VOLUME XXXIV. CHARLOTTE, N. C, SATURDAY, MAY 8, 188& PRICE FIVE CENTS. IIP if If Vti elegant'lin a bosom, reinforced, unlauudred shirt at 50 cents -each. We Save all silk SuraDa, opera eoaaes, at 65 .TU3T Th handsomest patterns in Oriental Flouncing and Laces we have ever had and di'Cicuaiy me ciiBftptrww . .a. nice una adies 1 In B illrigKan and Berlin Tbead. We '-- . r ; - Which will pav you see. Look at our Gauze CMBRELLAS. -CRINKLES, CRINKLES, in the new shades and styles. Come and see. FOR TH Till :: im. 1H JUST RECEIVED Beautiful Variety MULL AKD EMBROinERED CAPS FOR CHILDREN FromT to 5 years old at 85, 50, 75 ceent, anl $1JB0 and $151 Also a handsome assortment of NECK HE l( Mm T.LSEIGLE. WHITE Don't forger, that we can show' In the city. We are determined to keep this department -wellup. 5 to the. stanHarri anfl In Hninc on ftr vntinuftllv re-orderine. so that we can al- wavs eiv'o. vnn whAt vnn want at the the latest arrival of CRINKLED " SEERSUCKERS, and x don't fad lo: price them. ...... ' ' r- flCOCESSqBS TO ALXXANDIB ft BABBIS.' 1 ' lurauUrcnQrnwnvor lniiine Crab Orchard Salts In scaled 1 nackaeea ai IWB ORCHARD WATER CO . Pfnnra. mai23deod4w6m FRED C. UUNZLEB. wHOLBSAXE- LAftER BEER DEALER ANV BOTTLEBt CHARLOTTE, N.- C Belreeents two of the largest LAGEB BtF.a Breweries in the United State . Tbe Bersaer Eaael Brewtof o,, of Phi ia1elpbfn, nd the v- n. SchaffVr BrewiBg Co., 01 w vork. l ; - ;t , ' " LARGEST LAGEB BEEB BOT TLING LSTABLI8HMENT IN THE CITY,, - WOrder. Aoliclted. " All promptly QUed and delivered eWge to any pvt of the dty. order! free of E FOR SALE. k UQirairoved lot 99x190, adjofnlng tie pro. h''PwtyotJ H Kmory. J-R Irwin and otliert, 'J'on Trade stree'. Shade te on the lot. Charlotte Real Estate Ajrency, b artBdtt a . COCHBANS, Manager J'JSr RECEIVINC BEST STOCK OF GOODS IN THE" CITY IN OUR LINE. ;, A. R. & W- B. HISBET, - - . , - . ... ' . - "- - - - 8 OR cente'per yard. . - . . REGEIVE0 oi , ; i w , . . 1 4 Underwear have made some hig ....' v.. ! T- reauctions in new line of PARASOLS aod SILK First National Bant : BfiUlln Soatb Trron Street, - - - -j DKALKBS IN Charlotte, N. C. Ladies, Misse8and Children's - : FIHX - BDITuNr CiiNiiRESS & LiCE SHOES, . F Gents' Fine Band-Hade and Haeblne Sered -BOOTS, BUTTON AND LACE BALS, I BOYSV MD'lOUTOS' - FINS BOOTS AND 8H0S3 08 ALL GRADK3 . I GENTS' FINE . SQk, Soft and Stiff Qats, TRUNKS, : V VALISES and 1 GRIPSACKS, UMBRELLAS OF ALL KINDS, 8HOB BLACXINe AND itBCSHJBS. 41ma Polish for Ladies Find thoes. Stock al ways kept . lull and 5 up to the demand.'' OBDIB3 BT MAIL OB XXPRS33 " t ; ATTBNDID TO. f PROMPTLY "1 i jou J rthfr best ' assortment of lowest nable-priceCome and see ' - .JF - - - i 14 I - PYSPEPSIA SICK HEADACHE, CONSTIPATIQN, A Kemethr tor all TMsesse of tb Uver, KM. . 91, StamavBia au mwew. j cara for- Pwnwlm, Sick He CoaaatipaitloM. Dose. on tot 10 nd K cts. Nojenuln j 8IMOH H. jukes, aisaia y L: B. . BIJTON, Agfiftt. OUR SPRKG and SUMMER SI YUES OF- MIL LI N E R Y it - , . , ' ' la how ready "embracing all the latest noveltlea to Bate and Sonnets for r , ' , . t . Lifc :MKS?f aiid ChiidreD. plumes; feathers, - '3BUJ w mvo, muuut" - flATT7,Fi. SILKS. ANP ORNAMENTS, . . ifalln'hla mhnAtam. Tne lHKOSt SooS and tM lpl to ot any MJIllnery Katab, )lahment in tne state, au . . HATS . MID BOU fP.in.miui h Mr. Onerr. are a sure guarantee ot their bolng tasiefuayandeorrectly trimmed. j. s SkhaiiSa MADB In tne latest atylee, and at tn Pegram .& Co. "1 iro teaspoonlqls. 1 1 Ita sola in oats. InbTfllcK II ..... t lowest posaible pnoM. IlepectfuTly, : - " C. M. OUEKY, ywmifc wVtAA aixi a . "Tkpth. ubx-tidi stm, sonffrana bubmits to BI OBSCURKD, BDTr UKK THJt SDH, ONLY FOB A ran." , , , StabMcriptf on to- the Ohxerrer. DAIL1 EDITION. 8ingieeop7....'. .... By the week In the city.. By the month..... .................. Three months ................ ... -! Seents. ... . .. . 76 . ...200'-w ...4.00 8.(10 Six months.... One year ... t i '- v WKFin.V EDIT ION. Threemonths 60 cents. Six months... ...$lt0 ... 1.76. me year...; In dubs of five and over $1 .60. iXo fteviatloia From These Rl"s SubsortDtion8 always Day able ln advance, not only in name out in fact. . , Mo ADEN-PEARSON. IKOTnER CnAPTER II THE ASUEVILLE AFFAIB. Hon.B. Y. IvfeAdeUajfakes ap the Gauullet and Pnbllshea letter from Ir. EHjceneGrissom, Be t u tliis Mr. Pearson's Statements as Published In the Ashevllle Papers. tN To the Editor of Tds, Obsksvks. TAtf you published Mr. Pearson's card, will you please publish this correspondence; - i' ' Charlotte, N O., May 3 1886, Dr.-Euaene Cfrisaom, Raleigh, N C, MyDka iSik; I have just seen in the Adneviue ijaiizou a uara lruiu rviuu mbhd iPdarEon whica I ; aend yott From Ibis card you will see thi? Mri . , , 1 jt a - j r T L - Pearson tries to produce the ' iropres sionthat after I'h'ad, on theireet9Qf Rileigh,,cha8tised, mm, e was anjii 00s f to ! ngnt a auei; inao iamng 10 find a second in the persons ot Oeu. SoneB and birother friends, th mat' ter Vaa'ref erred to you to settle, and that you advised that "from tn nature Of the assault, ; ana Cue very different positions held by the par- ties in the community, that he, Fear son, S3 a man of honor, should choose . 1 ,1 a- r , . . r : t, toe aiwrrTuiuve uk jeinug tuo meuiitei dron.and ignorine the man and the as sauft.'i. Mr. Pearson further says the. motive for this course plainly stated, was the suspicion that Mr- - McAden might pursue the course which has been reserved now. for Gen. Jones, to wit:. . - . 4To make show of t fight,' ; recti ve a con ndential .communication, re fuse to return it. to its author, and then call for his disfranchisement." Kno wing you- as well as I do, we haviug been friends and associates for over twenty years, Lfeel that no such considerations influenced your conduct in the matter 1 hatMr. Pear 8on in making this statement in jus tification of bis conauct in iamng to defend either his honor or person, has done you great injustice. . As I presume this statement was made by Mr. Pearson; without- con? suiting : you;" or asking you for a statement of 'this , matter, 1 : trust that vou will feel at liberty to give I me a full statement of-your connec tion with it. 1 ' : ? '. . V 1 : Your friend, R.Y. Mo Aden. , - .- Ralpqh, N. C , May 5. 1886. R T. McAdenrEsq. Charlotte, N, C7. My Deab Sib: 1 am: m-receipt of your kiud favor of the 3rd inst.-. and tace pleasure in Kianiig iutu udu hid matter of the difficulty between Mr. Pearson and yourself was-SUDmittea by Mr Pearsons ' friends to : me. for advice as" to the Course Be should pursue, Jadvisfd- that in view of ail the circumstances connected with it- as detailed to me, that Mr. Pearson should neither challenge nor assault you This advice bad, as a basis, no reference whatever to your courage, general , charateraooial position or future action. With much esteem, 1 am, I ours iruiy, ; r. -T &UGEN8 UBISSOn v From this it will be seea! that Mr. Pearson stands convicted . of falser hood by his own : witness, Dr. Gris- Under thelcircumstances, with the finger of scorn pointed at hTm- from all quarters, andhis humiliation, 1 forbear to properly characterize the c Jpduct of this fellow i Pearson. 1 hope ? I am incapable of I striking 'a fallen loe. tie' naa my pmjr rather than my contempt.; Uxit Richmond the Fifth. - J R Y. MoAdbn - P S. Papers i-i this S.ate which have publish, d Pearson's card, will please do xne the justice to publ'sh this. ' - 1 It- x . mca. S atrs ville?" Landmark j A'" heavy storm of ind, rain and ban passed down a rjart of ire acutin,,Yaiiey Tuesday of last week."- It struck the Elkin and Jopeaviiie, tou-nnage witn o-reat force. Stripping it completely of root-sheeting and, rafters, except about twenty ieet on tne norm ena, The wind seemed Ao follow l closely the current of the river,, and did no Hanrvflcn tr Bithar of the towns. . A little further, down the river the' bad was very heavy - :AlUson bpeaKs, who is lniau here, convicted 01 mur der; and nO IS to De re-sentenceu ai the next term of court, the 'Supreme Rourt havine refused hinr a new trial, made an unsucceestui, attempt to e- , ! ; Xil Tax an capt, some nignts-ago : jauor jyyu pr heard him and fustrated his plan?, He has since been chained to the floor of. bis celL -An -itemized Btfttement of : the receipts , and dis bursements of the town treasurer f or the year endted April 30th, has , bpen posted at the court house door, TJie amount received during the year is nhnwn to have benil9.718 68:amount Daid out.tl8.287 81.- Balance on hand .$1,430 87. The floreace Ilihtiigale ef the Hnrieri r,A fniinvtno in an exTract from a letter written to the German ttefonned Messenger, at Cbamhera- inBnnan thn tinnt for her. and Hrs. Wlnslow will Drove the-Amertcaa Florence Mghtlngnla of tha nnion. nr this we are so sore that we will teach our Susy to say, -A Blessing on Mrs. Wlns- sriDine, concKUig ana weuiiuis .?'., JJ""- " low's Soothing Syrup relieves (oe cnira irora para and cures ayseutery ana ainrruia. auiieus un .,,. wkrittm. infl9Lmmatton. eures.wuideoilc.and Sarriai 1 the infant through the teething period. It performs precisely what It professes to pertonn, J. , nt ftrnthin tags. We have never seen f0 v vKj irmm wa. IV m-"--sj - ' - . . Mrs. Wlnslow know her only through the Prepa ration of her "Seething 8yrup for Children Teeth- tola." If we had toa -power wo 4"" "ct Mshe U,' a-physlcal saviour to the infant race. bOiu Dy all QTUgglSlB. XU wan iw . Mr. Jwe VrM' ReuMtty Wm rtiA Via art niniwrrnriner In the market . " JN0 H. M0ADEN, Who:esato Drogglst ECHOES PROM CHICAGO. HISTORY OF - THE FIGHT. flow Incendiary and Socialistic Harangues Led up- te Blood shed. ; -. ' The city has been , comparalivelv quiet today after the short, bloody battle last night, but 1 he spirit of de struction and slaughter is abroad, and there have been several minor collisions between " the police and would-be rioters.- "The feeline of in digDation and shame is intense, and from this time on freedom of speech m the line of incendiary orations will be summarily suspended. : ' ' ' t une shorr. sharp connict could not have been better planned on the part of the Anarchists. 1 As plainly, as words could provoke action' the work of thered flag followers came after t -.e words of their leaders, and the Socialist doctrindtoq began the reign oxpwoawles ness - which -tbey have threatened and endeavored to incite for years.: They threw.a , bomb into the midst of a line of 200 police offi c r., and it exploded with fearful ef fect, mowing.mea down like . cattle.; Almost before the- missile of death had expl xled, tie AnarchistffsJirect- ed a murderous, fire Jrpm., revolvers upon the police; and s as -the - latter were hemmed in on .every side - am buscaded tb& effect of the' fire upon the ran&s of the officers was. fearful.: When the police had recovered "from the first shock of the attack they galj lanijy charged.upon their,, would-.be maroerers, snootmz at every- Kiep and dropped them; as their . fellow officers had been cut down -by the b imb. The Anarchists' fled in dis may before the charge, bat . every where they turned the withering hre from the reyol vers of . the ."policemen' fi llowed them, and tbianed their ranks. -The cowardly curs, finding that their attack did not completely annihilate, the officers and that a force large enough to cope with thf m was left, fled in all directions, seeking the darkness of alleys, : hallways and side streets to escape the punishing fire of the police., -" "1 . ' - " I v FROM WORDS TO BLOWS. The latter had its origin directly in the. efforts of the,, Anarchist leaders to bring jt about. : August Spies, Bam Fielden and A, R Parsons succeeded in inciting a largemass'-meeting to riot and-bloodshed. From the Soci .ajititic headquarters there was issued late in me atternoon tne louowiug circular, , wbijh was ; distributed throughout the laboring, quarters of the city by thousands: h ' : ' - "Attention, workingmen 1 Great mass meeting to night at 7:30 o'clock at the Hay market, Randolph, street, between Desplaines and tlalstead Good speakers will be present to de iiounce the latest atrocious act of the police, the shooting of our fellow workmen yesterday afternoon. The Executive Committee." . At 8 o'clock a large crowd had col Iected on Uesplaines street, lusrl norm 01 jianaoipn, m a aimiy iignt -ed spot near which were many wag ons and trucks.'-August Spies was the first speaker. After a lorig, ram bling talk on the", labor . problem, he asked: "What means this display of Gatliog guns, cannon, bayonets, patrol wagons and clubs? .What means the. calling out ' ot the first Regiment? It is ah entertainment f;r Sou, gentlemen. The demand of the cCormiok men was reasonable, and yet McGormick denies that he is re sponsible for the .. bloodshed yesteis dayl 1 say ne lies.? iie ia. responsi ble for the death of our brothers. (A voice : 'Put him : under the lakeJ' "The rope is better.") ; Don't make useless threats my friends, but when you ara ready, act (A voice: "Stiing bim-up") Thtre are 25,000 to 30,000 families in Chicago suffering starva tion today -because husbands and fathers are not men enough to stand up for their rights." . Loud cheers followed trus speech. and the cries of 'the lake", and "the rope"; " were beard from -. hoarse tnroats. -r t A R parson; was the next speak er.1' ue went .into tne laoor statistics largely, and denned - the difference between trade unionists ' and Social ists." : t: :-r,:-:-::i-t:y: Sam : Fielden. a socialistic -English. man, was the next and last speaker. He harangued the mob in a loud, bla tant, reckless way.vand asked what was the crowd before him- . tie said; We who come here to address you are Socialists j rebels to the law.-Legislation will never help you, never.' Martin Foran went j to uongress m the interest of labor, and he teelsyOu that do legislation can be had for the workingmen U tn't we nod some ? When the rich men understand tba.t it is hot hea'thy to live among a ;t of dfc-contentrd workmen, we shall be able t J get legislation, , and not be. fhat the mob was m sympathy with his utterances was : evinctd ; by the wild applause which' . was accords ed him. While this W8S going on Captains Bonfljld and J Ward,', with nearly UU"poncemenr naa oeen wai iog patiently in the station for the Socialists to disperse or to attempt some act of lawlessness, wnen tne officers who had been "sent to min gle with them returned and reported the temper Of the Anarchists, both captains came ta the conclusion that prompt measures only ; would avert another eerious riot. - The order to fall in went round among the lieu tenants with lightning rapidity., It was repeated to -the ' men and they jumped into, their, places with accu racy ana precision,: prepareu ior tne march on the ,. Anarchists - There were five companies ia all, command ed by the following lieutenants in the order named : Lieuts- ptowler, Stan ton. Hubbard.- Penaen and Heard. Capts. Bonfield and Ward took their noaitions at the head - of the line. wnicn,marcoeu 10 a piuu. uiuiubb ivv feet north of Randolph street. THE RIOT lCT READ. - .When the column hadreached the sneakers' wagon, Capt.' Bonfield or dered, "iiait r ana saja: ' tn tne . w W 11. i,V al' name of the State of Illinois 4. com mand this crowd to diepers t !" ' Aa the word left: his mouth a eplu!-j taring epaik of fire arched through the air from the opening of the alley and oyer the speaker's wgon. ; was the burning fuse of a dynamite bomb. .1 It was well aimed in its deadly 'mission, and fell directly in the middle of tbe street and between the first two double file Of police, Tbe instant it struck 'the groiiird it exploded with a terrible flullen -roar; Beeminar to shake the earth."""' Men.' fearfully wounded and dyingfriell on all sides, the death-dealmg contents of the bomb reached almost -toi the .rear ranks.' Twenty nine mangled omcers were eroaned on tbe ground A Gatling gun could 10 1 have oat a "Wiser Swath ; A S.?enn of hnrrni fftt lowt d, the details of which may nev. er be k&own. , The officers were des moralized and for an instant broke ranks, but in almost an ins a t gained their presence of mind. - Be fore they had time to realize the de- s. ruction which had been wrought in their ranks the crowds of Anarchists gathered in front on either side of them opened fire with the revolvers at point-blank iange.- The first vol lay .'of the mob was quite as fearful in its effectjas was the explosion of the bmb, buTthe Hpfficers did not, lose their presence of mind.. . Orders flew thick and fast from the captains and lieutenants, and, within the briefest possible . space., of . time .they , were charging the murderous-assassins on every hand, dealing death land de struction to them , with Jihaeir revolt vers. . The . Anarchists did not sus tain the charge an instant, but fled as Booh as they could distinguish the blue coats and bright buttons of the officers through the smoke from theif revolvers. '. The ", cracking of tbese weapo'os was incessant for five min uled, and only , once was anything like a .volley ' fired, .from either side. This : was, fired by the ; Anarchists when the' bomb exploded in the ranks of :hhe police, thus' showing that they bad .seemingly been carefully; drilled bef ore-band, to act n concert. When th0 officer's ;emptied their pistols they, used tm aaplubsjlandt .is quite' prpmaQa that numerous skulls were fractured. : With the revolver shots cracking' like a tattoo and the bullets singiog in tbe air: ther mob ; plunzed jtwaynto the t darkness, with a yell 01; rage ana tear it was an inde scribable scramble ftr 1 fe.. Scores 1 1 men were knocked down bv. these be hind them and trampled .upon, them like cattle in a car. hnable to 1 he. Those on the , jnneii circle; f the prowd -were at the mercy: of the po lice and were shot down. 3?be police pur ued the mob for half e block up and down Randolph street. '. No man was spared, ' All who were overtaken! by the officers ; wre shot down and clubbed; "In a moment after the ex plosion the streets ' "were' cleared, but within a radius of 100 feet ! of the spot where the 'bomb had fallen fully sixty men lay wounded on the ground. ; The. centre of the street seemed full of writhing, groaning men calling for help. ? Under the - iron stairway on the northwest corner of the street two citizens lay, one insensible, the other moaning feebly and unable toi rise down the basement stairway. Under them three 'men lay, propped against tbe lamp-post; on the corner was a wounded mar, and at his feet in the gutter another. Across the street on the northeast -corner three men lay in the gutter. -1 At foe head of the "basement stair way one lay silent, . Another sat up holding a bleeding leg and begging the officers not to - kill him. Reclin ing on the stairs below them were two suffering men " and in the area way ; below three- more. East and .west cn r Randolph street rounded men lay in doorways. Within five minu es after IheTflring had ceased eight men lay in the alley, near the wagon 'between Randolph and Lake streets. No citizens were dead that had been found within an hour after the riot, v"-;.; For some "minutes after the mob had left, the police kept up a frenzied search for any who had taken refuge n? ar by. Those who met the officers calmly were allowed, to go. butall who attempted to escape were merci lessly clubbed: :rr ' After the Anarchists had been dis pereed, the police set to work to look after their: wounded and dying com panions. :The officers paid no atten tion to the wounded strikers at first, only thinking; of their fallen, com rades. :. They picked them up -and bore those ; who could not i walk or move to the station, .and assisted all with slight wounds to walk to their homes. ; The drug stores and saloons about the ' scene, of battle were soon filled with "wounded men, but it was impassible - to.: get any idea of their number. The equadroom : in the. Desplaines street station half an hour after the shooting resembled- a field hospital. : Wounded and dyjng po- I cemen were lying -every wnere. ru teen wounded officers . sat: in chairs around the room, heroically waiting 'or the arrival of" surgeons. It was a battlefield scene. . Policemen who es caped without injury i were acting a nurses, .assisting the; few surgeons who bad reached the station when the men were brought in.' Chief Eber sold and Capta. Bonfield .and Ward were on band also, and by their com : mand a large number of patrol wag ons were called to convey tbe men to hospitals. Among the first to arrive at the station were""ByeTCatholic priests, who im mediately ' busied tnemselves among the wounded. :y .CARINQ FORv TETB WOTJHDEP. i ' Tbeir presence and kindly minis trations seemed to eheer up the men. especially those whose .injuries were so desperate tnac tnere was no nope of therr recovery Officer Timothy Flavin lay on a table in the centre of tne room unconscious. - Aoove , nis heart was a great blotch of red which told the story of his fate. His life was fast ebbing away, and tbe only thing that could be done for him was to minister to his spiritual welfare. Officers George Miller- and Tom Red - din; both fearfully . wounded, lay on either side of Flavin, one on the floor and the other on chairs. Miller's face was fearfully cutr. and bruised, his UmbS were paralyzed - by numerous wounds, and his body w as-pierced by six bullets. , He ; snxiled . cheerfully. though, when his fellow-officers came to the side of bis improvised coc Reddtn. though as . desperately wounded as Miller, was more fully alive to his condition. ' ' . . " , . Outside, officers stood guarding the wagons and silently awaiting orders from tneir superiors . x neir . suence was indicative of a great deal, as was shown when the order to fall in was again sent along the une.- When the their woodland neighbors; we leave tne one kiqu w ciamoer wnere id wui and tbe other to whomsoever chooses to "bother" with pot-hooks and prun ing shears, while we comfort ourselves with the sweetened butfes of Maggala or- the insipid bqlhs that- survive a journey across the , plains from the Pacific Slope.' i 7 ' - - -9 It is. not necessary' to ; recount alii pur folly and improvidences. . These instances are enough, and more than enough, to remind us ho w helpless and dependent we are, without cause pr excuse. There : is no argument that can justify i-oumegleot of our resources, and there is little evidence that we intend to profit by the les sons of experience or the taunts of our wiser and more. prosperous neigh bors - "Where food products abound all the year through, says the New York Herald, "human nature seems, most incompetent ta make full use of i opportuni ies," and this is proba oly the explanation of our failure. It 13 not a flattering show for us but it is necessary to confront and consider ; an me same. ; Many reasons are given tor the poverty of ou people and it is as well tq discover and Btate the true one -That reason seems to be, ii view of . the f-.cts s presented, that we are i more inclined to waste taan to work, and that w . nmfpr tn buj the lit.le v we are . compelled to have,ather than to make and nal. tq others. -. ;This is the, way our fav there lived, and nerhaDs ..it is true that .we are in out lather's house to Stay ;" but there is a better way, and one which leads to our better gov? eroment and greater prosperity, ,j The people of the South need, more than anything else to learp the le son of the value of small industries, aud.t3 apply it in practice throueh out the length and breadth of the State . It Would , be. . wisdom, pn the part of those who control ;the affairs, of the State to encourace tha ARtAh.'. lishment of manufactories iof . our wasted products in every town, and village," and at "every waterfall in South Carolina. Absolutely Pure. This DOWdnr novar vartaa: " A mnrvnl nf tmrlt. stiengti) and wholesomeneaj. More eccnomlcal than the ordinary kinds, and ennnnt ttn anlrl in eompetltton with the multltmJe of low test, short wtugut, amra or pnospnate powdets. , sold oov n eans. Wholesale by ' , fvj SPRINGS BTJBWELL, ' Jan20dwly , BGhartotte, N C. DBOWN'S I lOX BITTER3 BVFECTUALLV Jordan. RtAts 1J relieved the wife ot Mr. M. B. vlile. Iredell Co., N. C . after she had suffered a long time with Constipation and Indigestion. It required only two boiue to do it, - , t NERVOUS DEBILITATED MEM. Ton are allowed a Wm trial nf thtrto nf tho -' ose of Dr. Dye's Celebrated -Voltaic Beit with Electrlo SuEpenrary jipltancea, for tbe Fpeedy relief and penr itccie of Aerro DebiHty, lorn of Vitality a:u Manhood and all kindred troubles tlou to Heaiih. Vleor tod Manhood anaj-anteed. aw ior m&:Troiner disposes, ijompiece i no nK is incnrreii. jiiu. tr&rea pampuet Insecueo ttmetope mulled f ree. by addressing; . . hovlTdeod&wTm.' Fi I? A T?1r liVi V IteCADaKSanaOURB, U CiiVX' i llObvt ne who was deaf twenty-eight yean Treated by irost of the noted specialists of tbe day with no bent fit.- Cured him self la three months, and since then hundreds of others by tbe same process. a plain, simple and success nil nome treatment. ' Address T. s. .FAtrK, 128 Bast a6th St.. New York City. w . , ' , ifCURE FITS! When I ay cur I do Dot mean raeretj to atop them 1 for a time aiid then hare them return again, I mean a radical cure. I bare made the diaease of FITS, EPI-' LEPsr or FALLING SICKNESS a nffrlong study. I 7 warrant my remed?tocure tbe wont oases. etben hare failed M&o reason for nofenowraeeivinfl.a care. Send at once tor a treatise and a Free Bottle ot . my infallible remedy. Give Express and Poet Omoe. . It ooate you nothing for a trial, and I will care Too. , . aareesim. UKUUZjissreariBtJlewTorK. - consor.iRTiorj. - I baTe poalttTe remedy for tbe abora dlaoana ; by lta asa thoaaandeof eaaeaof the worst kind and of umg , taadlDK baTe been cared. Indeed, so atrongls my falta laltaeaeaey.tbatlwtil send TWO EOTTLE8 FR1B. S toetberwltbaVALrABI.BTBKATISBoathiadlasaM toaajaaSerer. eiveazpressandP, O. address. -'" -' , VT.A.8DM,mParlgt.,lJswTort. PENNYROYAL PILLS "CHICHESTER'S EN&LISH.". - The Originnl and Only desialne. , 'SaSjaBdslwayi RellahW. ' Rcwm af wartbleas Imitations. ' Indispenisblo to LADIES. . Aak year lracclst 1 "efcleheeterfe Ena-liKh o4 teke no other, or inclan 4a. Sisnpai ta as for partloulsrs in tetter by Hlfl snaai. : AMI lAPfR. Chlcbester Cbemleal C. mo .waMiHm psinare, rauaoaw, xnu SaldW ea1te eTerywbere. - Ikk tor "Chleaee. i lS" Penny royal PlUs. Tab aa ataei. - - , tar's Easll lanlOdJcwly BROWN'S IBON BITTKKS CUBED MB- M. ft. Levelsee, HeMsnlle, N.C .when troubled wlto kidney and liver aSeeuon. - He exnretsea himse f as mceh pleaded, with its effect. ,;,,!-...-,.. nniLLA R007IUGI Tafcaa tba lead- does not oorrode Ukatin or Iron, nor . Oaoay Kite shinffles or tar compositions; easy to apply; stron and dtirshle; at half the onet of tin. Is also a SUBSTITJTKfop PILASTER at Half the Mt. VAKriSTs ana KUUs of same material, rable the wear of Oil Cloths. Oatalogne and samples SKA. . W. IL fAi A COTCAJLUILN, 2iTV CUREmDEAF PECK'S PATENT IMPROVED CUSHIONED EAR DRUMS raarscn,T aasroaa aa nsAaiwo and yeifmm th. work f tb aatonl dram. Iitviwbl., comfartsbl. and slways la sodtfoa. All aun.eiiatloB sad ena whbeera aesrft distinctly. Send forlllnitntef took with tntinmilmb, FREE. AddreM.ortadl on T. HISCOX, 849 Broadway, Sow York. Ateetion, tUspsper, . j WINTFD-UDY herown locality an o d firm Eefi Active and lntelll- mt, to represent in ferences required. Fermane; t position and good saVur. ttAK ACQ. 16 Barclay St, M.Y. ; . ; aprtB4w Wl UTCn LADI ES to work for us at tbeir AH 1 til. own homes, J7 to $10 per week can be quietly made. No photo i alntingr ne canvassing. For full particulars, please address at once, CRBSOKN r ART COMPANY, 19 Cei tral Street, Boston, Maaa.. box alio -, -., -.-- . ::jO i- BTOHMTS f (TU Ml N E f Is the BF3T constructed and finished Turbine in the world, r I Tested percentages, with part . ii - nnrl fnH fnt" fTrinrn rqnnl to any other wJieel t3T"New pamphlet sent free by BCnNHAIrl BKOS YORHi PA. TirtOWN'S IBOM -BITTK9 ttAV, iLnuot -Ta mmn ilatelv relief to Mr. wm. B Thompson, ereensboro. M. c., m a easotiraDnnyinit iu nega tion, and he enisiaers h b must reuww uwmcum A Great gain WB wm sell a Walter A. Wood Harvester and Twine Binder, made to 1884; tbe best in the world. Has never been used at alU Complete with transport tor 160, aeUvered In Chsxlotle, N, C. ";pi28d6t -Yr&Afii i fttboto, M.C. w. nnnrnu: 4 TOItW "l: 'BTTTnM 3 BTTLLT BB- X stored t health and strength Mr. 8. H. Ban. neya, uornam, n. w ao d ery from disordered liver and kidney and neuralgia. -' rota nwat ftaVo $otnineiseieueveu,iuuu : , . IT 1 1 That when we advertise special prices for acertain week, we show, the Goods no;rmat tiet hpw.ridiculously low the. prices i may V be mrJ;Uea onjtnem, we tised goods; on 'our, counters for inspection. We , name: soma: .Prices ' of Bemnants . of I Table 'Damasks, etc,; I iybufwill fine it so tne Uoods. l.-r-.t REMNANTS,. OF, BLEACHED AND. UNBLEACHED. 24'yEKOTa FOB 99o WORTH 80s per yd bSO 80c ". ,.9'JC.,,, ' : Due 65o' JH.660-. 630 65c 6&e 788 , too " Wo .j;.tfie . , - , 850 9;jO ,1.10 " 1.10 1.15 '160 1.65 Iti 2Ji I t'at- J i in -" tt' 165 16 1 6o 210 185 a io a.B 215 .10 866 'Ais - - 8 J !-' I I'lr,1,. NAPKINS. , ' t - AH Linen, size 4-8. at 95 cents ner drznn. worth i.4u per aozen. Crochet 75 dozen of Heavy 10 -4 ICrochet Qailts at 95 , cents worlh arseilles QniltSs 30 dozen of-Heavy 10-4 Marseilles Quilts at $1.55 -worth $2.25. -j - - Upholstery oods. oOincQ wide new designs, 80 , cents. - ' We are showing new. arrivals ia Dress , Goods, Silks and 'Wash Goods. Our second Spring: Stock or M I It L I W E R Y Has arrived and, is being offered at mo3t reasonable prices. WITtloWSBY' BARjLTCB, CHARLOTTE, N. C. MAIL5 ORDERS SOLICITED AND Keeps the largest and i IN THE r A bed-room snit of 10 pieces,, imitation walnnt522.00; -,.! 10 " maible top imitaiion ' walnut; f 30,00. . 5 r . -:v. Li A bed-room suit of 10 pieces, ' walnut -with marble top, . $45,00- , K Elegant walnut and cherry suits ilrom f7o,uu to. $lo.uu. A parlor suit o7 pieces, imitation of raw silk, $30.0.0. . ' A i xr 'u 7 ?' raw silk, trimmtd with plush $40.00. j '..;,, r. f i Tatlor suits of 7 pieces, domefc tic or silk pfush, f 40.00 to $125,000. Lrounses in great variety fr,om $5.00 to $30.00. ' " bideboards T . V " Baby Carriages in great variety from; $6 00 to $35,00.- iVhidOn i Shades, Cornice COFFINS AND No charge for - - .- . f i v . , . t J WSJ a . -.-'t-.'vatlJ" ' L V'M-"'?" T aaj ' OHABI9TTE, N. 0. Fill always place all adver they are all uponl examination of : TA!BLE DAMASKS. TURKEY RED. Zli yds LENGTH FOB 1.C0 WOBTH 60c per yd 6ic " - 2i 1 UU LIS ' 141 ' 1 65 166 . 1.75 -1.8S- "V" 15 , -186 -'2 00 1 " " 8.30 .-' -5V1' 8 JO . . ",. 2.50 65c . ?5o ; 750 750 lie ' 86o e5e 0c 85o 1.00 . 1.10 115 "1.25 2W 284 2 2t5 f 3 i 8 ZV& 2 DRIVE IN TOWELS. 40 dozen Damask Towe's at IS oents each, size 30x40 lnohes. - 60 dozen Huck Towels at 18 cents each, size 2JxiO Inches. - . - NAPKINS. An Linen, size 5-8, at $1.45 per dozen, worth $2 25 per dozen. : -i f . Quilts. i.. . - . . - at - cents per yard, 'worth - ' PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. most complete stock of STA.TJE, l - 15.00 to 125.00. r . . Poles and - Oil PajntiDgst, METALLIC CASES packings or dray age; GOODS M .-I . i

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