IN OUR SPIIIL 1' m FOR TO-DAY ONLY, xnja nffr all our 121 cent Ginghams and Mens' Unlaundried Shirts, linen bosom, reinforced, at BO cento eacb ? Ladies Underweat1 Our 39 cent Chemise at S5 cent. Our 45 w1 Drawers at 35 cents. n.,n no cent Gowns at 40 cents. , Our 50 cent Skirts at 40 cents. , , ... ' , a lot of 65 cents Skirts at 45 cents to close. t).,T t OU .iOT8et VUVOIB av w wjuw, . v . niir $1 00 Gowns, Chemise and Skirts at Our $150 Cambric Chemise, Gowns and THESE TRICES ABE FOR TO-DAY" ,i a hoDe to see you in to show you ?"a anor.ial nrices for the trade. Come UV "r !. i i : . I'l. 1 ii ,.)! imTa In baylrtg Matting for the mmm stock.' t. a-., i Sprlng make It a CANE MA.TTTINGS- AT 25 cents " ' 45 Big lot at ' ' Nottiogliai, Oriental & Scria CttrfcuBS. 4V .!,- CRETONNES At 1244. 16, Sft and eenta. J; 5) FLOOR OIL CL0TD8. 4 4 and M wide at 40. GO d 63 Tard. ... - - Good lot o( eenta per square Marseilles 1 At ttALttSS; tlOO, ftWand $5 6a At $1.00. $L25, $1 JO aod 11.75. .;: An feant One of lowers, Table jinenl T. I, SE At 8eductiye Various hnes, e priwut cie HiEfiBAVE Tapestry for Upbolstering. Contains, by the verdict of all who havs examined them; the -newest styles Wo vmvA mriova Huitable trlmminfirs for. the same, and we will not be undersoldL;. Tis not nssary quality or styles of; pur.; tajsi mutxnn ro tnose wno nave seea iBumt, tit.. v VL-Xs l." TWt Viiv wv, f. ,v,o;- ko onirtKA lot tricea.afc which they are sold, ljonl By vrair ParAflnla with nn t nnrinr mini -f I gcasBSOBjBlrojpXAirnxa TOCHES,. SPECTAl LESi ir .'"5 fr. ."S? i.:r -AND- 4 Jtj-JS ?ffri-.; J E'W ELRY ' Dim -alt and complicated 'wstcn jrepatrlng wela-'ty. OaiTepataatmlotjeIJentworlrh tewmesoweu established,' rthat it'neesrttaW tteanployment of anotW'Sxperleneed Wati aker to enable ns to finish the work as rapidly as- Increased laclllles, we aw nMt pPA4 execute work lntrosted to "us, .promptly ;and HAIES r& BPYliB, Saocassors to A. Hales & Ran, et Trade Street Charlotte, C FOR SALE. T"0 desirable building lots. PJL1 fronting on Booth Tryon street, adjolnlu the Drorart r i. n ca.noa. Shade trees on lots. WuibssodsenamtelT or together, frloe $700 - CHABLOIT1 BXA1 E3TATS mi Seersuckers at 10 cents. i-n j ' v -, - 4,! - ' 'i " S .... -S 85 center'- Drawers at $1 30. J. thit these reductions are genuine, on i i and all nim.niiici r iu.f? i ; i t r t A Pi!t;MoialMl South Tfiteeet,.- - Qiartptte, H. 01 Ladies', Misaesid Otuldrcn's Bllfl'O MfiRESS & LICE SHOES, eente' line HanO-Made and Madtlne 8eed -BOOTS, BUTTON AND L ACE B ALS, FDOS BOOTS AND SH0I3 OF ALL 6RADKS Si""? Sil ilk. Soft and Stiff Bats, TRUCKS, VAUSES and GRIPSACKS, UMBRELLAS OF ALL 'KINDS, SHOX BIiACEINS AND BHUSHB3. ilma Polish for Ladies: Fine I Stock alwrays 4ept iull and : J- I np to the demand. OBDSQS BY MAIL OB KSP9S33 BOUPTLT tocall your attention to the prices, t p i .' 5 . . ..ifit". cmnVAn for themselves. "rl 11 n 1 ryieB-'ii. Ml aaiBW1. ;.u x t n i Ladie, '-if us- vvuw tursm nil PLUMES, KB A I ii is; es, "TiSjrfV .01,(31 rii ns 9 . - k. If mi fir aery, are a sore 1 goarai trunme ,ntea of v DBEob- iAD in the lateststylea, and at (h lowest posfWte pnoes. Bespectfullyi C. M, QUERY. vHoudca Rented, ro-rted an rents eoHeetedln b -l&uMittm of enarge. . . C2ASLOITJ EXAL Z3TATI ASITICT, . rZX U tras Corset rroct cczsral TUT i-i r- , i ran lgioiy;&r -TRUTH. LIES THH SUIT. BOKKrOfXS SUttjrfTS TO a OBSCUBKD, BUT, IiEKX THS SUM, ONLX FOB A , 8nbcripttoii the Obserrer. ' . - DAIL1 EDITION. Slnxleoopy... Scents. By the week !n theclty... , 30 : By the month..... 75 Three months.. ...$2.00 Six months .................... 4.00 One rear ., 8.00 . . - 'A WEEKLY EDITION. Three montha 60 eenta. Six months.... ..$1.00 Jnerear L7S - ,In dabs of five and over $LG0 ,-. - , If a tiomProm Tlie8JBIes BabserIptlons always payable In advance, not only to name bat in fact . t j, ; JttOAIfOKE AMD BOUTOERK. Btlrod Meetings Held in the Citj-Lrg Subscriptions Made ana Larrer PremledOfflers Eleted-Sueeess Assured. Boanoke Saturday Bevlew. LasVMonday;thel3ommittee of ar rangements of the - Roanoke rf and Southern stockholders met in the ofs fice o CJapt. R. M. Bogers and map ed out'tne plan for receiving the arge number cf visitors from abroad who werejexpected. Bush U. Derr, was selected to ga to Lynchburg jto 'meet" the" visitors "and "escort them -hereSome arrived on Sunday even" ing. but about seventy . were met in Ly nehhurg and arrived here in an ettrrf coach-Monday, afternoon. ,The venjng-wa Bpout ui wuywinuuo And discussion" of, the future ' ofithe; railrbkd; ( fTuesday morning .the visitors were shown' through, f) the machine shops, and were much pleased with the sight ol such-large shops where an engine Lis mfrdf in, its everypartasw;ell as assenger-coacnes ena rreignt cars. Aoout i:3U o cicck tney aitrepairea tp3$ e'Skftin'gP1 where the visw tors from the south : were given an opportunity ta present -to the . stocfe holders their several advantages and J inducements which ; they wished : to offer the Roanoke and Southern road to construct that road . through their cities and 'towns,; It had already ,4e "voned that there were several 'con flicting interests represented' : andT that this road was wanted in several directions. - The meeting was called to order by E. H. Stewart, president of the Boanoke Chamber of Commerce, and Henry& Trputjnominated . John ;C(i Mooma w for "chairman. He " was unanimously elected, ; and Thos: ?W.' Miller was then chosen secretary.; Otf taking the chair, Mr. Mooma w stated that the projectors of ; this road had some time ago sent ; him over the proposed line of road to re port upon the ' practicability of the plan, and as soon as he crossed the boarder of North Carolina ; he saw that the interest of the people of VLS ginia and those of North Carolina were thesamef that while we wished a eailroad south ; the people of our sister state greatly desired, a northn ern outlet, and were ready to respond to any call that had : for its purpose to give them more niiles of railway, and that if Virginians would . huAd the road to the North Garol"na, line thereafter would be easy sailing: v He explained thatit was this that caused such a large assemblage "here from Novth and Southarblinfqiaod tfat the stockholders now Tiesird to; hear what inducements could be offered therefrom. : : He anncuaced that the various localities would be heard from in order as they appeared on the map, starting from. Martinsville Virginia, and taken in, regular order BoathjfcA . v j The chairman then called for Hen ry countyand Qaptam J. S. R;eed res spooaea, aymg ipas neiore an ppm ion' of the matter ' under discussion he would like to hear from gentlemen from the Oarolinas; but he would re mark'that the people "Of this county knew hat it was to be without rail road communicatron,' and that they hevergot'one untilthev commenced tn work themselves: ; that the? had the best narrow guaee road iff-the Stoi nd -while it will do, f or?Mar tinsville of ; the ' present day, it will not di for what they expect to be in no distant future that ties people of utoaiiitiraiit i;otleti.8ouw:' the cotton fields and north to coal, etc', but above all they" want a road System? nhefi Herfry, if it cannot otter, will burfd,road itself IhritfSl he county 1 1 if 1 1 ; i i Brnith, of lig-enryi saw aey j Jwd fcdm 866 wae hM been fro- posed. He believed that iCthe airec? tory was well selected the subscripi tion wflfb'voted,- and he was assure ed by AS frieu'd; Mr Lester, that the Henrycounty bonds should count to the said road dollar for dollar .; TVia nhftirman following the line of itterSisduth ean$Qjr;JtoiviUe,' N. C , andT. J. Stone stated that he hoi faith in thA movement and- but ,a tha ootv intereut t her felt , in. the; matter he ould ot VfWS H Hhowea tne neceaaux? "t"5?4 -outlet, stated that- his townajun -caa and wilKvote about n5,0Q0i nd?;af a small meetiiig was . called JuatiB fore he left andfiOOO. "raised by pr vate subicription' and that Madison townsuip, aujutuiug do the same.3 Theigeiitlemaii Showed that tbe expensefwouia ne snuui , ior constructing the road ;from Martinss :ville to'Stonevillej ;on? account pf smooth" ridge which:' extends nearly the .w bole distance. " -Z.' : i tie next point being Winston, N. tJ., Mr. Buxton arose andnsaid tha it Wgreatljto he desired.Hhat'the tpost progressive towif in North' Carolina laid the most pr6grefesve uXOwn,in Southwest Virginia should be linked together by 'bands1 of-'eeelhe , did not fenow jwbat it would cost, ;but be knew that his live progressive town would come ; f or wardhandsomely .. He statM that there was nota maa iu the i'piac'ooi6t employ mehV, that there are tnirty-twoiooaQco ittutw vea j cotton mills, Wolleh mills, saw mill?, iron mills 1 that tnera were au,wu,uuu pounds of freight snipped through the.depot of the Bichmond and Dan- vule last year, ana ui o uu- vuo representatives from his town are here because, in gre , iw,..uo grinding oppressions of - the Bicu mond and Danville system, and in spite of all this, the town is growing and now nasapupuianw" v- viw HnAa not - owe one dollar and jStanda ready today to subscribe any amount tnat w,u oome there: said they would meet tt.aonmnnnV Rtne COUUbV iuo "liu ho irraded. The , gentleman epokeortne coai vowiw cuuuij, fine timber, agricultural interest; aaanmrf tViA meeting that Win eton could be relied upon to do her nnrt.. ' "" i- - w m a n.U. winvAfianhni, Lincoln and Shelby counties, describ ed bis section as one rich in mineral deposits, splendid agricultural lands; andoounties which are -rapidly be coming a manufacturing section that tneir iron ore did not need - lime to nux it ; tnat tnere was tne pest pig iron in nis county whicn was melted without one otmceof limestone. - He described the splendid ;mar ble quar-i riesof Lincoln, and stated that the two --counties he represented Lin cold, and Shelbys-would subscribe about $80,000. or will grade the road through .their borders, and"; furnish cash subscriptions besides;-; 1 .Dr. Miller, of Cleveland countv. N. MD , stated that his county had already yoreq su,uuu, to the Western Air Line which could be transferred to the Boanoke and Southern, and also $25,000 to the : North Carolina Mid land, which could be given toR. & 8. Colonel Duncan, of Spartanburg, S. C. , said in. the , last fifteen .years his county had subscribed $350,000 to r railroads; that while Spartanburg more competiting lines, and that when " matters topfcifon - a? business shape, if the i( company would . siy how : much it wanted . his people would give it ; that Spartansburg has never-, subscribed, to i any ; raihroad without coming forward ? with . the money. He advised the projectors to put in the field the best engineer corps to be had, - ascertain the, best route and follow it; if. it took them away from his town . he ; should not complain;"If you come ;to t us we will meet you handsomely, n All we ask is a chance." . We are the second. weaatmesi city ln, toe estate. . . j opar tahburg county has a population of 4U.407 the value" 01 vfarm production $2,000, 000 or a little more . Spartans-" burg shiDDed 2.000. bales of cotton in . 1880 and has made an increase every yea smce. Coma to y Spartanburg and the road will get something to sustain it, thongh his people would gladly subscribe $75,000 or $100)00. It being stated . that .Congressman jonnson, ot AShevuie, JN Uiwas I present and desired to .address the. meeting before leaving on the traiav ne was next introduced. lie said ne., received a letter "from . the mayor of his town requesting him to come on from .Washington and- see what ife was proposed to dp; that he was not 1 prepared with statistics, but thought that the most natural, easy and most direct route was by way of Asheviile, ; following the ; range; of mountains; that it was an air line from Boanoke to Atlanta via Asheviile. : Be stated that the road could follow the French Broad river . from,'; Asheviile and get through the BJueilidge without mak ing a cut twenty feet deep. He said his people wanted the road, and was willing to pay for if they ' could not get it any other way, and they would pay whatever was necessary.- Just name your price.'" ; - v -'ti ur. McAden, -iTesident of the Merchants', and; Farmers Nation al Bank of Charlotte, N. C, and CoL i Jones, of the Observer made statements relative to the commercial importance of their town, and stated that Charlotte would subscribe $200, 000. Col. Jones during his remarks stated that he had -been informed that Mr. Garrett was backing the movement. He would like to know if that was so; he heard, also (hat the fenueman would oe present . to, ad ress the meeting; he requested the chair, to answer the questions. : Mr. A&oormaw , read a :. letter trom nr. Spencer,5 first vice president of ,Balti more and Ohio, in which that gentle man stated, that they could , do noth ing this year on accoiint of their New York work,"; but .would " give - the Southern connection; their, attention in 1887 ; that the Baltimore and Ohio would send engineers, to go over the route if desired;., would be glad to do anything for.the advaneenaient pf the scheme, -r-ii w-a' !' -s: Major Miller responded to the" call for Lancaster,- S C, and urged its advantages; offering liberal subscript tions andyaluable tpnnage" when, the road is constructed, j-mw -2 - -. r w W. D. Trantham ' said"Camden: woqld not be a dead -head in the en-- terprise, out couia pe counted on joe all that fairness wpdldi aska ' Wt L. Mauldeni who is Jfcesident of a branch yailroadin South Carplis na, said thai, Green v.ille .wanted the road, and would pay liberally to get it; that tb.e people were, weary of the oppression and dicfatidn of "the Richs mono and uianviue system, . wnicn, like a try dra-noaded ootopus.had f ae teoed its tentacles Upon them. . They wanted the KoanoKe and ttoutnern, apd they wanted to help build it. I State Senator Monroe also spoke in fator of Oreenyillerf saying shd was1 ready to provide a road bed. and to Bubscrie money. . - - Major Ferguson andMi F. Ansel urged the claims of Laurensv ille, of fering inducements both -now and hereafter whea .tberoad.Js.comi pletecl. Mr. Bolmar : gave many reasons whyithe road should; touch TJfnion, anq promised to give much substan tial aid in, consideration snereoi.. .. I Jifr. Rhodes; of Cfossanchor,offered TQrprovae ine roaa nea -wa crowi jUes all ready for the rails and then to subscribe gz&uuu in casn, and said he could get more if necessary. Dri Mott ana mr. oneppard. 01 Sfeatesville, declared the road must ertainlv go to their "town, and ! that L they would give it a charter, a large subscription plenty 01 ireignt ana any other reasonable inducements." ' .' Mr. Springs, of Lancaster, spoke in favor of his town and offered sub stantial assistance in building .and supporting the road. v' - " ?ery speaker during the day was earnest in, his advocacy , of ' his re spective point, and offered large sub scriptions, in jnany -instances offers ing to construct the road entirely through their counties besides sub Bcribing largely in "cash and bonds, which they guaranteed snouiu ue worth one hundred cents'on every dollar.. They grew eloquent in their denunciation o( the Bichmond and Danville management, y S 4 : i .,. The following places were repre sented: u J tWht S-;:rJ : . WihsfconlNO. Georgel WrHen ehaw. I.lBeyaolds, J crown, T)r i W. L Brown. Capt -J. E.-QiN mer. J . u. uuxiau, a.. x . i , x-. H. Fries, T.vB. Bailey, J. A. Ji.eiiy, v W, Fpzle. , Charlotte, N. U J. n. weatunK- tun, J. H. McAden, U. U. Jficcies, , M. UateS, Ueo, vy, sscoviiie, xmv. - Mooresville. N.'CJ.A. Lieazar, j , a. McClelland. , ''kp::;T' Stoneville, N. G.V. J. Stone. . . -. Madison-,-NVU-J. M. Gral away. Statesrilte, N. C -Dr. J. J. Mott: Q. F.Sheppard. :- - - Asheviile, N. C Richard Pearson. - From other places Dr. Johnson, E. R. Wallace. . ' " Lancaster, S. C.Leroy Springs, Dr. B. F. Miller, A. W. Heath. ; ; liwreenyule, S ,C.W; L Maulden. T. C Grower. T.,C Markley. W." A. carton, M. x Ansel. Hon. Tbos. W. John, aamuel McD. Tate, H. L Goes, a. aj. jLuuru, win. wunre. ' : -- Spartanburg, S. C E. Balmer, J. Watkins Lee. , : Union, C A. H. Foster. . ' - Camden, a a -W,- D. Trantham. ' Several of these delegations repre sented many millions of dollars each. and all were well; backed up by the pwopie otineir respective places.. Alter the , line had been fully dis' cussed, Col. John E Penn, of Boa-J nose, onerea a resolution tendering the thanks of the stockholders .to the Southern 'gentlemen for bein nrs erit; and the meeting' adjourned until 8 o'clock at Hotel Roanoke. 1 s Pursuant to the reauirements' at the charter, and in ' accordance with preyioTis- nnncement," the - meet ing . for organization -was held at 8 o'clock. " ; ' - - - -' 1 . 3, S. Bedd was elected chairman" and Bush U.;'Derrrs9cretaryt after which the' meeting" adibumed to the skating rink. A Here they were called to order, and a committee vas am pointed 'to. examine the books and see if there was enough stock repre resented jfto proceed ; with business.! anoVreporJed 405 shares. - . ": . ' j : 35 A( committee of seven Was appoint ed pn ; by-laws, which retired and orougnt tor ward. -suitable byslaws, which were adopted. ,',: oi i-: The next business beinar the elention Of a president. Ool; . John EL 'Penn nominated OoL;D, F.Hou8ton-His nomination was seconded. bvL. fL Thomas, of Martins viUef and he .was elected by acclamation.,!:-- m : r fciMri Carter placed.H. C. Lester in iiumiaauoaiior s y lee-presiaens, t sec onded Jy L, HDpcke, JHe was elected wy acciaiiiawon,,.)jff; -.fs-jaow rlt J Both gentlemen elented . AdrnnA jthe 'meeting, and stated' that there would betno trouble.. 1 when the North. Caroliha line, was reached. but the question of importance was , how; to get totne Worth Carolina ime. ioiiowing,-directors iwve a an elected by acclamation V -Jt"M. Gam bul H, 8. 3rout. , J" F.Jhristian. J. iurkje. mti&ecrWi K.- Ari- dresuP. kTerryvAfidrew Lewis, T. M. Bta1 Sri; Peter Sanders; Jr. J. M. Parker.lW..D. Brengle.and J. D. 8pencer, j .xt '.' ' , t Alter the"X election they were each called for ' ahd " responded briefly acs cepting thejrust,' and expressing the determination to make , the road a success the meeting adjourned.. ,.. "- k Directly, after : adjournment the directors assembled at Hotel Boanoke and elected E. EL Stewart treasurer. and Samuel W. Jamison secretarv. and transacted .-other ; business con UCVKU W iVIA tUC iUaU. -if...-. , , ; , , ... The first business was the election of a secretary and treasurer for the road. - S. W. Jamison was chosen for the first and E.4 H. Stewart for the second position." -ii ..; .:s , The secretary and treasurer were. on 'motion of JaD. Spencer, directed to secure a proper seal for the com.- pany.c 1 - : ' - ' ' -. v - Motions made by the following directors were agreed to.;W H -j?? ,;f v.; - S. Trout j That seven members shul constitute-a 'quorum" of the Doaru. i: .v-'"?"' ' W; D. Bringle :: The length of. term of service for. .directors decided by lotj as follows: One year, Ji C. Moo maw. H. S- Trout. .J, M, Gambill, W. -Andrews. ; Twa.years A. Lewis, J.- F.; Christian, ,W.lJ. Bringle, J. M. Barker. Three years-rJ. D. 8pencer, Pi L Terry, J. D. Kirk, T. JL Stark- ey,' reter tjaunners . jr... a :v-.. H. C. t Lester; That , Henry county be asked . to vote - a subscription .of $100,000 in four per. cent, coupon bond.. . -wt J. DSpenceryiTaat itis thesense ot the, board of. directors that jthe road shall be constructed to the North Carolina' line "via Martinsville .and Ridgeway, in, Henry county, y . .; . " HT S.V Trout: That ' the; boaH re quest the council of the city of Boan oke to order an election at as early a day as possible "to take, the sense of tne city as .to voting jluu.uuu to tne KdaUo: J subscript!' anihntiaa of Botetourt and Boanoke. ' The followiri?iuelmtiofiB'ifeent- ed plans rad. propositions 3n yrriting setting-forth the .advantages And of fers of -their respective points .with a (view to tpe exten8ionot the tcoanoKe and goufchern . through: their several localities Yfji-3' as 'ir. ; Jt.c ; North: Carolina-T-F. J.Btone, Stone villet Gol. J MGalla way, Madison;: Col. &, .W.fBoshawi "Winston; TjBj Bailey, Mocksville; A Lasar, MooresH ville; Dr. J. J-iloit? -StatesviHerW. A. Graham, Maebdah" Dfi 5. H' M? Aden and j. id. vyedarngton jnar-i 1 ..1 1 . . . . . SotitA C3aroIjnafE0 U , BahoR Jt5par fenbursi W,FAnseL Greenville;; J. W. Fereniscm,,Lftwren8v3ne;:Wni, Munroe, Union ; "B F , Millerv Lan caster;, D. ranthanvCamdenj- 'STATE XEV8.' - s -f i ' v 1 'I, Captain L M.. Hawkins," of Greens boro, and Mr; Charles Df Vernon,7- of the Mount - Vernon ! Hotel, at Salis. burvl have rented the hotel at Dur ham. j -J -i - f 'Raleigh's cotton, receipts for the week ending last Thursday were 487 bales, against QQ the same week last yearfc' an increase 6i 387 bales, v -5The; total receipts from eeptem ber 1st. to Thursday were,Va6,870. against 31,029 to the same date a decrease of 4,659 baleS. ....j ....-rci-i' Si -i; n .:-!:. H jis! - ,'. " . ., Asheville-Advance: In ' the course of a few days the trains on the Duck town branch will be running regular ly to Charleston? '-At present there is no train further out than the ton ot BaifW. There are daily backs f rem there to Webster a distance or thir teen miles. ! We learn that the Dark Ridge fitl will be itf usingutder next Tuesday. x n ' ." Wilmington Review? The, receipts I of cotton at this port for the week ended Anril 24th.- 1886.- foot up 637 bales as against 56 bales for the cor- resnondine week last year; an in crease of 681 bales. The receipts for the croD year up to April 4tn-1886. foot up 98,ejlQ bales ; as against 3,ob7 bales for the ? correspondme penoa last year; ah increase this year of 5,s 043. - :i - Durham Recorder: This morning about sun-rise a negro .; man by the name of Haves, livinz in Cedar Ford township, ; was shot-ana '-instantly killed bv a"Voune whiteman named Morris, -5- tion. Jonn vv. uramuu, one of the purest and ablest lawyers - -- - t - , -t r i ol tne state nas announcea nw mien tion to run for Congress in this dis trict. His law partner, Judge Kumn, will not be a candidate. tee anaaoutnem railroad-, .i . C,' Mopmaw LTbat agents be ap- nted to obtain subscriptions in the sNo State is so well known as North Carolina; m connection with gems cuu previous scones. - xneir vanetv w an ooner products or the earth Anl A. - 5 1 , - . eu w ater, wiaer nere , than m any other state, in the union. .'In the western counties new discoveries are constanuy being made. . Dr. C. D. omitn, orALacon, nas done a great uctu towards tne discovery of gems in all that section and has been very fortunate in this regard.. He has novroscored a real triumph, for he has.found. spiael, .which he is as sured iane w in the United States. Absolutely Pure. -Z... J I ... -. Tllia lWWnAt flAVAT VfM . A mama,- Mnln. snencth ad wholesomeness. More economical 52? ten"2af7. kinds, and cannot be sold in eompetitioa with the multitude ot low test, short weight, Blum - or Dhosohata nowi RnM nnw noaos. -.Wholesale by - . .t LxHi ---- SEEIN6S & BTJBWILL, , . Janaocttwly- .. -. , , . charlotte. K C i WERVOUS DEBILITATED ,ClEfl. iT2.,wwed "J Mat Of thirty davt of tha Ir yes Celebrated Voltafo Belt wltn Kiectrlo Suspensory Appliances, for the cpeedr relief and permanent cue of Nerocmt DtbUitv, loas of Vitalitf and Manhood, and all kindred troubles, 1 Also or many other diseases. Complete reatora S0L2 .Hflt". Vigor and Manhood guaranteed. No rink Is Incurred, prostrated pamphlet laacafed mMop, mailed free, by addreailtaK5 ul'eaMa ..-v. YOITA10 BELT CO., mxtHuSLTHOu J ft- hOTdeodAirtm DEAE8S?OTKS?a specialises of the day with no bewnt- Cored him self In three months, and sinoe then hundreds of Others by the same process. A plain, simple and guocessful home treatment. Address T. 8, PAGE. B- W aNT "SALESMEN everywhere, local and traveling, to sell oar eoods Will nav Stood alan a: d all exDenses. Write for terms I - nt onee. and state salarr wnnted. Addnxu i btajhd&ku ttiuvBH wash coMfAfiV. Wash ington Street, Bostoa Mass. , mar30d4w I CURE FITS! When I say core I do not mean merely to stop them lova time and then hare them return again, I mean a radical cure. I hare made the disease ofTlTB, EFT. iBPSY or FAIJJNO SICKNESS a life-long stody. I warrant my remedy to core the worst easea. Becanae uon uw xauea iBnoreasonzor nocnovreeeiTlnfra Bend at onee for atreatiflA and a Free Rott-.ln nf bit tnfallihle remedr. aim Envmi mnd Pnafc OfflM 1 1t ooeta yon nothing for a trial, and I will enra jwk Addreasas. H. a. BOOT, 185 Pearl 8t H aw York, corjsunPTiorj. I l a ut poaw n mj lor ina aoore aiseMi ; b' Madi,BR have bn cared. Indeed, sostroogla n lOOqMMIVIMMIOI 1 thm wont kind and of Iom y,thaI will sendTWO BOTTLE 8 FRSE? ; ocetber TALUABI.B TRKATISS aa thU siaeain - to,M iwlwer. etve express nd P. O.addrvss. irt-aa. MswTerlui tApiKS - WANTED to worlc for ns at their I ewa homes. . $7 to S10 per week can be easily I i made; no canvassing; fascinating and steady I employment. PartJeulars. and sample of the i wonc jut ror soimo. A areas uoaubi M'F'W IX r. Ui box. bob, uoston, mass. -1 PEtlflYROYAL FILLS '"'CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH." iu Tbef OriglwaU atml Only dennlne. -' add alwaya BaliabK. . Bewan (rf wartaleaa nmutknas - adisi C! m LADIES, au rm vranln M aeatr KngHan aad take na other, ariaeloM 4a. (tamp l na ftr parUcolmn ,1, tetter tor NAME PAPER. Ckleaeate CSemleal 4 S8JS Hadlaoa Sa.aare.Fl ileal Ca hUadjHtt -Bald ky vDrantlats eTerywhere. Auk tot. HfililAa. irriiiiuilliaini- It". naKiiaa- jreoayrsyal -Uia. Tajn a other. J iji 1 . . ,.n 1 1. -. , , 1 . 1 1 . oniLtn nooaiiGi- -fa.ttiaj leads done not arrode like tin r'.i Sooay nfcaahinglea or tar oompogitaoan; eaay to apply;.: atRnupknd dnrahM' a half tha amfenf tin. ' la alflO a ' SUJaTl'lJJ'rKro JrJJUASTKK. at Uall Ui VJaKt'JfX'S and KUIjiS of aanw material, 1 tha war WjOfl Ckha. Oataloa-ne and aanxpiM ' ilFHTS Bend ia sketch or model of In venUon, and $6 60 lor examina tion. ADDiicatioDs lor f AT- a rcpajeU and prosecuted Rejected cases, rDlrlngenjenl Interferences, and legal opinions at Attorrtpj at Law and Counsellor In Patent Causes, Beferenoes Biesa co-.BaDKsrs, second nar , ' oonal Banfc. Washington, S. O. VJMITED IN CHARLOTTE. An i -energetic . ' bosmesa woman I to solicit and take orders for The I Mi DAMS GH19WOLD patent SidrtSnpportmg . Corsets. - These corsets have been extensively ad TexOsed and sold by lady - can vassers the pat ten years, which.' with thelr-supertority. has created a large demand for them through out tne United States, and any lady who will give her time and energy to canvassing for them can soon band op a permanent and profitable business They are not sold by merchants, and we give ex clusive territory, thereby giving the agent entire control ot these superior corsets In the territory mmattmaa hr. . m navata lan number of aeents mho are making a grand success selling these e-nnds. and we desire such In every town. Address waj.Newyork ill IGF rrtoftonio. DION entera into almost every pay- Hsiao preaaription for those who need bwtting op. At this aaaaon nearly every one neeoa to vse auon aaaaon nearly mio. IKON anafirlption for DE5TT0IIIC. For 3 WettlmeM. JfTatilSZ EneTi 3Jl&J&Y&ftoSS: ' It doeanot bAckmc achejtXKhoonallpatmJ Dr. O. H. Bnmitr a taadfaa - pbjWn Sprina&ald,0aaya: " i " -." Bimsl ton Bitters isa thorooghly ra w; cine. law in my Pi"lrV,i ' - eioe1saBolirfornieof iionweatoea.oraMw .. condition of the ayatem. Browa'afcoa grtffi-J" aeoaUjr a poattrreneoeasity. - B all that w ,,,,. ' , OennbB has trad. ark and sad "d 1 trappet lke DO Mj!l?wi. --. BROWN CHEMlL CO BALTIMORE. : tainin Uattrf prizee far rW fmaoonaoora eoinaTW. iven away by all totefa J??0 ," s3d ri B address on woaii at to. stamp, , . ,; - 13 IUER V9 ii- t ' I XII. It Ll .-THB st a - f iniioiii k Minis S PTSerALTIES! For this IPiHEASCIDILS We will continue to benefit our oatrons. rememher tri lntj low, they are placed on the front counter LOT I II III IV V VI $1.10 : 1.70 2 45 2 95 3.75 : 4.50 WELL; Iff Ybu will find 3 baskets on our Lace EGYPTIAN, TOBCHON and other Laces. ... - BASKET L - BASKET IL -At 11 to 15 cents per yard, worth 15 to 25 cents At 4 to ; 9 ; cents per yard.worth 6 to 15 cents iiia'dies IJandkor olileifs We have to-day the best line of Ladies bidited in any market. - ; N LOOK LOOK LOOK i Ladies Colored Bordered - ALL LINEN H. S. Handkerchiefs AT 10c. . 10c. 10c. LOOK LOOK LOOK ITITV A lnwirivrrn afliTTTHr& Wi&PA iJU Willi K FOB ; LADTES DBIVE IN LACE GIIETINS. ' .-r. ....... . f -CHARLOTTE, N. 0. MAIL OBDEBS SOLICITED AND .Ti . . . .-; v ... fir- : - .vv Si e ;A9i J" ti IN: THE M it IFdDFimuuonLT! PIANOS AND ORGANS --I!"- j"j ,T , - ' U .,, ' - ! - . 4 rbesfr makes on I'. ..-- ' - Low prices . and easy Order direct from me and deliver freight-paid - to your A SesKftia) D -i V MASON ;& 1 f rmmm: f can buy" from the head office, and will - attcna to your Wants in case anything should be wrong in the iactory guarantees. - - " . Bo:M:.ilIDdl?WSo.. ; ' CHABLOTTE, N. OaJ 1 1 C3 Week. . and run, . ; : ; . v -, , WOBTH $1.60 2.75 3.25 3 75 5.00 6.00 Counter. which contain OBIENTAL, BASKET HL ! , , I , . At 17 to 27 cents per yard, worth 25 to45 cents' Handkerchief that won mran v. : i , . , LOOK LOOK LOOK LOOK LOOK LOOK flimawr. irfnwantnwrn MlHi W U KKKLWjITN AND MISSES. PBOMPTLY ATTENDED TO. '.:! I .-.. complete ;: stockv of i Hi STATE? t u; , ,1.1,,.' , , . . -i" ' k r.' .t-' the installment nlan. . 1 i a ' ' - terms. Send for prices CDKBEBMe; PIANOS,' FIAIfOS, BENT PIANOS. SlatbusLelc Piancs, HAMLIN ,'PIANOS; . BAY STATE ORGANS, PACKARD ORGANS, ..y Mason & Ilanlin Organs. save, time and freight, as t -V- nearest depot as cheap , as you t