WE RECEIVE GOODS EVERY To k&ep our Stock up to givo our customers -i 4 - goods ana low prices. LOOK - OUT FOR e m ill have something special. Be sure and' A mm m r& , m 3 m NMLI'3'II BIJIsLDf TO life Goods B1 of Plaid Lawns at K 16 20, 28 and 89 ccnt . - VlrtorHLa-a strand 10 cents, i f -India Tiiuens at lav. 0 and ! cents. Persian Lawns at Via. 3'), 85 and 40 write. .- India MUlla at 30, 4U, 60 and 60 cents... . f - f - f " .- i FIOURKD HWUHE8, BtPTlTRi). 4IXOVER ' L4E KHHROIDEKIE8 Yoking Tackisigs,a &c. Beaut'tul variety of Lace aid" Fmbridered Fkuncicg, SCLE3, CASHMERES and NDN9 YEILINO In evening shades, In such variety that all can be sotted. T.L. - Comnicfieenient Dresses SEIGLE A GREAT SLAUGHTER! The most stylish Worsted Goods reduced to prices never before equalled in this city. A few very nauasome Bpanisn sacrifice. A fine lot of the BEST SEERSUCKERS Far below their value, i New arrival of Laces. Don't wait, but come and see for SnCCBSSOBS TO ALEXANDER ft RABBIS. Tne jtiiroVin, may2dwedtat4Hr6m FRED C. UUNZLER. ----WHOIKBAI ; LiGEB BEBB DKJULER A-' BOTTXCB, : H - CHARLOTTE; JN. C Eepresenta two of the largest LAGEB BEEB Breweries iathe United Btatea ." i ' - " - TheBergaerA Engel BrewUl Com or Phflsvdolpnlsw and the . P. A W. SchalTer Brewing Co., o ' IfewYorkc' ' - THE LARGEST LAGER BEER BOT TT.reo E8TABLISHMEKT i v .IN THE CITY, , . STOra Solicited. AO ordert promptly filled and delivered free ol charge to any part of the oityi it r, ' decSOdlf for sale: te Unimproved lot WrOT. sajoiniBg wjr Oil iwrt S i ft imon. J. P. Irwin and others, trontlng on rrade ttrasU f SUads tress .n us m. riiB in b wm.. aiuvi r w - . - mee tan. Charlotte -Beat CsUtteAcft BBEH DAYS m to the standard, avid the benefit of all new i and come. DM First Silioial. JantJifliliiL Sooth Tryon Street, - - - - - Charlotte, H. C " L - " DBALEBS IN Ladies', Misses'and Children's ' . ... .. FINS -v.J- BUTTON, CtiNGRESS & MCE SHOES, .' Gents' Fine Hand-Made and Machine Sewed BOOTS, BUTTON AND LA.CEBALS, both; AND YOUTHS' FINE BOOTS AND SHOSS OF ALL GHADK3 - GENTS' FINE r Silk, Soft aild Stiff HatS. . I TRUCKS, VALISES and GRIPSACKS, UMBRELLAS OF ALL KINDS, 8HOS BLACKING AND BRUSHES. Alma Polish for Ladies' Fine Stock always kept lull up to the demand. and ORDSB3 BY H1IL OB EXPBSS3 PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. ': uooes ana winiBwu t a . ' AND SNfiDiHS Oriental -Flouncing and Egyptian yourself. . w wwm nrw LnNnoNconn. r ans-w -r Mantifaotiirera rf the "Old Bellable" Brown Cotton ins, Feeders and Con densers.! "'f: V ' 1 All the very latest improvements : Im proved roll box, patent whlpper, tws brash belts, extra strong brush, east elAearinMW improved .Jeeder, oniawr1 crngt urooi tJenoenBcr. ; RtronE'. srmBie in censxrucuun, uuiui ;gtns fast, rone light, cleans the seed per-: foctly and proancee nrss am wmiii. DELTVEEED FREE OV FKKIGHT . ill im ntiocsHtiln rrf-r - Besd far XWI detertiflMaaapnwuM DGLt- 1 0. wm k IflcDOWEI-f, Charlotte, If. C, AenU. Spring ; our SPRING ar,d SDMHER SlYLtS . -OF- M I'LL I N E R Y Is now readr . embracing all the latest novelties In Hots and sonnets ior . :. Ladies Misses' and Children. PLUMES. FEATHERS, . - FLOWERS. RIBBONS, 'J .";-:-AN ORNAMENTfl, In all the new and desirable jhades The larrrt stock and the lowest prtoo ot anj MUTlnerj Istsb Ushnwst In the State. All . - HATS fiHD BOltNETS Trimmed br Mrs. wnerTi are s rare roarasiss si Uelr being tabtefailv and eorreeUr trimmed. ; DBXSSS9 KADI In tns latest stjles, sad at tke lswest possible nnees, Reepectfully, 0- O. U. QUEKYs i.ii.?ir "Tboth. uks tee bun, BOMxmaca submits to OT OBSCURED, BUT, LUX; THJC BUS OHLTVOBa Subscription to the Obnerrer. ,f DAILY EDITION. nelecopy.....' ...... Scents. r the week In the city.....,.. 5 By the month . 75 Three months ....$3.00 Slxmonths -. .. .. ............ 4JX) One rear 8.U0 WEEKLY EDITION. Three months...; ...v.;. BOeents. B&n::::r:::::::r:::::::::8 In clubs of five and over $L6Q. Wo Mediation From Theie Kales flubsciiiTtioDs rIwsts payable In advance, not onlv In name bat in tact. . ,- WASHOGTOIt WATCH-lf OTES. A Premature Tariff Discussion The Kude Art at the Capitol North Carolina Work in Con KressThe Kirntes. Correspondence ot Thk Obsxbybb. Washington. D. C. May 14 Du ring a debate today on a patent bill the subject of tb tariff came up and Messrs. Dunn, Kelly, Butterworth, Bay ne and others participated. This precipitation of the tariff discussion shows an eagerness on both, sides to grapple with the question, such as was shown in the matter of silver at the beginning of the session. It is evident from the situation of the ap Drobriation bills that Mr. "Randall is holding a stick for Mr. Morrison, The House took away from the for mer seven of the great appropriation measures. Qf these all. but one, the nay al, have been reported and sev eral have, been passed. Mr. Randall's j committee nave jurisdiction over six bills. Four of these, two of the ox the most important of the whole thir teen, remain to be referred .to the House. , , . I A crank went up on the 'stairs of the dome today, undressed himself and rushing into the thickly crowded rotunda, passed as a work of- art. The old French woman, who is ever ready for emergencies, threw a water proof over the throbbing statue of liberty and a Capitol policeman ush, ered him away. . '. ""'f Senator Vance was a guest, at Sen ator Miller a dinner last night in honor of the visiting editors of the country press of New Tork r -a-TP r J . ? . . a. Mrs. v ance was one or loe assiatani managers at the Kermes last evening, She was connected with the Gypsy dance. Another North Carolina lady. Miss Lasselles Grandy, of Eliz. abeth City, was one of the attractions in the beautiful Sweedish dance. Mr. Johnston got-through the House this morning a bill for the re lief of one of his constituents. It was due to the obsence of objector Reach that this and other small measures were asked, by unanimous consent, -. I understand that the committee on Labor will' ask the House next Mon day to set apart a day for the consist eration of the educational bill.: As most of the days have been pre empted by other committees for sevs eral weeks ahead, there will be some difficulty in finding an early day for the measure, C The war claims committee through representative Reid, reported a bjU some time since, giving Lt. William J. Hammond of the 2nd North Carcn Una Infantry (Federal army), certain compensation for services, and the bill went to the calendar, - The pri vate calendar coming up today, v the bill with the amendment suggested by the committee, passed. Ham mond receives about on thousand dollars.;;'; ; " h The Kermes is a conglomeration of national peasant dances, and among the . more t picturesque1 are ; North American Indian, Japanese and Ty- rolean. The event has been talked about here for weeks. The result was a grand success scenically and, Iun derstaad, financially,' although being the firtt chine of the sort, u cost a a good'deal to put it on the stage. Hom A. H. Van BokKelen, of Wil mington, arrived here this morning. THE HE W EXGLAHD MAII.8. Georse E. Pauie to Succeed W. Jtf. Blafelow as Superintendent of the Serrlee. :i I The resienation of W. H. Bieelow, fmterintehdent of f the New! England : .. ' - . , rauwav man .service nas oeeuacs cented. to take effect May 20. It was aemanaea some nme ago. im iua m m- . a. ' afX s. HatAOflnrm E. Dame, of Newoort. - r - N. hL, will oe appointea to ine piace. Mr. Dame is a Democratic politician, and was recommended for this oosi tion over a year ago by Frank Jones and A; w. Buiioway, or ew uampi shire; They urged nis name upon the President, but the latter said he did not let any party considerations enter into the conduct of so efficient and non-partisan force as that of the railway mail service, bo Mr. name s friends went away discouraged. I In March Dame . was nere and was aps noinisd a Doet-ofiice inspector by Mr. Vilas after what i was called a civil service examination, but with which the civil service . commission had nothine to do. He will now be pro moted to be head of the railway ser vice for all New' England, for tho President has been brought to see that the party will be benefitted by having a democrat in tnac position Mr.' Dame is personally an emoieut man, and for many years, up to this spnng. was cierK or ine courts tor Sullivan County. N. H. y His appoint ment is not Officially promulgated, but vour corresponaeut .nas rus in formation direct from tho Postmaster General's ofnee, . Two Million . Dollars L Wortn of fro per (7 vesirojea. 'Dayton, 0., May 15. It is estima. La1 that the loss to the nine counties recently devastated by the flood and wind. Greene. Clarsw ; Madison. Mia mi. ' Darke. ' . Preble,' ! Montgomery; I .Butler and Warren -wil foot up;, td trgo tniUion douari. -j,,-, ',,., ANNUAL KEPOET OF THE MAYOR. AIVD TREA8- ' VBEB Of the City Charlotte for the ' Years 1885-86. V To the Taxpayers and Citizens of the,tty of Charlotte: In this country it is a time" honor ed custom, .when contributions are made for the public good, that those in charge ot the trust funds should be required to render an account of the manner in which they have dis charged the duties and oblieationn devolved upon them. . - in ebedience to this rule I am res quested by the Beard of Aldermen to present to you an epitome of the first, v ear of their administration of the interests of the city. - A tax of 90 cents on the one hun dred dollars for general purposes was levied on property, and 10 cents on the same for graded schools, with a tax of three dollars on the doIL These, with the licenses and privile ges, including cotton tax and police court fines and costs, constitute the chief sources of income amounting in round numbers to $51,416,00. Of this amount about $14,000 were ap plied to the payment of floating debts existing at the organization of the present Board.; a Xne Treasurer's report or receipts and disbursements.- which is heres with 'submitted, wilt explain: to you in detail the various sources of reve nue, as well as the different purposes to which it has been appli ed. This plain statement of income and expenditure you will readily under stand, shows a balance of floating debt of $2,940.85. You will observe that the largest expenditure, to wit, $14,794.11 has been applied to the 'Street Department. This sum has paid for a very large amount of work done throughout the entire city. The opinion is entertained that more per- anent improvements and repairs have been made, to the streets and sidewalks during the last year than have been made for several years heretofore, and at a less annual ex pense. I Uapt. a ut. stricEianu nas been tne superintendent of this work, and you are indebted to him for much efficiency and good management in its economical execution. His force, has been on every street and they all show improvement. Much grading. cutting down the bills and filling the depressions,, widening streets as well as rock work has been done. This is manifest on Graham street, on Sixth street from Poplar to Gra- nam streets, on -xnira street irom Poplar to A. T. & O. Railroad, on College street, on "E" street, with large rock wall and culvert, as well as on other streets.: For under drains 502 feet of terra cot ta pipe have been used, of rock guttering 4.864 lineal feet have been laid, of rock curbing 6,184 feet have been placed on the borders-ol 1 nine streets, ut new macadamising 800 lineal feet. nearly 30 feet wide, has been placed on College and Fourth streets. . , The old paved and macadam rock work, done on Trade and Tryon streets 30 and 19 years since,, respect ively, has been repaired for nearly two miles by dressing it over with small rock about four inches deep, making the driving over it easy and graceful, at a coat of about $1,800. About 2700 cart loads of gravel and 8.000 feet of plank haye been placed on the sidewalks of various streets to their great improvement. An entirely new bridge nas been erected over east Sugar Creek, on the extension of Tenth street (Lawyer's road), with a twenty -foot span, sup ported by rock aoutments in place or . -a . ... t 1 i 1 L sfk tne 01a trestle Driuge wmcn was adz feet long, 142 feet of this space hav ing been filled by the abutments and earth embankments, ' :-:- -A This bridge ana earthwork were constructed by that efficient contrac tor, Mr. W. W. Phifer, as well as 400 feet 01 macadamizing on uouege street, each costing about $500. It may Jbe proper to state further that. as an item on tne account 01 aisDurse ments, two new carts and four mules have been added to the property of the city at a cost of $570. :,' The foregoing . comprise tne - cmer items of expenditure upon the streets; The increased revenue derived from the extended limits of the city has not been commensurate with the additional burdens imposed. , There are-about forty miles of street in the city and v many" Of them have to be brought to proper grades and levels before they are ready for the rock; The clay roads meet tne wants or tne public in tne . summer, out wnoiiy fail for winter transportation. We must come to rock ways. They are the only roads that are permanent, though expensive. "The prominent thoroughfare should be so improved as fast as the means of the; city will, ju8tif y, and ultimately, as the county dovelopes tney wiu penetrate every portion of it. f During the year there has been paid on account of sewers and water- .n.)rn r nQQ in ; AlaA nn Blimmtt ff 1 and ou lamps f 4,64.ao. xnese amounts exceed the regular annual charges of these two departments owing to pre-existing aepc against them, paid and inciuoeo, amounting to over $1,000. The expenses of the t ire Depart ment are given in detail, aggregating the moderate sum or fz, 101. U3. ., The three fire engine companies and the Hook and, Ladder Company are well officered and highly efficient. They are a credit to the city. ' The rouce department nas cost tne city $6,822.09. The purpose or tne police Commission has been to im- prove tne morais or tnis ueparimeut, which is now in an efficient condition. The cemeteries have draw a from the . treasury $2,498.61, but the efficient superintendent, Dr. F. Bcarr, with some assistance on the part 'of S. Bradley, keeper of Pine wood Ceme tery, has returned to the city the sum of $795 95, derived from work on private lots, flowers and . vegetables cultivated therein -makiDg the actual outlay 'during the year $1,702.66. Elm wood cemetery is an ornament to the city and an evidence ot tne civilization and culture of its people, while Pinewood Cemetery nas greatly improved and is not wanting in its good taste ana style. " j The oonoed oeDt or tne city is eiu.- 000, the annual interest being $800. Interest and coupons have been paid during the year to the amount of $1,663.74. More than half this sum was interest m oank ana acoumuiateu. on past due -coupons. t zi f The expenses or tne cotton weign ing department amounted to $2,304.53 Bv reference to tho gent ral statement of Lhe Treasurer you will readily fee the appucatiou wt the balance 01, tne " On the first of May last a debt was aue in Dank or $10,000.-' By the fall, before the general ! taxes were due. this was increased to $20,000, all of wnicn nas peen paid since, with ' an over 1raft against! the-city vof $2, 940.57. L : ?: In the Treasurer's report- you will observe one or two heads of expendi ture that require more particular ex planation to an intelligent under standing. The contingent; depart ment, fori instance,' embraces euch items Of expenditure as are not prop erly chargable to any other regular account, to wit: v $650.00 lawyer's fees, services in important Suit with the Atlantic, Tennessee & Ohio RaiK road Company, as well as salary of attorneys for 1884.; Printing, station ery, insurance : on -cy property election"' expenses, surveying ; new city . limits, two telephones, Home and Hospital, appropriation, tax ro funded, &c, &e. '- -i - J - i So with the fire department (gener al) this embraces the- expenses, $325, of rebuilding the front wall of the Pioneer ? company's building, with other work, remodeling- the hall of the Hornet company, repairing trucks and payment of pre-existing debts. The police department includes old police debts, feed of prisoners, rent of office, telegrams, repairs of court and prison rooms, &c. The city is supplied with 116 street gas lamps and 84 oil lamps, the ser vice of the latter has not been satis factory" The committee' onlamps and gas' have recently purchased two new gasolene lamps and changed 32 of the... present lamps to gasolene burners.1 They - promise a decided improvement on the oil lamp, and if entirely successful, all the oU. burn ers will be changed to gasolene lamps The Federal census of the city was estimated in 1880 at ; 7,094. In Febs ruary and March it was taken under the supervision of Col. C. W. Alex ander; and ' numbers, by ' acfuai ' count, 9,076. within the city limits, while the number of suburban ins habitants is 1,551, making the total 10,627. Love of home and patriotic impulses often invite an over esti mate of aggregate masses of people. But this shows a ' rapid increase in the growth of the city since the cen rus of 1880. No town is more eligibly located for rapid growth and develop ment,' with a rich and fertile soil aad a cultured and intellectual popula tion around it, located in the temper ate, zone, 750 fret above tide water r almost exempt from malaria and cyclones, with a climate where las borers, both white and colored, can work in or out of doors all the year. It offers great inducements to me chanical and manufacturing capital, with its six lines of railroads leading to the exterior world. 1 Your aldermen are ready to offer reasonable inducements to capital and labor to establish themselves in this city. ; The time is not remote when it will become necessary to adopt a general system of sewerage. A general plan should be surveyed and mapped out by a competent civil engineer who is also familiar with sanitary laws. After the survey the system should be com menced with a moderate expenditure the first year, . and to be gradually extended as the city continues to im prove. Naturally the city is most eligibly located for an improved sys tern of sewerage. . : The graded schools are progressing admirably well under their efficient superintendent, Prof. T. J. Mitchell. The training school has recently graduated, in its first year, nineteen teachers,' who are commissioned to go forth in the great cause of educa tion. . : . - v .:. The colored school is- greatly in need of a more eligible lot and larger buildings. But of these schools more information may be given at the end of the scholastic year j . - The opinion is cheerfully expressed that the Board of Aldermen has been conscientious in the discbarge of their duties, economical in their adminis tration and acuated by the highest integrity. While you can continue to procure gentlemen of high character, conservative, and identified with the interest of the city, to act as alder men, you can rely upon a faithful control of its affairs. , Although to them it may be some sacrifice of pri vate interest, yet they have the sat isfaction of having rendered some service to their fellow-men. ' I To the city Treasurer, with his accu rate financial balance" sheet; to the Chief of Police, with his official corps of police ; the excellent Stree .Commis sioner, and vigilant Tax Collector, the citizens are indebted for faithful ser- vice. Kespectruiiy su omitted, I Wm. Johnson, Mayor. I Charlotte, N C, May 15, 1886. . .FINANCIAL. REPORT -OK THE : -OF THE- OF CHARLOTTE FOR 18?5.18S6. Becelnts and disbursements from Hay 2nd, 1885, to May W, loBo dom inclusive: -TEEISUBBB'S STATEMENT, j Receipts. Cash on hand May 2nd, 1885, S 67672 Mayor's Court fines, to wit: irrnm K. A. MoNlnch. ex-chlef nollca. settlement May, 1885, 14375 From W. C Maxwell, ex-mayor, col lected for unminai ixmn, 160 73 W. M. Stltt. chief Doltce. 1,93197 From w. C Maxweu, (ax-mayor) rent for out aimaing sonooi. From H. fc D. Bailroad, part payment of Policeman, -From payment for cart of ear load hay, rrom tnxes, for 1883 'ti, retained for ma . tnal settlement -i- rom w. B Gooding, city tax eollector total colli-ctlons, . , from cemett-ry department, 4 v . . Krom cotton tax department, Jfrom Interest department (rebate from bank), yrom bUls payable, 7S5 ! , ISO SO 531a ' 68589. 45 26914 795 95 3,62680 8310 10,00000 Total receipts, OverOratt, (63 S97 Si $66,33842 -; Dlubnrsmesias. -. Street department, Sewers and water works department, Lamp and gas department,! .i rire department, general, ; $633 55 Hornet rire Company, 533 40 Pioneer ii 25 H AL. " " 204 Neptune" " "484 79 Police department, - . Chief Police salary, Potlce force salaries, - Cemetery department, ' . Cotton tax department. Sanitary department, PuWe building-department, ? Salary department, : ' Contlnxent department, ... Interest and coupons, . Bills payable, . . $14,794 11 6,19318 4,619 36 2,151 03 m 64 969 40 6,1405 2,498 61 30463 '2863 - 8,965 5 1,768 60 1663 74 20.00000 T66.838 4a Total. BespecttuUy submitted, rasD visa. Treasurer. TiROWV.-l TRflll BITTEB3 BIIfK?ITSD MB. 13 Leander W. Hayes, Charlotte, N. C, tn cys pepsia more than anything he has tried, snd mads mm ieei oener tnan ne ever oiu unvm. - - -: .." -' : -.'-f i : Rwink arid I) ishnrsmpnk C U II E l VVIV AA M 1tWVUl MUiVUW ScottHr!2inulMion of I'are Cod liver Oil, with Ilypophosphltes. Is Remarknble as a Vesh Producer. , The Increase ot flesh and strength. Is perceptibt Immediately after commencing to use the Kmol slon.; The Ood Liver Oilemulsined with the Hj- pophaephltes Is most remarkable lor Its healing. strengthening, and flesh producing qualities. '. Mw. J IVrsonN dfnitdr Is still the best Blood trifier In the market. JNO. H. MOADE a, Wholesale nrugglst. BROWN'S IBON BITTERS CORED MB. B. L. Pettllord, Kale gb, n c, ot Md-ier and liver trouble. He says It benefitted him more than any thing he has ever taken. He recommends lt to others. - mil 3 Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel of norttv. strength and wholesomeness More economical than tbe ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in competitlbii with the multitude of low test, short weight, alum or-phosphate powders. Sold only noaus.' Wholesale b? ft SPRINGS & BUBW31L, . jRn20d4wly t Charlotte. N C BROWN'S IRON BITTERS EKFECTDALLY relieved the wife ot Mr. M. B.- Jordan. States-' vllle, lredell Co., N. C , after she had suffered a long time with Constipation and Indigestion. It required oniy two bottle to do it. DEBILITATED MEN. Ton are allowed a free trial of thtrty days of the nse of Dr. Dvers Celebrated Voltaic Belt wltn : Electric Suspensory Applianeea, for the Fpeedy relief and pernisnent cnte of Xervovs lability, loss of Vitality smiX jIauhood, and all kindred troubles. Also for mur.v "acr dj.vaee s. Complete restora. Hou to Ec-lfm Vigur snd Manhood guaranteed. Mo rink Is Incsjttetl. lihtstrsted pamphlet instated . mwttoipe nusfej !!?. iv7d1vwinit : VOLriUO CO., Krsliall, Mich. nov!7deodfov7m TM? A TTXT I?CC Its CATC-ES and CURB. 1J rilX i v rr by ne who was deaf twenty-eight years. Treated by most of the noted specialists of the day with no benefit. Ciiied him self in three months, and since tlwo huniteds of others by the same process. 4 plain, simple and successful home treatmisit. Address T. S. PAGE, 128 Bast 26ih St., hew Yoik City. . en I saT core I do not mean merely to stOD them for time and then have them return again, I mean a MHinsJ core. I have made the disease of FITS. KPT- LEP8Y or FAIiiNQ SICKNESS a life-long study. I warrant my remedv to cure the worst cases. Because others have failed is no reason for not now receiving a finra fbmd at once for a treatise an da Free Bottle of my Infallible remedy. Give Express and Post Office. ' uOObw you nouung tor a inai. ana x win curt) you. Adores iu n. u-. ttuur, i reari bu, new x one. CONSUMPTION. l hare a noeltlve rernmjy for the above disease : bv its ,H thoasandsof eases osthe worst kindaudof long staBdinRbaTaDeen cared. Indeed, Hostronlsmyfaita Id its efficacy, that I wiil send TWO BOTTLES KRBK, together with a VA LU ABLE TREATISE on this disease to any sufferer. Give express and P . O. addn ss. JJA..Y. Ja. oiMvwa,iurMn9a, ssw zora. ! a DROWN'S IBON BITTER3 FULLY HE-' JL stored to health and strength Mr. H. H. Bas- uevd. Durham. N..C. He had miff-red notold mis ery from disordered liver and kldnty and neuralgia. Nothing else relieved nun. -rfNNYRtraU PILLS 'ruiru reTrr cc r wm icu Tbe Original and Only Genuine. - Smfeaudalwayi Reliabtp. Pewxreof worthless Imitation a. i&mspenaaDie w LAUlbbi ask your xvruffffiaE ior T Jo lea etear ft jutBiuui" ana tate no otner, or tncioae o. (Btarmta) to ni for particulars in Utter by return mail NAME PAPE XrO MficiD rxiuare. raiuoa j SaT4 by DroslHt ererywaere. Ask tor "Cnfcaea. " tor's Kacllbn Pennyroyal Pill. Tikenootlwr.,. anl0dwly ,,11 - : ssss 1 I "I J J I '. . ; 1 1 . 11 yji . ai 1 TiBOWN'S IRON BITTEH9 CURED MB. M. (i. -. O Lovelace, heldsviile. N. C . when troubled with kidney and llverflectlon. He expresses himself as much pleased with its ecect. ... BrtaUlaW ? "PAY'S 1866 ' T.1AUILLA ROOFING! Xakaa tba laaa: amanotaeCTOde UaeBu or mm, near daoaj like aiunriea er tar oompoeitions ; easy to apply; . troo and dmbie: at half the oot of tin. Is also a .: SUBSTITUTE for PLASTER at Half the JOSI. SJAlCt-JS'XH ana nuus Ol same hukotuu, doabl tbe wear ot OU Cloths. Catalans and Bamplea nim. W. H. FAY 4c CO., CAJMBiUi, N. i OEAF FECK'S PATENT IMPROVED CUSHIONED EAR DRUMS rxKrncriT rxstou the BK4RISO snd psriorm van wors ol me astnnl Ina'' Inviiible, comfortable snd always in position. All eaaTOUticn snd trm whispers heard distinctly, tjsnd lornrannnec hor,k with testimonials. FREE. AddreM or rail on F. HISCOX, 040 Broadtny, is w Yoric , Ueatian thiipsfcr. gent, to represent In her own locality an oidllrm J Beferences required, Permanei t Bositlon and good salary. trAK A CO. 18 Barclay St., .u;;, - t s, apr4w UTlUTCn LADIES to work for ns at their WU Rf I C U . own homes, S7 to sio per ween an he nnietlT made. , No nboto lalntlne; no 1 1 canvassing. For lull particulars, please address at once, CBUbuejn r Aitr war aui x, wsi-trcu Street, Bostonj Mass., Box 6nu ; . O BURRHM'S I!ISPROT3 bTAKDIRD rW tub mi i the BEST constructed and a fin finished Turbine In tbe world . Tested percentages, wun part and full irate drawn, eaual to any other wheel. t-New pampmet sent iree oy BiJKIlltA71 IKS, IWi r.n. TB0wN'3 IWJM Bit lino w'J mkoi I lmrnedmteiyrelteitosir. wm. n i nniwmon. Greensboro. C . to a case or annoym? lnmpes tlon, and he considers It a most reliable medicine. Crab Orchard, WATER." I I I 4 THE UTER. . v THE KIDKETB. THE STOMACH. THE BOWELS. 4 So "SI 1 a tr 3 e -BS 2aol . posrrm cubs fob 3 P." lTS.e 7S5s CONSTIPATION 8ICKHEADACHEW T a 3 5 n Ik -o-5 I S S M ' lOenahM Caa Obobabd Saissin - sdaaekagaa ati ana iwsa 55-r .-. s ulna aaita soia us uuim- , Crss OKtisrs waier vo, rrs.. S, H. JONB8. Maaagsc. IVsiiisTfllav Ky. v L. B -WBISTON, Agents toawha&Jeodiwflm m x v e atwk- m I CURE FITS! Wli was mi ixee That we offered last week several hundred pairs of SLIPPERS at 65 cents a pair, and tot the bargain was duly appreciated was proven by the fact that we sold the very last pair. . We had likewi8 success with the sale of over 200 calico wrappers, which we closed out at 25" cents each. ALL THESE WERE Our patrons acknowledged it I But WH&T WILL -YOU'LL SEE- SEVERAL Ladies Grey Silk Coated Rubber Circulars Placed on our front Counter, of which, DRED at only n -T1 Our Buyer secured a lot of 400 Circulars, which were manufactured retailed for Don't fail to secure one of these Circulars, if vou don't need it this. week. you will another, they are the prettiest goods ever brought here, call soon as this low price low will make them 6ell rapidly. v- r : ore specia Dr. Warner's $1.00 Coraline Corset at 75 cents. New arrivals of Oriental Flouncings and Skirtings 30 per cent off regular prices. 10 : pieces Satins, evening shades at 33c. per yd. - I MORE CHARLOTTE, N. C. MAIL ORDER3 SOLICITED AND Keeps the largest and IN THE STATE. A bed-room suit of 10 pieces, imitation walnut, $22.00. -u " "10 marble top imitation walnut, $30.00. f A bed-room suit of 10 pieces, walnut with marble top, ' $45,00. Elegant walnut and cherry suits Irom $73,00 to $175.00. -; A parlor suit ot 7 pieces, imitation of raw silk, $30.00. A ' ' " ' 7 " $40.00, Jl Cs)J XXJL OULw9 Ul I WlVyVJCj' $125,000. Lounges in great variety Sideboards u " 1 Baby Carriages in great life, teiee COFFINS AND 33 ffs-arssa i in CD PQ rC Cr-H O ; No charge for m0 i GEMLB BAMAISS. 0U SAY -".WHEE. HUNDRED we are offering the i first ONE HTJNs . ...... p to be LIPPER8 PROMPTLY ATTENDED. TO. Wi I most complete stock of raw silkj trimmea witn plusa & 'fflKBlhlo i Offers. BARUGH, domestic or silk plush, $40.00 to from $5.00 to $30.00. 15.00 to 125.00. variety from $6 00 to $35J0O. Poles 'and Oil PaintiDgs, METALLIC CASES. ; :o:- o. SBSMS O a a) -a i-3 m i CD s 3 iSsi packing or dray age. ajfewiJ -VsS ojablotte; n. ; f . , T3 VrWnMtf b,e.oocu;3