I mean a ' radical cure. 1 have made the disease of FITS. FPU -' or FALLING SICKNESS a life-long study I " warrant my remedy to oure the worst cases. Beoanas others have failed te no reason for not no w recelvinK a C""?- .Send at once for a treatise andaFreeBottleot my infallible remedy. Give Express and Post OfBoo. It costs yon nothing for a trial, and I will cure you Address Da. a O. HOOT, it Pearl St., Hew York. . corjsur.iPTion. I hare a positive ranudy for the abora diaeawUiT iu an thaasandsofeawiaol the wotst kind audof fone taedinK hava been cured. Indeed, so strong I smrfalta In its efficacy, that I wi 1 send TWO BOTTLES FRBBL UiRether with a T A LU A BI.K TBEATISB on thU disaaas to any snflerer. Oive express and P O. addrt ss. " ' . , .. t , . . .. JB. T. A. SLOOUH, Ui Pearl gt, hew Tork. ADIES WANTED to work for ns vat their I own homes. $7 to $10 per week can be easily I maae; no canvassing; fascinating and steady " employment Particulars and namnln nf th. work fent for stama. Adress HOMK M'JT'fcl CO.. P.O. Box 1916, Boeton, Mass. : 3 PEtlNYHOYAL PILLS "CH ICH ESTER'S ENGLISH." v Tbe Orlgrinal and Only Genuine. . Safe and alway. BeiiaMe Beware of wortkleas Iaiutknu. ' Indispennble to LADIES. : Ask your Draawlst tori "Chieneater's EnKli.h" and take no other, or ucIom 4a, (tampa) to n for particnlar. a letter by return malL NAME PAPER. ChtehesterChemieltwT ; SStSHadiauaeuaiFUUdalpa. , Sold by Dracwtiita every wherN tear's .Pennyroyal 1'lUa. lakeaootaa.. iii at. aafau- JaslOdiwly . EstabUsbed FAVS 1866. milLLA ROOFIIIGI .. , W.UU1UUB time ua or iron, nor Tlecay likeshingles or tar compositions: easy to apply; ; BOomf and durable; at half the cost of tin. b also a' SUBSTITUTE foiy PLASTER hTHalf the C-at. CAltpiETS d SGG of sameateSE double the wear of Oil Cloths. Oataloeue and samnlai VJUSJS. ' w. it. r AT VOCMSJLH,K. PITCIJ TO Send a sketch or model of in- 1 rH ventlon, and $6.00 lor examlna tion. Applications for PAT m i b urr oared and prosecnted Selected cases. Infringements, Interferences, and legal opinions a specially, Snd stamp for "Book on Patents." HSNBY WISE G4HNKTT, Solicitor of Patents, Attornej at Law and Counsellor in Patent Causes, WASHINGTON, D. C k Beferenoes BI68 A CO:, Banksrs, Second Na- Clonal Bank. Washington, D. u - WAMTEO Iff GHARL0TTK An .energetic bosmess woman to solicit and take order for The MADAMS - GW3WOLD Patent Skirt-Supporting Corsets. These corsets have been extensively' ad-j verOsed and Bold ' by lady canJ Tassers.the past ten years, which J with their superiority, has created a large demand for them through out the United - 8tatei , and any lady who will give her time and energy to canvassing tor tnem can: permanent and profitable business ! soon buildup a 1 They are sot ofd by merchant and we give ex-i lurtive territory, ineceDy giving me agent ennre control of these superior corsets In' the' territory assigned her. we have a large number of agents who are making a, grand success selling these goods, and we desire such In every town.'- Address M tb. Gribwolj) 4 Co., 923 Broadway, New York i LAND SALE. BY vt-tue of ardeeree of the Superior Court fit Mecklenburg county, in the case of C. a. Boyles, administrator of- J. B. ' Boyles, i'de- rteased vs.- Nannie J. Boyles, et. aL I will expos tor sale at tne court noose aoor in cnariowe, on the Orst Monday, (the 3rd day) of May, 1886, the tract of land of said J. Bi Boyles, adjoining the lands of W. A. Brotm, Ben. T Pi Ice, John Hoover, et alt- The same will be sold in two parcels. - "i he lands outside the dower In one lot, and --the lands subject to the flower. r--.- -j TBnua. Ten per cent of the pirctiase money cash. The balance In two Installments; January 1st. 1887Tand January 1st. 1889. Interest at 8 per cent from date on the dower tract; on the other tract irom January i, vsai, wnen possession wui oe given.' w. Dvouiioiao t mar28dtw4w Admr and Com. j OURI mDEAF PECK'S PATENT IMPROVEp CUSHIONED EAR DRUMS rwicnr kiitokI the hbabina aad perlbTm tne wort; of to Aismral drmHu-- Iavitibse, tznrortbe and mlwmys is position.-All OBVwfcatkm and rren whispers heard li?tinctlTOTdf6Tfnntrntat' book witit testoiaoDtali, FREE. AddresOTcaiioF. mowJk, 849 Broadwaj, New vr Wtwft Ihit pftper. -: V FOR SALE. e ; Two desirable building lots, 60x300 feet, OV fronting on South Tryon street, adjoining the nronemr of J. H Carson.' - Shade trees on lots. Will be so d separately or together. Price $700 each. i. .-----., . - .- ---.rt-t i " ; CHARLOTTE SEAL ESTATE AGENCY. Houses Rented, Houses rented and rents collected, in toe Advertised free of charge, - ; ; . , - ' ' CHABLOTTE BXAL ESTATE AfiENCY, ' 1 7 . E. E.GCBANE. Manager, . i mii tf : : Trade Street front central H T BAYE FOB SALE "s eempleto "AdaM - Book and Newspaper Press. Size of platen 24x30 Inches. The machine is in good order, maae a Litprice - - - - t: " :f2,ogg Win be sold for - . - . - '-.tawwi on terms to suit purchaser. : CHAS. B. JONES," Charlotte Observer. mm lilPiill WE ARE 4 " . (D IL (D TP - J :1 I f In perfect style,' correct cut and large variety ; Onr:. Clothing1 aid fail Goods Department.-' Occupy as much and mor space than many exclusive Cloth ing Stores in the State, in regard to variety of stock as well, ar. low tSriftftfl wft tatfi thp lpjirl - " W. MM 1UHU tltt tell ttn4 twHa1l lWe Pay Special Alteatlon To the purehsM of these goods. We have an old established trade, which looks to us for well-made Clothln. ,f i . ! . dlri t- WE WAWfYbUR CUSTOM :ri'S .XX Because V . mwl MnfMoM. TtnaftlAa. flnft tin In wuul . style at $3.26, $1.00, and feOO. . , f nr vms vwiiunuo uuus ass vaim ui DUCKsCD euKiptaqsS at $?d6(k $8.00. $X& and $10.00. 1TI .VJEnnf 1H.ar Tklacmnnl Qnlf. .fr tlnm a1tl.1t VttUUUk WO UUiUlUOMN tUBCWUCCV 1UT SU BV. i i'ti" '.' .4 - i , 1 1 ,f j tlFlDEMSOMG (BOOM 1 "1 4 r t f, . 1 .... " - ' --AND In magnificent styles We handle the . . A-. -. Hens' Ha.s, Boys' liats and Children's Hats j - ' I , J- i . ... t; - -..-v... v-4 :j ,(--4 . ... .. . ; , ; i .j , ; Ever brought to this city. SPECIAL, OFFER: Our entire flt.orlr of MptisT Snlirl Pnlrtrofl TTrtao nnrf Vi from 35 to 50 cents, is now being offered at the uniform t - : - f rr l . . . . ..... . - i price oi zo cents a pair. mm wGf & Bimm CHARLOTTE, N. C. , MAIL OEDER3 t30UCITKD AND ii(e largest ana mosi 1- :!;: -1 t-w.7t'-.ii,jiij,-j ,4 iiJ-i.tr--.! ; e 5 AAilAB- 1: . . JL ... Lli 1 Z-'- ' viiitue oest manes ,,,t . tt ; ;-''' Y;-.- 8 6 71 wfflWilFP, Wi - i J. "V-rj ,Ur it.,- ; ... . -. . tvti mTTTri -... mm : a t 1 1 i .. . '- sT J Order direct from : me,' tod imiivur lmiiritrariHiii ism vinir c&ri bny ; from the heid oflicje, and Trill - attend ; your wftnffl rt aVLiaA ;intrt.h!'na,:" ortnnlrl VKa " wrnntr - in Vih -'foMnrv I '-'''1 ? :iJX . I .. .."-4 - --J 6--'4-- 4.-.i 2 -i.-j. -.-y , , u "1 f. .. Vtlrni SHOWING wV "aV at 5 IEL H FT (B i.t i i-i r i - - , We sell Clothing and Furnishing Goods at low -figures! - - i-r T . We are Spot Cash Buyers! . Large Manafacturers are anxious to secure cub torn, therefore offering usBottom Prices, We do ; not aepend solely upon our Clothing Department ' to defray our expenses, u - j !?s -.ifi -hS.-i ii,V.-. 'if.i - ! t. We Sell - An excellent Btstness Suit, made of medium weight CasslmeNB, and stylishly cut at $6.Q0; $6.60 and $7.00.-. , r . . '.--,-' Suits trimmed handsomely,'' equal to custom made, which we are asslng $12 00 to $16.00, seU , elsewhere at $14 00 to $18 oo. - " I ' A ran Hne of Sacks and four button Cat-a-ways, In Casslmere and Worsteds, that are the best fit ting garments ever manufactured. at very moderate prices best makes of - -. ' - V , ' PROMPTLY ATTENDED Tt). complete stock , of 1 ? ft' JL':'1 .:r - t.;. .V : i, . . . . : 11 r -S . . w on tne installment plan. till IilSIl.fi FIAHUS, . , . Anion, rino 3, T . , ;. ; -. tiamusnf b nanos, MASON i flAMllS PIANOS. BAY STATE OEGANS, t 1 a TTt -T- a vro ':r';"tr- i-Y -ariu : ri--.!?-... .. .. ... tU Wcsan & TTnnlin Orrari. gave time ; and freightas r I yvuu t-uut- iiannT. u - inuuit m h - vnii - , r?;----V';-sfgSf ?. , - - - - . . , ------ - J i - . - 4j J. A,AAiM.ala Wi ;la;ji'tfe-51.t 5. MY'-'' Jl I Lu Jif) lihm' i ,j:t,,J lH.ntWa- T r-T 11 'f i't .. -j,. -4