TEX Will ATTO PZBIUT ATP. WT Women Becom. " : ' The hom "e ot woman has to pen altiea. Tbeli confinement and close p--plicatto. to household dutlea dtlxeao- dentT V wMch " " , ? duWbrto with th. train rf ..Tils WK9M B ! kgloa. i om r peculiar ertMtie, aha la mora mnttn than the wx-men eaafly persuaded ad mora ready In her belief of cause, and effect ', Hence, for the thousand JE which flow fiom her poaltlon and habits, -he prone to fly at once for relief to . i . - PaqMm woman are drufi ana gomm ' not permitted the adrantages men hare in the use of proper preyentives, and aha la left a prey w qaMx, . a it-., n tsBaf tea. Iron, ner- An bora bw " ' Tinea and notions a.re taken, which derange the atomach rand enfeeble the nem. Without possess! any food value, and which toSreaae the weaknesses of their delIcateorgani.m. In the development of the aptcS fuactiona from ineque nutrition, xne 7,- - . uSon alght Under these ndltton. of -a Irregular and disordered ayawan. harmful effect, of all kind, of drug, and ' nostrums, t -7 . . . 7 .vot thm oontain. . la a proline aonroe of the ilmenta with which they are afflicted, j A pure stimulant U often inaispu' w 3 and ia highly recommended by the moat eminent physicians. The ue- tlon has been nerevoiurc, . an absolutely pure and unadulterated arti cle, free from fusel oil and other poisonous , v. onnU b safely prescribed for their benefit. Eminent scientist, and cbemista hare failed to find a trace of w . - atA MkkiAh'av ekrr fusel oU tm uuuy-B pure m. any adulteration whatever, and aenoe has not only become the standard of purity, but a specific in medical Jpractioa. Tor anch diseases as dyspepsia, indiges tion, heart burn, faints and swoons, and '- wasting maladies, to which delicate women -' Bn prone, the highest medical authorities - cWe tnis pure stimulant a preference, and rpiiifM -" OMAN! n DR. J- BBADF1ELDS H f EMALE REGOLATOlt ' mands ot the ge for woman's peculiar and multi form affliction. It la aremedy for WOMAN OlnLY, and for one SPECIAL CLASS ofber diseases. It Is a specific for certain diseased conditions of tbe . womb, and proposes to so control tbe Menstrwu Function as to regulate all the derangements and negularitles of woman's JHOKTHLT SITKJfESS. Its proprietors elalm forlt no other medical prop - ertr; and to doubt tbe fact that this medicine does positivelr possess such conlrolllng and regulating powers is stmplj to discredit the voluntary testi mony of thousands of living witness wbo are to day exulting In the restoration to sound health aud happiness. . fRADFIKLDB frTEMALK REGULATOR Is sferleQy a vegetable eompotmd, and Is the pro -net of medleal science and practical eiverienee direct- ed towards tbe benefit of . S I FFEBCVfi WOMAJI ! - ft is the studied prescription of a learned phy sician whose study was WOMAN, and whose fame - became enviable and boundless because of his won derful rucoesa in tbe treatment and cure of fema'e complaints. 1 HK BMxULATOB is tbe grandest remedy known, and richly deserves Its name: , OMAN'S E3T" pglEND ! Bpeajise It controls a class of functions the various derangements of which eaose more ill health than all other causes combined, and thus rescues her from a long train of afflictions which scroll emblt turner life and prematurely end her existence. Oh! what a mu'tltode of living witnesses Can testify to Its eharming effects! womani take to your confi dence this i PRECIOUS BOON OF HEALTH! It will relieve yon of nearly all the complaints - peculiar to your sex. Reiy npon It as your safe guard tor neaitn, nappmess and long me. ' Sold by all drugcista. Send for our treatise on the Health and Happiness of Woman, mailed free, wmcn gives au particulars. , .,. - Tbs Bbadfdeld Rsooxatbr Co., Box a, Atlanta, tia. IT'S A FACT. To ladies of the city say they always like to get their BREAD, CAKES AND PIES from htadouarterB, where tbey can get it fresh very day. Therefore I beg to Inform the public In general, that I have moved my To tbe eld Charlotte Hotel, where I will te glad to serve my customers wlthlthe very best of , BBEAD, al a TTTJn ..I. . - ' t . . -" PIES and CANDIES , y ":, I s ;v' '''- . ' -V , At th lowest prices and delivered free of charge ssa f f ' f HEK EX FKUSI ! Retail Estab Ihoment e. DDI. Gut OTatfWtte s FRIDAY. APRIL 80. 1886, AMEBICJJ TI3. Snlendid Results Hai-ny Peak Bp in Dakota. Tln Mines in Dakota TromtneBapw uu IiIIaO n niih irain. iult 1 The Kapia W ita j iAnin ,1 i, v . iwv "v - 1 - iaeue of Apru w r 13e,uf.." ffsmv Peak Oompa- development" des. tin miniDgiu iu - Rtt hTrTh are the richest tbe Ml til IL1UC7 . 1 company has yet developea: HOW THB TIN WAS Diawr. of the tin annually im-1 nnrted into the United States in the ft f tin rlatfi and block f nn n urd nnu uiuua. - Hlmr ""V" 825 000.000, For es ine "S"."Vr;r hn made to dis cover TproSrabV tin mine in the t-t 3 ci, a on Althoueh the ore .umf,.rr Tn manv places, Ti.nt .crod nnor to lsu v mu it nrontable. A JnedCtisW.wasthe ? , x i h r-assitente in the mine which was at that time bewg worked for mica. , 1 TTBTW YORK CAPITAL ENLISTED THfiq of enormous size have been discovered and developed, showing SSSSS of toid torewMA wlU thOUSanaS Ol UI- " . I overreach the value of those 01 iae rest of the world, me grauumuui no. inrtnstrv has been slow m coming to an awakening, but now it is thoroughly awake and will move ith trrnAt Rtrides until the UlacK Hills shall stand forth as the grandest tm producing region of the world. ; a Ttfoor Vnrt comnanv had conn- Ar, n t.h rpnorts and sent experts to the Hills to examine into the truth of the statements, and a8.a,o0?i3f nncnpA an examination of the Mta mine restilted in the sale of it to tbe New York syndicate. They at once proceeded in a business like manner nri nnmmfineed the development of their property. ?The result were so flattering and promised such great success that the company commenc- pd nurchasme other mines in araer- ent parts of the tin area of the South ern Hills, and had a large concentra tinn mill manned to work the ore. The plans were drawn up with direct and soecial reference to he working of tho ores at the Etta Mine. The mill was made in accordance with the nlans and shinned to the mine, Mouths elapsed between the time of designing the mill and the time when the wheels of the grand monster plant wei-0 first revolved, a few days since, inaugurating what will prove to be one of tbe greatest mining in dustries in the world. t ? ? THE VALUE OF THE YIELD. : The average amount of tin stone in the ores at the Cornish mines is about 1.95 per cent. This may be considers ed reliable, es the records of mining are kept by tbe Government and ex tend tnrough a long period of years. In the German mines it is 0.5 and 0.3 per cent, of the w hole mass. The cas- siterite in the ores of the tin seldom exceed 3 per cent in any country out side of the Black Hills The tin stone concentrated from the Etta, Coates and Bob IngersoJl ores during their run the past week of ten days aver ages from 6 to 7 per cent .of the en tire mass of rock: crushed. It is beau tifully separated from : the gangue and tbe product is a large quantity of tin stone of a very rich grade. No one longer doubts the fact that the Ecta Mill is a success The conn- dence of the company in their en terprise ia evinced in the fact that they "will erect another large mill du-, ring the present year on some of their other properties. Tbev own valuable mines at Hill City, and at a point about four, miles distant from the Etta, and also have interests in the Tenderfoot region. TOE PBMTI56 TELEGB1PO. A Wonderful Electrical Machine That Sends a Message and Keeps a Copy ' Philadelphia Times. A number of bankers, lawyers. scientists and journalists gathered yesterday afternoon at the office of the International Printing Telegraph XT . new ttt 1 . . xjiupauy, xo. oi wainut street to witness a practical test of an elec trical invention which, it is claimed, Will lantelV SUOnlant the Menhnna This is the printing telegraph. The instrument looks very much like a type writer, but it has this advantage over a typewriter, that while it prints one copy, or manifold copies if desired, right before the operator's eyes, it prints exact duplicate copies at the other end of atelegraph wire, hundreds oftbousands of miles away! Among other advantages which it possesses over the ordinary telegraph or telephone system is that it -gives the sender an exact copy of every message ? that he sends, and places every word right before his eyes, so that any mistake will be at once de tected. It cau be operated by any child- who can read, and can be operated as fast as a tvpe writer which is considerably fasttr than the Morse telegraph system. As showing Che advantages that the printing tele graph possesses over anything now in uee, it is claimed that a message can be transmitted to the possessor of an instrument in his absence from his office and he will find it recorded. The recording of tbe message at both points cf sending and receiving pre vents disputes astOtha.ont.nnf-.a nf the message. It is impossible to read by sound or to intercept a message by tapping the wires, thus rendHno secrecy complete. Its absolute accus racy renders it invaluable in com mercial or financial transactions, especially for bankers, merchants. rauroaas and all other persons re quiring minute accuracy. It can be uneu as a stock indicator. It :. will duplicate the same ' messacA ah mr number of points, and can give any number of reproductions of an origi nal message in transfer. Its use for newspapers is invaluable.. A cor respondent m Bo6ton,'for example can call up offices in New .York) Philadelphia, Baltimore' and Cincin nati and produce his copy in the of- uewoyupBrBin eacn place ready for immediate use in the composing room. The instrument is both a re ceiver and a transmitter. . At the exhibition yesterday all that has been claimed for the printing telegraph Was annnronflw -i.tarifloH There were two instruments in the room, but they were practically about one hundred and thirty miles apart, for the wire which connected , them ran from one instrument to tbe city or Reading, and then back to the other instrument, and tbe same mess sages were printed on both instru ments simultaneously.. That is to say, the operator, touched a key like w n?y ui type writer, ana a letter was printed on the paper on the in strument before bim, and at the same instant the same letter appeared on the paper on tbe other instrument at the other end of tbe wire, over a hun dred miles long. It would have been th game if tbe wire bad been a thouiand miles Ions... MB. ABTHTjB'S HEALTH. Weak lnt Hopeful Mtr, Mreteru Ctary of Ills Information, NewYork6un. - . The friends of ex-Preeident Arthur chage which took place m hra condi Hf,n Vpsterday may not prove to be a mere temporary or delusive improve- - Tm -Arthur felt better vester iuouvi . . . . dav thaD on any other flay during the past three weeks. He slept sound ly ail night without an anodyne or narcotic, and awoke in the morning refreshed and mvigoraieu. tie reau the morning papers and skimmed oyer the pages or a novei. - nwew- fore he baa Deen too weaic w reau continuously even ior a snors iiui, and all the news of the day that has -aoAhori him has come through rus -atap Mra. McElroy. who has devot watched by his bed side -ever omw Viin firt seizure Mr- Arthur to- ik solid food y ester dav for the third time since his re lapse - jars, aaanjirvv u w, hands prepared the exPresident's dinner. It consisted of a piece- of rare roast beef, cut in small morsels, and a few delicate stiiKS 01 eany asparagus, xne panenxi m iu wuu evident pleasure, . auu grumuiou no cause he could not bav a. second nin o A.f ter dinner tne exsr reHi- dent sat in a cushioned reclining chair-in his bedroom for an hour, chatting with bis sister and daughter. Wo wnn in orooa Boirira auu lvio mu- guine that he would ; soon be able to take that long postponed drive in PAnt.ral Park. 'No visitors called yesterday, with the single exception Jt tv. ; . A Pnhn vhn mmn fit. of Dr. George A Peters who came at 1 o'clock. Dr. Fetors was seen at nis house. No. 12 West Twenty-nintn street vesterdav afternoon. "All that 1 nave to Bay aroui my patient can : be summed up in one word notniner exciauneu we cible old gentleman. "I consider it a wonton niece - ot ; impertinence inat reporters should swoop down on my house, singly and in .hordes, at all hours of the day and.night, and pes ter me with supid questions, wny, air. last niebt one of your gentlemen had the brazen impertinence to ais most null mv door bell out bv the roots at 12:30 o'clock, and when shoved mv head out of the window he leaned against the. railing as cooi as a cucumber and called out, 'How's President Arthur?' .'' ; v "Whit Sid you tell him, doctor! I told him to 20- well, never mind what I told him: Once and for all I emphatically declined to say anvthine about Mr. Arthur's -health. The sooner this filters through the beads of the reporters and editors tbe better." y - i;y,-crj!'Lf-': "Is there any truth m the rumor. doctor, that the ex-President's illness is caused by gout in tbe stomach! Dr. Peters glared at his tormentor and sternly pointed in tho direction of the front door. STATE HHffS. The Democrats of Rockineham says the Rocket, have nominated the following munmcipal? ticket:- For Mayor A M McAuley. For Com missioners-Dr J M Covington, R Johnston, W T Covington, R B Holt, t M Kussell. Wilmington Review: At a meeting of tbe members ot the Wilmington Steam Fire Engine LJompany No. held last night, it was determined upon to make an effort to secure a new engine. Tbe ; Little Giant has now been in. continuous service for eleven years and is almost worn out, The testimony of two experts was submitted to tbe meeting and this testimony was to the effectthat the old engine should be replaoedwrth a new one, and that at an early date, It is estimated thatf the sum; of $2,500 will be needed, in addition to the amount which may be obtained for the old engine. A8heville "Advance: Moses Smith another of tbe old landmarks of -the county,; died Monday on Gashe'i Creek, aged eightysfour years. He was a brother of the first white male child born west of the Blue Ridge.and was the father-in-law of our towns man James E. Reid. During the thunder. 8 tonn- -which prevailed in this section last evening, two mules, belonging to Mr. James Brown, were being driven to a, - wagon by a young luou wuose name we aid not learn At a point one mile from Aeheville Junction, a current of lightning struck the team, killing the mules in stantly, and shocking the driver to such an extent that his condition last night was critical and aroused fears least he should not recover. - - J Wilmington Sfcari Articles of ins corporation were filed vesterdav with 8. VanAmringe, Esq., Judge of iruuans, ior me w liming ton uaectrie Light Company, the object of which is stated to be for tbe making, pros ducmg, generating and furnishing light and motive ; power produced by or resulting from electno currents. Tbe principal place of business is Wil mington, and the incorporators ' are C E McNett, E E Burruss, John W AtKison, E P Bailey, H A Burr. A D Brown. James 8prunt and William Latimer. The - capital stock of the company is $40,000, divided into four hundred shares of the val ue of one hundred dollars each. The officers will be a ' president, secretary and treasurer, and a board of five directors to be elected by the stock holders. . Asheville .Citizen v The telegraph informs us that our esteemed friend, Mrs, Bessie Rambough Johnston, of Warm Springs, now on a visit to France, was married in Paris, on the 26th, to Mr. Btafford of Brooklyn, New York. Mrs. Stafford will re main abroad for some time yet. She certainly has the best wishes of many friends in this section, but there are some who are - grievously disappointed.- Mr. George Alex ander, an old orchardiet of the Swan nanoa Valley, was on the square yes terday, with a wagon load of apples, fresh, plumb and ruddy, as if ust plucked.- Near the end of April, it is refreshing to see the fruits of the or chard in such fine preservation.- Salisbury Herald: Colonel Calvin J: Cowles, late assayer of the mint at Charlotte, has leased the Baker mine neur Morganton. It is a quartz vein carrying a small per cent of galena, assaying about $10 in gold and 15 our.c S n silver to the ton. The mine was discovered, some years - ago by the gold in the surface dirt. The Milledgeville cotton mill has received nine car loads of machinery, which they are hauling -from ThomasviUe to their mill on the Yadkin river. The people of Montgomery county, bave Hon, Samuel Pemberton and John yi?notherly to ; thank for this . great enterprise,, which will enrich their county. We have seldom seen an 1 exhibition J of I physical strength superior to that of John Mil ler, wbo last Monday shouldered a bale of cotton at J.. D. Gaskill's plat form, walked with ir across the road and back to the' platform. : John is spare built and does not seem to weigh over ' one: hundred and forty pounds. Every Saturday for the past twenty years, old Uncle Moses Lord, and bis wheelbarrow of ginger pop have been saen at the corner of Main and Innis streets. Alamance (l'arvfir- a vrannn still and eight stands of beer were cut up Dy revenue officers on Haw river. near the Guilfoid line.' a few days ago. We did not learn anything further about the matter. - Tho sergeant manutacturing Company of wTOutuuru, oas a contract to make a lot ot castings - for Colonel Holt's new cotton mill, also bolts, &c , for the Carolina Coffin Factory at Com pany Shops: Mr. V. LeeTurren- tine left Company : Shops a few days ago KLaccept a position in- the raiK road maebme Bhona at Barin? Croa. one mile from Little Rock, Ark. He is to be followed in a few dava bv Messrs. M B Hayes, Joe Fix, Jr . and rank Liynch, this week. -" All are good, sturdy, young mechanics, and their going away afflicts a loss unon vuu vuuiiuuuidy. - Poetry From the Prairies. -' & T i". . . jxii . iuwa euitor wno attenaed a party, was smitten, with" the charms of a fair damsel who wore a rose on ber forehead and thus gushed about it: .. Above her nose - There is a rose; Below that rose, There is a nose, " ; Rose, ncse. Nose, rose,, - ' Sweet rose, ' Dear nose, - W hereupon a rival ; editor thus apostrophises the Iowa chap: a 00 ve tne stool There is a fool; . -'. Below the fool C .There is a stool. ; Btool, fool, - . Fool, stool," - ' -Old stool, ; -Damphool. - Substitute for tne Blair BUI. Washington, April 26. The labor committee today decided upon a sub stitute for the B air bill which will be reported tomorrow. Jt provides for tbe distribution or $75,uuu,uu among the States for educational purposes, not more than 17,500,000 a year, the money to be derived from the sale of public lands. It is to be distributed according to tho population of each State of the scholastic age. Each State is to have absolute control of the disbursement of its share. This wines out the objection - made by Southern members to the Blair bill that it is unconstitutional. A LITTLE SUFFERER Clpasnrd, PnriflMl and Beantl. ' find by the Cuilcura Kemedies It affords me pleasure to give you this report of the cure of our little grandchild by your Cdticura Bkkkdxbs. When six months old bis left hand began to swell and hd every appearance of a large bolL We poulticed It but all t no purpose. About Dve months after It became a running sore. Soon other sores f nnea. He tnen bad two ol them on each hand, and hi blood became more and more Impure it took tas time for them to brek out. A sore came on tbe chin, beneath the under lip, which was very offensive. His head was one -solid scab, discharging a great deal. This was his condition at twenty-two months old, of consump tion (scrofula of course). He could walk a little. but could not get up It he felt down, and could not move when In bed, having no use of bis binds. I Immediately commenced with the Cdticura Bra XDIB9, using the Ctjticura and Cuticura Soap f eely. and when be had taken one bottle of tbe Cuticura Bbsolvkmt. his head was completely cured and he was improved In every way. We were very much encouraged, and continued the uaeot the Re medies for a rear and a half. One sore after anotber healed, a bony matter forming in each one or tnese tve deep ores ust Deiore healing, which would 0a ally grow loose and were taken out; then they would beau rapidly. One or these ugly bone formations I preserved. After taking a dozen and a half bottles he was oom- Dlete'v cured, and is now, at the age of six years. a strong and healthy child. The scan on bis hands mu-t a'ways remain; his bands are strong. thoogh we once feared he would never be abie to ! use them. All that phrslclansdld for him did htm i no good. AU who saw the child before using the Cuticura Bjcmdixs ana see the child now con sider It a wonderful cure. If tbe above facts are of any use to you, you are at liberty to use- them. ai.HH. K. a. utuuua. May 9, 1885. 612 E. Clay St, Bioonitngion, Ills. The child was really In a worse condition than he appeared to bis grandmother, wbo, being with him every day, became accost jmed to tbe rtiReaae. CcTiOTSA Bbkkdiks are sotd everywhere. Cuti cura, tne great akin due BO s, cuticura Soap, an exquisite bktn Beautifler, 25 cts.: cuticura Bk solvemt. the new Blood Purifier, $1.00 - Prepared of uuj tvrncK urug and ihuucal u, Boston. Send for hHow to Cure Bkin II- seases.' I T P U WO- 9car. Ptmp'y and Oily Skin beautl- l I U I nea oy CBTicuBA tMAr. BACK ACBE. WEAKNESS, UTERINE Pains, Soreness and Lameness speed ily cured by that new, original, ele gant and iDfalllble antidote to rxUn and Inflammation, the Cuticura- ANTI-PADI PLA9TKR. AT drugglsU. CAPITAL PEI2TE, $75,000. Tickets Only f 5. Shares In Pre ' 1 -;; : : pertion." t Louisim State Lotterv Cx !W do hereby certify that toe tuper vise the arrangements for all the Monthly and Quarterly Drawings of the Louis iana State Lottery Company, and in per son manage ana control the Drawings themselves, and that the same are eon- aucted vnth honesty, fairness, and in good faith toward all parties, and toe authorize the company to use thia eertitl cote, uithfoe similies of our signoturer attached, in its advertisements. " ST Commissioners. We the undersigned Banks and Bankers will pay aP. Prizes drawn which may be presented at our couns ters. JT. W OGLE8BT, - Pres. Ijoulsana National Bank. JT. W. KILURGTU, Pre. State National Bank. 1 ' t A. BAK.BWIIV. ; Pres New Orleans IVat'l Bank. .Incorporated In 1868 for 25 rears by the Legisla ture for Educational and Charitable rjuroosee with a capital ot $l,000,00O-to which a reserve rand of over $550,000 has since been added, , - : By an overwhelming popular vote Its franchise too uinuB a pan 01 we present state uonsnrauon adopted December 2d, A. D..1879. --The only Lottery ever voted on and endorsed by the people of any State. --T? . 1. 1 It never scales or postpones. , .Its Grand Single Number Drawings will take Place monthly, and the Extraordinary Drawings rrularly every three months Instead of Seml Annuauy as heretorore beginning March, 1886. Trn1, PPPPBTUNITT TO WIN A FOS fK. Fifth Orand Drawing. Class .K m the A,0 Muste. New Orleans, TueMayT May 11,1886-192d Monthly Drawing. CAPITAL PRIZB TS.OOO. IBDfitt) p&ets at fits Dollars Each. Fractions to Fifths in proportion. ' , Primes.' ' 1 CAPITAL PBIZZ. 1 00 do 1 do - . do $75,000 .....26,000 a prizes ot$8,ooa 5 do ,r 2,000. 10 ' do " - 1,000. 90 do Boa 100 do 200. " 10,000 " .... 12.000 ' 10,000 " ..... ; 10,000 ".....'10,000 800 do 100... . ouu , ao . - ou.. lOOO do 26.. tw.uuo 26,000 26,000 APPBOXDtiTION FRIZES. Approximation Prizes of $760... '9 do . do , 600.... " 9 do - . do . 860...l 6,780 4,S00 1907 Prizes, amounting to. ... $265,600 Application tor rates to clubs should be made onto to the office of the oompany In New Orleans ror further Information write clearly, giving run address. Postal Notes, Express Money Orders, w New York Exchange Inordinary letter. CurrenCT br Express (at our expense) addressed - . t M. A-DAtrPHTN. - ' - New Orleans, OrM. A. DAUPHIN, . , . , - . . . . Washington, D. C - , t: Make P. O. Money Orders payable and address BteredLers to . ... .T , now vuwii, 1. P0LICE1! : , :-. . Atlanta, 6a., Jar 23, 1886. Whenever I know ot anything that might bo ot servioe to my te!low-men. I deilre to impart such Information; hence I give the following facts to the pubUe: Mrs M. U. Prince, lMug at 88 West Fdlr St. Atlanta, 6a., has been troubled for several months with and ugh? form of catarrh, attended with a copi ous and offensive discharge from both nostrils. Her system became so affected and reduced that she was eonflned to bed at my boose for some time, and received the attention of three physicians; and used a dozen bottles of an extensively adver tised blood remedy, all without tbe least benefit.' She finally commenced the use of B B. B. with a decided Improvement at once, and when ten bot tles bad been used, she was entirely cured of all symptoms of eatarrn. . ; It ave ber an appetite, and lncreaed ber strength rapldlr, and I cheerfully reeommend It as a quick and cheap tonic and Blood Purifier. - 3. W. GLOEB, " - "' Policeman. Was it Cancer ? 4 wive wen rasing u. a. k. tor six or seven weeks for something like cancer on my neck, and I would not take omi thousand dollars for tbe benefit received. .: " " I nail previously trleJ various srcal!ed blood remedies, but B. B. B. b tbe best, tbe quickest and the cheapest blood purifier I ever used. ' I refer to any merchant of Griffin, 6a. " ' J. H. BARNES, Grlffln, Ga. BOTH HANDS UP. rtewnanlte Suddenly Raiss . His Hand for the . First Time In Two Years. . Correspondence Atlanta Journal. " Nrwkak, Ga., June ia Mr. Jacob G. Sponcler an old aud respected el'Jzen of this place expert enced rather a sudden change In his gestlculattve extremettes lately. It seems that a Utile over two years ago Mr. Sponcler bad a severe attack of Rheumattim, his arms became useless, and, In fact, be could not raise his hands to his bead until the other day, when he called on the druggist and obtained a preparation that acted like magic on him, for after taking the first half bottle he could move his arms about, and when he had taken six bottles he was sound and well. Bev.W. W. Wads worth and our people generally who are familiar with the ease almost swear by the wonderful remedy now. Mr. Sponcler said tbe medicine was called B. B.B. BLOOD POISON. Mr.-A. P. W of Hampton, Ga, has recently emerged from one of the most remarkable c ot Blood Poison on record. His body and limbs had no less than four hundred, small ulcers his bones tormented htm with pain his appetite failed his kidneys presented frightiul symptoms and all doctors and 100 bottles of the most popu lar Blood Poison remedy failed to give him any relief. He secured B. B. B., the concentrated quick cure, and five bottles healed tbe ulcers, re lieved all pain, cured his kidneys, restored his appetite, and made him a healthy and happy man. ' SCROFULA. J,Are any members of your family thus afflicted? Han they scrofulous swelling of the glands? Have they any scrofulous sore or ulcers? if so and it thould be neglected, the peculiar taint, or poison, may deposit Itself In the substance of the longs, producing eon sumption. Look wen to the eondlUonof your family, and If thus afflicted give the proper remedy without delay. But that which makes absolute cures in the shortest space, of time; The uneering" linger of public opinion points to B. B. B. as the most wonderful remedy for scrofula ever known. " I - : - :: , ; :? y Ask your neighbors, ask your druggist, ask or right to those who give their certificates, and be convinced that B. B . B is the quickest and most perfect Blood Purifier ever before known. , , k - RHEUM ATI.1ITI. Although a practitioner of nearly twenty years, my mother tnfluenead ma to pros ore B. B. B. for her. She had been eonflned to her bed several month with Rheumatism which had. stubbornly resisted all the usual remedies. Within twenty four hours after commencing B. B B. I Observed marked relief. " She has just commenced her third bottle and Is nearly as active as ever, and has been to the front yard with "rake In hand," clean ing up. Her Improvement is truly wonderful and Immensely gratifying. , . -.i - Mr. Roswerth Interrlewed, Xtom the Southern Clipper. "Yes," said Mr. James L.Bosworth, an old At lantlan, "It was twelve yearn a go when 1 contracted a terrible case of blood poisoning. My affliction was truly horrible. I had no appetite, did not sleep well at night, my digestion was impaired, my throat wascauterized five tunes, and in fact I was a total wreck. I had been under the treatment of several of tbe leading physicians of Atlanta'; tried nearly every blood remedy advertised; went to Hot Springs receiving no benefit whatever." "And you remained la this condition, twelve years?" intsrrupped the Clipper man. xes sir, and more than that. Three years ago I was laid up with rheumatism.". My knees were drawn up In such a position that I could not leave my bed for months. My life became a lingering torture. A truly wounderf ul blood remedy was recommended, known as B. B B. 1 used it, and sir, s bottles cured me, and I really believe It to be the grandest and quickest blood .remedy ever known." , - ' Rook or Wonders. ' - By addressing Blood Balm-Co., Atlanta, Ga, any one ou secure free one of the prettiest and most valuable 83 page books now out. It tells an about the blood, Its diseases and remedies Scrofula, Ul cers, Rheumatism, Kiuney Affections, Skin Hu- morr. &o , 4c. Drop a postal for it at nee.' T V ; i . ? a H. MONTGOMERY, M. D," Jacksonville, Ala,, June s.l&S . ;" Donot fan to send to B.B. Co.. Atlanta. e w w weir book of Wonders, tree. - COUGHS, GROUP -AND- oNSuaPTwrim is ; . .". OF . fiffw!; SWEET GUM ' - ' , AND HULLEIN. . Tho sweet gum, as gathered from a tree of the jmo name, growing along the small streams In the omhem States, contains a stimulating expecto- ir.t principle that loosens the phlegm producing : early morniDg cough, and stimulates the child o throT off the false membrane in croup and '-lccplng-conga. When combined with the heal lancilaglnous .principle in the mullein plant f iUo eld fields, presents in TATLOR'8 Chxsokxb s.aa)Y or Sweet Gum and M0XlLxin the finest it. v. n loniedy for Coughs, Croup, Whooping-cough m Cor: sumption ; and so palatable, any child is ,.,.-.ou to take it. Ask your druggist for It, Price, ' "c. an i Si. If he does not keep it, we will pay, - una time only, express charges on large size : ;t!t! Vi oay pert of the V. 8. on receipt of SUB. ""V T.-rin? A.I'ATLOK, Atlanta. Ok. CARPET1NCS AND ' ' " Upholstery Goods. W. & J. SLOANE DmTK ATTENTIOV To THE ATTRACTIVE PKWJKS AT WHICH TtLEltt ENTIRE HPKIMx BEINii OPENED. AXMTNSTEBS from 12.00 per id. uoward WILTONS MOQDETTE3 -VELVETS BODY BRUSSELS TAPESTRY Ingrains ' CHINA MATTTN6S from ' 1 75 per yd. upward from 1.25 per yd. upward - from ' 1 85 per yd. upward from .90 i er yd. upward from .50 per yd. upward from : 0 per yd. upward from .10 per yd upward SWISS LACE CURTAINS from $t 60 per pair upward MADRAS LACE CURTAINS from $2.50 per pair upward ANTIQUE and FRENCH LACK CGRTA1NS trom $3 50 per pair upward NOTTINGHAM LACE CURTAINS from . .15 per pair upward ivtHMtnAH uubtains vmn Handsome uaooes. from $5.00 per pair upward TAPESTRY COVERINGS from $L00 per yd. upward CRETONNE COYERIN(,S - from .26 per yd. upward Window Shades made on snort notice or materials furnished SAMPLES SENT WHEW DESIRED AND PROMPT ATTiCM HUN PALO TO ALL MAIL ORDERS. - . Correspondence Invited BROADWAY- and 19th STREET NEW TORS. febS7d3m OFFERS TO I THE Wholesale i Mil Trade FIVE TONS :'rVKNTY BARRELS PURE LIMED OIU A Large Stock of - ' . . Colcn. Yaraishes, Etc. ; , ALSO ONE CAR LOAD AI L AT CLOSE PRIOE& t. H. Moaden; : 7 J. e. 1d W-SL I Notwithetanding the reports mado Goicg Out of Mmw and to offer to our f&nd. aod SSE SaStf i,7w?,- tZ m, N" aredaUyreceiYijcNEWGOODa which w. t.'l""!- vi inaucementa to UAiiH BUYEES : ' uuu 'i oEr ELIAS&: COHEN BURGEES WHOLESALE AKDHSTAIL D2ALE.H IH all kinds of " FURNiTDRE, ; BEDDING, &C. . . .j.is."V.T.:.i.;..n.r ...ii-vi-.,i-' f - ' : yVl "v ' - ' " ;: T httHU1?,6 ,of CHBAP BKD8TBAD8, nnof6? arat "1 Chamber Suits, Cofi nns of all: kinds on hand. No R wt Trade Street, OiarletteTNoW&aroVi ma IIA1S! JUST OPEMED ! . Immense Stock ! Elegant Styles I ' Lowest Prices. Call -and see them All grades in Manilla, Mackinaw and Canton. All new. No old stock A lareelot Of Chlldrnn'a ITarja at. in oohta 0,,.. ok nnt iD...in o tt . ' tbe best and cheapest ever offered Men's AH-Wool Spring . Cassimcr Suits At $6 50 worth $10.00. Fine AIl-Wool Diagonal SackSuits at $10.00 worth $15.00. i Our large assortment of ; BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S CLOTHING Has been admired by all our patrons, and are moving off rapidly. Anybody in search of good clothing, at remarkable low prices, should not fail to call and see our fine assortment. W.KA.U:FMAiST&CO CENTRAL HOTEL CORNER, CHARLOTTE, N. C. L;lrlwll Bofgies . and . Carriages TYSON & JONES, Carthage, N; C, No shoddy work. Every Buggy, . - is We are at home, and we can always be found to make good our promises WE ABB ! The largest Carriage Man- 1 nfaetniera In North Caro-: Una,. J v ".' ... ; -, r vet - For Dnrabillty, . . .lr' i. ' Style and finish, we are nn- snrpaesed. - For sale bfAC feutchlson A flnnJTTffi5r--1 , , ic Sroiners & Wriglit, Shrlby. W. C. ' W- V Willing.. ?w , - " TYSON & J0NES;:Carthag8 N. c. 1 Chance For All -A BRAND SALS Olf Watches CLOCKS -anil .JWELRY. lhamonds Silver and Silver-Plated . . .im. .... ... . . ... rrure, . v t Spectacles, fict - PrtMUi nt iIiimhi mw. mil . the toodiare Si bastT: - ""1BB itVD mm by some of our kind friend- ;NICHOI RUV HATS! by any house. We shall sell this week a -North Carolina Male -BT- Carriage or Phaeton that leaves our shop guaranteed. ,. -:o: WECL.AITI , To be able to compete sae- .eesefally, m prices and quality, with the best manufacturers In the North and West. Co, Char I.tt, C. Van lder & SPECIAL IN OTICE. KK A desirable building lot, fronting 99 teet JO on Trade street, and running through to Fourth street, oetween the property of Col. a. C. Jones an 1 Dr. Q'lxmoghue, known as the Dr. J. M. Miller place. Price $3,600. , CHAKLOTTK KKALRSTATS AGENCY, novett, ' . To Printers. - A good second hand Plough Paper Cutter, will be sold cheap. :. Apply to Chad, B. Joces, at eepfldAwtf THIS OFFICB REMOVAL! r. JEWELRX,iWATCHES, &c . ' .' v. I-... t-?2I!PS fpoed to our new stand, opposite the ?ntSiFot?d' "J?iu 66 Pleased to have our friends call, where they will nod a i ull line of YA"Srx,CL9a' JffWELBT, DIAM0ND3 ' SILViB and SlLVEH-PLATiD WABK, Ac. Special sttentton glyen to dUBenH watch r : W. HrAKlUOR &-BRO. Printin2 Press for Sale. LOTL2Sa3LA wntpleteAdams Book- -,-'"'i' 'ow. size or platen 24xou &Co?awolta f' b List PriM - J.. i M Mm INDUSTRY WiUbeldforV.: .- . .2KS on term to suit purchaser. J. T. BUTLER.. .f C3AS. B. JONIS, BE"-J tuarloiObeernr.

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