PUBLISHED DULY EXCEPT MONDAT. . ' BT CQ18. XI. JOWES, , Editor and Proprietor. gKTKKKD AT TH POSTiWIGB M CHAKLOTT. N. J '. AB cBOOKi) CLASS MATTAB. I : THURSDAY, MA.Y 6. 1886, - THE l-AllOBSTmiis., - f Accordingto our telegrapbio dis- v,,rv, an onoiAiinm are I havine full plav in Chicago.' The "strike" at St. Louis has been declared "off,1? only to be renewed at Chicago. : v ' Between sixty and seventy thous- cnrl man A FA irtlA. and not. muraer, . rapine and disorder are the order of It was on the 18th Brumaire in 1793 (we believe) when the great Napoleon took command of the French troops and quelled the rktous proceedings of the commune. ' ; I V .? The scenes enacted . yesterday in Chicago needed an iron hand and a stern will like Napoleon's to assert the supremacy of law and order. The American people can make no terms of compromise or capitulation with dynamite bombs - The entire business of Chicago is paralyzed, and women and children are terrorized; tor me reo nag us ried at the head of the processions, an onmnliata onenlv avow their in. cendiary purpose. ) - : . . " The police force has been doubled. and now numbers over 3,000; men j the military organizations are under I and the fire department is be- I ing rapidly augmented This is a deplorable "state of affairs, J and the worsS of it isf many other cities and sections are passing 1 v..., i,n oomo o-rriAriATiPA ' 1 through the same experience. We agree witntnemcnmona ouaie . . .1 T" J 111. - I when it says: - - ' - Knights of Labor andjother ' trades unionists would be wise if they would be governed by some general; execu . tive head and help to .maintain dis cipline. r '; : ? - i, ' . ' It is certain that the i Knights of Labor on the Missouri Pacific would never hav struck if General Master Workman Powderly had been con sulted. :- ;' ..;-, For he would have arranged a quiet arbitration and hai'all griev ances settled without ' Causing the loss of a day's wagesi J i, A.8 it is ;tbe railroad company got the best of the strikers; the strikers lost several weeks wages; large ins dustrial institutions are "shut down," hands are out of employment on ac-; count of the interruption to traffic, and nobody seems -to have gained anything. ; ' Efad the strkers refrained from vio lence they might have bad 4 public sympathy on their side i f but they were turbulent and constantly inter fered with the rights of the railroad corporations entering in St. Louis. A large body of mihtary was required ' - at St. Louis to prevent the property of the Louisville and. Nashville Rail road Company from being burned by the striking mob. v l . , -The business outlook on the first of January was bright. Industrial enterprises wetfk tempting capital, and money was circulating freely once more ; mills that had been idle for months were being started again ; .the railroads were preparing to ex-: tend their lines, and something like a boom filled the air. No man . un derstood the business situation better than Mr. Powderly, and if he; had been asked about strikes or demands for higher wages he would, we think, have said to his brother Knights something like this : " Wait a while :v longer. True, the wheel of progress is moving ; employers faTe busy ; but - the country has passed through three years of great depression. Let the manufacturer get well on his feet' be fore you demand higher wages.' There are cases where' wages are at advanced at once, but as a rule-it will . wuuu ouu duuuw .. uo be better to wait a few" months and then, ask for an increase." , i Had the wage workers waitwi "un tfi sumnw hZ wSZ, - Wsummer before making their de mands they, would in almost every case have got a large 'advance; the -I ousmess of the country i would have f. our nonest toilers -and they have our syooa- tny tne ongnt promise of the earlv of the early part of .1886 . has -given place' to a gloomy outlook,' and if :the country ' racovers from the effects of labor trouoies in a year the people may be : thankful. - v: ;y ,..; " But what the wise official Jheada ot tne Kmghts of Labor should do is to' enforce discipline. Every Knight should be made t know the importance, of discipline, and when this is the case and only prudent and intelligent men have v charge of District Assemblies, then will the Knights of Labor never fail ' to command the respect of all fair - minded men." ''TY-y''-'jJ, Then will the order exert a tremen dous power for good in advancing the condition of the' working classes. 4 RE HAD TOERE. Col. Albert R. Lamar, edits the Macon Telegraph, ore of the bright particular stars in Southern journal ism. He went down to the, Jeff Da vis reception at Savannah. 'He writes - about the time pathetically. Hear him: ' V - . -v Fellow soldi ?ra: You ho partook of breakfast, with artillery punch as the first coursv we feel : for your heads. It is possible that you do the same for us. There is no known anti dote for this fearful liquid. Nothing but ice water and profound rest can relieve the nervous prostration which follows its administration.? Nothing but a , Savannah, ; stomach, bred through three generations, can stand ' crab salad and milk punches mixed. :., Gentlemen of the Georgia militia, 'We do not know that even kind words can help you.;.' A centennial looks upon you, down. .You have our sympathies, call the surgeon and the ambulance. Farewell ! ' Farewell 1 The band will please play, "When Johnny Comes llarchicj Uocze." ALlBini SILK. . ; Montgormry Advertiser: The culs tM nf oilTr nan be carried - on exten sively in Alabama, and will be a some time not far distant. i "wnnuirer of last Saturday says: . A gentleman from Coffee county was on the streets some days ago offering silk produced in that county ior cr hoJ ooverftl Dounas. anu ukw- - i a. v - of it readily. SiJk culture mign6 uo - of it readily. Silk culture might be rendered very profitable , in, boutn 1 .1-1 ;fmii nnnnla couldt-learn I that there are other products ;bids cotton which would sell reaai.y a profitable price.'! . ;? If in Alabama, why not in North r5iroiina ? ' tOIf G AUD SBOBT HAITI.. Camden's Amendment on the In " ler-State Commerce BillMili tary Affair in the Hou-e. Wi omvrtmw'' Anfil 30.SENATE After unimportant preliminary .unj nes. the inter-State commerce bill was taken up. The pending amend ment was that of Camden, being the absolute long- and short-haul clause, applied to each railroad company. Af ter fpeeches by 1 Spooner, Conger; Palmer, Riddleberger ; and Call, -the amendment was agreed to;.yeaa navs 24 " : 1 Camden's amendmei meht thus agreed rom the long and t,r in to strike out froi short haul clause of the committee s bill, the wards, t'frora the same orig inal point of thejdeparture." The only Republicans votine in the affirmative were - Conger, Mahone, Morrill, Riddleberger and Holman. The only Democrats voting in the negative were isrown ana jM.u.iruer- aon. A number ' of orders were made setting dates for'the future consider utiye BC8eion. Adjourned. - H " Housb. The day , being fS9tt aside for the consideration of busmessrev ported from the committee on. mill v h;h Pnnftidred in r w , which was considered in committee of the whole, was one for the relief of certain officers, of tne i volunteer ar my. It provides that all soldiers of the lte army who re-enlisted as vet eran volunteers and afterwards were discharged receive Promotion ana receive commisaions as officers m the I armvi shall be. paid all installments of the veteran boahty which : were withheld from them - on account of their being bo commissioned and mus tered, the same, as tbeys would have been entitled to receive had. they completed their, term of enlistment without, promotion and received an honorable di8Cbarge - Aftr an argument in support" of the Bui by La;rdvof Nebraska. Mew l r.r. n , M w .iiik ' umik iiiih' iimr. ill -it C .XT . ... 7 l . 1 . I : a i -. T: I opposition to tne measure, tie maae i a speech against the tendency to ex travagance with public; money,' and said that what was needed was relief from excessive taxation, more ecos nomical expenditure and some meas ure of relief to the laboring classes.; This started a political debate in which scarcely any referrence was made to the pending measure. Oo motion of Holman, of Indiana, an amendment was adopted extend ing the provisions of the act to the widows of such re-enlisted eoldiers as may be deceased, t , .jsouteiie, ot Maine, ottered an amendment extending the provisions 1 of the bill to enlisted men in theavy; I . I and marine corps. At first, many of the Democrat? refrained from voting and left the committee without a quorum, but after the roll call, the v . 'V" I "Pjl1?8 ment was adopted by a vote of 127 to Pending further action, the corns raittee rose, and at 5 o'clock the House took a recess until -7:30 he evening session to be for the consid eration of business reported from the military committee. ; rt -i Mr. Davis'. Mic6nSpecn;t i" Arriving at Macon, ' Mr. Davis quickly . arose without aid. Then first bowine orofoundlv to Mra rvhK I he turned to the vast s concourse of people and after bowing, swept his eye over tne crowa ana, in a lull, clear voice saidife i!-2 ff (XVt $- "Friends and countrymen.'- ladies ana gentlemen; , 'X bis visit to Macon brings up tender and precious thougbti, around which cline numns lies of the closing struggle and most important events or tne Uonfederacy when the struggle ended and when my wue ana sick" infant t sought xcLugo. - xb was nere wnere that grand old man, 1 1 Howell Cobb i rrecelVM ?. a) rr.v I was disconsolate wire; .- who and persecuted i persecuted-because she was the v wife ?. one wbo; tried todo his dutjr by f 7u rl - -,ws.-nere,aiso. neood YaD.aUpwedru8 fc come to MaconAnd gave us quarrs.i That sickfmfadtMias grown into a . woaaan. XHere Jlisa - Winnie I I bin" W?t V I '.; ' . " I wX. i, ' n 8 en-the ern Cnfederacv-f TlnnU a. n Confederacy.5. fAnnlanpT : th S ua rodWned rom 1 v 'M vuna per in i tbf days Of reconstru6tion, when they I tlLu T5" "S- n tnis as in the t Z- yu'nave shown the rignc fortitude, and at last your labors have been crowned - You are inarch- mg Jvrwara?to fprosperity, and may neart is always I - - J t i J t arefjjniederates, 1 and 1 lOVe VOU for if. a i :-. J Mississippi is a daughter of Geor-1 gia, and I am the fon of a Gforcian. I .agaiij, j. say, ivd wees Georgia 1 " vwV"3 n i " ? 1 The Calendar, Cleared of Homlna :..nationB.V,):'-- ;.WAsrnsaTON. May 5. The Senate Ir; executive session today cfeared its calendar, of nominations -"'The only confirmation made pubJic is that of Z M Zullick. to ba governor of Ari zona. . The nomination of R. S De ment to be surveyor general of Utah advisedlv reported fmm ' lands.comrni'Aee. was recommitted xe rejection or uuas K Pollard to he Associate Justice of the Supreme court of Montana, is officially ans nounced. ts;-,,- . Oreen's Cotton Report. ' ' New" York, May 5. Green & Co's report on cotton, further says: -The market has been irregular," weakens ing under full port receipts, and the discouraging accounts from Manches ter, but at 2 or 3 points decline, met a waiting demand, and reacting with tne close quits steady at about 1-. evening s rates. .The present crop is nest sustained. Thr niu k no direct forcino either side4 but the bulls stand up to tneir, position with considerable de- tormination.:'-.f'v r--;w - -!1 - Ivey City Race. t:. meetiog of the National Jockey Club will begin at Ivev Citv tomormw on continue on Saturday, ifnno. , Thursday and Friday. ANAECHT BAMPAOT. T I1E LATEST DISPATCDES, f Prominent Rioters Fnrtlier Particular from Mil- waukee Tb - - Police i Armed f via Nnrlnrfleld Rifles i and 44 Callre:B4Tolrers.j;"? mit wattkier. Wis . May 5, 2 p. m. 'ma ru i n irn tnat two meu .were --7-, t Brew erv - . 8 found be untrue g3Veral-shots -were flj v.,. no neraon was killed. Three men were killed at Bayjew, and five or six wounded. ? Every one of these bears a Polish or Bohemian nnmn; Oue bovof 14. also a Pole, was badly wounded. The report about the boy with school books un Aar hio arm beinff killed is not con- firmed The firine of the militia re suited in the dispersing of the mob in a greater part. Vine rioters, or kkj of the Polish nationality; V last re turned ;to the South side of the, city nnri nrnnMded to sack :;the" residence of Capl BbrChardt of the Kosoiueko n.ioeH vAatArdav the firing having koon Hnnn hv .that company, lne ,aiAarna ia a. nomnlete wrecki'' The infuriated Polanders then assembled near the Polish enurcn; na n i ru mored that they decided to arm themselves and make another raid on the militia, but up to. this they Un4 vtt A nnA fin -iV "C. Z- " '4 I Chicaqo -i-The police are.rapidly onUan.tinct Avidence aeainst the chief nnnnnirators among the anarchists, Thoir uarchAd SoiBS office this morH- I ing and found Absolute proof that the I in flammatory 'circulars- mentioned in I venge! wprBang men vo tuiyti 0"u l . . ' r another neaaea 4--assuwu" ingmenr were found witn tne iorm i in type. These were varan poeses i sion - ot ana weseu "P: I anarchist. Parson has not ' beftn cap- I tured as first reported. He is still I hidmfir. JKditor sscnwau wmm wuwu i for bimiWben ;:ythe;flrst arresta were I made at the othce ,:ol tne . Arpreier 1 Zeitung. - Inspector Jtonfield red i Zeipfs Halt , corner of Lake and Desf I plames streets, tnis morning. i were toundS lolrt)f -muskefa,-ed I flags and German books expounding I socialistic djcbes. Ntorly fio,ow: has already - o ew . buuschuou. w rfi the taruiliesbf tbe wound- ziJr7 vfihn.iv Bftr I ed and dead ofheara. ShorUy, after I uwu no jntmsa , . . : i the office of the ArbeitetZeitung. TKalr' VruuatAf a man "' fn office.' whAL-'unon beine searched', produced a large revolver and dirk knife; ? He wa nlaned bnder arreat ' . In the ofs fic&was.;discovered several boxes cf dvnamibe. and a number of flies and incendiary banners. ' The were altl Beized. 'Mayor Harrison with several detectives., visited the Arbeiter Zei- . - . - . nnor todav. and held a conaui. ?r. -aiI kt;u .u ij u. tation with Oscar Neibe, who said he did not belong to the office,! but was employed to get out the pap3r.' 'The Mayor told him that the paper would not be issued until inspected by Mr Hand, whom he would send for that purpose. Neibe promised that noth ing of an inflammatory nature should appear in the paper. .Before the paper was issned. however. ' another., raid was made on tbe printing office and 1 twenty'fiye printers were arrested and arraigned before ' Justice Merchand, charged with murder. Their cases were ciintmued until May 14.' Bail was refused. The dyiiwwuwund in the r Arbeiter vtfrims Afrrnft.ttrna to Iran j rha I .otrA Ziitunfi? offfoe was taken to the Lake front and exploded. 1 The effect was- terrible. A piece about the size of a hen's egg -was placed in a coupling MiA - Thz. 'Kio. in ZZnXfi-" A mob of sixlto eight thousand per sons reassembled near the - corner, of f 18th -street and " Center avenue, at noon. 'and raided the Rosenfield drug store mentioned in early dispatches. carrying off everything : portable in the store- They then i raided the liquor store in the vicinity, kept by a man named Wesiskopf.r carrying away ; or drinking ail i tne liquor. Women and children joined in this raidy) Ihe polices retoraed ,XO,rtthejJ aiana AnA'anAnoaHai) in illanapainff (Ka 1 - i v - . -..,''. -r.-j' v Tbe strikers at the Deerimr reaper I works held- an open air meeting on the prari?, - hear - the factory,; at 10. o'clock.' They: demand eight hours; work fcnd ten hours pay, - double pay) for over time,- and per cent.- ad vance foirpiece work. It is learned that Bch wa b, one of tbe ' men ; no w I under arrest, addressed I these strik era last night, urging them to this course. The striking freight hand , lers bad intended making a parade today, but have issued orders coun termanding it. , They - also adopted istt 'and tendering the r services, if heeded, to preserve the Spublic,peace4 reaoiuno,i cooaemning tne anarcn- -me snenri nas not yet oeen called upon, but toe militia ard in their ar, niors, ready tcr turrr out. 4fe a mdl mint's nottrN: f TtArv Sbff &hrl Ana police have been armed f with Sprine JfSirj.l ruumao iaiu uowq iwir toois : went out this morning, joining 1,000 S IS There- are. P0 I men working in to woday except the men employed in the truckshops wnoao not numoer over 6uo.f - j s-: Chioaoo, ' May C--The Arbeiter Zeitung, a German poper. b'erJit4-lbjt Speis, a socialist, who wasoneof-the speakers who incited ye sserday 's riot at McCormick's saysi Ml - Workingmerrl tThe btffl Tpolice yesterday murdered Jour, tot your orotners, and "wounded perhaps tmcntxr An mnf I UAHnnniAki. factorv. Had votir. brothers: who had nothiner but stones f to dnfnrl taemselyes withbeen - armed with selves withbeen - armed with weapons and a few dvnamite good weapc bom none of'the murdetefs? wouti haye escaped Sua- well drved fate. As it wasy Only fotir of fthera (police uMiuj were vruuuueu. - j.oat 38 - saa. Yesterday's raassacre oocurred" that 40,000 strikers lit this ity might be filled with fear and,terror,; and that the dissatisfied and rebellious labor ers might be driven back : under -the yoke of livery. Will this 'end be accom plis hed? C Hag not a tniscalcu i laiid'n been made t Che 4 next few days will answer this question. ' We wilt not speculate on tbe couree of Ovents.'t :-; '-,i'3-? 'iyyti The paper then goes on.tov give.. a deteiled report of the r trouble,- - and puts the responsibility on the police Bpeis also says that some Bohemians and Poles in the background of the Crowd he was addressin raised a cry of "On to MoUormick's T The paper also says tnat tbe police used their clubs in dispersing the strikers yes terday, and adds; .;:,vr ;.tei;'v;-. ,4In whose veins does not the blood course faster when he I hears of tbe shameful acts of these beasts? Who ever is a man must show it these days. -Metf, to the front 1" n ' A man was buried alive at Barbas tro, Spain. They think that was very atrocious, yet men are - buried alive in America after every election Detroit Free Prets. - Eire Joe Peroa Remedy If lull the bert Blood PiitSwon the motet Central . station as eviaenoe i riage vows by obtaining divorces: of tnat 'pies ana ouuwu ""yy i gamoiing m viutures," or. negieetln TOE CEHEXtAL COltFEBEa.CE. Tbe First lay' Proceeding of ine iunouists in tBlchiaond--Plshop McTyeire Presides. Richmond, Va.. Mav si-Tho nt,'. rennial General Conference ol the Methodist Episcopal church South met here f today in the Ce&tehary churph, and was balled to order by ...v, A j, Oji,o ui xennessee, the senior bishop Four ocher bishops of the church were present, tri it.- Bishops Keener,; of New Orleans; Wilsou,;pf Mary land ; Granbei-ry, of iuistsuMu, auu. xiaxgrove, oi Alabama: Besides- these,-thkre aw abiiut 250 delegates, clerical and layv present? r After religious exercises, consisting Of prayer, Bible readiBg and eifaffins. the conference elected Rev. Dr. John S. Martin, of Baltimore, " conference secretary, with the . following assist -ant secretaries: ; Dr. B. B. Crawford, of Alabama ; Rev, Dr,j W'. '; Ai Uandi ler, of the Worth Georgia Conference i and Rey.J John O. Vmcient. of the Missouri Conference Rev Dr. A C. Bledsoe, of the Broad Street Metho dist church, Richmond, then deJver $d the addresa of welcome in behalf 9i ine peopie oi inac city, and: Bishop McTyeire responded, and in tne name of the . conference, returned hearty thanks for, the welcome from a peot pie so proverbial for their hospitality. muu iruui tt uii bu nun. la nisiorio associations or the ChurCb,ias well as otthe'StateTyife'CiSf-i' Tbe'iaddress of the bishops i?raf then read by Bishop-Keener, ". 'Itfwai a lengtny paper . and . peefcrpied one hnilr 1n' -' itk ' ' rpadinp-" . Th 'ranid ferowt of the-Churehi jhthe past hundred.; 'yoars,' vantl ..the attractive fiimnlicitv of Methodism wh favnr. aoiy coanneutea, upon,, xha.pisUiry, or tne uourctrandrits progrtsss lo date was fully ' reviewed : and con demnatory terms were used ia ;on nectioa witn - tne violation , qt mar aesecration. Attendinsr J theatres. balls and matinees were- referlo aa growing eviia - . , i t the alternoon ? session Various eommtttees were" appointed.3: '.The fielegatetfto Conference embrace some ig4he most prominent divines . Of the boutnero, Methodist Church tt.,C. Hernandez, lay delegate from the Mexican border inference.: isLthe pnly' native Mexican in ' attendance upon: Uonference.! ; Governor . Fore k& of Ohio, f raTer mTftetonte om rjt T .Y ' m oiuaeegaJirum the Northern Church, was expected. vu una uui jeu, arnveaia tne city and it is not known whether he wil come." j-v. i,; Kansas Uity--Kan8a8 City .S'i -De troit 4. ... . ; , . ; . ." yille'd.';.:ii'': ft5 . i..t5y ! 1 Philadelphia New i York ;4; Phila as. uouis oi. ijouis 6, Uhicago' Washington -Boston 12' Nklioht als 11. f . I Macon, Ga , Cbattrnooga &Ma iJWrm Joe Person's Rimdjr Is BtUl tbe b?st Blood Purifier on tbe maiket j.o. 11. ncXDikH, wbob.ale Lnggl't.1 1 Captain rGrasse, of the German army, is inspecting American de fences. . When the Germans want to know anything about our fortrpssea tftey will go to Graase. Detroife Free Press. .':..- . '--.: :; iiS-x:s -nV'ivi 15 If ;-WIri. Joe Pcrnon'M Rrntrdy M stm the beat Blool Pnrlflr on 'be market." iva n. MQAUKii wnoiesate UrulL . ! . $ 1 aiasuwuuauor "A fashion paper says: "Longpoint M fingernails are comingi intO'fash ion among ladies " .From this we in ler tnat paid beads will coiner' into fashion among ' married menNew riaveor News. ';'. ai f i si. Jlougkt a Furrn.: John M McDowell, one of tbe sueeessful boldnra of ticket No. 46,799 In November de wing ot ihe UratstaiiaStetM Lottery, wbieb drew' 7i00, b lnvestrd porUoa of tis procee is In a met u( lnnd near Olivet find adjolnm bis bme irn He purchased 64 seres, more or less, being tbe Jat-fc Kenton farm, of Albert Wbpelerr. for wttleb be draw la LonUlanv :John has been "sbavtDz notes, ftt fivelf Tftfe. And has AiAArml: within tTia vtanft auu wtmiftui iub iKuut us ou iTtfLHM nn mm ML I!8 ia. itoatsiana1 lottery last- &im.jfount Sir. Joe Peraoa's Reamcdy is Kiu tne nest mood Partner on tbe market. best Blood Porffier on tbe market.- SQy H. McADKN, Wholesale Druggist, " -W'Peri.on'a R. iajray-'f - WIro. f oe' Perxort's R. mrdy is suii tne na Blood rnrtft jr on tha mnrket ' ' r Jfia p. Hcipsn, Wboiesale Druw.J ; Mr. jre Per? n'S Rented Tf ,1 ! Mill tbe tMBt BlOOd Plirtfinr Mi thiranrkat . 'xt ; f fJ0, H.,McADi)ibx)tosale Drugt. k ' :'hv' : ! ..'.''' , ' r ' - "Intra. J'a' mam Is StUl tbe best Blood Pn lfler id tbe market ' JN0, B.sfoaDKN, w ho'esale Druggist. Ot xura. uoe Pernoa'i Bmdv t . usww Dw iiUM Fnrner m tbe market a -SivJ ) "y,"..1m'CT. : wnptesate uruggut tTb riereaee Hlchuaoic er the ''KvtUiy- fiTSf Ii.wlnL K " 'fS4 tromaCieaei written toe German tWormed.Messenget.iit Chambew-' - Just ODfln the door for hr ana .' nriii will prote tbe American Florence Nightingale of the nursery. . Of this we are so sore tntinwe will teach oqiSast to say, f. Blessing on Mra. wmi 10w" for helping her to surrivo and escape tbe Taping, eplksklng'and teeOitng steee. - Mrs. win. JSSSSjm kuow, reauoes innammatlon, eures wind colic and sarriee tbe -infant through tbe teething period,: It r-'"iiu.1n;nwt wwn tt-proressss ja oersorm-. eriMt ont-nothlng less. We faaeneVeT sefb 31 nk WInslOW kfMm her nnlv .Khivuiurt ika km.... I i ner"ooptntng ayrup for OhtldreB Teeth- i auaw , u , wb uau UIR- imwnr Vt tnitif mob-. Ka 2S,a?J8i.Phy8,ca, touf to the tart Taeei W-hT H eliiacttic--3a'sni bOHitr24; QAUUklS BV TJBiLSRAI"ti wr riour qnieij Howard street nd Western Supernne 2 65i 13.10: BTtn.LJ 1 iVLi?"114-254 7! CW Mills 8nperflne ??? Wjtwthern suadjr; Western -'tower i ,93?5;! N9- a. Westeip winter red it7i oora oouinern steady but ant-t Wf" 8rjer ut duU Southern white VmV. v w?!uV,1,lnanP9d- Wheat- -Wan; torn-eaj.r a Sd, Hay 86: June 368ff 11-1& ort?-"5 cabn and MaiTsaVi; June 2i: July 3- Me pork-steady j cash and May $d 06 S9 uTlfc- 4une t9.1Jffi 17t4; July 8$9 26. $5 6r July $6 (046 0214. Boxed me'tJiteady; S?.?!1 noulders 4.U)a$4.10: short clear sides 5J6e$5.0; fno t Jibs- 5.iiaa2.27lA. Whlaney steady at Sugar unchange jj Standard A 6.' ' NbwYork. Boutnera fli-ur steady; common w fan-extra $3'253.t-6. Wheat-spot stondyi un graded red ana .93; No. 2 red 93; May 915 911A. Corn S7fa tiiiimi JJKy?lrtog'01 meaning 65i; refilled steady; O . &te5V4; wnite ex r 0 66?p; yellow mm; gnuaru A .6: Cut Loal and Crushed 7 Granulated ,7S7. Molasses dull; 181A for 6q JPi0?,.? teao Cotton eed oil-erud?aia24j refined ga , Bosln dull at 1 .WVtQ, Si m Turpentioe steady at Hides firm; hew uf- n810; ' Texat lofHOi. Wool-qntet; domestjo fleeoe-STffibtt. l'orligteady but wber dqleti mess $9,2639 60; middles dull; long clear 5.62Mi.7 Lard-very duU but without deotded change, freights dulL Cotton S S2d; wheat 8ftL naTnl StorWj4jkf wnjrjrsroN--Wrpenttne tJuii at Bosln Irm; strauied SU; good -stralnea ' .UVa. ! ia firm' at- $1,00; erode - turpentiae, nrm; bard 1.00; yellow om and vtnrln tiOO. . "r SsriSHAB-Torpentlne Aid at 82i salei : Bosm Quiet at .vm $LW - v ; . f CHAW4sTO(iXurptiitiiLe ; 33. , Bosis financial - . . NEW YOKK.' - X " Excbanca 4.BPV Motit 29 - Rnh.tnMnr baiunues gold Ai,"'-iSi currency .tlS.Osa.OjO .rpmento dnll; (rjor por cehts tL'&A; threes Aiawa tlsss a jf, to ' l'mr. r. oBye.!::::::"::::-;::::: is sot m ho.-tlt Carolina s.... .....i..; sswun ujrouna Jirown Consols.... .... lJOtS Tennessee 6's. .. , hfi ebesapeakeaiid Oh i "T"H"' Chicago andortfawestarnZ ... ."f . . 1.F6 " uujumu sua normwestern, prexerred. J Delaware. ana Lackawanna.... M..w.-..... Lvzai Krle.. Eaat Tennegsee..J.j..;..v.:.;.. Ml Lake Saore. . - - . . ; Lontsville aim VnZ. 24 aiciiiijiiia aiiu Olivines UJD MobUe and Ohio.......:. .... Nashyllle and Caattanooea. 43 ew urieans Pacific, lst.4... ....i,:.......,.! 61 Northern Pacific eommon....r.Tlrn.rvui3 Pacific Mall., . &dand:::;:M-i- Bicninouaana jjanvuie...i...,,4 . .. . ,1031 Bicbmond and West Point TermtoaU 2. Vs Rock Island. - ' : 'im Q. . .... .... .... ....... .... A . xoxob rauno.. ...... ........... 81 Cnion iPaclfic..wu..'j jt..;..-.j v,.v....:..tfv49 Kew Jerspy Central.. v.,,.. .. 47i2 Mhmrl Pacmc,, -, IM t iru union. ..... i . ; .. ; .-; . . . . , 627b t Bid, tLaet bid. . ftoaeredV, tAakeaV Ytel aSZ? I WALVXSTON-rPull: , mtddltlla : 0 924; gross; 9. sales stock 29,26B;l,Tportf coawte. : Great Britain continent - . rwKuL-vnie; oiKMung ; - n,j(neelpt- 1562,. (trois 1562; sales 619; stoe 30.165 ex porta coastwise 868; continent ; (ireat 'tfttain . S21o; gross 3273:- i ales -r : iitv h r.marlf.tu.T exports coastwise 169J (fieat Britain 3i9 jcusroH vpnet; mioaung Wte; net receipts 139. grots 1818; saies rS; stock 3l0i eiporU coast. S? : 1 ttreat Britain - U j WrunHfiros-yuiee;' tolddllrie :'netf3woefpta 23i gross UKc sales; stock 42 A ? V - ii inu.ui,riuA uuu; 1QW mUOUllJ! Si Jet k ti.TAi.HiH -Steady; middling net receipts 5 KW ORiJCAHS-FlBt; torailhg-' 9'f? iiet receDts 2007,- Krost.96Hli'adea 3(Xt stf ck '64,635; exports coastwise Mto; to Great Britain &26; France --j(fr.Unerit- ; ' . ? fdoB-WBt; toMdiing 8 16-16: net receipts 86, gross. 86; -sales 00 . stock (80,268; 'porte oastwisr 472 Great Britain ?MiniiHayy$iJ middling f 9f receipts a: sblpments tm; sales 2125 etoek M.8iaV , Aoen8frAr Quiet; mtddUng 8; ttactlpts 62; blpments ; gaas75r stock '-ET" GaAMUBKa?QfiMtaiw-& nat receipts gross 9j sales 1068; Moekl5.-i94; expon eontlnent 1487: coastwise ; Greet Britain . 1 Ntw Komi Steady 7 sales 650;: miodiinKniand 9 5 16;, Orleans 9Vi; - sonsolidated , ,rietT,iOB;pte 10,156; exports to sreat Britain 13.870: to Franc ; 1 i fXAiuuem duo. ?.-";-, . : -..-i ! c.w. Jiw roBi-Net receipti 1 gf w fMclCMed4iletiMlm448bktea. 1,4ns ' , une.-. .-; . . .' t AA Vv.i w!Aj 5 ik8m83 July..', ai J, .v... 1,.i...i..f 9.429.48 8epterabei'I UrJ7.;... J. 0: 9.8a.40 n2SmiS"",",T""' ueoeniber ..,......'........,.4 9.5s,21 Jwary...v......i...v,..... 27a 28 March...... ,...........,. .,.,,,.... 9.479.49 l'&'f.''m..rt "fi-.-n;f'.v-'f-i.' . .1 !4vervool Cottoat Market.' urmroa4 May '6--Ftrm with lair d ma"d; s6? July and August 6 8-6d (selters.V." t," t Aucat and 8eptember 6 1064d (sellers.j" v ' i September and October 5 644d, (buyers ) , . ; October and Norember 6 2 64d, sellers.) ' November and TQecember 6 ThHd, (sellers.) - ' -' I ieptember h 11 64d, (tellers ) i i i-v ? Futaresdull. , ; . .. .--' r. a. u pianos ktw nuaaiins clause slay i delirery 57-64d. (bnyers.) ; Hay and June 6 7-64d, fboyers. ") l :n duna ana wu.y d t-Qa. iDuyers Jnlw nft A nmsr It tiu1 ioaILm. '. l'v T - . Angnat and September 610 Md, (sellers ) .. f Sppiembrx and October 6 6 64d, boyers i r October and Norember 6 2-6 id, (atliera) - : Norember and December 5 l-64d, (tellers.) ; September 6 U-64t, (sellers ,- ,.it ! Futures closed dutt. . -J " 1 ;? i narltei, umcB or tee OmtKVBk. -i -.. -' OayuUiOTTB, H.C-Ma 6. 1886.' ) Tbe city cotton market yesterday cimj gulet K)draMQTlag...v.y;.ty:..;..;i;;.;rti! A76 Tinges. .....'.v....:..:. 8i?8i Stains -...f'AJ ..j......--jt,U4.-.i-54a7.76 j BeoBlnts yeaterday..; .i.... U'....i 84 I CrT PRODUCE nAItURX. i ' s rBnortsd fcr X. B. MASiruUl'l, . Hit 6, I8U6. lr- - v . . -Mel--rbaahelw.-...i.i.i.a....? j l(s wjjeat per Dusnei.i , ...,. ,X10ai.l& tvanuTS per DnsneL....... . .... ... : . .i.ioii is Flour Falnur...J ,..,.kW;. ..vV4. ...2.8092 89 nil Baara,,ii .....x.!e52.S BuDer i2fiQ Feaa-Clay; per buabel .... .... t 4 -86990- Oatsshelled,.... ..M..,,i.,.. . 40251 unea sruw Appies, per in............... '. ' 8t4 f; reaches, oeated.w..;. ta i tm i tI v- - T jfunpeei).. , t, ; mi '-. .- Blackberries.' : JT.. . ' urti xotatoes-eweet..iv.'..i.-... i.V...f. J.'... ''66960 Cabbage, per ponnd..... ..... ..... , 821A Onions,ier bushel ...... .li.'.a... w- 76im0 rinn..j. . , . . .... -wwta Beeswax, pen pountt..i.i,;.ui. Mvu..m 24 25- Butter, per poend....... .....T. : r ' 2Pf25 i-auow, ner mwuuo...... .. . . wmu Smpw4tiaiA.V4..'tM.WrM''l. M9il7 ptnJkenat,...4.w,i,,.fc....,,.......!Y 85930 iJucks.......,.......m.m4...h..m... 3530 Turkeys, per poaria......1...;.-.. f- 916 Beet. mi noaiMLnat .-w' . qr Vnttfm nap nniitui -- . . r.nAa wool rjaahedj...,,...!,.. "; unwashed...!........ . " " ; if) Featnera, new.w..(.u.;ii .i'jrjftso aasa, per paut...... i,; ? . 1U, -Amn&ianUis'. 'nUU R'VHT " a ;3ri ' .8UtfCir-(, ft p., Jaiu 16, 1886. . Commencing Sunday. January 17th. and ani oeding all others, the-following' Passenger tra . - . i ,; , ,1 r ' i if ' if ' ff. W'fST. r r aisT.. XralnNo1 fviiAOTiadr1 '; Train No. 2 .AT. H.V.I. A. if. i -. i ? j .-.j. 4;.. P. K. il! ;'3B9fXti34 '4gfcite8raii'3-U 1.88 . .- 2 04 'is? morganion; : z s- ...oo ' 4.19 V.4.4W Li.i ,4'. .Bound Knob, -f i t; -iftl 10 64 6.27--' 6.14 6 64 -If .'6.19 tfiacK Mountain. ' AshwWe; -. 3 j Warm-5prlugs, .a): hJO.19 K&26 .-n4 8 46 '. WB81V MtJBPHT WVISION; BAST. Train No. 7 Train No 8 . Statioiw r'i-)"li,.il.:. ai-.-1--I;- ar Lr. 4.. M. 94 10.29 11.28 - tv-4 i 12.29 ; 1.W 2.29 2.4' a8l ,4,24 ,6.06 Asheniie, i, ,h f , Homtny, . f-U Piijeon B44rVl5?;i;?c resT-rfv;t. P.M. .10 26 . 4 89 8.59 44 01 &17 2.2G '11.21 12.11) i 1;'49 2 89 8.121 Vdo 12.84 r. m. Hall.. , ,,. ;, Sjirti, '..JtAi Webster 8tatton, ' 12 36 1L66 11.45 11.67 11.46 18.81 4.15 7 6-S w miner, . t 10 54 unariestonr . .... r Nantahala, a '' s iae& 10.001 10.09 8.19 8.?9 - 7.19 : Not. 7 and 8 run rtallr. except Sunday. -' Bound Knob is dinner station for rain No. 1 , k MnThm auELa.A. 6. P. A. -it. -,'H r FORSAIjE. OO ' fronting on South Tryon street, adjoining ir- Two desirable mtlldina lore, DOxsro fnnt. the property of J. H carsony. snaae boss on lots. Will be sold separately or together, race ITorj i each. . " -; -' CHAEL.OTTJ E3AL E3TATI ISSTCT. innnn ann btiwiiv. uvat w sunn 1 i nai a iishimi si win a ftv.-kAiv av-mh i w illptonds: low attddiing dans Haj, and June For P'M'nea. , .s,,.; , ;. , -r '- ' 'i' i ngust and September 61064d. l j tA'Jrt&i-'raiiiitet-'fjry slVI V'Jli "J rt P. J Fepteml)erandetolr6864d.-'y,'f f ' .. 1"T J.,;:V "t: i?4'!4-; Vtf U4JLHjJLa - K.yembera4,dl)ecembr61fr4d. . - , h.T' rV3s-'H"'c'''' :i.fu;vs; .-:- ;:.-..J.-';v. ;";;:;' :: " j, lr ..; mirurdanse. May dellten 64di (sellerai ; v i Vf sj i ; t " ti ' J R ' r ; . - ' MenerCM AgenVTrade St. k May and June684d,(seUeri) j..""-. f " ;J , -, ' ;r H.-.,., ; :.:f- -'.:';r T. -.- :r" w uin, auu uu u mu. .kub,.-s - v. ..... .. . - . . i - - - .-rr- : i , . . y-i , ,l r?'""-' 'r."' t" " . ..thenew:: - -y t jl . .AU.1;he''new-' 3 id-sric- " ' 'And the s3 Qxti prices, this Li -.fLe ' i? i.tnjrougnout, t - I' 4 .t1 : Is regarded, we will I" ....... JnKl-x ,!j!., .. , ' ..) . J'.i ASK' i. l" - feJCIDlfU' , - . ... '. . i; liifijaffiSIl fiH&BIOfTSvCl.OTDlHailAIIOFACTnaiNGiCft fne. TOf,'. fflanufacturers, and: t' :io r --x 'e BwwiraytiifJ use the, ' a ts y J 4 1 3 j jf 1 .llOC ft '"ft t; tuBiBfy4nwflirmauian5uter USlDfir other machines for vearfl T?v this nevr.FEEp INEtfTICW iinrrrun -a nnrnrtoir-M wWltH5 AmitKILUIHtliA ;"-"'!! i "i 'i Our store to bow full ; 5 desirable goods to our mm 1 TM ,1 ' ; if i-4J ' gp Sb -. and mora- comprehenrfTe tltm erefc' wearefanj ' ''s'. T i ft. ejLj , . w.vyu.i?u u. unc. Hif es -r war of iianasome tftyteej new -wees aad oed, gga ca -4, . SBmeeable gtwdA ' 'X, . ntse entire satlBfactlon .yJ.""fjgySg t-4J-..;:::. f; u Orders by man wfll ni,y ijtsA-if s.i,; '', -j viVi.''; Hjtl:; ' '.i! 'k-:k U!iltfS4) - i voir mnKoea ivzj poanas wnen r wmtnenoea uvuMix arniNKiitt. ana now weii?n 147 lrfuinrta COOId bardlT WSlk With a 8tk to sunrmrt ih. nr. now walk long distances without belb t lU benefit to me la beyond eaka'Bt ion, "$77 . i, 7, C-Sai!. , Mkumn, UB Tlill H .a. . VTTJfYFI HITTOT1 ' Mrf -'A. WUi Bramblett, Hardware 11 scxea HRe a charm on sit earn lefal'neaKh.j oofisuier n-a jme toi.te.- I welgl. mora tnan J hat for 26 years, jaespectittUy, 1 TT TJTJ) t VDT -Etl Mr. W. F. JeafiL iniun j ..; : ... : . . .i . ,Ts rnTT7 T".."it--Mf wife bas raeAfnAd hav Mmrfi, 10 POUndS ill Weisrht ' Va hutfmm.n CTrriuxita oNEJB as U.ariaSiS- ' i ' --f - L. . .! ! - . i " r - ''-f'MkaaM'aTa-a-aBaaaaaaaaa-sta-a-a f. Lmzf -jr -r-w . a, i -. ( ., - . r. w r; k J H;i;4'w-J ,4, - :r s ..?'ii'Vi.!-J Ztt..:is t.t..n; U oiLiOo: latest styles in v ' - - !j f vfel j i 7 - season. will be l .i- -it a.f 3L and when 1 stand without a rival." ;l'i ' 'u' ... ' I ... ... . --r j ) . i .. , , , THE.-.., Wlblesale and taittaoisritt 4, ft ... r - m all flearMiarerrade STRONG.' and WILD NOT :v t rp Sol t !... of the choicest And moat Umi ,K);ato iof Boots5 t bs; r r Mrnim ui umj t . i. fteryumig will be found Just 3 ,in ererj particular to all & Ss , " ireoelre careful and prompt. s rW : .a-'-.-'-i..-.-...' J-.V - 19": .vy .'..1 -Jfcua8ia Block. Try s . ii 'U.v.'i-?'J.- ; 'wi erwcursouiiBrer rxom i - o i v VForr"VjWrT TxlVhitf KiS U'u't.. ItS11" L pe Sngerer from J .uwx at.0 uaun ii juhehsab ana XT 5?TKri 3Chfr44Bhargesere so nseasire that I hesitate topeotion B. except for the goocflt may do some other sufferer. -I hare spent ayoung toi tane from my bard aamlng durlpg nx nrtx years of Buffering toobtals tliet frora t4 doctors I bare trted patnt ttedtelneserfne 1 could leare ofirom the four-corner, of the earth, with do relief And at uAbt (57 years of aget bare met aitnaremedj that has cured me entirely made -Bli,.ni?m?, 'Jr.,,IIned 12" Pounds and now l6- I used-rtilrteen bottles of tbe medicine, SSwB'on i,ef,S Tb t that being In the humbl . walks of lire. I may not bare inttlmnM Prevail on" all catarrh isuffareri tor nee what nas pired mer-tirjiN'a iWNBT?B BLOOD RENt ' Si- "Ko 267fecond6t,MiCon,Ga." StV "tr An w aJLi.i -1 - " - "aerlts tfie confldene ef all Interested In catarrh t "W. a. HUFF, Ix-Mayor of Macon,? a WAI Lnl t '.iriTII BUS t " - - u.'. -. -Uuk ,ua JL CJr , lust I 1 to iOTcafl ffS Dn.r design and qaaW'Si-i0?; ?tt0 tier la shaua end fifty per t rtSnllr011'?- TLt AETfi, '.'.''. 4 .l' r ;,AtM8n,fglj;low flgures' S l .i';'-.-;..4'rj-;,i-t;I,'-;-': PcSfflS oi TABLB SPOONS, fill . . 4 00 .. 4fl0 - n AAA - 2.00. i also have a fuU set of rnu. r t ' acn-ltor,.8howeiflta-mps thande- CuUeiT, yiyFanl Bef?ra?on. f0" nVare fte dfeiers anllCableToc1681 f TO THE TRADE. -PblJorBaltlmere OrdebVc,61- "ilJL.I!?.T?."i'0. as.. tl'JLl;.- uwurun;.UKSIiaill4Co. Mlii:Piis:)r. le. TJiI eempiete Adams k- r Jnehes. The machine is in TZJi Alma mu " v . z wi umin Mritn "oe ACo., standard work7 . T"' ,udue 0 T.fat IvHaa . :- wiu be sold for . . : umw op terms to suit purchaser. . 500 CHAS. . inms' . an6dtf -.r ; CtarlotteObsnfer: WHAT IS IT? L. J. WALK KB. B. K. BRIAN ERfi I. Wbolesale andfiatail Grocers. KRW PIBM : U ItKW GOODS "N the first day of Jannarysl88S,the underelmed of carKonaa CParla,:r8l,iP tte purp9B General Grocrj Cosiness 5iiJ1?jS5?,..1rtne8 fcnrweu. corner Tryon ft JjrUi streets, , We are mallfied by long experience, to meet the demands of the trade, and give natlsf action to our customers, we will keep on hand atall times a full stock of Wn!ch win be delivered tn any part of tl - ir- es w.a?u,. v . v , .. -r r i . . We wra not be undersold in tbe Charlotte market. JS!lI1yw!J8"8on'ar,' n rear of oar store lor the accommodation of our caste L-J. WALKER & CO. 5 rife- 3 POUEIDS -iC.'i.Vii. 1octbr8 of Aj: y !jMre usM emNN-g PIONSEB BLOOD RE NEW KB in several cases of cutaneous diseases of long standing with tne most satisfactory results. Bare seen the happiest results follow Its use in Syphilis f the worst iorm, and believe it to be the . best alterative In use. - i J T.ILLISjM.D., Griffin, 6a. A Volc4Xr oia the I. one Slor State l&BXkltB' T?ION4uic00B R1WKWEB has enred one Of .my children ofi the worst cases of 8crofu8 1 ever saw. Her skin is as clear as mine-And the doctors say It is a per'ect cure, In thelr-epftiloa. ; I am ttanklul for having tr'ed tbe remedy, WJ. I-PAKKd, Dalias, Texas. ft H Satamhah, 6a., January 20, 1888. , GnOTN'e PIONFSB BLOODBINBWI-a has made several cures or Blood Poison and Bheuma tism among my customer. , 1 most beartily re commend It to sufferers from these eflections. A. -C-. 4. " C- M. HILUUN, Druggist. ; ' , Niw OHLiAsst La.. January 16. 1886. I bare been cured sound and well of a bad ease of Blood Poison by the use of 16 bottles of GUIN.N'8 FIONKER BLOOD ItfiNEWBit. I will sound its praises forever . .. JACOB KBDTK. TjT ' rm. oqnalnted with the. above case, and . ! inuoiiiwinuf hlipjnt, ? -., " ' xsutiriwiS MAX. Dme.lst. Canal street