The XJrapo Cure, ML- A NATURAL: - IypejIa Clare IN AMERICA. . r V . i-.n a'Ux) salts, "gextrncied rrom grapee and h,.-- "a moat wonderful product from na'ure's lai'r. 'Tv. h -ve It in your homes and travelsa snfr S ! for Hit) fafcRed. weary or woru out It cures i t wwlaciis dyspepsia. Btomacb and bewel -is i3;liiliit3: remove biliousness, stimuatee tae lir- t.i a health? action, counteracts the effects of inue va'er and the eitinwlve use of aieoholie itrvVrsKfM aii prewits the abeo-ptlon ol malaria; iv.ty he to the system the want of sound, ripe fruit. Frapared by the - iuMJON 8AL-M0SCATELLECO. - . lonixht, knoxakdv ' ' - Pf Tiir? of t nations. The genuine -In "blue .wr'i'seisonly.' :.; r-?erd for circulars to- it. BVtNOVITCH, itiereral American Manager, B. O. . fcox 1968, New lorfcCtty. agents..-B H Jotdan 4 Co., L. B. Mrls'l'in Druggists, Charlotte, N.C. - , la' iildAwlY ' ' Mention this paper. jlvn Jidtretdisjemc.itB. Is stilt the bet Blood Purifier In the market -t OPERA HOUSE. Matinee Saturday sftemoen at aao' o'clock 'for I ...i.. Jri---,-,. 15 and 25 cpnts. I J n i:-5v, iLSl Ul ljfo"th.bji,av7 "clock this ( THE ORIGINAL ZffiRA, ; TOtrETHEB WITH REUL'ii ORKaUL B0T4L' MARnWETTE Giving tVi jlagls Mfhstrel and. ths Comical HUMPTv; DUMPTY. FB1CES WITPIN-THI EKACH 01" ALL, 15 and 25 cents. 4 ' -ftewryed seats to bf had wi hout extra charee at rtleCesji'al Hotel Cigar Stano. v mayddlt. ill vir ueof xwer vest d fn us a trustses of B. !r& i h. w. Barker, we win sen ior cisn. t ihishest D cider at Vt o'c'sck. m ou tbftlSth 'Mt, lH8i one store house adjoining Hie property '.tit L. C McCoy aud others. A 'so one vac int. lot jui;olnlnH the propert j of S L Cochrane and others. In the twn of Huntersvttle, N. C. House is two utorles 25x65 feet, ad nicely fitted np Cot buslnea al0 takes place on the prem'ses. . J. mg. sjhi-us, W L. POfK. i PASTURAGE. t . Ml pastures are now ready .and I am prerered t : accommodate one hundred head of cattle and ntty horess. itb good pasture during the balance of the season. Will also take a limited number of ro.ts to break to both double and single harness. Best eare will be taken of all stoek to prevent so dden tn. , , J. g. DAVIDSON apr29d3twlm -.. . ; ,( .,. Hopewell, If. C.f BROWN'S RITTKM CJUBBO MBS. W" JD R. French. 619 Market street. WlIminKton. N C, of malaria and weakness, and she recommends u as a mast excellent tonic, uei iamuy uso- -v?lth entile success. m 1 i 1 I fi 1 . I Siafo meOieal! mm ' . I "T'HE annual meetintr of the North Carolina Med- 1 teal docie y will hold its session at KewDerne, THay 18th t) 21st, 1886. ' ' ,4. Tbe anual courtesies will he extended by the mo iI04ds JTJUUS M. BAKEB. - . maj9dlw . Secretary. .;. 'r j?tr ei-fc.f JVO MORE IMOTS shirtninv Befrla- I erators. Freezersa'.'d JT,y Irans to keep Only one ?lanee at thom prevents apger,. md vmi win ha nnnviiid. Hasbands tna wives Implore us not to t' wlthout-them.;. irouDie aud buy one.- RKFKiaKlK BEFK1 Q BBATuIWi FREEZERS. - , -3r PI Y ' PAIS, w . ICE 411EHT0I, - ICU JII RST8. CK - CHESTS. These good are being sold at astonishingly lo '-Sgu.fs. We ouly ask a trial to convince yoi. TO ARRIVE I'nilt Jars, Jelly Tumblers and other seasonable was. . : ' A KfYrU l? t tVT T? W; t OT I f'lllUlV'ilXIIrAV-: . 'iX:-'- Ot Dinner Sat. T.n tiMivanlil to O06 I bayer. oeot I) to ninTfintrr'Atl I Ii, MAUI &f miVMU r Wri. Joe Prsen'S Bemedf I" UU tbe best Blood Purifier on the market. Ill JHO. h. McaDBN, wholesale Druggist , M fi CHIMES n SPtKiflLTT. Slmnioat 4.1 fMMnlMl and Pavfiet tatee. Wastes no Griln; Clranses It Beady for Threshing Eriginei , and 'Horse, Powers gjw Mills am Standard Implements Generally, "nd lor Illustrated eataloeae -- a. Bv FKtITDA.W. : j ' nntTivania, -Agricultural Works, fark,''iPa.; WHradwlm FOR SALE. KG Twn dmlrahU hnllltnv ! IKhcSOO feet. . VU renting on (Soutb, Tryon areet, adjoining the prpertv ofJH Caraon Shade trs on lota. Wul be so d separately ! ot togettw c4 $WH, CHABLOTT BXAliKTATS ASrIo. ; n - rrtf i,n ifollaTtt, Creek I TT'Tr- - s ..r?.mi r comprising-; nour. t "rr TUUL'einixin TUESDAY,- MAY-11. 1886VX3 :4 Arriyal and Departure o Plains Correct for the current month. , tV -: ' ; .... RICHMOND UTO Dahvtll A3-Lnn. f c. 60- Arrives at Charlotte from Richmond at I ' a. m. Leaves for Atlanta at 8:00 a. m, -. - No .61 Arrives at Chartotte from Atlanta, at 15 a. m. Leaver for Richmond at 4:16 a. m. - No. 62 Arrives at Charlotte from Blchmond at 13.3-i p. m. Leaves for Atlanta at 1 p. m. . N 68 Arrives at Charlotte from Atlanta at8J5 p.m. Leaves for Blchmond at 6:40 p.m. Loj Freight and Passenger Train leaves for Atlant i at 6-SQa. m.; arrives, from Atlanta at 8:80 Caivuirn, Columbia ato Ansowri. Arrives rrom Columbia at 6J6 p. mr : Leaves foi Columbia at 1 p. m. ' " C, C. ft Lrk., T. 40. DmBIOJt . Arrives from Statesvllle at 110 a. m. -- .- , Leaves lor fyatesviue at :40 p. m. , 7 ' V LiArrtve from WIlmtnetOB- M 130 a. tai.; Lean foa Wilmington at 8.16 pv m. n Arrive from Laurlnburg at 4.40 p. m.; Leave for Laurtnburg at 7.30 a. m. - --- Leave for Shelby at 8J6 p. m.; arrive from Shelby rtBtOp.m. , , . i 4 MULB. S 'i- ? . t ; : ' Oeneral OaUvar aiwru at'HMai m dun l" 70p.m. Money Order DepartBMDt opens at 9.60 a. m.; elosesat4Cp.m. 4 j.- -vtiiiAi v t Weather Ii itlleatloiw.' V For Delaware, Maryland and Vir ginia: Fair weather, South to West winds." warmer in' Northern portion. rSSSdfW " FoVSt Carolina, North (W lina- Georeii ahdi Eastern Floridai J Fair 'weather, variable winds,' eerier 1 all j .southwesterly, stationary; temp I erature except aceptj on coast off North and South Carolina were 1 Carolina temperature; wjU tar Settlements for debts due TbxObsxbvxb or mnelf by Cot a W. Atexander. Mr. IL A. ----- w f f-T. ... t -MwawwjBi ea a was swas and LMdJ! Hwdr fW to ie feldE tiia evenin?a;cle The Cleveland Springs and Sbel morning. Mr. Jay Westinghouse, inventor of the? celebrated Westinghouse alr bf ake now fn use -ob-leifrtilrcriy Ol ft IT M UUO vam. J wuww. . f f , - There,will be a meeting of 5the prohibition club at' the court house tonight, at 8 o'clock. Everybody is jnyited tobe the.kn4 hear wKatia" said. iw.';- Mrs. H. C. Jones has gone to AsheviUe toamatn aff w days,j j Col. Jones is there at ., present, iiattei to bis duties as district solicitor the United States court. t The members of ihe-Mamorial and JIOIlUillUUwu aiKiwiauiuuo cua requested to meet at Mrs M. A. Os borne's residence, this afternoon at half past five ; o'clock. , A: full an4 punctual attandanceio asked.:! n n The Obsebter acknoVledgel Tan' invitation to attend the ball compli mAntarv ta the class if. 486. of the. prdl Xessnich's famed band-will forJ nish the music. - - 4 1 . - f " -The followine nostmas'ers in this fitate ai;amdbg tbose to. whom com missions have been recefiUyissued r Charles R. Leinbert, Bush Creek ; Lnna B. Withers. iTDiaSei DsviB. BrindletQwn ; I ED is B. Br?J Forbush. ' "Three representatives of the New Orleans bicycle club arrived at the . l' i ' ln.Jnn fT ourney to jJoston. inir namew arv H, W. -Fairfax, A. M. Hill and C. M. Fairchild. They resume their jour nflv thfa mornine rand will; goby VaV OI llauVUie, s AjVUULLU UXK , HanWeW? The cUiton reach- . . r ktmv Vrti-b- tn hAve his lniured arm I w . . ' " .u.: tt. I ireaved-Djr.Burgwjuo w.j. arm was broken on the pulley of a cotton gjUi-twouaummersi ; ag hteKng it becansoati2ened as to be - . a ' ' TT- aMMMfrM fA& VaiTA 5v. ajmossuseiesa. wortt -irltBOCkaii Jffithat I he can renew ousine ou ma -44?j ' ; . - t rr r",y 'rllB advance of anything ;of i the kind I , 1 M Ml AV . T. AlBXanUUr. a .wxvw , V 1 . j- i 1 i. I mkwu wur ouoi m ' a awa n 1 swo .. a vriiuiwi 4 d: trust worthv oia mule, wnea r-- - .'i:..,.-.:!.! t0reWirBO:wti-to q nauigow a WnaVflTj and' tfiajtf too 'from . an unaoMmntabie cause. Mrs. AlexanH HAr wm thrown' violently to we jhJid.Tt te hOffirraBypeT u- 1, Trwf , j 1 1. . . .... ' cmnr 1TIVHU UBTH.&. Ah MB ciuw. BUUUl I kla" fnr IMIMnff hap zo . in wo iJjU A,an vnrv danffftrOUBlV WOUUQ-, I .l Ct - . ..i j-I I armlnir. eollcklns and toethlnz ,nx ua-r- 1 "uvj r , - j 1 1. i4u nreaenis were aistnoutea smoQK 1 r.s,iB,nMiii t 1 Z rn Fnrlt - lasc. wnne reiuroiug 1. A-jL.ti.Ji.? I and airMawntenuid cnrvjw rr"T77-4 i bums, castors. itobs; 4 1 Duezvsota.eKri9i" -ouo w .v -a WVLXl 3FAWt,LiLL j ltr..aoJ:ie AtliiaTv as ' 1 al mnm wutuw ,w" wfwsf w at. m feared. - ' ' - Maeal Eatertalameatv , U 5 . ' The citizens) of r'Salfebnty 1 were treated, ori Ua Friday; niWV to an other of the series 01 aeiignwu musical soriees, by ,the pupils ot tne Neave Music School.;, The reputation of these .soireeajs we? ,.kriQwn. and thoueh Prof. Neave's school is pures ly a local enterprise composed entire-1 lir of local talent. we doubt if the en - riinmAntfl Which it ' gives ball DO iist exoeUed in jryofntoi. encune www, K.. skhnnt.' U f thS SoUthi'l The ftilv erood one. and was ..-,4 v, n nrnhflstral erand Cola -aw .., .. . "inl fromVcBeial nfTAil Reeled ' and! arHngedj by Prof. Neave. Th young ladies who nated in the entertainment L; Misses. PuUie Tuttler' Maggie irKiAA air ' uranium it s ju. Smith. Mand NI'CraWford, Julian I Foust, T7i nf fl-aPki l. M. Wuey. Si. - . ..a VTV.I .. T -r.-Tr Walton. Rachel, Wallace, Mar traur.ev.itir Wdey BaUie o;h Knliia Keen. Agnes Neave. low " ..." . TrJi Jeanie Kluttz, A-nme t rw&uau, Josephine Baker and Bessie Brown Ha. Wile v: was ?aigo one of the participaqts. - .. xlfBRPlUA., kt4.ti-a mn' L'vev Pills lor SallooComoleB- Pimnia on tae Face and BiMonsneas. fcever rtckaVrortfloes. Oaly 0E iot a diee, BaaplM me at L. fi. Witetaa's,. .. ITtETIORIAL DAT. ? t - j JrtlK the GrTi of the Con- i f.e?r".t"itISSfBeMTl The memorial exercises yesterday afternoon 4 passdT off 1 very-pleaas bntly and 'satisfactorily. ' A Cloudless skv & brilliant sunshine bnngmg out eywy tmt ot, tne, loveiy Spring colors ; a delicioua breeza that temDeretl the. heat agreeably t a. very TO-wr t,-, j 43 wm Ait - Anil wnAmaa in hvi arhf. r". - " 77TV e," .Mf".---,r" auracuvepwHure, , - - trial of the two actions was conduct The long line of graded school chii- . . , r, Moaii o-i aren, nremen,80.qiers,e a very eye as it wound through the cemetery. When all grouped around he standRev. W. R. Atkinson of fered the introductory., prayer. The calling of the Roll of Honor by Mr. J. L. Chambers was listened - to in folemn f silence recalling as'it does, tneibries of friends loved and lost. f'pn the field .of honor.' i Tb6 bratorv Mr D. A4 Covington, the chief marshal, Uapt.,T. R. Robertson He made a fnost interesting address, full of pas .1 J 11 .V . Al J J 1 J allusipnj to tjeead soldiers, nrylt yet SP drj the Uving, Attd of complimentary refer- ence to the women of the South who chiirialvtHesejiiemories, and annual' 7 Soe to lAy on their 1 Tr p-j.- their graves oration, and was delivered' with a voice and manner hat'made t a , real treat to , . - ' mnarrtlnsA nnulrl irrrtw wearv. he I . ,yu -7- x f - - : uu -r -?i-t-t - I fclosed.with the recitation of Collins' fever beautiful Ode to Valor. . ' -Rev.- Wm. R. Atkinson, at the close of the exercises, dismissed the ass sembf age with benediction. I The graves were . then decorated, while., the Hornets Nest Riflemen fired three volleys over the mounds 0urTdead heroes.: To the band the Memorial Association feel ' much in- I debted for thp music which accompa I hied the exercises. . . ' I j The ladies desire especially to re- iunr thanks to the cbiefof police and M aid's, offirl ;H4andf'HUl. hese last took harge of the boxes for contributions for. toaCfederate j taoildnientf.and with SUW aTnei.6-1 less and sueceqsthat 34.4was co J ecied for- this purpose - X . " '1 1 Death ar ,$ro..Wi eleasoa. fait Centiral'road iff this city, died at bi hotna here at 8 o'clock' last Sunf nay morning, altera severe sicKness 0f four or five months' dvuratioiili Mr. Gleaon's illness had excited th'er ini terest of the - physicians; and., after Oeath an . examination TiWasanaaet tvifK AtvaaA rhat. h .Hod been ,a i wmcn snowea tnas n:naa tVrSi 1 victim of enlargement or,tt&6?tiear, I hd that he had been a sufferer from friMfisease-for years pas. r?; i The as leayes'a? wife tod foSr cren0yTms itHar4 in ajimwo ceftietery at' 3 o'clock yes- lrK'? vjce& having been conducted by .Rev? jii .;.taWQi; p isioroi ine uuiDBrau fchurch, MessrSv .K. Finch, J G. tBaskervrlle. J. H. Phifer. D. A. Hen- ining, Thomas Sprinkle and Henry ??.dham fre lfer8' f number Of ' railroad men ao- I com the; body to thff grave,andf I tki fioral offerings heaped? upon the; newly mde mound were profuse and beautif uL ' Opera House TonIg;Iit. Ziera B?mon opens nis eugagcuiBut hin this xjity this1 evening, and to give iwu" Q" .vc " f expected, we copy this noUce from LfrhoRt Jrthih'B fTTIftTftlfteTWh: 4a FrWarionettea are wonderful triumDhs !' nf moiilioTiinn knrl anInAtllino, Anrirplv t : s ,: i 1 j, iiiL-it uniiue rney give e 4firet part,1 with jokes, songs, etc., and are really capital. The dancing skeleton1 is a marvelous thing and the wonder is that human ingenuity devise well an intricate piece f w6rfc The p Was'another fe feature and it w gafely fsaid that the entertainment is much n . a -s - - t ? - . hams, lamps al glass sets, boxes of fiilof; onan nnroAa 1 - j ;ii. . utwhiuk uaw tkuu. tuiieii bow. r - .h..: Papers soliciting contributions in I aid of the fund to defray the expenses 1 of tne nremen s ceieuranou oa iaay i win, oave oeea.ieii. a aii i-mw: I Thia wa' &tka thdt anneals to ithe - " 'a . . w ., . ... - r m. I generosity or our; people, uur nre I men always do gallant service when i ever their services are ' needed, "and I work rithoat reward, or hope I fT ward.,. The pleasant; duty f i keeping alive the memCiries of May l 2Qtb geenjg to have been relegated by i consent to our volunteer fire I department, and in what litUe exs I tbev are required .lo! indulge, our citizens should take a liberal 1 Charlotte's 'citizens have al . I tha Amman a rflmmnAhlA I e- i amount of aid, and it .is nof to be I Juu,,,rnu iVof. tVio-o- urill trn KaV nn the old custom this year. I Sunday at Boekv Blrer. I The faanual C spring 4cormui.i5a t services were field atvRocky Itiver I ch'irch on Sunday f last, and .', the I brigbt weather? brought out an un- f usually large concourse ofpeople, i aiuvua. - - - Irepr B a.1 Z A.. IhA AhlnMhl t I sne Beryiuw m wui,u, wu f gregation was .disturbed by several I reports from a pistol: fired in- the I grove surrounding the .church, but I -11 f mm Af tvrtnkla WAKt hIIavoI vhan w icxuo rw.r. rf itml.M I young man shooting at squirrels.? i youuS u. F.wu.pwjr.. r lT6Vt?U OUU T OjO w ua v w wuu f X axgu ed before a magistrate, c His name was Kluttz, and it is said th it he had The dispute over- the "title to the McGinn mine, near this aty, y ester- culminated fn the dictment of Meesrs. George HalV W. ; B. Scott, Joseph McDade, John Hipp and Dick Anderson for forcible trespisa, the charge being preferred by Mr., Ste phen Johnston and wife, Mrs. Elmira. Johnston. This suit was followed by a counter indictment against Mr. and Mra. Johnston, this indictment being in the first named Bait. ' Judge Byriam p It peared fonHall et al, and.Qem R D Johnston for Johnston and wife. The greater part of yester- day." Esquire Maxwell, having no jurisdiction as to the question of ti tle, heard ' the : charges of trespass, -and found the evidence sufficient' to justify him in binding 'alt the parties over for trial before Judge Meares at the next term of the criminal court. Esquire Maxwell yesterday dispos ed of another, case of forcible tres pass, this charge being preferred by R. H. Campbell against W. H. Tay lor, of Crab. Orchard township. . The case was compromised . by Campbell ir agreeing to pay the costs of a resuis ey of the lands in dispute: - ;; , . Bowan Superior Court Sentejnve , . . . -i 1 inu- -- i u-t v 1 j auo uiiuimai um;.o xui kuo oytiuB i term of Rowan Superior Court, at I SQliohurT vroia nnrtnliirlnrl lanr. I uajr. AiuuuK vuowiiwoviiuniwiwuwi a;,,a t u.- ': nCw;n -I uioisiwcTU ui. Tfao vuav jiiauAum uiojwocu oo vav . vi. i auA.u4 i Gaston, oolored, who was tried andf I ound guilty of the charge of an ouKI rageou8 assault upon the person of a feruale. . Judge , McKea sentenced Gaston to be hanged by the neck until dead, on Friday, the second day of next July. Judge . Mcttea's re- markrm passing sentence uporrthf f"""1"'" " ivij uiijuvijoiiD Order, but the prisoner received his I sentence-with no show of emotion. The negro who attempted to bur; Beufbaum'fi bebk store, was Sdiuded jobe crazy, "aiad tho ifirt' ordered him to be sent to' the &lorel "insane asylum, at Goldsboro.' j John Lewis Holtshouser, who was trailed .bv . Murr's "bloodhound, and who was indicted on charee of burn ing the dwelling and barn of Mr Tobias Lyerly, was, acquitted, of ,the charge the evidence : caving been of Victims ot youthful indiscretions, suffering from nervous debility, lack ot aelf-confiaenee, impaired memory and kindred symptoms, should semi 10 cents m stamps for large Illustrated treatise, gtv Ing means oteertain core, with numerous teati , monlals. , Address . World's Dispensary Medical Association, 663 Main Street. BqflaIo,2i.T. i Cincinnati ladles have a rage for rrd glovea, and f meT caicn coin; out iuej uowr iau w uso ut. guu's Cough 8yru and always secure an imme- diatecure. . i stilt tne best Blood Purifier on the market. ; ' BOWNV IRON BtrratS BBNBFITSD MB. k Leander W. Haves Cnarlotte. N. C. in dys pepsia more tcaa anyuiing ne nas iriea, ana maae mm reel Doner uhu no ever ara ooiura, . Ii Mr. J. A. Price DeputF Inspector state Tobaceo Waretaooe4ia. 6. - Baltimore, Md . saysr Ooe of I my children bad been suffering with neuralgia for some tune, a inena reeommenaa Daivanon un, f nmairad a bottle and few nbollcationa. to. my aurprlse, effected a complete cure I tike pleitsnre -in reeomiaenauig u w bu penuiu Rmuarv mmauea I A tart fr the iTnl. or kfoat - in good seasont and don't f erget to take with yon benefit you when tarlgned; wUl nollfy the hurtful effects of water eonteBrtnated with sine from the loo eooier, or stagaant ana oraausn; raneve. nuur gestion prod' eed oy meats 01 uneenain wnoie- somepess, hastily Dotted at eod times In railway stations, and DrateM vou from the inauence luenee 01 vitiated or malarloas air An theroogh danghts. To the travelling public, ehis admirable safeguard and e pacific is teudered In a convenient and agree abU shape. An unary ship's medicine chest .'.rrf iu hwmedy.atactireujinder 1 western pioneer, an appreciate "vi &S3SZ?& I kldneya.andtoafiiieervnla - value of the eosttveposa, - liver inactivity 01 tne 'iXt&t it Paarltlve Cwra for Pflea. 1 To the nnrmle of this county we would sky we have been given tbe agency of Dr. Marehlsl's ItHtrsn ; Ptta Ointment emnhaBeaiiy guaranteed to core or money refunded Internal, external, blind, bleed' tog or Reaing puea. . nw w. a wbk .sohw,ii Vkit sale by . B. WrWtom, raaCtarIott . a.U. : n". -, -1,-. 1 . .. The rierenee Klkinagau e tae ineen?ff- The following is an extract from a letter written to the German onned Messenger, at inamoen burg, Penn.i ' t-A A Just ODen the door fM hex. and Mn. Wlnslow , will prove the Amerlpan Florence nightingale of the nursery. Oftbu .we are ao sure that we will teach our Sv usy to ilplhg to say, A Blessing on Mrs. wins- sumve ana escape me siege. Mrs...wins- the child from pain. diarrhoea. . It softens the rami, reduces inflammation, euros wind colic and carries the infant through the teething period. It performs precisely what it professes to penorm, every part of it nothing less. We havo never seen Mrs. wlnslow know her only through the prepa ration of her "Soothing Syrop for Children Teeth lng.'t If we bad the power we would make her, as she is, a physical saviour to the Infant race, Horn or aii arumnsia. aownwiowm" : I i - -. vva w -. Oituii ot SurnHiKrAMDm. ' -l . , t WruaHOTOM, N. a, Jan. 6, 1886. f t CHANGE OF odBOSbXitSCi ON AND AFTKB 8 KPT 27, 1886, THB FOLLOW ins Schedule will be operated en . this BaU- PASSEN6BB, MAIL AND mCPBltflfl TBAINS ' DAILY ACSFt SUNDAY. ' Leave Wilmington at., Leave Balelgh at ...... Arrive at Charlotte at.. ....v..'.ioor:; ....v.v8.16 r. NO.L Leavocnarwae at.. no. a. Arrive at Balehdt at....'..... ...00 A. a. Arrive at Wihnington at.........,&20A.B LOCAL FBBTeHIV-Paseenger Car Attaohed. f W Leave Charlotte at.......'. .... ........... ?.40 a, k. Arrive Laurinburg at 6.46 r. n. Leave Laurlnburg at.....,.............. 6.16 a. as Arrive Charlotte at ....................... MOT. Leave Wilmington at..., 6.46 a. k. Arrive at Launnourg a...,........ o.w r. m. Leave Laurinburg at. ,,......6 so a. m. Arrive at Wilmington at.. 6.40 r.v. Local Frelgh' between' Charlotte and Lkurm- one. Tri weekly leaving Charlotte on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Leave Laurlnburg on Iue8days,Thurtaysand:Satardaja. v ii . r. Paxeenger trains step' at regular stations only 5nd Points designated in we .uompany s x un. 'ablft,-" ' ' " i 8HSLBT DIVHIOir, PA85XK0XB, MAIX.r: IX- : PBE8S AMD fBXI&HT. , r .. v ::. (Dally exoept Sunday.) ; ? :v Leave Chariotteat.... 8.16 A. a. Arrive at Shelby at... .. ., ......... .12J6 r. a. Leave sneioy at i.ter.a ! Arrive at Charlotte at.. ... ....w... ...... 6.40 P. a : Tnina Noa. 1 and 9 maka doe eonneetkn at 1 Hamlet with B. A. Trains to and from Balelgh. ! Through Sleeping Cars between Wilmington and i Charlotte and Balelgh and Charlotte. , Take Train no. 1 ior sntesvuie, nations on i Western N. C. B. B., AsherUle and points West. Also, for Spartanburg, Greenville, Athens, At lanta and ail points Southwest. !-- - Ma. v. junoa. -a -Superlntendant,, F. W. CLABK, Sen ; Passenger Agent. . WANTED. " Aanssw iaa. ae F a m 3a - T.. Ha Vl a7T77Ti aaklaram. - a I ailS'cCcifS-l--; SaVsaWamA la mr29dlew8m - iflUUVom, DR. SCOTT'S KLECTRIO MWaV IMW VWmcil, I Mkwm.iiwii stk. Ihe 0av roeimsdp MATW.UM.; i, -balximorb. Flour eay; Howard Street and Western Superfine t2.66rii3J0; Erm $4 00; Family - $45 $4.76; City Kills Superfine 1763.75; btra tA60e3iA15; Bio brands, t 60 UH-'i wueat 8oaum . steadr: Western antot an easy; Bautaero rea 922.-6; amber 86&. H6. 1 Maryland offered at 93fe; No. Western win ter red Spot mViQxW. Own Southern firm, wegtern inactive but firm; Southern white 4b& 47ft; yellow 46347. , , - usjooiour-nncnangBi j Wheat- lower; May 'K,ffi76; June 77i7iAe; July 79i47ra torn easier; eashand May 84934: June 8.3 goos. uaxs easj; caen nay ssi&aa; June i tb'&fet. Meas DOrk eeilM hot mutkttn eaah um June (8.6a)i8.7a Lard-easy but lowers cash and June 5.a&25 b6. Boxecf meats steady; dry saltnl shoulders tttt)ftS4.10 short elear sides t5.toa$5.tjU; sno t riba weaker; cash $5.aua S6.27. whiskey steady at (X14. Sugar-steady ; btandard-A 6 8-16. . ' MkwYobx. southern flour steady; eommon to fair extra $3 2533.65. Wheat-spot steady; un graded red mm; No. i red 116&90U); Mar US&m&x iOorn-spet c lower1 aud duiU nn- ESm!?" J,1 ' J1V 111 te'a'wj May 46$i(S47U). OahwUe htsber: Vn 9 M3UiS,l Coffee spot fair lilo auiet at 8. ' sugar duU; fair to good reftnlng 4 15-165 1-18; defined dull; f 6143)5; white extra C6a; yellow 4a5lA: Standard A 6; Cut Loaf and Crushed 71fc; Granulated 6e Molasses nominal; 18U for 60 test Blee steady. - Cottoo teed ou crude 2i24c refined 9&6b9tr i Bosin , duU at tL063il.lo s Turpentine firm at SU HMes-ftrm; New or leans 9VsaiO; Texas 10ffil(H.- Woot-steadj1; domestic fleece 27336. Pork very. quiet;, saj&ft ta 60 for old; middles dull; long clear S5.62W. Lard-3S towerj Weetera -eteam spot 45tA W 20 May 6 lUi ijneigkts quo. .Cotton 6 l WiijnHTO-TUTpeaUii4 Brnl' r ?82. : "Bostt dull; strained 80;; good-rtramea 'KflA.,- Tar firm at $1.00; crude turpentine' firmi hard. .00; yellow dip and tinrfit Mo7 Satahhah Turpentine steady at 3; sales 300; Bosin quiet at $l.S.$I.a54o Uvf 4V turpentine ouiet: sale m KV v J ' CBAflUEBUH TnrpeDCine doll -at 33. Rosin auiej; fooiWinad9peB95, .1 ).JwHiiljui 'jr. V ii A I ' ir ."" exchange IBM;7 Money ;'lttlH!Bnl Balances gold $4:18.7714)00: , : JS -pw oea w.sp,;, threes Aiabamar Clu woorgiara... i,,;...,! (Morgla 7's mortgage ................ ..... '1.121 Hnrth II north Carolina 6's . L18ii . W SSS I Chlcago and Northwestern;.. aha.m. vnicagoann wortnweatern, preferred. Delaware and Laekawanhh . ........... srie. '24 . 1&S2Evl3 NashTlDeandCnattanb6iial..L?"T.r ' Nashville and Chattai ewgrieamrPacMi iscu.'..K,-;r.-. ewoneanricifWittuUA;.,.i?.i'.-;.....i bi few York Central ................ lillUi Borfolk and Western peTerAd..iT. 29V Beadhuc. Blchmond and Anegsanaimt m.. 8 DihmAn1 ftrui nanuUla w m a Blchmond and West Point lrmW'3T WHuuouu.. .... ...(MM, l, w-mti- rLiuL iimi. Miinwwi. r a (utai in in J alvwr Dull; BUddJVf j Bjn net (receipts 491; gross 491: alel -r-TSH 25,801; tenons osatwiae 148: reat BMtnla-- : continent net HjoeiptB 5B.449: . exports t Ctal-nwt At en' - FODtWlDtJ WW WUUIWU VIVOS 11WUU UWi Baltimobb Quiet; middling V 3-16; net reoeipts 6; gross 671: aief ;-stock 27.481; spinners i 316 exeona wniiw coiu-wiei-ritain i Boenw-Qulet: mMdBMMh: net reoef'tsT: rroes- ik; saies v weiui uut expons coast wise ; to trreat Britain . 1 Wrumfaro QufBt; tBKMffng 8: net reoeipts 121: gn58 121; sates ; stock 4,724. ivaADuHiA-diou; iw mcaauDfts vq&? aet receipts 3; srss S; stock 1687. i 8ATAB1UX-(fret-middling f.J net4 receipts 2324i gross jUe:Wv otoe,.; texports coastwise t Nxw OELBAM9 DuQ n4easy: middling 9; net rece pts i5l4; Rroeaaai; eles 80D. st ck 134,31; exports coastwi-e'-r- -r -t "frfeat Brltalu -; franco : ramttnepu -v V , Mobil -Q iletf Middling 816; net receipts 751, gross 761, slee SJ;, vtock 26,008; Bii-orL-toestw'"' 899 (rreat Britain -W. MsBi-HJB-QuletrwKingy 9; 'eceifU iiosahipmenta 1396; Mies stock 60 882. .AUSU8TA-Quiet. uil Wlimi 8l; i6 rrelt shipments - -f sales ttJ&&?Zz BH3: eross 883:' sales- 8SCk 2.4fll ; VrTinrtK pbntinent ; eoastalsFjta); Ureal Britaui I sw. JUBi-ovauy; saieo iio;iuiut4UH ui;.ai)(K 9144 Orleans' 97-16; eoneolhiaisd7' net rfeeipts tsti vonm m wew ,nwn iouvt. co-JTrancc rMet reoeipts : cross ,1209; c utura. vobou tinaoa; wsa ra.vw hueb. . . . 1 ... . 1 . , May...... 9.1819 July.... A ... B8a.a4 AOgUSt.. ... M nM....Wr..)raVfc.i... 9.423 oeptember.ti ; -8Ji7r3i-29 October. 9.109.11 December .............j...... Ja .ouimmi .....,.... ...... . ... - r February.. .... -...-.,.- MareiWjRM .,i4.-,. .. .JJts..xJ . April ...... .. . . . 1 . t. , . 1 .j .. ... . .. . 1 I i flLolUX..u.TJLttltU ft- -1 1 I 'J liden I iTfolands Stack Orleans E 8-1 6d: sales 12.00U: specu lation ana -expors vuuu; reocipw i,wj miaanxnu tJtXL rntnms stMUlv. u . - ' Optandslow middling olause May and June Junaaud July B664dV July and- August 6 7 64d. - 4ngust and September 6 864d M rt . November and Deoember 4 63 64d. ! 'fftiZ Sales American 10 300. DWands low ihW ,aung etawse, aay aenvery d om, iourer.i ... i (My andjune 8 6 Md, (buyers! v- -V- . 5flT ABd August B 7 g d (buyars.) jOctdoer and November 6d, (fellers.) ; . -rNovembef and Deomnber? 634tL (sellert.) 4 r. x.-bplaada low middling elanse May I delivery a -wa, tseiiers.j Mar and June 0 mho, iseuers.i June and July 6 fr4d, (sellers.) Jnlv and AbsnttT b 7-64d. (sellers August Aud September 6864d, (sellers ) 3. September and October fi 8 64d, ibuyers.) . UahamKa A Cll Cl I .nl 1a.. V November and Deoember 4 6i-64d, (sellers.) . BFubm closed duU. - u.S -' -' - ' JiM I a I w " ' . st (CWy ,Cttoa market v,a tMMriit wablotm. N.C. May IL 1888. ' - The eTtr eotton market yesterday cktaed unlet at the following ajMcattn , f Goed mlddllE8... ........... ' ... 8.76 Strict Middling..., .... .... ...j r - 8. Minn una ji:.. . -0.1 TIlUML i! .a ... .......... ...... 8?'S. Stains. .. ............ .v .8,8 m5w B eeipteyeBterdsv..... .. .. .. ..4. ,aa . !: -. .... 1 . J rrt . I I. I t JT :r05 3C- 4 1? tjBortiabf T. B. IUaf)t: H Corn per bushel... jneai im uwun. . i Wheat nor bushel. i .j..i.. I.10ffi Peanuts per busnel.... ITouiv-Famlly.......... ........ .. ,. ,x.S)S'2 35 .2. 25 Ft, '2. 90 ...........l2D2i5 Peas Clay, per bushrt.V.V f soIho aixen - Oate-shelled.... .T.......i... 4650 Dried rruit-Appies, per id.. w....v... tux ti veacnea, peeiea........ - sodb a. ?f.?? 3T.w m ;.- unpeeted...jj : 84 a- i t Rlarfcbeartea i 8fD7 Fotatuee Owect,. ; -.663)60 Irlsh......"......:.......... " 70Qi75 ; Cabbage, per pourkU... . ' Onions, per bushel ..T............ 76t Beeswax, per pouna........,.........i... rnvn Tallow. Per pound.... ........ 6fTj Butter, per pound, s. per dozen.... isai7 aoKens 1.-.. 26e80 ! 2Sa9 1 9910 86O40 78 ! Ducks , u. ' TllTla8iy8, P6f pOQlldawww. .. aa , fe8 iit.ts.Mifti.MssM Beef, per pound, neb Mutton, per pound, net..,. . .... .. v .... .. 79IS porK.perpouno, neu......... Tnnl. washed ... 1 7fl unwashed J!... F ''18 Feathers, hew....'.. ....... 46A60 Bass, per poond.. ............ V v - Birs. Joe Penon's Bemeoy I f stm the best Blood Pnrmer'on the market JMO. H. M0iD$N, Wholesale Druggist. Bont 9Ilss Pricing " Our parasola. We have sold large quantities of them on account of the low prices we are offering tnem at. we nave reoeiveo anotner new iov WlTTK0W8KTBABnCH.- UBOWN'SIBOII BITTE1W 13 BEOOMMKND- I J- ed by Mrs. adeiia Strickland, 13 Harnett street, Wilmington, a. u. tsne sais ner nuoana I w IW UWllolia itu .oiicroi w lleved him when quinine failed. t -kit for malaria and general oeouity ana u re- . Mr. Jfoe Person's Itemed stni the best Bloo f Purifier on the market. J.W. M. AiOADiui, wnoiesaie uruygisk. . Mirror is nc flatterer. 4 Would you make it tell a sweeter tale ? Magnolia Balm is the charm er that almost cheats the looking-glass. - -FOR STRAWBERRIES i .... 5 j We are now receiving BSBBISS from Mr. Lyles' farm near Qua dry and will have them' 4 - .- ( ; . . . . . ' - i- r- i. ;lv?'4 -44f" " .V"j ,c ".'" .. " : ; - v EVER Y DAY ( ' -4 ' - , the Season. Mr-Lyles" Berries are noted as the finest offered in this market. ".; We make ' it It special point to have them fresh by getting them Wgnt';. ...V- rs V4 ..'. '--.. '-.. iV?f "i'5" v "i-:-'i .4';;4'?4 FSle Garden MylMorfite We have the exclusive sale of Mr. Ljles' entire' 1 K'i?4 f -'. ' tU' -;"'-4 BARNETTj&JllXAKDER! f4 : 4. :.Free delivery. Telephone heal 81.- -r 5&4: 4' ..; i - . JDBOWN'8 IRON BTTTfBS COMPLETELT JL cored Mrs. K. A. Bichle. Sallsborv. N. c m hen she was greatly troubled with rheumatism. Bbe advises otters BUfteriax .from this, torture ta urn. vl.i Meckleribura t lillTERS I lie mi lotion rkiiier. CIIARtOTTE, C. I aprll8dlm erwanffer Bros. ' ' ' V 4 :ril I ...... .. D iuu m; - iwj ii'1 n- ..fc.: -r !; we; will sell aa Alls Wool Suit for? cated by any house in the. State for hundred and fifty oc these suits at a tit ot our bargain. . - c . .f . r- .A.'.f.rt,..-,n.'J I,li S.VSV-..-.:-..-".- - I - t - . -I.- t. f. : ...... -rirf .:. . . Q Ibt hi iig xdf tet Patterns an d Designs, it . : i l'X plpthingWellJ Made and Trimmed, ihg that will .it-fin - t 'ft' i And all at lowest possible prices. What more could you ask f - If you are in neea we are sure you can aono Detter "two; vtj ;iBw!"'i-s i:.u!- Tswt4c-i;5 44 -:i: . EI CHARLOTTE arid f ao'f 4&BALEiaH,:N. C.; 1 leading Clothiers and Tailors. Mad i i-it-VJ-ZPit: 4 ,-':t Kl J :' l--',' Ik, -4 uur bhkk 18 no w mil : auu coin view, ouryaooi'iK i cut v uioviuua tsvuun. uj. BUOT8 AND SHOES that we have Our orders were placedlwith the best oner a very superior line or jiv-'j i(-ji ' Ti jir. -,. i4.LAUlla, misses' FM-ShoeCSlippm' ' Spnnq and Summ iLv. ,ii 71.'- . -i ALSO A LABGK STOCK OF - ' 14 : TltliiVES,- YALISES ASD DAND BAGS, or v tj Qtif CERINE POLISH.'FRENCH We wish especially to call t'C ' -.'K . - J- 1 V .1 ft - - ' ' Prom to suit the tunes. You are: fore buying. ' t . j Trade slreeC - V N IT IE ; Having purchased the O Kj BAKERY - . - From Messrs. Mayer k. Poes, I desire to announce 10 me pubue tnat do pains snauoe spared to seep a tun ana enoice nne ot gooas, suca as BREAB, CAKES, r PIES, BUSS, , PL A IN AND FANCY CANDUS, Frnite, Confections Of ail kinds. Thetmblle are requested to call and see me as I flitter myself that with many yean experience in - - . THIS BUSINESS uinot fan to give them tatlifactlozL . HR. JAaJESS T. ROSS Late manager for Messrs. Mayer & Boss, la with me, and will be more Inan glad to see and wait upon his friends. . O F. HARRISON. m. vine sold our O.K. BAKKBT on Tryon streeet between the Central Hotel and Buford House, to Mr. c. f. Harrison , we ask our friends to bestow up on him that liberal patronage so kindly given us In the past. Yery Respectfully. I am an old man. Vat 28 yean I suffered with ulcers on my right leg as the result of typhoid fever. Amputation was suggested as the only means of preserving life. The doctors eould do nothing for me, and thought I must die. For 8 veers I never had a shoe on. Swift's Specific has made a permanent cure and added ten yean to my life. wMi a. ABsn, nan uo., ua. I have taken Swift's Specific for blood poison. contracted at a medical college at a dissection, while I was a medical student. I am grateful to say that it gave me a speedy and thorough cure after my parents had spent hundreds of dollars 1 i for treatment. .. . . ACOTJBTDB WniNEU M. D., MOWaiK, fl. J. Mv wife from early slrlbood has been sufferin rrom rneumausm. ene nas mea many remeaies. and I must frankly say has derived more benefit Iran Swift's Specific than from aU the others, after jong and iaitnrai trial. . . : hit. rfAjas 1m rwtm, uxrora, tta. Swift's Snedfle la entirely vegetable. Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free. Ths Swift Sracnrio Co.. Drawer 3. Atlanta. Ua.. or 1&9 w. aadi.,, i. . Iron Works, THIS tnen at $7.00 which cannot be duplis. less than $12.00. Ws have bought one low price, hence we give you tbe bene ; : :jvi ! SS'Tl-it Suit, Fit and Vear. loan to come ana see us. mmmm ( KNOXVTLLE, .TENN, orders promptly and carefully attended to ever ottered for the v4:v- .4-. manufacturers, which enable us to , . . " ' ani uiiiiiLKiN'a Newporfe : and hH Ties. BLA.CKING, BLACKINQ BRUSHES, etc attention to our elegant line of 41: TIADE . SHOES. cordially invinted to call and see us be GRAY & CO. Trade TO THE LIES' OF CHARLOTTE Who so kindly fornlshel WORKS OF ART For the late exhibition atTonr store, we return our hearty thanks, and we take great pleasure In say "lag as Indeed the exhibit fully Jus'.lflee-that the taste and talent shown were highly creditable much beyond what the community at large thought 4 Mseued. At the close of this first gatberlsg eta forks o( Boe Arils I We beg to say that our best efforts wul be given to foster the ability displayed. ' At some time In the inear future we trust another exhibition will be held, and to that end we .wul specially fit up a room where pictures can at all times be ibown and if desired offered for sale 4 - i f jit - s BBOWNS IBON BITTERS 4KK,rSCTUAltT cured Miss Lavinla Keith. -'lift W. kdontAn street, BaleUh, N. C of malaria and genera) de bility. Nothing else would furnish any relief. - ', J. LI, KEHDRICK, CLUB HOUjSEI, r KEEPS THS , 'fir BEST BAR AND BILLIARD HALL Inthedty. ' . febl6dtf POTATOBSj Orleans' aid Pert Klca ' , . VIoIasses ' Chipped Dried Beef and whoieOx Tongues in Can S. M. HOWELL FOR RENT. ACOMFOBTABLs 4 room eottaee, pantry and kitchen, within a few hundred varda af tha ttraded School, and six acres ef land for rent to good tenant. Apply to jania u. a .uucHBAHBjtunager. BBOWN'S IBON BITTERS COMPLETFLT BB stored the health of the daughter of Mrs. Ko ran (iwynn. 228 W. Jones street. Balelsh. M.iC. when suffering from fiKwws .n nariaainy liv er and kidney affection. 1. IE. -(o)- Use ALABASTINK for walls and ceilings plas tered or wood. It la a disinfectant, and renders apartments healthful. It is' as cheap aa white wash; can be used as a primer for painting, on eithelr outside or inside work. It it the most sulti able article for using over wall paper or soiled painted walls.-' Wood oelllngs,' whether painted or not, can be made whiter with one coat of . Than with three coats of Lead or Cracks in the wall can be Allied with ALABASTINX. jThls . cannot be done .with Kalsomlne. : ALABASTINE Is a cement, and the only preparation for walla add ceilings, which produoes a firm and durable -finish. It does not turn yellow, contract with heat, shrink from the walls, or scale off. Each addition aleoat adds to the strength of the walls. AU tints For sale by I R. fl. JORDAN & CO. 4 . f -h '4'. SPRINGS COKIVER. BBOWN'S IRON BITTEBS CUBED MBS. H. J. Charles, 316 N. Second street. Wilmington. N. C, of kidney and liver complaint, when all other remedies failed to relieve. IS The now popular opinion that the use of glasses should be postponed as long as possible is erron eous. As soon as unpleasant feelings denote the ap- - proach of Presbyopia, glasses should be resorted to at once, as the longer the eyes are deprived of the aid which they need, and oonseouently are subject-, ed to strain, the more rapidly will the changes in" tne eyes become developed. , The market is flooded with low priced steel and iron spectacles which have imperfect lenses, and are therefore a great Ufry to the eyes. ine important pari a pair of spectacles are the sides, or temples, the noee-piece, or the bridge ' and the lenses. There Is a great public need for information re . gardlng the proper selection of spectacles and care of the eyes. . A large proportion of habitually weak 'yeelgbt may be entirely remedied by theme of carefully . adjusted glasses to assist the sight, and thereby . remove the undue strain to which the eyes, under certain conditions, are subjected. Those whose eyes are in a condition of perfect health win fail to understand adequately the stress laid upon apparently trivial matters In the pre ceding remarks. - , But those who nave suffered from any de tector weakness of the eyes, will comprehend at . once the great importance Of the seemingly most insignificant point mentioned. The former class of individuals, however, should have quite as much Interest in the matter as the . latter, for the old proverb that "an ounce of pre vention is worth a pound of cure," can find no fit ter application than in the eare of the eyes. A eomplete line of optical goods can alway be found at the Jewelry store of . ; . HALES & BOYNE, " - 1 Successors to At Hales ft Son, V West Trade Street - - Charlotte, N. y BBOWN'S IBON BITTERS IS BBCOMMZNDBD bv Mr. Ja. C. Davis. 418 Bed Cross street. WU-, 1 mtngton, N.C to any one troubled with dyspepsia. He derived great benefit from it when sufferinsr fjpm this malady. . - c : ! . A '