- , ' - -., I . t f TOOT OUR 1 8 50 EMBROIDERED DRESS PATTERS AT 13.50 . -. - .'.'... T ' i - . , r ' . - 1.00 CORSETS AT ' 75 cents. 75o 1.25 KID 75: " GLOVES AT .95 60s 15-j LADIES KERCHIEFS 10c " " - 100 doz. RICK RACK ; BRAID AT OUR FIGURED LAWNS ' 5c Von Tiie above Lawns' are to be sold in pat terns only; hot larger than 15 yards V " Ti-. , - . , M ' - 11 10. LiJ u 11 If CllO flaw Seersuc m. Striped 3eersuckers,Plain Seer jujieM, Morning Ginghams, Taney Gingham. India CrtnkleB. -;-?. - - ' "-; - : .-' i" .: .. ' f6b- Not f olk Jackets AST light Wnght r Summer ;Ftti, Only GO eents per yard. lb LOT iOFMJLWUS At 5 and 6ft cent. 8714 46 PARASOLS For Children, Parasols for Wm's, Parasols fo Ladles at as great a reduction In pilcea as ottered by any house to Ue elty. Don't forget that we can show OTTO In the city i. - t;We ire determined to keep T. L. SEIGLE. I tJPIIl ft W). standardahdin doing soV&a continually ordering, so that-.we can &U L ut nn wnnt .fc the West oosstble price: ? Come and see theTa&tarrivalof them. ' . I -- 80CCESSOBS TO ALEXANDER HABBI8.I B- ANOTHER TQOt LOT 01, Whitman'! Candy and Cra Wciierics, ,. w'-" n- j'-w s v ;-f?' Cider and aadwltcte : ' Always on hand. W. B. TAYLOR.1 PI.ED C.' UUMZLElt WH0IJ8ALB1 , -: : tf. S, ;,.- .HA i ; :: - : -') '" LAGER UEEB DEiLEK jtOTTMin. ; , ClIARLOTTE; N.VC ' -., . ' .-' . ' : '. ; v. :f'i . r i. '. t - ---- Jj'H'l j-l Bepresents two of the largoatr LAGEB. . BEEB Breweries in the Tjnited States ' The ersrner llSpfirel Ilrewlis Co or PWlsidelphla, and the P; jlchairer rewija2 . Sew York. Tan LARGEST LAGE3 BEE3 B0T TUNG fcSTABLISHMENT , IN THE CITY. : ; ,: . ' COrder Solicited. AU promptly filled and delivered charge to any put of the city. - dec20dlf .:v; -rv:,-- -i orders f res ot FOR RENT. ! ACOMFOBTABLB 4 room eottaw, pantry end kitchen, wlthtn a lew hundred pt-Z GnuUtt .w mnrem of hmd Lit rent W tood tenant. Inrils t IE 11 $6 50 1150 cents. (5 button scallop top ) 10 centa. AT " 05 centa 5 per dozen. 5 SI aawBTJ Booth Tryon Street, - - - Charlotte, H. C Ladies', MiB8e8nd Childrc n's r. tow - BCnuSi diSSBESS iCE SHOES, Genta Fine Hmt-Made and Machine 8e a . . - . V . BOOTS, BUTTON AND LACE BALS, Boir hid Toirras root BOOTS IMS SHOES Or fLL GB1SXS ' ' . " GENTS' FINE - , Silk, Soft andStiff itsf TRUNKS, ; VALISES and 1-1 . gripsacks; UMBRELLAS OF ALL KINDS, - .- 8HOB BLACKING AND BBC8HX3. Stock always kept tall and ' up to!the demand. ORDKR3 BY M1IL OK IXPBE33 PEOMPTLT I ATTENDED TO. you the j best ; assortment this department well luptq l-h- SPRING: asd tyiMMEa' STYLES Qata and Bonnets lot :-, , : - i 1 V'-f" w- - 4 4 PLUME3. FKa.THER3 1 hl !'; ' : .. ,. in TT7T 1 -fiTT.Trfll j . ., ; AN0.ORNAMEW, In all the new and dewrame snaoes. i KfeS : and the lowest prices ot am MflUnery Sstab-, lbnment in tne bww. .au DATS MUD BOKIIETS Trimmed by Mrs. Qaw, are 1?$ thfir belf"? tastefauy and oorrectmmnie -. &L3 Made in tae latest styles, and at tne lowest possible prices. - - , . Eeep5tfullyf'' " . '. " ;- - C M. OUKRY. HI LI; Of lit Miiii . 14 A-!,WvV:W I 4 5 J iwhidh-leeu;: rerveajnow,..ior ;8re w t - - tr I f-i,j JJ I inication.ref use to e-mply with it; or ;iumber' I iill -T-- I IM FR Vs iretara it and t,thenuau m ne u- the . . fJ i ? ! ?; i francbisement of its authors. ;. Gen. I She &Uxottz (ObszxvsK. i'TBTJTH. LTKB THS BUS, BOKBTIXBS BUBMIT8 TO (ft OBSOUKKD, BTTT, LJKS THS BUM, OHLT FOB A met" , , - Sulwcripttom to the Obserrer. , DAILY EDITION. Slngleoopy . 6 cents. By tke week In the city 20 By the month. 76 . -u ' . Three months ;$100 : ' Six months 4.00 One year 8.00 "WEEKLY EDITION. - ' Three month 60 cents. Slxmoiith0.wa,v.vaa....'.a.v..v....Sl.OO : tr 3ne year... L76 In clubs of five and over $1.50. - . . ?tt Devlatf on From These Iliilesi 'subscriptions always payable In advance, not only In name but In fact. - . THE ASHEVILLE AEFAIE A CARD ROJI illB. PEARSON. He Makes a Statement of Ills Course and the methods Which Impelled Hint. ' I The AeheviUe papers of last Sunday morning, contain the following: The publication in" the newspapers yesterday without-' my knowledge and without my consent,- of . corres pondence of a kind heretofore cons sidered inviolate, forces me to pre sent a statement of my course, and of the motives which impelled it. This controversy was commenced 6f an attack against me by General Johnstone Jones in a public meeting when I had no chance to rejrty.. ', ' ffe 1 J thereafter published a statement of faotfl. to which General Jones re- rAiA in a. , oiipd in which he: made agaiDBt me a d istinct charge of co w f" The- facts are- as -follows: I was elected to the Legislature - witn earn I est instructions from my constituents to Jend every effort .to force the com pletion of the Spartanburg and Ashe ville railroad. This was the para motmt issue of the campaign' and to its consummation I devoted my time, and means. My course on this ques tion, and particularly my rcoursa in; New ;York City, where I had gone to gatheVi information about, this raiU road, provoked the violeat displeas ure of Mr. R ,T. McAden, the Presi dene of the road, and caused him to publish in a Charlotte paper a severe criticism against me. On the 4th of March, 1885, Lt. Governor Robinson, after a long and hot fight on a rail road bill, asked - me' on t the floor "of the "House in debate why I had - not noticed the newspa per criticism above referred to? - I replied instantly 'without calling Mr. McAden's . name, '"I regarded that article unworthy of my notice." Within half an hour after this re mark McAden made a violent es sauit upon .-me, the particulars of which are well known. .Before -my blxd had time to' dry. on the pave ments of Raleigh, I wrote a challenge to Mr. McAden and asked .. my cols league to bear- it. Be . declined? saying the challenge was couched in language toq strong.. : I asked him to rtAfwnu i I. miltA BftBf u Troier form. He declined"! then asked - Sim: to Iele5r5Dli TorJUBtoE JTiJCla Kitwroi (Jurus with tne view or assing ram ta second 'met In the meantime Gen1 Jones went ttp to the" House and-re- fu8cd to vote for my vtndicatton,&sK. ing to be excused f romotrngion the grounds of delicacy; The -next 1 step is told by Capt. CurLia' memorandum as follows: - NORTH CAROLINA, 'A 385. Adjt. Genkral's Depatment, -.; Asheville. March 251885. ' r Mt Dear, Pearson :- As you placed the decision as to .your course in the McAden affair in the hands of-Messrs. A.W; Hay wood, Caiderson, Carlisle andmyself , I deem it" bast ; to send -you a memorandum of our action ia 'the matter.and or tne aavice we gave l you.'touseinany manner.you. may thmK lit. ' - . 1 After a careful consideration of the case,' 'we decided that no middle course could be adopted. As there was a difference of - opinion' as to what should be done, and as Mr. Car lisle was not a North Carolinian, we decided to ask the opinion ; of i some older man, - whose ; position in the State and Whose :i known oourage wou'd make his judgment of weighty that he might advise 'you from a North Carolina standpoint. " - " lis we chdrand after s tuirarscus' sion of the circumstances, . he agreed with us that there could be no middle , cpuKe, and we,4n the Jul! sense 6f yh reeponsbHityrioff having your honor in ke4n, dedidedf and ad vis eed you, that(fron the nature of thd, assault, and the veryi different poai i tion h-ld by the parties in the com munity, you snouia as a man oi non Ofchoose the alternative of let&ing the' 'matter ' drop and ignoring the man and the assaults , . .- : ' ' Very-truly yourSt - 'rj-f. ; . Li. KANDOLPH UUKTIS. Richmond Pearson, Esq. - : ' V The gentleman referred '--avTRar i vising this course-wai - Dr; Eugene Giissom The motive forthis advice, iplainly stated, was; the sgspicipn ttfat ;Mtv lacAden migne pursue ue jwurw frnjichisement of its I Jones- abandoned me '.in, "the 'anguish; whlnh onlv honor aamows wnen wouhded and unavenged, and ' comes . bank hnm to the neoole wboielected ius both and. publicly proclaims that I have yielded my reputation for cour age! I am strongly opposed to duel ling, and f I ' know;', that' the 1 world would applaud Geri. Jonea for declining-' to . fight- a? duel s'tan the .broad igrouhd of- principle." .'A prompt and imanlyt avowal ; of his convictions i would Jiave avoided this intrusion upon the notice of the public. - But .he kept for three days and nights my jcomjnunication, which . he -u declares jhe understood to be & , chal lenge, in the meantime makiitg such show of fiffht that it could not occur to either bis friends or mine- inai; ne entertained any scruples against du elling.1" Why he refused -and" still refuses to return my original note or why he found it necessary to employ a second, a discriminating public will best judge. . 1 . y-QetL. Jones states in his letter, in so many words : ' Mr. Gudger refus ing to accede to ypur new demand ' brought back, your original jchal lenge.' r ll this demand was ever a challenge it could only be so con strued when Mr. Gudger announced that all 'amicable', adjustment was impossible, and atr that precise junc ture Gen. Jones-declares thrt Mr. Gudger brought it to him. v Thus Mr. Gudger bore the challenge and Gen: Jonea volunteers the evidence to con vict and disfranchise his own second, arid thus Gen. Jones stands in the attitude- oJ a common informer and strikes at the political rights both of his antagonist and friend. This mas ter stroke completes the story of jealovsy, ingratitude and revenge. - Gen. Johnstone Jones is a man whose ancestors have been gentlemen and gentlewomen ; bis name has been distinguished in this State and has heretofore been free from any stain of cowardice or . falsehood ; he has been my social equal and my political colleague and is now the commanding General Of the brave men whoconsti tutethe State Guard of North Caro lina. ' As such his utterances are en-, titled to attention. He makes a da liberato and public charge of cowards ice and ' whatever pious , people of progressive moralists may say - the day, has not yet come in North Caros linawwhen a man can live undersuch charge undisputed and be. respected That which men call honor will sacri fice everything else to save itself. The, extent of the sacrifice is the test and measure of courage. I do not wish to obtrude-upon. the oublic the acts and motives of my life, but this much I. must say, that I have lived in this world fjve time seven years. In the first two seven I had my childish and boyish fights. At fourteen I lost my only brother whose fiery temper brought grief to my father and brought my . mother to an untimely graven -Since that I have tried to avoid broils,- and have lived without reproach but without fear. There has been exactly- six Richmond Pearsons inr this' State, who -e names hanjbeen descended from father to son., The last: ia now an infant in his mother's- arms, and I feel that I should have wronged - him and those who have lived before - me if I had suffered that name to be sul Hied by an unrefuted charge of cow- ardice. preferred by a man wbo was my social equal, my, colleague, . and myrbetrayen .. - -s - t KI(JHM(JND FEiRaON. . , iff- H -"', A Qiiirif 1 1 rp 'V f Mav t"--1Rftft . Ge42 Johnstone Jones . .. , t " . " " AshevWe, N. C. 3 Sjr : When I - handed you Mr. said to me "that you only desired in jthis matter to do that which a man jof honor should do." To this, w hich was not unanticipated by me, ; I ; re plied that it was only . because I be lieved you to be a man of honor that I permuted and bore to you a com. munication at once so, delicate and confidential. -' f ; 'You hye not justified the trust ; X placed in you, not because you deem ed your duty to your God to decline 'Mr. Pearson's request set forth in the 'note in question, for the Code which you condemn, with almost Christian (Charity, permits you to do this; but because you permitted the publica-. tion of the fact that I had delivered 'to you such a note, and thus dragged the 'name . I bear into a criminal couj't, where it has never been before rin the history of the Carolinas . Your people nave been with my people for generations, . and with a tender regard tor tnat past, m wntcb I more Uvothariinthejuture.beliave .methafcl write these lines without anger, and publish them with exces sive pain. . ' -" ' . Your Qbd't Servant, k J. R' Hamilton., --r: Strikers ComUr to Grief. - . . ir: o fUL. l A . - jPaul R lilroad -Company, atsthe junc- early" became the scene of curious crowds. Among the- number were striking freight handlers of the road. From the - windows of the main of fice peered the heads of clerke and other " department employees, - anx iously; awaiting theToutcomeY .fifteen ; minutes before 'o'clock aspecial train of three passenger coaches and an engine ran into .the -, yards and fourteen special detectives of. the company, in citizens' : clothes -and decorated witb stars, appeared first, and i following them ; . marched two hundred men brought in by the rail . road company from different points on the line . They were at once sur rounded by the strikar3, who urged them in all manner of ways not to go to ' work and deprive them of their 1 positions. There was no .-; wavering on the part of the new meh.b.owever, ' and ; they ' entered - into . the freight houses m a body. Only the" ordinary number of city police were on duty, and there , was no call for their sers i vices. ::.,The 'strikers :, appeared -"dazed ' at first at the size of thacrowd which hadarr,ived support Jhe company, ana OWlDg to una iaui puatuuiy, uixer-' ' ed no violence. The', leaders , of the striker8,seein. that no'; impression ' was being made on the men called ;off the former; and afBr;'a tew mo-' 'ments parleying the entire crowd marched off in a body td the Burling- , ton yards for consuliation,. and to obs tain possibly an enlargement of their forces. Groups of the idle-men hung about the yards of the Fort wayne, Rnrlinitrn and 'Alton' road. ; ' i ! . TTt tr. ft-an r.'lrkflr ,,.nni t,rrihlfl hfld been reported in the lumber district. The firms loc&ted in South Chicago orkmg as usual today, but n IuhiDer district prober .no work being done. -A large neet 01 laden crafts :blocking up river near the lumber enchange. None of the cargoes. wilLbe bought or unloaded until the present di Acuities are settled. , It is stated that upwards lof three i hundred more -vessels with cargoes of lumber are on ; their way nere. : jmoe a miu in tuo uistrit;. uyui tmericed runnine this "mornine.: The Lake Shore menr in outfit houses, about 65) made a demand jthis. morning for ah increase of wages Ifrom l.5l to. f 1 7 per oayin cases bf laborers, and from. 55 to ; f 60 per !taonth for check clerks They said ;they would be wil ling to. ! work- ten hours a dav. The company was ieriven until May Bth td return. - The iaeent said he would refer the request to hieher officials.- and in the means time the men are at wark The Tnlean Works in Full Blast. St." Louis. May 3. After a shut idown of several months the Vulcan Iron Works at Carondalet resumed operation? 'this morning, giving em bloy ment to - about 600 men. The bosses of the works prepared a sched- iiln of wae-ea which remain sin force GntirJ anuarv 1st. 1887. This sched- iila was presented to the men yester day afternoon and they unanimoiisly vmWpiri faimb) work at the nronos ed.tefmsand this morning the fur naces are in full blast. i IvT Irockout in Washington. f- .Washinqton. May. 3. An almost firencral lockout against the eigh Edur;demand.began today. ; BOCK BEEB AD ITS ORIGIN ' How It Klntc, - Since. Made Slerry an Early as It Has Thousands: New Yort Star. j A truthful and industrious Star young man who does not drink, started put yesterday to learn the his tory of the- able -bodied bock beer tha,t just now'fills the hearts of citizens with joy and aU the windows of the beer shops with gaudy signs; of prancing goats and pretty, maids.' lEarly in the fourteenth century," saifl one of the oldest - inhabitants- of anj up-town brewery, "a good king,: wiin a great nead, reigned over Ua varia. Being a monarch of. liberal education,, he of. course knew what young men's fancy lightly turned to in the spring; but he saw that the fatjhers, the grandfathers and 'uncles' of the young men yearned for some-' thing stronger and more exhilarating than mere love. .Therefore he set the royal brewer to work one New Year's day, concocting a beer that could knock an honest Bavarian awav into Seiiwartsburg-Sondernausen, and not hajf try. The man of hops took kindly to the task, and, when Easter Monday came, he had ready a' score of hogsheads of .dark, sweet beer. The royal ma jor-domo .filled a beau tiful silver growler that held about a quart, and presented it to His Majess ty zq sample.; - The monarch drained thd flagon, set it down, frowned, and said the beer was too sweet and had no fire in it.- " i .!-- -. Before the roval ax swineera could Eunish the brewer by; trimming off is head, the new beer b'iran to set in its fine work, and have fun with net km sr. He whooned i thrnn npr. an (J startling .whoops, performed a beautiful - sontr and - dance. . on th thrjbne, an J wound i up by r clasping the brewer to his heart and: calling hirxi brother. While the . kine- "was winning web. towels around his- head nexttnormng some bne asked him' hat Hbe beer should. be - called. 'Bimihalidom !" he exclaimedi We will call it - bock beer, for marry, come up, my head feels as & if it 3 had cross-countered a Harlem lie goat." lEvar since those - good : old days bock beer has been .broached : every Easter Monday.7 Any man who trav elled around this town' yesterday withhi8 weathar eye open could riot fail to notice the invitations to come -in and drin k bock A y oung man asked an old brewer vhy the - brew was- so much - stronger. ; ue said : 'Because it hag more hops and maltu Chat is all its secret. It is a tradition among beef drinkers that bock- should be dark. 1 That is all nonsense, ? It can be light in color, and yet strong : a. . .. i mi ... euuugu 10 sun anyooay. inis Tyear we nave sent- out 18.000 barrels of ligttt colored bock, and it has become very popular. - We could' have sold as much sgain if. we had bad it,? , r :- STATE HEWS, ' r- 'There were twenty ! deaths in WiK mington during the- month of, April." Ralegh Chronicle: Our informa tion is that the bar in the couhtits of Wayne, Johnston and - Harnett' are united in Judge Clark's support. In Wake itynay be that there - are one or two-lawyers -opposed to him; hey will not attempt to defeat him: however, and if - they ' shauld. their opposition would come to naught. Currituck county, the goose hook country, is the paradise of the world. The land and the water both -- empty their ; treasures - and ' yet the people. complain of hard times. r The Eliza- betbUity Jficonomist , says- the gunr. ners for wild fowl made , from throe hundred to jfive hundred dollars to. the battery. Some of the fishermen have caught twelve . hundred dollars worth-of hen in two months, d . i ; r Waynesyule i News; Waynesville has had a history as td its , court houses. ,; The first one erected stands on the brow, of the hill back, of Mr;. Tate's and is used as a stable; ;.The second, which was built about 1830, anowoccupiea oy mr, j. .nerren. and is still 10 fine rep.air. ' The tbird and present building stands ; conspi; cupusly on the hut - overlooking the bftAutifnl vallev of KichJand creek, a court house thai is truly and faithful : y 9f ornament w .fuijf wuuti Kyiui.jr Wamihgton" Review : Thetpdrts. fareien from this port for the month t " i s . a ; AAoi 4 - Al s? lenaea, Apru auia, ioo,as caEen.irom the books at the custom nouses were as follows: ' Cotton, 2,913 bales, ag- gregating 1 877.353 pounds Valued at $imi5Q; spirits turpentine, 24,342 930 valued at $16,593; tar,s 5,294 Valv ued at f 6,805; lumber, . 547,000 'feet vaiuea a 9, w emugies, ., au.uw, valued at S494:'and misoellaneous ar- tides valued at $4,774,: making a to v tal of exports- foreign for the month amounting to $174,604. h ti ; r :i AshevUie Citizen : Considerable .eir citement was created on Court square yesterday atening, by a man named Samuel H. Tow, who had - suddenly become insane JErom aisappointment. at not receiving a ' pensioner bich he has been expecting for the past two years... Mrs. low, was witn ner nus- band and vainly attemptea to quiet him.! she stated that ? ner nusbana had. been f acting strangely' for the past two weeks, but that he bad donej no act ot violence until now. ' Xho unfortunate man was taken in charge by the police who will keep him in custody until a - medical examination can be made. - ; .. ' . : Governor Scales has reprieved Until June 1st tteorge MciNair,.. tne negro youth who swas sentenced to - ba hamced at Jacksonville. Onslow conn jty.May 7th for outrage.- The reprieve is granted in resDonse to a petition. in order that MciN air's attorneys can show cause, why a: commutation of Bentence should be granted. '. 5 . Hickory Press:. Dr. J. T. Johnson, who has recently visited Lincoln and Burke and travelled a good deal in in Catawba county,reports the wheat crops as very promising, ne repona the farmers of Lincoln county as us ing less commercial-fertilizers: this feat than heretofore. They are sub etituting manure, from the compost heap, which is made, by putting down layers of stable manure cotton seed and acid phosphate. .The; pile after being built up is "covered -with earth, and stands long enough to de compose; n . It is chopped down aiid. thoroughly -mixed oeiore it is put but . Those who have used it are well pleased with the result; and will cons tinue the practioe. y ; ;-', t 'Have yon your Mte preserfer? she timidly Inquired, looking trustt ally lnt the face of ber lover, as tne little croft In which they were seated gklmnjfd graeaiully Ter the billows. "On, yes," he answered merrily; -"'see here," and be drew from his sloe pocket a boUle of Dr. Boll's Cough Sytup. UauKhters, Wives and mothers We emnhatlmllv mnmnrA Tir wiThtdi. r.th. 4 vum, a rwmaie tiemedy, to eure female diseases. Oon, lalimg and displacement or bearing down bwuhvtvhu uibiii m. mnummflrwin aruin mm. ioouuff, uicguuiriiiBs, oarrenness, enango ot ure, rausurruua, nesiaes many weaKnesses sprlnglnit trom tfi above, like headache, bloating, spinal Tjrjtukursa, Biwpiessness. nervous aeDltlty, palpltv Uoqorthe b"art,&e. Porsftlebyrtrwggtsts. Price i.w iiu j.!X) per Dottia. neitxa to Dr. J. B. Mar onlM. noca; N. Y for ramDhlet. fre. For sale by L. H Wrtoton, drogglnt. Charlotte .: s .'.:-!.' laiyieouv VI U o-J Thin nnifiw immv wavia. . a . seengtn, and vholesomeness More eeonomlcal than the ordtnarr kfmls. and nnnnt honM in joompetltloa wit .the mnltltado of low test, short .w,m,.um vi . iHiwyutiw uiwucni. awa only Wholesale by - - - ' - - v ' 8FBINGS 4 eUBWELL, " iv. 8j F- NERVOUS ; DEOILITATED MEN. Ton are allowed n fin trial of thirty day ot th w of I. Dye's Celebratwl Voltale Belt wits KlectriO Suspensory Appliances, tor the speedy , Sllef and perm (merit oore-of Hereout DtbOUy, hm ViiaHtv and XankstntL mnA .11 Hnilial tnnliU. Also for many other dlseasos. Complete restoi. hu m Actum, vigor uan Aanooofl f iimi siimmt ' No rbk ia Incurred, illustrated pTimrihlnt In matnd SWWiojxi mftlled Tv. by addressing . VOLXAiO BELI C0 Marshall, Kieh.- novl7deod&w7m U tLAf IN Ha bTrnwho was SI twenty eight years . Treated bv most ot the noted specialists of the day with no bennt Cured hlm- seii m tnree montns, ana since then bunaieds or others ty the same process. A plain, simple and successful home treatment. Address T. S. PAGE, Lao oulu oi.t nuw xuraiicy. - .. ...i , I CfJElE FITS! it lien say L-urei uy uw mew merely w Hop snant for tune and then hYB them return again, I mean a & I radical cure. I have made the disease o( FITS. KPr.i v.odv c . t T run amtrwao Kf. i j warrant nr remedT to sure the wont cabam. ouaanaTenueaisnereaaojiiornotnowreceiTinKa -'. cure. Bend at once for atreatlae and a Free Bottle of . mj Infallible remedy, git. JSxpresg and Post Omoe. It ooetajon nothing for a trial, and I will core yo. L' ! iftuea ua. u. u. wjus, ia reart ., aew xeravi Gonsur.iPTion. staadiaK nave been cared. Indeed, WHroAEliinjMtS In in eaeaev.that I win esnd TWO-BOTTLES Ra mwm thoaaaadaof c nave a poarave remeay ior ue aoove aueaM ; by Its. di tne worms kido ana or lorn mm -toitnarwuh a V ALUABI.BTKBATISB en-thledueaw, to aay aoirerer. - wlTeexpreM nip O. addrn.. - BV.A.SLK;UK.iaPrlS.JIewTer. U PEtJUYROYAiiFiLlX j?" CHICrl ESTEB'Si LvNGUSK. ix i ne ururinni ainei vniy Uenuae. Salb and alw.j. BcUahte-'Beiraieof weHMeaa Imnatlnia. lDdlaMBUbls to LADIES. Aak ran Brinlk a 'Cb.ieheetera EBRilsli" asd lake as other rfr iucIom 4c XMOM)t mi ti ymovr'in letter br ? . ateiL -. NAME PAPER- y,", - f KQiB anauiMoa BKinare, riiieni., fa. Bold fey lracaiaa eirerjwnere. Ak jkr dilrkel tar's fiaadlab FeamyroyHl fllle. . XaU no ethet. JanlOdAwly riiniiLv,ncfl?i:iGi; Ws.V Uut. llnM i . fin t, amr nfce ahnirea or tar eompoaitaotig i easy to appirt.i stmurand dorarile; at half tne ooetof tm. xs joso .- UJKSXixtJXK ror riiASTBK at nan HITS CARPETS d RUGS of "gas able the wear of !UU Ol of.hu leandaample. AJTATeVCa iM .1' rkcx pATi?rr nipROVi .cushkwkd eaudrttms raanrnc aanoaa u. aijana-orfoim tat work f the aanrtaldnmi.' Javistble, comfortable mod alwayi ia poiitkm. , AU ,....uH uid rran wMtnenlieatddbtBicttt. Send forilhnirvte. took iritMeinwlnii FREE. AAtaMXreaUea F. HISCOX,. nat-flwn IrxwlItT an nd ftTmi Beferenaes reaalrrd: Bstmanet t position and good salary,,, ttAX ACQ., 10 aarciuy x. . . - . , rrf t tl TCrV tAYraa to wforsattitt' 11 AH I tUi own homes. 17 to 110 Der -ween - f V ean be quietly made. No photo 1 alntfng; no ' canvassing. For full particulars, please address at once. CRBaCSNTi ABT COMPANY, 19 Contral Street, Boston, jiasaftioxuw .v-.,n,.Jx,. O," BURIlHAn'S i ) ' - - ill .IHPROTKD , STAi OAltD TURBINE Is the SXST oonstroeted and llnlHhed Turbine In the world. Tested percentages, with part" and full eate drawn, eanai to laay other' wheel tNew pamphlet senvree py mtSTHivii A.m BR IttHH, rA, L. Ti ' r? . -. . A ;Gr6at Bargain. ? TTTB wTU sella Walter A. -Wood- Harvester and V . Twin Binder, made In 1884: the best In the world. Has never oen used at alt, Complete with transnort for S150. delivered in Charlotte, N. C. i ..... n.vamiu .uu apr28d6t V -1 ' V ' Tarboro, M.C. r . s i'-'M t " 'J) I- , 1 1 t - AU . Sorts' of- 'sind ' many' -sorts 'of. ails pf .gJ beast-need 'a cooling ! Icf.H, . Mustang t.iniment. r. ; if w i i f i i j m u s i . ajh. nsaos. - janaodtwlr . : Z -t. .i..ii.- -' 1 " - 1 .' i r 'T- 111 That when we, advertise special prices for' acertain week, we show the Goods no mat- ter liow ridiculously? low the prices may be; marked, .-on!t them :we al way s place all adver tised goods on our counters for inspection . ' We name 1 some Prices : of Remnants of Talile 1 Damasks, etc . they are all r DflDlIClUILOlDSILf . Vmi: r Yoii will finfi it RO I . ; - m. " ina Lrooasj , At. . . , - 3A jJ r j '.REMNANTS QFS TABLE DAMASKS. yds LENGTH, FOR 59c W01TH- 66c " ... 80s per yd two 600 las i. 660 - 660, 1.85 969" L10 140 166 1.65 , 165 - 210 4 -16 110 . a.io ; 816- M S.10 .( 9 8 65 650 '"6S-.- ; ; !650 960, - W - 86o.- . .. 85c 86o .- 0e v 1.10 ' ; LIS ' ,160 . L65 i t'L ' 1 JM 214 I2U. 3 -ti ? v. -if .- 4 NAPKINS. vi- -All Linen, size 4-8. at 96 eents oer d-zen. worth SLiO per dozen. . ,'.'.-. lt. "j Cfobhet' 75 dozen of Heavy 10-4 Crochet Quiltg at 95, cents ,wortli '1.25. f . . ' . :V r. ."Marseilles :Qnilts:,-; !30 dozen of Heavy' 10-4 Marseilles Qailts at V I Hlpholslery Qoods. 50 inch wide new designs.at: 624 cents per yard, ; worth- u cents. - :' . .' We are showing new t arrivals in Dress Goods, ;and ; Wash Q-oods. - Our second Spring Stock or arriverTand is being offered at most' reasonable prices. CHARLOTTE, N. C. MAIL ORDER3 SOLICITED AND (Keeps the Jarst and Id Uuu liuuuuuu 05. . . . IN : ' THE i; iA bed-room euit of 10 pieces, imitation walnut, ? $ 22.00 -u S cLirr i " i 10 : ! i marble top Imitation walnut, Alied-room suit of 10 pieces, walnut with marble top, 31egant:walnut and cherry sill's from ,?700 f; to $175f00t UA tarlor suit of 7 nieces: imitation of raw ailk. S75.00. i, 'A1-- r "J ''"7 " rrawsilk; trimmfed with plush $40,00.. S Vailor suits of 7 pieces, domestic ' silk plush, " $40.00 to ,VAlUVVi t' - ,t 7 t - I. ft T a. .ii.-. .. Sideboards ! fc . ' " ' - Baby Carriages in great variety from $6.00 to $35,00." ' : Shaded -Cornice' acharge for ( '"; -1 t .-: , 1 ' : t - 1 ' .. ' ' 7S .I..:.' .A'':-'.-;? -. u "no'--1-') .Cii 0 p. -;8 Sri " ( 3' m fJ 7:-S ', 0 - i i. - .'.. ,l ; T- ffi:'Sonndi?s. i cha2Ia7ite,vn. a 111 if! 11 rin n PTnininntinn nf T-' aVMAaOMMAHnM VAVAA VTA . TURKEY, RED. iv iBlyds LENGTH YOB 1.00 W0BTH 60s per yd 1.00 1.15 i j i i1 65c ' k 75o . " 76o ' 75o " 7ro ' ' 85o --86c- :90o 85e -1.00 " -166 ' " 1JK " 1.75 -" 185 " , 1.85 " 1 86 300 , " S.30 " 165"; 160.' 3 -2Mi. 2Vi 1.10 LIS 1.25 I t- i- DRIVE IN TOWELS. : 40 dozen Damask Towe!s at 18 eents each, I e, 80x40 Inches. --- v i I , : i-- , : 60 dozen Hock Towels at 18 eents each, size 20x!0 Incnes. J . " - ' ''- v , , NAPKINS. . . , All Linen, size 6-8, at SL45 per dozen, S3 26 per dozen. - .: - worth Quilts. 'r , c ; . f . 1.55 worth .i , . . Silks PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. iriost complete stock of -i - -1 , , - f - : , , "-a,.-' . , 4, - ,'S,mi."'(l9n AA" . s 15.00 to 125.00. . . , ' Poles -- and " oil Paiotings; packing or dray age, i GOOES janu

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