VOLUME, XXXI Vi CHARLOTTE, N. E, THURSDAY, APRIL 15, 1886. PRICE FIVE CENTS; 1,000 a ooo 1,000 50 200 200 1,000 100 Yards of Check PK at 5 cents per yard. . . . : . " - . : " ' " : i ' ' f. ' ' ' iYarda 4-4 Bleaching Clear of Starch at 7 cents per yard. Yards 4-4 Sea Island, good quality at 6i cents per yard. Alls Wool Cashmere Shawls at $1.25 each. - Jereeys, ell -wool, from $1.00 to $5.00 . ! Cases Ladies' and Misses' Kid Opera Slippers good ones, 75 cents Yards fine white India Linen, 34 inches wide, at 10 cents per yard. H imturgs cheaper than the cheapest. - ; Pieces of Torchon Lace. -TH8 BAHDSOUE3T LINE rcss 13 oods We have ever offered. Come and smith Bfrmrao. " P s.A large stock of Ladies', Misses and Children's Domestic and Cam- brie Underwear at bottom prices. - it , , r, .-1 . , j GLOVES,, :AND t HO.SIEE.Yf :o:- , .i , - r; - 1 ' -i BUY the carries Yonr Button Xldsat $1.S5, every pair warranted. " -" ; . -. BUT the Alexander Seven Hook Glove at $1.60, blacks and colors, every pair warranted. - .,. BUT the celebrated Larome Ktd. extra quality, at (-00, every pair warrantea. j-AMES Lisle Thread Gloves, at 35 and 85 cent. LAD1E3 Silk Gloves blnrks and color J, at 50, 60, 15 cents, il.UO and $1 25 a pan. ., "ijTTSt all lengths and qualities. " ' ; I HOSE. J AEIES Silk Hose, blacks and colors. LADIES Lisle Thread Hose, blacks and colon. LADIKS rail Regular Made Hoee, colored, at 80 35, iQ and 50 cents. , . . , LADIES Balbrtcran Hose at 26, 30, 37 and E0 cents. . . CHTLDBEN8 Ribbed Hose at 12& 25. S3V, 97Uh 46, G0and60cenu. - , - T. L. SEICLL New lot of Colored Silks; Checks, Stripes andPlaiii, just received per Sat urday's exprrsV Also Black Silks, Gross Grain isuttd Surah&.Don't fail to Bee them before buying.-''-"11' w 1! :l-s-: Colored and Black Egress (in - No better or cheaper assortment to be found in the city. B'me line of TrunaiinpB, auch as beads, laces, Paesamentaries and Buttons. For anything in the DRY GOODS line, give us a call and you wont regret it ; y 5. L EiEEILI3Ill & CO.- 8UCX35SSOBS TO ALZXARDEK WAftura. FRED C. UUN2LER WHOUSALH ; " LAGER BEER DKiLEH AIk BorrtEs, -.: s ' CHARLOTTE ISC Repreeenta fsro'of the largest LAGEB BEEB Breweries lathe United State ITe berpier Eagel 'Brewliisj Co or Plkllevdelphla, and the iv P. ML. Mchaffer RrewIjBsf C.,;6 New York. THE LARGEST. -LAGEB BEES BOT TLING ESTABLISHMENT IN THE CITY. . WOrdersj Solicited. All orderf promptly filled and delirered free of eharge to any pvt of the eity. . deoSOdlf a , - VV. L. DOUGLAS Bett niterlat. perfect lit, equal t 5 er Ksboe t ererj pair warrantee Take aon aalsa suvMd 8hoe.i n. uoofiar bud & . - tr greu. Button If Too caoaot noetlti addrifM to W. L. DonaUs. tea. JUsv . Fwaalebr A.E.RAHXIH'aBBO.. la&lSdeodSin. . Cbarlotte, H. C. Men Think1 they know all about Kusiang lin iment Few do. Not to know i not to hate. -1 rV"' 1 ; " id." Cob- --m w 1 nsltatl MVit Jrl 1 S 1 - if a c a S Trimmings see our immense and pretty stock, i ; first NatiQial MJiiliiDt 3ntli Tryon Street, - - - Charlotte, N. C. . DSAXKB8 IS Ladies', MiBses'and Children's EDTTuN, C:).NGhESS UiGE SBDR i : i . - - ' .. - ': .-. - ' : , : Gents' Fine Hand-Kadaand lCaclilne Sewed BOOTS, BUTTON ANi LCE BALS, ; - boys' jlnd TOirres' FINS BOOTS AND SHOKSQF ALL GRADES r GENTS' rFINEi Silk, Soft and Stiff Hats, TRUCKS,"- ' VALISES and GRIPSACKS, UMBRELLAS OF ALL KIDS, ; SHOE BLACKING AND BRUSHES? . Alma Polish for LaK Jke ihoes. Stock al vvays kept lull and . r up to the demand. OBDZBS BT MAIL OB EXPRESS " PROMPTLY ; ATTENDED TO. ..... J - -.: AOCTION AND i COMMISSION - HrcliiiidUfi Droktrs. L: -'f j; ' 'v. : ' BUT - AND SELL REAL ESTATE. CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED . J. II. KE1IDHICE, C L U B HOU S E , ;. - " KEEPS THE , B E3T1B A R AND D X L L I A II D II A L L cut v.o FOKJEENT. r : YimrriitT'iRT.Tt ( numi aottaM. iMtntrr and 6rautHiwv an six aoea f UumI Lf reiit V a PEGR1 C 6fff 3IB ; J& Go it iM;rri.j;sA ri! "TBTJTR. Un TEC 8CH, SOKXTTJDS; SUBMTTB TO BK OBSOUBXD.' But. IAXX TBK BUM. ONLT BOB A Subscription to the Observer. . DALLY EDITION. ' Slngieoopr....... E cents. By tae week in toe city a) By the month TO Three months . $2.00 Six months 4.00 One year 8.00 WXSELT EDITION. Threemontns BOeants. Six months $1.00 3ne year L75 la elube of flra and over il.60. Ifo nerliatlon From These Rules Subscriptions always payable In advance, not oniTinname Duvmiacw - , . C0NC0KD - P0ST0ITICE. TOE BODY SJTATCnOG BILL. And .Other Matters Before Con gressThe IIurd-Romels Con tested Election Case Personal. Your correspondent interviewed Judge Bennett this ' morning on the subject oi the Concord postofiSce. Judge, what is there that can be said about the standing puzzle in your district the postmastership at Concord?" " '8oinetime ago," was the reply.' '! called on the Postmaster General and said to him: 'Mr. Vilas, I have called again to see about the removal of .'the post master at Concord. More than eight hundred people have petitioned1 for' it. There is1 great popular clamor j an extraordinary clamor on the sub jects :;;wa n "He answered me: " VI Moatvcare anything about clamor.' ." ' . - . 'I retorted."! do.rslT ri Mr.: Vilas' then remarkedl 7TefT' the people I am responsible.' i,,,,- Judge Bennett and Mr, Randall are greatly outraged at .a bill which pasfr. ed the House late on yesterday.' ' It is a Senate bill which came from the District Committee and must have escaped the scrutiny of Senator Vance and other humane minds of the body as well as that of the few members present when it passed the House. The bill will have the effect of increasing the number, of body snatchers', and f what - tjxe ' ignorant negroes call "night doctors:'1 ; It pro f esses to be in its title a measure to prevent the desecration of graves, whereas, an examination of its pros visions reveals the fact that it will license an infamous traffic in dead bodies which may end in the Edin- burg horror of Burkism. - Both Mr. Randall and Judge.Bennett placed themselves on record as condemning the bill. The latter first appealed to the Chair -to know howvhe could make his feelings on . the subject ef fective as a remonstrance and. the great Pennsylvanian fullowed."They. were among the thirteen who voted against the bill. . - " . . , In order that I may do nobody in justice, I copy a part of the bill allud-. ed to : That any public officer' or of j fleers within the District of Columbia having, lawful charge" of or control over any, .nospitai, ; prison, aims house or jail,morgue or asylum w jth in the District of Columbia may de liver to the duly authorized agent of any medical college or colleges in the said . District of Columbia the bodies of deceased persona . as . are required to be buried at public expense, said bodies to be distributed equally among the several coUeges" &a The second session provides for a bond to be given by the physician or surgeon receiving the bodies, and other safe guards are provided to prevent a traffic in bodies. Nevertheless, it is clear that the licenseihg by Jaw what has been heretofore done under cover of. darkness and public displeasure will increase to an alarming extent the nefarious trafic knowti as body snatchingf The1 tendency is ineviwn bly to a state of things when none of btlr graVe yards will be secure from the vandal or ghoul who makes his jiying.py tnat. vieiawoui i if Sometime'since 1 wrote that mm- arrett Smith.chief of the eastern ( IB '-N.I "4 T A 1. 0t 1 na,"had a charge of seyeral thousand services as agent m tne prpeecuuuu of claims Jbefoo-tha Supreme Court. Mr. Dawe'sHbfll,tpPdvides that $5,593 shall be paid for such services as the delegate of his tnbe.dunng the -years X882-1886, inclusive. ' -, - - ' ' John Williamson, the colored poli tician of -JFranklin county,; is here. John 'says that his party, will carry the State in the next campaign . by a candidate with the white prohibit tionists. ' ' I find opinion on : the Hurd case very much divided and tbe feeling in favor of the great free-trader bet ter than it has been. - Col. Cowles said to me a moment ago: You can say that the case is.not made out yet against Hurd, - no matter what the committee says." : . There ar6 some gentlemen who think that the election will be held over, Mr- Rob inson, of Kentucky, in hisl)lufl way, made some strong points in favor of Hurd. f Mr. Henderson is on the list . of speakers and will speak probably this afternoon -or early . tomorrow, t He will favor seating Mr. Hurd. . 1 ' " H. Daughters, Wives nndHlothers We emphatloallT riantee Dr- - March lal's Catb OJ1n!Fem Bemedr, tocure female disease toSS m ovartan troubles, Wanton dtUoera Oon, laUln and dwplaoement or bearing down fSnrtrwularttte, barrenness, change ol :.JUe, hZ ttolC llke headae, nr spina oeettiew sleeplessness, Tierrourf UonTl the heart, Ac. fo PgTgfk S2 STATESYIIXE'S PRIDE. An Entertainment at the States vllle Female College as Seen bjr a Charlotte Visitor. - - To the Editor of Tb Oesbbvkb: - . " As our enterprising city owesmucb of its progress to the willingness of its citizens to adapt, and adopt, what is nest rrom otner communities, some of our teachers accepted an invita (ion to attend an entertainment at the Statesville Female Colleee. to see what could be gained from this rising institution. r . , - : ; We took the train on the ; short road which connects the two . cities. and which is facetiously termed the Key West and Nova Scotia Line. We thought ourselves fortunate in reach ing our destination only one r hour and a half beyond schedule time:and before a late bedtime found ourselves hospitably received - at the colleee. After a night's rest; we awoke to find the sun shining brightly, making not oniy aii nature giau, dug aiso tne hearts of the little folks, who were assembling with their "hands filled w ith bright flowers f or decorating -concert nau." : - - i ;As the exercises pt the cvenmg were to be conductea solely .? by the little folks,, there was na suspension of duties in the academic department and we were accorded the pleasure of visiting some of the class rooms du ring recitations. . Here we were con vinced that the work of the institu tion is both thorough and progress ive ; the instructions in All the de partments are according to the latest and most approved methods. Having heard of Miss McUalrs su perior qualifications as an elocution ist and teacher. we were somewhat prepared for the excellent recitations we beard from her pupils; 8he does not restrict her classes to the school readers, but varies the ordinary rou tine by judicious selections from the works of our best authors: thereby Cultivating ;in the" pupils - while still young a taste and a desire for good literature, . Once a week the pupils Are requested to come prepared to stand an examination on the news of the day as published in the Land 1 ifiark. i This struck us as a. new de parture j We were equally interested in the original work done by.tha 4rbetoric fla88.iobjectibemg. jto. prepara die voung ladies for all practical. uses of language, as well as the theory and practice. Quite amusing were tne i parodies, oiograpmes or class mates, and their daily journals; j The i ornamentals receive . "due "at tention. Music is well taught; and we aoubt if any iuetitution of the same age Can make a better display in the art department. as pight came on Jheeoncert haul Was soon nueu witn tne mends and patrons of the institution anticipate lag much enjoyment in the exercises ot tne little ones. v 4 The eye was immediately attracted by the novel and unique decoration. Dolla of all ages, sizes and descrip tions dressed in holiday attire, were artistically; arranged on drapery about the rostrum, and appeared to be waiting with bright eyes and ex pectant hearts to sue what the liitle maidens had to say and do. r : iAD ine striKingoi tne nrsc enoru thirty little ones marched on the ros trum and Sang very sweetly, ' Why don't the parents visit the schools," tor the old and familiar tune, "O dear what can the matter be." The pro gramme was well selected, consisting of; songs, tableaux, and .recitations, interspersed with instrumental music by the pupils under ten years of age. The most attractive feature of the eveniDg was the "doll drill." To ap- Iireciate this one must imaginejj ittle- ones dressed in nurse's Caps and anrons. and at the command of .their officer, presenting dolls, em- tjracing dolls, t03smg doJL kissing dolls, &c The order and decorum of the audience was remarkable. Now a word for the town in which the thoroughly live school is situat- edi A dnveor several. hours through ana around the town deepened our impressions of its growth and pros perity.; jand we eould hnfr think our ''city fathers" might learn a lesson from itswn-keptrTeetasr0"' i With grateful hearts forMS Ev erett's graceful Ihoepitality we "bade adieu- and turned -our faeesiionSQ-. wardi-ref reshed" and encouraged' at the, tgresacniade.n' the-march; of; State - i -sv - t rSrdilli. 'Wow wesar to our 'sisterJJBachera come to our beautiful city.antf seer tnat we are noi mom fa puja'great work. ?s iT GUABDt!fT!Ii;SII.VEII, -'T flS ;tW 1S!J3 ": ' Fox-" WaaftiC. Eiais Saperintendeat tiro Control of the Postofflee Taults..'' .-.I'--.,..:. -1 J r...l, Washington, April 14. Aoommu- nication rnaa been received f by he Speaker of the House of Repiesenta tive from ' Acting Secretary Fair- child, .of ; the : Treasury Department, recommendmg tnat provision pe faade by Congress for idur additional watchmen, at S720 per annum, at the silver .-vaults ac the new, postoffice building at " Philadelphia. The corns munication was reterred ro tne com mittee on Expenditures in ihe Treas ury Department. In the correspond dence pa the subject Mr. Fox raises .. . At -. . . . . tne question. oi: tne propriety qi nia beinr : . held . accountable for the storage of silver away from the mint building, overwhich only he has ex elusive supervision. dmv xa view oi the emergency ne nas agreed to as sume the responsxDuity . ue. , now ever, ;a8k8 that he may be given ex elusive , possession; of certain rooms and the privilege of making some changes, m order - to ensure greater safety. He wants exclusive , posses sion of the room designated as No. 3. in which the vsults are, and of the roomfon the north side of the corri dor designated as No. 2. which is easily accessible from the flat roof covering the long postoffice building; He also wants, to place a strong iron grating across the public corridor,! little 'east of the only door of en trance to the room where the vaults are. To- defray the necessary ex penses of these changes and extra force, an additional appropriation is requested, - . : . - Another Stilte. PnrsBTjEa, April 14.The employes of the Kittanning Iron Company and the Rebecca ( furnace ; at Kittaning, Pa.L have struck for an advance of ten per cent, in their i wages.' The men and obetatora ; are very quiet, and the outlook for ad justmeut is not encouraging. - U I i i m i ' rweTon T(i.in tna health and comfort of TOOT children ? ' Then euard then against eroap by taking, hold of that cough or cold at the start, and rniwwinvt.hA Inflammation with Dr. Bull' Congh Rvrnn. if t.iww bus the whooping-cough do what ean to a.ieviate ueir pain ot kiyuik . kuem tr. uSl't Cwgh firrup Ail ohiiUren 1 TS II. Tlftj NEW TARIFF BILL. A Rather Serious Outlook for the Morrison Measure Forty Dem ocratic Members BelieyedL to be Antagonistic. - - nnnmmn Ann I .-i I'tlOm la without doubt, a disposition upon the 4ars ot democrats to oeieat tne Mor rison Tariff bill, -All of the Demo' crats of Ohio will join with the ml nority in opposition to the bill. This is based upon the fact that wnnl which is one of the chief products of ynio, is to D9 placed upon . the free list,-.; ine Democrats of the Eastern and New England States, with the possible exception of Collins; of Mas- sachusetts, will oppose the measure as it now is. , One of the most promi nent Eastern Democrats said today that the bill as it now stood could nut be passed through the House, but the lie witt part of. it could. The Vir ginia delegation is divided, as are al so tne delegations f rem the Carolinas. mi i.1 . t i xnree oi me .Louisiana memoers are down as opponents of the bill. : iThev do not wish to antagonize the Ohio .members,, fearing that Ohio might, in turn, in, tne - luture, aid in placing sugar . on tne tree list. Alabama, Georgia and Florida, thoush not' an delegations committed either for or against phe bill; are known quietly to be m opposition to its more important features.5 y V'MiaaiaainM will nnfiaiKli. V. o tts 4 representatives against it,' these be ing from the Jackson and Vicksburg districts; which is the sugar belt of the State. The Michigan delegation are also divided, those from the tim ber territory possessing opinions un favorable to tho proposition. Brown, of Indiana, ia against it, the only one pf, that "delegationV It i ! estimated that about forty Democrats, 'with the bin; in the present shape, will be found wording against its passage, which will be -enough to defeat it. The measure will be taken up about the 1st of Mav. with Drobabilitien of thn debate lasting nntil June. - 1 ' -X : 1 rr j Richmond and Danville Stock. I Naw York, April : 12. The atten tion of Northern capitalists has been drawn late to Southern railway in vestments. During a week past the securities of the Richmond and Dan ville system have advanced raoidlv. Richmond and Danville stock today rose li,J to 87, which is 9 points higher than the price one week ago. Rich mond, and West Point rose , to 33, which is three points higher than the price a week ago. Richmond and Danville debenture bonds rose today If, -to 101f, which is 6i points higher than the price a week ago, and Vir gina Midland income bonds rose 2,to b4i, or lOf points above the price a week ago. . A prominent director of the road said today that this advance is tbe result in part of 'the increased earnings of the system, and in part of the fact that it is proposed to con solidate the different roads compris ing the system into one company, thus decreasing operating expenses A special committee has been ap pointed to take into consideration the ways and' means of bringing about this consolidation, and two or three plans have been proposed, but none has as yet been accepted. Another ' tact ' which occasions much interest in Wail street is the change in the gauge of from 13,000 to 15,000 miles of Southern railway, which will be made in one day on June 1. Only one Southern road has at present the narrow gauge, and the proposed cnange win improve tne entire railroad system of the South, and bring it into closer union with the Northern roads. I Back Pay Under the Eight-Hour Washington. April 14. In the Senate Mr. Mahone, from the com mittee on education and labor, re ported favorably the bill to provide tnat wnoever, as a laborer, workman or mechanic, has been employed by or on behalf of the government since June 251868, the date of the act con stituting eight hours a day's work, shall be paid for each eight hours he has been employed as for a full day's work; that all-claims tor labor so performed in excess of eight hours ger day are referred to the Court of llaims to be 'adjudicated upon the eight-hour basis, and are to be paid for at the - price per day stipulated arid judgment given against the United States in favor of each claim ant for the amount found due, to be paid as other - judgments' of that court ; and no statute of limitation or payment maoe or receipt given tor a ess sum per day than the full price -of day's work, as provided, in . this act shall bar the right of recovery. All suits under this act must be com menced within two years from its passage, and any number, of claims ants may join in the same suit. i : A Lesson in QramniaiS. -, " DanTffle, Ga Breeze... ).,. , .... , - Jl teacher requested a pupil to parse the following sentence: - "She olatsed on the Piano." J The pupil began thusly : "Sheep is a common noun; third person; plural number " "Hold on!'' cried ... the teacher. "Who saidn any thing about sheep! 'She played on the piano' was the sen tence.".:; r 3i. , ' , - "Oh. I thought, it was "sheep laid on the piano,' and . I w wondered what the: mutton-heads wanted to lay it therefor.". C TFhen In Positive Igony, The rhenmatle are seldom free from a oertaln sore- jess or stlOaess in the QtDts and musoies, wnicn serves as a consiantrenimaer uuu me tuub oiiit waits an untarorable change of weather, or the aid of a cold, to emDbasize its Dreseuce with ex- nnitlatlnir twlnaea. . To Drevent the recurrence and mitigate the pain, there is no hner or safer ouroB of relief wan ttosteiiers siomacn itiuers, m. nuvllolne everr war Dreferable to the oolsona. re- iwumI infinltenlmal doses of which are taken, to the prejudice of health and tbe Jeorpardy of life. and witnout a permaueiu remeuuu eueuu ciwy banlBhed by rheumatic and neuralgic pain at night, la restored by this benncient sooiner oi tne ner na nTstfim. and the slumber which it suDerln. doom is far more refreshing and beneficial than the stupor Into whioh tbe brain la tnrown, by -a narcotic. ; ADDetite and dleetlon. as well as sleep. are lmprored by it, and it is an admirable regula tor and tonic for the bowels and kidueys. . Use it for rheumatism before retiring. .:..-.: ... Wbo is Mrs. WlnslowT ' As this question is frequently asked, we will sln Dlr sar that she Is a lady who for upwards of thirty years has untiringly devoted her time and talents as a female physician and nurse, principally among children, bhe has especially studied the constitution- and wants of -this numerous class, and, as a result of this effort, and practical knowl edge, obtained In a lifetime spent as nurse and physician, she has compounded a Soothing Byrup, for children teethlnfL- lt operates like magle oivlne rest and health, and Is moreover sure te regulate the bowels. - In consequence of this arti cle, an., winsiow m oeeoniing wonu-renownea as a benefactor ot her racer ehlldren certainly do rise up and bless her;-especially is this the case tn Oris city. .- Vast quantities of the Soothing Syrup are dally sold and used here. - We think Mrs. Win. low baa lmmnrtAllmd her -name b this: invalua ble article, and we sincerely believe thousands of children have been saved from n early grave by Its timely use, and that millions yet unborn will share its benefits, and unite In calling ber blessed. Ko mother has discharged her duty tohersuffer tng little one, In our oplntnn, until she has given it the benefit of Mrs. WInsloWs Soothing Syrup Try It, mothers try It now. Ladles' Visitor, New Tork City." Sold" by all druggists. . Twenty-Aye , eenttabttl-i-' - Ami Absolutely Pure. This nowder BLrenKlrl ATin nnnlAOnmaniMO VfnA AAAnAtni An 1 Than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in wuiwuMuuwitaine multitude of low test, short weight, alum or phosphate powders. Sold only n cans . Wholesale by '.-,- . SPHINGS ft BURWKLL, -Jan20d4wly . K Charlotte, N C NERVOUS DEBILITATED MEN.. : Tfm flTA fLllnwaH tm Am ul ni.. j a.- S25DL V7e'a CeltedVoltaic Belt wi ' Eleetrio Saspensory AppUances, for the upeedr reUef and permanent cure of A'ereou Debility, loaa ? WaMv and Manhood, and all kindred troubles. 1 Also for many other diseases. Complete rcetora K0? ,Efalth, Vigor and Manhood puaranteed. fmvelope mailed free, bv addreaeinK . . . - " , .... , - , . . t-. '- -. : - . ------ . 4-.- '-.' v -zf.L- -v-; ; . s--.j HOvl7deod&w7m. - A TMFRClteCAUSESahdCTJBB. . JRvbyi ne who was deaf twenty-eight years. Treated by most of the noted ftrwv1altarfl nf tha Ho. Hth nn r. setf in three months, and since then hundreds of vuk a vi mo Mule yruueBa. a piam, simple and successful home treatment. Address T. SPAGK. 128 East 26th SL, New York City. x, W 'B WANT SALESMEN everrwliir. Wml and travellns, to sell our goods - Will pay good taiary a d all expenses. Write for terms lit fnr unH atata o'iIqm n .1 . RTANniRD Krr.VRH WAR muoikV nr.,.1. - - . . .u wu. oji . i tnu lngton street, Boston- Uass. : mar80d4w - I CURE FITS! When I gay cure I do not mean merely to stop them ' for a time and then have them return again, I mean a radical cure. I have made the disease of FITS. EPT. LEPSY or FALLING SICKNESS aluVlonirt&r I warrant my remedy to cure the worst casea. Became others hare failed Is no reason for not now receivintr a eure- .8f.n.d. at " 'or a treatise and a Free Bottleof my infallible remedy. Give Express and Post Office. It oosts you nothing for a trial, and I will cure toil Address Da. H. G. BOQT, m Pearl St, Mew York. corjsur.iPTiorj. I nave a positive remedy for the above disease ; by its . i una wun. Binanaor lone Landing hava been cured. Indeed, ostronrts my faith Lu its efficacy, tbat I will send TWO BOTTLES FRBR iiiiniuuinoi eases oi Hie worst kind and of Ion to any (offerer . Give express and P. O. address. DS. T. A. SLOCUH, ut Pearl Bt.. Mew Tork. ATHES WANTED to work for usit their . made; no canv-isslner; fascinating and steady AmnlnvmMit PurtlAntap. or. .1 work Rent for ftfam -i 1'ipo.ia nnifF wf P. O. Box 1916: Boston, JkiassT f " ' - PENNYROYAL PILLS "CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH." Tbe Original and Only Crennfne. Safe and always Reliable. Beware of worthless Imitations. ' Indispensable to LADIES. Ask your UrDKfeist tor "Chlchestcrs Enclish" and take so other, or ioclose 4e, -(.tampa) to us for particulars- in letter by return sail. NAME PAPER. Chlehester CHemlcsl Ce 8 1 8 Mullww Square, FklladaHPa. Bold by 'Orasnrtats everywhere. Atk fbr Chlehes. tor's EaclUa" Pennyroyal Fills. Take Boolier. JanlOd&wly CMabllshed FAY'S 18S6. AtlSLLA ROOFING! Takes the lead: does not corrode hke tin or iron, nor - decay nl shinies or tw compositions; easy to apply; tronc and durable; at half the cost of tin. Is also a MTBSTITITTK far Pr.AQTPi? .t n.irtka Cost. OARPKTW Kidli.rjGa of same material, double tbe wear of Oil Cloths. Oatalotroe and samnlea W. 1L. FAT At I fJV VrlMllKnie A. PHTCNTC 88113 stetch or model of 1n B I " H l ventlon, and $5.00 for examlna mmm tlon. Apttllcatlons for FAT kiM ia ur.itttred and prosecuted Selected cases, Infringements, Interferences, and legal opinions a specialty, 8Qnd stamp for "Book on Patents." ukjsky wiaK uabmistt, solicitor of Patents, Attorney at Law and Counsellor In Patent Causes. IT . C3TTTXT1 HTWT r. ' Beferenoes RIGKtS: & CO., Bankars, Second Na- - uonai uanic vyasmngton, D. c. WANTED IN CHARLOTTE. An energetto bostness woman to solicit and take orders for The MADAME G&13WOLD Patent feklrtrSupportlng Corsets.. These corsets have been extensively ad vertlsed and sold by . lady ean vassers the past ten years, which, with their superiority, has 'created a large demand for them through out the United States, and any lady who will give her time and energy to canvassing for tbem ean soon build up a permanent and profitable business They are not sold by merchant, and we give ex clusive territory, thereby giving the agent, entire control of these superior corsets in the territory assigned her. we have a large number of agents whaare making a grand success selling these goods, and we desire such In every town. Address SUMS. ttBlsmmi a iaj., aao nruauwoy, new xorn i . LAND SALE.: TOY vi'taeof a decree of tbe Superior Court of X Mecklenburg county, ' In the case of C B, Bnylesj ' administrator ot J. B. Boylesv . de oeasHd, vs. Nannie J. Boyles, et-al, I will expose 1 or sale at tne court nouse noor in unariotte, on the first Monday, (the 3rd day) of May. 1886.- the tract of land of said J, B. Boyles, -adjoining the lands of W. A. Brown, Ben. T Price, John Hoover, et al, i The same will be told in two parcels. 1 he lands outside the dower la one lot. and the lands stihlect to the dower. Tsavs. Ten per cent of the purchase money casn. rne eaiancem two insuuimenis. January cent irom date on tne aower tract; on tne oiner tract from January 1, 1687, when possession will be grven. - . . a. Buiuts, maneuxww - , auuu auu wm. CUREmDEAF FECK'S TATBKt IMPROVED CUSHIONED EAR DRUMS rnnmr bmdvs ni HmMUKa md perfwm tbe work of tho amterftl dram. Inrinible. cmnfortstile mnd alwav tn positiam. AU onTenation and even whfjpert hesrti distinctly. Sendforillnstrate? book with toBttmonWv FREE. Aaarem rr cu on r . niowA, 649 Jsnxtdway, Mew York. Mention tbis paper. . ' - ' FOR SALE. mt fpm iaaT)a IsnfMlniv lnts RWOVI foot. 00 fronting on South Try on street, adjoining the property of J. H Carson. Shade trees on lots. Will be so d separately or together. Price $700 each. . .. ; ; ; CHABLOTTK UKAXi JSai'AlH AvlulUl . Houses Rented, " Booses rented and rents eollected, tn the idverUsediree of charge. ? . V : CHABXOTTZ BSAL KSTATB 18SNCT, : - B. S. COCHHANS, Manager, ; M tf - Trade Street Front Central H Printing Press for Sale. a & - . I HATE FOB BAIiB a complete .Adams Book and Newspaper Press. 81ze of platen "24x30 Inches. The machine is in good order, made o ttrw A Pa aturiiisuvi asmrlr -u ' 1 ' Ltt Price V-T7- ...,. t u S.afflOD W1U be sold for - - - ' 6UI on terms to suit purchaser. - . t - t- - r CHaS. B. JONES,- -jan5dtt : - Charlotte Obserrer. WE ARE " - " (D Ed .TlEff.(E In perfect style, correct cut and large variety ; ; n ni ji l n uui' oiumiiig ana 111111102 w ueparin - ' - I' ing Stores in the State, in regard to variety of stock as well, as low prices we taKe tne lead. ' -'DOT We carrr none bat well made and stvlfih ninth. log. - ! - v We Pay Special A 1 teat I on - To tbe purchase of these mods. We have 'an old established trade, which looks tons for well-made Clothing, - - - i .. 7 4 WE WANT: YOUR CUSTOM Because ' - A. Mod servloeable Business Snlt made mi ni sood ftyle at tm. W. mod ffcOO. -. All Wool Casrtmere 8ctts. in a varletv of shades and patterns, at (7.50. $8.00, $9.00 and $10.00. - " - An Wool Black Dlaeonal Suits at tlOOO. which cannot be duplicated elsewhere for $i2 60. ( -i I -AMD In magnificent styles We handle the Mens' Bats, Bojs', flats ; and Children's flats Ever brought SPECIAL .OFFER: . ' i ! Our entire! stock of Mens' Solid Polored TToRft wnrfh : from 35 to 50j centsT is now price of 25 cents a pair. CHARLOTTE, N. C. MATT. ORDERS SOLICITED AND ill ' ! , I' The largest and most. complete J stock ,"of IFdDiPiiDfldiinE3 O i IN PIANOS AND ORGANS e best makes on low prices f and easy 9 b D a O 2 : Order direct from me,and save ' time and freight,Jas ; I deliver freight-paid to your nearest depot as cheap 'as yon can buy from the head omce. and will attend t ta . yonr wants in case anything should be t wrong in the factory guarantees ; :-"' ' ' COAIILOTTS, N. Os J SHOWING ' ' - . ' ' ' '- - " J - '5 .4 i n i" r 1 r - v OT We sell Clothing and itirnlahtng Goodi atJlow figures! r We aire 8 pet Cash Bayers! . ..?:. Large Manafacturers are anxious to secure ens- -torn, therefore ottering usBottom Prices. . We do not oepend solely upoa our Clothing Department to defray oar expenses. . . , . ..... -. , I j we Sell t ; ! ' ' ) In exeellent Business Snlt, made of medlam weight Casslmeres, and stylishly cut at $6.00, $6.60 end $7.00. ' Suits trimmed handsomely, equal to custom -made, which we are asking (12.00 to $16,0 sell ' elsewhere at $14.00 to $18 00 - v t -S08- ' A full line of Sucks and four button Cnt-a-ways. . In Casslmeres and Worsteds, that are the best fit ting garments ever manufactured. . v- i i i at very moderate prices best makes of t . " -1 to this city. , bein&r offered at ; the uniform PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO : w 4 ;j the installment plan. terms. Send for nrices- 1 - - i.. ,.;-..v--aatvn jriLaiivts. j'J , . BENT PIANO. i i ; Elatbcslick Pianos, MM k WBSt PMOS. ' WAV OTATW fYDttAWO ' : PACKARD ORGANS, cllcson h nanlin Organs. - ir 1 1 j.. ,

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