M&wu AL A W AW Ja. ROW A .FEATURE- ' Is Ta Success TUit between tim"B we have a stock shown. . DRESS GOODS In ill th nw styles. A new line of CLOTHS. Dn i torget our oeautitul y . ' ' parasols. & A new line of ORIENTAL LACES and handsome tor tne money., i i fr7 Plld Seersue"r, 8trlp?d SeersuokersIsin Sea rjckera, Moraiac Ulngtianm, Fancj Sing hama. India Crinkles.' " - Ai L WOOL SERGES FOE ' Norfolk Jackets AND " Cnl; 60 eents per jtaO. . BIii LOT OF UWNS- At 5 and 6 cent : f iSK TO SEB UT C INK MATTINO AT 35 eenta .. . Mt- .... - .in . g5 J iij .M m - ft ' . -,i.r .v . - "87 1 II M ' U t fi 45 . M PARASOLS ; ; For Children, Parasols for Kisses, Parasols for Ladles at as great a rediieUonln ptioes as oilered tj anj boose In tha-otty. . - , I ; ' ' 1 ' Q " H T. L. SEIGtEfWP&djO. At seductive prices; but a clean, strictly new and well assorted , stock in the varioua lines. Our stock of : , ; ' . ' ; D R-E:S. -00 Q D 8 Contains, by the verdict of all who have examined them, the newest styles of the season. We have variovs suitable trimmings for the same, and we will not be undersold, Tis not necessary to call your attention to the prices, quality or styles of our r - . CaaiIo I'mltvaS Jaaiiia nil IriMfla At f uo . &m - To those who have seen them, these goods' have spoken for themselves,1 both for their beauty and the low prices at which they are sold.- Don't buy your Parasols without seeing ours 11 new, no old styles. ;. , SDCCXSSOBS TO ALXXANDKB Hi RRIH. l -REPAIR WaTOHES, CLOCKS, SPECTACLES, 1E6L4SSGS -AND- J 'E'W E L R Y . O'iinjult anl complicated waten repairing - Decity. Our repatatlen tor excellent work has M03e S well AVahllahari. that tt nMftSLlIt&tM theem;iojmentof anotner Xxperleneed Watch - ' maker to enable as to Bntebne work as rapldlj as j1 received - Increased bntles, ar now pwparsd to eieeate work Intrusted to as, prompUx and S'tceesKKi to A. Hales Sun, -j, j Charlotte, N. C West Trad9 Street - FOR SALE. 56 Two dwrtrabfe bandit? Iota. 60x3H0 feet, frintlnsF nm CLwrk TiAn I'lttat 1ilnln0 -wwiaiBj tMUhlA itVII StWf SMVI tt Pr ipertT of J. H Canon. Shade trees on lots. Will be sod separately or together. Price $700 CHAHLOfTX BXAL ECTAT3 XZZZZTJ- OF OUR BUSINESS, of goods second to none we hare ever - " t . " : - . ,- ' AND TRIMMINGS FRENCH SATTEENS anl BAPTISTE line oipiUlA LdNJCN at 10 cents per : - - 1 ' - - " fXJirL"brel 1 as. FLOUNCINGS just received, and & CO. J irsL Nalioaal BgBiiltot Sonta Trrtm Street; -"? j - 0 Charlotte, W. C. t " DXALEBS IN Ladies', Misses'and Children's FIN EUTTiN, CARESS 4 UCE SHOES, l Gents' Fine Hand-Mad and Machine 8eed BOOIS, BUTTON AND LA.CEBAia, BUI Sjp. , JU1 ;,. UVXU S'.AKi FINS BOOTS AND SHOXS OP AXL GRADES J AMI) SHOXS OP I GENTS' FINE f 3' i is i SUk; Soft and Stiff TRUISKS, yALISESand: GRIPS CKS, UMBRELLAS, OF ALL KINDS, SHOB BI1ACKIN& AND BBUEHE3.- Aim Polish for Ladies' FiQeluoes. 3tock always kept lull and tip to the demand. OBDXaS BY KAIL OK EXPRESS PBOKPTLT ' ATTXNDXD TO. ' 1 our; SPRING aid SUMMER -STYLES MILLINERY Is nowYeadr. embracing an toe latest novelties tit Hats and Bonnets for ladies' ilisses and ChiMrca. f - PLUMEi FEATHERS, 1 . GAUZES, - SILKS, ' ANp OENAMENTi?, rtock and the loweet rata of anj Mininerr XataD Ushmant in the State. AU . ' - " OATS ZillD "BOIUTETS Trimmed by Mrs. Query, are a sure guarantee of their belm? tastefmlT and correctly trimmed. mads n the latest styles, and at toe lowest pogjjue vpm,, - Eespectfully, ,.-.. - C. M; OtJERY. Houcca Rented. ' rr-r"4 and nU aoQeeted, to the Ane4 Le of eharrs. , CAZLOTCT RUT; EtATX A6E?CT, ; cj o r. c cstet itoct ctstm SpriDg I "TBTJTH. ITKX THE SUH, SOKSTDfS BTTBMrTS TO 3K OBSCURKD, BUT, UXX THS BUN, OHLI VOBA 8alMcrinloBi to the Observer. - - BAILT EDITION. 8tngieeopy..;...........i"... ........ B By the week in the eity....;. .. ... .... 20 By the month...... .... 75 Three months....... . ...... .... $200 Six months. ........ .. 4.00 One year 8.00 WKJtRLT EDITION. Three months.... .... ........ .... .. 60 eents. tux months ,i. $1.00 ime year 1.7B In dubs of live and over J1.50. If o Ieria.tioK From Tlaese Kalrs ; Subscriptions always payable In advance, not omv in name oat u iaet A WET DAY. A VERY .WET DAY In Bletamondf Ylrg-lnlav Details of : Monday's Election , on, the ' Contest Between Wet and Dry BJcimonii Dispatch. . .v' - Yesterday was Easter Monday and election day combined. ; Usually the holiday is tnejsignai.t or the departure from toe city ot almost innumerable fishing, pic nic, and other -excursion parties, and while there was no great breaon in yesteraay s observance ot it,vin the groups leavingTthe city there was arr i unwonted absence of gentlemen of the voting age, and the youths bet wen nrteen ana twenty - one years naa an unprecedentedjy large field for attentions to the fair sex.4 Most voters stayed at home to vote, but some rose early, voted, and joined friends wha were seeking rural retreats, where to breathe the earli. eat perfumes of spring and to ' angle after the luscious perch or the game dub wary oass. t - It was not an election for President of the United States; it was not a ei- igantic stniKgle to decide the govern ment or V lrgmia r was not an expression of opinion upon - the finality of the debt settlement,7: nor was it a neck and neck race for . the control of the municipal machinery of Richmond. It was a "local option election,'- For the first time in the history of Virginia, as royal colony or sovereign State, city people were invited to the polls to express . their opinion whether in this corporation for the two years ensuing licenses should be granted for the sale of in toxicating liquors. - i , For many years a lew counties or the State have been permitted, by popular vote to say whether within their bounds the sale of livuor should be licensed. . kLast summer General Mahone put a plank in the Republican platform promising the like favor to all communities wishing it. - .The Democratic party followed - with something similar in their platform. and, having elected a majority of the members of eacn orancn ot ine uen eral Assembly, they proceeded to ex ecute their pledge, i ? - ; t " So a ' local option law was passed. Business here began to sutler from the uncertainty prevailing, and; as the prohibitionists made no move to petition for an election in Richmond, the "antis" did- A 2 t The necessary number of signatures were soon obtained and Judge- Atkins ordered the election for Aprd ?6th." The liquor-Dealers' r tnrotective Association led off in the battle, and madecaDital bits by pledging their influence to secure the observance of the hitherto-ignored law prohibiting bar-rooms selling liquor on Sunday, and by resolving that they would not avail themselves of the privilege of paying their State ' taxes in depreci a ted coupons, but i would pay in money.? i1-- ' :" --: Later on two spienaia meetings oi business men were neia 1 at Mozars Academy. and resolutions were adopt ed condemnatory , of prohibitionism. a .i i !L 'i! Un the otner nana, tne proniDitionisis had meetings almost daily. .The ter rors of intemperance were vividly depicted. They were - able to . com mand the services of-many orators- Senator Cbloraitt and Dr. Hawthorne, of Georgia, prominent among them and nearly all the preachers white and colored - were . : outspokun for them. At the temperance meetings here were usually large -auaiencea. and it was expected at one time that they would be able to give the 'antis" a stiff ,figh3; :ff l;i&.a-rt mmtl: BAt one period it was connaentiy De ived tbat the colored people were going to vote dry almost unanimous- y ; but a circular representing inas if liquor was prohibited the next move would be to prohibit . tobacco had a wonderful effect upon them. especially upon the thousands who gam a liveiinooa m tne tooaoco iac tones, 'ine "ary people lounajneir greatest weakness in their inability to consolidate the church-members.' vote in their favor. Once they probs ably hoped to get : nearly all the churchmen- white and black -Later thev would have been glad to know they could get one half of them.; . The result proves tnas morecnurcnmem bers voted "wet" than Mdry.w Last week the "wets were seen to be gaining rapidly, but io thoir wilds est u reams iney never iniaginea inaii they would win Such a victory as perphed upon their banner : yester day. :-: r:. ---. :V::!f, By 9 o'clock A M. the "dry" men wera utterly hopeless: by 10 they were disgusted. After that; they had no heart at all for ' the fight), and though many of them continued to stand to their posts at the polls. wearing their blue badges and way- ine their tickets, they could no more stay the popular tide than they could check the flow of James river to the sea. .; . ' " The votine vesterdav. fas at all elections held in Virginia) was by secret ballot, but it was nevertheless periecuy imtubiuauio w K.eu xmuy oi c if , 1 1 i c the vote. 'A11 you had to do was to watch the voter as - he approached the polling place and, see whether he took' fij ticfeft from a ."wet or "dry" man. - xn very rare ins'ances, i in deed, did voters care-to conceal how they were voting, and so the state of tne pons was ascertamea wiin con siderable accuracy. , INCIDENTS. - The wet people were finely organs ised for the cot test, and had at the polls men who were well acquainted with the voters. ; Jalany ot their rep resantatives were old camDaifirners. and each of them wore a red badge. There were also at each of the polls men who are engaged in tne liquor business: also many of their business friends, who are In nowise identified with the traffic. At their headquar ters on Broad street were received at intervals daring the day f returns from the difEerent precincts as to the state oi tne poiis. - , When the earues; returns were footed up everybody 5 was -surprised at the magnitude of the victory. As afsfr as the figures were received at headquarters -. they were posted; About midday the "wets" beeran 'to claim the city by from 5,000 to 6,000 majority. . "Among betting men a few wagers were maae two weeKS ago tnat tne vote would be a. ; close one: Last week several bets, were made, with takers, that,, the "wet" majority would not exceed 1,500. : . Saturday nets were onerea tnat it would be 2,000, with few takers;-' Earlv ves terday morning the "wet" men "were offering to bet on a majority of 2,500 to 3,000, with no takers. '- About miday they were offering to bet on: over 5,000. Few cared to invest. At the "dry" headquarters ; there was but little activity, and no enthu siasm at all; but they had, neverthes less,, a fair organization, and their representatives, displaying the blue Tibbon on the lappels of their coats, were at every precinct. ' -'" r ' : ;-, . ; Very few of them ever' hoped that they could carry Richmond t fewer l ejiu ever imagined that election day ,wouia close" upon tnem so utterly srouted. . -. .- Most of the dry people took defeat maaiuiiy, simply saying that they honed for better luck next Lima. ? - . The election parsed off with wons aenui quietnees.. coat llenne the beat engendered by the clash or opinions last week. There was no disturbance at the election worth mentioning, and there were none of the rush and push at the polls so often seen in political contests. Indeed, Richmond has the right to congratulate herself upon the good sense and good temper displayed by her people from the beeinnine-to the ending of: the - contest. Few cam paigns here were - ever V conducted more fairly, or will leave les rancor. If some warm words were occasion- Hy ; passed in the heat of the dto- longed debate, it is not to be won-' deredat The surprise is that there were ;not morer The whole thine went off, magnitude considered, with as little friction as could have been expected. . r Only one out of the twentyfour precincts in the city was carried by the Prohibitionists the third in Mar shall ward. : .. . -rC-: Jackson Ward. ' where the colored vote largely predominates, gave the wet iicget a rousing majority . .i, Around the wet headquarters, on Broad street, where the returns were received, there was a large, and jubU lant crowd last night. A number of congratulatory speeches were made. By 10 o'clock, however, the people bad dispersed, the rooms were closed. and the -officers and committee-men gone to their bome3 to enjoy the balmy sleep which comes after a hard day's work. ' - - Randall and Tariff Reform. I Col. A..K. MoClure in the Philadelphia Times. Washington, D. C. April 25.- Ran dall is earnest in his hostility to the Morrison bill as reported from the committee. . .. He is as distinctly pledged to tariff reform as is the President, and there is little reason to doubt tBat theTfeeiderit and RanV dall could agre upon a revised tariff without dimcuity; . but he will. reso lutely resist any and every attempt however insidious, to plant the seeds of free trade in our revenue policy. He desires to red ace the revenues to the lowest - point that x will literally sustain the government and its ored it; he wants the free-list enlarged to embrace everything that would cheapen our home manufactured products without 'crippling our gen eral inausT.nes,ne wanis- every iea- ture of monopoly striken from our tariff laws, and be wants our inter-. nal revenue system revised with the tariff. Unfortunately,' no amends ment relating to the internal reve nue can be made to the! Morrison bill, and they are held ' as different subject ; but a test vote might be had on moiiOQ w recommit we Morrison bill with specific or general instruc tions as to the internal revenue. As the customs and the internal reve furnish the government jrevenues, they should be considered together in committee, to adjust the proporc tidn that each is to yield. If the in ternal revenue was reduced, the re duction of tana duties would be lim ited by the extent to which internal taxes are reduced; and u internal taxes are not to be disturbed, the rev enue reauction aemanaea by ootn Sar ties must come trom tarm; re abtioo, unless it can be 4one . with out injustice to our; industries which nave ine solemnly TMiKuveu ituta m. both parties for just ' protection. U internal .revenue .taxes. -can't, be reajched: amendments wili -doubtless roposed to the Morrison, bill but Republicans, knowing that the cahft become a law; are averse to (ndmrf it, as they want to force Democrats into an attitude that will give them at least the flavor of beinfcrfree trade theorists. Unlesa the-bill can be recommitted or amends ed, jit will ceriainly be defeated, and the party win again owe to ttanaau its safety from suicide. It. was Ran1 dalrs heroic aeieat or tne mornson horizontal bill 9 years ago, and his ins flqenpe in shapf ng the tariff plank of the phicage platform that made Mr. Cleveland's election possible, and his defeat of the new Morrison bill will give the Democrats their only living chance to- hold their power in the next- House. When the present Southern members go home to face their constituents, they wiu learn that their oeoole have got far in ad vance of them on the - issue of free trade and protection, and there will be no serious battle m the next House for anv measure that has t"e seals bianco of free trade in it. i i A Short Bead to the Gallows- Sfringfielj, Mo., April 27. At 1 ;30 o'clock tbs mornng a mob, of frin 1- hnndred armed men surrounded theooqnty jail nd began parleying with the sheriff for the surrender of George K. Graham, evangelist and ?ifa Tv.nrflftrr. The sherifl would not comply with . their demands but thflvcioon battered in the doors and secured the prisoner. At two Q'olock the mob started qut of town on Boohs ville street with Graham in their miAa. Tt wnn thousrht that the mob would take him to the Malloyfarm and hancr him ' and then throw his bodv into the well, where his wife's body was found. . .But. the leaders 6f th n.v owfnllir imva thflir follow yuv aiv w v 4h j a " ' t ers the slip by" starting in the direc ting !nf Lh Mftllov dace, chanced their course as. soon, as the others tnrniid "httrfr n.nd while vet within the fcity ELmits hanged him to a tree with. in nnA hour after the attack W 88 made on the jail. Sheriff DonneU said:' "I have heard bo much talk of mnha that T travn nn thft idea of one. The first thing I knew was about one o'clock when masked.men broke into TT my room and skid 'W nrt.- ftnanAd don't be scared,' overpowered me and then requested the keys of Mrs.' D6n-f nellt Gettincr tired nf ' rAfitanl -t.ha leader said; 'Well,? boys, bring the dently kne w where they were walsed straight to the drawer where the keys1 were kept and forced ' it ' Open. -1 uowing oi no iiranam tookr it. i was sept close in the rdom. Mrs Donnell said : "They 1 were cool and - collected, yi When -thv tin. locked Graham's cell he 1 said, You;: van uang me. out oy 1, you Cant scare me.' , lliey tied i his hands bef bind him and marched him through' the hall with a rone around hisinfvlr i He was as white as a sheet. bntofchr- ,wise never uinchea."!" ? i;a -5ft uvi: The mob was variously estimator! i at from one hundred and fifty to touf uuuurea.-1 wanam made en treaties for them to spare him, but "went-to bis death coolly, and died apparently without a 8trueele.- The mobn din persed in all directions'' v,3 -aim- Arreiesi r rem steel Creek; i U d ,Xo.tsj Editor of ta'0!BBBran,rfl'E It is not often that we 'have any s1 thing against the good DeoDle of vou place;, although yoa frequenUy ahbw us rustics what !is the Dolitf 'thinir5 yet we have somewhat against thee ow in regard to the conduct of some pf your young people in the matte? of last driving, and the-passing and repassing vehicle? in leaving' our1 ichurches on the Sabbath-day? ' It haay be good mannersHt maV be the police thing, but as we are Bomewhat i luowu ui iuauDon ubq DroDaoiv ins clmed to oldfogyism;?we will notW. eume tne province- ot determining'' but will only say that , it is not so consiaerea by tne rustics of this sec tion, but maybe we do not know; but will say for the edificatiddof some of them that i there f are some things that some of us do know, and khr are also some things that some of ' us (although having been raised id the pacKwooas) nave sense." r'- i-f -i i We : know :that i there .are sdrne young men that are not millionaires. we aiso Know.inatj every young man is not the happy possessor , ot a finH horse and buggy, we also know that your place 'is possessed 'of, splendid livery facilities, and some of tys are aware that Borne of your young naeh' Occasionally SDort a hired team: arid that the money -'makes 'the horse go and the horse also makes' the money" mvu vara pw&UH VI UlUJIVCXjr LLICtU. x wouia state ior' tne edincation of the young John Gilpins that k few'bf us (although rustic in manners); have had the pleasure of occasionally' sees ing a nice buggy, spme- of us have also had the pleasure' of seeing a fine horse, and will also say have had the pleasure of feasting bur obscure vis ion on some well-dressed," fine speci man rf tha ntKliuf musnfi'.'Af we mean, as a matter of course,' fine looking younur crentlemen. & In 'can- elusion, we would say, if the young gentlemen-wish to pass every one on the road we would beg pi them that they drive at a' moderate gait, for if is impossible,, entirely impossible; for us to see as much as they themselves would desire for us to see of .them. Finaity, I would "say " in all earnests ness that - such driving.' and, racing past - fractious horses, that are not accustomed to it; frequehtly causear them to become ! unruly; i'anid often, results in much harm. I know where-: of I speak for I was compelled to dis pose or one tor tne reason thatr Be did not like - any- passine at a rabid gait. We know that1 city horses are accustomed to it, and do not mind It, but not so m ith a great many iri the country .i'' ri- ' ;-:''-' -"-' "'i.1'" ,(we write this m' all good humor, merely to call the attention of youDs persons to the harm that might arise from such procedure; a&we are aware that a great many do , it unthought edly." -T't : . Rusria c . Bteel Ureek, April 26,( 138ft. Vi J t GOTJXD CLAIMS THE YIcirOBY! V ? !. Tf tt.K It-- An'Anthorisied Statement by ; the BIimonalrejThronch one of His w.Yorl( Qrjcans. , 3t Nkw Yobk, April Slay1 Gould was called upon at his home by a : Tribune reporter this afternoon.' 1 In reply to inquiries- concerning 'the S resent condition rof aff airt iu the outhwestand other' matters, Gould expressed himself as follows 'Ifis so quiet that we hardly 'tnoW there has been a strike out trrere. ' 'Horie and Kerringer says; they 'never saw things move so quietly- aa'ahey' dd now. xbe Strikers ;consola ; thems selves with the thougbt4hat-weare not aoing any; vusiueflus-i-we lare j domg a large bi)smes8 a larger St. ' Loins.5 ! AbrH" W.Thd week's earnings Wilf not be ready, to day, but the auditor estimates "that they will show an increase -of ' about $100,000 aa compared With last Veaf: ?lU is hard to get away f ronlr 8Uch facts," said Gould, f There is an' insl creased movement 1 of ,-cars' on our roads, and it would look r to "me!' as though the business of 1 the , country was improving!; ,l I'-think the 'im provement - would" have been "'very marked but for these labor troubles. Public opinion has risen up and asi sertea ltseu bdouv .. tais matter, ; ana the'; formation of lawv and . order leagues in the Southwest has exerted a great moral influence, and in effect destroyed the organization of the Knights of Labor there. In - fact : to be a Knight of LAbor out there now is about sy nonomous V with . being called a criminal. .. This is the case in Missouri, : Kansas, Arkansas -.. and Texas. Everything is perfeotiy qui et and orderly there now. Of course, there is gqme bushwhaekiDg and ocs casidnal attempts to throw, trains off the track, but the tracks are cares r mi . m . i . " - iuuy guaruea, ana we result is ev ervthme is going alonarnkJetvt' : Gould was asked what "ne thought of the threats made against the Wa bash railroad system in the event o his obt&imsgcontrol of it at the sale tomorrow,THe repliedi 5 'The3 Was bash employs hardly any Knights of Labor.. A reorganization; wati made after the August strikes in regard, to the labor employed. Talmage,; -the goneral manager under the receiver, tells me he is running' the Wabash with more business - and 10Q,D0Q a month less upon -the . pay-roll than before the strike last JBumjner , The Wabash will be sold tomorrowunder foreclosure and will be-bought ,in by bondholders. - The majority of - them are citizens of Scotland and England and the rest-' are widely v scattered through this country." "T haTamet thimmvitndtrMtvafedar.safe Commodore Fam thus tAhin liie sterr Of tad battle ot Lake Erie and it is also a 1 that Dr hots uougn brrap is no sooner osea uu ut eoia is oonqaerea ana ue eoaga aisappean. amount than we were doing, at , the ame time last year.1 ThaveTerjeiy ed this dispatch from MrHoxie X I l is Strlkers.:i;. 2 KANaaa C?rry April 27.i-Att; Atchis son Kansas special says!1 Strikn ers M yesterday m af tr rnoon - - took' forcible possession ' of "the Missouri racino? yarns Here,1 driving but" all the men who had gone to work since ine striae began six weeks ago. ' The strikers organized M ?the vard : and marched to -the shops' "where the raers went out witn Ddt little hroi t vcov, wmxmi tinea Demg; tnus avoids eu. w-iue; nrer m 'the 'shops were drawn and a guard' appointed to pres twjrBw men -xrom returning to WOrk.i'toq'jli .vt iitsu,t&4 . t , - ii;intol;fclill i Absolutely Pure. This Downer nam nrtaa A ...i Steeoath and wholesomeneas. More economical ?,0,ldJW,hv and eaimot Desoltf in ?JMf2u!iJi ""JJatadBof loo test,) hort, eight, alpm pr phosnhate Dowders. Sold oalr taiAit gD il 1 SPRKSa 4 BUSWKLL, JswUkoly ., . , Chariotre. N uvit-ttiXf) nP aoitivcfli " JIB UIr:;.f rfhrTfc-!.r!a?in pEBILITATEDmtEri.1 Alectrla SnftlMniurw . AnnliawMAa . . k . . . "5f and permanent cute of Acrvou DtbiHtV. lorn Also for man other diwasea,, Complete rwton- ; UoaWBeakh. Vigor and Banhood guaranteed. Siwiojw mailed free, by addreatlna WAi SAW MUX VO., wrTiri, !noyl7deodkw7nj 1 f twentr-elKht rears Treated tn mMt nf tiia hum specialists of the day with no bent fit. Cared hlm- bu.is mm monuu, ana emee taea Baadreds Of others by the same process ia. plain, slmvleand SBccessfuI home treatment Address!. S. PASS. WANT aiLBSsm onnmrtiam' ItmoT and traveling, to sell oar amxia . wm m good salary ar d an expenses. Write for terms StNDARD SILVKtt WAB8 COMPAjJy. Wash ttgton Street, Boston Mass. .;' v , marS0d4 . 1 . ! I ' i.j r- ii .1 r f r i ! n " - TTTsfrn T ssiT rum T fin unt mrsri mm ml I mf i 1 tn-tTnTTiriln Tniiniii u oare. i utb mmna ui tiiwomnst nt irrnt vm- thlAl kA.m bailed fcl rmmrm iut maa! I . - .Send at oneafar atraatlae alaFreeBottTeo2 nrr tefalWM rwininriTr nfmr T ...I rwn tt eotm jroa BotUna for a trial, and! wm eTOiSmT J' t 1M,,a BOOT, W 11 BllwYaac.-, qjJwsur.iPTian.: m tbovaadaaraamaYtka wt ktadaii4iiir -teadlnK her ban cared. Indeed, seitroacU mrfaUS la Itaaaaaejr.tbat I will saod TWO BOTTLM ragi Anttbm wltba VAI.UABI.g TKEATI8 ea thla OaAVaaStiar. OlT.axpreai.nd'p addirM.L' I AD1B3 WANTED to. work rlor as at, ihelr 4 " Iwm humw' a k to por weea can oe easily made; no- caBTaasingt? faartnaMna and steadV " emDloymenl Parncnlara and. Ramnla nf thi work seat for stamn. AdressHOUE M'l'li, CfL .p.m6VSotooWMaa.A ,i I ! . . . r. ... T 1 1 . f . . J - illil J III J V I I. i i r ! PETItlYROYALFILLS 'OH I CHESTER'S .l:s'GtlSM,.4tJ, s -xpo utMBtou alutiOw.ljr' aaeaaia - i 1 . lMadJaoaiaara,PAajadAwFa.,t Said kr DiwiWi rtnrilra 'l.b' IS Stc'aBacluV: IWATNral Pilla. ItaUaaMkMi fakatO badj doaiiMtearrode Ukatta rhoa,awi,i daav Bka aUaiSas ev tar oopapoaitioaa; aaaf to applr v , M L"23 SSStlfAU tS -' is aaw WbTSJr JeASTVA, H-4 ki ! ma. -. jLUAM-rMS-A'S n K.UbrS of of Ofl Ootha , flataA w.k. ra.T Jk co. cl in.; in.i.iii., Hi Send a stetett t mbdet bf & mention, end ao.OO ferexaaalns Hon. . apfdleaUons , for. kXr. v.itaiaiidorSMatt!d Beieeted eaaM iBia, Uiwrterenees, and lesal eplnions a laltT. . Sn( stamp Tor,"Hooa.on,rai BKNBI WI8B BB-G AjaMTT, BoUcttor oT Patents, Law anfl Praia sal lorln Patebt Caasea, ION. D. C. f.'.rs.,n')r Attcme, AsmNetoN. I AV VJ' V Wa -B164S A CO.. Banks' second. Kt- u tlenallVirik, WaaMngtoav . M-. ifaw as ,,eaergene oosmeas womn tT to solicit and take orders lor The M -J ""7 M ADAltKSlSWOLD 'Patent ,-3r. trtpportrsr . OorsetaJ nase 'Ji . eeraets-hamheen extn8rwMr;ae I asbV tossw t C" a large -terusea ana aoia. vt 1 vertised and sold, br ladr - ean- tne past ten rears, wbkso." wtlb UiAlr suoenorUr. H large aemana. ior utem tnroagn- Oat UmT United States, and any T hey are elnaton tAnitorr. therebr Elvlna the wen entire eontrol of these superior corsets in the territory assigned her., we nave a targe nnmoer w agenia who are-making a. grand, soojeeaa selUnsthese gooda. and we desire suchin erery town. Address .ft 3aa danaaraoaaawellaa Si mknt epropUint, Jt Baleoteo, it tanda, by tmpairbic nntriaoo. d 8- Sand Deciina. m. m. MT m 11 laW '1 . r. '( vL-Ia?-ti....IaW S stair Feme Pse1 mwwAa.a t.itilmAbrriaTa)l.K ,) --.; w?i FaW7inpt'O0"i55" , ? Uta tie m. and aj ia ioa aaMrimK af looa. ' r tier. J. t ki-T-iii toe honored, F ' I F-tfci.fi'. H...J ,,-nrek. Ba -ora iliersior andlm. .m, I take ra " JBaandiiui humly. Alaoeoaaider rt a apl and lanoorator. andTBry wnrtoetinia. v-.Jr , (n)t baa ii!..tracieirwaBqn , liASi lvAI Booa arfnl and aa-e,eow t' aainiaaaataf miAaB-tor-ietipaa. taiotma, aooo aoua. &a aires away by all daaatn n wnadtaaay AiiAiaai on nif of . ?v vlprO' cb7Da i I syJ -'x j faino ;Afffi ;.fik'rs4 VA U Maoirttr UW.L UU r7 1111 1' r ' i tt r-w" r--l'r- " trm I 'l l i I L l i V TT'sw'.i laaywno wusrw-aei mwisna .energy to canvassing for them eaa soon tmitd ho a permanent and profitable bnainesa- not aold by merchants, and we sro ex- jM-- a -tt f-Tl 'r'i I 1 ; jm&m I f I 1 I I I I IL 11 i'i ri 1 1 r 1 a I II til Bsisw. ' - ' ( 7' f 'f ' ' T ! . t r,., . . 1 For this rT - ? V' an - 'jjji'. - i" i 1 -fi t-ni';'- 'ei j-cd f .iti J il I , , " . - ....... 1 . . We will continue to benefit our natrdna. rAmamK tha inh n.m low, they are placed on the front counter and run," , .... .. (- LOT , . -i'i fc, JrW.".T:iH w I . '-tl-lO WELL II v ..1.70 r. L 1 III . .2 45., IV ; -8 95 "7,!'- t i -f'S V? -! -.1 -. ... . .:.-... . lf'ili In':. ii, .j-iV -V - You will find 8 baskets on our Lace yPTIAN, TpEQSON and other I K-- wilt f ' i J'M .tl -u q BASKET'. L .is,'4 BASKET IL- vara, worth 8 to IS cents yard, worth ! JWe have to-day the best line of Ladies Handkerchief, that was ever ex himftrl'irr an mArb-at h;: i'.i "f u;'i i t m iS i LOOK fc T-; "Ladies' Colordd. Bordered LOOK ' ' ' - Handkerchiefs look ;? Lr LOOK1; -,10c. 10c. - FOR LADIES 1 DRIVE IN' CHARLOTTE, N, 0. MAIL ORDERS SOLICITED AND at ,rnrt';;;.;uHlirvri, hnr. J'J i oJ -i 'yi'A -1'j'Jt "Jf w-iJ "" i 1' Jtleeps the largest and J xn ir.l Lid u-vol n iaen ty-f. Ma '11 ci i ij iji i ith.i tv ' "f.i.' Till ' i .1 he' I ilj -bed-room $ suit of 7 10 r pieces, xis t; -yrt-t i-t ',V n .. wainuc , Ana, o.twrrv . Parlor " Suit ' - of i; 7 pieces,- - at U', ' A -7. V, St ! ,4 . . .... . . TT . .. lor' Suits . ' ' 7 , " unces" .",.?inI'J reai'J :" varietv -AirlfermArrla "U '. . M .TV -. -W.hi.n r .t .1 vr ..,- i n : wrniceV i i.l i V: 2 i 11 At ir-t-m i lltl' " . .. - j - : 1S1 :ir, . J t- tsru'jfo '.to tiiMfi-ftV 'ie? .li dvor n b :A .d i ft) ',.1 HI r:, I l k lJ TT7T I i -s, -I i 1 1 : .... . . ! .- CnARLOTTE, 17. a I : ' .... . ' -.. .V Week. - 1 - lK..lXitr tuif. J 1 -.WORTH f L60 r 51 ' S.25. 3 76" 5.00 i' it ri if" (t A - - Xi f 0.00 J.':' I J." I K , , , . , ! Counter, whifth rmntMn nprmwi t" Laces. , BASKET HX cents perp At 17 to 27 ceiits per" 15 to 25 cents y aro,wortn zs to 49 cents erohiefs 1 iH'il ' i- LOOK LOOK LOOK LOOK LOOK LOOK ,4 10c. AND i; MISSES. ' " 7Q- t0 PROMPTLY. ATTENDED, TO. most complete stock of .c 1 li.fl'.fjj "-.l A ' j. l ': .tf l'!i 1 w'."',"J C.j. 01 I '-it - J w ; tmtrafirvi rrf walnvf 99 An L marbletop o jJ--u v so.001 Walnut with rnarble too.-! x 45.00- , , ,.. cnnta , irnm . . kts ihi . tn 37s m .. imitation" of , raw silk . . 35.00 .4 ..I - - . . - ' - - .n rUI 1. nn sua., bnuuiiau WILU DIUSU w.vu rfnmoarf.irtillrnliiKanno fA' 19 oft (.-.from, ti 8,00 tow . AOOOU; . t . um " a. 19K no ... i l.'.n n.i. 1Vl"'" i,.ii M.''.' roics and ; Oil rf aiDUDgs. : .. ..IK- J J 1- Pianos I j i t AND - ; 'j-i-i : Of " the " Best v . i ' i IKSTALtllENT P LAN. ? S LOW PRIGE8' AND-- r tf moon CODOO. iiig or drayoge. i 1 1 . , . .... ... ... , : ? t J. i up, T -' ' 'i k " Uaies

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